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Instant Practice Packets

& Counting
Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
_Cleared for DU_

Photograph, page 4, copyright © 2011 by Rosemary Novelli Tomas. Used by permission.

“Grab-Bag Math” on page 6 originally appeared in Irresistible 1, 2, 3s: 50 Easy, Fun, Multisensory Activities to Help All
Kids Explore and Learn Numbers by Joan Novelli (Scholastic, 2000). Used by permission of the author.

Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the reproducible pages in this book for classroom use. No other
part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.
For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012-3999.

Edited by Immacula A. Rhodes

Cover design by Wendy Chan
Interior design by Joan Novelli and Holly Grundon
Interior illustrations by Teresa Anderko, Maxie Chambliss, Rusty Fletcher, and Brian LaRossa

ISBN: 978-0-545-30587-7

Interior design and text copyright © 2011 by Joan Novelli and Holly Grundon.
Illustrations copyright © 2011 by Scholastic Inc.

Published by Scholastic Inc.

All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Teaching With the Numbers & Counting Packets . . . . 5
Activities to Extend Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Connections to the Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
References & Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Number & Counting Packets

Number Page Number Page

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources

It’s my birthday!” says

Ricardo, holding up five fingers to
show how old he is now. Birthdays
are often among a child’s first
experiences with numbers. Young
children cheerfully display fingers
on their hands when someone asks
how old they are, count candles on
cakes, and routinely want to know
“How many more days?” until their
next birthday. Their lives are filled with authentic experiences such as these
Teaching that naturally involve mathematical thinking on a daily basis. Children notice

Tip numbers everywhere and make connections (“Hey! There’s a 5 on that sign,
and I’m five!”). They count all sorts of things (eyes and ears, buttons on a
shirt, peas on a plate), know who has the same, more, or less (“Katrina has
Page 1 of each more crackers than me!”), and understand representation (setting the table
packet features with a napkin and cup for each person). All the while, they’re constructing
number-formation mathematical understandings that will allow them to successfully handle the
more sophisticated skills and concepts to come.
practice. For children
who are left-handed, Number and Operations is “at the core” of a preK–2 math program (NCTM,
consider writing the 2000). Research shows that “specific quantitative and numerical knowledge
target number at the in the years before first grade has been found to be a stronger predictor of
end (right side) of later mathematics achievement than tests of intelligence or memory abilities”
(Krajewski, 2005, as cited in Sarama & Clements, 2009). With reproducible
each practice line to
activity packets that target the numbers 1 though 30, Instant Practice Packets:
provide a model they Numbers & Counting offers instructional support for helping children build
can easily see as they a solid foundation for success with math. In addition to providing practice
practice tracing and with number formation, the activities are designed to promote overall number
writing the number. sense—from counting and recognizing how many are in a set to sequencing
and exploring relationships between numbers. Additional features in each
packet include:

• multisensory activities that reflect research about the way children

learn—for example, the hand-sign component of each packet adds a
kinesthetic connection
• pictures to support connections between numbers and the quantities
they represent
• opportunities to revisit skills and concepts, deepen understanding,
and develop flexible thinking
• kid-friendly layouts that keep interest high

4 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
Teaching With the
Numbers & Counting Packets

T he packets in this book are organized in order from 1 to 30, but can be
used in any sequence to meet your instructional needs. To prepare the packets Teaching

for use, photocopy the pages and staple to bind. Introduce the packets by
“walking through” each page with children. Review each activity and model
how to complete it. The packets allow children to work at their own pace, and
taking time in advance to review directions will facilitate their independence.
Instant Practice
Following is an overview of each page.
Packets: Numbers &
Page 1: The first page of each packet introduces the target number and Counting offers effective
provides guided practice for tracing and writing the number. Point out the support for Response
guide arrows to students and model using them to form to Intervention (RTI).
each number correctly. Through a variety of fonts, children 1 2 3

For children with

4 5 6

7 8
Name 9 10

Da e:
page 1

also see that there are different styles for writing the same 1 one
Wr te he numb
er 1
deficits or delays in
number, and they take a turn creating a number style all 1 1
their own! (Encourage creativity as children “design” a 1 early mathematical
The number

knowledge, the packets

1 can look
l ke his

new way to write the number.) Children also learn how 1 1 1

S gn t!

