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Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

This will enable the student to know the basic emergency and
distress procedures by GMDSS and INMARSAT System, Radio
communications and Search and Rescue.
The GMDSS offers the greatest advancement in maritime safety since the
enactment of regulations following the Titanic disaster in 1912 . GMDSS is a
global coverage and arrangement of communication systems for maritime
distress and safety communication that search and rescue authorities, as well as
shipping in the immediate vicinity of the ship or person in distress, as well be
rapid alerted, so that they can assist in a coordinated search and rescue
operation in minimum delay.
GMDSS History
The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) represents
a significant improvement in marine safety over the previous system of
short range and high seas radio transmissions. Its many parts include
satellite as well as advanced terrestrial communications systems.

SOLAS 74/78 – Chapter IV contains the GMDSS provisions, which

entered into on force 01 February 1992, with full implementation
scheduled by 1 February 1999.
GMDSS History
Samuel Finley Breeze Morse was born in
Charlestown, Mass. on 27th April 1791. He was
not a scientist - he was a professional artist.
Educated at Phillip’s Academy at Andover, he
graduated from Yale in 1810 and he lived in
England from 1811 to 1815, exhibiting at the
Royal Academy in 1813. He spent the next ten
years as an itinerant artist with a particular
interest in portraiture. He returned to America in
1832 having been appointed Professor of
Painting and Sculpture at the University of the
City of New York. It was on this homeward
voyage that he overheard a shipboard discussion
on electromagnets. This was the seed out of
which the electric telegraph grew. Morse is
remembered for his Code, still used, and less for
the invention that enabled it to be used,
probably since landline telegraphy eventually
gave way to wireless telegraphy.
GMDSS History
Since the invention of the radio at the end of the 19th century, ships at sea have relied on
MORSE CODE , invented by SAMUEL MORSE and first used in 1844, for distress and safety
telecommunications. The need for ship and coast radio stations to have and use radiotelegraph
equipment, and to listen to a common radio frequency for Morse encoded distress calls, was
recognized after the sinking of the liner RMS TITANIC in the North Atlantic in 1912.

Early Morse Signals

GMDSS History
There is much mystery and misinformation
surrounding the origin and use of maritime
distress calls. Most of the general populace
believes that "SOS" signifies "Save Our Ship."
Casual students of radio history are aware that the
use of "SOS" was preceded by "CQD." Why were
these signals adopted? When were they used?
The practical use of wireless telegraphy was made
possible by Guglielmo Marconi in the closing years
of the 19th century. Until then, ships at sea out of
visual range were very much isolated from shore
and other ships. The wireless telegraphers used
Morse Code to send messages. Morse Code is a
way of "tapping" out letters using a series of dots
(short signals) and dashes (long signals). Spoken,
short signals are referred to as "dih" and long
signals are referred to as "dah". The letter "A" is
represented by a dot followed by a dash:
Guglielmo Marconi
GMDSS History
The Marconi Yearbook of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony , 1918 states,
"This signal [SOS] was adopted simply on account of its easy radiation and its
unmistakable character. There is no special signification in the letter
themselves, and it is entirely incorrect to put full stops between them [the
letters]." All the popular interpretations of "SOS," "Save Our Ship," "Save Our
Souls," or "Send Out Succour" are simply not valid. Stations hearing this
distress call were to immediately cease handling traffic until the emergency
was over and were likewise bound to answer the distress signal.

Although the use of "SOS" was officially

ratified in 1908, the use of "CQD"
Lingered for several more years,
especially in British service where it
GMDSS History
By 1904 there were many trans-Atlantic
British ships equipped with wireless
communications. The wireless operators
came from the ranks of railroad and postal
telegraphers. In England a general call on
the landline wire was a "CQ." "CQ"
preceded time signals and special notices.
"CQ" was generally adopted by telegraph
and cable stations all over the world. By
using "CQ," each station receives a message
from a single transmission and an economy
of time and labor was realized. Naturally,
"CQ," went with the operators to sea and
was likewise used for a general call. This
sign for "all stations" was adopted soon
after wireless came into being by both ships
and shore stations.
GMDSS History
In 1904, the Marconi company suggested the use of "CQD" for
a distress signal. Although generally accepted to mean, "Come
Quick Danger," that is not the case. It is a general call, "CQ,"
followed by "D," meaning distress. A strict interpretation would
be "All stations, Distress."
At the second Berlin Radiotelegraphic Conference 1906, the
subject of a danger signal was again addressed. Considerable
discussion ensued and finally SOS was adopted. The thinking
was that three dots, three dashes and three dots could not be
misinterpreted.  It was to be sent together as one string.
GMDSS History
Second Radio Officer, and in the logs of the SS Carpathia, Titanic first used
"CQD" to call for help. When Captain Smith gave the order to radio for help,
first radio officer Jack Phillips sent "CQD" six times followed by the Titanic call
letters, "MGY.”

