The Power of Nickel

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NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023

The power of nickel

Ni catalyst helps turn oils and A VIP solution to transporting The power of green hydrogen
fats into renewable diesel liquefied natural gas using stainless steel


In the most significant transformation since the completion of the original
building in 1853, Paddington Station features a stunning glass canopy that
stands 8 metres above ground and extends over a length of 120 metres.

One of London’s largest ever custom-made box sections, with

artworks, the canopy structure the webs overhanging the lower
consists of painted carbon steel flange by 25 mm, the top and

frames spaced at around 6 metres, bottom flanges of the purlins were

with 180 Type 316L (UNS S31603) cut short by 80 mm at each end to
stainless steel purlins spanning facilitate the connection to the car-
between the carbon steel beams. bon steel beams. The purlins were
The mirror-polished stainless bolted to the carbon steel beams
The stainless steel mirror-polished grid steel purlins support 220 bespoke through fin plates connected to
appears to float above the platforms. glass panels, each weighing over each web with countersunk bolts.
a tonne. The polished finish was 10 mm thick stainless steel rein-
Location: Entrance to Elizabeth Line at
critical for their selection as it forcing plates were welded to the
Paddington Railway Station, London
blended in beautifully with the inner side of the box section webs
Manufacturer of stainless steel purlins:
renowned artist Spencer Finch’s to strengthen the connection to the
Structural engineer: Ramboll A Cloud Index printed onto the carbon steel beams.
Architect: Weston Williamson + Partners glazed roof. The canopy provides natural light
Weight of stainless steel: 56 tonnes The architectural needs imposed a 25 metres below ground, as well
Dimension of purlins: 300 mm tall, high demand on the fabrication of as a unique collage of clouds that
100 mm wide, 8 mm thick the purlins in terms of geometrical delight transit riders as it appears
tolerances, surface finish and weld to change according to the light,
quality. Consisting of laser-welded weather, and the time of day.

22 || NICKEL,
VOL. 38,
38, Nº
Nº 1,
1, 2023

The Oxford English dictionary defines power as “the ability or capacity to do

something or act in a particular way.” In this edition of Nickel we look at the
power of the unique properties of nickel to act at the heart of technologies that
are critical to reducing carbon emissions.

Green hydrogen is one such promising technology for the future. The spe-
cific properties of hydrogen place tough demands on the materials used
for its generation, storage, transportation and use. We look at how nickel-
containing stainless steels are up to the task and discover the power of
nickel catalysts for the production of renewable diesel. Nickel catalysts
are an indispensable part of the technology which produces renewable
diesel with much lower carbon emissions than petroleum-based alterna-
tives. We also examine the power of nickel to transport liquefied gases at
extremely low temperatures to deliver lower-emissions energy.
The Nickel Institute’s extensive collection of technical guides covers
properties, performance manufacturing technologies and use in almost
all nickel-containing materials and sectors and are available without
cost. The collection has been substantially updated over the past three
The power of nickel in many
years to enable engineers, other specifiers and users to harness the power
applications is explained in
of nickel with confidence and success. We recently published a second the Nickel Instituteʼs extensive
edition of one of our most popular guides, the Nickel Plating Handbook – library of technical guides.
details are on page 15. Check out our free publications
The Nickel Institute is all about sharing the knowledge, and it’s well at
known, knowledge is power!
Clare Richardson
Editor, Nickel

NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023 | 3


02 Case study no. 27
Elizabeth Line entrance canopy

03 Editorial
The power of nickel

04 Nickel notables

06 Renewable diesel
Ni catalyst turns fat into fuel

08 Nickel – a VIP solution

Liquid gas transportation

11 Nickel-based superalloys
The power to propel
Seizing sea power
12 The power of green hydrogen
Using nickel-containing
stainless steel

14 Technical Q&A

15 New publications

15 UNS details

16 Glimmering walled garden

Brooklyn Academy of Music’s
Harvey Theater

Nickel magazine is published by Nickel Institute

Dr. Hudson Bates, President

Clare Richardson, Editor

Contributors: Nancy Baddoo, Gary Coates, Steve Deutsch,

Ursula Herrling-Tusch, Richard Matheson, Francisco Meza,
Geir Moe, Kim Oakes, Benoît Van Hecke, Odette Ziezold

