Bauzon Vulnerability

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R e r S , r t r t l oP r l i r i ì c ; l 0 ( 1 7 ; 1 1r i i

and bare!ife:
CarlosAugusto Peixotolúniortt
bioethicsand biopoliticstoday


l h c s t L r dhr a r l t h c o b l c e t r l c o l ' a n a l r z i n g t h c n o t i o n o l ' r L r h l c l ltbhial rtti rs L r s e t l

lrr bioelhic.s to dcbatcresL'arch involvinghuuranlreingstodar.liont lelleclrr.rns
on birlpolitrcsin contemporanculture. lìor this.thc startiuglroint* as(ìiorgrtr
Agambetr'srcadingofl'oucauit'srnodcl ()l'po\\'er(S()\'clcignn andlìtrpolitios)-
ri rtlt tl.rclttttti'l'sLtlrsequcnth anitllzins tlrc lotiott ol-trat'clilc ' liti' ti itltout
ltnr valuc".lt thcdcr iccsol'portcr in nrodcnrilcrtocracres bropolitical
str0tcgics $ ith tlretnrcr-ltcnce 01'thcstrengtlì()l sr)\cruun lr(r\\et.tlìlìttranslìrtn-is
lilè intrrbarelif' tact bioethicsmust be an instnrmcntîì)r pR)tectingpcople
u'htlhavcI'tcomevulncralrlc. Ncvcrlhelcss. berturdthetcrritorrol'tltc rulc ol'
lan. lriocthicsmusl alsoirenctratctlc undilÌèrentiuledzoncstr hcrc sovcrcignlr'
antl tccl.urirlucs bccourcnrirciì. disrcsPccting thc lìrrnticrsol'lriopoliticsand
t l t t e s t i t r t t i t thtct c r r t r d i t i r ti r, li I u l r t c r a l r i ì rrttrs c l 1 '

KEYWORDS: Bioethics.Vulnerabilitl. Health vulnerabilitr; Value of

life. Hcnlth rcseanchpolicl. f thics, researt'h.Human erperimentation,


Iìcginning in thc middlc ol'lhc sirlecrìth ccntun. thc scicnccs - nolabh lhc
pl* sical-matheniaticalscicncesr-rntlcrGalilco untl Ncnlon. but also hiologicul
s c i c n c e s a r t e l i r n l r l o rrtnt rt t l c : r , , \ n d r c ' V c s a l i u s - l ì r r s o o k t h c n t t ) l ' c | a s s r r c o r c ( ) 1 1 -
tettrll11t11 L'attitLrtlcstori ards n0trlrctllat rr cre uroundctl rn esscntrallrnrctil1rlrr'-
stcal perspcctii es. Irr alt aur()rao1'modemiil. thcr atlt4rteda nìorc actllt: stiurcc
in rr hich the crpc'rintcntal nrethod. n ith its requircmcnt.slìrr olrscn ution and
vcriJìcationol'hvpothcsesplnled a lundan.rentalrnlc. lv'loderr scicrrcchas lrnrkcu
drrrrn thc sepuration belrr cen epi.stene(theor.cticalhnou lctlgc) and tt,c./ric(ap-
plierl knoulcdge)- thcr.clx inluglutirrr.tscicntifìc irnd technrrrli rliscoursc his
Itas nrcitut that priictical ploblcrns rr ithrn thc technic;rlsphcrc lcad to scicrrtilìc
lnsljtrk) dc Mcdr< ina 5ocitl. L;nivrrsid,rde tlcvcktpttrertts. and alstr tirat thcolctrcal ll'potlieses arc tcstctl oui irì Pt'actrr:c
drr { <trrJo do Riu de j.rneiro. Rio de fanejrc.
through thcir technical applicatiorr.IJndcr thesc conditiorrs.dclclopntcnt ol'
Rl. Burl
thc cs1^-rimcntalnìeth()dhas ncocssadh'implrcd thc translìrrmationol'o1rjccts
Progrlnt.r do Prjs-tr.rrhr, em l)ritliirrrli.r Lrndcltnvsslrsationinto cxpurìmentalsuhjccts lt happenslhlrt. lì'trn thc aninral
( i u r i i . l . P r r r r l i í iirl [ . r r i r . t : r s i r i . l l J( r. ,: r t r i l r r: d u gtltrìL'aPlg:i initrllh Lrtilizedtn thcsc crpcrimcnts. u e havc o{}nìr t() usc l.rLrrnarr
R r i r r j r t l . n t i : i r r r .R r o r J t :j l n r : ì r , R l . B r . r : i l
uuinca ltius ut 1119 5lrhjcets ol'expctrurcnts l)cspite tltc possibic trth'rrnccsthlt
1l-usattttudc Ittar ltavc provitlcti rrithin thc scientrfìctkulain. it is inipossrirlc
.ltirt j.i {r.,rr liot to qucstlon tlìe stalute()t'human lilc ìn thcsc pr()ccdures.
{ntliluto d(' Mtrjk in.r Qx iil * LìtRl
R. Sro I runt i.t () \J\ i('r,if.l Within the tìelclo1'politrcs.therc halc becn nrauv trausltlrmationslnrnr u hich
F a rjui h a o l o , r l l . \ ' r . rI i i h ( ) . : " . l n d ; r r
l J i r ur , ' i ) r I - \ l u r . r r .r r . r
tlic scienccslunc Itcgiut ttr |g1l'(1111 a .lclenrirninu nrlc. lltesc harc !orÌe lit,nr
, l l i ; l ) - q { ì 1 ) Í i 6 1 1 .J . i r r . i r ' . R l , i l r r < i i ittratotttol-.olttrcsthrtt \\erc Llr()undrdin thc.lrsciplrnc ol'brrlrts and airrcd ut
; - l ì ì . t i l f. n . : f {i . , . t r . t î . ' l e t t . rr.r, t t ti r t
ittcrcascdindustriaÌ lrropoliticsthat ncre grounJcd in contnrl
over lilè irnd aimcd tt protlucing sulr-jcctireactl()n:ithat are m()rc atluned lo
R c r . n i r e c jJ: , j B , ? O C { ,
Reviervr:tl: I itl2 5/2O0b
thc postindustnalvi ar ol'ltl'e. l.'or such lilc. it is no lougcr ol'interest to -'crìusc
Apnroved: l/ I .1/?n07 to ltvc or ilie'' irut. f undanientalh. "to cuusc to sLu-r'ile thus nrodLrcinc\\hat
2 V u l n e r . l l r i l i t vl n r J l r : r e l i i t , , \ r j n \ 1 ò . P ( ì i x ù t oJ r .L A