Vibroplex key of 1910

GMDSS History
The first recorded American use of "SOS" SS Arapahoe
was in August of 1909. Wireless operator
T. D. Haubner of the SS Arapahoe
radioed for help when his ship lost its
screw near Diamond Shoals, sometimes
called the "Graveyard of the Atlantic."
The call was heard by the United SS Iroquois
Wireless station "HA" at Hatteras. A few
months later, the SS Arapahoe received
an "SOS" distress call from the SS
Iroquois. Radio Officer Haubner
therefore has the distinction of being
involved in the first two incidents of the
use of "SOS" in America, the first as the
sender and the second as the receiver.
The U.S. did not officially adopt "SOS"
until 1912, being slow to adopt
international wireless standards
GMDSS History
The United States congress enacted legislation soon after, requiring U.S. ships to use Morse
code radiotelegraph equipment for distress calls. The INTERNATIONAL
TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNION (ITU), now a United Nations agency, followed suit for ships
of all nations. Morse encoded distress calling has saved thousands of lives since its
inception almost a century ago, but its use requires skilled radio operators spending many
hours listening to the radio distress frequency. Its range on the Medium Frequency (MF)
distress band (500 kHz) is limited, and the amount of traffic Morse signals can carry is also
GMDSS History
Not all ship-to-shore radio communications were short range. Some radio
stations provided long-range radiotelephony services, such as radio telegrams
and radio telex calls, on the HIGH FREQUENCY (HF) bands (3-30 MHz)
enabling worldwide communications with ships.
For example, Portishead radio, which was the world's busiest radiotelephony
station, provided HF long-range services. In 1974, it had 154 radio operators
who handled over 20 million words per year. Such large radiotelephony
stations employed large numbers of people and were expensive to operate.
By the end of the 1980s, satellite services had started to take an increasingly
large share of the market for ship-to-shore communications
GMDSS History
It spelled the end of Morse code communications for all but a few users, such as Amateur
Radio Operators. The GMDSS provides for automatic distress alerting and locating in cases
where a radio operator doesn't have time to send an SOS or MAYDAY call, and, for the first
time, requires ships to receive broadcasts of maritime safety information which could
prevent a distress from happening in the first place. In 1988, IMO amended the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, requiring ships subject to it fit GMDSS equipment.
Such ships were required to carry
NAVTEX and satellite EPIRBs by
1 August 1993, and had to fit all
other GMDSS equipment by
1 February 1999. US ships were
allowed to fit GMDSS in lieu of
Morse telegraphy equipment by
Telecommunications Act of 1996
GMDSS History
For these reasons, the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION (IMO), a United Nations
agency specializing in safety of shipping and preventing ships from polluting the seas,
began looking at ways of improving maritime distress and safety communications. In 1979,
a group of experts drafted the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue,
which called for development of a global search and rescue plan.
This group also passed a resolution calling for development by IMO of a Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) to provide the communication support needed to
implement the search and rescue plan.
This new system, which the world's maritime nations
are implementing, is based upon a combination of
Satellites and terrestrial radio services, and has
changed international distress communications from
being primarily ship-to-ship based to ship-to-shore
(Rescue Coordination Center)based.
GMDSS Licensing of Operators
National maritime authorities may issue various classes of licenses. The General Operator’s
Certificate is required on SOLAS vessels operating also outside GMDSS Sea Area A1, while a
Restricted Operator’s Certificate is needed on SOLAS vessels operated solely within GMDSS
Sea Area A1,

Long Range Certificate may be issued, and is

required on non-SOLAS vessels operating
outside GMDSS Sea Area A1, while a Short
Range Certificate is issued for non-SOLAS
vessels operating only inside GMDSS Sea
Area A1.

Finally there is a Restricted radiotelephone

operator's certificate, which is similar to the
Short Range Certificate but limited VHR DSC
radio operation. Some countries do not
consider this adequate for
GMDSS qualification.
GMDSS Licensing of Operators
In the United States four different GMDSS certificates are issued. A
GMDSS Radio Maintainer's License allows a person to maintain, install,
and repair GMDSS equipment at sea. A GMDSS Radio Operator's License
is necessary for a person to use required GMDSS equipment. The holder
of both certificates can be issued one GMDSS Radio Operator/Maintainer
License. Finally, the GMDSS Restricted License is available for VHF
operations only within 20 nautical miles (37 km) of the coast. To obtain
any of these licenses a person must be a U.S. citizen or otherwise eligible
for work in the country, be able to communicate in English, and take
written examinations approved by the Federal Communications
Commission. Like the Amateur Radio examinations, these are given by
private, FCC-approved groups. These are generally not the same agencies
who administer the ham tests. Written test elements 1 and 7 are
required for the Operator license, and elements 1 and 7R for the
Restricted Operator. (Passing element 1 also automatically qualifies the
applicant for the Marine Radiotelephone Operator Permit, the MROP.)
GMDSS Licensing of Operators
For the Maintainer license, written exam element 9 must be passed. However, to obtain
this certificate an applicant must also hold a General Radiotelephone Operator’s License
(GROL), which requires passing commercial written exam elements 1 and 3 (and thus
supersedes the MROP). Upon the further passing of optional written exam element 8 the
ship radar endorsement will be added to both the GROL and Maintainer licenses. This
allows the holder to adjust, maintain, and repair shipboard Radar equipment.
Until March 25, 2008 GMDSS operator and maintainer licenses expired after five years but
could be renewed upon payment of a fee. On that date all new certificates were issued
valid for the lifetimes of their holders. For those still valid but previously issued with
expiration dates, the FCC states:
Any GMDSS Radio Operator's License, Restricted GMDSS Radio Operator's License, GMDSS
Radio Maintainer's License, GMDSS Radio Operator/Maintainer License, or Marine Radio
Operator Permit that was active, i.e., had not expired, as of March 25, 2008, does not have
to be renewed.
Since an older certificate does show an expiration date, for crewmembers sailing
internationally it may be worth paying the fee (as of 2010 it was $60) to avoid any
confusion with local authorities.
Finally, to actually serve as a GMDSS operator on most commercial vessels the United
states Coast Guard requires additional classroom training and practical experience beyond
just holding a license 
GMDSS Background
The GMDSS was adopted by amendments in 1988 by the Conference of
Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. This was the culmination of more than a decade of
work by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in conjunction with
the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), International
Hydrographic Organization (IHO), World Meteorological Organization
(WMO), International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), and
others communications.
The Global Maritime Distress and
Safety System (GMDSS) is an
internationally agreed-upon set of
safety procedures, types of equipment,
and communication protocols used to
increase safety and make it easier to
rescue distressed ships, boats and

GMDSS these limitations by

introducing modern communication
technology, including satellites and
digital selective calling techniques to
transmit and receive distress alerts
automatically over long ranges reliably.
GMDSS Concept
All ships must perform 9 specific functions irrespective of where
they are at sea:
1. Ship-to-shore distress alerting.
2. Shore-to-ship distress alerting.
3. Ship-to-ship distress alerting.
4. SAR coordination.
5. On-scene communications.
6. Transmission and receipt of
emergency locating
7. Transmission and receipt of
8. General radio communications.
9. Bridge-to-bridge communications.
GMDSS 9 Important Functions

All ships shall be able to send or transmit alert DISTRESS by ship to shore
communication in at least two independent ways.