1 1
M ke a new

to use hand signs as another way to form numbers. This


can help provide the

Y uc nue
s apes to make
numbe s
T y ma ing
a 1!
I t tP t P k t N b &C t © 0 1b J
N l &H l G

kinesthetic component further reinforces and expands

S h l t T h R

systematic practice
children’s understanding of numbers.
1 2 3
4 5 6

Da e:
7 8 9 10
that is recommended
Fun With
page 2

for learning success.

Num bers
Wr te he numb

Page 2: “Fun With Numbers” features five mini-activities


C rcle each
1 3 5 4
one 2 1

that reinforce number sense. Children practice writing the A sequential format
8 1 7
Count up!
Ci cle he numb
that tells how er

target number, then circle it in a “number hunt.” As children 2 3 4 5

2 1 3
helps children build on
complete this activity, remind them to look for the target
Count back!

5 4 3 2
previous understanding
number three times. They work with number sequences by 10
I t P t

of numbers and makes

P t N b &C t © 0 1b J
N l H l G d S h l t T h R

counting up and back, and they count hippos, horses, and

other creatures to identify the number that tells “how many.” Name:
1 2 3
4 5 6

Da e:
7 8 9 10
it easy to focus on
page 3

particular areas of need.

Color the penn
W i e he numb you need to buy the bear

Page 3: “Count Your Pennies” lets children apply their 1¢


knowledge about numbers to real-life situations—in this

and How many
Compare ba loons a
W ite the numb e n each set?
er Fi l in >
< or =

case, counting pennies to make a “purchase.” “Count

and Compare” reinforces number sense, including an I t tP t P k t N b &C t ©2 1 b J
N l &H l G
d S h l t T h R

understanding of the relative magnitude of numbers.

1 2 3
4 5 6

7 8
Name: 9 10

Da e:
What Do
You Know? page 4

Page 4: “What Do You Know?” offers a self-assessment as What do you

about the numb
Fi l in he
Use wo ds
er 1?

or p ctures

children use pictures and words to share what they know 1 Which
et has 1?
Fi l in the
o show each

2 Which

about the target number. “Bubble Time” provides practice

et has mo e
than 1?

with multiple-choice style questions, while helping children 3 Which numb

just be ore
er omes
4 Which numb
er s mis ing?

2 3 4 5

review the target number and, in most cases, numbers

4 4
I t P
t P t N b &C t © 0 1b J
N l

leading up to that number.

H l G d S h l t T h R

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 5
Activities to Extend Learning

Teaching C hildren will enjoy taking their number and counting experiences further

with the following activities.

Book Shares
Research shows that Consider the following suggestions, adapted from The New Kindergarten: Teaching
Reading, Writing, and More (Leuenberger, 2003), for using children’s literature to
“supporting literacy
support mathematical thinking.
and language skills
in the first language Act It Out: After sharing children’s books that make connections to math
concepts, engage children in dramatizing story events. Adding this kinesthetic
provides a base for
component offers another way to understand math concepts, while also
successful literacy
reinforcing comprehension skills. Books such as The Doorbell Rang by Pat
development in the Hutchins (Greenwillow, 1986) and Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by
second language” Eileen Christelow (Clarion, 1989) are perfect choices for reinforcing number
(Snow, Burns, & sense through dramatizations.
Griffin, 1998, as Innovations on a Story: Share Tasha Tudor’s 1 Is One (Simon & Schuster, 1956),
cited by Northwest the Caldecott-Honor classic that counts from 1 to 20 with rhyming text and
Regional Educational charming illustrations (“1 is one duckling swimming in a dish; 2 is two sisters
making a wish…”). Then use the story as a model for creating new rhymes for
Laboratory, 2005). One
numbers—for example, “1 is one cat, curled up on a chair; 2 is two sneakers; that
way to implement that
makes a pair!” Have children illustrate the rhymes to make a class book.
strategy while teaching
Counting by Threes: Fairy tales often have elements or events that come in
with these packets
threes. Share favorite retellings, such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Jan
is to give English
Brett (Putnam, 1996) and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by John Scieszka
Language Learners (Viking, 1989). Stock a math center with child-drawn pictures of important
opportunities to teach characters and events from the stories. Guide children to use the pictures in
others how to say the activities that reinforce math skills, such as one-to-one matching (chairs and
bears) and counting by threes (chairs, bears, pigs, and so on).
names for numbers in
their first language.

