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Applied Mycology and Fungal Biotechnology

Biol. 524

Cr. 2
Applied Mycology and Fungal Biotechnology

Biol. 524

Cr. 2

An overview of Mycology
Mycology : The study of fungi
Q. Define fungi?
Fungi are eukaryotic, a non-vascular,
achlorophyllous and heterotrophic mass that
propagate by the means of spores

The fungi (sing., fungus) are a diverse group of

eukaryotic (all) microorganisms.
 The Kingdom Fungi, Eumycota, is filled with
organisms of great variety and complexity that have
survived on earth for many years.
General characteristics of Fungi
All fungi are heterotrophic (lacking photosynthesis).

* They acquire nutrients from a wide variety of organic substrates.

Most fungi are saprobes.

* They obtain these substrates from the remnants of dead

plants and animals in soil or aquatic habitats.

Fungi can also be parasites on the body of living organisms

* Very few fungi absolutely (obligatory) require a living host.

In general, the fungus penetrates the substrate and secretes enzymes that
reduce it to small molecules that can be absorbed.
Cell wall
 Typically present, usually glucans and chitin, rarely
cellulose (eg. Oomycota).
Life cycle

 Fungi generally have life cycles involving in two phases:

a growth (vegetative) phase and a reproductive phase.

Sexual : nuclear fusion and meiosis,
Parasexual: involving nuclear fusion followed by
gradual de-diploidization), and
Asexual: purely mitotic nuclear division is involved.
Nuclear status
 Eukaryotic: true nucleus and nuclear membrane (all)
Ubiquitous in terrestrial and freshwater habitats
But less so in the marine and arid environments.
Important ecological roles as saprotrophs, mutualistic
symbionts, parasites, or hyperparasites.
Fungi are the main decomposers and recyclers of organic matter,
including the degradation of cellulose and
wood by the specialized enzyme systems.
 About 100,000 species are known, although experts
estimate it’s count much higher than this—perhaps
1.5 million different types.

 For practical purposes, mycologists divide the fungi

into two main groups:
o macroscopic fungi (mushrooms, puffballs, gill fungi,….)
o microscopic fungi (mostly yeasts).

 Although, the majority of fungi are either unicellular or

colonial; a few complex forms, such as mushrooms and
puffballs are considered as multicellulars.
 Cells of the microscopic fungi exist in two
basic morphological types: hyphae and

 Hyphae: are long, thread-like cells that make up

the bodies of filamentous fungi, or molds.
 A yeast cell: is distinguished by its
round to oval shape and by its mode
of asexual reproduction.
 It grows swellings on its surface
called buds, which then become
separate cells
• Fungi are widely distributed and are found wherever
moisture exists.
• They are of great importance to humans in both
beneficial(most) and harmful (few) ways.
• Fungi exist primarily as filamentous hyphae. A mass
of hyphae is called a mycelium.
• Like some bacteria and protists, fungi digest insoluble
organic matter. How?
o Secreting exoenzymes, then absorbing the solubilized
 Chemical traits of fungal cells include the
possession of a polysaccharide, chitin, in their cell
walls, and
 the sterol, ergosterol, in their cell membranes.

Fungal Nutrition
• All fungi are heterotrophic.

• They acquire nutrients from a wide variety of

organic sources or substrates.

o Most fungi are saprobes: they obtain substrates from the remnants
of dead plants and animals in soil or aquatic habitats.

o Fungi can also be parasites on the bodies of living animals or

plants, although very few fungi absolutely require a living host.

In general,
o the fungus penetrates the substrate and secretes enzymes
that reduce it to small molecules that can be absorbed.

o Fungi have enzymes for digesting an incredible array of

substances, including feathers, hair, cellulose, petroleum products,
wood, even rubber.

o It has been said that every naturally occurring organic material on

the earth can be attacked by some type of fungus.
Reproductive Strategies and Spore Formation

 Fungi have many complex and successful

reproductive strategies.