Ship’ s Identification
Ship’s Position
Time the position is valid
Nature of Distress
GMDSS 9 Important Functions

All ships shall be able to send or transmit alert DISTRESS by ship to ship
communication using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) for all stations also sends
Distress Alerts in ht e VHF, MF and HF bands.
GMDSS 9 Important Functions

A Rescue Coordinating Center (RCC) or Coast Radio Station (CRS)

acknowledges the DISTRESS alerts and sending it to all ships.

If it is necessary, the RCC or CRS relays the DISTRESS alerts to all Ships in the
GMDSS 9 Important Functions
SEARCH and RESCUE Communication

Are those necessary for the RCC to coordinate and control the communication in
search and rescue operation. With the following methods of communications.

Telephony and Telex

Terrestrial or Satellite
GMDSS 9 Important Functions
ON-SCENE Communication

Are normally on short range VHF and MF bands the frequency designated for safety
and Distress communications. This is vital for the operation of ships in distress and for
the rescue of survivors.
GMDSS 9 Important Functions

Is the finding of the Ship in distress of survivors. In GMDSS this means finding the
Search And Rescue Transponder (SART). The SART signal can be identified as 12 dot
Racon echoes on a the screen of a 3cm radar.
GMDSS 9 Important Functions
BRIDGE to BRIDGE Communication

Means a safety communication between ships. Channel 13 is reserved for short range
communication safety of navigation and maneuvering traffic on VHF radio telephone.
GMDSS 9 Important Functions
Sample of NAVTEX MSI message
GMDSS ship beyond NAVTEX coverage shall
receive MSI via: ZCZC HB38
071930 UTC JUN
HF Radio Telex – World-wide Navigational GERMAN GALE WARNING 218
Warning System (WWNWS)



MSI Broadcast includes navigational warnings meteorological warnings and forecast

and other urgent safety information, ships with in the range of radio coast stations
receive information through NAVTEX on 518 kHz, beyond coastal waters ships receive
MSI information through satellite Safety NET service using the INMARSAT Enhanced
Group Call (EGC) or by HF radio telex.
GMDSS 9 Important Functions
General Communication

According to GMDSS are ship to shore communication other than safety, urgency and
distress messages that may have an impact on the ships safety. It is also encourage to
in routine communications
GMDSS Basics
Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic
radiation with wavelengths in
the electromagnetic spectrum longer
than infrared light. Radio waves
have frequencies from 300 GHz to as low as
3 kHz, and corresponding wavelengths from 1
millimeter to 100 kilometers. Like all other
electromagnetic waves, they travel at the speed
of light. Naturally occurring radio waves are
made by lightning, or by astronomical objects.
Artificially generated radio waves are used for
fixed and mobile radio
communication, broadcasting, radar and other
navigation systems, communications satellites,
computer networks and innumerable other
applications. Different frequencies of radio
waves have different propagation characteristics
in the Earth's atmosphere; long waves may
cover a part of the Earth very consistently,
shorter waves can reflect off the ionosphere and
travel around the world, and much shorter
wavelengths bend or reflect very little and travel
on a line of sight.
GMDSS Basics
The frequencies falling between three kilohertz to three hundred gigahertz are called radio
frequencies since they are commonly used in radio communications.
Radio frequencies spectrum is divided into eight frequency bands namely Very low frequency, Low
frequency, Medium frequency, High frequency, Very high frequency, Ultra high frequency, Super
high frequency and Extreme high frequency. Each of these frequencies is ten times higher in
frequency as the one immediately below it.
The term hertz was designated for use in lieu of the term cycles per second when referring to the
frequency of radio waves. Hertz refer to the number of occurrences that take place in one second. 
Basics Radio Waves
Radio waves can be transmitted from ones point to another by sky wave, ground
waves direct waves and reflective waves, an HF radio waves radiated into space by an
HF antenna are refracted on the ionosphere and back to the earths surface.
Basics Radio Waves
Direct and refracted radio waves are typical example of VHF radio waves
Basics Atmospheric Layers

Up to 4 distinct layers are present in the ionosphere at

anytime these layers are very important for the
propagation. during daylight hours the radiation of the
sun produces 4 layers of the ionosphere. These are
D layer at about 75,000 meters
E Layer at about 100,000 meters
F1 Layer at about 225,000 meters
F2 Layer at about 320,000 meters
Basics Atmospheric LAyers

At sunset the atmospheric layers change the D layer

disappears the E Layer at about 100,000 meters
F Layer has combined into one and at about 250,000 meters
Basics Propagation VHF day time

The range of your radio is related to the propagation day or

night the VHF is a short range radio used for communication
to ship to ship and ship to shore during daytime.
Basics Propagation VHF Night time

At nighttime use the same frequencies and VHF Channel.

