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Ocular Immunology and Inflammation

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Clinical Manifestations of Ocular Toxoplasmosis

Emmanuelle Delair, Paul Latkany, A. Gwendolyn Noble, Peter Rabiah, Rima

McLeod & Antoine Brézin

To cite this article: Emmanuelle Delair, Paul Latkany, A. Gwendolyn Noble, Peter Rabiah,
Rima McLeod & Antoine Brézin (2011) Clinical Manifestations of Ocular Toxoplasmosis, Ocular
Immunology and Inflammation, 19:2, 91-102, DOI: 10.3109/09273948.2011.564068

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Ocular Immunology & Inflammation, 19(2), 91–102, 2011
Copyright © 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN: 0927-3948 print/ 1744-5078 online
DOI: 10.3109/09273948.2011.564068

Original Article

Clinical Manifestations of Ocular Toxoplasmosis

Emmanuelle Delair, MD1, Paul Latkany, MD2, A. Gwendolyn Noble, MD PhD3, Peter
Rabiah, MD4, Rima McLeod, MD5, and Antoine Brézin, MD PhD1
Université Paris Descartes, Service d’Ophtalmologie, Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France, 2New York Eye and Ear Institute,

New York University, New York, New York, USA, 3Northwestern University Children’s Memorial Hospital and the
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 4Northshore University Health System and the University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, USA, and 5The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Clinical manifestations of ocular toxoplasmosis are reviewed. Findings of congenital and acute acquired ocular
toxoplasmosis include retinal scars, white-appearing lesions in the active phase often associated with vitritis.
Complications can include fibrous bands, secondary serous or rhegmatogenous retinal detachments, optic
neuritis and neuropathy, cataracts, increased intraocular pressure during active infection, and choroidal neo-
vascular membranes. Recurrences in untreated congenital toxoplasmosis occur in teenage years. Manifestations
at birth are less severe, and recurrences are fewer in those who were treated promptly early in the course
of their disease in utero and in the first year of life. Severe retinal involvement is common at diagnosis of
symptomatic congenital toxoplasmosis in the United States and Brazil. Acute acquired infections also may be
complicated by toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, with recurrences most common close to the time of acquisition.
Suppressive treatment can reduce recurrent disease.

Keywords  CNVM, congenital toxoplasmosis, rétinal choriditis, Toxoplasma gondii, uveitis

1. Clinical Manifestations of with macular lesion, while peripheral lesions may

Ocular Toxoplasmosis in Typical have no easily detectable effect on vision.2,8-10 Optic
Forms neuritis or optic nerve involvement may result in
visual field defects or loss of color vision.
1.1. Symptoms and Consequences of Loss of In active lesions, vitreous inflammation is usually
Visual Function the first factor leading to symptoms, but a scotoma
or diminished visual acuity may also be the first
Visual symptoms and signs linked to toxoplasmosis symptom leading to the diagnosis. In inactive lesions,
depend on the localization of lesions.1-7 While verbal scotomas are directly related to the size and location
children and adults may promptly request an ophthal- of retinochoroidal scars. As vitreous opacities may
mic examination upon the perception of symptoms, persist after active inflammation of the posterior seg-
the diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis may be delayed ment, it may be difficult for patients with poor vision
in preverbal children, and not all older children and to distinguish floaters linked to persistent vitreous
adults recognize the symptoms when they are not opacities from signs of a recurrent active vitritis. For
in the posterior pole or associated with a substantial patients with normal vision, floaters may be easily
inflammatory response. Hence, routine follow-up distinguishable when they are newly occurring.
examinations, not prompted solely by reported Use of an Amsler grid daily by those with retinal
symptoms or signs for persons with congenital and scars can result in early detection of an active retin-
postnatal ocular toxoplasmosis, are needed to assess ochoroiditis (Noble et al., unpublished observations,
lesions. Major visual impairment may be observed 2010). A vision test can substitute for the Amsler grid

Received 02 February 2011; revised 08 February 2011; accepted 10 February 2011

Correspondence: Rima McLeod, MD, Professor, The University of Chicago, N310, MC 2114, 5841 S. Maryland, Chicago, IL 60637,
USA, E-mail:; or Antoine P. Brézin, MD, PhD, Université Paris Descartes, Centre Cochin Ambulatoire
d’Ophtalmologie, 27 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris, France, E-mail:

