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Journal of Crystal Growth 52 (1981) 219-226

O North-Holland Publishing Company


B.V. S P I T S Y N , L.L. B O U I L O V and B.V. D E R J A G U I N

Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR

It is shown that diamond crystallization by chemical vapor deposition should preferably be carried out at reduced pressures.
Selective growth of diamond is ensured by introducing atomic hydrogen into the crystallization zone; this suppresses crystal-
lization of graphite. The growth rate of homoepitaxial diamond films reached 1 ~m/h at 1000°C; film properties were identical to
those of bulk crystals. The lattice parameter in boron-doped films (-0.I at.%) decreased by 0.0009 A; the film and substrate
parameters coincide at dopant concentrations of -1 at.%, and the semiconductor diamond film intergrows with the substrate
without stress. Diamond crystals up to several tens of microns in thickness were grown also on non-diamond substrates. At large
supersaturation, the crystal habit is octahedral and at low supersaturation, it is cubic. The linear growth rate is constant at the
early stages of crystal growth but then it diminishes to a level typical for the homoepitaxial growth of diamond films.

1. Introduction surface of the d i a m o n d seed crystal. T h e material

is transferred to the growing crystal due to the
The unique combination of excellent t e m p e r a t u r e gradient b e t w e e n the source and the
mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of substrate [3]. A l t h o u g h this process is, in prin-
d i a m o n d has been the driving force for the ciple, possible, in practice it is inhibited by a
d e v e l o p m e n t of new and c h e a p e r m e t h o d s of n u m b e r of factors:
synthesis. Different fields of d i a m o n d ap- (1) A c c o r d i n g to L E E D data [4], the d i a m o n d
plications both in research and industry can be surface retains the bulk structure up to tem-
satisfied only by essentially different techniques peratures - 1 3 0 0 ° C (in vacuum). A t such tem-
of crystallization. F o r instance, the u n i q u e elec- peratures the equilibrium c a r b o n v a p o r pressure
trical and t h e r m a l properties of d i a m o n d , as a o v e r the d i a m o n d phase is almost twice [3] that
h i g h - t e m p e r a t u r e s e m i c o n d u c t o r , can be fully o v e r graphite [5], and reaches - l × 10-13Torr.
d e v e l o p e d only u n d e r the following strictly con- A n acceptable growth rate (about 1/xm/h)
trolled conditions of synthesis: layered structures requires that the c a r b o n v a p o r pressure over
are grown, consisting of alternating dielectric and d i a m o n d phase exceed 10-6Torr. H e n c e , the
semiconducting single crystalline d i a m o n d films, sublimation growth of d i a m o n d at such rates
with thickness of the o r d e r of o n e micron each. requires supersaturation - - 1 0 7 which obviously
Such conditions can be o b t a i n e d by m e a n s of entails high defect density in the overgrowth. In
v a p o r growth techniques at r e d u c e d pressure, addition, the probability of nucleation and
that is in the region of metastability of d i a m o n d . growth of the graphite phase which is stable at
R e s e a r c h in this direction [1, 2] began almost at low pressures, will also be considerable at such
the same time as the well-known w o r k on high supersaturations [6].
d i a m o n d synthesis at ultrahigh pressures. (2) T h e composition of c a r b o n v a p o r over
graphite shows a p r e d o m i n a n c e of C3-type
molecules [5] with multiple b o n d s between car-
2. Physical and chemical crystallization bon atoms; this factor inhibits incorporation of
c a r b o n units into the d i a m o n d lattice.
T h e simplest process of d i a m o n d crystalliza- (3) Finally, even single c a r b o n a t o m s in the
tion is the sublimation of graphite and sub- g r o u n d (non-excited) state are bivalent, so that
sequent c o n d e n s a t i o n of the c a r b o n v a p o r on the about 9 6 k c a l / g - a t o m has to be e x p e n d e d to