Basics Propagation MF Day time

MF is a medium range radio for communication used to ship

to ship and ship to shore for example this specific MF
frequency is used during day to communicate with another
Basics Propagations MF night time

During nighttime you’ll be communicating with the same ship

and also with another ship if you are using the same MF
Basics Propagations HF Day time 16 MHz

If you transmit a radio call from by a HF 16 MHz from south

Africa to Australia successfully, if your call is between day and
night zones 12 MHz is a good alternative. DO NOT use 4 MHz
signals for the signal fall short.
Basics Propagations HF Night time 16 MHz

At night time 16 MHz will not work, if your call is between day
and night zones 12 MHz is a good alternative.
Basics Propagations HF Night time 8 MHz

Again you send a radio call from south Africa to Australia using
8 MHz and it was successful. If your call is between day and
night zones 12 MHz is a good alternative.
Basics Satellite Day time

You are transmitting a radio call by satellite along range

communications, talking about transcontinental traffic from
one ocean to another by satellite.
Basics Satellite Night time

You transmitted your radio call successfully long range

communication is till using the same frequency at night time.
GMDSS Ship requirements
By the terms of the SOLAS
Convention, the GMDSS provisions
apply to cargo ships of 300 gross
tons and over and ships carrying
more than 12 passengers on
international voyages.
Unlike previous shipboard carriage
regulations that specified
equipment according to size of
vessel, the GMDSS carriage
requirements stipulate equipment
according to the area the vessel
operates in.
Recreational vessels do not need to comply with GMDSS radio carriage
requirements, but will increasingly use the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) VHF
radios channel 70 . Offshore vessels may elect to (2187,5 kHz) equip
themselves further.
Vessels under 300 Gross Tonnage (GT) are not subject to GMDSS requirements.
IMO and ITU both require that the DSC-equipped MF/HF and VHF radios be
externally connected to a satellite navigation receiver (GPS). That
connection will ensure accurate location information is sent to a rescue
coordination center if a distress alert is transmitted. The FCC requires that all
new VHF and MF/HF maritime radiotelephones type accepted after June
1999 have at least a basic DSC capability. VHF digital selective calling also
has other capabilities beyond those
required for the GMDSS.
GMDSS Communication Equipments
The worldwide communications coverage of the GMDSS is achieved by a
combination of satellite (INMARSAT) and terrestrial communication
Terrestrial Communications
Long Range Service - HF
Medium Range Service - MF
Short Range Service - VHF

Satellite Communications
The Coast Guard uses this system to track vessels in Prince William Sound,
Alaska, Vessel Traffic Service. IMO and the USCG also plan to require ships
carry a Universal Shipborne  Automatic Indentification System, which will
be DSC-compatible.

GMDSS telecommunications equipment should not be reserved for

emergency use only. The International Maritime Organization encourages
mariners to use GMDSS equipment for routine as well as safety
GMDSS Main types of equipments
Is required to meet the
requirements of the functional
areas above the following is a list
of the minimum communications
equipment needed for all ships:

capable VHFofradios
Feb. rescue
1999, ofa of
(two sets minimum on 300-500
2182 kHz
gross tons
vessels and three
on channel
sets minimum of
was (EPIRB),
cargo is
manually 9 tons
gross serviceband.
and is
on orand
upward float-
all passenger
free 6,ships).
self activated.
13 and 16.


VHF DSC Channel 70 Channel 16

MH 2187.5 kHz 2182.0 kHz 2174.5 kHz

HF4 4207.5 kHz 4125.0 kHz 4177.5 kHz

HF6 6312.0 kHz 6215.0 kHz 6268.0 kHz

HF8 8414.5 kHz 8291.0 kHz 8376.5 kHz

HF12 12577.0 kHz 12290.0 kHz 12520.0 kHz

HF16 16804.5 kHz 16420.0 kHz 16695.0 kHz

GMDSS Main types of equipments
The Inmarsat C provides ship/shore, shore/ship
and ship/ship store-and-forward data and email
messaging, the capability for sending
preformatted distress messages to a rescue
coordination center, and the Inmarsat C
SafetyNET service. The Inmarsat C SafetyNET
service is a satellite-based worldwide maritime
safety information broadcast service of high
seas weather warnings, NAVAREA navigational
warnings, radionavigation warnings, ice reports
and warnings generated by the USCG-
conducted International Ice Patrol, and other
similar information not provided by NAVTEX.
SafetyNET works similarly to NAVTEX in areas
outside NAVTEX coverage.
Inmarsat C equipment is relatively small and
lightweight, and costs much less than an
Inmarsat B or F77. Inmarsat B and F77 ship
earth stations which require relatively large
gyro-stabilized uni directional antennas; the
antenna size of the Inmarsat C is much smaller
and is omni directional.
GMDSS Main types of equipments
Under a cooperative agreement with the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), combined meteorological
observations and AMVER reports can now be
sent to both the USCG AMVER Center, and NOAA,
using an Inmarsat C ship earth station, at no
charge. .
SOLAS now requires that Inmarsat C equipment
have an integral satellite navigation receiver, or
be externally connected to a satellite navigation
receiver. That connection will ensure accurate
location information to be sent to a rescue
coordination center if a distress alert is ever
Also the new LRIT long range tracking systems are
upgraded via GMDSS Inmarsat C which are also
compliant along with inbuilt SSAS, or Ship
Security Alert System. SSAS provides a means to
covertly transmit a security alert distress message
to local authorities in the event of a mutiny,
pirate attack, or other hostile action towards the
vessel or its crew.
Equipments HF DSC
A GMDSS system may include High
Frequency (HF) radiotelephone
and Radiotelex (narrow-band direct
printing) equipment, with calls
initiated by digital selective calling
(DSC). Worldwide broadcasts of
maritime safety information can also
made on HF narrow-band direct
printing channels.
Equipments VHF Radios
VHF Is a short range radio
communication to other ship
or from Shore to ship.
Equipments Portable VHF Radios
Is used for on-scene communications
between life rafts, ships and rescue
units it may also be used for onboard
communications. Batteries intended
for use in Distress situations should
not be used for on-board
GMDSS Radio equipment required for US coastal voyage
Presently, until an A1 or A2 Sea
Area is established, GMDSS-
mandated ships operating off the
U.S. coast must fit to Sea Areas A3
(or A4) regardless of where they
operate. U.S. ships whose voyage
allows them to always remain
within VHF channel 16 coverage of
U.S. Coast Guard stations may apply
to the Federal Communications
Commission for an individual
waiver to fit to Sea Area A1
requirements. Similarly, those who
remain within 2182 kHz coverage of
U.S. Coast Guard stations may apply
for a waiver to fit to Sea Area A2
Equipments DSC Radios
The IMO also introduced Digital Selective Calling
(DSC) on MF, HF and VHF Marine Radios as part
of the GMDSS system. DSC is primarily intended
to initiate ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and shore-
to-ship radiotelephone and MF/HF radio telex
calls. DSC calls can also be made to individual
stations, groups of stations, or "all stations" in
one's radio range. Each DSC-equipped ship, shore
station and group is assigned a unique 9-
digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity.
DSC distress alerts, which consist of a
preformatted distress message, are used to
initiate emergency communications with ships A listening watch aboard GMDSS-
equipped ships on 2182 kHz ended
and rescue coordination centers. DSC was on February 1, 1999. In May 2002,
intended to eliminate the need for persons on a IMO decided to postpone cessation
ship's bridge or on shore to continuously guard of a VHF listening watch aboard
radio receivers on voice radio channels, including ships. That watch keeping
requirement had been scheduled to
VHF channel 16 (156.8 MHz) and 2182 kHz now end on 1 February 2005.
used for distress, safety and calling.
Equipments DSC Radios
VHF DSC Distress Alert