 Most can propagate by the simple outward growth of

existing hyphae or by fragmentation, in which a
separated piece of mycelium can generate a whole new

 But, the primary reproductive mode of fungi involves

the production of various types of spores.
Asexual Spore Formation
 On the basis of the nature of the reproductive
hypha and the manner in which the spores
originate, there are two subtypes of asexual
1. Sporangiospores: are formed by successive
cleavages within a sac-like head called a

o It is attached to a stalk, the sporangiophore.

o These spores are initially enclosed but are
released when the sporangium ruptures.
2. Conidia: are the most common asexual
spores, and they occur in following

. Arthrospore : A rectangular spore formed when

a septate hypha fragments at the cross walls.
• Chlamydospore : A spherical conidium formed
by the thickening of a hyphal cell. It is released
when the surrounding hypha fractures, and it
serves as a survival or resting cell.
• Blastospore . A spore produced by budding from a
parent cell that is a yeast or another conidium; also
called a bud.
Sexual Spore Formation
 involves the fusion of compatible nuclei.

 since fungi can propagate successfully by producing

millions of a sexual spores

 important variations that occur when fungi of different

genetic makeup combine their genetic material.

 offspring from such a union can have slight variations

in form and function that are potentially advantageous
to the adaptation and evolution of their species.
Reading assignment
(Classification of fungi)
Potential application areas of Mycology
 Concerns with products that may helps to human
and animals.

 Industrial production

-Antibiotics or other products

(like pest and pathogen control).

-Sources of d/t enzymes

 Fungi as agents of biological control
o biomonitoring of environmental quality (fungi as

Example -The Entomopathogen fungi.

o A group of fungi that kill an insect by attacking and
infecting its insect host is called An enzymatic
production process mainly through fungal protease
production takes place;

o these enzymes together with a mechanical process through

appressoria development brake the insect cuticle
and penetrate the body insect to invade and kill
 Fungi as “FOOD”
oThe great example of fungi as a “food”
i.e., edible Mushroom production
oSCP production. How? Source? Use?
o helps to control diabetes, heart disease and
oincreased energy and lower
weight& cholesterol level.
 Fungi and food biotechnology
o Production of alcoholic beverages and the
bread industry
o Wine industry (wine and cava).
o Beer industry. Other alcoholic beverages.
o Alcoholic fermentation of milk: kefir.
o Alcoholic fermentation in the cocoa and coffee industry
o Lactic fermentation of cheese industry
o Koji fermentation.
o Oriental products. Sake. Shoyu. Tempeh. Tofu Miso
o Fungi as a sources of folic acid or folate
oPregnant mothers are often advised to take folic
acid or folate or Vit. B9 as dietary supplement
o Minerals like- K, Cu, Fe, P all available in fungi.

o β-glucans are present in cell wall of many fungi

Use: decreasing blood cholesterol and
might influence insulin resistance
boosting immunity and decreasing
o Fungi has a high amount of Choline
Use: helps in nerve stimulation transfer, structure
of membrane, chronic inflammation,….etc.
2. Application of Mycology in environment,
agriculture and forestry
a. Environment
o Biomonitoring of environmental quality

-Biosafety or Bioremediation)
(i.e., fungi as bioindicators)
 Degradation of lignin by "white-rot" fungi and
its implications for bioremediation.
 Enzymatic equipment of ligninolytic fungi

 Degradation of organic pollutants.

 Use in the paper

industry. i.e.,

• Biobleaching.
• Burglary of heavy metals
b. Agriculture
Q. With what organisms do fungi can associate?
Q. Mutualistic or not? How?
 Roots of higher plants, algae, nematodes….
o The Endophytes Mushrooms. Example?
o As bioindicators of environmental quality.
o Indicators of atmospheric quality
o Chemical synthesizers within the plants.
o Aspects of agricultural and livestock interest….
Mycorrhizal association
o Fungi invade higher plant roots and form association
o Mycorrhizal plant root interactions are common in
Mainly two types of mycorrhizal associations:

1. Ectomycorrhizae (EM) : fungi grow externally.

o These fungi grow as an external sheath around the root tip.
o Do not penetrate into the root cell walls, they form a
sheath around the root known as a fungal mantle as
nutrient exchange network.
o Ectomycorrhizal fungi are mainly in forests ecosystems.
o Eg. conifers and oaks.
2. Endomycorrhizae: fungi grow inside root tissue.
o Forms symbiotic relationship with about 85% of
plants, they penetrate into the root cortexs and form
nutrient exchange structures within the root cells.
o Roots provide carbohydrate for the fungi and
the fungi transfer nutrients and water to the plant
o In fact, these plants cannot survive without
fungal associations. Showing hyphal coils in the
“host” cells.
Example: orchid, wheat, corn, beans, pasture,
rangel and grasses…..
3. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM)
o First land plants were equipped with this type of
o Among the types of endomycorrhizal fungi, arbuscular
mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are the most prevalent in soils.
o This association is at least 400 million years old.
o Both plant and fungus gain on this co-operation.
o They are considered natural biofertilizers, since they
provide the host with water, nutrients, and pathogen
o It is biotrophic and thus, cannot be grown without the
plant (AM fungi are obligate biotrophs).
o Many herbaceous plants and tropical trees, showing
arbuscules and vesicles in the cost cells.
o AM and EM gives both partners in the association
benefits compared to growth on their own.
o The fungi colonize the plant roots, helping with uptake
of water and minerals.
o It is well known that plants in healthy soils with good
mycorrhizal colonization are much healthier.
o Promote appropriate irrigation, minimizing soil
disturbance by not tilling, and limiting
fertilizer, especially phosphorus
Benefits to the fungus

