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Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element of the nitrogen
family (Group 15 [Va] of the periodic table) that at room temperature is a
colourless, semitransparent, soft, waxy solid that glows in the dark.
Phosphorous has a melting point of 44.1 °C , boiling point of 2800C and atomic weight of
30.9738. It exists in two primary forms, i.e., red phosphorus and white phosphorus.


Most of our phosphorus comes from phosphate rock that is mined around the world, and then
converted to phosphoric acid and has multiple uses. Below are the uses of phosphorous:
 It is used to make fertilisers, animal feeds, rust removers, corrosion preventers, and even
dishwasher tablets.
 Phosphorus is used in the manufacture of pyrotechnics and incendiary shells
 Phosphates are ingredients of some detergents.
 Phosphorus is used to make light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
 Phosphorus is an important constituent of bones and teeth, and it is essential to the growth
of living organisms.
 It plays a crucial role in the bones, muscles, kidneys, and blood vessel health along with the
cells in your body.
 Along with calcium, phosphorus helps build bones. For good bone health, you need a correct
amount of calcium as well as phosphorus.
 Phosphorus is a vital structure in nucleic acids and cell membranes and is also involved in
the production of the body’s energy ( 2023)

Nitrogen is an inert gas that is suitable for a wide range of applications, covering various aspects
of chemical manufacturing, processing, handling, and shipping.


Nitrogen is not reactive and it is excellent for blanketing and is often used as purging gas.
It can be used to remove contaminants from process streams through methods such as stripping
and sparging. Due to its properties it can be used for protection of valuable products against
harmful contaminants. It also enables safe storage, usage of flammable compounds and can
help prevent combustible dust explosions.

Other applications of nitrogen in it’s pure form include:

 Food industry: Nitrogen gas is also used to provide an unreactive atmosphere. It is
used in this way to preserve foods. As a modified atmosphere, pure or mixed with carbon
dioxide, to nitrogenate and preserve the freshness of packaged or bulk foods (by
delaying rancidity and other forms of oxidative damage like changing colours).
 Light bulbs industry: Bulbs should not be filled with air since hot tungsten wire will
combust in presence of oxygen. You can’t maintain vacuum either or external
atmospheric pressure will break the glass. So, they must be filled with non-reactive gas
like nitrogen. We can use inert gases like argon or helium instead of Nitrogen, but they
are more expensive & rarer than nitrogen and this makes Nitrogen the best option
 Firesuppression systems: Fire suppression is achieved by reducing the oxygen
concentration where the fire will extinguish, while remaining at a level acceptable for
human exposure for a short period of time.
 Stainless steel manufacturing: There are various instances when nitrogen can be
added to steel during steelmaking such as melting, the ladle processing and the casting
operations. Nitrogen effect on hardness, formability, strain ageing and impact properties.
 Aircraft fuel systems: In some aircraft fuel systems nitrogen is used to reduce fire
 Chemical analysis and chemical industry: Nitrogen is commonly used during sample
preparation in chemical analysis. It is used to concentrate and reduce the volume of
liquid samples. Nitrogen is also important to the chemical industry. It is used in production
of fertilisers, nitric acid, nylon, dyes and explosives.
 Pressurised beer kegs: Nitrogen can be used as a replacement, or in combination with,
carbon dioxide to pressurise kegs of some beers, particularly stouts and British ales, due
to the smaller bubbles it produces, which makes the dispensed beer smoother and
headier. Nitrogen-charged beers can be packaged in cans and bottles.

Antimony is a semimetallic chemical element which can exist in two forms: the metallic form is bright,
silvery, hard and brittle; the non metallic form is a grey powder. Antimony is a poor conductor of heat and
electricity, it is stable in dry air and is not attacked by dilute acids or alkalis.