Grab-Bag Math
How many plastic worms make a handful? Stock several paper bags with small
objects—for example, plastic bugs in one, toy cars in another, and magnetic
letters in a third. How many fit in a handful? Place the bags at a center for use
with the following suggestions.
• Have two children each take a handful from one bag. Ask: Who
has more? Let children share guesses, then match their objects
one-to-one to find out. Repeat with handfuls from different bags.

6 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
Discuss reasons that a handful of one object might amount to
more or less than a handful of another.

• Have children take a handful in both hands from one bag.

How do they think the handfuls compare? Have them line up

the items one-to-one to find out.

• Set up a chart for children to record how many of each object

they fit in a handful. Ask questions to promote mathematical
thinking—for example, “How many children fit 10 toy cars in a The word number
handful? How about 10 plastic spiders?” is often used
interchangeably with
numeral, and for young
Taking Inventory children, differentiating
This activity, adapted from between the two may
Integrating Math Into the Early
create confusion.
Childhood Curriculum (Milstein
& Martin, 2007), encourages the As children grow in
use of math language as children their understanding
“take inventory” of materials of number concepts,
in the classroom and practice they can learn that a
counting, comparing, and more
numeral is a symbol
in the process.
that represents a
1. To make a reusable sorting mat, use brightly colored tape to divide a plain
number or idea—
plastic tablecloth into sections, as shown above. Label index cards with
numbers from 1 to 20 (several cards per number), adjusting the range for example, when
as needed. writing the date as
month/day/year, as
2. Choose items to sort, such as plastic foods and utensils from the dramatic play
center. Place one of each item in a section on the sorting mat to create “labels” with 9/25/2012, the
(or use words, as shown above). numeral 9 represents
September, the ninth
3. Have children take turns placing items on the sorting mat. Along the way,
help them make comparisons—for example, ask: “Are there more spoons or month of the year. To
markers so far?” further develop math
vocabulary, children
4. When the sorting is complete, have children place a number card in each
section to show how many items are in that section. can learn that a digit is
a single numeral—the
5. Place the sorting mat and number cards at a center, and provide bins with
numeral 9 has one
pre-selected collections for children to sort, such as blocks (by shape),
books (by theme or author), and crayons (by color). digit (9), while 25 has
two digits (2 and 5).

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 7
Count and Compare
Set up a hands-on version of the
“Count and Compare” activity (page
3 in each packet) to encourage use of
math language and understanding of
numerical relations.
1. Group children in pairs. Give each pair a set of “greater than,” “less than,”
and “equal to” cards (write each symbol on an index card) and two bags of
counters (use the same number but different color or type in each bag—for
example, 10 red counters in one bag and 10 blue counters in the other).

2. Have one partner set up a “Count and Compare” problem by using some (or
all) of the counters from one bag to create one set, and some (or all) from the
References other bag to create a second set.
& Resources 3. Have the other child count the objects in each set and place the correct
Leuenberger, C. (2003). The symbol card between the sets to show how they compare. Then partners
new kindergarten: Teaching switch roles and repeat. As a variation, children can do the same thing with
reading, writing, and more. New small objects such as crayons or playing cards.
York: Scholastic.
Milstein, V., & Martin, J.
(2007). Integrating math into the
early childhood curriculum. New
York: Scholastic.
Connections to the Standards
The activities in Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting are aligned with the
National Council of Teachers Number and Operations standard for grades preK–2 as outlined by the National
of Mathematics. (2000).
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) in its Principles and Standards for
Principles and standards for
School Mathematics (2000), and support the following expectations:
school mathematics. Reston,
VA: National Council of • count with understanding and recognize “how many” in sets
Teachers of Mathematics.
• develop understanding of the relative position and magnitude of
Northwest Regional whole numbers
Educational Laboratory (2005).
“Focus on effectiveness.” • develop a sense of whole numbers and represent and use them in flexible ways
Retrieved January 10, 2011
• connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent
from <>.
Novelli, J. (2000). Irresistible 1,
The activities also correlate with the math standards recommended by the
2, 3s: 50 easy, fun, multisensory
activities to help all kids explore Common Core State Standards Initiative, a state-led effort to establish a single set
and learn numbers. New York: of clear educational standards aimed at providing students with a high-quality
Scholastic. education. At the time this book went to press, these standards were in the
Sarama, J., & Clements, D. process of being finalized. To learn more, go to
H. (2009). Early childhood
mathematics education research:
Learning trajectories for young
children. Routledge: New York.

