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Instruction manual

TPU-2 and HSU

option board
Version 1.0
June 1997
Part no. 4416.253

Copyright 1995-1997 Enraf B.V. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in any form without the prior consent of Enraf B.V. is not allowed. This manual is for informa-
tion only. The contents, descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Enraf B.V.
accepts no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.

The warranty terms and conditions applicable in the country of purchase in respect to Enraf B.V. products
are available from the supplier.
Please retain them with your proof of purchase.

Enraf B.V.
P.O. Box 812
2600 AV Delft
The Netherlands
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Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 1

Table of contents

Table of contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 TPU-2 compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Format critical items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Temperature related items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Additional settings for an 877 FDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Data items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Error codes temperature measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1 Temperature error (item EM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Temperature status request (item MQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Temperature specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5 Item description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

6 Related documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Page 2

This manual has been written for the technicians involved in the commissioning, trouble shooting and service
of the spot temperature measurement (RTD) connected to the Enraf series 854 level gauges, the
873 SmartRadar or the 877 FDI.

A description preceding the procedures gives the technical information necessary to understand its
functioning. It is recommended to read this chapter prior to performing any of the procedures.

For commissioning and installation of the 854 level gauges, 873 SmartRadar or 877 FDI, please refer to the
Instruction manuals and Installation guides of the related instruments. This manual describes the commis-
sioning for the optional TPU-2 board and the temperature function of the optional HSU board.
Other optional functions such as: hard alarm output contacts and pressure measurement, are described in
separate manuals. For an overview, refer to the list of related documents (chapter 6).

Safety and prevention of damage

Safe execution of the procedures in this manual requires technical experience in handling tools, and
knowledge of safety regulations in handling electrical installation in hazardous environments.

"Warnings', "Cautions", and "Notes" have been used throughout this manual to bring special matters to the
immediate attention of the reader.
& A Warning concerns danger to the safety of the technician or user;
& A Caution draws the attention to an action which may damage the equipment;
& A Note points out a statement deserving more emphases than the general text, but does not deserve
a "Warning" or a "Caution".

The sequence of steps in a procedure may also be important from the point of view of safety and prevention
of damage. Therefore, it is advised not to change the sequence of procedural steps or alter a procedure.

Legal aspects

The information in this manual is copyright property of Enraf B.V., the Netherlands. Enraf B.V. disclaims any
responsibility for personal injury or damage to equipment caused by:
& Deviation from any of the prescribed procedures;
& Execution of activities that are not prescribed;
& Negligence of the safety regulations for handling tools and use of electricity.

EC declaration of conformity

This instrument is in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council Directive 89/336/EEC.
The CE conformity marking fulfills the provisions of
EN 50081-2 Generic Emission Standard
EN 50082-2 Generic Immunity Standard

when installed, maintained and applied according to requirements as specified in this manual.

Additional information

Please do not hesitate to contact Enraf or its representative for additional information.

Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 3


1 Introduction
1.1 General information

The TPU-2 board (Temperature Processor Unit) and the HSU-board (HARTTM and Spot processor Unit) are
optional boards for the Enraf 854 Family. It can be used in the Enraf 854 level gauges, the 873 SmartRadar
and in the 877 FDI.

The function of the TPU-2 and the HSU board is to measure the temperature of a spot element (RTD). This
temperature measurement is interpret as product temperature.
The HSU board has a second function: the measurement of HARTTM compatible pressure transmitters and/or
a HARTTM compatible water interface probe.
The commissioning of the pressure part of the HSU board is analog to the HPU and OPU board and is
described in the HIMS manual, HTG manual or P3-only manual.
This manual describes only the temperature part of the HSU and TPU-2 boards.

The temperature measurement is intrinsically safe, certified EEx ia IIB.

All required settings may be down line loaded from the host or locally entered through the series 847 PET
(Portable Enraf Terminal) via an optical link.
The temperature items for the TPU-2 and HSU boards are deducted from the average temperature
measurement on the HPU board (HARTTM Processor Unit). Therefore, these items are similar as with the
average temperature measurement via the 862 MIR.

Items for temperature measurement with the optional TPU-2 and HSU boards can have a different
meaning compared to the 862 MIR temperature selector.