o The fungus gets carbon/energy from the plant. Since

the supply of carbon/energy is large and not from
the soil the fungus can make an extensive mycelium
and effectively compete with other fungi confined
to the soil and the energy/carbon in the soil.

o Often the plant supplies the fungus with other

metabolites and vitamins.
Roles of mycorrhiza in agriculture and agro forestry
 Mycorrhizal fungi associated with plant roots.
 Agriculture(Importance)
o Increase soil’s water & nutrition holding capacity.
o Improve soil porosity and permeability.
o Develop soil microenvironment, promote higher
microbial activity and nutrient cycling.
o They also increase plant tolerance to different
environmental stresses.
o Moreover, these fungi play a major role in soil
aggregation process and stimulate microbial
Agro forestry (Importance)
o Increase roots establishment and survival
at seeding or transplanting.
o Improve the plant’s mineral absorption
capabilities, access many extra nutrient sources
share with colonized plants.
o Increase plants resistance ability to soil
diseases, virus, drought & salt stress and pests
o Increase plants root system healthy development.
Isolation and identification of mycorrhiza
 Wet sieving and decanting method is good method
to isolate mycorrhizal fungi from roots and soil.
 The wet sieving and decanting is one of the
popular technique when compare to other
 This technique is used for sieving the coarse particles of the
soil and retaining AMF spores and organic particles on sieves of
different sizes.
 Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) are soil microbes able to
form mutualistic symbiosis with most terrestrial plants.
 Spores that are present in soil germinate, infect the
root system, and form arbuscule structures inside the
Identification of mycorrhiza

 Active colonization in roots is easily detected via

histochemical staining of fungal succinate
dehydrogenase activity (vital staining procedures) and:

 Individual active colonization regions (infection units)

in roots rarely coalesce.
Mycorrhizal inoculation to agricultural
crops and forest
o It induces plants to absorb more nutrients and water
from the soil.

o They also increase plant tolerance ability to various

bad environmental stresses.

o In addition to this, mycorrhizae also play an

important role in soil structure process and stimulate
beneficial microbial activity.
o They help build soil aggregate structure to
provides plant roots with a better & healthy
environment to healthy and strong growth.

o Their symbiotic relationship with plants helps

them access extra water and nutrients source in
Endophytic fungi
o are symbiotically associated biota of living plant tissues

o An organism (such as a bacterium or fungus) living within

a plant.
o Endophytic fungi are very diverse in the medicinal plant
and very helpful for medicinal plants by enhancing:

(1) producing the different compounds and enzymes, as the

source for natural compounds useful to manufacture

(2) enhancing the plant growth,

(3) controlling and protecting from infecting with plant
o Endophytic fungi live inside of plant tissues
but don't cause any disease symptoms.
o They are found in all plant species including
deciduous trees, shrubs, marine algae,
mosses, lichens, ferns, grasses and palms
Applications of Mycology in biotechnology and
emerging science
o Fungi have been important in both ancient and
modern biotechnological processes.
o Processes and products that utilize fungi include:
• baking,
• brewing, and
• the production of antibiotics,
• alcohols, enzymes, organic acids,
and numerous pharmaceuticals.
Biotechnological aspects of Trichoderma spp.
 Fungi belonging to the genus Trichoderma are
used as successful:
o plant growth enhancers
o biostimulants
o biofertilizers, and
oas effective biocontrol agents against various
Fig 1: Agricultural application of Trichoderma spps.
Fig 2: Agricultural application of Trichoderma spps.
 Trichoderma strains exert biocontrol against
fungal phytopathogens as modern science:
o directly, by mechanisms such as mycoparasitism.
o indirectly, by competing for nutrients and space, modifying
the environmental conditions,
o promoting plant growth and plant defensive
mechanisms, antibiosis, and genetic improvement.
Antibiosis: is a mechanism by which chemical substances
produced mainly by different microbes or secreted
plants, able to retard growth or kill other pathogens and pests.
o Degradation of toxic pollutants and heavy chemicals.
 In agricultural products:
oTrichoderma spp. significantly suppress
the growth of plant pathogenic

oregulate the rate of plant growth.