92    E. Delair et al.

in younger children. For lesions outside the central 10 may follow severe iridocyclitis. In a study of 173
degrees, an Amsler grid may not be as useful in detect- patients, cataracts occurred in 11.6% of these patients
ing new lesions. (27 eyes of 20 patients).12 The cataracts vary in onset,
location, complexity, and progression.12 Cataracts were
most commonly found in children with the most severe
1.2. Anterior Uveitis intraocular disease (e.g., retinal detachment) and no
intervention was performed. However, cataracts may
The severity of anterior uveitis can range from a quiet cause severe amblyopia in children and may need to be
anterior chamber to intense anterior uveitis masking removed surgically. It appears to be prudent to admin-
inflammation of the posterior segment and can be either ister antiparasitic medication during surgery to prevent
granulomatous or nongranulomatous inflammation. If reactivation of chorioretinitis.12
the diagnosis is delayed, prolonged inflammation of the
anterior chamber may lead to irreversible iris synechiae.
In a study of 210 patients with active toxoplasmic retin- 1.4.Vitritis
ochoroiditis, intraocular inflammation was more intense
in older patients and increased with the size of areas of Inflammation of the vitreous is usually more intense
retinochoroiditis and in peripheral lesions.11 Secondary near the active retinochoroiditis. However, there may be
Downloaded by [Florida Gulf Coast University] at 05:04 06 August 2017

ocular hypertension was associated with inflammation no vitritis if the retinal inflammation does not extend to
of the anterior segment and occurred in 30% of cases. the inner limiting membrane. In cases of intense vitritis,
Overall, more intense inflammation may be observed epiretinal membranes may develop and vitreoretinal
in cases of ocular toxoplasmosis in patients from cer- traction adjacent to the area of retinochoroiditis may
tain areas of Central and South America. Also, intense occur. The intensity of the vitritis also appears to reflect
anterior inflammation may occur secondary to the retin- duration of the process prior to diagnosis and treat-
ochoroiditis near the ora serrata, which may be missed ment, with longer intervals before treatment is initiated
on initial examination. associated with more intense inflammatory response.
“Headlight in the fog” was a phrase for severe vitritis
coined by Richard O’Connor to describe a bright white
1.3. Cataracts reflex seen when one shines the light of the indirect
opthalmoscope into the back of the eye. Figure 1A is an
In children with congenital toxoplasmosis, cataracts example of severe vitritis but not as severe as the classic
may occur as a complication of retinochoroiditis and “headlight in the fog” description. This resolved with

Figure 1  (A) Severe vitritis that is less intense than the classic “headlight in fog” appearance (left). Resolving vitritis caused by under-
lying active lesion (middle). Resolved healed lesion without vitritis (right). (B) Typical form of ocular toxoplasmosis. Active whitish
retinochoroiditis, satellite of a pigmented scar.

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Clinical manifestations of ocular toxoplasmosis    93

treatment so the underlying active focus then scar are periphery to the center of the lesion, usually leading to
apparent. pigmentation (Figure 3A, B). The average time for the
scarring of an active toxoplasmic area of retinochoroidi-
tis often appears to be related to function of the lesion
1.5. Fundus Examination size and resolution often occurs in approximately 3–4
weeks. With prompt diagnosis and treatment, lesions
In typical cases active lesions are seen as whitish foci may resolve more rapidly and even heal without creat-
of retinochoroiditis, without well-limited borders, ing a scar (Figure 3C left, right).10 Resolution of active
frequently adjacent to a pigmented and/or atrophic toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis in treated newborn infants
scar (Figure 1B). Vasculitis may also be remote from over the first weeks of life and in children also can occur
the lesion. When retinal vessels are close to the lesion, with rapid initiation of treatment. Figure 3D shows pho-
signs of vasculitis contiguous to the lesion may be seen tographs of the retina of a newborn infant with active
(Figure 2). Peri-phlebitis is more frequent than arteritis vitritis (left, labeled “near birth”) with clearing of vitritis
and retinal hemorrhages can also be seen. In some cases and marked but not yet complete resolution of activity
with very intense inflammation, vasculitis may be gen- of the lesion 3 weeks later (right, labeled “with ongoing
eralized to retinal areas distant from the primary site of treatment”).
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An active retinochoroidal lesion usually results in an

atrophic retinochoroidal scar, which resolves from the 1.6 Toxoplasma Serology

Confirmation of serologic evidence of T.gondii infec-

tion is an essential part of establishing the diagnosis
of ocular toxoplasmosis. This allows one to suspect the
diagnosis in conjunction with the typical appearance
of the eye lesions. Presence of T.gondii-specific serum
antibody is consistent with and supports the diagnosis
of ocular toxoplasmosis but does not prove it; it just
establishes that the person has the infection.