(ìiorgio Agarntlcnrcallcd "lrare lilè'-. llclore discussing Ifutl ha.,e n<t kn<tv'ledceof nor/ertt
lhese clucstionsln()rc attentrvcìr'-it is emphasizcdthat ttedical concepts" (our (rl)
Lhisdtrcsrrot ntcan that all u ()r'kcrsin tltc nrorc p()l)ul()us
cliìsscsol'contcl-np()rar\IiIc havc bccn a1lcctL.dintlisen- Ì;onnins parl of'a critical tendeucr in thc dctratcon tl.rc
nìiniìteì\ l.rr lrlol-roncrstrlrtcgicslotlctrrri thcdilcrsitr ctlrics ol'r'cscalch()ll hunlan hcings lv{acklirrirrtcndcd
o l ' i t c t t t t t lo l ' i t s n t c c h a n t s t t t si.t u o u l d b c n e c c s s i u l to turl hioclhrcs into l lxrlitical inslr'unrtnttlrat riould
t() c()nsidcr at lÈncth lhs innunrerablc sociopolitir:al. cnsurc pr()tcctlon and. cr)nsccìucntl\'.lìrìn-c\plùrta-
ecorurrr.ricand cultural dittèrcnces bctricen clilltrent tion of vulncrablc indiriduals ller articlcs and tc\ts
p()pulali()ns.rvhrchri as nol lhe olr.jectirc ril'the prcsent t'ccord sl.rccilìcsilualions thirt cuusc rclìr:ction (nl lhìs
pl1.rcr.In passing lì'om pttrver to hiol'nrvcr. the ethical pnrblcnr
riuuslr() tr scrcnti lìc ìrl'acliccs h irvc crrilctl
rrp ircr:ourrrrginclcasingh pronrinent. l.trr erantplc. I k r r i c v e r - . n i t l r t h e r r i t n o l ' l r c t t c r -d i s c u s s i t r r ro 1 ' t h e
n'hal can the basts ire lìrr a bioelhical app'oach that qucstion posed ak)\'s. it rs noted that hcr dcfìnilron ol'
not ortlr protects hunran trcings liorn purc and sinrple vulncrabilitr relates not onll to a groop ol'pcople mo-
pcrvcl'scrrtrlizationas instruntcnts.hut also poscs lhe mentarj h incapablc ol' crcr ci sing their.licedorn bcciìu*-
clLtcsti{-)lì ol'thc statuteof vulncralrrlin' trf sorne lit esl of'phr sical c(xìtingcrìciesoL becilus.:ol'the "rrrrtural'-
\ \ ' h u t r s t l ì r :s t i r t u t ro f ' l i l è r r rt l r c l j e h t ( ) l ' t h cs ( ) \ ' c l ' c r g n t \ c(ìnsc(lucncesol'thc crrurscof'lrlc. but itlso 10 iurotlter'
crcrcrscrì ltr bropori er'.)( )r. furlhcrrnolc. at tltc plcscrìt- gr()ilptlìilt also shrxr.sitscll'to ir incapable. but lrccause
riar lnrntierrso1'biopolitics.cotrìd thcrc lre :.i()mcnl(lrc of"'social" and "political" cons!-(ìuences.'fhus.gtrinu
\\'()rlh\ llvcs that cn.jor lhc advanccs of scicncc and back to tlic delìnrtion of'thc Couucil lbl Intentational
rrthcr Iives considelcd to lt o1'Iou cr vaI ue. u hich ri ould Oruanizationsol'Me'dical Scicnccs.i1 cln lre secn lhal
scn c nratt'tltas guillca pius 1ìrrscicntifÌc cxltcnntcntsÌ
'lhcsc s hat partialh charactcrizctlthis secondsroup is r lack
atu jttst sonrcol'thc (lLlestjolìs than cannotrcrrrairr
o 1 .' l c 1 ì n i t i o nt r l 't h c s t a tu t c o l -t h c i r c i t i z e n s h i l i
* ithoLrtre|lics (rr that. at thc \ cn lcirst.detnand ntore
íìttunlt\c'iBoroustltrcstiorìtng Iurthcr considc'ring ttthcr problcrìls prr:scnt in thrs
dclinition. sonrc authorshar c pro|trscd (o makc a clis-
AND GETTTNC tinclion l'r'tuecn tlic couccpt ol lulncralrilitv antl the
HURT conggpl ol' susceptibrlitr or gctting hur1.1':ì Kottotvru
argutcl tlrlt vttlncrtrbrlitr ti irs ut.ranthroItrltrgicirlattlr-
ln a Papcn " l l r t r c t h i c rs'.u l n c r albi trr
r i t l i t l i ct r t l e irittc ol-all hr-rnran
lreings. becauscof'tltc srmplc lìrct ol'
and pl.1r1gg1iiln".r0 lìuth Mackìin grscd thc lblkning l**ing alir e, u'hile susceptibilin u as a ihstch'antagc that
(lucstr()n."tr hat rnakcsindir iduals-E oups (ri c(ìurìtncs artlse in s()nìc:iociiìl €lroupsor intlividtials. [,ike rrrsc.
lulncral"rlc.)"Accolding to the dclìnition o1'thc intcr-- S c h r a m n r x * p r l > p , r s c ttlh n t - a l t h o u g h p o t e n t t n l l l o r
ltatl()nal c-thrcalguidelincs lìrr biorncdical rc-scarch. thcorcticalh lulnerablc. uot all l)coplc actuallv g.ct
rclrsud lrr thc ('oLrncrllix- [ntcrnational( )r-ganizatr,-rns httrt In tlrrsrcsPcct"it is usscntiallirr corrtcnrpollnc()'Lr:i
ol' N{cdrcul Scrcrtccs-*"r'ulticltlrlc Pe()lllc ur-c thosc
brocthicsto distinguish'.mcrcr uhìerabrlitr 1ìrrrucllcc-
peoplr: uho are relativeli' or abstrlutclv incapable o1'
tivcll scttins hurt". lhis shilì allorvsthc idca rf'cqualitr
protccting thcir orrn intercsts In a uìore lirrnral man-
and lLlsticein thc globalized *olld to lre rcthor-rght.
rlcr. thel mav have insui'lìr:rcntpo\\cr. intclligcuce.
sincc il acct:l)tsa sitttalionol-asvtlrnctn . ln this sense-
cducltron. rrsourecs. stlcltgth ()r othcr attributr-sthitt
' inJir itlLralsand ptpululions arc m()nlclltarih ercludcd
iìrc ncccs\all lì)r llr()tcctlll€tthctr tntcrcsts (P. 6O) r! lu
lìtrur the r-ulcol'luri. livirrg itt atr irtdctcrrnilìiìtL'
t h c l i g h t o l ' t l r i sd c { i n i t l t r n . :1uh " p l i u c r p a lc h a l a c t en t t i c
-'lirnrted in rihrch thcir lì'ccdou'rrs diuruiishcd aurl lhcir lircs
of vulncrabilitl crpressedbl this guideline is
ca|i1grh or lì'ccdonr".thus shtlrring that spcciticgrl)Lrl)s Ioss value.
cotrld be consitlcrcd virlnerablc- rrs lìlllos s: 'l
hus. thc ilcbirte ab()LrtvLìlnel'ahilitr susccPtibilitr
"'l hcsc urclrrtlc sulrordinatcnìclnlrcrs ol' hrcrarchical and gcttrng lturt bccornes thc cpicertter',.rl'rctlcclrons
sLrchlrs soltlicrsol sluclcnls:elticrh lrcoplerr ìtlt on c()rìtcnllrrriìre()Usltrocthics. rihich can. h0$ctcr.
rlcmcutrau htl are lii ing rn old pqtlc s houics- pctplc orrh he clucidatcd trr pLrttrngit into its hiopolitrcal
rccciving socrial ser:ur'ìt\ (rr curc bencfìts: other p(x)t' c()ntc\t. With tliis ob.jcctivc.thc discussionnì()\'cs()u
ttnc ntp Itn'ed pe op tc ; |'toli rt ( tnt tut'nt t t\ t(til t.\: .\o nte of'contcmporarr biopolitics so that. li'tln
to the sul-r.jcct
ninrst'in'crhrricottd raciol gtotrlt.s:htntele.s.s. rutntotlic thìs. the ell'ectivc reuch ol'l.iopolilics acrossthc toPrc
atttItIi.spIotttIpt<t1tIa(ù' I efi|ge(s; ])t'i.sotut'.t.ttrtdtncm- ot triocthics cur l-rclrcttcr rssoSSCrl

.l t)l)rrJ

f)r.iil lo\t, I0l)