oRecent works have shown that common plant

disease such as root rot disease, damping off,
wilt, fruit rot and other plant diseases can be
controlled by Trichoderma spp.
o Myconanotechnology (myco = fungi, nanotechnology =
the creation and exploitation of materials in the size range
of 1- 100 nm)
o Synthesis of nanoparticles by using fungi
o Potential applications provide exciting waves of
transformation in agriculture
o Attract microbiologists to contribute in providing
incremental solutions through green chemistry
approaches for advancing food security.
o Fungi have a number of advantages for
nanoparticle synthesis compared with other

o they are relatively easy to isolate and culture, and they

secrete large amounts of extracellular enzymes

(Discuss on some of the potential future applications

and challenges in this area..................)
Extracellular Proteases of Mycoparasitic
and Nematophagous Fungi
 The term “mycoparasitism” means the interaction between
mycoparasite (fungi have the ability to parasite other fungi) and
a mycohost (fungi act as a host to be parasitized)

 A mycoparasite is an organism with the ability

to parasitize fungi.

 Mycoparasites might be biotrophic or

necrotrophic, depending on the type of interaction
with their host.
 The nematophagous fungus; Arthrobotrys oligospora
 Can live saprophytically as well as predatorily.

 As a predator, it forms sticky reticulate traps in the

presence of living nematodes which enable it to kill and
consume the animals.

 Nematophagous fungi are carnivorous fungi specialized

in trapping and digesting nematodes.

 Around 160 species are known.

 Nematophagous fungi refer to a diverse group of fungi
which colonize and parasitize nematodes for
exploitation of nutritious substances either by:
1. nematode-trapping (= predacious or predatory
2. endoparasitic, or
4 toxin-production (Kusano et al., 2000).
Fungi and its cultivation
 Fungi are the scavengers of nature.
 In mushroom cultivation too, waste products such as
chicken manure, horse manure, straw, gypsum and
waste water (from their own composting) are used to
produce a high-quality substrate from which the
mushrooms will grow.
Uses of fungi cultivation
 Used as a source of all essential amino acids, amides
and lysine.
 Consumption of mushrooms slows down the spread
and effect of cancer, heart disease, HIV/AIDS (by
boosting immune system)….etc.
Cultivations of mushroom
 Mushroom cultivation: is a technology of growing mushrooms
using plant, animal and industrial waste.
 Cultivating mushrooms can yield food, medicine and other
 A mushroom farm is in the business of growing mushrooms.
 However, mushroom cultivation is a new activity in Ethiopia.

 Wild types are harvested in forests in Ethiopia during the

rainy season.

 So it was not a staple part of the diet and were not

cultivated previously, but not currently.
Types of mushroom to be cultivated
o Button mushroom/Agaricus bisporus

o Shiitake Mushroom/ Lentinula edodes

o Oyster Mushroom/ Pleurotus ostreatus

o Maitake Mushroom

o Enoki Mushroom

o Beech Mushroom

o White Button Mushroom

o Crimino Mushroom (Crimini, pl.)

Appropriate commercial strain collection
 The three most commonly cultivated mushroom varities
in Ethiopia (commercially important) includes:

Agaricus bisporus (button mushroom),

Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) and

 Lentinula edodes (shiitake mushroom).

Cultivation room and environment preparation
i. Mushroom cultivation room
o A grow room (growth chamber) is a room of any size
where plants are grown under controlled
o The reasons for utilizing a growroom are countless.
o Some seek to avoid the criminal repercussions of growing
illicit cultivars,
o while others simply have no alternative to indoor growing.
ii. Mushroom cultivation environment preparation
o Mushroom prefer a cool environment with
temperatures around 70 degrees

o Wild mushrooms are less finicky when it comes to

temperatures, as they can form mycelia, which are
the threads of the fungus body, in temperatures
that range from 40 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Q. How do you make a mushroom in grow room?
o Grow rooms vary as mushroom species have
different requirements, but are typically cooler,
50- 70oF, and have high humidity, 80-99%.

o Requirements for any grow room include; a floor

drain, a floor that is made of a hard, non-porous
material, and walls that are easy to clean and
will not absorb water.
Fig: How do you make a mushroom in grow room?
Fig:Indoor production of mushroom
 Wash hands thoroughly with antiseptic lotion.