Contents of Transmission:

Ships’ Identity – MMSI

Nature of Distress
ship’s last known Position
the time position was valid

Watching channel VHF Ch 70

DSC DISTRESS Alerts go through very
quickly as it is subsequently
Subsequent communication follows on connected the differently nautical
equipment on the bridge such as
VHF Ch 16 GPS.
Equipments DSC Radios
MF - HF DSC Distress Alert

Contents of Transmission:
Ships’ Identity – MMSI
Distress Frequency
Nature if Distress
ship’s last known Position
the time position was valid

Subsequent communication follows on

Telephony or Telex

GMDSS equipped ship with MF – HF DSC must maintain watch on MF 2187.5 KHz and the HF
8414.5 KHz and least one of the other DSC Frequencies.

NOTE: if equipment is update from GPS, ship’s position is automatically updated. Otherwise the
ship’s position must be updated manually every 4 hours.
DSC Distress Frequency 8414,5 kHz
Other frequencies depending on the time of the day
4207,5 kHz
6312,0 kHz
1604,5 kHz
MF band; 12577,0 kHz
2187.5 kHz
4207.5 kHz,
6312 kHz,
8414.5 kHz, (Emergency)
HF band;
12577 kHz
16804.5 kHz
VHF band;
156.525 MHz (channel 70)
Distress Alert VHF DSC
To make your designated Alert Call:


nature of distress appears; using click “collision” press

check position is at Lat50° 51,0N Long001°05,0E, time 1513H UTC, click when ready

Approve or reject Distress Call to be made, click when ready

Lift Safety lid and press button for at least 5 seconds until a two tone alert is heard
Acknowledgement oflert Sent

The distress alert has been successfully send via VHF DSC and received by several ships and coast
stations approximate range is 20n.mi. your distress alert has been received by several ships and
by the coast station
Distress Acknowledgement VHF DSC
To Stop Alarm:


check that the received message is an acknowledgement of your distress alert

Distress Alert VHF DSC
You are hearing a typical Distress Call:

press PTT button to send your Distress Message

Talk through the headset the nature of your distress.

Distress Alert MF DSC
To make your designated Alert Call:


using click “collision” press

your position is at Lat50° 51,0N Long001°05,0E, time 1513H UTC, click when ready

Approve or reject Distress Call to be made, click when ready

Lift Safety lid and press button for at least 5 seconds

Distress Sent MF DSC

The distress alert has been successfully send via MF DSC and received by several ships and coast
stations approximate range is 150n.mi. coast station transmit acknowledgement of MF DSC
Distress Acknowledgement MF DSC
To Stop Alarm:


check that the received message is an acknowledgement of your distress alert

Distress Alert MF DSC
You are hearing a typical Distress communication process
initiated by MF DSC alert:

press Transmit button on the handset to send your Distress Message it is essential
to send your message on 8414,5 kHz and wait for the coast station to reply

Talk through the headset the nature of your distress.

Equipments MF-HF Radio System
Equipments MF-HF with DSC
Distress Alert HF DSC
To make your designated Alert Call:
There are 1 MF and 5 HF
frequencies available which one
to use depends on the time of
day and season of the year and
the sunspots use the 2 MHz to
alert the ships in the vicinity use
8 and 16 MHz to alert the coast

nature of distress appears; using click “listing” press
select from 2, 8 and 16 MHz, by using press to confirm each choice
select “multi”
select “telephony”, click when ready
Approve the Distress Call
Lift Safety lid and press button for at least 5 seconds;distress call is sent on
selected frequencies, i.e. 2, 8, and 16 MHz
Distress Alert MF DSC
Waiting for a DSC acknowledgement from a coast station or a
telephony acknowledgement on 8414,5 kHz from a ship in the