1.7. Fluorescein Angiography

Photographs of the fundus are useful to document

lesions and to longitudinally assess the evolution of
Figure 2  Scarred and active ocular toxoplasmosis with contigu-
ous vasculitis. lesion, particularly in cases of recurrences. Fluorescein

Figure 3  Follow-up of a toxoplasmic lesion. (A) Active lesion at presentation. (B) Scarred lesion. (C) Active retinal lesion before (left)
and completely resolved normal appearing retina within a month of initiating treatment (right). Adapted from McLeod et al.10 with per-
mission. (D) Retina photographs for newborn infant with active vitritis (left, labeled “near birth”) with clearing of vitritis and marked
but not yet complete resolution of activity of the lesion 3 weeks later (right, labeled “with ongoing treatment”).

© 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

94    E. Delair et al.

angiography can show signs useful to confirm lesion hyperfluorescence. Cystoid macular edema, even distant
activity. In some instances small, early active lesions may from the active lesion of retinochoroiditis, can be a com-
be difficult to detect at the edge of an older scar, fluores- plication of severe inflammation.
cein angiography may be useful to confirm the diagno-
sis. In typical cases of active disease, a masking lesional
effect at the early phase of the angiography is observed, 1.8. Optical Coherence Tomography
followed by hyperfluorescence progressing from the
periphery of the lesion to its center (Figure 4). Vasculitis Scarred areas of retinochoroiditis are characterized
contiguous to the lesion is seen as hyperfluorescence of by retinal atrophy at the site of lesions (Figure 5).
the vessel walls, which increases in magnitude in the late Optical coherence tomography is also useful to detect
phase of the angiography. Scarred quiescent pigmented retinal edema, to quantify subtle serous retinal detach-
lesions have a persistent masking effect, often bordered ment, which can be triggered by active retinochor-
by a hyperfluorescent line. Papillitis is frequently seen as oiditis (Figure  6), or to detect subretinal new vessel
an early staining of the disc, with increasing and lasting formation.
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Figure 4  Ocular toxoplasmosis with retinal artery occlusion: (A) color fundus photograph, fluorescein angiography; (B) early phase;
(C) late phase.


B D D + )1.00 )2.22 )3,45[mm]

Max Display Dia: 3.45[mm]



271 254 179 207 231



150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 µm

Figure 5  OCT imaging of scarred toxoplasmic lesions and fluorescein angiography. (A) OCT fundus image. (B) Late-phase fluorescein
angiography. (C) OCT imaging showing a retinal thinning at the site of the toxoplasmic scar. (D) OCT thickness map showing areas of
retinal thinning.

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Clinical manifestations of ocular toxoplasmosis    95

2. Rare, Atypical, or Complicated recently treated by intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy with

Forms of Ocular Toxoplasmosis resolution of the choroidal neovascular membrane
(CNVM) and brisk resolution of associated choriore-
2.1. Optic Neuropathy tinitis (Figure 8, bottom) 16,17

The diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis is difficult in the

presence of papillitis without other characteristic signs 2.3. Retinal Vascular Occlusions
of retinochoroidal inflammation. Whitish inflammatory
lesions located on the disc with associated vitritis sug- Vein or retinal vascular occlusions may be a compli-
gest the diagnosis.13 Such lesions located on the disc cation of ocular toxoplasmosis (Figure 9). The site of
border are responsible for visual defects occasionally occluded vessels may directly overlie the area of active
referred to as Jensen scotoma (Figure 7). retinochoroiditis or may be contiguous to the lesion.18–20
Fluorescein angiography is useful to confirm the diag-
nosis and to assess the consequences of the retinal vas-
2.2. Neovascularization cular occlusion.

Subretinal neovascularization may be a complication

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of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis (Figure 8, top).14,15 In 2.4. Epiretinal Membranes

addition to fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green
angiography may be useful to visualize the neovascu- Epiretinal membranes can be a complication of a pro-
lar membrane. In some instances neovascularization longed vitritis and are usually attached to or near areas
may regress once inflammation has resolved. In other of retinochoroiditis (Figure 10). Secondary tractions
instances persistent neovascular membranes histori- may be responsible for retinal tears, vitreo-macular
cally may require surgical removal but have been more traction with metamorphopsia, and macular edema.