1.2 TPU-2 compatibility

854 ATG / XTG:

Replacement of the TPU board by a TPU-2 board in an 854 ATG or 854 XTG level gauge requires some
checking. If the level gauge is of series 22 or earlier (i.e. 854-22-900 or lower), then the instrument is
probably equipped with a standard XPU board. The NOVRAM size on the standard XPU board is too small
for the TPU-2 option board items. Therefore, the XPU board must be replaced by an XPU-1 board.
If the XPU board has the NOVRAM expansion board installed, then that XPU board can be used.
A NOVRAM initialization is required as the TPU and TPU-2 have different set of items. After the NOVRAM
init, all items must be re-programmed, and in addition to this, the temperature items as described in this

873 SmartRadar:
The TPU-2 board can be used as replacement for the TPU board in the 873 SmartRadar. Only the items, as
described in this manual, are to be programmed.

877 FDI:
The TPU-2 board can be used as replacement for the TPU board in an 877 FDI. Please be informed that a
NOVRAM initialization is required as the TPU and TPU-2 have different set of items. After the NOVRAM init,
all items must be re-programmed, and in addition to this, the temperature items as described in this manual.

Page 4

1.3 Principle of operation

The analog temperature data from the resistance thermometer (RTD) is converted and digitized.
The digitized product temperature is converted into a serial ASCII Bi-phase Mark modulated signal, which is
transmitted via the 2 wire Enraf field bus.
The temperature measurement is based on a three or four wire RTD measurement.

The resistance measurement is performed in the following steps:

& The spot element is measured, including the cable resistance

& The cable resistance is measured separately, and subtracted from the element resistance to avoid
influence of the cabling on the temperature measurement
& Next, the system constant is determined. This is done by measuring an accurate reference resistance
(Rref) 3ppm/°C (-40 , 85°C)
& In order to check the Rref, a test resistor (Rtest) is measured. This resistor has the same accuracy as
the reference resistor

These four measurements are performed with and without current to compensate for any thermo or offset
voltage in the measuring circuit.

Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 5


2 Commissioning
The commissioning of the optional temperature board should be performed after the basic commissioning of
the level gauge or indicator. The items mentioned in this section reside under protection level 2.

2.1 Format critical items

When the temperature dimension and / or the decimal separator has to be changed, it should be done at the
start of the commissioning.

Item Name Description

TD Temperature dimension One ASCII character; either “C” or “F”
& C : degrees Celsius
& F : degrees Fahrenheit
Both dimensions have the same format.

DP Decimal separator One ASCII character; either “.” (point) or “,” (comma).
If the instrument is equipped with an XPU-2 board, all related items are
automatically converted.
With an XPU and XPU-1 board, all items depending on the temperature,
level, density and pressure format have to be re-programmed with the cor-
rect decimal separator.

2.2 Temperature related items

Item Name Description

MN Element configuration 2 Characters (default: 16) which should be set to:

03 for 3 wire RTD configuration;
04 for 4 wire RTD configuration.
If a 4 wire RTD configuration is used, strap ST1 on the TPU-2 or HSU
board must be placed to the correct position (refer to figure 2.1).

MO RTD position Format according to item LD. MO is the mounting position height of the RTD.
If the measured level drops below this height the following 2 actions takes
& The corresponding status bit (bit 3) is set in status byte 1 of item AP
(temperature request);
& The temperature status on the instrument display is set to 'LR'.

MT Temperature element Selects the used temperature element. The following selections can be
RPL for Pt100 element; temperature range: -200 to 250 °C.
RPS for Pt900 element; temperature range: -200 to 250 °C.
RNI for Ni191 element; temperature range: -20 to 120 °C.
RCS for Copper elements with characteristic: Rth = 90.5 + 0.3873 x T.
RCN for Nulectron Cu90 elements with characteristic:
Rth = 90.4778 + 0.3809 x T.
RCB for Beacon Cu90 elements with characteristic:
Rth = 90.2935 + 0.38826 x T.
The temperature range from all copper elements is: -100 to 280 °C.

Page 6

It is recommended to check the settings of the following items and, if required, to change accordingly:

MI Switch hysteresis Format according to item LD. Item MI is a switch hysteresis around the RTD
position item MO.

MR Reference resistance Must be set to: +.27750000E+03 (default value: +.00000000E+00).

When the HSU-Pt900 is used, the reference resistance value must be
set to: +.15000000E+04.

TU Temperature status Default this item is set to 'T'. If necessary, this item can be set to another
conversion. character.