Press any key to stop the alarm, check that the received message is an
acknowledgement of your distress alert
Distress Alert HF DSC
You should use the VHF radio to send a message on channel 16

press transmit button and send your distress alert message

Talk through the headset the nature of your distress.
Equipments INMARSAT B System
Provides tow way telephony and telex communication the telephone
channel can also provides fax and data communication. A push button
gives Distress priority for a telephone or telex call.
Distress Alert INMARSAT-B
To make an INMARSAT-B Alert Call to Goonhilly, UK using radio telephony:

to make a call alert to Goonhilly, dial 2*

Check for 2 digit LES code in the latest INMARSAT

click on the handset

Lift Safety lid and press button for at least 5 seconds
Distress Alert INMARSAT-B
To make an INMARSAT-B Alert Call to Goonhilly, UK using Telex:

You are
send now
will your
freepress on
line your
the terminal.
Rescue theThis indicates
Coordination The that
GA+ your
Ahead” inisthe
click the sent
real you are now
equipment youwaiting
shouldfor response.
type your alert on the keyboard

Lift Safety lid and press button for at least 5 seconds

Equipments INMARSAT C System
Is a store and forward messaging system a message from a ship can be send from a telex fax
or computer ashore. You can send a Distress alert with the ship’s identity, position and time by
pressing the Distress button, and the INMARSAT C is one way of receive maritime safety

The antenna is small and shall

be installed to insure that you
stay in line of sight of the

The transceiver interface with the and the

satellite system, this transceiver consist
of a transmitter and a receiver to ensure
safe communication by a satellite to the
Coast Earth Station (CES).
NOTE: if equipment is update
from GPS, ship’s position is
automatically updated.
Otherwise the ship’s position
must be updated manually
every 4 hours.
Distress Alert INMARSAT-C
To make an INMARSAT-C Alert Call to Goonhilly, UK:

click to select coast station Goonhilly and confirm by clicking YES = Enter

check the position and confirm by clicking YES = Enter

check to select distress type i.e. LISTING and confirm by clicking YES = Enter

Lift Safety lid and press button for at least 5 seconds

Equipments Radio Telex
Mandatory if the ship is required
to carry and HF radio installation.
an alternative to radio
telephony for distress and
general radio communication
used for receiving MSI
transmitted on HF
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
EPIRB – one of the most important life saving equipment. Operating
EPIRB means that somebody is in distress and an immediate assistance is
needed. If the vessel sinks, the EPIRB will be automatically released from
the bracket when
subjected to water pressure at 2-4 meters depth and then float up to the
surface. Due to the function of the seawater contacts it will automatically
be activated and start to transmit vessels identity and positioning signals to
the the COSPAS/SARSAT satellites. It should be examined for physical
damages every week. The expiration date or service date of the HRU
should be noted.
It transmit Ships Position and Identity; Position information and Additional
information which could facilitate rescue unless integrated position fixing
device, a 9 GHz radar transponder is activated for location purposes.
Battery operation must be sufficient to operate for 4 hours or for 48
hours, integral features are included for automatic upgrading.
Must operate in an environmental condition of ambient temperature of
20ºC – 55ºC , icing condition, relative wind speed of 100 knots and
stowage temperature of 30ºC – 65ºC.
Early EPIRBS transmit on an aircraft frequencies of:
121.5 mHz - for civil emergencies
243 mHz - for military frequencies
406 mHz - to give stable fixing for satellites
1.6 GHz - with GPS receiver for INMARSAT-EPIRB
EPIRBS Classifications
Type Frequency Description
Class A 121.5/243 MHz Float-free, automatic activating, detectable by aircraft
and satellite. Coverage limited (see Figure 2908).
Class B 121.5/243 MHz Manually activated version of Class A.
Class C VHF Ch. 15/16 Manually activated, operates on maritime channels only.
Not detectable by satellite.
Class S 121.5/243 MHz Similar to Class B, except that it floats, or is an integral
part of a survival craft.
Category I 121.5/406 MHz Float-free, automatically activated. Detectable by satellite
anywhere in the world.
Category II 121.5/406 MHz Similar to Category I, except manually activated.
L-Band Satellite EPIRB
This provides rapid distress alerting through the
Coverage up to +/- 70° Latitudes
20 simultaneous alerts within 10 min. time frame

it transmit 1.6 GHz Frequency
activates either automatic or manually
after activation the EPIRB transmit:
ship’s position identity
position information
additional information which could facilitate
unless integrated position-fixing device, a 9 GHz
RADAR transponder is attached for locating purposes
Battery operated must operate for 4 hours or 48 hours
MES/SES to Satellite
Uplink 1626.5.0 mHz to
if integral features are included for automatic updating 1646.5 mHz (1.6 Ghz)

Must operate in environment conditions of: Satellite to CES/LES

Ambient temp of -20°C up to 55°C downlink 3600.0 to

3623.0 mHz (4Ghz)