R t ' v \ . r r i d e P t i b l i <a l 0 ( ) l ; , 1 l r i l 3

AND ACAMBEN po\\cr perìctl'atcsinto l-xrdiesan(l pri)duca:i sitbjecltvc
tt ere aitncd
actrons.Ifol thrs rcas(ul-his inr cstigatror.ts
Ìv{ichcl biopoìitics
n ithiulhcplclufc lìurtlarncutalh'lorr altls thc ptrlilicrritcchniqucsand the
ol'a lrt'oatlcrstratcg\'ùat he called brripo*er Hrs l'uu- technologiesof the individual. I{ou'cver. cvcn th()ug.h
danrcnlulhr pothcsrsu us that. undcr a leginre o1'solc- linonng uhat is convcntionalh callcd rnicr-opolitics.
rcignt\. thc subject ou ed I'rislilc and death to thc u ill lìoucault statctl that thc modcm \\'estcm statc brings
ol'lhc solercign is hcausc thc sovcre'icncan kill t o g c t h c r s u b j c c t i v c i n i l i l r d u a t i o n t c c l ' r n i r l u c sa n d
ihat hc e\crLìiselihis richt r'r'cr lil'c".r'íp. 2,\7 ). I lnilcr ob.jcclivc totalization procedtu'cs itt unpreccdcntcd
thesc ctrntlttir)lls.llo\\ cr is a mcchartisrrtlirr- rcrntx al proptrlious. IIe lclcrlcd to u "doublc link constitutcd
and usuqration- l.e. a negativc 1\)\\'cr ovcr hl'e. l)ilì'c- bv individuation and siniultaneoustotalìzation ol'thc
renth. in thc classical cra- po\\'cr ccirsed to bc hascil rtr-ucturc:iot' pori cr" 1' (p. 229 -232)
plcdonrinanlìr' on rcmoval and appropliatitll. str as to
fuuction on the basis o1'ìnciterncnt arrd surlcillunce. N-oncthelcss.also accordinu to Agarnben.r thc Inrìnt
sorr'l'crgrtstarled to P1o{116.'-
intcrrsil\ arrd ordcr a t r r l t r c h t ì r c s c t r i r ) i r s l t c c t so l ' p t ) \ r e t c o ì ] \ ' L ì l ' g\t\ i t s
Itxccs r.norctiran lirniting or dcstror ins the'nt. rs not clarilìed lrv l"or-tcuLrlt's thinking. ruìd it rcntailÌcd
tht polllt at uhich thc classical llassagcol poucr ltr 'oonccalcd -'indctcrìninate
as a point" or an zonc''. ltt
biopt'tu'er as proJxrsedbl I'oucault ciìn bc situated: thcse tenns. anl approach tonards thrs uottld rcquirc'
".fou causinc to di( und lettins lit'e superpositiclnol'thc trvo tìrrnts ol'po\\cr describcd
lrrrrrcr lrecamc "cnusirrsrrslive unrl lctting di<'f hi,tp,,- lfove; patchurtrk betneen ihc :i()\'creign{\ an(ì bro-
vtr hroprtliÍic,sl"{l'-ouoault.r'p I 8l ). polrtrcs urodols.

lhis "causrng kr livc" that clìxrilctcrtzcsbroporier is (ìoing bai.k to thc (ìr'cek clistinctionbctuccn ;oc- tltc
bascd on tu o spccifìc technokrgies his lìrst of thcsc- s i m p ì c f a c t o f l i r i n g - s h i c h i s o o n l n l ( ì nt o a l l l i r r n g
rvliich uas creatcd in thc ser.cnteenthand eightecnth lrcings (nrirnals- miìn or gods) - and ói(r.r(thc ri ar
ccrìtufics. consists ol' tcchuicyucs(hat are essclltiall\' ol' lir ing that is particular to an inclivrdual()l' gr()ul)).
ccntercd on thc indir iclLrallrtidv irntl eharaclenzcd ll Agarnbcn en.rphasizctlthat nhcn l'lato anii Aristotlt-
lttrrceclLtrcs tliat cnsurc its s|atral distributron rrììdtlìc thc'onzedirlroutittc'.thcr drd rì()tu:ic tltc tcrlr zot'. l hts
L,r'gaurzation of its visibilitr (tccllriclucs1ìr'rationaLza- rr as bccausc rr hat u as at lssuc rt as not slmplc natlrritl
tion iud cconolnl that arc dcstined to ìncrcascthe useiìl s ar of lilc
lif'c.i.c thc l.rartrcular
lili but rxrlr clLralifìed
'l'he '7'hc
lìrrcc t combinaliorrol-thcsc Lcchnitluoscompliscs ytli.s did not includc naluraÌ lilè. u hich rcmaincd
a givcn'ipline ln thc course til the cightcenth iìsmcrc rcprtductive lite u ithin the sphcreo1'thcolÀo.s
ctrll tua. anothcr (cchnologr trl'Potrcr crncrgc,d.rr hich (hottic.1.Agatttbcu thcrt rclc'trcd t() ir piìsiagc lrv Ar'ìsto-
rlid not c\chlde tlic lirst tcchuLrlogr hut. in adclrtitn llc tl l)olitiku. uhrch is *xrsidcrcd to bc litndanrcnlal
ttr ntuking thc lrodr trholc, uas dircctcd cssentrallr to thc Westcm political tratltion. In thrs. the philostr-
l(r\\.ardsnranagrnslit'c (binhs- deaths.hcalth and lon- phel deiìncs thc "goal ol'îhc pcrlèct conÌmunit\'" alld
gcr itr ). thc anattlnopolitics tll'the lrodr bccamc contrastcd the simplc I'acttlf lir ing ri rth lrt'c thut u as
Ibe hì opo l i t i c.r r,l' lil'c. p o l i t i c a l l r q u a l i f i c d ." l r o r n n r l h a l i L ' \ \ t ( ) Ì i v i r t g . b u t
c\lsting csseutialh \\ ith iì \'ic\\ 1oiilrng ri cll"r (p I I )
Accot'rling to (ìir,rgio .{glntlrcrt.r 1ìrrrnthis hr'Potlre- (fonsitlcring this corttr-itst tlrat z\riskrtlulril(lc. rt clul lìt
sìs. l'oucartlt pllcctl biopolitics in a prolrlem-sctting
statedthat. in ancicnt tirncs. zrlc $iìs u()t l.rickcdLrplrr
relaîionship trctuccn ìilè and historr'. or tretuecn lill'
the dcvices ol'politics. As scen carlicr. on llte basis ttl'
and polrtics.
this tlclìnition. I:ortcaLrltshoned lh,.'thrcshold
" . \ÀIhrrtcould ì-c callcti thc 'tlrrùshold ol'biokrgicaì of tlrc Moderlr Agc. natural lil'c starlcti to bc includcrl
' ol'statc'l)()\\ur- and politrcs lrccantc
in thc rttcclrartisrrts
triodctlitr ol'r socictr is stttratctill titc lll()lìtclltri hcn
the s1'rc{jjgs l.rcomcs a hcing that Iuts rts ori n ptllrtical trurisîìrrncd into biopolitics (rdcur).
strategiesinto plai For thousanclst'rfr remli-
On thc othcl hand- Acambcnr retcn'etl to the l'act that.
n e d n h a t h e n a s l o r A f i s l o t l c : a l i v i n g u n i n r a li t n d . i n
in 7'hal{unton C<tndition at thc cnd o{'thc I 9-í(is.I lan-
uddition to this. capabkìol'politioal csistencc-mr.rdcrn
nah Arcndt-t'l.radalreadr anah zccl thc prrrccss thll lcri
nìiìn ls au irr.trrrrw ll ht'sc lilè ol'I Iiving lrcing is rn
iiorking nìen's lir.cs to r)ccup\ thc ccntcr r.rl'politrcitl
q u c s t r o ut h r t r u g l rh t s p o l i t r c s " ( l : o u c a u l t . r ' p I 3 4 ì
l.orier iu the nrotlenr cra.'' .Acc(r-dingtii Arcnrlt. thrs
flut. 1ìlrllc sltcilìcallt. ul.tirt ivtlultl ùis pelr;eptior.r
o1' pliu'ract ol' niriural lilc ovcr p()litleal actiort ri rruld
lilc through politics or this total polrticrzatrontil' litc cxplain lhe h-anslirrmationand tlccadcncettlthe public
consist tll'.) spacc'.thus causing Westctl dcuocraoies to lt clsiìr'
inkr ttrtalitarianÍe8inrcs. lrronr these ll'-
l n u o r k i n p o n l h c r l t r c s t i o n( ) 1 ' l ) o \ \ ' e rI.' o r 1 9 n n 1r1: 1 1 d litltltescs.Agamben slatcdthat euln' ,rf lhc:oe into
l l ( ) t p u t t h c l c g i r l i r t s t r t u t i o u i tal p p r . o a c hu r r r p r i r i l c - the sphcrc ol'thcTro//.s.the politicization ol'lrare lilL' as
leJ ps';i1ir.,r't- but srrlrglttlrl urtalrzc the \\a\ rn uhich sucll. constitutcsthc clecisnc cve nt in thc mttdem cra.
4 \ i r l n c r a b i l i n ' a n r l l > a t el i i e , A r . i nN l . \ R ' i x o l o i r . ( A

