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2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)

Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-24, 2018

Glocal Control of Load Frequency for Electrical Power Networks

with Multiple Shared Model Set
Binh-Minh Nguyen, Koji Tsumura, and Shinji Hara

Abstract – Load frequency control of electrical power not only matrix T but also other N-1 controllers. Thus, this
networks to balance the demand and supply based on automatic type of decentralized control is unsuitable for large scale
generation control (AGC) has been widely studied for years. As power networks. In [7] and [8], Andreasson et al propose a
the power networks become more complex, we face the essential hierarchical control structure such that the mechanical power
issue: How to design the load frequency control systematically for each local area is obtained by two control layers: the
to assure the stability of the overall system while optimizing the
proportional (P) control of local frequency ωi in the
global/local control performances? To this end, in this paper,
we propose a framework for glocal (global/local) control of load lower-layer, and in the upper-layer the integral (I) control of
frequency. The command to each local governor includes two the average frequency ϖ = (ω1 + ω2 +…+ ωN)/N. According
signals: the local signal through the corresponding area-control to [8], the overall LFC system is stable if the P gains and I
error (ACE) in the lower-layer, and the global signal gains are both positive. However, this proposition is only
distributed from the upper-layer by controlling the average applicable to the simplified power networks that neglecting
frequency aggregation. We will clarify the role-sharing of the the dynamics of turbines and governors. By selecting the
upper and lower layers via two model sets which are shared in same control gains for the heterogeneous local areas, the
both control layers. Finally, we demonstrate the trade-off authors cannot discuss the control performance of two control
between upper and lower performances through the volumes of
layers. Moreover, the control of tie-line power is neglected by
model sets, and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method
by simulations. this strategy. In [10], Shiltz et al propose excellent
integration of AGC and demand response. However, the
I. INTRODUCTION stability of the overall system is examined by a centralized
In the electrical power networks, load frequency control way as follows. Let z is the vector includes the state of the
(LFC) is the very fundamental function to balance the total system, the dynamics of the overall system is z[k+1] =
demand-supply, and maintain the system frequency at the A∙z[k] where matrix A is established from system dynamics
nominal values [1]. After more than four decades, many and the controllers. Considering the large scale power
control strategies has been proposed. Among them, networks, it is quite complex to select the control gains such
centralized control [2] is no longer of interest since it is that A is Schur stable. In summary, we need a systematic
unsuitable for the very complex power system in the future, design procedure that assuring the stability of the overall
especially when various renewable sources are integrated. system, and enabling control performance analysis.
Thus, completely decentralized control [3~6] or Considering the above issues, the inspiration of our works
hierarchically decentralized control [7~11] has been much is based on the glocal (global/local) concept in which the
attracted in control community in recent years. However, a control actions are restricted locally while the purposes are to
systematic method to assure the stability of the overall load attain both the local and global behaviors [12]. Firstly, we
frequency control system is still a challenge issue. The power show that, similarly to the electric vehicles [13], the load
network can be seen as a large scale system of N local areas, frequency dynamics can be modelled hierarchically with
and the most difficult challenge in stability analysis is the global/local generalized plants by aggregation; and the
interconnection between local areas represented by the physical interaction can be treated in the upper-layer. Then,
synchronizing torque coefficient matrix T of size N×N. we propose a hierarchically decentralized LFC including the
Define Ψ(s) = det(IN + diag{Φi (s)}T/s) where Φi (s) is the upper-layer controller Cg and N lower-layer controllers Cl,i
transfer function of ith local subsystem including the local (Fig. 1). In our original works, only one “global/local shared
plant and local controller. In [6], Tan states that the model set” is shared by the upper-layer and lower-layer [14].
decentralized LFC system is stable if Ψ(s) is stable. However, In this paper, this idea is utilized in a new way. We notice that
it is not easy to assure the stability of Ψ(s), especially when N there exist two channels connecting the control layers,
is a big number and uncertainties are introduced. When namely, Channel 1 for the control distribution from the
tuning any ith controller, it is necessary to know the details of upper-layer, and Channel 2 for the physical interaction
between interconnected areas. The upper-layer expects that
B-M. Nguyen and K. Tsumura are with the Department of Information the transfer functions of the local subsystem in Channels 1
Physics and Computing, the University of Tokyo, Japan. (corresponding author
to provide e-mail:
and 2 belong to the model set Mδ1 and Mδ2, respectively. The
S. Hara was with Department of Information Physics and Computing, the model sets including perturbation can be expressed as
University of Tokyo, Japan. He is now with the Research and Development
Initiative, Chuo University, Japan.

