State of The Arts Topic 17: Openness: English Language Artists in Quebec and The World The "No Ghetto" Workshop

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Discussion Report

# 17
Topic - Openness English language artists in Quebec and the world The No Ghetto workshop
Initiator - Daniel Webster Participants - Patrick Goddard, Paul Scriver, Rob Lutes. Discussion Key Points. The future positioning of artists and artist groups to educate future Montrealers of our history and identity in a positive light The were animated discussions about who we are and how we could present ourselves to the world. The current situation is that we are seen as Pariahs or even as threats to the French language We need to work on our esteem and public perception. How do we raise ourselves above the fray and fervor of the language debate?

Ways forward: 1. Voting with our money. Getting behind our artist by building a superfund to get the English community and montrealers to support English language artists and institutions. One idea is to create a music award funded by the public by microfinance via social media The empress could use a micro finance model There is currently an opportunity to work with Sodec and ADISQ to insert an award to fund Anglo artists. If we could seed the fund through microfinance/social media model it would be very presentable. 2. Creating a media campaign to produce historical and current documentaries about English culture in Montreal under the banner of Anglophones the lost species of Quebec. Perhaps it could be worked with institution s like the Mc Cord Museum. Use of Humour..It could be narrated comically by William Shatner or Christopher Plummer. Showing as a special group and more uniquenesssomething to be celebrated by Quebecers Providing an archive of history to be accessible to student and optional to the Qubec curriculum. Again social media can play a huge part in this in creating contests to inspire many to contribute 3, High quality translation of literary materials and all media to address the Quebec Francophone reality with intelligent communication. Present our art with an international esthetic 4. The model of living here in Montreal and touring abroad and developing markets abroad has been a sure winner for Montreal. Alternative bands such as the Doughboys and the Nils have been successful at this. It should be practiced 5. Looking at our community in future context. What will Quebec look like in 2031. Let plan for that and envision our Anglophones in that world. This helps us define actions we can take now.

Discussion Report
Suggested Reading - Impure Vincent Tinguely William Wintraub City unique


Also some discussion on a related Topic The Mordecai Richler monument does not do him justice We can add to it by creating a living library and installing a wifi hub and calling it the Mordechai Richler sans fils and also similar to what has happened with rural phone booths in England. They have been converted to library where one come and deposit a book and take a book in return. This would fit nicely under the gazebo

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