n hich srunalsa radrcaltnruslìlrnulionol thc prtlrtical- lcsults liom the presentl)rcd(uì1irìuncc r)l' gr)\'tnllnellt{r-
p l t i l t r s o p h i ccaal l c g o l i cosl ' c ì a s s i c a t hÌ r n k i n g "i rp I 2 ) lilr is conipcnsatrd 1rl thc rccrnclgenceol'sot ctci::ntr
( )nh rcllcctiontliatintcnogùtcsthcrclatitxrship "
bctrvc- ri ithin thc fìclt1o1'gover"nmentalitr ilìutlcr'." 1t.li51
crì barclrl-cand politicsnould cnablccornprehensi()lì
ol'ihc prrxluctionol'lhc indctcrrninate zonesthatlorm Iìrom Nazism to (iuanlhnanrlr.thc u al' in u hich demo-
'l'his crirtic rcginlcs in the Wcst havc' becn tmnsÎrtrlled ciul
parl ol' thc sccnanool'modem lifì rcasuning
ntcrrnslhat this sludrI rclatcst() the t()talitariau statrs be traccd out. l'hc plogressive e\pansiort ()f e\ecuti\ c
(ii' tlìc t\\ utrcli a biopoliticalboth. porrer has ntadc it possiblc tìrr thc statc trl't\ctlìtt()n
\ \ i r s c ( ) u s i i t t r t crds t l ì c o r i r r i n a cl o n t l t l ' r t r t i oonl ' t l i c t o c n r c l o c i ì s a t d c h n l ( l u el ì r r u o v t - t l i n g . I h c ' I l r ' ( r c l a -
stl ereign p{r)\\'r:r. rrtationol' a stateol'erceptiot-trs inr-;reasinghscen n()t
onll as a securitv mcasure but also as thc delensc oÎ
"dcmrrcracr'"r(p 32-33) I Ioncver. accordingto Wallcr
IIFE iìenlanrin.sthe problcrn r)t'the stiltc of crception prc-
s c n t s c v i d c n t a n n l r r g i c sn i t l t t h c c l u c s t i o no 1 ' t h c n g l r t
l;orAgamberr- thc stateof'erccptionis theder'íccthroLr-
t o r c s i s t a n c c 'I.l c ' s h t l u c , . l t h a t t h c r e s i s l a n c cs h o L r l d
gh ri hrchthc lurr firrrnspartol'lile. I hc nrainrclerencc
applopnatc thc cxoclitiou as rui instruntcut iu thc an-
t o t h r s p a r a d o \ i c a lp h e n o m c n o ni s t h e p o s s i b r l i t v -
ti1ìrscislslrugglc. therebv subvcltinq its legal-polrtrcal
inr okcdl.x nrodernttltalitarianism. of startinga "lcgal
prcsuppositions.IJndcr thcse condititlns. hc raiscd thc
c i t i l u a r " . ' i n u l r i c h t h e -N a z ì S t a t er l a s t h e b i g g e s t
.l hvpothcsis that atrsrrlutcprolìtnutitlrt rvtruld c,rincide
cramplc. hrougl'rthc "l)ccrcc lor thc protectionol-
u rth lìrll consecrali()rl
thc ltco1-.l. anil Statc . Proclaimccl u I:etrruarl I:)i-.ì.
I litlcrsrrsyrcnde d lhc ur-ticle s ol'tlicWctntarconstitutit ur- " l hc tlarJitiono1'îhcoplrrcsscdtcircltcsus that thc 'statc
therebrenablilgtheeliminationot thclivesof not onh ol crocption' in n hich u c livc hencetillh becomcs thc
Ptrliticaladlcrsaricstrutalsricntitc crrtt:g(ìl'ics of citi- rule. Wc nced to rcach a conccptualizrttionol'historl
zens.Stnccthattlmc.lhe crcationtf'a llemanentstirtc that concsponclsto this situiìtion.We trill thcn have our
ot'cniergcncv hasbecrlmcr.rrtc ol'tltcpolitrcalprlcticcs task in tiont of our-clcs: to cruse thc stateol'esccirtiort
rrl' crrlrt ultlol anr()ì.ls "rlentootali c" statt:ì I Agatttbcrt.l to Ì'cconrc cl'llctir e: this n rll rcrnlìrrcc our |osititrn irt
l(i{ )-lp I 3 ) I hrspnrctrceol' tite stateol'erccptionhas the strtrgglcagainst lìscisnr" (ÌJcnjaurìn.sl99ti: 22ti)
r.rìaclc it possrltleto annulthc in,lii idLral'slegal:.itatutc.
thusclcatlnga leqallr namelcssberng. l'hc indicatron that lìcnjarniu secms to lcavc irr this
pir:ìsagcis that onc of' thc main politioal tasks of'thc
( )rtcol-theircstc()lltenlporarl cr ampleso1- thissìtuati tru rcsistanoL-is the-appropriation - bv meatrs ol a lllìc o1'
' 'l
is the"rndcflnilc dctcution irl'tlic alibancíUrturcd in pnrfìnation ot'uhat ciuuìot lrc prolìrncd (Aganibcn.'
A l g h a n i s t a np.r ( ) c l a i n ì ehdr ( i c , r r g cI ì u s h .1 ' h c s c1 r c - 2 ( l { ) 5 j* r r l ' t h e l x r s s i h i l i t i e sl ì u ' s t r u g g l i n gu g i u n s tt ì r s -
oirlc are consrdcredto be nctthcr pnsoncrsnor under crsm- u hich arc caught up l.r the clcviccs ()f fx)\\er that
accusation: thcl alc "dctaincd''andarcsullcctto "purc arc thc statc ()l e\ccptl()r.r.
s()\crclgnt\in lealrtr" ancìdcplivcdof anl possibilitr
ol' crercisiuuthcir citrzcn'srights.Partitrllvadoptrng Inspiled br' []cniarlin's ohscn iltit)n. Acamltn ntaclcln
Ar.littttirctt's hvpothescs..lLLclith llrLtlcroanrtlrzctlthc c \ l ì a u s t i v ea l l i r hs i s t ' l ' t h e l e g a l t r a d i t i o n si r n J a r g u c d
JlrcOilÍl(ìlls ctrltcltt ìtlti rrf'the tlt-'lainccs lt ( ìttautlinani0. that tl'rcrcu ls a tiebatc l)ct$ ccn tlrosc rvho tricd 1oiuclu-
rlnd sho\\'ed that thev are e\acth in thc "indc'tcrminlte dc thc stalc t.rl'cxccptronri ithin thc donrain ol the lcgal
zonc" urcntioned r-arlicr. l'hc .lelainccs are sub.ject s\');tcmund lhosc riho considcled it to lrc outside it It
onll k) the tlcctcc froclaimcd bv the l)epartmcnt o1' should hc rcmenrbercd thilt the trc11ì'ciJn
I)clensc ot'the tlnited Statcsgor.cmnìcnt.iin March 21. c\ception and solerc'igrlh \\'as initirllr cstablishetlbl
2tx)2, I lris. in thc narrrcol'a sccrtritt ulcll. srrs|cndcd Cirrl Sclrmilt in his hook l)olitit:ul 7 heolog,,' Accor-
'l dins ttr Schnritt. thc solcrcign is the onc riho dccrtlcs
llic nirtional and intcrnatitxrallau s hcse rndir itluals-
desr:ribcdas "potcntial lcllonsts", rcmain in a stateot' lirout thc strtc ol'c\ccptirlr ( l aubcs.r' I 99:) ). Althou.el'ì
ctcmaì dctenlion u ithout thc right to anr' ludgnicnt. thcrc has bcen ri idesprcad comrnent about thrs phrase.
Agirmlrcn statcd that thcrc u as no theon tìrr the state
go into the ttl.ric more decph. llutler lcsorled to the o1'crception in public lau . l lc asket-l.if thc puqrose o1'
sanlt arptìmcnt as pnrl.rosctlbr Aganrbcn. ln tliìs- taking the stltc ol'c\ccpl.iorl u as to stisperrdthc lcgal slstcrn-
IrotrcauÌt'sltr,1-rothcscsas thc rclcrcncc.sovcrciuntl and horr could this lre untlcr.stoodrr ithin thc legaì order')
irr,,rpolrticslrc llclhaps nr)t rtutualh cxclusivc lcgrmcs. ()r, on thc othcr hand, if thc slatc of erception \\ a:i ()nl\
On thc c()ntran,. bropolitics esclciscd bv sovcmmen- a situation ol'realitv that n as lìx'cign to or contrarl t()
taìttl rrould allo* adnrinistrationol'rcgrìlations l() bt: {he lau. lrorr uould iî be possiblclbr the lcgal s\ stenl t()
cstalrlishcdtrut'eauc:ratrcallr.and rr oulr-lacccpt the r:xcr- prescnt a gap prcciseh' in this srtuatron'l{Agarnlrcn.p.
cisiltgol'vrt crcign 1-rort
cl thr)Ltghthc statcol'crccptrorr 31); 111
11'," ntrrrldntrt.jus-1bc a topokreical
\À'ith rcirarJ [o sLrsl*-r.rsttin
o1'tlic autlroritr o1'tlic lau. rlucslion- insrclcor otttsrdcol'thc icgirl :jvstenr- trut an
Ilutler shr.lrctlthat'thc rclutivc loss u1'sovereislìn'thdt undrtlèrentratcd zouc rn uhrch insrtlc and outsidc are
R t ' r S r r i d e P r l l r l i r; . 1 0 ( ) - ; , 1i1l j 5