HSU 854


F5 32mAT ST1

C32 IC28 4 WIRE

C43 R68



C27 IC33

C45 C10
C11 C8

F5 C9
TR1 F4

IC4 C4
100mAT C1

Figure 2.1 TPU-2 / HSU board

2.3 Additional settings for an 877 FDI

Item Name Description

OB Optional board *) Three ASCII characters. This item informs the XPU (and XPU-1) what option
board is installed. It has to be set to “HPU”.

EG Enable temp. transm.*) One ASCII character; either “D” or “E”. With this item can be selected if the
877 FDI shall answer on a temperature request (C-record), addressed to the
connected level gauge.
& E : transmission of temperature record enabled
& D : transmission of temperature record disabled
When item EG is set to “E”, make sure the related level gauge has no
temperature option installed.

TF Temperature source One ASCII character; either “I” or “E”. This item selects if there is a
selection temperature measurement inside the indicator (Internal), or the temperature has
to be fetched from the Enraf field bus (External).
& I : Internal (TPU-2 / HSU board installed)
& E : External

IM Indicator mode One ASCII character. With XPU-2, the 877 FDI can be set in stand alone
temperature gauge mode. Then item IM has to be set to “T”.

*) This item is not implemented in the XPU-2.

Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 7


2.4 Data items

Item Name Description

AP Temperature request This item contains the measured temperature value. It is preceded by four
status bytes (refer to chapter 3.2).

MU Test resistance The measured test resistance in floating point format. The value should be:
370 Ω ±0.03%.
For the HSU-Pt900 version, the test resistance should be: 2000 Ω ±0.03%.

YP Stored temperature The measured temperature value at the time a “store” command was given.

Page 8
Error codes temperature measurement

3 Error codes temperature measurement

3.1 Temperature error (item EM)

This item contains the most recent temperature error encountered by the optional TPU-2 / HSU board.

2800 No error, value at initialisation. 2856 f R_wire + offset measurement failed.

2829 R_wire too high (3 wire: < 12 Ω; 2857 f R_wire offset measurement failed.
4 wire < 24 Ω). 2870 Wrong element configuration specified (check
2833 Offset frequency out of range (600 - 900 Hz). item MN).
2834 R_test out of range (370 Ω ±0.03%). 2872 Shift register fail.
2850 f R_ref. + offset measurement failed. 2878 Reference resistance value set at zero (check
2851 f R_ref. offset measurement failed. item MR).
2852 f R_test + offset measurement failed. 2890 Floating point calculation error (overflow, underflow,
2853 f R_test offset measurement failed. or divide by zero).
2854 f R_elem. + offset measurement failed. 2895 Wrong temperature element type selected (check
2855 f R_elem. offset measurement failed. item MT).

3.2 Temperature status request (item MQ)

The temperature request item contains four status bytes (Byte 0, Byte 1, Byte 2, Byte 3) from the optional
TPU-2 / HSU board. For decoding, refer to the ASCII table in appendix A.

Status byte 0 is always '0'

Status byte 1: Status byte 2:

bit 0 : General TPU-2/HSU temperature fail bit 0 : Last valid level used
1 : Fail in spot temperature reading 1: Manual level used
2: 1 2: Level time-out
3 : Product level below RTD position 3: 0
4: 0 4: 0
5: 0 5: Temperature out of range
6: 1 6: 1
7: 0 7: 0

Status byte 3:
bit 0 : No previous store command
1- 5 : 0
6: 1
7: 0

Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 9

Temperature specifications

4 Temperature specifications

Temperature measurement:

Application: RTD single spot, 3 or 4 wires.

Accuracy: ±0.1 °C (±0.18 °F).

Range: Pt100: -200 °C to +250 °C (-328 °F to +482 °F);

Pt900: -200 °C to +250 °C (-328 °F to +482 °F);
Ni191: -20 °C to +120 °C ( -4 °F to +248 °F);
Cu 90: -100 °C to +280 °C (-148 °F to +536 °F).

Resolution: ±0.01 °C (or ±0.01 °F).

Temperature cabling:

Type: Shielded.
Max. resistance/core: 12 Ω.
Max. capacitance: 1.2 µF.
Max. inductance: 60 mH.

intrinsically safe according to CENELEC EEx [ia] IIB;
intrinsically safe for Class 1, Division 1, Groups C, & D according to FM.