Design: Constructive Communications

Material has been prepared for the general information of

the reader and should not be used or relied upon for specific With the push for highly efficient, low-cost green hydrogen generation
applications without first securing competent advice. While
the material is believed to be technically correct, Nickel
from seawater, scientists at Australiaʼs RMIT have demonstrated a new
Institute, its members, staff and consultants do not represent method with great potential. The RMIT device uses a novel catalyst
or warrant its suitability for any general or specific use and
assume no liability or responsibility of any kind in connection made from sheets of nitrogen-doped nickel molybdenum phosphide
with the information herein.
(NiMo3P). This new catalyst splits seawater and generates hydrogen
ISSN 0829-8351
extremely efficiently in the lab, while resisting corrosion and suppress-
Printed in Canada on recycled paper by Hayes Print Group
ing chlorine production. When the hydrogen is run through a fuel cell
Stock image credits: Cover: Waste fats in laboratory locally, desalinated water is emitted. The research team says itʼll be easy
production of fuel iStock©Sinhyu
pg 3. iStock©onurdongel pg.5 iStock© to manufacture at scale and should be economical at commercial scale.
pg.6 iStock©Ratchat, pg 11. iStock©kynny
pg.13 iStock©newannyart Why seawater? It is more plentiful than fresh water and itʼs free.

4 | NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023

Faster virus detection Nano building
The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired a research group in Japan to engi-
neer a self sustaining batteryless device that not only detects viruses in
blocks fuel
the air more quickly, but it also transmits that information wirelessly.
Fumio Narita, at Tohoku University explains that “the device uses
a magnetostrictive clad plate composed of iron, cobalt and nickel,
generating power via alternative magnetisation caused by vibration.”
The team modified a 0.2 mm thick Fe-Co/Ni plate with a rectifier/storage
circuit that harvested bending vibration energy and enabled the wire-
less transmission of information. They then created the biorecognition
layer, choosing to focus on human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E).
“In future, with modifications to the biorecognition layer, we hope to
further develop our device and see if it applies to other viruses, such
as MERS, SARS and COVID-19,” said Narita.

Scientists from UNSW Sydney
have developed a new method for
designing tiny 3D materials that
could make fuel cells more effi-
cient. Researchers demonstrated
a novel technique using chemical
synthesis, to construct complex
compounds from simpler ones.
By growing hexagonal crystal–
structured nickel branches on
cubic crystal–structured cores,
they created 3D hierarchical struc-
tures with dimensions of around

A golden solution
10–20 nanometres. Authors of the
study Professor Richard Tilley and
Dr. Lucy Gloag note “these new 3D
With climate change top of mind, to help address the challenge could nanostructures are engineered to
one of the most effective methods prove to be CO2 hydrogenation. expose more atoms to the reaction
Scientists at the Tata Institute of environment, which can facilitate
Fundamental Research (TIFR) in more efficient and effective catal-
Mumbai recently demonstrated a ysis for energy conversion.” Used
process whereby nickel-laden in a fuel cell or battery, the higher
black gold converted CO2 into a surface area for the catalyst means
useful fuel source, using solar the reaction will be more efficient
energy and green hydrogen. The when converting hydrogen into

study validated the exceptional electricity. As less of the material

catalytic performance of plas- needs to be used for the reaction, it
monic black gold nickel and will decrease the costs. Published
could lead to the development of in Science Advances, the study is
a sustainable CO2 hydrogenation a step towards making energy
path and help in the development production more sustainable,
of technologies to reduce green- shifting dependence further away
house gas emissions. from fossil fuels.

NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023 | 5


According to the International Energy Agency, renewable fuel demand is

expected to grow rapidly over the next few years. Steve Deutsch from The
Catalyst Group explains the role of nickel catalysts and the potential of
renewable fuels.
The increased use of green diesel Lower carbon intensity
to combat climate change and the Different oils are used in making
depletion of fossil fuels, is creating renewable diesel, most commonly
more intensive investigation into rapeseed, soybean, and palm oil.
cost-effective catalysts such as Beef tallow and waste greases can
nickel-alumina playing a key part also be used. Due to concerns over
in the process. replacement of food sources for fuel,
The vast majority of renewable fuels non-traditional oils like camelina
today are either ethanol (corn-based and jatropha are also considered.
in the US and sugar-based in Brazil) Depending on the source and the
or biodiesel, which is made by exact processing methods, its
transesterification of vegetable oils. carbon intensity varies, but renew-
Both ethanol and biodiesel suffer able diesels are considered to have
from blending constraints limiting about 30% of the carbon intensity of
their use as well as lower energy petroleum-based diesel. While the
content compared to either gaso- main driver for renewable diesel is
line or petroleum-derived diesel. to lower CO2 emissions, there are
Renewable diesel (RD) is made by other benefits. Renewable diesel
hydroprocessing vegetable oil, and typically has only about 1 ppm
waste fats and greases, in a process sulphur, compared to 10–15 ppm
very similar to those used to make (depending on the more common
diesel in a conventional refinery. regional fuel standards), so it can be
Renewable diesel’s close chemical used to lower the sulphur content
Renewable diesel (RD) is made by relative, sustainable aviation fuel of petroleum diesel by blending.
hydroprocessing vegetable oil, and (SAF), can be made by different The cetane number of renewable
waste fats and greases, in a process processes, including hydrotreating diesel ranges from 70–90, compared
very similar to the processes used to vegetable oils, if the oil feedstock to a minimum cetane value of 40
make diesel in a conventional refinery. in the US and 49 in Europe. Higher
has the appropriate chemical com-
position. Renewable diesel meets cetane fuels burn cleaner, making
all the conventional specifications regeneration of soot filters easier
for diesel fuels, so it can be used and less frequent, saving fuel and
without blending, unlike biodiesel. reducing maintenance costs.

6 | NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023

1 2 3 4 5



Renewable diesel is made by first double bonds as well as promoting Figure 1. Renewable diesel
pre-treating oils to remove metallic the activity for the removal of oxy- process flow diagram
contaminants that may be present gen. Ni impregnated in zeolites and
other molecular sieves are also used 1. Vegetable oils and waste fats/
and acid from rancidification of oils.
greases are brought to the refinery.
The oil is then sent to a hydrotreater in the isomerisation step, replacing
(similar to petroleum) to break the more expensive catalysts based on 2. Pretreatment removes unwanted
triglyceride and remove oxygen. platinum or palladium.
Hydrogenation of unsaturated 3. Hydrocracking and deoxygenation
Dynamic growth are processes similar to those used at
bonds also occurs as well as some According to IEA, global renewable fossil fuel refineries.
cracking of larger molecules to diesel production in 2021 was 4. Isomerisation is the final step to
smaller molecules. Finally, the only 170,000 barrels/day but is obtain fuel quality diesel.
hydrotreated oil is isomerised to forecasted to grow to between 5. Renewable diesel is a high quality
improve the cold flow properties of 420,000 and 600,000 barrels/day advanced biofuel suitable for all
the diesel to meet fuel specifications by 2027. Similarly, SAF production diesel engines.
(Figure 1). The main products from was only 2,500 barrels/day in 2021
this process are renewable diesel but expected to grow to 1–2% of
and propane, with heavier fractions global demand by 2027, equivalent
becoming sustainable aviation fuel to 75,000–150,000 barrels/day.
(SAF) and lighter fractions converted Governments have mandated
to renewable gasoline (Figure 2). the use of renewable fuels, so as
Nickel catalysts the demand for renewable fuels
The catalysts used for hydrotreat- increases so will the demand for
ing vegetable oil are Ni or NiMo nickel catalysts, which are an
supported on alumina. Ni provides indispensable part of renewable
good functionality for saturating fuel technologies.

Figure 2. Chemical steps in the

Ni catalyst
Vegetable oil + Hydrogen hydrotreating of vegetable oils
Fatty acids + Propane
(triglyceride) Saturation Ni catalyst
to make renewable diesel.
and cracking
Hydrocracking and
deoxygenation Please note that the Nickel Institute (NI)
does not endorse any particular forecast or
Ni catalyst forward-looking statement including, but
Renewable diesel + SAF Lighter hydrocarbons not limited to, which particular use will
grow or develop in the future. If the reader
+ Carbon monoxide would like to utilise or refer to this publicly
available information from the third party
+ Water please cite the original source and not the NI.

NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023 | 7


Vacuum insulated piping (VIP) makes it possible to transport liquefi ed gases at

temperatures well below O°C to facilitate the energy transition.
LNG bunkering is the process of VIP and nickel oil as an energy source to produce
supplying liquefi ed natural gas to a Climate change is making us strive electricity or heating. The produc-
vessel for use as fuel. In a pipe-to-ship to reduce our carbon emissions. tion, transportation and use of
layout, it starts with LNG from an Non-carbon dioxide emitting fuels these alternative energy carriers
onshore terminal which stores it such as hydrogen and ammonia however requires liquefying them.
ready for bunkering when needed. provide alternatives and liquefied In the case of LNG, this happens at
LNG is then transferred to the vessel natural gas (LNG) has proven to very low temperatures. Care must
through vacuum insulated piping. be a lower emissons alternative to be taken to ensure that the cooled

8 | NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023

and liquefied gases stay liquid as containing stainless steels are used Vacuum insulated pipes are manufac-
long as required to store and supply for both inner and outer pipes as tured from two concentric pipes,
them. For this to work, insulation well as for the necessary spacers, mostly made of nickel-containing
of the liquefied gases from the valves and compensation bellows, stainless steel: an inner pipe or
environment is required. which allow the cooling equipment process pipe, which transports the
to operate across a range of temper- liquefied gas; and an outer pipe or
This is where nickel comes into the
atures. jacket, which maintains the vacuum.
picture. Nickel-containing stain-
less steels have many attractive VIP can be used to transfer liquid The pipes are separated from each other
properties. They are ductile and hydrogen, argon, nitrogen, oxygen, by pipe supports made of materials
resilient even at low temperatures, helium and LNG. The benefits of VIP with very low thermal conductivity.
making them an ideal choice in (as opposed to traditional insulation VIP using double-wall stainless steel
piping networks for the transporta- using, e.g. foam) are many. Firstly, tubes can be pre-assembled in the
tion of liquefied gases. there is the cooling efficiency, which factory which saves time and cost.
keeps operating costs lower than
How does vacuum insulation work?
those of traditional insulating
Think of a pipe-in-pipe layout that
methods. Secondly, vacuum insu-
carries the liquefied gas on the
lated transfer lines take up less
inside. A vacuum between the two
space than conventional insulation
pipes prevents any loss of heat
piping. The double-wall system
through conduction because the
with a vacuum in between offers
air (which is a conductor) is sucked
an insulation value that is so high
out of the space between the inner
that it can only be matched by
and outer pipe. Translated into
applying many layers of foam-like
industrial applications, nickel-

NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023 | 9

materials, thus increasing the sys- VIP is an essential part of LNG
tem’s outer diameter. Also, when bunkering and reloading systems
safety requires a double-containment The former refers to the process of
system, the outer pipe provides just supplying LNG (from onshore, from
VIP can be used to transfer liquid
that. If the inner tube were to leak, a bunkering vessel or from trucks)
hydrogen, argon, nitrogen,
the double-containment mitigates to a vessel for use as fuel. The latter
oxygen, helium and LNG.
the risk. Foam insulated transfer concerns transferring LNG from
pipes don’t offer such a safety onshore storage to either vessels
feature and require a concrete safety (bulk reloading) or to trucks
trench, which increases costs. VIP (through ISO containers), for use
using double-wall stainless steel of the LNG for power generation
tubes can be pre-assembled in the or industrial use. With both LNG
factory. Traditional insulation bunkering and reloading infra-
solutions require the piping to be structure, vacuum insulated piping
mounted on site and special care is connects the source of LNG to its
needed to keep the insulation layer destination. The technology also
intact. This explains why VIP enables regasification of liquefied
solutions can be mounted in half gas during transfer thanks to the
the time that would be required for high insulation efficiency.
pipes with traditional insulation. Nickel: a VIP solution. How “cool”
Finally, whereas foam-like insula- is that?
tion has a life span of only ten
years, vacuum insulated piping
using stainless steel is expected to
last at least 20 years.

Double-walled vacuum-sealed stainless steel bottle

The use of nickel-containing stainless steels for vacuum insulation
is not limited to industrial solutions. In fact, drinking water bottles
make use of the same principle. Vacuum-sealed bottles are
double-walled too (whereas double-walled doesn’t necessarily
mean “vacuum sealed”). A stainless steel bottle that has been
“vacuum-sealed” has two walls with a gap in between, which, due
to the absence of any molecules doesn’t transfer heat. A gap as
small as 1 mm can insulate food or drink inside your container.