n()t rììutuall\ e\clusi\.c grvLÌ thiìt thc! arc rccil)r()(iall\ In cornpt'chcnding politicsìn tcnnsol-asocialcr)ntl'ttot
tttdctcmrinatc.'lhc nrtltletrr sliltc ()l' c\ccption \\()uld and nrrl as a sorcteignhortdo.x ,,\gittttbcn consiclctcd
thcr.r:lìrrcllc ln attcnrl.ltu ithrn thc lcgal sr stcnr tt' in- thirt r.nodcrndcntocracl l.radbeconte rrtcaltablc ol'
cludc its orrn escclltion. thcrelrr crcatrng a Élra\ z()nc thinking ol' non-slatc' polrtics. Dillèr-entlr liotrt thc
in s hrch elcut and lan' coincide 1p a3 ) modcnr rcprescn{ation of' politics as citizcns'righ(s.
lì cedomandthc sricialotrntrect. in *rvcrcig,rt Pr)\\el'thc
ln thc theorics analvzcd br Agurnben. thele arc va- politic'rlsl)acels lundartrentalh thL'space of barelitc
lious crarttìrlcsol'ovcrlappilìg hr't\\eclt 1heucts o1'tl.rc 'i'hus.
rrhut had i.ecnbanncdeudcdirP separatedtìl)rì1
eree utive and lcgislatir c Po\\crs l{orrcr cr. thc lnr)st socrullitc. andit is tlusopcraturtt of incltrsirc ctclrtsitrtt
important polnt in this debate is to comprehend the pro- thatiutegrates contcmporanltiopoliticsiìndgeol)olitlos
blcnr poseclin apph ing the lari. lìelèn'irrg to lhc lccturc ( A g a m h c np. r l l 6 )
givcn lrl I)c-nìda" ol'Lau: thc ntvstrcal basis
tìil utrthoritr'''.rihat rs in question is the possihilitr ol' Seekinga nrorepfc'cisedclirnitatitx 1ìrrthis problerri-
r s o l a t i n gt h c " l t r r c e o l - l a r l i n r e l a t i o nt o t h c l a u ' ' l h c Agambertselcctctl thcconeentlntirllìciuìtllltsrrnctll'the
- bioptrliticalparaJierrrs possiblclìu.thcnroderrlcraand
s t u l co f c s c c p t r o r r i o r r l t l h c a s t a t co l ' l a u " i n u h i e h
--Muslini'- an tl ìto
thc ilrrv is rn l'trrce.but doe s not havc the strength to tre thc Alabic tcnìì tllatnlcalìsst)nìcone
applied. In this statc of crccption. on thc other hand. slrbulitsunrescnedh'to divinc uill 1hccarnp
acts that tlo not havc thc valuc ot'larr acquirc thcir slanp.sonreone \\ ho "surlcndcrsto dcath"{Ag.amltn.l
--lìrtce". ''lìu'cc -
p ó4) as an cnrblcmaticfìgulc lìr'lrarc lrte. Accor--
in strchcascs.the o1'lari" fìoats as an
c l c n r c n to l ' l c g a l i n t l c t c r n r i n a c l a l i ) r c co l ' l a * u i t h o u t dirrgto lhe reporll'rr'Ì)rimo Lo i in thc btlok Ls tlùsu
"Muslun \\ as thettarticcliuscnto dcstgttatc
rirnri.). an
laii a lat lcss s1u,Jcat thc hcart o1'thc lirrr.
undelìnedllcing.a limiting esyrelience of suqrpresston
In tìris rcspcct. l"oucault's Irr pothcsisrìecdst() bc sup- ot'huniandignitr in lheconccntraf ioncamps ln thiscr-
plcnrentcti.Nou. this is not jnst thc inclusion o1'thczoe pericr.roc.\'csctativclile andpoliticalIit'carecont'uscd
in thc 7r,.,1is.
i.c thc 1ìrllinclrrsionot'1iièin the ilcviccs ol' u ith eachrfhcr. u'hich nìakesth.: "Muslinr" lìrll
politrcs. Consrtlcrins that thc cxccptrrrnis incrcasingh' u itncss"ol'thccthicso1'Auschri itz tAgan.rlren.rp 57)
bccorning thc rulc- lilc is startinrrto coincitlc r\aotl\' Iiloru thc tcstinronlo1'thc"N'JLrslim-'. thc oalì11)cottld
uitli thc politrcal uhich c:.clusion an..lint;lu- [.e considcredto he tlte uno()lltc:itablc eratnPle o1'thc
ston- óù;.s ttnclz;e. and llu and !'\'cnt c(rme t(r inhabit tìrctthat the statcof exceptiouhad beconc thc nrle. It
a .zonctrl'incrorablc in.lctcrrnrnacr'Jt is thus that lilc' \\ asn()[tlnll thcplaccol'tieatlr.lrutabolc all thc stase
bccomcs hare li1c. tbr an crpcrinlcntin \\ hich.h*'ond lrle andclcatir. thc
Jcu rr as translìrmrcd ainto "Muslinr"

OF BARETITEIN THEMODERN W i t h i n a s p a c ci n n h r c h t h c t c c h n o l o g ro t ' c l c a t hr s
ERA matcrialhachicvcdin a "r'ulgar.hurcaucratie andda\ -
'l'aking br'-dar"' nìanner.deathand its labricationocascttr bc
aboutthc dillerent: both are translìrnlctl ir.rttla nrercprocluctol
stirlco1'crccption n ithin Lhcsphclc ol'thc la\\ anclthc
tcchnicalsophrsticatiort. Oncc again.thrsdcsradiltl()n
t()lrscllueutconsu'uctionof thcorìcs about the limit ol'
ol'tlcirthtodal can onlv bc coml-rrehcnclctl lrr ureirrts
Ittttttutìacttott tltat ts clPlcsscd thlougli c\crt-ji:;ing:i()-
ol' srqrerl'r,.rsìng thc t\\ () modclsot'pou ct dcsclihcdhr
r crcient\. Agamben aimcd to comprchend \\hat statutc I I'l'hc unpreredented
I'-oucault. attairurent of abvrluti nu
lrlc'ri ould halc il'it n as inrPdsoncdb'r'antl abandoried
i1 lri1lll1rncr is conjugatcduith thc gcneralization o1'
to s(x'crclgn dccrsion l"or this. hc approprrated the
srlvereisnpo\\'cr.and bropoliticsneccssatilrlrccomcs
rì()tì()n()l'sircrcdrtr'ss- u hrch. outside ol'the domlins rll'
c o n l ì r s e ut li t h t h a n a t o P o l i t i cI n
s t h i s l i g h t .A g a n t b c n
p e l l l ì l l Í Ì \ \ a u d s a c r i l ì c c .r s a t t h c t l i r : r u o f ' t h c l r r l r t r c r r l
-'sot pruposcdii thirdlìxlrula in u hich thespccrlìcttlof'thc
Itlclr. crctgn rclers to tlrt' sl-rlrerc in ir hrch ()ne cun
biopohticsol'thc tu cnticthocnlurl n oultl bc gnrslrerl:
kiìl nithout committing rnudcr tnd rlithout cclcbra- "no lorrgercotr.tirtgÍo ctie.ot'lctting livc- bttt cnil.sllr€
ting a saolrlìcc.and sacred.i c. capablc of bcing killcd
tctsurt'ive"(Agln.rbeu.rplt)81 Not life andrtotdeath.
lrut r.rrrtsacnfìccd. rclcrs to thc lilt that nas ciìPtrn-cLl lrutonll pnrductiontrl'sun ilal .
in this sphcrc" (Agarnbcn.r p 9l t Sacrcd lit'c or hlrc
hlc rioulil. in thcse tcnrrs. bc thc hlc thc constituteJ In el-lcct.uith cach scParatl()rllrclucc:nutrn-hrtmatt
-'Muslinrzurd '.
t h e P r i n r i r r r c ( ' n t c r ì t( ) l t l ì c s o \ c r c i g r ì p o \ \ c r - . l h u s audhunran.ncu lionticrsbctrrccn nrlrr
c\pressrng the derrVcdnaturc ol'the subjccti0rro1'hl'c betueen"r'cgetatir,e lilè andconscitiuslil'c''.bctuccn
t() a p()\\cr ol'dcrttlr. Ncithcr óios norzoe- sacred lilL' ani,lrclìrgccs"and bct\r'cen"qurlìfìcd lires
thus bcconres {r grav tollc. and liles uithout anv valuc''ltre:ictup. In thc lasl ol'

l i r v t . l r . t r r . i ì l r ' . r r t l 1 l i L , . r , r ; s . t i r r r . i n r . u t . r l r . l l l t t : . o r t ' r r ' ì , l l t " 'l\' g. 1. tl rl rr .r l r e l r ,