Relative wind speed of up to 100 knots
Storage temp between 30°C and 65°C

The basic Concept of L-Band satellite EPIRB

EPIRBS Descriptions and Capabilities
121.5/243 MHz EPIRB’s (Class A, B, S): These are
the most common and least expensive type of
EPIRB, designed to be detected by overflying
commercial or military aircraft. Satellites were
designed to detect these EPIRB’s but are limited for
the following reasons:
1. Satellite detection range is limited for these
EPIRB’s (satellites must be within line of sight of
both the EPIRB and a ground terminal for detection
to occur).
2. EPIRB design and frequency congestion cause
them to be subject to a high false alert/false alarm
rate (over 99%); consequently, confirmation is
required before SAR forces can be deployed;
3. EPIRB’s manufactured before October 1988 may
have design or construction problems (e.g. some
models will leak and cease operating when
immersed in water) or may not be detectable by
EPIRBS Descriptions and Capabilities
Class C EPIRB’s: These are manually activated
devices intended for pleasure craft which do
not venture far offshore, and for vessels on the
Great Lakes. They transmit a short burst on
VHF-FM 156.8 MHz (Ch. 16) and a longer
homing signal on 156.75 MHz (Ch. 15). Their
usefulness depends upon a coast station or
another vessel guarding channel 16 and
recognizing the brief, recurring tone as an
EPIRB. Class C EPIRB’s are not recognized
outside of the United States. Class C EPIRB’s
cannot be manufactured or sold in the United
States after February 1995. Class C EPIRB’s
installed on board vessel’s prior to February
1995 may be utilized until 1 February 1999 and
not thereafter.
EPIRBS Descriptions and Capabilities
406 MHz EPIRB’s (Category I, II): The 406 MHz EPIRB was
designed to operate with satellites. Its signal allows a
satellite local user terminal to locate the EPIRB (much more
accurately than 121.5/243 MHz devices) and identify the
vessel (the signal is encoded with the vessel’s identity)
anywhere in the world. There is no range limitation.
These devices also include a 121.5 MHz homing signal,
allowing aircraft and rescue vessels to quickly find the vessel
in distress. These are the only type of EPIRB which must be
tested by Coast Guard-approved independent
laboratories before they can be sold for use within the
United States.
An automatically activated, float-free version of this EPIRB
has been required on SOLAS vessels (cargo ships over 300
tons and passenger ships on international voyages) since 1
August 1993. The Coast Guard requires U.S. commercial
fishing vessels to carry this device (unless they carry a Class
A EPIRB), and will require the same for other U.S.
commercial uninspected vessels which travel more than 3
miles offshore.
EPIRBS Descriptions and Capabilities
Mariners should be aware of the differences
between capabilities of 121.5/243 MHz and
121.5/406 MHz EPIRB’s, as they have
implications for alerting and locating of distress
sites, as well as response by SAR forces. The
advantages of 121.5/406 MHz devices are
substantial, and are further enhanced by EPIRB-
transmitted registration data on the carrying
vessel. Owners of 121.5/406 MHz EPIRB’s
furnish registration information about their
vessel, survival gear, and emergency points of
contact ashore, all of which greatly enhance the
response. The database for U.S. vessels is
maintained by the National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration, and is accessed
worldwide by SAR authorities to facilitate SAR
Testing EPIRBS
EPIRB owners should periodically check for
water tightness, battery expiration date,
and signal presence. FCC rules allow Class
A, B, and S EPIRB’s to be turned on briefly
(for three audio sweeps, or 1 second only)
during the first 5 minutes of any hour.
Signal presence can be detected by an FM
radio tuned to 99.5 MHz, or an AM radio
tuned to any vacant frequency and located
close to an EPIRB. FCC rules allow Class C
EPIRB’s to be tested within the first 5
minutes of any hour, for not more than 10
seconds. Class C EPIRB’s can be detected
by a marine radio tuned to channel 15 or
16. All 121.5/406 MHz EPIRB’s have a self-
test function that should be used in
accordance with manufacturers’
instructions at least monthly.
Alarm warning and alerting system
If an EPIRB is activated, COSPAS/SARSAT picks up the
signal, locates the source and passes the information
to a land station. From there, the information is
relayed, either via coast radio or satellite, to Rescue
Coordination Centers, rescue vessels and nearby
ships. This constitutes a one-way only
communications system, from the EPIRB via the
satellite to the rescuers. It employs low altitude, near
polar orbiting satellites and by exploiting the Doppler
principle, locates the transmitting EPIRB within about
two miles. Due to the low polar orbit, there may by a
delay in receiving the distress message unless the
footprint of the satellite is simultaneously in view
with a monitoring station.

The 406 MHz EPIRB’s incorporate an identification code. The digital data coded into each 406 MHz
EPIRB’s memory provides distress information to SAR authorities for more rapid and efficient rescue.
The data includes a maritime identification digit (MID, a 3 digit number identifying the administrative
country) and either a ship station identifier (SSI, a 6 digit number assigned to specific ships), a ship
radio call sign or a serial number to identify the ship in distress.
With the INMARSAT E satellite EPIRB’s, coverage does not extend to very high latitudes, but within the
coverage area the satellite connection is instantaneous. However, to establish the EPIRB’s position, an
interface with a GPS receiver or other sensor is needed.
EPIRB Coverage Mode