 Take the polythene cover and tie the bottom

end with a thread and turn it inwards.

 Shade dry steam-sterilized straw to get a uniform

moisture level in all areas.

 Take out a well-grown bed spawn,

squeeze thoroughly and divide into two
 These procedure are described in their naturally
occurring sequence, emphasizing the salient features
within each step.
 Agricultural wastes are the good source for the
cultivation of mushrooms.
 Some of them are most commonly used such as wheat
straw, paddy straw, rice straw, rice bran, molasses,
coffee straw, banana leaves, tea leaves, cotton straw,
saw dust, etc.
 The most suitable temperature for the spread of the
mycelium is 24-25°C, while 16-18°C is essential for
the formation of fruit bodies.

 Higher temperature is harmful and low temperature

retards the development of both mushroom
mycelium and fruit bodies.

 Paddy straw mushroom can be grown around 35°C.

Factors affecting the mushroom bed preparation
o Low cost technology,
o composting technology in mushroom production.
o Storage and nutrition:
• Short-term storage
(Refrigeration - upto 24 hours)
• Long term Storage
(canning, pickels, papads), drying,
storage in salt solutions.
Mushroom cultivation process
Four major steps
a. Preparation of compost (composting)
-substrate preparation
b. Spawning of compost (the vegetative “seed” of mushrooms).
- spawn production
c. Casing (Covering the spawned compost)
d. Cropping (mushroom or fruiting-body production) and crop

The major constraint to mushroom production in Africa including

our country has been the lack of spawn, the vegetative “seed”
of mushroom,….
Preparation of compost
 Compost is prepared from agro wastes like straw, stem,
shoot, apices etc. with organic manure.
 develops as the chemical nature of the raw ingredients is
converted by the activity of microbes, heat, and some heat-
releasing chemical reactions.
 It must pasteurized (why?), at appropriate temperature range.
 Essential supplements are also added; supplemented to the
Use: provides nutrients needed for mushrooms to grow.
Purpose of composting
 Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and
suppress plant diseases and pests.

 Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

 Encourages the production of beneficial
bacteria and fungi that break down organic
matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled
Fig: Composting: Using d/t wastes
Mushroom Spawn Production
• Spawn is the planting material ("seed“) for the cultivated
• Spawn is merely the vegetative mycelium from a
selected mushroom strain grown in a convenient

• The process of mixing of the spawn in the compost

is known as spawning.

• The particular strain of mushroom selected decides the

type of mushroom the spawn would produce.
Spawn production
 Spawn is made from pure cultures of mushrooms
transferred to sterile moist grain, such as wheat, millet
Fig: Mushroom spawn in bottles.
Qualities of a good spawn
• It should be fast growing in the compost

• It should give early cropping after casing

• It should be high yielding

• It should produce better quality of mushroom

 The yield of mushrooms depends on the:
- type of substrate used
-method of preparation
-suitability of environmental conditions
(temperature and humidity…..).
Harvesting of crop (mushroom)

 Harvesting of crop involves after 10-12 days of

casing and the fruiting bodies of the mushroom can

be harvested for around 50-60 days.

 The crops should be harvested before the gills

as this may decrease its quality and market value.
Making agar and pouring plates
 Mushroom cultivators use agar to observe the development of
 The agar media is created by combining water, nutrients, and
a dried substance called agar (deriving from red algae).

 Preparation of agar media is basic for mushroom cultures.

 There are several types of agar media such as potatoes dextrose

agar , malt extract agar and corn meal….

 The mixture is dissolved in hot water, then sterilized and finally

poured into petri dishes.
General steps in making agar
Step 1: Mix up dry ingredients.

Step 2: Add water and

sterilize. Step 3: Cool down.

Step 4: Pour the plates.

Step 5: Seal and store.

Inoculating mushroom spores on media

 Mushroom inoculation involves bringing the

spawn into contact with the substrate to initiate
its growth and development.
 Depending on the substrate, inoculation may
entail drilling holes into a log, cutting wedges
into a stump, or mixing spawn into individual
 These bits planted on the surface of the soldified
medium & then incubated at room temperature
 In 2 or 3 days mushroom will start growing as
whitish strands.
 They are transferred to fresh media for

 This pure culture called mother culture.

