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Nume si prenume......................... Data...............

Test 5- 8th grade

I.Fill int he gaps with the missing words: device, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), tap, swipe,
turn off, virtual, Braille 8x1=8

1....................... is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment.

2. A .................... is a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
3...................... your finger across the touchscreen to activate it.
4. I always smartphone in cinemas.
5. a system of touch reading and writing for blind persons.
6. .................... is the modification of a real-life environment by the addition of sound and visual elements.
7. When you icon, you hit it slightly with your finger.
8. I have always been interested in ..................creatures, and I finally got a chance to make some of my own!

II. What do you use your smartphone for? Write five uses of smartphones in daily life. 5 x 2 = 10


III. Listen and fill in the gaps ( New Inventions-Learn English Teens) 12 x 2 = 24

1. Wingsuits are not very ................but the modern ones are better than ever.

2. Last October was the first ever wingsuit world .......... in China.

3. You can buy a wingsuit for 600 to ................dollars.

4. The water distiller is for places where it's hard to get clean.............. water.

5. To produce the water distiller properly, they still need help with .................. .

6. The 'enable talk gloves' were invented by some Ukrainian................ .

7. The gloves use sensors to turn sign language into............... and then into spoken ................. .

8. James Cameron was part of a team which designed a submarine capable of descending to........... kilometres

9. James Cameron was the first person to do a deep under the sea.

10. MIT students have invented a product that helps people get the contents out of ..................

11. A Dutch .............. has found a way of creating clouds indoors.

12. You can't make clouds for yourself at ................yet.

IV. Write the meaning of each sentence: asking for advice, making a request, asking for permission (formal,
polite), internal obligation, interdiction, external obligation, asking for permission (informal), lack of
necessity 8x1=8

1.You don’t need to wait for the bus, I can give you a ride........................
2. You can’t park your car here. ......................
3. Can I go out, please? ..........................
4. I went to doctor yesterday. I need to stop smoking. ..........................
5. May I open the door? .................
6. What should I do? ......................
7. I must talk to you about the project. .....................
8. Would you turn the music down? It’s too loud. .....................

V. Choose the correct modal verb: 10 x 1= 10

1. Look at his car. He should/ can/ must be very rich.
2. Would/ Could/ Should I borrow your pen, please?
3. Where may / should/ will I have my mobile serviced?
4.You mustn’t/ don’t need to/ can’t worry about him. He can take good care of himself.
5. I could / can/ might swim well when I was five.
6. We must/ can/ have to do the project, the teacher was very clear about it.
7. The company should/ must/ might go bankrupt if they don't find a lot of money quickly!
8. It's wet and windy outside today. You shouldn’t/ won’t/ don’t have to go out without an umbrella.
9. I think that sign means we shouldn’t/ mustn’t/ can enter the building. Look, there's a security guard too.
10. I must/ have to/ can work harder in order to pass the exam.

VI. Fill in the gaps with the following verbs: have to, must, could, may, should, be able to 6 x 1 = 6

1.....................I use yout tablet, please?

2. I am on a diet, more fruit and vegetables.
3. He tried but download the file.
4. It .............rain later.
5.I think you ...................see a doctor. You don’t look well.
6. I ......................wear a unifor at school.

VII. Fill in the gaps with the following verbs. Put the verbs into the correct form- to infinitive or gerund (ing):
leave, have, meet, rain, study, come, try, talk, help, fish, be, tell, 12 x 2 = 24
1.I would like ................... to the party with you.
2.She avoided ...................him about her plans.
3. He enjoys......................a bath in the evening.
4. She kept......................during the film.
5. He decided.......................Biology.
6. I
7. I want you........... right now.
8. Let’s go week.
9. I am looking forward to ................him.
10.He admitted ...................guilty.
11. It’s no use.................. to fix the laptop.
12. It stopped ................... Oficiu-10 pct

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