220 B. V. Spitsyn et al. / Vapor growth of diamond

transform them to the tetravalent state charac- (here and throughout the text ci are constants).
teristic of carbon atoms in the diamond struc- The rate of chemical crystallization depends both
ture. on the supersaturation and on the energy of
A number of recently suggested techniques of activation E of decomposition of a molecule
carbon condensation into a so-called "diamond- AB(gas) at the substrate surface. Consequently,
like carbon" grown from excited carbon atoms in the approximation of direct impact the rate of
and ions on cold diamond and non-diamond CC is
substrates [7-10] can be classified as physical
methods. Usually, dielectric layers grown by Vchem = c2(PAB-- P°m) e x p ( - E / R T )
these techniques contain only fragments of the
= C~(achem-- 1)P ° e x p ( - E / R T ) . (2)
diamond structure, with grain size of the order of
1 0 ~ ; in some cases diamond crystallites with
The dependence of p o and p O on crystallization
sizes up to - 1 / z m were observed [9].
temperature T can be found by using the equa-
Chemical vapor deposition opens new pos-
tions of chemical thermodynamics
sibilities for diamond crystallization in the region
of thermodynamic metastability. As indicated by
P°A = C3 e x p ( - M R T ) ,
the published data, only this technique makes it
possible to achieve acceptable growth rates at 0 0
PAB/PB = Keq = exp(AG°T/RT),
moderate supersaturations, and to grow perfect
homoepitaxial diamond films. where A is the heat of evaporation of the crystal
Let us compare the simplest processes of phy- A(solid), AG ° is the change of the Gibbs free
sical crystallization (PC) and chemical crystal- energy in the chemical reaction, and Keq is the
lization (CC) of a solid A. In the case of PC, equilibrium constant. By assuming
consider a crystal in equilibrium with vapor of
the same composition: P ° ~ p ° ~- px,

A(gas) ~ A(solid). we obtain

In the case of CC, equilibrium sets on as a result pO ~. p~ exp(A GO/ R T ) ,

of a chemical reaction between crystal A(solid)
and vapor: where Px is the total pressure in the CC system.
Substitution of the expressions obtained for p o
AB(gas) ~ A(solid) + B(gas). and p o into eqs. (1) and (2) yields the super-
saturation necessary for achieving the desired
We introduce supersaturation coefficients growth rate of the crystal:
defined as
O~phys ~ O p h y s C l l C ~ 1 e x p ( A / R T )
Olphy s = pA/p°A, O~chern = PAR/pOAB,
O%hem ~ UchemC21ex e x p ( - A G ° + E ) / R T .

where PA and PAB are actual partial pressures in

If equal growth r a t e s ( U p h y s = Uchem) are realized at
the condensation zone, and p o and p o are
the same temperature in the two methods, the
equilibrium values. Let us assume that super-
ratio of supersaturation is
saturation in the system is sufficiently high that
decrystallization may be neglected, but still too
~/ = O/phys/Ogchem
low for homogeneous nucleation. Assuming now
the accommodation coefficient to be 1, we find const. Pz exp[(AG ° - E + A )/RT]. (3)
that t h e rate of physical crystallization is
This ratio is a relative measure of the advantage
Vphys= cl(PA - P°A) = Cl(aphys- 1)P ° (1) of CC compared to PC. If y >> 1, the CC-grown
B. V. Spitsyn et al. / Vapor growth of diamond 221