Interior: 304 stainless steel

Vacuum gap

Outer wall: 304 stainless steel

10 | NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023


The term “superalloy” was first used in the 1940s to describe a group of alloys
developed for high-temperature applications such as turbosupercharger and
aircraft engines. Superalloys are metallic materials which can withstand
extreme temperatures because they possess microstructural stability, are
resistant to high-temperature oxidation and, most importantly, resist high-
temperature creep (elongation at high temperature). These alloys have found
extensive use in many high-temperature applications, such as automotive
exhaust valves, furnace structural parts, heat treatment equipment, nuclear
plant components, rocket engines and, most significantly, in the hot zones of
gas and jet turbines for electricity generation or to power aircraft.
Superalloys can be based on iron, Turbine fuel efficiency has been
cobalt or nickel, but nickel-based increased by controlling the crys-
alloys are by far the dominant tal structure of the superalloy tur-
type. Nickel-based superalloys bine blades, initially by making the
typically consist of more than 50% crystals grown in the same longitu-
nickel and about 20% chromium. dinal direction and then producing
the blades as a single crystal which
Their strength can be increased by
improves creep resistance, meaning
“solid-solution strengthening” by
resistance to elongation during opera-
adding elements such as cobalt and
tion. In addition, cooling passages to
molybdenum, or by “precipitation
reduce surface metal temperatures Nickel-based superalloys typically
hardening” where aluminium and/
and application of coatings to reduce consist of more than 50% nickel and
or titanium is added to produce alloys oxidation allows turbines to operate about 20% chromium. They are used
with the highest resistance to creep. at even higher temperatures. where pressure and heat are extreme.
These alloys are used for critical The wonders of flying never cease
components in gas turbines, such to amaze with the increased power
as turbine blades and exhaust made possible, in part, because
nozzles, where pressure and heat of the strength of nickel-based
are extreme. superalloys.

Nominal composition of common nickel-based superalloys

UNS/DIN Ni% Cr% Co% Mo% Al% Ti%

Alloy 75 N06075 bal 20 - - - -
Alloy 80A N07080 bal 20 1 - 1.5 2.2
Alloy 90 N07090 bal 20 18 - 1.5 2.5
105 2.4634 bal 20 20 5 4.7 1.2
115 2.4636 bal 15 14 4 4.7 4
263 N07263 bal 20 20 5.8 - 2.2

NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023 | 11


Hydrogen is 14 times lighter than air, non-toxic, colourless and odourless,

and burns without residue with a colourless flame. It is gaseous down to
-253 °C, after which it liquefies. It is a very reactive element that only occurs
in a bound form, for example as a hydrogen molecule, in water with oxygen
Green hydrogen has almost unlimited
or in methane with carbon.
potential as a replacement for
fossil fuels and will be an essential Hydrogen itself is energy intensive steam reforming. This is a process
contributor to getting to net-zero. to produce. Worldwide annually, 30 that converts water and methane
Nickel-containing stainless steel million tonnes of “grey” hydrogen into hydrogen and carbon dioxide
is a sustainable companion on the are produced from fossil fuels such (CO2). And every tonne of hydrogen
path to a climate neutral future. as natural gas or oil, mostly by produces ten tonnes of CO2.