 Fire Retardants: Antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) is widely used as a flame retardant in plastics,
textiles, and other materials. It functions by inhibiting the spread of fire and reducing smoke
 Batteries: Antimony is a key component in lead-acid batteries, primarily used in vehicles and
uninterruptible power supplies. Antimony alloys are added to the lead grid and provide
improved charging and discharging properties.
 Alloys: Antimony is alloyed with other metals to enhance their properties. For example,
antimonial lead, containing small amounts of antimony, is utilized in grid metal for lead-acid
batteries. Antimony is also added to certain types of pewter, solder, and Babbitt metal to
improve hardness and casting qualities.
 Flame Retardant Textiles: Antimony compounds are incorporated into fabrics, particularly
for children's clothing, to impart flame retardant properties. These compounds can reduce
the flammability of textiles and enhance safety.
 Semiconductors: Antimony is utilized in the production of semiconductors, particularly in the
form of antimony compounds like antimony trisulfide (Sb2S3) and antimony trichloride
(SbCl3). These compounds are employed in optoelectronic devices, infrared detectors, and
photovoltaic cells.
 Pigments: Antimony compounds, such as antimony trioxide and antimony pentoxide, are
used as pigments in paints, ceramics, and plastics. They provide various shades of yellow,
white, and brown.
 Glass and Ceramics: Antimony compounds find applications in glass and ceramic
formulations. They can act as opacifiers, helping to create opaque or white glass, as well as
imparting certain colors to ceramic glazes.
 Catalysts: Some antimony compounds, including antimony trioxide and antimony pentoxide,
serve as catalysts in chemical reactions. They are used in the production of polyester resins,
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, and other polymerization processes.
 Medicinal: Antimony compounds have a history of use in traditional medicine, although
their usage has significantly diminished. However, antimony potassium tartrate (tartar
emetic) has been employed in the past as a treatment for parasitic infections.
It's important to note that while antimony has numerous industrial applications, it should be
handled with care due to its toxicity. Occupational and environmental regulations are in place to
ensure safe handling and disposal practices.
Bismuth is a white, crystalline, brittle metal with a pinkish tinge. Bismuth is the most diamagnetic of all
metals, and the thermal conductivity is lower than any metal except mercury. It has a high electrical
resistance, and has the highest Hall effect of any metal (that is, the greatest increase in electrical resistance
when placed in a magnetic field). Bismuth is stable to oxygen and water but dissolves in concentrated
nitric air. All bismuth salts form insoluble compounds when put into water.


 Pharmaceuticals: Bismuth compounds, such as bismuth subsalicylate, are used in
medications for treating gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion, heartburn, and diarrhea.
 Cosmetics: Bismuth oxychloride, a shimmering white pigment, is used in cosmetics like
foundations, blushes, and eyeshadows to provide a pearlescent or iridescent effect.
 Alloys: Bismuth is often used as an alloying element with other metals. Bismuth alloys have
low melting points, making them suitable for applications like solders, fusible plugs, and fire
sprinkler systems.
 Ceramics and Glass: Bismuth compounds can be added to ceramics and glass formulations to
produce a range of desirable colors, such as yellow, red, and blue. Bismuth is also used in the
production of lead-free glass.
 Catalysts: Bismuth compounds, particularly bismuth oxide, can serve as catalysts in various
chemical reactions, including the production of acrylic fibers and the refining of crude oil.
 Nuclear Industry: Bismuth has certain properties that make it useful in the nuclear industry.
Bismuth-209, a stable isotope of bismuth, is sometimes used as a radiation shield due to its
high density and low toxicity.
 Thermoelectric Applications: Bismuth telluride, an alloy of bismuth and tellurium, exhibits
excellent thermoelectric properties, meaning it can efficiently convert heat into electricity or
vice versa. This makes it valuable in devices like thermoelectric coolers and power
 Fire Detection: Bismuth compounds can be employed in fire detection systems. When
heated, these compounds release a distinctive odor that helps in the early detection of fires.
 Research and Science: Bismuth is utilized in scientific research, particularly in fields like
physics and material science, to investigate various properties and phenomena due to its
unique characteristics.
 Lead replacement: Bismuth can be used as a substitute for lead in certain applications, such
as low-melting point alloys and shot for hunting and shooting sports. Bismuth is less toxic
than lead, making it a safer alternative.


Noble gases, also known as inert gases, are a group of chemical elements that include helium (He),
neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). They are called "noble" gases
because they were historically believed to be chemically inert due to their low reactivity. However,
they do have various practical applications.


Helium (He)
 Balloons: Helium is widely used to fill balloons as it is lighter than air, making them float.
 Cooling: It is used in cryogenics for cooling purposes, such as in MRI machines,
superconductors, and certain scientific experiments.
 Welding: Helium is used in welding environments to shield the welding arc and prevent
 Airships and Aerostats: Historically, helium has been used to fill airships and dirigibles due to
its buoyancy. Although the use of helium in airships has decreased in recent years, it is still
used in aerostats, such as weather balloons and surveillance balloons, where its low density
allows for prolonged flights and stable altitude control.
 Leak Testing: Helium is employed in leak detection processes, particularly in industries such
as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing. Its small atomic size and low viscosity allow it
to escape through the tiniest leaks, making it an excellent tracer gas for identifying and
locating leaks in systems or equipment.
 Breathing Mixtures: A mixture of helium and oxygen, known as heliox, is sometimes used in
deep-sea diving and medical applications. Helium's low density reduces the effort required
to breathe, and its low solubility in the blood helps prevent the onset of nitrogen narcosis
and decompression sickness.