8 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

1 one

Write the number 1.

1 1
The number 1 can look like this. Sign It!

1 1 1
Make a new 1.

You can use hand

1 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 1!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 1.

1 3 5 4
6 2 1
one 8 1 7 9

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

2 3 4 5 2 1 3

Count back!

5 4 3 2

10 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the bear.

Write the number.

1¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 1?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 1? 2. Which set has more than 1?

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is missing?

just before 2?
2 3 4 5
12 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

2 two

Write the number 2.

2 2
The number 2 can look like this. Sign It!

2 2 2
Make a new 2.

You can use hand

2 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 2!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 2.

5 4 6 2
2 3 1
two 7 9 2 8

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

1 3 4 5 2 1 3

Count back!

5 4 3 1

14 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the pencil.

Write the number.

2¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 2?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 2? 2. Which set has more than 2?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just after 1?
3 4 5
4 and 5
1 and 2
3 and 4
16 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

3 three

Write the number 3.

3 3
The number 3 can look like this. Sign It!

3 3 3
Make a new 3.

You can use hand

3 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 3!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 3.

7 3 6 5
4 3 1
three 3 2 8 9

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

1 2 4 5 1 2 3

Count back!

5 4 2 1

18 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the baseball.

Write the number.

3¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 19
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 3?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 3? 2. Which set has more than 2?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just before 3?
1 4 5
1 and 4
2 and 3
4 and 5
20 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

4 four

Write the number 4.

4 4
The number 4 can look like this. Sign It!

4 4 4
Make a new 4.

You can use hand

4 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 4!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 4.

1 4 3 5
7 2 4
four 4 8 9 6

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

1 2 3 5 2 4 1

Count back!

5 3 2 1

22 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the bell.

Write the number.

4¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 23
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 4?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 4? 2. Which set has more than 3?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just before 4?
1 3 5
1 and 3
3 and 5
2 and 4
24 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1


Write the number 5.

The number 5 can look like this. Sign It!

5 5 5
Make a new 5.

You can use hand

5 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 5!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 5.

1 2 5 3
5 4 6
five 7 8 9 5

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

1 2 3 4 1 3 5

Count back!

4 3 2 1

26 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the yo-yo.

Write the number.

5¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 27
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 5?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 5? 2. Which set has more than 3?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just before 5?
1 2 4
1 and 4
2 and 5
3 and 5
28 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

6 six

Write the number 6.

6 6
The number 6 can look like this. Sign It!

6 6 6
Make a new 6.

You can use hand

6 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 6!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 29
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 6.

2 3 6 5
6 4 7
six 1 8 10 6

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

2 3 4 5 4 6 2

Count back!

5 4 3 2

30 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the eraser.

Write the number.

6¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 6?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 6? 2. Which set has more than 4?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just before 6?
2 3 6
1 and 2
4 and 5
3 and 6
32 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

7 seven

Write the number 7.

7 7
The number 7 can look like this. Sign It!

7 7 7
Make a new 7.

You can use hand

7 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 7!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 33
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 7.

8 9 3 7
7 2 4
seven 6 1 7 5

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

3 4 5 6 7 5 1

Count back!

6 5 4 3

34 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the cap.

Write the number.

7¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 35
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 7?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 7? 2. Which set has more than 5?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just before 7?
3 6 7
4 and 5
1 and 2
3 and 6
36 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

8 eight

Write the number 8.

8 8
The number 8 can look like this. Sign It!

8 8 8
Make a new 8.

You can use hand

8 shapes to make numbers.

Try making an 8!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 37
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 8.

8 1 3 5
4 8 2
eight 6 9 7 8

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

4 5 6 7 6 7 8

Count back!

7 6 5 4

38 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the crayon.

Write the number.

8¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 39
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 8?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 8? 2. Which set has more than 6?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just before 8?
4 5 7
1 and 2
6 and 8
2 and 3
40 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

9 nine

Write the number 9.

9 9
The number 9 can look like this. Sign It!

9 9 9
Make a new 9.

You can use hand

9 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 9!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 41
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 9.

6 2 5 9
4 9 7
nine 1 8 9 3

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

5 6 7 8 9 3 8

Count back!

8 7 6 5

42 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the drum.

Write the number.

9¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 43
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 9?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. Which set has 9? 2. Which set has more than 7?

3. Which number comes 4. Which numbers are missing?

just before 9?
7 8 9
5 and 6
2 and 3
1 and 4
44 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 1

10 ten

Write the number 10.

10 10
The number 10 can look like this. Sign It!

10 10 10 Shake your
thumb back
and forth.

Make a new 10.

You can use hand

10 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 10!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 45
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 10.

7 10 8 3
5 9 10
ten 10 4 6 2

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

6 7 8 9 5 10 1

Count back!

9 8 7 6

46 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the tape.

Write the number.

10¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balloons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 47
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 10?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

6 7 8

7 3 and 4
5 9 and 10
10 1 and 2

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 10?
3 8
7 10
9 1

48 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

11 eleven

Write the number 11.

11 11
The number 11 can look like this. Sign It!

11 11 11 Snap your
index finger up.

Make a new 11.

11 11 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making an 11!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 49
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 11.

11 6 2
7 9 11
eleven 4 8 11 10

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

8 9 10 12
9 5 11

Count back!

12 10 9 8

50 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the dinosaur.

Write the number.

11¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 51
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 11?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

7 8 11

10 3 and 4
7 5 and 6
11 9 and 10

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 11?
7 2
10 9
3 3

52 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

12 twelve

Write the number 12.

12 12
The number 12 can look like this. Sign It!

12 12 12
you Snap your index
fing up. finger and middle
finger up.

Make a new 12.

12 12 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 12!

t ce • Scholastic Teaching Resources

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon 53
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 12.

12 10 9
12 5 6
twelve 11 7 12 8

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

8 9 10 11
12 7 8

Count back!

15 14 13 11

54 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the truck.

Write the number.

12¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 55
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 12?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

8 10 11

12 2 and 5
10 9 and 12
8 3 and 7

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 12?
11 7
9 5
3 11

56 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

13 thirteen

Write the number 13.

13 13
The number 13 can look like this. Sign It!

13 13 Sn
idd e

Make a new 13.

13 13 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 13!

tw ce • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting 57
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 13.

12 9
14 13
11 10 7
thirteen 13 5 1 13

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

9 10 11 12
3 10 13

Count back!

15 14 12 11

58 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the car.

Write the number.

13¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 59
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 13?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

11 12 13

12 9 and 10
13 5 and 6
7 2 and 4

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 13?
9 11
10 8
12 2

60 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

14 fourteen

Write the number 14.

14 14
The number 14 can look like this. Sign It!

14 14 14
ing rs

Make a new 14.

14 14 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 14!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 61
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 14.

14 11 5 10
14 13 4 6
fourteen 14 7 14 12

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

11 12 13 15
12 14 6

Count back!

17 16 15 13

62 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the crayons.

Write the number.

14¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 63
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 14?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

10 13 14

10 8 and 9
14 2 and 3
9 11 and 12

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 14?
11 12
13 6
10 11

64 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

15 fifteen

Write the number 15.

1 1
The number 15 can look like this. Sign It!

15 15 15

Make a new 15.

15 15 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 15!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 65
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 15.

15 13
6 11
5 9 15
fifteen 10 15 14 2

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

13 14 16 17
15 5 11

Count back!

14 13 12 11

66 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the flag.

Write the number.

15¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 67
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 15?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

11 12 14

10 5 and 6
15 8 and 9
5 13 and 15

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 15?
14 7
10 13
7 10

68 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

16 sixteen

Write the number 16.

16 16
The number 16 can look like this. Sign It!

16 16 W gl
fing rs 16
Make a new 16.

16 16 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 16!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 69
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 16.

9 7
16 10
8 14 16
sixteen 12 6 16 15

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

12 13 14 15
16 8 11

Count back!