Part numbers:

TPU-2: 0854.651
HSU: 0854.649
HSU-Pt900: 0854.652
EPROM HSU: 0181.147 (also for TPU-2)
XPU-1: 0854.635 (part number unchanged from XPU)

Page 10
Item description

5 Item description
All items, related to the temperature measurement of the TPU-2 and HSU option board are described in this

The items can be of the type N (Novram), D (Data) or C (Command).

Novram items are stored in the NOVRAM on the XPU board of the instrument (for instance: temperature
element type, item MT).
Data items contain the measured and calculated data (for instance: product temperature, item AP). The
measured and calculated data are not stored in NOVRAM and are lost after a reset.
Command items result in an action (in this section there is no command item).

The protection level refers to the protection level 1 or 2 password which is required to issue the item.

Item: AP Average product temperature

Type: D
Protection: no write access
Dimension: determined by item TD
Default value: 0F@@9999999

Item AP gives the measured spot temperature value, preceded by 4 status bytes. For the status bytes, refer to item MQ (see also
section 3.2).

Item: EG Enable temperature transmission

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Entry format: one ASCII character: 'E' or 'D'
Default value: E

This item is only valid with an 877 FDI. It enables (E) or disables (D) the 877 FDI to answer on a temperature request (C record)
addressed to the related level gauge. The relation is given by item GA.
When the temperature transmission is enabled, the level as well as the temperature data can be requested at the level gauge address.
For the host, it looks like the level and temperature data comes from one field instrument.
When disabled, the temperature data from the 877 FDI can only be requested at the TA (transmission address) from the 877 FDI.

Item: EM Error temperature request

Type: D
Protection: no write access
Default value: 2800

This item contains the most recent temperature error encountered by the TPU-2 or HSU board. The description of the error can be found
in section 3.1 (temperature error).

Item: FH Fatal TPU-2/HSU errors

Type: N
Protection: no write access
Default value: 00

This item counts the number of fatal TPU-2 or HSU errors detected by the XPU processor. The maximum number is 99, which means
additional errors are not registered.

Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 11

Item description

Item: MI Temperature switch hysteresis

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Dimension: determined by item LD
Default value: +000.1000 (m)

Item MI is a hysteresis which is implemented around the switch point of the RTD position (item MO). The spot temperature will be
measured if the product level is above the value of MO + MI. When the product level is below the value of MO, a status bit is set in MQ
and the temperature status on the display is set to 'LR'.

Item: MN Element configuration

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Default value: 16

Item MN indicates in which way the temperature element is connected. This can either be a 3- or 4- wire connection, indicated by
respectively '03' or '04'. For 4-wire measurement, strap ST1 on the TPU-2 / HSU board has to be set to the correct position.

Item: MO RTD position

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Dimension: determined by item LD
Default value: +000.0000 (m)

This item indicates the mounting position (height) of the RTD. If the level drops below the value, specified with this item, a status bit is
set in MQ and the temperature status on the display is set to 'LR'.

Item: MQ Temperature status request

Type: D
Protection: no write access
Default value: 0F@@

This item contains status information of the temperature measurement. The status information is bit coded, and consists of 4 bytes.
For description of the temperature status information of the TPU-2 / HSU optional board, refer to section 3.2.

Item: MR Reference resistance

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Dimension: Ω
Entry format: floating point format
Default value: +.00000000E+00

In this item, the reference resistance of the TPU-2 / HSU board must be specified. The value of this reference resistance has to be set
to: +.27750000E+03 (277.5 Ω). For an HSU-Pt900 version, the reference resistance has to be set to: +.15000000E+04 (1500 Ω).
If item MR is set to zero, the temperature measurement is disabled.

Page 12
Item description

Item: MT Temperature element type

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Entry format: three ASCII characters (see description)
Default value: TPL

Item MT specifies the type of temperature element connected to the TPU-2 / HSU board. The following selections can be made:
& RPL for Pt100 spot element; temp. range: -200 to 250 °C
& RPS for Pt900 spot element; temp. range: -200 to 250 °C
& RNI for Ni191 spot element; temp. range: -20 to 120 °C
& RCS for Copper elements with characteristic: R = 90.5 + 0.3873 x T
& RCN for Nulectron Cu90 elements with characteristic: R = 90.4778 + 0.3809 x T
& RCB for Beacon Cu90 elements with characteristic: R = 90.2935 + 0.38826 x T
All copper elements have a temperature range of: -100 to 280 °C.

