Alliterative Revival in The Middle English Period

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Alliterative Revival in the Middle English Period

After the Norman Conquest the French Influence rendered great impact on English literature
and rhymed verse gained popularity. A revival of Old English alliterative verse occurred in the middle
of the 14th century.It is after the victories of King Edward III in France a national self-consciousness as
well as a new enthusiasm for the English tongue becomes prominent. In schools and colleges and
law courts English started to displace the French. In 1362 parliament was opened in English
language. As the result of all, these old English verse form revives again in the Middle English period.
Roughly between the year 1350 and 1400 there appears a number of poems which bring an
unbroken development of old English alliterative verse. In this revival of alliterative verse there are
four remarkable poems written in west midland dialect.These are found preserved in the British
Museum in a single manuscript. They are ‘Pearl’, ‘Purity’, ‘Patience’ and ‘Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight’.These poems are written in West Midland dialect.The authorship of these poems is not at all
known,` although it is supposed that these poems are written by the same poet.

Pearl is a poem of 1200 lines and definitely a ‘pearl’ of poetry. It is a kind of dream poem.
The poet has lost his two years old daughter. One august day the poet falls asleep on the grave and
in dream he meets with his dead daughter dressed in white with ornaments of pearl. The poet wants
to cross the river in order to unite with her but she says that the rivercan be crossedonly after death.
His daughter consoles him and asks him to surrender the God. His dream breaks and the poet rises
having new spiritual realization. The poem is taken both as an allegory and as an elegy. It is thought
that, under the symbolism of the Pearl, the unknown poet conveys the significance of Christian faith
in the Kingdom of Heaven.

‘Patience’ is in reality a poetical paraphrase of the story of Jonah and it shows the virtue of
patience.It consists of 531 lines and contains some descriptive passages.It is well accomplished but
has not the depth of ‘Pearl’. ‘Purity, the other poem has a discourse on purity. It shows the
impossibility to approach God without cleanliness.The poem is technically accomplished and has
much of allegory but it has not the depth of ‘Pearl’.

‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’,a poem of some 2530lines, is the greatest English poem of
the Arthurian romance. The poem opens with the appearance of a green knight riding a green horse
to King Arthur’s court. He challenges one of Arthur’s knight to strike him a blow with his heavy axe
on the condition to receive the similar blow after a year from him after finding him out. When
hesitation is going on Sir Gawain accepts the challengeand severs the Knight’s head with one blow.
Then Green Knight leaves the court picking up his severed head. After a year according to the
promise Gawain sets out in search of the Green Knight and a after a long wandering through
wilderness he meets with Green Knight. However the Green Knight fails to defeat him and Gawain
returns safely to King Arthur’s court. The poem is inspired with the ideal of chivalry and, at the same
time, it shows Medieval life in its detailed description of the court, dress, armour, woodcraft and
architecture.‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ remains remarkable for its moral of virtue, courtesy,
and courage and also for the technical skill of versification. It is also remarkable for the deep love of
nature displayed throughout the poem and some of its most delightful passages describing the
charm of wild scenery.
The remarkable comeback or emergence of alliterative verse during the 14th century is a bit
strange. The fact is that alliteration, the essential tool of Anglo-Saxon poets, was replaced, by rhyme
after the Danish and Norman invasion. But, it never entirely disappeared from the English verse
form. It is not an antiquarian revival but the appearance of metrical pattern which has a
considerable change.

Subhankar Acharjya
Mobile- 8001766087; 7908935687

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