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Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE” is

equipment worn to protect the skin and mucous membranes from
exposure to infectious materials in spray or spatter or from the spread
of illness. It should be worn whenever there is potential for contact
which spray or spatter. Personal protective equipment should be
removed when leaving work areas. PPE is used in health care settings
such as hospitals, doctor’s offices and clinical labs to improve personal
safety in the health care environment through appropriate of PPE.
Personal protective equipment such as gowns, gloves, masks, face
shields and goggles provide physical barriers that prevent the hands,
skin, clothing, eyes, nose and mouth from coming in contact with
infectious agents. Mask, protective eyewear, and face shields is the of
eye protection. Face masks help limit the spread of germs. When
someone talks, coughs or sneezes, they may release tiny
drops(droplets) into the air that can infect others. If someone is ill, a
face masks can reduce the number of germs that the wearer releases
and can protect other people from becoming sick. It also to protect the
mouth and nose from splashes, sprays of blood, body fluids, and
respiratory secretions. Disposable face masks should be used once and
then thrown in the trash. If they become moist, wet or soiled it should
also be removed and replaced. The properly guidelines to wear a face
mask is to wash the hands before and after touching the mask. Touch
only the bands or ties when putting on and taking off a mask. Next,
make sure the mask fits to cover the nose, mouth and chin to protect
from airborne pathogens. Waterproof gowns are examples of personal
protective equipment used widely in healthcare facilities. Gowns have
been used to minimize the risk of disease acquisition by health care
providers, to reduce the risk of patient-to-patient transmission, and
during invasive procedures to aid in maintaining a sterile field. They are
used to protect the wearer from the spread of disease-causing
microorganism if the wearer comes in contact with potentially
infectious liquid or solid material. Sequence for donning (putting on)
and doffing (taking off) personal protective equipment (PPE) must be
used appropriately. First, need to perform hand hygiene, wash hands or
use an alcohol based hand rub. Gowns must be worn fully cover from
neck to knees, arms to end of wrist, and wrapped around the back.
Gowns must be fastened at the back of neck and waist

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