D + )1.00 )2.22 )3,45[mm]

Max Display Dia: 3.45[mm]



372 440 364 291 304



150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 µm


Figure 6  OCT,color fundus photograph and fluorescein angiography imaging of ocular toxoplasmosis with serous detachment of the
retina. (A) Color fundus photograph of an active lesion satellite of a toxoplasmic scar. (B) Late phase fluorescein angiography showing
a serous detachment of the retina. (C) OCT imaging of serous retinal detachment. (D) OCT thickness mapping showing of the serous
retinal detachment.

© 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

96    E. Delair et al.

Figure 7  Peripapillary scarred retinochoroiditis. 7A: Fundus photograph. 7B: Goldmann perimetry showing a Jensen’s scotoma.
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Figure 8  (Top) Ocular toxoplasmosis with submacular neovascular membrane: (A).fundus photograph; (B) indocyanin green angiog-
raphy. (Bottom) Choroidal neovascular membrane with hemorrhage presenting with acute loss of vision, which resolved with treatment
with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, and intraocular injection of lucentis. Adapted from Benevento et al.16 with permission.

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Figure 10  Ocular toxoplasmosis with secondary epiretinal

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Figure 9  Ocular toxoplasmosis with retinal vessel occlusion:

(A) arterial occlusion; (B) vein occlusion.

These cases have sometimes been treated with surgi- Figure 11  Secondary tractional retinal detachment with a large
cal removal of epiretinal membranes after the active area of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis.
phase of retinochoroiditis with a favorable visual
outcome.21 3. The Special Problem of
Congenital Ocular Toxoplasmosis
in the United States and Brazil
2.5. Serous Retinal Detachments When There Is No Prenatal
Diagnosis and Early Treatment
Serous retinal detachments are a complication of retin- as Contrasted with Ocular
ochoroiditis. Vitritis is usually moderate in these cases. Manifestations in France Where
Serous detachments may extend distally from the area There Is Prenatal Diagnosis and
of retinochoroiditis and be responsible for decreased Early Treatment of the Fetus by
visual acuity when they reach the macula. Fluorescein Treatment of the Mother
angiography and optical coherence tomography (OCT)
may be useful to confirm the diagnosis. Angiograms Time of detection, treatment, and parasite and host
show an early fluorescence masking and a late-phase genetics modify initial presentations. In the United
staining. OCT is particularly useful to monitor reattach- States, congenital toxoplasmosis is most often diagnosed
ment of subtle serous exudation. by detection of severe signs and symptoms in the new-
born infant in the absence of any systematic prenatal
diagnosis and treatment.2-6,9,24–26 Only Massachusetts and
2.6. Retinal Detachments New Hampshire have a postnatal screening program.27
In a cohort study of children diagnosed at birth, severe
Retinal tears may be located near active or scarred involvement was common at routine ophthalmologic
foci of retinochoroiditis. In other instances, including examinations. Findings are summarized in Table 1.2
after intense and prolonged vitritis, vitreoretinal trac- Macular lesions were predominant. Although not
tion strands or tractional retinal detachments may be widely appreciated by ophthalmoligists, visual acu-
observed (Figure 11).22,23 ity may be remarkably good with macular scars.2,9

© 2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

98    E. Delair et al.

1,00 1,00

fraction without ocular lesions

fraction without ocular lesions





0,75 0,85
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
age in months age in months

Figure 12  New eye lesions in children who had <8 or ≥8 weeks delay from diagnosis in utero to treatment. (A) Kaplan-Meier plots show-
Downloaded by [Florida Gulf Coast University] at 05:04 06 August 2017

ing the age at diagnosis of a first retinochoroiditis according to the delay between maternal infection and first treatment: <4 weeks (solid
line), 4–8 weeks (dashed line), and >8 weeks (dotted line). (B) Kaplan-Meier estimate of the age at diagnosis of a first retino-choroiditis
during the first 2 years of life among 300 infants. Adapted from Kieffer et al.10 with permission.

Table 1  Ophthalmologic manifestations of congenital toxoplasmosis.