6 I r r l n e r a b i i i t ya n d b a r el i f o ' \ r i n N 1c \ P e i r r * oJ r .( A

thcsc cases.the sy-rccifìc sltuali(ln i)f's(n.ìc develtprng rr.rodcnrcra. d()otors and scicntisls ntove in a krnel o1
c o L r n l r i u sc a r r l r c h i g h l t g h t e J .i n r i h i c h t h c c f i s q u l l r - n() rran s Iand that pt'cvtottslvtlttlv tltc sovct'etgncotrld
licattou ol'solllt lrrcs is hlutantir risiblc thc c n t c r '( A g a r n b e n .p' . l t - )
isolation of a residual lilt u ithin thc ctrnlinuurnol'litè
can also bc dcf ined. in ri hich survival is at thc pricc rrl' I)espite the progress ol' thc Wcstctr dcmocracics.
its dcgra.iatitxr. rvhich cannrrt be cornparcrl in anr' \\al lo the Nazt
Stutc-the t$ cnticth centun $ as markcd lt\ succcsstvc
ricrrouncenrcnts ol'rcscarcl'ìon huttranbcings. \\ hlch at
" L I F EW I T H O U T V A L U E . . . " l e a s t u n t i l t h c l t g i n n i n g o f ' t l t c l l ) 7 {t 5 1 1l i s s t i l l h c i n g
pcrlormcd \\'rthout nruch ethical cotnrnitutcrtt. ()nc
In nrotlcmpoliticalhiston. thcrcru'evadouse\anlplcs
ol' the most ii'cqucntlr mcntioned eramplcs is thc
ol'thc*-hropolitrcal liontiers.Anrongothers.Agamhen
1'uskeggeStuJv txt si'philis. ri hich n as can'rcd t'ul ilt
nientionslhc separalrr'rn lrelu'ccnhunranitarian anilpo-
A l a b a n r a .i n t h c { J n i t c t l S t a t c s .l i o n t l 9 1 2 t o 1 9 7 2 *
hticrrl liorrtier:. the delinition ol'thc conccl)trif death.
I n t h i s , . 1 ( ) (bl l a c k m c r i \ \ h ( ) \ \ c r c c ( ) n l { ì m i n a t e tdi r l h
thc riartrrtgareasin airporls.atrdalsoccrtainpartsol'
tlris discasc rcnlaìncd ulìtrciltc(l so tliat tltc nattrt'al
thcpcriphcrics ol'citiesI lon.'r'cr.lirr thcprescnlstudr-
cr)ursc ol- thc lliscasc coulLl bt: obselved. cletr though
Agamlrcn'sphilosophicalreflcctionson thc lesearch
thc curc using pcnicillin had tteu cliscttlcred at thc
on humiutheingsconductod\\1thrnthc Nazi eugcnic
end ol'thc 1920s. Alier .10 r'cars ol c\pcriment)ì ()n
pnrjcotsarc highlightcci.I his rcsearchgavcrisc to the
t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s -o n h 7 . l u e r c s t i l l a l i r e a l t h e c n t l
fìr'stdeclal'ittrt)n ()ncthicsin rcsearch. in thc Ntn'enrlrerg ol the pro.jcct At.tothcr cranrl.rl,-'tltlrt hzts gir cn rtsc
C ' o d cI l ! ) 1 7 )
t o r n u c h c ( ) u ì u r e l l its t h c a r t i c Ì c " l : t h i c s a n t l C l i n i c a l
'l-hc Iìc.sat'ch".published br llctrn llcccher- in l9(16 ln
soverc'ign.i.e. thc oue n ho dccicleson {he stateot'
this studr. lhc-aulhor sclected 50 rL-|()t-t\on cthicaih'
c\ceptl()ll.alsodccrdcson lil c thln canbedcadu ithout
qucstionablercsearchon humart bcings that had bccn
comurittinsmurder ' l'hisu asoueof thc plitical stan-
puhlishetl in scicntilìc loutnltls. lioni rihich hc tcvea-
ccsol'thc(icrlran NatitlnalSocialistStatc.s hich ltxrk
lc.l l2 csanrl.rlcscondLrclcdanl()rlglutients in chitntr
t{}rÌnt\tlcnìc tlrc1-rossrbìlitr ol'nretatrtorllrosis ol'lrlu'.
Itosprtals.chiltilcn. rncntallr dclìcicnt adttlts.yrrtsoncrs
tiu'trugh nrakingit lxrssrblc to kill it aurjatthcsaurctimc 'I'hesc
-l'hus. and ncut'rrxls. rntLviduals had not bectt sttct-t
makingit irnpossilrle to sacrifìce. the sovciciun
cnt)uuhrntonnation ù'c\planations iìboutthc ollcctir u
dccidesthc point al rrhich lilc mar bccontcpoliticallr
or alroul thc lìrct that rescarch uas lrcine conductud.
rrrelcvant.and in thts sclìsc\\ rthotrtr aluc-r.c.sublcct
(nrh t()thcpiu'eesercisrng thcrcbv making thcm mere esperinrcntal otr.iccts(l)rnrz
ol'a tcchnrque . ln thistvpcot'
& L'(ìrróa.''' :(X) I ).
Pl'acticc. poìrticsandrnctliciue nrix.thcrclriradicalizinp,
thc lrio|oliticalIr'incrplet-'l's(rvcrcignt\tr)i(\ I'r1a\rnl(iill Irt thrs tlchatc. biocthics ltas cnrct'gcda:i ltll lrclrlclnlc
1Agambcn.ì1.r1-19--i{.1 )'fher c is nothing nrrx'eshocking and applied practical disciplinc- thus constitutrng not
tharrthc rccordso1'thcnrcdicaliìlcs o1'thc l'ersuchs- onlv an instnuncnt lbr rellecting on the atlvatrccsol'tc-
11(,'sotrcn iW)), thc so-callsd"humaneuineapigs rn chnoloEl and biorrtedicinc-irut alsoa lìrtrr ol'prtrlectitrn
thc c()l.rcclìtratioti camps.Ihcscbcings.dcprivedof all fìrr the human lreings inrolvcd in such lescarch.
thc r-rghts and attriìrutcs that arc custouarih thosco1'
I r t u u a n se.v s t c do n l r a sl r i o l o g i c al il l t r r h i l ca u a i t u r g
thcircsccutitin-and\1crcsublected to a ir idc divcrsitr E M E R G E N C EO F B I O E I H I C S
ol' tlpcs ol' scientilìcexperiments()nc cxanrple:
Sevcralautholshave plaoedthe enrcrgcnocol'bioethrcs
"()n Mlr l-i. t1)-{l.l)r. Roschcr.. uho lìrr.sontetlmc at the start ol'the 1970s Onc o1'thc mosl srgnifìernt
had lrccrtcontlrrctrrrg lcscarchon hfcsllilrg al lrigli historicrrluritrkcrsin the gcncalogl oî'thc,Jtscipltttctr as
altitutlc-\\ r()tc[() I Iimrnlcrto ask him u hcthcr-gir cn thc lrubìicatir-ruo1'the lrook "lìioethics irnilgc to lhc
the intportanccthnl his cspcriurcntsl.radtakenon lor luturc". br Van Renssclacr-l)ottct'r!( l:)7 li lkxrcvcr.
thc lires of'(icrrnann\'iatorsand thc rnorlaldsk that Andrc Ilellegcrs.r-'al the I Inilcrsitr ol' (ìcor'ltctoun.
thcr htrt'ctor thc I'l' 1.1 ersttc:h.sper.\onen- humanguineu n as thc fìrst to institutc the tcm1. rvith tlrc otriectilc ol'
on theotherhand.thatthc erPc- designatinga r.renlìcld eif'activitr- uhich gave rtsc ttr
ligs)- andconsidctìtrg-
rlnrtrllscould not ìt grinlìrllr condLrcte(ì ()n allillrìls. t h c s o - c a l l e t ìp n n c i p Ì i s t s c h o r r lt l ) i n i z & ( ì t r i l h e n r . r l
-'t\\()()r P I Ì r \\/ithut this school.lrioethicallcllectt<,tt\\a:,is\ s-
it riotti.lhc lxrssiblcto havc thrccprolcssional
deiinqucnts"availablcto him rn orderto procccd\\ tth le uratrzcd br rirau ing up four pnnciltlcs. I ) autrtnonl ,
t h c c - r p c r i m c n t s( A
" g a m b c n .pr l 6 l ) . rihich starls lìom the prt'supllttsitionthat. to c\erclse
lìcedorn. an individual nccds to bc itutonontotrs.ì c irt
(ionsiilcrurgthc tcrrnsof thc c(rnductlngl.iomedicinc. all thc i-tavlicipants ntust !.tivc
of thc thcir lolr,rntall inlìrrnicclconsent.hoth fìrr thcrapcutie
R e r ' 5 . r r i d e P t i b l i i . ; - ? ( X l l ; , 1r r )