crystal will presumably be of greater perfection characteristics of this new process and of the
than crystals grown by PC-methods at the same pyrolysis of methane.
rate and at the same substrate temperature, since CTR synthesis of diamond was carried out
in this case O~chern"~ O~phys. For instance, hydrogen from hydrocarbons in a closed system, by carbon
reduction of tungsten fluoride at -850°C [11] transfer from a graphite source to a diamond
produced single-crystalline tungsten layers with substrate. The gas medium obtainable according
the theoretically predicted density. Physical to the mode of chemical transport reaction con-
sublimation of tungsten cannot lead to similar tains the following simplest hydrocarbons:
results. According to eq. (3), the advantages of methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene supplying
CC compared to PC are enhanced as the crystal- carbon to the diamond surface. Selectivity of the
lization temperature is lowered and the pressure process was achieved by introducing an increased
Px increased. However, this increases 0~chem , and concentration of atomic hydrogen. The latter
may cause a deterioration of the quality of the interacts strongly with graphite but practically
deposits. The above analysis obviously suffers does not affect diamond [13]. Different methods
from idealizations, since it neglects mass transfer are available for obtaining a superequilibrium
in the gas phase, diffusion in adsorption layers, concentration of atomic hydrogen. The selective
and possible concurrent reactions in the bulk and etching effect with regard to graphite was nearly
on the crystal surface. the same when the thermal (several % H) and
Growth rates and crystal perfection are very the electric discharge (about 10% H) methods
different in different modifications of the chem- were used for obtaining a superequilibrium con-
ical crystallization techniques. For example, the centration of atomic hydrogen. But it is neces-
well-known method of growth on diamond seed sary to note that within the temperature range
crystals by methane pyrolysis [2, 6, 12] is charac- between 800 and 1200°C, we obtain virgin
terized by a low linear growth rate and by an diamond, not graphitized at 1500°C in vacuum,
unavoidable deposition of graphite. This makes in contrast to the so-called diamond-like carbon.
the method suitable only for increasing the mass Because of the multicomponent nature of the
of highly dispersed diamond powders in a cyclic system and the large number of reactions taking
process involving a periodically repeated remo- place in the gas phase and on the surface of the
val of non-diamond carbon from the surface of substrate (hydrogenation of hydrocarbons, recom-
fine powder diamond. High-perfection single- bination of atomic hydrogen, and the crystal-
crystalline layers with thickness of the order of lization process itself), the absolute value of the
several microns can be grown only in a selective supersaturation could not be determined. The
process (suppressing the deposition of graphite) growth rate depends on the character and tem-
which provides a substantially higher linear perature of the substrate, on the partial pressures
growth rate. We have achieved this goal by using of the components, and on the geometry of the
a chemical transport reaction (CTR) for the system. According to ref. [14], in the CTR mode
growth of diamond. Table 1 gives the main the supersaturation at the substrate increases

Table 1
Synthesis of diamond by pyrolysis of CH4 and by the chemical transport reaction
techniques (CTR)

Process characteristics Pyrolysis of CI-I4 CTR

Growth rate at 1000°C Ozm/h) 0.001 -1

Epitaxial layer thickness (p,m) 0.002 5
Threshold temperature of epitaxial growth (°C) -850 --750
Activation energy (kcal/mole) 60 25
Graphite deposition Yes No
Pressure in the gas phase (atm) 0.001-0.5 0.01-0.5
222 B. V. Spitsyn et al. / Vapor growth of diamond

when the crystallization t e m p e r a t u r e decreases Kikuchi lines. As the t e m p e r a t u r e is increased

and the partial pressure of the c o m p o n e n t com- further, the growth rate of homoepitaxial film
prising the crystallized material increases. In the increases (activation energy of the order of
synthesis techniques that we have chosen, the 25kcal/mole) and reaches a m a x i m u m at
supersaturation is a function of both the pressure 1000°C. Further increase in t e m p e r a t u r e results
of hydrocarbons, and of the partial pressure of in reduction of the growth rate and in deteriora-
atomic hydrogen. The latter changes the concen- tion of the structure of the diamond layers, so
tration of the hydrocarbon complexes adsorbed on that H E E D analysis reveals graphite inclusions.
the substrate, by interacting with hydrocarbons in Cathodoluminescence [17] and X-ray topo-
the gas phase and on the surface. Hence, the graphy [16] have d e m o n s t r a t e d that void-type
atomic hydrogen not only maintains selectivity of growth defects produce stresses in homoepitaxial
the process but also affects the growth rate, thus diamond films. As the crystallization tem-
having the role of an active participant in the perature is lowered from 1100 to 800°C, the
diamond crystallization. stress in the film increases by a factor of ap-
proximately three. When the stresses in the
substrate-film system exceed a certain threshold,
3. Diamond growth on diamond surfaces lattice discontinuities and microtwin lamellae are
formed in the film [18]. At the same time, E S R
Substrate t e m p e r a t u r e is one of the factors studies show that the film contains broken C - C
which determines the rate of the process and the bonds. Stresses produced during growth and high
structure of the deposit. D i a m o n d layers grown rates of crystallization may result in deterioration
on single crystals at 600°C are polycrystalline in the morphology of the diamond deposit (fig. 2)
with grain size of 15 to 2 0 ~ [15]. However, and in a gradual transformation from a single-
high-perfection single-crystalline layers were crystalline film into a polycrystalline one. The
obtained on the {110} face of natural diamond at diamond layers were characterized (using SIMS)
750°C; this is confirmed by electron diffraction by a comparatively high purity [19]; the impurity
(fig. 1) which shows a well-pronounced system of content was found to be approximately the same
as in natural single crystals. One exception is

