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41. Which of the following structures in plants transport water and mineral ions?

A. phloem

B. root hair cells

C. stomata

D. xylem

42. Which graph correctly represents the effect of temperature on the rate of enzyme-controlled


43. The diagram shows a plant cell.

What are the labelled parts W, X and Y?

A Nucleus cell wall Vacuole
B Nucleus cell membrane Cytoplasm
C Chloroplast cell wall Vacuole
D Chloroplast cell membrane Cytoplasm

44. Which reagent is used to test for reducing sugars?

A. Benedict’s solution

B. copper sulphate solution

C. Iodine solution

D. sodium hydroxide solution

45. The set-up A, B, C and D show potted plants placed under different conditions in airtight glass

In which set-up will photosynthesis not take place? C

46. The following features are found in a root hair cell:

J finger-like projection

K large vacuole

L thin cell wall

M nucleus

Which features contribute to the efficient absorption of water by the root hair cell?

A. J, K, L
B. J, L, M
C. K, L, M
D. J, L, M

47. Which part of the cell controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell?

A. cell membrane

B. cell wall

C. cytoplasm

D. vacuole
49. The table shows the results of food tests carried out on a food sample.

Test Benedict’s Ethanol iodine biuret

Observation Orange Clear blue violet

What does the food sample contain?

A. fat and starch

B. fat and reducing sugars
C. protein and reducing sugar*
D. protein and starch

50. Which graph shows how the rate of transpiration would be affected by an increase in humidity?

Assume all the other factors remain constant. D

51. By which process do green plants lose water through their leaves?

A. photosynthesis

B. respiration

C. transpiration

D. transpiration

52. Which of the following elements are found in carbohydrates

A. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

B. carbon, oxygen, nitrogen

C. carbon, phosphorous, nitrogen

D. carbon, hydrogen, phosphorous

53. The diagram shows solutions R and S, of different concentrations separated by a membrane. The

Levels of the solutions are shown at the beginning of the experiment and after two hours of


What is the conclusion that can be made about the concentration of the solutes in the two solutions

and permeability of the membrane?

concentration of R concentration of S permeability of membrane

A Lower higher partial
B Higher lower partial
C Lower higher free
D Higher lower free

The diagram shows an enzyme activity. Use it to answer question 54 and 55.

54 Which letter represents the enzyme?

A. W*
B. X
C. Y
D. Z

55. Which property of an enzyme is demonstrated in the diagram

A. pH sensitivity

B. product specificity

C. substrate specificity

D. temperature sensitivity
56. When animal cells are placed in distilled water they burst but when plant cells are placed in distilled

water they do not burst

Why is it that plant cells do not burst when placed in distilled water?

A. They are larger than animal cells.

B. They have thicker cell membranes.
C. They have cell walls.*
D. They have vacuoles.

57. Which process occurs in phloem vessels?

A. photosynthesis

B. respiration

C. translocation*

D. transportation

58. Where are structures that trap light energy found in a plant cell?

A. cell wall

B. cytoplasm *

C. nucleus

D. sap vacuole

59. Which process is described as the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a

region of low concentration.

A. active transport
B. diffusion*
C. osmosis
D. translocation

60. Which parts are found in both plant and animal cells?

A. cell membrane, chloroplast, vacuole

B. cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus

C. cell wall, chloroplast, nucleus

D. cell wall, nucleus, vacuole

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