 It is used for large scale production of spawn.

Preparing grain
 Grain spawn can be thought of like “seeds” in
mushroom cultivation.
 It is made by starting from either spores or a
mushroom culture, which is then transferred to
sterilized grain bag.
 It's made from sterilised grains that have been
inoculated with a live mycelium culture.
 These inoculated grains are consumed by the
growing mass of mycelium.
o Sterilized grains: can be used to make a grain spawn
bag to grow any kind of mushroom.

o The point of sterilizing grains is to kill all living

organisms and provide a clean source of
nutrition for mushroom mycelium.

o Grain spawn bags made from sterilized grain are

guaranteed to give successful results.
Steps to preparing grain
1: Rinse and clean the grains, soak in water for 12-24

hours. 2: Cook the grains for 15-20 minutes so that


absorb water.

3: Drain and dry excess moisture from the outside of

the grains.

4: Load grain into mason jars and sterilize for 90

Inoculation of grain
o Mycelium, or actively growing mushroom
culture, is placed on a appropriate substrate.
o Usually sterilized grains such as rye or millet and
induced to grow into those grains. This is called
o The sterilised grains are inoculated with a live
mycelium culture.
o Depending on the substrate, inoculation may
entail drilling holes into a log, cutting wedges into
a stump, or mixing spawn into individual bags.
Fig: Inoculation of grain
Soaking and fruiting mushrooms
 Mushrooms need temperature fluctuations and
moisture/humidity to grow and produce fruit.

 Providing the above ingredients to the log is very

important .

 By soaking the log, you are giving it moisture, and

by placing the log in the fridge, you are creating the
temperature change of nightfall.
• Soaking: To soak logs submerge them in water
(well or city), for 12-24 hours, NO MORE, it will
drown them.
• After soaking logs up against trees or cross stack
them in a log cabin pattern and the mushrooms
should emerge in a few days.
• Fruiting: are fungal structures that contain spores.
• The stalk and cap that come to mind when you think
about a mushroom are called the fruiting body
• They come in many sizes, shapes, and colors, all of
which aid in identification of the specific fungus.
• Soak log in water for 24 hours, but not past
48 hours. Soak Logs in Water for 24 hours.

• Place log in the shade with high humidity and

scout regularly for mushroom primordia. ...

• Approximately 12 days after soaking the

logs should be ready for harvest (i.e, fruiting
or matured mushrooms).
Fig: Mushroom logs
Mushrooms of
Ethiopia Distribution
 Mushroom is among the most widely
distributed organisms on Earth.
 A great environmental and medical importance.
 Mushroom farming is a fast-growing sector in
 Currently, there are over 10,000 known types
of mushrooms.
 That may seem like a large number, but
mycologists suspect that this is only a fraction of
what's out there.
Diversity (taxonomic diversity)
 Mushroom is widely diverse in appearance, ranging
from the well-known mushrooms and molds to the
less familiar smuts, rusts, truffles, yeasts, and others.
 In an ecosystem, it plays the role of:
 decomposers -- they break down dead organic
matter and return vital nutrients to the soil.
They also contribute to the function of healthy
forest ecosystems by forming:
osymbiotic associations with plants,
odecomposing organic matter,
ocontributing to nutrient cycling,

oproviding food for animals, and

ocreating habitat diversity for many forest


 The major ecological factors that affect stalk

height, stalk diameter and cap size in mushroom
are air, temperature, humidity, fresh air, and
compact material.
Traditional use of Mushroom
 Wild mushrooms are used as both food and medicine
by various ethnic groups in Ethiopia.
 The Kaffa people in southwest Ethiopia use the
fruiting body of Laetiporus sulphureus to:
orelieve stomach pain and
oexpel a woman's retained placenta following
 It also used as a stipple foods.
 Many traditionally used mushrooms from genera:
oTrametes and
oTremella have been demonstrated to
possess significant medicinal properties.
Nutritional and medicinal value
 Mushrooms are a rich in:
o low calorie source of fiber,
o protein, and
o antioxidants.

 They may also mitigate the risk of developing

serious health conditions, such as
Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, and
 Loaded with many health-boosting vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants,

 They’ve long been recognized as an important part

of any diet.

 For instance, mushrooms raised with exposure to

ultraviolet light are a good source of Vitamin D,

 An important component in bone and immune

Thank You!

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