15 14 13 12

70 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the flute.

Write the number.

16¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 71
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 16?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

12 13 16

15 14 and 15
2 9 and 10
16 7 and 8

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 16?
11 14
15 4
3 11

72 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

17 seventeen
Write the number 17.

17 17
The number 17 can look like this. Sign It!

17 17 17
Make a new 17.

17 17 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 17!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 73
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 17.

10 9
17 11
8 17 16
seventeen 15 13 12 17

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

14 15 16 18
5 13 17

Count back!

20 19 18 16

74 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the rocket.

Write the number.

17¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 75
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 17?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

13 14 15

17 9 and 10
14 16 and 17
8 4 and 11

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 17?
4 15
12 9
16 14

76 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

18 eighteen

Write the number 18.

18 18
The number 18 can look like this. Sign It!

18 18 18
Make a new 18.

18 18 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making an 18!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 77
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 18.

18 17 15 6
18 10 9 18
eighteen 3 14 18 12

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

16 17 19 20
12 18 8

Count back!

19 17 16 15

78 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the book.

Write the number.

18¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 79
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 18?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

14 16 17

13 15 and 18
18 3 and 9
7 10 and 12

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 18?
11 16
15 6
17 13

80 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

19 nineteen

Write the number 19.

19 19
The number 19 can look like this. Sign It!

19 19 19
Make a new 19.

19 19 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 19!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 81
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 19.

15 18 19 17
19 19 14 19
nineteen 13 12 11 10

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

16 17 18 20
9 11 19

Count back!

20 18 17 16

82 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the sunglasses.

Write the number.

19¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 83
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 19?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

15 17 19

19 2 and 8
2 16 and 18
11 12 and 13

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 19?
18 7
14 5
16 15

84 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 1

20 twenty

Write the number 20.

Snap y r ind x

20 20
20 g

tw ce.

The number 20 can look like this. Sign It!

20 20 20
Pinch your
thumb and
index finger
together twice.

Make a new 20.

20 20 You can use hand

shapes to make numbers.
Try making a 20!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 85
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 20.

20 18 19 20 17
12 20 13
twenty 16 14 15 20

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

16 17 18 19
20 10 5

Count back!

19 18 17 16

86 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you need to buy the wand.

Write the number.

20¢ ¢

Co u n t
and How many balls are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 87
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 20?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

16 17 19

15 13 and 14
10 8 and 9
20 18 and 20

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 20?
19 14
17 18
11 9

88 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

21 twenty-one

Write the number 21.

21 21
The number 21 can look like this. Sign It!

21 21 21
Make a new 21.

You can use hand

21 shapes
n o t e
ton make numbers.
Try making a 21!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 89
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 21.

10 21
2 18
21 16 7
twenty-one 9 12 20 21

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

18 19 20 22 10 21 2

Count back!

22 20 19 18

90 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the crown.
Write the number. 21¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 91
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 21?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

17 18 20

20 9 and 11
5 13 and 16
21 19 and 21

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 21?
20 14
9 19
17 4

92 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

22 twenty-two

Write the number 22.

22 22
The number 22 can look like this. Sign It!

22 22 22
Sign two, then swing
it to the right.

Make a new 22.

You can use hand

22 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 22!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 93
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 22.

16 22 19
11 15 1
twenty-two 22 20 8 22

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

20 21 23 24 22 12 6

Count back!

24 23 21 20

94 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the train.
Write the number. 22¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 95
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 22?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

18 21 22

22 9 and 10
5 19 and 20
12 15 and 17

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 22?
21 19
8 10
18 20

96 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

23 twenty-three

Write the number 23.

23 23
The number 23 can look like this. Sign It!

23 23 23
Make a new 23.

You can use hand

23 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 23!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 97
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 23.

13 1 23 5
23 23 4 9
twenty-three 17 21 23 6

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

19 20 21 22 13 23 20

Count back!

24 22 21 20

98 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the whistle.
Write the number. 23¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 99
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 23?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

19 20 23

20 21 and 22
23 11 and 13
7 6 and 7

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 23?
6 21
17 1
22 13

100 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

24 twenty-four

Write the number 24.

24 24
The number 24 can look like this. Sign It!

24 24 24
Make a new 24.

