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Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No.

P3900 [Total No. of Pages : 4

[5869] - 441
S.E. (Electronics / E & TC)
(2015 Pattern) (Semester - I)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Attempt Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4, Q.5 or Q.6, Q.7 or Q.8.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.

Q1) a) A signal x(t) is shown in following figure sketch [4]

i) y1(t) = x(–2t + 3)
ii) y2(t) = x (t) + x (–2t + 3)

b) A signal x(t) is shown in following figure. Check whether it is periodic or

Aperiodic. If periodic find the period and power of the signal. [2]


c) A signal x[n] = çç ÷÷ u (n) . Check whether x[n] is energy or power and

çè 2 ÷ø
accordingly find its appropriate value. [4]
d) If x(t) is given by [3]

and h(t) i.e impulse response by h(t ) = å d (t - 2 k )
k =-¥

Find and sketch the output response of the system.

Q2) a) A signal x(t) is given by [3]

Find Energy of the signal

b) Check whether the following signals are periodic or Aperiodic and find
period of the signal if periodic [4]
i) x(t) = [cos (4t)]
ii) x[n] = cos (100 n)
c) Find the step response of the LTI system whose impulse response is
given by [3]

h[n] = çç ÷÷÷ u (n)

çè 2 ø
d) Check whether the following system whose impulse response is
h(t) = e2t u(–t)
Static, causal and stable and justify. [3]

Q3) a) Find the trignometric Fourier series of the signal x(t) shown in figure.[4]

b) Find the Fourier transform of the following signal. Also sketch magnitude
and phase spectrum. [6]

c) Compare Fourier series and Fourier transform. [2]

[5869] - 441 2
Q4) a) Find Fourier transform of the following signal. [4]

b) Find exponential Fourier series of the signal shown in following figure.

Also sketch magnitude and phase spectrum. [6]

c) Compare trigonometric and exponential Fourier series. [2]

Q5) a) Find the impulse response of the following system [4]

H(S) =
S2 + 6S + 10
b) Using the Laplace transform find the impulse response of an LTI system
described by differential equation [3]
d 2 y (t ) dy (t )
- - 2 y (t ) = x(t )
dt 2 dt
c) Find initial and final value of the following signals [6]
æ -2 ö÷
-5S ç 2S + 3
i) X(S) = e çç ÷ ii) X(S) =
è S(S + 2) ÷ø S2 + 5S + 6
Q6) a) Find the Laplace transform of [4]
d 2 é -3(t-2)
x(t ) = 2 ëêe u (t - 2)ùûú
If initial conditions are zero
b) Find the inverse bilateral Laplace transform of [6]
-5S - 7
X(S) = , if
(S + 1)(S -1)(S + 2)
i) Roc ; –1 < Re(S) < + 1 ii) Roc ; –2 < Re(S) < – 1
c) State the dirichlet conditions for existence of  Laplace transform. [3]

[5869] - 441 3
Q7) a) Consider a pair of dice. Find the probability of getting sum of the faces
as [3]
i) less than 6
ii) equal to 10
iii) greater than or equal to 10
b) A random variable has a distribution function given by [4]
fx (x) = 0 ; – ¥  x  –10
= 16 ; –10  x  –5
x 1
= + ; –5 < x < 5
15 2
= 56 ; 5  x < 10
=1 ; 10  x < ¥
i) Draw CDF
ii) Find P (x  4)
iii) Find P (–5  x  4)
iv) Find P (–5  x  11)
c) The PDF of random variable is given by [5]
fx(x) = 2(1–x) 2
=0 ; else
i) Mean value
ii) Variance
iii) E[2x + 3]
iv) E[6x + 3x2]
v) Std. deviation
Q8) a) Consider a box with five 100 resistor and two 1000 resistors. We
remove two resistors in succession. What is the probability that the first
resistor is 100 and the second resistor is 1000. [3]
b) State and explain properties of PDF. [4]
c) A coin is tossed 4 times. Write the sample space which gives all possible
outcomes. A random variable X, which represents the number of heads
obtained during each event. Draw the mapping of S on real line. Find the
probability of Random variable X and plot C.D.F. [5]


[5869] - 441 4

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