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Bicol Central Academy

Libod 1, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2021-2022


APOLINAR, Kenneth Lance L.
CULLAT, Wilhem Karl I.
DE LA CRUZ, Princess Shaine B.
MORAL, Matthew
ORZALES, Romwy Marie
SUPETRAN, Nick Andro R.

Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have significantly increased since 1900.

Agriculture, deforestation, and other land-use changes have been the second-largest

contributors. Due to climate change, the intensity of precipitation events will likely

increase on average. The strength of the winds associated with tropical storms is likely

to increase. The amount of precipitation falling in tropical storms is also likely to

increase (EPA, 2022). This continues to grow at an alarming rate and immediate action

is necessary. Planting trees and various kinds of plants is a great way of stopping

greenhouse gases from increasing (UCAR, 2020).

Gardening is a pastime that can be beneficial for the human health. According to

a research, gardening can improve physical, psychological, and social health, which can,

from a long-term perspective, alleviate and prevent various health issues facing today's

society (Soga et al., 2017). At the beginning of the 21st century gardening is

established as the leading hobby in Britain with an estimated 27 million people owning

or having access to a garden (Bisgrove and Hadley, 2002) and it is also prevalent in the

Philippines. It is proven to improve the environment and reduce greenhouse gases

emission. However, it can be expensive and time consuming. Gardening needs space

and can need larger spaces depending on the plant.

Terrariums can be a great alternative and are a wonderful way to bring the

power of nature into one’s very own home. If properly constructed, they can be
enjoyed for years even if they are occasionally neglected (Gladbach, 2014). One of the

greater things about the terrarium is that it is very customizable. They can be open-

system or closed-system, and you can assort them with various decorations and

designs to make your terrarium not just functional and practical, but fashionable and

aesthetic as well.

Thus, the researchers will provide an accessible and simple way to build a plant

terrarium. The researchers will use a jar and a plant. The product shall be cheap and

will use recycled items to promote biodegradability without sacrificing the desired

result’s quality.

Light is extremely important in taking care of a plant. A research conducted

showed that red Firespikes had significant height differences due to different shades of

light (Rezazaeh et al., 2018). The bottle terrarium will be used for the experiment and

they will be identical. This experiment aims to answer the optimal light condition for the

terrarium. The researchers will observe the plant for leaf pigmentation, plant height,

growth and soil condition.

With this experiment, the researchers will be able to find the most suitable light

intensity for the plant terrarium bottle and provide examples of the respective locations.

For simplicity and to mainly focus on the experimentation process and the effect of light

on the terrarium, the researchers have opted to use less decoration on the terrarium

product and make it as simple as possible. The researchers hope to provide a simple

recreational activity that is efficient, cost-effective, and can be done by almost

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. Is there any significant changes on the plant terrarium among the various light

intensities in terms of growth, leaf pigmentation, plant height, and soil condition?

2. How many weeks will the plant terrarium remain desirable in terms of soil

condition and leaf pigmentation without supervision?

3. What is the optimum light intensity for the plant terrarium?

Objectives of the Study

The study was conducted for the following objectives:

1. Analyze whether there were any significant changes on the plant terrarium

among the various light intensities in terms of growth, leaf pigmentation, plant

height, and soil condition.

2. Discover the number of weeks the plant terrarium will remain desirable in terms

of soil condition and leaf pigmentation without supervision

3. Find the best light intensity for the plant terrarium.

Assumption of the Study

The study was guided by the following assumptions:

1. The acceptability of the plant terrarium in terms of growth, leaf pigmentation,

plant height, and soil condition produced varies.

2. The acceptability of the plant terrarium sustention under various light intensities


Hypothesis of the Study

This study was guided by the hypothesis that there is no significant difference in

the content of each terrarium that is located in various intensities of light.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on the comparative analysis between multiple bottled

terrariums located on separate intensities of sunlight. The study was limited with the

use of bottle terrariums containing primarily moss and a cactus. The goal of the

experiment is to determine the best sunlight intensity for the terrarium and to regulate

the condition and the sustenance of the terrarium.