978-1-5386-7697-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 412

PG,U  *
Cg ( s)

Upper-layer controller
1N 1TN N

T IN  1

Cl ,1(s)   Fgt ,1(s)   F1 ( s ) 

   P    PM   
ACE  
Cl ,2 (s)
 G,L 
Fgt ,2 (s)
 
F2 ( s )
 ω
        
 
 Cl ,N (s)  Fgt ,N (s) 
 FN ( s ) 

ACE* Lower-layer controller Governor & turbine Electrical power network
1/ R1 
 1/ R2 
 
 
 1/ RN 

 B1 
 B2 
 
 
 BN 

Fig.1. Hierarchically decentralized control system of load frequency.

follows: Mδj = {Fl ( M oj ,  j ) :  j   j } where j = {1,2}. NOMENCLATURE

Symbol Meaning
Thus, each Cl,i is designed to optimize the local objective with
ϖ Average aggregation of frequency deviation
the additional model matching conditions. From the global 1N All-one column vector of size N
controller point of view, the lower-layer becomes a plant ω Vector of frequency deviation
including the physical interaction channel and uncertainty PM Vector of mechanical power deviation
PL Vector of load power deviation
channels Mδj. Thus, we only have to solve a standard robust PTL Vector of tie-line power deviation
control problem to design Cg, and the number of local areas is Fi(s) Transfer function of generator in the ith area
Fgt,i(s) Transfer function of governor & turbine in ith area
no longer a big issue. Since the control performances are Ri Droop characteristics for ith area
functions of the volumes δj, we can clarify the trade-off Bi Frequency bias setting of ith area
between two layers. T Synchronizing torque coefficient matrix
ACE Vector of area control error
Cl,i(s) Transfer function of the ith lower-layer controller
II. MODELING Cg(s) Transfer function of the upper-layer controller
PG,L Vector of local control signal
PG,U Global control signal
A. Modeling of the power networks
The power network includes N local are shown in Fig. 1 III. GLOCAL CONTROL APPROACH
[15]. Let tij = tji  i ≠ j is the synchronizing torque coefficient
between ith area and jth area. The symmetric matrix T is A. Problem Setting
expressed as In this study, we consider a class of power system including
N interconnected areas such that the synchronizing torque
  t1 j t12 t1N  coefficients are homogeneous (tij = t  i ≠ j), which fairly fits
 j 1 
 t to the situation where all the generators are located in a
 21 t 2j t2 N  certain compact region, such as an island-grids. We take this
 T  j 2
  idealized assumption for the sake of simplicity in
  demonstrating the fundamental characteristics of electric
 
 t N 1 t N 2  t Nj  power network with hierarchical structure. Then, we have
 jN 
 T =diag  Nt  1  1T t  
B. Modeling of the proposed LFC system
Thanks to (2), the LFC system in Fig. 1 can be
We propose the hierarchically decentralized control equivalently represented as in Fig. 2(a). To apply the
system for load frequency as in Fig. 1. In the lower-layer, framework of glocal control [14], we name the signals as
Cl,i (s) is to control the corresponding ACE to follow the follows: wl is the reference value of the ACE, and wg is the
reference ACE*. In the upper-layer, Cg(s) is to control the reference value of ϖ; yl and yg are the control errors of two
average frequency. The command to each governor is the control layers; zl and zg are the signals for evaluating the
summary of the local control signal, and the global control control performances of the lower-layer and upper-layer,
signal distributed from the upper-layer.