12 | NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023

Hydrogen colour coding
Hydrogen is an element that
exists primarily in molecular
forms such as water and
organic compounds. Hydrogen
gas can be produced from var-
ious sources or processes. To
identify these different sources
or processes the hydrogen is
identified by a colour-code.
Going green (permeation) and significantly The most significant are the
The more climate-friendly alterna- impair their mechanical proper- following:
tive is “green” hydrogen, produced ties. Even at a hydrogen concentra- Green hydrogen is produced
in a climate neutral manner from tion of a few ppm, in susceptible through water electrolysis,
100% renewable energies. The most material, degradation can occur which uses renewable electric-
common production process for ity to split water into hydrogen
resulting in the formation of cracks
green hydrogen is electrolysis of and oxygen gas. The reason
and brittle fracture and therefore
it is called green is that there
water where hydrogen is separated represents an unacceptable safety is no CO2 emission during the
from the oxygen. risk. Components made of nickel- production process.
Hydrogen is an important raw containing stainless steel, on the
Grey, brown and black
material for the chemical and other hand, permanently resist hydrogen is produced using
petrochemical industries to both permeation and degradation fossil fuel, natural gas, lignite
produce basic chemicals such as thanks to their microstructure. coal and bituminous coal,
Thus, they prevent gradual escape respectively. However, these
green ammonia or green methanol.
of gas and protect the components options all emit CO2 to differing
More than half of hydrogen pro- degrees.
duction is processed into ammonia from embrittlement, maintaining
consistently high strength, ductil- Blue hydrogen is derived from
for the manufacture of fertilisers.
natural gas. However, the CO2
Hydrogen can also be used directly ity and homogeneity.
is captured and stored under-
for building heating, industrial For components that come into ground (carbon sequestration).
furnaces and in fuel cells to drive contact with hydrogen, austenitic As no CO2 is emitted, the blue
electric motors for transportation. stainless steel Types 316L (UNS hydrogen production process
It is so attractive because its only S31603) and 304L (S30403) are is categorised as carbon
exhaust emission is water. used as standard. Types 317LMN
(S31726), 2205 (S32205) and 2507 Pink, purple and red
The specific properties of hydrogen hydrogen. Hypothetically,
place the highest demands on the (S32750) are tried and tested for
hydrogen can be produced
materials used for its generation, particularly critical applications.
by use of nuclear power. Pink
cryogenic storage, transport and Looking forward to a sustainable hydrogen is generated through
use of electrolysers, high-pressure future, ways and means of produc- electrolysis of water by using
compressors, tanks, valves, pipes electricity from a nuclear
ing, using and distributing green
power plant. Purple hydrogen
and fittings. The high diffusibility hydrogen are being expanded
is made though using nuclear
of hydrogen requires reliable gas around the world. Many grades of power and heat through
tightness of all components to stainless steel will play a key role combined chemo thermal
avoid losses and mitigate the risk in the process, from start to finish. electrolysis splitting of water.
of explosion or fire due to escaping Red hydrogen is produced
Adapted from an article by
hydrogen. through the high-temperature
Ursula Herrling-Tusch on behalf of catalytic splitting of water using
Strength & resistance Warenzeichenverband Edelstahl nuclear power thermal as an
With many metals, hydrogen Rostfrei e.V., https://www.wzv-rost- energy source.
atoms can penetrate the material

NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023 | 13


Geir Moe P.Eng. is the Technical

Inquiry Service Coordinator at the
Nickel Institute. Along with other
material specialists situated around
Q: What is the maximum recommended fl ow velocity for stainless steel
piping when using it for water applications?

A: Nickel-containing stainless steel

does not have a recommended
We also see the beneficial effect of
increasing nickel content in nickel-

the world, Geir helps end-users
limit for flow velocity. Table 1 containing metals which are not a
and specifi ers of nickel-containing
materials seeking technical support. shows the metal loss rate for stainless steel. The nickel content
The team is on hand to provide various metals at velocities up of 316L however is lower than
technical advice free of charge on a to 8.2 m/s (27 ft /s), demonstrating these other nickel-containing
wide range of applications such as that 316L (S31603) has the lowest materials but benefits from its
stainless steel, nickel alloys and nickel metal loss rate at the higher veloc- corrosion resistant passive layer.
plating to enable nickel to be used with ity. In fact, this metal loss is less In fact, 300 series stainless steels
confi de nce . than the definition of corrosion have been tested up to 40 m/s
resistance which is a metal loss (125 ft /s) without any increase in
rate equal to or less than 0.1 mm/y. metal loss, Table 2.

Table 1: Metal loss rate in seawater at different velocities

Metal loss mm/y at different velocities

Ni% 0.3 m/s 8.2 m/s

(1 ft/s) (27 ft/s)

Carbon steel - 0.16 1.17
Cast iron - 0.23 1.36
WWW.NICKELINSTITUTE.ORG Silicon bronze - 0.004 1.46
Al bronze <1% 0.023 1.10
SUBSCRIBE to Nickel magazine free of charge and
receive a printed copy or an e-mail notice when a 90/10 CuNi 10 0.020 0.40
new issue is published.
70/30 CuNi 30 <0.004 0.16
READ Nickel magazine online in several languages.
Alloy 400 65 <0.004 0.016
316L 10 0.005 <0.005
SEARCH BACK ISSUES of Nickel magazine from our
online archive, going back to 2009.
Table 2: Upper velocity limit for CuNi and 300 series stainless steel in
FOLLOW US on Twitter @NickelInstitute seawater and potable water
JOIN US on LinkedIn – Velocity limit m/s (ft/s)
visit the Nickel Institute’s page.
Seawater Potable water
WATCH nickel-related videos on
90/10 Cu/Ni 2.4-3 (8-10) 3.7-4.6 (12-15)
the Nickel Institute YouTube channel. 70/30 Cu/Ni 3-3.7 (10-12) 4.6-5.5 (15-18)
300 series SS >40 (125) >40 (125)