The condition of the terrarium will be judged and will be limited to; growth, leaf

pigmentation, plant height, and soil condition. The plant terrarium will be limited to

moss (Bryophyta) and Fairy Castle Cactus (Acanthocereus tetragonus) because it is

accessible. A substantial number of mosses was collected from different localities in

Bicol as cited from a study from Linis (2014), thus using mosses will be practical and

accessible. The researchers will also include cactuses.

Significance of the Study

The study is focused on identifying the best intensity of sunlight for the plant

terrarium and the plant’s sustainability in a close environment. The study will benefit

the following entities:

 Community – This study will help communities be aware of the proper light

intensity for the plant terrarium. The plant terrarium will serve as a cost-effective

and relaxing pastime for everyone even without prior knowledge to gardening.

 Plant owners – This study will help provide the necessary information to

enlighten and give insight to plant owners, in order for them to be efficient and

take important steps to make sure that the plant terrarium is effective and living

in a non-hostile environment.

 Other researchers – This study will help future researchers with their own

study add adequate and factual information regarding the appropriate intensity

of light for a terrarium in a bottle.

Definition of Terms

The terms used in this study were conceptually and operationally defined in

order to avoid ambiguities.

Terrarium – a usually transparent enclosure for keeping or raising plants or usually

small animals (such as turtles) indoors.

Intensity – the magnitude of a quantity (such as force or energy) per unit (as of

area, charge, mass, or time).

Light – sunlight; the bright form of energy given off by something (as the sun) that

makes it possible to see.

Loam - a soil consisting of a friable mixture of varying proportions of clay, silt, and


Self-sustaining – maintaining or able to maintain itself once commenced.

Pigmentation – coloration with pigment; a coloring matter in animals and plants

especially in a cell or tissue.

Recruitment – The process in which seeds establish in an area and grow into new

mature individuals.
Review of Related Literature

This chapter presented the related literature, studies, synthesis of the study,

theoretical framework, conceptual framework, definition of terms, assumptions and

hypothesis of the study.

According to Gladbach (2014), terrariums, clear enclosures with no drainage

holes that mimic ecosystems by creating additional humidity, are a wonderful way to

bring the power of nature into one’s very own home or in areas that would otherwise

not be suited for plants. If properly designed, terrariums can be enjoyed for years even

if they are occasionally neglected. From the same journal of Gladbach, a terrarium

cannot be placed in direct sunlight because it would burn the leaves of its occupants.

Terrariums differ from each other and not all plants are illegible to be put in a


Cacti have many adaptations that allow them to live in dry areas; these

adaptations let the plant collect water efficiently, store it for long periods of time, and

conserve it (minimizing water loss from evaporation), as cited from BioCircuits Institute

(2013). Mosses have a relatively simple lifecycle and minimalist architecture that belies

their adaptability to water stress (Charron et al., 2009).

Proper soil conditions is essential for all stages of plant development. Dry soil can

have adverse effects on plants, impacting plant growth in a number of interacting ways

(Whitmore and Whalley, 2009). However, different types of soil have different effects

on plant growth.  Loam soils are best for plant growth because sand, silt, and clay
together provide desirable characteristics (Geography of Michigan and the Great Lakes

Region, n.d.).


The information gathered from related studies express their comparability with

significant insight related to the present study.

According to Gladback (2014) a terrarium cannot be placed in direct sunlight

because it would burn the leaves of its occupants, however, cactuses can adapt and live

in dry areas according to BioCircuits Institute (2013). This conflict of information will be

tackled on the study and further analyzed whether the intensity of light will affect the

survival of the terrarium. Mosses are minimalist architecture that belies their

adaptability to water stress (Charron et al., 2009), therefore it will be a good addition to

the terrarium.
Theoretical Framework



Theory of Theory of
Photosynthesis Respiration
Figure 1. Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework presented on figure 1 represents the contending

theories that the researchers will use in order to support the existing study at hand. The

theories include; Hydrological Cycle Theory, Theory of Photosynthesis, and Respiration