Item: MU Test resistance

Type: D
Protection: no write access
Dimension: Ω
Default value: 99999999999999

Item MU gives the measured test resistance of the TPU-2 / HSU board. The test resistance value should read: +.37000000E+03
±0.03% (370 Ω). For an HSU-Pt900 version, the test resistance should read: +.20000000E+04 ±0.03% (2000 Ω).

Item: OB Optional board selection

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Entry format: three ASCII characters: 'TPU', 'MPU', 'HPU', or '- - -'
Default value: TPU

Only valid with 877 FDI. This item informs the XPU processor which optional board is installed.
For the TPU-2 and HSU board, item OB has to be set to: HPU.

Item: TD Temperature dimension

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Entry format: one ASCII character: C, or F
Default value: C

Item TD determines the dimension in which the measured temperature will be presented.
All NOVRAM data which contain a temperature value will have the same dimension. The following dimensions are possible:
& C degrees Celsius
& F degrees Fahrenheit

The format of both dimensions is the same: sign X X X sep X X

sign = + or - sep = . or , X = digit.

Item: TF Temperature source selection

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Entry format: one ASCII character: 'I' or 'E'
Default value: I

With 877 FDI only. This item selects whether the temperature measurement is internally (I) or externally (E).
If the TPU-2 or HSU board is installed, item TF must be set to I.

Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 13

Item description

Item: TU Temperature status conversion

Type: N
Protection: level 2
Entry format: one ASCII character
Default value: T

If the temperature status is considered as a reduced or not guaranteed accuracy condition, then the character in this item is used in the
temperature status byte on the Enraf field bus to the host.
It depends merely on the host, which character is accepted in the temperature status field. A "T" is generally accepted by Enraf tank
inventory systems to indicate the reduced accuracy condition.
The temperature status is to be considered with reduced accuracy when:
& Temperature out of specified range
& Level below RTD position
& Level time-out on TPU-2 / HSU board.

Item: VP Value pointer

Type: D
Protection: not protected
Entry format: two ASCII digits, point or comma, two ASCII digits
Default value: 99999

The VP item consists of 4 positions, separated in the middle: v w , x y (or v w . x y).

This item, together with item VV, makes it possible to request several important calculation results.
By means of the value pointer, a vector can be loaded to the optional board. Then, with item VV, the selected value is returned.

The following pointer values for temperature measurement of the TPU-2 / HSU board can be requested:

vw , xy Selected value

00 , 00 f R_ref + offset
00 , 01 f R_test + offset
00 , 02 f R_wire + offset
00 , 03 f R_element + offset
00 , 04 f R_ref offset
00 , 05 f R_test offset
00 , 06 f R_wire offset
00 , 07 f R_element offset
01 , 00 R_element
01 , 01 R_wire
02 , 00 Measuring number (0 .. 7)

Example: VP=01,00 (value pointer for requesting the element resistance)

VV (item VV holds the requested element resistance)

Item: VV Pointer value

Type: D
Protection: no write access
Dimension: determined by item VP
Default value: 99999999999999

Item VV holds the measuring value, selected by the value pointer item VP. For the contents of this item, refer to description of item VP.

Item: YP Stored temperature

Type: D
Protection: no write access
Dimension: determined by item TD
Default value: 0F@A9999999

This item contains the 'stored' temperature value (item AP), at the time the ST command was issued.

Page 14
Related documents

6 Related documents

Title Part No.

Installation guide 854 Advanced Technology Gauge 4416.225

Instruction manual series 854 ATG level gauge 4416.220

Installation guide 854 XTG Servo Gauge 4416.276

Instruction manual series 854 XTG level gauge 4416.275

Installation guide 873 SmartRadar Control Unit 4416.570

Instruction manual 873 SmartRadar 4416.571

Installation guide 877 Field Display and Interface 4416.259

Instruction manual 877 Field Display and Interface 4416.257

Instruction manual 847 PET 4416.210

Instruction manual HIMS Hybrid Inventory Management System 4416.241

Instruction manual HTG Hydrostatic Tank Gauging 4416.242
Instruction manual P3-only 4416.226

Instruction manual TPU-2 and HSU option board Page 15

ASCII table

Appendix A
ASCII table

Page 16

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