Fig. 1. Electron diffraction pattern (E= 65keV) of a

diamond film 0.8/~m thick, grown on {110} face of a natural Fig. 2. Diamond layer ~4/xm thick, grown at a rate of
diamond crystal at a growth rate -0.4/.*m/hour. - 2 p.m/hour on {111}face of a natural crystal.
B. V. Spitsyn et al. / Vapor growth of diamond 223

Table 2
Some properties of synthetic diamond

Property Synthetic diamond Naturaldiamond

Lattice constant (22°) (/~) 3.5664± 0.0001 3.5668_+0.0001

Carbon content (%) 100 100
Refractive index 2.38 ± 0.2 2.40
Microhardness on (111) (kg/mm2) 9500 - 400 8500-11000
Transmittancy in the UV range (nm) ~>225 />225
Dielectric constant 4-6 5.8
Electrical resistivity (ohm cm) 10Jz-1013 1013-1015

hydrogen which has a concentration in homoe- Boron is mostly incorporated into the {111}
pitaxial films about twice that in natural faces and the incorporation on {100} faces is very
diamond. An increased hydrogen content in low. The electric conductivity of {100} diamond
CTR-grown diamond is caused by the active role films is lower by approximately a factor of 104
of atomic hydrogen in this process. Within the than that of films grown on {111} faces. Boron
experimental errors, the properties of the syn- differs in its electronic structure from the carbon
thetic and natural diamond are identical (see atom which it replaces, and the diamond lattice
table 2). near a dopant atom undergoes a distorition.
Also, boron has a valence equal to 3 and can be
incorporated more easily into a {111} face having
three-fold bonding. This, in the authors' opinion,
4. Semiconducting diamond is one of the causes of a preferred incorporation
of boron during the growth of {111} diamond
Introduction of gaseous boron compounds in faces.
the process of diamond deposition made it pos-
sible to grow and investigate [19] single-crystal-
line semiconducting diamond films. As the 5. Diamond growth on foreign surfaces
doping level is increased from -1017 to
~10Wcm -3, the activation energy of electrical One of the reasons permitting the nucleation
conduction falls from 0.37 to - 0 . 1 e V . of diamond on foreign substrates is the sup-
Measurements of thermo-emf and Hall effect pression of the graphite deposition in the
demonstrated that the semiconducting diamond presence of atomic hydrogen. A n o t h e r reason is
layers have p-type conductivity. As shown by related to the weak effect of the substrate surface
X-ray topography data, boron doping to a con- forces on the nucleation under the conditions of
centration - 0 . 1 a t % decreases the lattice comparatively high supersaturation realized in
parameter of synthetic diamond by 0 . 0 0 0 9 ~ the C T R technique.
[16]. The lattice contraction and hole conduc- Diamond crystallization on foreign surfaces
tivity of diamond indicate that, at low doping was conducted under synthesis conditions typical
levels, boron atoms are mostly found in lattice for homoepitaxial growth but poly- or single-
sites. The lattice parameter of the highly doped crystalline Cu, Si, W, or other substrates were
(up to - 1 a t % boron) semiconducting diamond used instead of diamond seed crystals. Spon-
is practically equal to that of the substrate. It taneous nucleation of diamond crystals was
appears that in this case the film contraction due observed mostly on defects like scratches, grain
to boron incorporation in lattice sites is com- boundaries, dislocation outcrops etc.; this sup-
pensated by lattice expansion due to interstitial ports the assumption that nucleation takes place
boron atoms. on the substrate and not in the gas phase.
224 B. V. Spitsyn et al. / Vapor growth of diamond