The scientific discipline in the field of physical geography that deals with the

water cycle is called hydrology. It is concerned with the origin, distribution, and

properties of water on the globe. Consequently, the water cycle is also called the

hydrologic cycle in many scientific textbooks and educational materials. The hydrologic

cycle has been described and depicted in a variety of different ways, most frequently as

a natural system, even though it has long been altered by human activity. Alterations of

the hydrologic cycle for agriculture, transportation, and domestic and industrial needs

have amplified dramatically over the past century, along with building of infrastructure

in the form of dams and canals. The hydrologic cycle is altered by not only direct

physical alteration, but also anthropogenic climate change; the most obvious symptom

is the global redistribution of precipitation and the resulting change in surface water


The theory which in recent years has received most prominence is that

suggested by Baeyer’ in 1870. On the part of the chemist these attempts have been

largely of a purely speculative nature, and some of the hypotheses proposed

unfortunately show a lamentable lack of knowledge of the conditions under which

photosynthesis takes place, as well as of the physiology and structure of the

chlorophyllous cell. The fact which more than any other gave strength to this theory,

and which is the underlying principle of the whole idea, was the discovery of Butlerow.

This discovery was elaborated by O. Loew, who gave the name formose to the sugar

mixture, and especially by Emil Fischer, who prepared therefrom some of the sugars

found in nature.

Respiration is the process during which simple carbohydrates, like glucose, break

down into simpler substances and liberate carbon dioxide and energy. The knowledge

of respiration in plants began about the same time-the close of the eighteenth century-

and advanced rapidly on account of the notable revolution in chemistry which took

place about this time. INGENHOUSS, the Dutch naturalist, really ascertained and

published in I779 the chief external facts of respiration; at least he was able to state

them essentially as they were known for twenty-five years after his time
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Plant Sustainability I. Developmental Phase Effects of Varying Degrees

 Terrarium of Sunlight on the Terrarium

Materials needed for the
II. Experimental Phase
 Placing of terrarium
1. Jar The Sustenance of the
in three locations;
2. Loam Soil Terrarium
direct sunlight (high
3. Moss
intensity), shaded
4. Cactus
(moderate intensity),

and no sunlight (low


III.Evaluation Process

 Data collection

 Interpretation and

Analysis of Data

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

The study generally focuses on the effects of sunlight to plant sustainability in a

close environment. Figure no. 2 presents the conceptual framework of the study. This

framework represents the contending views of the researcher’s with regards to the

terrarium ecosystem. The suggested framework is divided into three: the input,

process, and output.

As shown in the conceptual paradigm, the input concerns the materials needed

for the terrarium. The input presents the different materials needed to create a

terrarium environment that includes the type of land that will be used, the type of plant

that will be subject to observation, and the jar. The input also includes the traits that

will be observed during the process; growth, leaf pigmentation, plant height, and soil


The second box contains the process, divided into three phases; developmental

phase, experimental phase, evaluation process. The developmental phase includes the

preparation of the terrarium. The experimental phase is the placing of terrarium in

three locations: direct sunlight, shaded, and no sunlight. The evaluation process is the

data collection and interpretation and analysis.

The results or output of the study will be the identification of the effects of

varying degrees of sunlight to the terrarium and whether the terrarium sustained itself

during the duration of the experiment.



This chapter presented the research design, setting, instruments, validity and

reliability, and statistical treatments.

Research Design

This study used Descriptive-Correlational-Experimental method of research.

Descriptive method of research was used in generating the terrarium product from soil,

moss, plant, and jar. Correlational method of research was used to determine which

light intensity was the optimal condition for the terrarium. Experimental method of

research was used to describe the properties of each terrarium in terms of growth, leaf

pigmentation, plant height, and soil condition. It was also used to determine the

percentage change of the value.

Research Setting
The procedure and experiment of the terrarium, with regards of growth, leaf

pigmentation, plant height, and soil condition, was conducted at Bagacay, Libmanan,

Camarines Sur, which is approximately 9 kilometers away from Bicol Central Academy.

The location of the study is situated in the house of one of the researchers, wherein

each setting needed for the experiment was found: shaded among trees, inside a very

dark room, and under direct sunlight and these will serve as the high, moderate, and

low intensity, respectively.

Research Instrument

This study used an observation sheet to describe the properties of the terrarium.