You can use hand

24 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 24!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 101
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 24.

4 13 24 20
24 24 7 12
twenty-four 22 10 5 24

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

21 22 23 25 9 14 24

Count back!

26 25 23 22

102 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the doll.
Write the number. 24¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 103
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 24?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

20 22 24

24 10 and 12
21 21 and 23
11 4 and 5

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 24?
9 20
20 22
23 8

104 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

25 twenty-five

Write the number 25.

2 2
The number 25 can look like this. Sign It!

25 25 25
Make a new 25.

You can use hand

25 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 25!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 105
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 25.

24 25 10 8
25 12 17 25
twenty-five 25 19 5 21

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

23 24 26 27 15 25 5

Count back!

24 23 22 21

106 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the paint set.
Write the number. 25¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 107
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 25?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

21 22 24

20 23 and 25
11 10 and 12
25 19 and 20

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 25?
16 23
24 7
21 12

108 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

26 twenty-six

Write the number 26.

26 26
The number 26 can look like this. Sign It!

26 26 26
Make a new 26.

You can use hand

26 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 26!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 109
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 26.

12 26 4
9 8 16
twenty-six 23 26 17 26

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

22 23 24 25 26 16 20

Count back!

27 25 24 23

110 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the robot.
Write the number. 26¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 111
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 26?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

22 23 24

15 19 and 20
26 12 and 13
6 25 and 26

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 26?
25 18
21 7
12 24

112 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

27 twenty-seven

Write the number 27.

27 27
The number 27 can look like this. Sign It!

27 27 27
Make a new 27.

You can use hand

27 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 27!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 113
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 27.

17 27 20 9
27 10 25 27
twenty-seven 27 15 6 7

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

25 26 28 29 7 27 21

Count back!

30 29 28 26

114 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the top.
Write the number. 27¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 115
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 27?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

23 25 27

10 12 and 14
20 8 and 9
27 24 and 26

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 27?
20 25
26 5
19 21

116 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

28 twenty-eight

Write the number 28.

2 8 28
The number 28 can look
like this.
o th sw g
i Sign It!

28 28 28
Make a new 28.

You can use hand

28 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 28!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 117
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 28.

8 14 28
28 9 22
twenty-eight 18 28 3 27

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

25 26 27 29 8 28 12

Count back!

30 29 27 26

118 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the ball.
Write the number. 28¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 119
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 28?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

24 26 28

15 25 and 27
28 14 and 15
4 5 and 6

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 28?
16 26
25 16
27 3

120 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

29 twenty-nine

Write the number 29.

29 29
The number 29 can look like this. Sign It!

29 29 29
Make a new 29.

You can use hand

29 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 29!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 121
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 29.

18 3
29 29 4
7 29 25
twenty-nine 20 19 15 29

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

26 27 28 30 29 2 19

Count back!

30 28 27 26

122 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the kite.
Write the number. 29¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 123
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 29?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

25 27 29

29 6 and 8
4 26 and 28
11 21 and 23

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 29?
13 9
28 12
24 27

124 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 1

30 thirty

Write the number 30.

30 30
gn wing
h .

The number 30 can look like this. Sign It!

30 30 30
Make a new 30.

You can use hand

30 shapes to make numbers.

Try making a 30!

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 125
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 2

Fun With Numbers

Write the number. Circle each 30.

2 27 3 30
30 30 20 10
thirty 13 1 30 29

Count up! Circle the number

that tells how many.

26 27 28 29 10 20 30

Count back!

29 28 27 26

126 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 3

Color the pennies you

need to buy the glove.
Write the number. 30¢

Co u n t
and How many crayons are in each set?
Co m p a re Write the number. Fill in >, <, or =.

Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources 127
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Name: Date: page 4

What Do
You Know

What do you know

about the number 30?
Fill in the .
Use words or pictures.

B u b b le Fill in the to show each answer.

T im e
1. How many ? 2. Which numbers are missing?

26 28 29

20 27 and 30
10 15 and 18
30 8 and 9

3. Which number comes 4. Which number is largest?

just before 30?
25 6
29 28
11 14

128 Instant Practice Packets: Numbers & Counting • © 2011 by Joan Novelli & Holly Grundon • Scholastic Teaching Resources

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