Neon (Ne)
 Lighting: Neon is used in various lighting applications, including neon lamps and fluorescent
lighting. Neon lamps are commonly used as indicators in electronic devices, while neon tubes
are used for general lighting purposes.
 Advertising signs: Neon gas is often used in illuminated advertising signs, creating eye-
catching displays.
 Plasma Display Panels (PDPs): Neon is a key component in plasma display panels, commonly
known as plasma TVs. Plasma TVs use electrically charged neon gas to produce images on
the screen.
 Lasers: Neon is used as a gas laser medium in certain types of lasers, such as helium-neon
lasers. These lasers emit visible red light and are used in various applications, including
barcode scanners, laser printers, and laser light shows.
 Research and Scientific Applications: Neon is used in research and scientific experiments as
a cryogenic coolant, as an inert gas in certain reactions, and in analytical instruments like gas
 Vacuum Tubes: Neon is sometimes used in vacuum tubes, particularly in thyratrons and
voltage regulator tubes. These tubes use the ionization properties of neon to regulate
electrical currents or control voltages.

Argon (Ar)
 Lighting: Argon gas is commonly used in fluorescent tubes and incandescent light bulbs to
provide an inert atmosphere that prevents filament oxidation and prolongs bulb life.
 Welding: Argon is widely used as a shielding gas in welding processes, such as tungsten inert
gas (TIG) welding and gas metal arc welding (GMAW). It creates an inert atmosphere around
the weld area, preventing the oxidation of the metal and ensuring high-quality welds.
 Laboratory Applications: Argon is commonly used as a carrier gas in gas chromatography and
other analytical techniques. It serves to transport samples through the system and facilitate
the separation and analysis of different compounds.
 Preservation of Historical Artifacts: Argon is sometimes used in the preservation of historical
artifacts and artworks. It can be employed to create an inert environment in display cases or
storage containers, protecting delicate and sensitive objects from degradation caused by
oxygen and other reactive gases.

Krypton (Kr) and Xenon (Xe)

 Lighting: Krypton and xenon are used in specialized lighting applications, such as high-
intensity discharge (HID) lamps and photographic flashes. They produce a bright white light
and are more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs.
 Lasers: Excimer lasers, which are used in various medical and industrial applications, utilize
noble gases like krypton and xenon.
Other applications of krypton are sterilization of fluids and lithographic fabrication of

Radon (Rn)
Radon, a radioactive gas, is primarily known for its potential health risks due to its ability to
accumulate in enclosed spaces. However, radon does have some beneficial uses in specific
 Radiotherapy: Radon-222, a radioactive isotope of radon, has been used in cancer
treatments, specifically in brachytherapy, although other isotopes and methods are now
more common.
 Radiography: Radon can be used as a source of radiation in radiography, a technique used to
produce images of the internal structures of objects. In industrial radiography, radon sources
are used to inspect welds, detect flaws in materials, and examine the integrity of structures.
 Geophysical Studies: Radon is used in geophysical studies to help understand the movement
of underground fluids and to identify potential mineral deposits. Radon emissions can be
measured to detect the presence of uranium or other radioactive elements associated with
certain geological formations.
 Tracer Gas: Radon can be used as a tracer gas to study airflow patterns in buildings, mines,
and other enclosed spaces. By monitoring the movement of radon, researchers can assess
ventilation efficiency, identify potential air leaks, and study the dispersion of gases.

It's important to note that while radon does have some industrial and scientific applications, its main
concern lies in its potential health hazards. Radon is a known carcinogen and can accumulate in
homes and buildings, leading to an increased risk of lung cancer. Therefore, it's essential to take
measures to mitigate radon exposure, such as proper ventilation and radon testing in residential and
occupational settings


Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "phosphorus". Encyclopedia Britannica, 19 May.

2023, Accessed 29
May 2023.

Al-Saigh, Z. Y. (2017). Fundamentals of Laser-Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies. Woodhead


Linscheid, M. (2013). Practical Gas Chromatography: A Comprehensive Reference. Springer Science &
Business Media

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