The rate of nucleation (determined by the regular cubo-octahedra (Vloo/Vlll= X/3/2) at

number of diamond crystals formed on a speci- 1000°C. According to fig. 3, crystals with cubic
men) varies from 103 t o 108 c m -2 h -1, depending habit must grow at temperatures above the mel-
on the synthesis conditions, substrate material, ting point of the copper substrate normally
the method of preparation of the substrate (pol- employed. Therefore, the growth of such crystals
ishing, etching, annealing, etc.). The diamond is facilitated at lower supersaturations, that is at
nucleation rate on carbide-forming substrates (Si, reduced concentrations of hydrocarbons.
Mo, W) is one to two orders of magnitude higher Together with the single crystals, twins consis-
than on substrates that do not form carbides ting of two, five, or twenty single-crystalline units
(Cu, Au); and it is several times lower on single- joined along {111}, are also observed on the
crystalline substrates than on polycrystalline substrate surface. Formation of such twins at the
substrates of the same material (after identical very first stages of crystallization, and their
preliminary treatment). The nucleation rate on regular shape, indicates that these are nucleation
foreign substrates decreases as the substrate twins, and that the stable diamond nucleus on a
coverage with diamond increases, and the num- foreign substrate is formed from a large number
ber of nucleation centers and crystal size in- of carbon-containing complexes adsorbed on the
crease. surface. The twinning probability is known to be
Diamond crystals growing on substrates not an increasing function of supersaturation [20]; a
forming carbides usually have a well-defined considerable density of nucleation twins (up to
habit of regular half-polyhedra. By measuring 50% of the total number of crystals nucleated on
their linear dimensions in an optical microscope, the substrate) indicates that the synthesis takes
one can find the ratio vloo/Vm of growth rates in place at a relatively high supersaturation.
the (100) and (111) directions; this ratio deter- Twins are also formed at later stages of crys-
mines the crystal habit. Lowering of super- tallization; from fig. 4a it can be seen that at least
saturation changes the habit from octahedral part of the overgrowths on octahedral faces are
(Vloo/VH1/>3) to cubic (Vloo/Vm ~<~/3/3), via in- twins, which is proved by their mutual dis-
termediate cubo-octahedral forms. Fig. 3 shows orientation. The growth twins were observed
the ratio VloO/VH~as a function of supersaturation both on {111} faces (fig. 4a) at Vloo/Vm< 0 . 9 and
which was varied only by the crystallization on {100} faces (fig. 4b) at vloO/Vlll>0.9. Crystal
temperature (maintaining all other parameters of faces on which growth twins are formed usually
the CTR constant). Under the selected synthesis reveal one or several systems of concentric
conditions, octahedra grew at -800°C, and macrosteps with twins in the center. Adjacent
faces of the same crystals not distorted by twin-
ning ({100} and {111} faces in figs. 4a and 4b,
V, oo Mill respectively) are considerably smoother. The
appearance of growth twins is an obstacle to
1.7 growing diamond single crystals larger than
several tens of microns (at acceptable growth
>( It is interesting to compare the growth of
crystals nucleated on a foreign surface and of
diamond crystals intentionally placed on the sur-
face before the growth stage; the latter were
El.9 either fragments of natural single crystals, or
diamond crystals synthesized at ultrahigh pres-
sures. For such a comparison, we placed preli-
iDho T°E minarily oxidized (to remove foreign matter and
Fig. 3. Crystal habit as a function of crystallization tem- submicron diamond particles sticking to the main
perature. grain) rounded-shape seed crystals on the surface
B. V. Spitsyn et al. / Vapor growth of diamond 225

Fig. 4. Growth twinning on (a) {111}, and (b) {100}, faces.

of a polycrystalline copper specimen annealed in

hydrogen (fig. 5a). A f t e r a certain growth time
the specimens were extracted from the reactor,
p h o t o g r a p h e d in a scanning electron microscope,
and then returned to the reactor. A conducting
gold layer was not found necessary to obtain an
image when applying a scanning electron micro-
scope to photograph d i a m o n d crystals, having
sizes up to 50/,tin, that were grown on a conduc-
ting substrate.
Figs. 5b and 5c show the same area of the Fig. 5. Growth of diamond crystals on copper substrate: (a)
copper substrate as that in fig. 5a, after 15 area of substrate with two rounded-shape diamond seed
and 30 rain of growth. Crystals spontaneously crystals; (b) and (c) same area after 15 and 30 min of crystal-
nucleated on the substrate surface are seen to lization, respectively.
226 B. V. Spitsyn et al. / Vapor growth of diamond