WS ( s )

Cg ( s)
yg  wg Cg  s 

Upper-layer controller yg ug
rg1 rg 2
 (s) vg

zg Gs wg
1N 1N 1TN N
rg1 rg 2 vg
rl 2

WSL (s) 
 WSL (s)  zl

1N 1N 1TN / N
 WSL (s)
 rl1
Cl,1(s)   Fgt ,1(s)   F1 ( s ) 
   
 yl 

Cl,2 (s) 

ul  
Fgt ,2 (s)
 

F2 ( s ) 

vl rl1 rl 2 vl
        
 
 Cl,N (s) Fgt ,N (s)  FN ( s ) 
 

Lower-layer controller
wl zl
 Q1 
 Q2 
 
 

 Q N  ul yl
Cl ,1  s 
1 ( s )

Cl ,2  s 
 2 (s)
 
 
Cl , N  s 
  N ( s ) 

(a) (b)
Fig.2. Representation of LFC system in case of homogeneous synchronizing torque coefficient.

obtaining via the weighting functions WSL(s) and WS(s),

C. Global and Local Performance
respectively. In the channel from lower-layer to upper-layer,
vl is the vector of frequency deviation and vg is the average The condition for ACE tracking control can be expressed
frequency deviation. The control signals of two layers are ul as l ,iWSL Sl ,i   1 where ηl,i represents the local control
and ug. The upper-layer connects to the lower-layer via the performance to be maximized, and the sensitivity function is
control signal distribution channel between rg1 and rl1, and
the physical interaction channel between rg2 and rl2. The gain
i Cl ,i Fgt ,i H i
Qi = 1/Ri , and other transfer functions in Fig. 2(a) are  Sl , i   
1   Qi  i Cl ,i  Fgt ,i H i
Fi ( s)
  ( s)  Nt , H i ( s)  ,  ( s)  Bi   ( s)   On the other hand, the condition for the upper-layer is
s 1  Fi ( s)  ( s) i
 gWS S g 
 1 where ηg represents the global control
B. Glocal Framework performance to be maximized, and Sg is the sensitivity
The system in Fig. 2(a) can be expressed by the glocal function from wg to yg. It is a very complex high order
control framework shown in Fig. 2(b) where the block function which depends on both the upepr and lower blocks.
matrices are expressed as (3). In the following, we remove “s” Considering the large scale power networks, our interests are
in the transfer function expressions for simplicity. as follows: (1) How to reduce the computational effort to
optimize ηg and stabilize the overall system? (2) Does the
1 
trade-off between ηg and ηl,i exists?
0 1
0 W  Lvr1 Lvr 2 Lvw Lvu 
WS   
 G S
, L   Lzr1 Lzr 2 Lzw Lzu    D. Idea of Shared Model Sets
1 0 0 
   Lyr1 Lyr 2 Lyw Lyu  For any local subsystem we have
  
0 0
 vl ,i  1,i rl1,i   2,i rl 2,i  
where L*#  diag L (i )
 and
 C F  1 H
Fgt ,i H i l ,i gt ,i i
where 1,i  ,  2,i 
 Hi Fgt ,i H i Fgt ,i H i  1   Qi  i Cl ,i  Fgt ,i H i i i l ,i gt ,i H i 1  Q   C  F
 1 Q F H 0 
1  Qi Fgt ,i H i 1  Qi Fgt ,i H i
 i gt ,i i  Let M1o and M2o be the nominal models. We can define
 W  H WSL Fgt ,i H i WSL Fgt ,i H i  the multiplicative model matching errors as
 L 
(i ) SL i i
 WSL WSL  
1  Qi Fgt ,i H i 1  Qi Fgt ,i H i 1  Qi Fgt ,i H i 
   M1o   M 2o
i H i  Fgt ,i H i  Fgt ,i H i   1,i  1,i ,  2,i  2,i  
 1 1  M1o M 2o
 1  Qi Fgt ,i H i 1  Qi Fgt ,i H i 1  Qi Fgt ,i H i 

zg WS ( s )

ug yg  wg
Cg ( s) g2 g2 zg wg zg 2 wg
control distribution channel
 2 p 
g p
physical interaction channel  g1  g1
 (s) vg 1 g2 g2 g2 2 g2
 g1  g1
1 ( s )
 g1  g1  g1 2  g1
1 
 1 1

M 1o ( s )
 zg Rs wg

g2 g2 
 s  s
 2 (s)

M 2o (s)
 Cg
rg 2 yg ug

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 3. Representation of the overall system with nominal models and perturbations.