The observation sheet are diverged into four categories; growth, leaf pigmentation,

plant height, and soil condition. The growth category contained the changes of the

weight of the terrarium. The leaf pigmentation category used the Likert scale to observe

the changes in the plant’s color. The plant height contained the changes of the height

of the cactus by inches, and the soil condition was also measured with a Likert scale.

The researchers used the nominal scale to establish whether the terrariums

survived without any supervision, with regards to the observation sheet on building a

hypothesis. In finding the optimal light intensity condition for the terrarium, the

researchers analyzed data based from both the observation sheet and nominal scale.

Research Materials
In developing the terrarium, the researchers made three terrariums, and each

terrarium contains the following materials: one (1) jar as the container, one Fairy Castle

Cactus (Acanthocereus tetragonus) and moss (Bryophyta), and two (2) inches of loam

soil—based on the container. These materials are then settled together to form the


Data Gathering Procedure

To gather the data, the three terrariums are placed under three locations with

varying degree of light intensity: high intensity, moderate intensity, and low intensity.

High intensity was in direct sunlight, moderate intensity was under the shade of trees,

and low intensity was inside a room. The researchers filled the observation sheet

periodically, growth by weight, leaf pigmentation and soil condition by the Likert scale,

and plant height by inches.

To hypothesize the sustention of terrarium during the experiment, the

researchers used the projected data table with regards from the observation sheet. The

researchers then concluded which the best light intensity for the terrarium based upon

the contents of the observation sheet and projected data table.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered were statistically treated and analyzed using average

percentage value change. Percentage value was used for analyzing the growth and
plant height, the leaf pigmentation and soil condition both for the observation sheet.

Percentage value was also used in determining the trajectory of the data.



This chapter is the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered for

comparative analysis of three terrariums placed under different light intensities using an

observation sheet, which is divided into four parts namely; 1) growth, 2) leaf

pigmentation, 3) plant height, and 4) soil condition. The observation sheet is then used

as a basis in determining the trajectory of each terrarium in subsequent weeks.

Table. 1 Effects of Light Intensity on the Terrarium In Terms of Growth,

Leaf Pigmentation, Plant Height, and Soil Condition

Terrarium 1 Terrarium 2 Terrarium 3

(Low light intensity) (Medium light (High light intensity)
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
(Marc (March (Marc (March (March (Marc (March (Marc (March
h 13) 20) h 27) 13) 20) h 27) 13) h 20) 27)
Growth 825 g 831 g 836 g 800 g 805 g 811 g 850 g 853 g 856 g
(by grams)
Leaf 5 3 1 5 5 5 5 4 3
(by scale)

Plant Height 11.5 9 cm 6cm 16 cm 17 cm 19 cm 15.5 17 cm 18 cm

(by cm cm
Soil 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 1
(by scale)

Scale (Vagias, Wade M., 2006)

1 – Very undesirable

2 – Undesirable

3 – Neutral

4 – Desirable

5 – Very desirable

Table. 1.1 Average Percentage Value Change

Terrarium 1 Terrarium 2 Terrarium 3

(Low light (Medium light (High light
intensity) intensity) intensity)
Result Result Result
Growth (by average 0.664479% 0.685171% 0.3523205%
value change)
Leaf Pigmentation -50% 0% -20%
(by average
value change)
Plant Height -21.739131% 9.007353% 7.779886%
(by average
percentage value
Soil Condition (by -20% -20% -60%
average percentage
value change)

In measuring growth, the researchers used grams as a unit of measurement. For

the first terrarium, it was placed under low intensity of light. In the first week (on

March 13, 2022), it weighed 825g, the second week (on March 20, 2022), 831g and the

third week (March 27, 2022) 836g. There was a 0.664479% average percentage

increase on the weight. The second terrarium was placed on a medium light intensity.

In the first week it weighted 800g, the second week, 805g and the third week 811g.

There was a 0.685171% average percentage increase on the weight. The third

terrarium was placed under high intensity of light. In the first week, it weighed 850g,

on the second week 853g and on the third week it weighed 856g. There was a

0.3523205% average percentage increase on the weight.

For leaf pigmentation, the researchers used a Likert scale to measure desirability.