14 | NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023

Is there enough nickel? The short answer is “yes”!
The terms “resources” and to both resources and reserves.
“reserves” are used when we To this can be added around 40
refer to the availability of nickel. million tonnes of nickel which is
“Resources” describe potential currently in use and which will
future ore deposits which still need eventually become available for
to be explored. “Reserves” occur recycling. At current production
when the exploration quantifies levels of 2.7 million tonnes per year
and assesses that the ore deposit we can say that there's enough
can be mined economically. Today,
nickel for current and future
there are 95 million tonnes of
known nickel reserves, as well
as 350 million tonnes of on-shore The Nickel Institute has updated
nickel resources and 300 million its nickel resources and reserves
tonnes of potential off-shore fact sheet with the latest data.
resources. Companies are contin- Download from
uously adding new ore deposits

Nickel Plating Handbook KNOWLEDGE

The Nickel Institute has published procedures, troubleshooting, prac- FOR A BRIGHTER

the second edition of the popular tical tips, waste minimisation and
Nickel Plating Handbook. This free advice on occupational and envi-
104-page comprehensive guide to ronmental health aspects of nickel Nickel plating
electroplating has been revised plating. This edition includes new
and updated by plating industry health and safety information
specialist, Dr William Lo. and introduces a section on the
prevention of nickel release from
The Nickel Plating Handbook reviews nickel plated and alloyed articles.
modern industrial nickel plating The Nickel Plating Handbook is a high
practice against a background of quality guide to electroplating and
fundamental electrochemistry. provides practical information for
It covers electrolyte composition, the operation and control of nickel
specifications for decorative coat- plating processes. Download from
ings, engineering coatings, testing

UNS DETAILS Chemical compositions (% by weight) of the alloys and stainless steels
mentioned in this issue of Nickel.
UNS C Cr Fe Mn Mo N Ni P S Si
S30403 0.03 18.0- bal 2.00 - - 8.0- 0.045 0.030 1.00
pg 13 max 20.0 max 12.0 max max max
S31603 0.030 16.0- bal 2.00 2.00- - 10.0- 0.045 0.030 1.00
pg 2,13,14,16 max 18.0 max 3.00 14.0 max max max
S31726 0.030 17.0 bal 2.00 4.00- 0.10- 13.5- 0.045 0.030 1.00
pg 13 max 20.0 max 6.00 0.20 17.5 max max max
S32205 0.030 22.0- bal 2.00 3.00- 0.14- 4.50- 0.030 0.020 1.00
pg 13 max 23.0 max 3.50 0.20 6.50 max max max
S32750 0.030 24.0- bal 1.20 3.0- 0.24- 6.0- 0.035 0.020 0.80
pg 13 max 26.0 max 5.0 0.32 8.0 max max max

NICKEL, VOL. 38, Nº 1, 2023 | 15


Itʼs a stunning and massive piece of art composed of 900 linear metres of
perforated stainless steel, cut with an irregular “foliage” pattern, designed
to refl ect the ivy-covered walls and green spaces that surround the Brooklyn
Academy of Musicʼs (BAM) Harvey Theater.
Called Paradise Parados, its award- the artwork geometry to limit the
winning creator, Teresita Fernández number of unique parts while
worked with Camber Studio in maintaining its organic character.
Brooklyn, choosing mirror-polished They worked with licensed engi-
stainless steel, fabricated in varied neers “to analyse the geometry
interwoven layers. The artist for structural performance and
envisioned an immersive, coherent develop the connection details,
experience where viewers are both within the weave and to the
A complex structure and engineering “surrounded by the artwork, walk masonry wall.”
feat, the “foliage” ribbons are
underneath it, and see their own
laser-cut out of 11-gauge (3 mm) Since its unveiling in 2022, the
reflections in the myriad foliage
316L alloy (UNS S31603) stainless installation is not only turning
weave patterns.”
steel and polished with a #4 non- heads, but it has also received
directional finish on the back and Camber Studio developed a esteemed recognition including an
a #7 mirror finish on the front. detailed digital model from the art- NYC Public Design Commission
istʼs initial sketches, systematising Excellence in Design Award.

VOL.38,38,NºNº1, 1,2023

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