No. of treated patients with No. of historical patients with Total no. of patients with
finding (%) (NO. = 76) finding (%) (NO.= 18) finding (%) (NO. = 94)
Strabismus 26 (34) 5 (28) 31 (33)
Nystagmus 20 (26) 5(28) 25 (27)
Microphthalmia 10(13) 2(11) 12(13)
Phthisis 4(5) 0(0) 4(4)
Microcornea 15 (20) 3(17) 18(19)
Cataract 7 (9) 2(11) 9(10)
Vitritis (active) 3 (4)* 2(11) 5(5)
Retinitis (active) 6(8) 4 (22) 10(11)
Chorioretinal scars 56 (74) 18(100) 74 (79)
Macular 39/72 (54)’ 13/17(76) 52/89 (58)
Juxtapapillary 37/72 (51) 9/17(53) 46/89 (52)
Peripheral 43/72 (58) 14/17(82) 57/89 (64)
Retinal detachment 7(9) 2(11) 9(10)
Optic atrophy 14(18) 5 (28) 19(20)
*Two additional patients, not included in this table, were receiving treatment and retinochoroiditis had resolved, but vitreous cells and
veils persisted at time of examination.
‘Numerator represents number of patients with finding; denominator is the total number, unless otherwise specified. Number in
parentheses is percentage. Patients with bilateral retinal detachment in whom the location of scars was not possible were excluded
from the denominator. Adapted with permission from Mets et al2.

This likely reflects the depth of lesions and degree of of congenital toxoplasmosis; 50% of the infants had
involvement of the fovea, as shown by a study of some active retinochoroiditis at birth.28
of these patients with OCT9 and in a larger unpub- In contrast to this, in France with systematic prena-
lished experience (Latkany, Noble, Rabiah, McLeod tal treatment, and perhaps also reflecting differences
et al, manuscript in preparation, 2011). Occlusion treat- in parasite and human genetics of those infected or
ment for amblyopia may markedly improve visual other influences on well-being during gestation, active
acuity with substantial macular scars (Noble, Menon, disease and central locations of lesions are rare,29–38 as
Rabiah, McLeod, et  al., manuscript in preparation). are other signs of active disease. This was not always
In the Massachusetts screening program, 19% of the the case in France. Reviewing the earlier literature,
infants detected had retinal disease.27 Examinations Couvreur and Desmonts noted 76% of the infants
were at different sites and by different examiners and born had retinal disease before prenatal diagnosis and
not documented with photographs. In Belo Horizointe, treatment were introduced in France.39–45 In a newborn
Brazil in a widespread newborn screening program, screening program in Denmark, a similar proportion
50% of the ~200 children had ocular lesions during a infants had retinal disease at birth. A brief period of
7-month period, reflecting the endemic high incidence treatment (3 months, doses of medicines not specified)

Ocular Immunology & Inflammation

Clinical manifestations of ocular toxoplasmosis    99

was not sufficient to prevent later disease.46 In the study In the prospective study of children in the United
in Paris, in the time before initiating treatment of the States with congenital toxoplasmosis treated in
fetus, treating the mother significantly modified the rate infancy, the frequency of new retinochoroiditis lesions
of subsequent recurrences in the infants and children up was 31% over a 25-year follow-up. In children with
to the age of 2 years (Figure 12). moderate or severe involvement at birth treated dur-
ing their first year of life it was 34%.25 The incidence
was 10% for those with no evidence of disease at
4. Clinical Characteristics of birth. It was 14% for those with mild involvement at
Acquired Ocular Toxoplasmosis birth.26 Lesions were central in 14% of children and
peripheral in 25% of cases. New lesions were more
In three large series of ocular toxoplasmosis of acute frequently observed from 5 to 7 years and in teenag-
acquired origin, the age of patients ranged from 12 to ers (between 15 and 20 years). In untreated patients,
83 years, with a mean of 56.3 years.47–49 The lack of pig- the frequency of new lesions was 72%, with central
mented scar tissue, near or distant to the site of active lesions in 52% of cases and peripheral lesions in 45%
retinochoroiditis, is typically associated with postnatally of cases26 (Figure 13).
acquired active toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Serologic In a longitudinal study, the rate of recurrences has
testing can confirm the acute acquired infection. been shown to decrease with time after an episode
Downloaded by [Florida Gulf Coast University] at 05:04 06 August 2017

