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Fee Extension Guidelines

Fall 2023

Broward College recognizes that some of our students face challenges when paying their tuition and fee bills each term.
While there is a pay over time option in the Tuition Payment Plan ( to help
students, sometimes a student simply needs a few days to get their funding in order. To that end, here are the
guidelines for offering fee extensions to students.

Before providing a fee extension to a student you should have a conversation with the student to:
1. Ensure that they have already applied for financial aid, both FAFSA (if eligible) and Scholarship Application.
2. Ensure they have completed any required documents for residence and financial aid
3. Ensure the student has a plan to pay within a few days.
4. Determine with the student the earliest possible date they can make payment.
Once that conversation is complete, you can grant an extension. The College’s preferred extension date should be the
next scheduled due date beyond the students current due date. If the situation being presented will not be resolved by
that date, it can be extended to the closest due date requested to assist the student but no later than the last due date
before the first day of class.

August 16 is the last due date before the first day of class for Sessions 1 & 2.

August 31 is the last due date before the first day of class for Session 3.

October 11 is the last due date before the first day of class for Session 4.

These due dates are prior to the start of class. No extensions should be granted for dates after the last due date before
the first day of class. Late registrations up to the add/drop date are due the next business day.

A student reaches out on 8/4 and requests a few extra days to pay as he doesn’t get paid until 8/11, you can grant an
extension until 8/16, the next scheduled payment due date.

Remember to add the agreed upon new due date and a note as to the reason for the extension by pressing F9 on the
Payment Due Date CID screen. This will aid others if the student requests another extension. It is helpful to know what
the history is so we can provide students with different options in the future if they return to request a second extension.

Please reach out if an extenuating circumstance arises requiring an extension beyond the start of a class. These will be
considered on a case-by-case basis, but only during the add/drop period.

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