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YEAR 4 (2022-2023)


Rules for Adding ‘-ing

 Short vowel sound, with one consonant – double the consonant and add ‘-ing’. Eg: hitting.
 Short vowel sound, with two consonants – add ‘-ing’ Example-jumping.
 Ending in ‘e’ – drop the ‘e’ then add ‘-ing’ Example-joking.
 Long vowel sound – just add ‘-ing’. Example-joking.
 If a verb ends in a vowel, add - ing. Examples: do / doing; echo / echoing; go / going; ski /
 If the simple form ends in ‘ie’ change the ‘ie’ to ‘y’ and add ‘ing’. Example-die – dying.

Task 1: Add -ing to the following words:

1. shave shaving
2. comb combing
3. make making
4. feed feeding
5. do doing
6. empty emptying
7. jog jogging
8. take taking
9. vacuum vacuuming
10. go going
11. sleep Sleeping
12. wax Waxing
13. change changing
14. fry Frying
15. get Getting
Task 2: Fill the sentences with word ending in ‘ing’ with
the helps of words given below.
Leave, Type, Skate, buy, cut, sleep, speak

16. While Dad was leaving, Lee was speaking on the telephone,
and I was upstairs sleeping.
17. Andrew was typing on the computer.
18. People should stop cutting the trees.
19. I love skating.
20. I stopped near the grocery for buying vegetables.

TASK 3 : Frame 2 sentences with verbs by adding ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ to it.
Ex: I was playing with my friend.
I played with my friend.

Fill the sentences with the appropriate possessive pronoun.

His, ours, my, her, your

1. This is my cat. I call him tuto.

2. Her diet is working. She looks healthy.
3. This house is ours. We have been living here since 2005.
4. Is this your coat?
5. This is his book. I saw him writing in it.

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