In postnatally acquired toxoplasmosis, as in congeni- of active ocular toxoplasmosis.56 The relative risk for
tal toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, recurrent lesions also a recurrence decreased by 72% each decade after an
can be located remote from scarred lesions, although active toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. The recurrence
new lesions are often located as satellites of pigmented risk was lesser if the first attack occurred later in life,
congenital toxoplasmic scars. The average lesion size with a 15% decrease by decade of age at the time of
may be larger, greater than 3–4 disc diameters, in the first episode. In a study in Brazil, recurrences
acquired infections. Retinochoroidal lesions are more were most frequent closer to the time of initial acqui-
frequently bilateral in congenital infections.50 Cases sition.56 Recurrences were effectively suppressed with
of intermediate uveitis have been reported in rela- trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), but this
tion with activity of acquired toxoplasmosis. In these treatment had a relatively high rate of hypersensitivity
cases, lesions located near the ora serrata can be dif- associated with the SMX.57
ficult to detect and may be missed on initial fundus
In the United States in mothers of congenitally 7. Susceptibility Genes for Ocular
infected children, 7.7% had retinal lesions consistent Toxoplasmosis
with toxoplasmic retinal scars, although none threat-
ened vision. In this series of 130 mothers of 173 chil- Certain genes—e.g., a gene that transports retinylidene
dren, 7.7% of mothers had retinal lesions consistent with ethanolamine outside rod cells, which is associated with
toxoplasmosis.52 susceptibility to macular degeneration, and a collagen
gene that is associated with Stickler disease—also have
susceptibility alleles for retinochoroiditis in those with
5. Course of Ocular Toxoplasmosis congenital toxoplasmosis.58 This observation has not
yet been used to predict susceptibility to ocular toxo-
The natural course of ocular toxoplasmosis as well as plasmosis but it is possible that it may be useful in this
its visual prognosis depends on the frequency for recur- manner in the future.
rences and rapidity with which active disease is treated
so destruction of the retina is minimized.2,9,25,26,38,53,54 In a
study with a 5-year follow-up after an active toxoplas- 8. Conclusions
mic retinochoroiditis, a recurrence was observed in 79%
of patients.55 The mean time between two recurrences Typical and atypical findings of congenital and acute
was 3 years (range 2 months to 25 years). Among 274 acquired ocular toxoplasmosis include retinal scars,
active episodes of ocular toxoplasmosis, 78% occurred white-appearing lesions in the active phase often
in patients aged 15–45 years, with a peak frequency associated with vitritis when active. Complications
around the age of 25 years. Recurrences sometimes can include fibrous bands, secondary serous or
occurred in the contralateral eye, e.g., in 15% of cases. rhegmatogenous retinal detachments, optic neuri-
When recurrences occurred in the same eye the active tis and neuropathy, cataracts, increased intraocular
lesion was usually located near a scarred lesion. In the pressure during active infection, and choroidal neo-
U.S. cohorts, peaks of incidence occurred at about 6–7 vascular membranes. Recurrences appear to be the
years and in adolescence (~10–15 years), which was rule in untreated congenital toxoplasmosis25,26,52–54
similar to those in the cohort described by Binquet and these often occur in the teenage years.25,26,38
et al.38 Manifestations at birth appear to be much less

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100    E. Delair et al.

0.8 Number of person All Lesions 0.8 Number of person All Lesions
-years at each visit: Central -years at each visit: Central
<3.5 19 Peripheral 1 93 Peripheral
3.5-5 23 3.5 184
5-7.5 35 5 114
7.5-10 36 7.5 103
0.6 10-15 54 0.6 10 218
15-20 15 15 85
20 25
Including Rate

Including Rate
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
<3.5 3.5-5 5-7.5 7.5-10 10-15 15-20 1 3.5 5 7.5 10 15 20
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Visit Visit

Figure 13  Recurrent retinal disease and new lesions in children who are historical patients who missed being treated in the first year
(left) and those who were treated in the first year with pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine (right). Both left and right, incidence rate: number
of patients with new lesions per person-year. Blue shaded area in left and right is confidence interval. Adapted from McLeod et al.10 and
Phan et al.,25, 26 with permission.

severe, and recurrences less frequent in those who Acknowledgment

were treated promptly early in the course of their
disease in utero and in the first year of life.2,25,26,29,30,35,38 This work was supported by NIH NIAID R01 27530
Severe retinal involvement is the rule at diagnosis of and gifts from the Taub, Engel, Mann, and Cornwell
symptomatic congenital toxoplasmosis in the United families(RM). We thank Daniel Lee and Jane Babiarz for
States; and in Fiocruz, Brazil, active disease is pres- their assistance with preparation of this manuscript.
ent in 50% of newborn infants detected in a newborn
screening program. Recurrences for children not Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts
treated in the first year of life appear to be common of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the
in teenage years. Acute acquired infections also may content and writing of the paper.
be complicated by toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis with
recurrences most common close to the time of acqui-
sition. Suppressive treatment can reduce recurrent REFERENCES
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