One (1) is very undesirable, two (2) is undesirable, three (3) is neutral, four (4) is

desirable, and five (5) is very desirable. The scale was based from Marquette University,

Vagias, Wade M. (2006) and the researchers based their ratings on visual observation.

The first terrarium had 5, 3, and 1, for weeks one, two, three, respectively, with an

average percentage value change by -50%. The second terrarium had 5, 5, and 5, for
weeks one, two, three, respectively, with an percentage value change by 0%. The third

terrarium had 5, 4, and 3, with an average percentage value change by -20%.

For plant height, the researchers used centimeters as the unit of measurement.

The first terrarium was 11.5cm on the first week, 9cm on the second week, and 6cm on

the third week. It had a -21.739131% average percentage value decrease. The second

terrarium was 16cm on the first week, 17 cm on the second week, and 19 cm on the

third week. It had an average of 9.007353% percentage value increase. The third

terrarium was 15.5cm on the first week, 17cm on the second week, and 18cm on the

third week. It had an average of 7.779886% percentage value increase.

For the soil condition, the same scale used for measuring leaf pigmentation was

used. The researchers observed the physical and visual condition of the soil, and

including its dryness. The first terrarium had 5, 4, and 4, for weeks one, two, three,

respectively, with an average percentage value change of -20%. The second terrarium

had 5, 4, and 4, for weeks one, two, three, respectively, with an average percentage

value change of -20%. The third terrarium had 5, 3, and 1, for weeks one, two, three,

respectively, with an average percentage value change of -60%.

Table 2. Projected Data of the Terrarium for Weeks 4, 5, and 6

Terrarium 1 Terrarium 2 Terrarium 3

(Low light intensity) (Medium light (High light intensity)
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Growth 841.5 g 847.1 g 852.7 g 816.5 g 822.1 g 827.7 g 859 g 862 g 865 g
(by grams)
Leaf 0 0 0 5 5 5 2 1 0
(by scale)
Plant Height 3 cm 0 cm 0 cm 21 cm 22.89 24.95 15.5 17 cm 18 cm
(by cm cm cm
Soil Condition 3 2.4 1.92 3 2.4 1.92 0 0 0
(by scale)

The researchers conducted their experiment in a 3-week time period and these

set of data are the projected data of the terrarium for weeks 4, 5, and 6. This helps to

further assess the effects of the light intensity on the terrarium and will help build the

necessary data to hypothesize what the optimal condition for the terrarium is and the

recommendations of the researchers.

There is an average of 0.664479% percent change in growth for the first

terrarium, resulting on week four projected to be 841.5 g, week five 847.1g, and week

six 852.7. The second terrarium has an average of 0.685171% value change, resulting

on week four projected to be 816.5g, week five 822.1g, and week six 827.7g

There is an average of -50% value change in the scale score of plant

pigmentation for the first terrarium, therefore on week four it has 0 and is assumed

dead, nulling the need for week five and six. The second terrarium had 0% change in

value, therefore from weeks four, five, and six remains 5 in the scale. The third
terrarium has an average change in value by -20%, therefore on week four it is 2, on

week five 1, and week six 0.

The plant height average percentage change on the first terrarium is -

21.739131%, therefore on the fourth week, it is 3cm, the fifth week 0cm, and is

classified as dead. The second terrarium has an average of 9.007353% value change,

therefore on the fourth week it is 21cm, the fifth week 22.89cm, and the sixth week

24.95cm. The third terrarium has an average percentage change value of 7.779886%

therefore week four is 15.5cm, week five 17cm, and week six 18cm.

The first terrarium had a -20% average percentage value change in the soil

condition scale, therefore week four is 3, week five is 2.4, and week six is 1.92. The

second terrarium has an average percentage value of -20% therefore week four is 3,

week five is 2.4, and week six is 1.92.

Out of all three terrariums observed, the second terrarium which was placed

under medium light intensity displayed the least amount of decrease in terms of

desirability of soil condition. The second terrarium consistently remained with a very

desirable leaf pigmentation. The first terrarium which was placed under low intensity of

light had a steady growth, however, its leaf pigmentation increasingly became worse

until it has died. The third terrarium which was placed under high light intensity had the

most adverse effect on soil condition and it was considered very undesirable by week

three. Furthermore, there was also a decrease in scale of leaf pigmentation in the third

terrarium and it was deemed neutral by week three.