pr()icctsand tìrr rescarchto bc conductc-d- 2) bene- to think alroutlilè bcIìrrcgn rng it ad.iectircs ilì tcnns
"qualitr". rr t() trtattcrs
f ì c c i r c cp. r c s u p p ( ) s i rt)hsl t l l l r n c J i c a la c t : ih a v c t h c ol"'sacrcdness" or ith rL'lrard
". "lìnsakcnucss". "hlrcncss" "
ainrol' dtling uood.3l nou-malcrolcncc.trascdon thc ot"'lì'ailti and"nru1al1t\
dcontologicalprinciplethal oausingdamagemust bc (Schramrn-:r p 2I ).
avoiticclasnruohaspossible.and.+) lìlinrcssiChilthcss
& I 99.1). l'l.rcrehavebeenadlancesovcr rcccntdccades.parlicit-
lalh' thlougl.rlhe conseusus legardingthc l)eclaration
clhicalprinciplesarc groturtleclin moraldiscus- of' I {elsinki.'lhisreprcsentcd thc c()lìs()lidltlon ol' the
conringlnrnrtlrc rntcractron lrctriecnindir iclLrals. cthical prc-ccptsah'eadvinstitutedlrv the NLrreniberc
\\tth thc basicpresupposition ol'both cl\lc c(lualtt\ Code. aucl it has becn transl'orn.rctl into the brggcst
lìet*csncitizcnsantllnlitics o1'reciprooill of'tlrexrcial refcrLruce point tbr lc'gulatirtgctltics in rcsearchlbr
c()ntrilct. hc cmphusison individualautonomr'- a t l r cn r c . l i c a l - s c i ci lri rclc tt n l r tttt n i l r i n \ i r r i ( ' t tcs() u n tilc s
drrcctrntìuencco1'Anglo-Sa\onctlìics- cstablishes tlie Despitcthis. onc of thc principaltletratcscondr-rcted in
()r rcscarchcr-
prìoritr ol rcllcciinpon drrctor-l-llttlrlìt lriocthicslìrrlrnstodlr r-clatcs prccisu'lll() lhc t()ptc()l'
sulqectrclationshrps. nhieh rcrnainnruchbcllr thc dcvaluationo1'thc liics o1'rnrlividrrals nlto. bsclrusc
drscussirrus relatingto thr-lìcld ol'puhlic healthand thc'r'are in a bailll hufl socitrcultur-irl sittratron,havc
socialincquolit\, ended up treatedas nrere ohjccts ol e\l)erinlcrìtal
rrscarch lhis onceagirinrcfl'rsttt lhe sccnarioof thc
F l o u c v c r .s t u r t i n gi n t h c 1 9 9 0 s n
. c \ \ t h c o r i c sh a v c nrodernera in \\ hich the sovcr-cign |,,rr er c\erctsctibt
eurcrecdautl ha\.chCgunt,t 1lt'sg11Lrgs1i1rns |cgrrrdinrr technitluchaslt'lnslornedlilè into hlrc lilL'
the hcgcrtronrol'tltc1rdncrplist thcorr I:cononticglo-
balizLrtion. problcmsof socialcrclusionerpcrienced
rn pclrphcralcountries.lack ot'acccsst() scienlilìc- T E B A T EO N R E S E A R C H
tcchrxrlosicaldclekrl-rrncntamong vulncrablegr()ups HUMAN BEINCS
anclinccprnlitlr-rfaccesst() cr)llsuntrrgoodscssential
lv{uchhasulrcrrdrlrccn said iriroutthc ProposalIo itlr.t-
lìrr-sLrrvii'al amoltgporx'per4rlchavein cll'cctstartccl
dilì thc I)cclarationol'l lclsinki.ri hicli rr assusr.Lcstcd
to lìrtritlìiu'l()l'tltclclìcctittnso1't'cscarchcts cltcagcd
lrr the\\'irr'ldl\'fcdicalAssociatirxr in l')!)!).cor.rccllìlne
ul tIiu]sli)rlnatircbrocthics((ian'al'a"r" p.j-l). ln tlìrs
the cluestionsraisedirv the tlebateon stunditrcls of
respcct.ethicsbascdon rrniversalprincìplcscannol
tr'catmcrìt and clinicaltrials 0)iniz & C()n'ó'ì.rr 2lx)1.
bc applicdor sirnph incoqrll'x1c.4 nitl.riua c()nlc\l()l' .t'his
(ìarr-al'a & Pratlo-r"2(XlI). discussiotr originatcrl
rnerlualitvI1 is also importantto delclop retìcctrons
in of studicson propll lactic thcrapvarmcd
tltittallori thc conrplcrìticsof l'hrrdWrllcl societicsÌo
at prcvcn(ingI IIV tlansnrissitxt lìrruttttotltcrto chrltì.
bc takcnon boald( Kottr)\\rs)
u ith placcbocontlols.u hich ri crc ::|on-sotetl l'rt vat-rt,us
'l'hus. i n l c r n a t i o n ailn s t i t u l i o n sa n d c a f r i c d o u t ln ct:rtain
acurrdingto Schrantrn.::er sn if it is considercd
"developing'- oountncs. parliculal'lv rn Atiica. It is ri elì
that contcnrporan lrioethios is crossedbv tcnsionLhÍìt
is producecl br lrio distinctpar':rcligrn:-. it is tìurdanrental kn()\\'nthat. sinr:e199.1- zidrx'udinctAZ'l'l has hcert
t() undÈrstand todar''sbiopolrticalconte\t-or elsethc in usc'1ìrrreducìngthc nsksoi H IV tlansntission lìrini
ncturx'kol'complcr,itlcr'rrrstrlr-rtcd l)\' thr chtllL'ngss ol' nl()thcr to child. and thrs is ir stantlat-d treaturettt firr'
l.rotcclmokrgv rirll uol be attaitrcd.'l.hcse such cascs. Ilou cver'. thosc crpcrintcuts inr olled tcsts
arc:thcethicalparadismof "sacredness ol'li1'c''. rvhich ag,ailìst placebo.lhich rneantthat at leasthalf ot'the
ls str(rngh'rnllucncedll rcligiousdoctdncbasedon thc populationinvcstigatcd rcnraincduntrcattdlsclgcìrcl.:'
inr rolabilitrtrf huuranlil'e.andthcethicalparailignol' 2(X)i). I'hc first crìtioisms o1'tiratrcscat'oh \\src nìadc
. ttr Lulie & Werllc'.* since thosc Proccdurcs virrlalcd one
c1r-ralitr o1'Iilc".rr hich rs eharactcr.istic of'scctrlaranJ
lai hiocthicsIìr defìnrngthisconccl'rt asan intcgrated o l ' t h e p r i n c i p aal r t i c l c s
o l ' t h e l ) c c l a r a t i o t
n r l ' l{ c l s inkr
irrtu.ìrscipìinar-r sctol' llìcorics.lcchnologicll-sciclrtr- rcgarding rcsear.olt usins hutlan berugs. Accordtng trr
this arlrcle. "in nrcdicalsludies.all px1is111t - inr;lLrrling
fìc skills and industrjalapplications(biotcchnolog.r').
Schramnrshtrrvedthtt. tltosein the r.:ontnrlgroup.if 'rnr'- mu:ìtbc guarantec.l
irccesst()thc bestdiagnosisandbÈstpr1)\.en theriipcutrc
' 'l'his
... ln the dclralebe'tuccn thr--'hir)ethicso1'sacrcdrrcss ntetlrod'".*x restllutirxthad the ainr ot'cusulirtg
o l ' l i l è " a n r it l r c" b i o c t h i c o
s l - r l u i r l i tor l ' l i t e. t h c l ci s a r r tha( rcscurchparlicipantsttould oct thc bcst nredical
issLrc thatu astlctcctcdi'xrthin l"or-rcault's untrngs ancl lrciìlnlcntatailablc.I L.xrcvct'.svcnin thelight ol'thcse
thoscol'Agartrbenandl)en'ida . airoulrr hich thcrehas crilicisms.the reseal'chcNand thc lìrndersol'this h pc
bccnlittlc thought.I l'hrsI relatcsto thcirumanconditiolì ol'rescarchdid not at fìrst drari back in an\' \\a\'. ()11
that is crpcricuccdanclsullcred.altd\\c arc cùlled()n thc contrarr'.a prt4losall'ormodil\ ing this cleclarirtion