If the above errors satisfy ||Δ1,i ||∞ ≤ δ1 and ||Δ2,i ||∞ ≤ δ2  i, Accordingly, the combined perturbation in Fig. 3(d) is
the overall system can be expressed as in Fig. 3(a) where the
channels from rg1 and rg2 to vg can be represented by the   
 Δ  diag  2 1 ,  2 , 2  p   
nominal models with the perturbation Δ1 and Δ2 satisfying 
 1  g 
N N Since ||Δ1||∞ ≤ δ1, ||Δ2||∞ ≤ δ2, and ||Δp||∞ ≤ ηg, it is
 1  1  ki 1i  1 ,  2  1   2i   2  
 N i 1  N i 1 transparent that Δ( s)   2 . We name {Mjo, δj} (j = 1, 2) as
  

the model set to be shared between two control layers. Thanks

The system in Fig. 3(a) can be transformed to the system
to the model sets, the upper-layer control design becomes a
in Fig. 3(b). To represent the global control performance, we
standard robust control problem with the block diagram
define the perturbation Δp such that ||Δp||∞ ≤ ηg. The system in
shown in Fig. 3(d). A popular way to design the system in Fig.
Fig. 3(b) is again transformed to the system in Fig. 3(c). The
3(d) is μ-synthesis proposed by Zhou and Doyle [16].
block matrices R and Ψ are obtained as


 M  M 2o  M 2 o M 1o 
 2o
Following the idea of shared model sets presented in the
1   M 2 o 1   M 2o 1   M 2o  previous Section, we propose the following procedure to
 R   WS WS WS M 1o    clarify the independent design of local and global.
 WS
1   M 2 o 1   M 2o 1   M 2o  Step 1: Model set selection
  M 1o 
 1 1 1 Select the model sets {Mjo, δj} (j = 1, 2).
1   M 2 o 1   M 2o 1   M 2 o 
Step 2-L: Lower-layer design
 Cg M 1o Cg M 1o (1   M 2o )Cg M 1o  Each local controller Cl,i is designed to satisfy
1   M  C M 1   M 2o  Cg M 1o 1   M 2o  Cg M 1o 
 2o g 1o  (i)Model matching condition
  M 2o  M 2o  M 2o Cg M 1o 
  
1   M 2o  Cg M 1o 1   M 2o  Cg M 1o 1   M 2o  Cg M 1o  1,i  M 1o  2,i  M 2 o
   1 ,  2  
WS WS WS (1   M 2o )  M 1o M 2o
   
1   M 2o  Cg M 1o 1   M 2o  Cg M 1o 1   M 2o  Cg M 1o 
 (ii)ACE tracking condition
We finally transform the system shown in Fig. 3(c) to the
system in Fig. 3(d) where  l ,iWSL Sl ,i 
1  

 1 1 1  Step 2-G: Upper-layer design

  11 
 2 12

 2 13  Following the μ-synthesis [16], the global controller is
 2 
     21  22  23    design to satisfy
 
 g  g g
 33 
  2 31

 2 32 2  

sup Δ   j   1   2

where Δ     1
 
min     :   Δ, det I    0  


A. A Three-Area-Power System and Design Setting

In this paper, we consider a three-area power system
discussed in [4~6]. The transfer functions of this system are Fig. 4. Trade-off between the global and local performances.
expressed as follows

K p ,i  l*,i  max min fi ( )  