grow with the same growth and faceting mode as [2] W.G. Eversole, US Patent No. 3030188, 23.07.1958.
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[6] B.V. Derjaguin and D.V. Fedoseyev, Rost Aimaza i
sharp increase in the number of crystallization Grafita iz Gazovoj Fazy (Nauka, Moscow, 1977).
centers as a result of spontaneous nucleation. [7] S. Aisenberg and R. Chabot, J. Appl. Phys., 42 (1971)
After the crystals placed on the substrate achieve 2953.
a steady-state growth form, they differ from [8] V.M. Golyanov, L.A. Yelesin and M.I. Mikheyeva,
spontaneously nucleated crystals only in a larger Pis'ma v ZhETF 18 (1973) 569.
[9] E.G. Spencer, P.H. Schmidt, D.C. Joy and F,J. San-
size and in the absence of growth twins.
salone, Appl. Phys. Letters, 29 (1976) 118.
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a copper substrate, the authors have not noticed and V.T. Tolok, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. SSR A5 (1976)
any formation of twins on their surface during 459.
about one hour. No further growth was carried [11] R.K. Chuzhko, I.V. Kirillov, Yu.I. Golovanov, V.M.
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was overgrown by spontaneously nucleated crys- tif. No. 289147, 21.06.1968 (in Russian).
tals and because the linear growth rate has been [12] P.A. Tesner, A.E. Gorodetsky, E.V. Denisevich, A.P.
diminished on that account. Zakharov and T.V. Tekunova, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
The linear growth rate of diamond crystals 222 (1975) 1384.
[13] J.C. Angus, N.C. Gardner, D.J. Poferl, S.P. Chauhan, T.
spontaneously nucleated on the foreign surface is Dyble and Pai Sung, in: Sinteticheskiye Almazy v
constant during the initial stages of growth Promyshlennosti, Ed. V.N. Bakul (Naukova Dumka,
(-5/.~m/h in the above example) but then falls as Kiev, 1974).
the substrate coverage by diamond overgrowth [14] L.N. Aleksandrov, Kinetika Obrazovanija i Struktury
increases. After the surface is completely Twerdich Slojev (Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1972).
[15] A.E. Aleksenko, B.V. Derjaguin, A.E. Gorodetsky,
covered with a polycrystalline layer, the linear A.P. Zakharov, M.O. Kliya, B.V. Spitsyn and L.L.
growth rate becomes nearly that characteristic of Bouilov, Abstracts of the 5th USSR Conf. on Crystal
the homoepitaxial diamond film under compar- Growth, Vol. 1, Mechanism and Kinetics of Crystal-
able synthesis conditions. lization (Tbilisi, 1977) pp. 122-133, 258-259 (in Rus-
[16] N.A. Bulyenkov, B.V. Derjaguin, V.P. Martovitsky and
Acknowledgements B.V. Spitsyn, 3rd USSR Conf. on Structural Defects in
Semiconductors, Abstract of Reports, Part 2 (Novosi-
birsk, 1978) p. 228 (in Russian).
The authors are grateful to A.E. Aleksenko [17] V.S. Vavilov, A.A. Gippius, A.M. Zaitsev, B.V. Der-
and A.A. Botev for participation in the experi- jaguin, B.V. Spitsyn and A.E. Aleksenko, 2nd USSR
ments, to A.E. Gorodetsky for electron diffrac- Conf. on Wide-Band Semiconductors, Abstracts of
tion studies, and to Z.E. Sheshenina for SEM Reports (Leningrad, 1979) (in Russian).
[18] B.V. Derjaguin, B.V. Spitsyn, A.E. Aleksenko, A.E.
photographs of the specimens. Gorodetsky, A.P. Zakharov and R.I. Nazarova, Dokl.
Akad. Nauk SSSR 213 (1973) 1059.
[19] A.E. Aleksenko, B.V. Spitsyn, S.D. Tkachenko, V.S.
References Vavilov, B.V. Derjaguin, M.A. Gukosyan, T.A. Kara-
tigina, E.A. Konorova and V.F. Serigiyenko, Dokl.
[1] B.V. Spitsyn and B.V. Derjaguin, USSR Inv. Certif. No. Akad. Nauk SSSR 233 (1977) 331.
339134, 10.07.1956 (in Russian). Official Bulletin of In- [20] N.A. Pangarov, in: Rost Kristallov, Vol. 10, Ed. N.N.
ventions of USSR, 1980, No. 17, p. 323. Sheftal' (Nauka, Moscow, 1974).

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