( ( ) l r r l r r . . , \ l r ; q / / . 1 / t ' r i .l ( i { } : I j . r l l : : 8 r i - t , . r . r ; r r r r l [ ) i n r .; \ ( ì r r r r : . r r r
8 Vulneral;ilrty and b.rrt- lile r\rjn N4 & ireixolo Jr. L{

\\.ìì li)nrìulrlctl"ri hrchpLrtsat risk thc advanccsso lirr T O R P O L I T I C SO F L I F E

acltrcrcd tn l 9!)9.the\Àixld lvlctltcal
As'tltcder rccsol-prrttcr irt nio,lcrrttlgmocra -
prt,poseJ a ntrxlifìcatitlnlìrt thcator-cmcntioncd
a s l o l l o ns . clesconiugatebiopoliticalstrategìcsrr ith theemcrgcn-
ce oî'lhe tìrrcc'of thc sovcrcignPo\\cr thiìttlanslirnns
"in unr'yrrrrtocrol tor bitinicdicalresearr:h. all paticnts. lilc into brrc li1e.the fact is thal biocthics()ughtk) l)c
inclritlingthoscin thc control sn)up-il'atì\- nlusl l)c un instrumenttìrr protectingpcople uho huve bccn
russrrrtd that thcv n ill not lrc dr'nrcditcccsst()thc lrcst hurt Iu lhcsc lnd recovcrrngthe signifìcancc
ol'thc (ilcck u rrld "etlros' - ri lrichalsohasthc scrrses
diagnrrsrs lnd/irr pnrvcnprophrIiictictu-thera|c'utic nre -
ol"'aid". "uatchingrrvcr"and''shcltcr"--Schrantnr &
tho'Jthat othcrtrise vould hc c*oilahle lo .wchpaticttt.s
Kottolr rì (2ft) l) prtposcdhiocthicstìrr protection.this
(our''( Seltrelicl.:1 20()-5:I l7).
u as intcndcdlo bc morc tlrana dcscriptivc-nornativc
Whal canlre gathered lìrnr thisne* l'crsiorìis thatthc tool. antl had thc ohjectivcol' mediatingin conflicts
Ioclil.-tand'rrel ol'intcrcsl anclvalues.l;rtúhcnnole"its ainr uas.
lìrr tlcal.rnenl. lu hich in thecascr.rl'Al-r'r-
pelltapsl dccpcr an.l nroLcprirnolrlial rìriìrìnor.t()
ciul c()tuìtlles lnealtsl1otrcîtnlct'ttltiottld:itr\c as an
corrstitutc protcotior.r againslthc threatsol"b.u'clilc"'
cthicalh lcoeptalrle ctxtnrl irtstrumcnt. fhis
(Schrarnm.r: Ir 24).
thc lìnalanalrsis-thatthcsepeoplc'slivesarc,tratrslìrr-
mcd illt()mercresearch1rbjcclstltlt can bernanipr-rlatcd It ís considercd to b,-'imporlantt()aoccntuillc this shili
l ì r l i n r e s l i g a l i v cp u r p o s c sM o r e r e c c n t l ) .i n 2 0 0 t ) . or l-entling.ri'hich-goingbevondthc tcrriton ol'therule
trtktngintrracc()Lull thc reactiontìrrmthc llttcrxati()llal ol'la\\.crìLrses hioethicsto uIsotreablcto pcnetratc' thrs
corììnlullrt\.a ncri'lirnrrulalron rcconrrtrcnils that. gap.this n()nlan s llnd. this
u.hichsovercigntvandtechniquemix. thercbrrnrrkrng
" . . . i na n r n r c d i c asl t u d r .a l l p a t i c n t s- i n c l u d i n gl h o s c thcseliontiers prolaneand posingclucsticlns alroulthc
ln thc c()'anr' - must t-- assurcdof a pro- r en deîìnitionsol'r'ulncrahilrnandgcttinghur1.litrnt
phr lactrcdtagnosis itnda lhcrapcutio mcthodo1'plrr1'g11 lessirioJrolitics. I'rocariortsncss and ir ccrlaininsutl-
cl.ticacr. (l) I l7) cicncro1'lilcnccdto lrcconsidercd to lrchrghlrlt:lcvarlt
contlrtrons irt a rritldeol'sitteularcleationol'strlicctioll.
ln thc liglrt o1'thearubigrritvol'this lastprolx)sal.the insteado1'being usedastrxrlsin a proccssolllroducing
I)cclal'ationof' Ilelsinki nccdst() l^- discusscdonce subjectirc stiìtesthatarconh ainredat maintainingthe
again.andit nrar.cvcnbc altcrcdagaiu((ìrcco.r-200-l donrinant"statustluri' o1'hiopoliticalporicr.
It rnar happcnthat brocthicsc()lrc:ito lill this gap
S u r n r r r r i z i u rtrl .r i sr a p i dc r p i a n a t i o na l l o us t h e 1 ì r l k r - and ma\ alsorctunr to lil'c uhlt is inhelcntto 11.As
u rng crxtoluslonto bc reachcd.l doutrlestandard1ìlr AP.arnbcn shoned:
r(jscarrhi.sproposed.or f urlhorntrirc-doulrlcstandalds "thc hodvol'thcsaclctjmanandbarcìitè oonstitr-Ltc
in thc cthics lor rescarohusir.rshuman lreinss:onc
'dc.relti- lìrrce ant' the sune tinrc. the intimatcoontradiction
Ior tleve-loped countric'sand the olìtLl fbr' . it tloesn()tcalrseslcrctl lilè ttr
olmodcnr dcr.nocracr
Iittg" cÙutrtries. I ltts a€liìuil'c(lililcst;ucstrrrnirrr: rr ith bc al.olishcd- but lcarsit into picccsand spreacls
it it
f c g i r r dt ( ) " . i i t l c r e n t i a t e d
r a l u i n g "o l ' p e o p l c ' sI i r e s rn clch rndriiduirllrodr^thusniaking hlè thc bct rn rr
that pronrotesthe estairlishmcnlof lriopolitical lion- ganreof politrcalot'rnflict.l'hc btdv is a hifi'ontalhaing
t t c t sb e { n c c n" p o l i t i c a l l rr c l e \ a n t "l i r c s a n d l i l e s o l ' thut ha.shoth suhiectiottIo thc sovervignpou.'erand
"lou cr value". i út o I .fivcrlon.s(Ag.amben'p. I 3l))
i nd ir.'
R l r S . r r l d ei ) r r b i i r . lr{ ) t ) - ; ' 1 l Lr r 9


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