Chapter 5 Puteri Coreection 2 Implication

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The theoretical implications

The theoretical implications of using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework to
investigate the factors influencing intention to use QR mobile payment among faculty of
business and communication students at UNIMAP can be summarized as follows:

Trust: The research examines the perception of trust in mobile payment based on QR codes.
This dimension explores the reliability, security, and trustworthiness of the payment method.
By understanding the students' trust in QR mobile payment, the study contributes to the
theoretical understanding of the role of trust in influencing users' intention to adopt and
continue using this technology.

Performance Expectancy: This dimension focuses on the perceived usefulness and

performance of mobile payment based on QR codes in students' daily lives. By assessing
their perception of usefulness, transaction speed, time-saving, and ease of use, the study
provides insights into the factors that drive students' intention to adopt QR mobile payment.

Social Influence: The research investigates the impact of social influence on students'
intention to use mobile payment based on QR codes. By exploring the influence of family,
friends, and people's opinions on their decision to adopt this technology, the study
contributes to the understanding of how social factors play a role in shaping individuals'

Facilitating Conditions: This dimension assesses the resources, knowledge, and

compatibility of QR mobile payment with other technologies among the students. By
examining whether students possess the necessary resources, knowledge, and technical
support to use mobile payment based on QR codes, the study provides insights into the
facilitating conditions that influence their intention to adopt and continue using this

Behavior Intention: The dependent variable in this study is the behavior intention to use
mobile payment based on QR codes. By investigating students' intention to continue using
QR mobile payment, the study provides insights into their future adoption and usage
behavior, which has practical implications for mobile payment service providers and

In summary, by employing the TAM framework and using a questionnaire to measure the
dimensions of trust, performance expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions, the
research contributes to the theoretical understanding of the factors influencing intention to
use QR mobile payment among faculty of business and communication students at
UNIMAP. The findings of this study can inform strategies and interventions aimed at
promoting the adoption and usage of mobile payment based on QR codes in the target
The research implications
The research implications of the factors influencing the intention to use QR mobile payment
among faculty of Business & Communication students at UNIMAP, using the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) framework with a questionnaire, can be summarized as follows:

1. Trust: The level of trust in mobile payment based on QR codes is an important factor
influencing the intention to use it. The research should investigate the students' perceptions
of the reliability, security, trustworthiness, and honesty of mobile payment service providers.

2. Performance Expectancy: The perceived usefulness and benefits of using mobile

payment based on QR codes in daily life are crucial. The study should explore how students
perceive the usefulness of QR mobile payment for accomplishing transactions more quickly,
saving time, and making payments easier.

3. Social Influence: The influence of family, friends, and other people's opinions on the
intention to use mobile payment should be examined. The research should assess whether
the students' social network encourages or promotes the adoption of mobile payment based
on QR codes.

4. Facilitating Conditions: The availability of necessary resources and knowledge, as well as

compatibility with other technologies, are facilitating conditions for using mobile payment.
The study should investigate whether students have the required resources and knowledge
to use QR mobile payment and whether they perceive it as compatible with other
technologies they use. Additionally, the willingness of others to provide help when difficulties
arise should be explored.

(Dependent Variable)
Behavior Intention: The research should focus on understanding the students' intention to
continue using mobile payment based on QR codes in the future. The study should examine
whether they plan to use it frequently and whether they prefer QR mobile payment over cash
transactions whenever possible.

By examining these factors and their influence on behavior intention, the research can
provide insights into the acceptance and adoption of QR mobile payment among faculty of
Business & Communication students at UNIMAP. The findings can be used to develop
strategies to encourage and promote the use of mobile payment based on QR codes in this
specific group.

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