To find the number of weeks the terrarium will remain desirable in terms of soil

condition and plant height without supervision, the researchers utilized the observation

sheet and projected data. The first terrarium remains desirable for only two weeks due

to leaf pigmentation dropping to 1 on the scale by week three. The second terrarium

With Table 1 and Table 2, the researchers have observed that the first terrarium

will remain desirable in terms of soil condition and plant pigmentation for only two

weeks, due to leaf pigmentation dropping to 1 by week three. The second terrarium

remains desirable for four weeks, with the soil condition dropping to undesirable by

week 2. The third terrarium remains desirable for only two weeks, with drastic impact

on soil condition dropping from 3 to 1 by week four and an incremental decrease from

the scale of leaf pigmentation each week.



This chapter is the presentation of the findings, conclusion, and


Problem 1

Is there any significant changes on the plant terrarium among the various light

intensities in terms of growth, leaf pigmentation, plant height, and soil condition?


1. The first terrarium which was placed under low light intensity had an average of

0.664479% growth in grams, an average decrease of -21.739131% in plant

height by centimeters, and dropped an average of 50% on the desirability scale

by leaf pigmentation and an average of 20% drop on soil condition on the same


2. The second terrarium which was placed under medium light intensity had an

average of 0.685171% growth in grams, 9.007353% average change in plant

height, no change in leaf pigmentation and -20% average change in soil

condition according to the desirability scale.

3. The third terrarium which was placed under high light intensity had an average

value change of 0.3523205% in growth in terms of grams, 7.779886% average

change in plant height by centimeters. There a -20% average change in scale

value by desirability on the plant pigmentation, and a -60% average change in

scale value by desirability on soil condition.


1. The light intensity affects the plant’s growth, leaf pigmentation, plant height, and

soil condition differently. The first terrarium had the most significant negative

change in plant pigmentation. The third terrarium had the most significant

negative change on soil condition.


1. It is recommended for future researchers to use a soil meter to give a more

accurate reading of the condition of the soil.

Problem 2
How many weeks will the plant terrarium remain desirable in terms of soil

condition and leaf pigmentation without supervision?


1. Despite the moderate change in soil condition, the first terrarium had a drastic

change in leaf pigmentation. By week 3, the leaf pigmentation was ranked as 1;

very undesirable.

2. The second terrarium performed 3-week-period, with leaf pigmentation

consistently staying 5 in scale and soil condition remaining in the scale as 4,

desirable. Therefore, the researchers calculated the average change in

percentage to determine the projected data for the subsequent weeks and it is

projected to remain desirable for 4 weeks.

3. The third terrarium had an incremental decrease in scale in the leaf pigmentation

scale, and a -60% average chance in soil condition scale, and it will remain

desirable for 2 weeks.


1. The first terrarium will remain desirable for 3 weeks, the second terrarium for 4

weeks, and the third terrarium for 2 weeks.


1. It is recommended by the researchers for terrarium owners to do maintenance in

order for the terrarium to survive longer. For the first terrarium every three

weeks, the second terrarium for every four weeks, and the third terrarium for

every three weeks.

Problem 3

What is the optimum light intensity for the plant terrarium?


1. Low light intensity a negative impact on leaf pigmentation, plant height, and soil

condition, however, there was a small growth over the three-week period.

2. Medium light intensity performed favorably on growth, leaf pigmentation, and

plant height; however, the researchers observed a slow decrease in desirability

on the soil condition.

3. High light intensity had negative effects on leaf pigmentation and soil condition,

however, there was a growth (measured by grams) and a growth in plant height

(by centimeters).


1. Medium light intensity had the least negative effect on growth, leaf

pigmentation, plant height, and soil condition and is concluded as the optimal

light intensity for the terrarium.


1. Place your terrariums in environments with medium light intensity, optimally with

shade and indirect sunlight.

2. For future researchers, use a light meter tool to determine the specific foot-

candle measurement of the light intensity.

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