Fgt ,i ( s)  1 , Fi ( s)  (i  1, 2,3)   Kl ,i   0

Tg ,i s  1 Tt ,i s  1 Tp , i s  1
Upper-layer design:
where Tg,i is the time constant of the governor; Tt,i is the time Since it is very complex to calculate the μ value directly,
constant of the turbine; Kp,i and Tp,i are the gain and time the standard scheme is to approximate μ by its upper-bound
constant of the generator, with tij = 0.5  i ≠ j and other [16], and the design condition can be reduced to
parameters are
   1   0 
Tg ,1  0.08, Tt ,1  0.3, Tp ,1  20, K p ,1  120, R1  2.4, B1  0.4  
d 2j  22
i j
Tg ,2  0.072, Tt ,2  0.33, Tp ,2  25, K p ,2  112.5, R2  2.7, B2  0.4
Tg ,3  0.07, Tt ,3  0.35, Tp ,3  20, K p ,3  115, R3  2.5, B3  0.4 where di is the scaling, i from 1 to 3, and d3 can be set to unit
without loss of generality. The optimal global control
In this paper, we consider the integral controllers in both performance can be obtained using D-K algorithm [16].
layers, or Cl,i (s) = Kl,i /s and Cg(s) = Kg/s. The weighting
functions are assumed to be the 1st oders functions WSL(s) = C. Trade-off between Global and Local Performance
1/(s+λl) and WS(s) = 1/(s+λg). In this paper, due to the complexity of the power network,
it is impossible to obtain the analytical expression of the
B. Controller Design control performances as in our previous works [13]. In stead,
Selection of nominal model: we solve the optimization (13) and (14) by numerical
methods at some discrete values of {δ1, δ2}. We define
We select the 5th order nominal models as
l*  min{l*,i } , and summary the results in Fig. 4 considering

K po s2
K po s Tgo s  1 Tto s  1  Klo  the case that δ1 = δ2. We can see that l* is an increasing
M1o ( s)  , M 2o ( s)   
Lo ( s) Lo ( s) function of δ1 and δ2. In contrast,  g* is shown to be the
decreasing functions of both δ1 and δ2. Thus, there exists the
where N = 3 and
trade-off between the global and local control performances.
Lo ( s)  s Tgo s  1 Tto s  1 Tpo s 2  s  K po Nt 
D. Numerical Simulation
 K po  Qo s 2  Bo Klo s  NtKlo  We conduct numerical simulation in Matlab/Simulink
with the step load Pl,1 = 0.01, Pl,2 = 0.02, and Pl,3 = 0.03. Two
We select Klo = 0.5 and {Tgo, Tto, Tpo, Kpo, Qo, Bo} as the
tests are performed for comparison. In test A (Fig. 5), each
averages of the corresponding values in three areas.
local area is provided with the local controller Cl,i (s) = Kl,i /s.
Lower-layer design: In test B (Fig. 6), the secondary control action is generated by
both Cl,i (s) = Kl,i /s and Cg(s) = Kg/s. To design the control
Substitute Φ1,i (s), Φ2,i (s) and the nominal models to the
gains, we select the size of the model sets as {δ1 = δ2 = 0.5}
model matching condition (8) and replace “s” by “jω”, the
which almost balances the global and local control
available set of the local control gain can be expressed as
performances. Thanks to the global control signal based on
Kl ,i   Kl ,i : g1,i ()  12 & g2,i ()   22   0 . On the average aggregation, the deviations of frequencies and
other hand, substitute Sl,i (s) and WSL(s) to (9), the local tie-line powers in Test B attain faster consensus to zero with
control performance must satisfyl2,i  fi     0 . Due to less vibration. The hierarchically decentralized control
strategy, therefore, can not only assure the stability of the
the limitation of paper space, we neglect to show the details of
overall system, but also improve the performance of load
g1,i (ω), g2,i (ω), and fi (ω) in this paper. The optimal local
frequency control.
control performance is obtained as

(a) Frequency deviation (b) Tie-line power deviation
Fig. 5. Test A: LFC by completely decentralized control.

(a) Frequency deviation (b) Tie-line power deviation

Fig. 6. Test B: LFC by hierarchically decentralized control.

Accommodation Control Theory,” Proceedings of 34th Southeastern

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