Position Locating
EPIRB Coverage Mode Accuracy Capacity
121.5 MHz Real Time Mode +/- 17.2 10 EPIRBS
406.0 MHz Real Time Mode and 90% 5.0 km 90 EPIRBS Transmit a 5Watts RF
Global Coverage Simultaneously burst of 0.5sec. Every
Modeon 243 MHz 50sec
Certain Military Beacons transmit
EPIRBS Position Reporting Systems
Summary comparison of 121.5/406 MHz and 121.5/243 MHz EPIRB’s.
Feature 121.5/406 MHz EPIRB 121.5/243 MHz EPIRB
Frequencies 406.025 MHz (locating) 121.500 MHz (civilian)
121.500 MHz (homing) 243.000 MHz (military)
Primary Function Satellite alerting, locating, identification Transmission of distress signal to of
distressed vessels. Passing aircraft and ships.
Distress Confirmation Positive identification of coded beacon; Virtually impossible; no coded
each beacon signal is a coded, unique information, beacons often signal with registration data (vessel
incompatible with satellites;
name, description, and telephone impossible to know if signals are from number
ashore, assisting in confirmation). EPIRB, ELT, or non-beacon source.
Signal Pulse digital, providing accurate beacon Continuous signal allows satellite location
and vital information on locating at reduced accuracy; close distressed vessel. range
Signal Quality Excellent; exclusive use of 406 MHz for Relatively poor; high number of false distress
beacons; no problems with false alarms caused by other transmitters in alerts from non-beacon sources.
the 121.5 MHz band.
Satellite Coverage Global coverage, worldwide detection; Both beacon and LUT must be within
satellite retains beacon data until next coverage of satellite; detection limited earth station comes into view.
to line of sight.
Operational Time 48 hrs. at -20°C. 48 hrs. at -20°C
Output Power 5 watts at 406 MHz, . 0.1 watts average.
025 watts at 121.5 MHz.
Strobe Light High intensity strobe helps in visually `None.
locating search target.
Location Accuracy 1 to 3 miles (10.8 sq. miles); accurate 10 to 20 miles (486 sq. miles); SAR (Search (Search Area)
and position on first satellite overflight forces must wait for second system
Time Required enables rapid SAR response, often within alert to determine final position
30 min. before responding (1 to 3 hr. delay).
Search And Rescue Transponder (SART)
The GMDSS installation on ships include one
(two on vessels over 500 GT) Search and
Rescue Locating device(s) called Search and
Rescue Radar Transponders (SART) which are
used to locate survival craft or distressed
vessels by creating a series of twelve dots on
a rescuing ship's 3 cm RADAR display. The
detection range between these devices and
ships, dependent upon the height of the
ship's radar mast and the height of the
Search and Rescue Locating device, is
normally about 15 km (8 nautical miles).
Once detected by radar, the Search and
Rescue Locating device will produce a visual
and aural indication to the persons in
Search And Rescue Transponder (SART)
It operates in VHF frequencies between 9.2 - 9.5 GHz . As per GMDSS requirement it
is used for locating ships in distress of their survival craft, and should have at least
96 hours sufficient power
It should be mounted as high as possible. IMO require at least 5 n.mi. range. If it is
mounted 1 meter above sea level and search antenna is 15m above sea level.
SART lying on floor – 1.8 n.mi.
SART standing upright - 2.5 n.mi.
SART floating on the water - 2.0 n.mi.
SART within the vicinity 5 – 6 n. mi
SART within the vicinity less than 5n.mi
SART within the vicinity less than 1 n.mi
NAVTEX is a maritime radio warning
system consisting of a series of coast
stations transmitting radio teletype
(standard narrow-band direct printing,
also sometimes called Sitor) safety
messages on the internationally
standard medium frequency of 518
kHz. Interference from or receipt of
stations farther away occasionally
occurs at night.

The NAVTEX receiver is a small unit

with an internal printer, which takes a
minimum of room on the bridge. Its
antenna is also of modest size,
needing only a receive capability.
It is an international, automated system for
instantly distributing maritime safety information
(MSI) which includes navigational warnings,
weather forecasts and weather warnings, search
and rescue notices and similar information to

The frequency of transmission of these messages

is 518 kHz in English, while 490 kHz is sometime
used to broadcast in a local language. The
messages are coded with a header code identified
by the using single letters of the alphabet to
represent broadcasting stations, type of messages,
and followed by two figures indicating the serial
number of the message.

For example: FA56 where F is the ID of the

transmitting station, A indicates the message
category Navigational warning, and 56 is the
consecutive message number.
GMDSS Power Supply
If the main source of electrical power suddenly fail the accumulator provides
power for at least one hour for your radio systems, and emergency source will
take over when it is ready . All of this should be done automatically the
emergency power should last for at least 18 hours.
GMDSS Distress Transmitting Procedures by Radiotelephony
This is a typical Distress alert by Radio
GMDSS Distress Transmitting Procedures by Radiotelephony
To be used only if IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE is required


difficulties are like to arise sending the word INTERCO to indicate that the
message will be in the International Code of Signals
GMDSS Reception of Safety Messages
MAYDAY (Distress)
Indicates that a Ship, Aircraft or other vehicle is threatened by grave and
imminent danger and request immediate danger.

Note: If you hear any of these words, pay particular attention to the message
and call the Master or the Officer on watch
GMDSS Reception of Safety Messages
PANPAN (Urgency)
Indicates that the calling station has a very urgent message to transmit
concerning safety of a ship, aircraft or other vehicle, or the safety of a

Note: If you hear any of these words, pay particular attention to the message
and call the Master or the Officer on watch
GMDSS Reception of Safety Messages
SECURITE (Urgency)
Indicates that the station is a about to transmit a message
concerning safety of navigation or giving important
meteorological warnings.

Note: If you hear any of these words, pay particular attention to the message
and call the Master or the Officer on watch
GMDSS Reception of Safety Messages

AE Alfa Echo I must abandon my vessel

Aircraft is ditched in position indicated and requires

BF Bravo Foxtrot
immediate assistance

CB Charlie Bravo I require immediate assistance

CB6 Charlie Bravo Six I require immediate assistance, I am on fire

DX Delta X-Ray I am sinking

HW Hotel Whiskey I have collided with surface craft

GMDSS Reception of Safety Messages



CP Charlie Papa I am proceeding to your assistance

ED Echo Delta Your Distress Signal are understood

EL Echo Lima Repeat the Distress Signal

GMDSS Reception of Safety Messages
AA “All after…” (used after the “Repeat Signal” (RPT)) means “Repeat all After…’
AB “All before…” (used after the “Repeat Signal” (RPT)) means “Repeat all Before…’
AR Ending signal or End of Transmission or Signal
AS Waiting Signal or Period
BN “All between…and… (used after the “Repeat Signal” (RPT)) means “Repeat all in between…and…”
C Affirmative-YES or “the significance of the previous group should be read in the affirmative”.
CS “What is the Name and or Identity Signal of your vessel or Station
DE “From…”(used to precede the name or Identity Signal of the Calling Station)
K “I wish to communicate with you” or “Invitation to communicate”
Negative-NO or the “the significance of the previous group should be read in the Negative”. When
used in voice transmission the pronunciation should be “NO”
OK Acknowledging a correct repetition or “It is correct”
RQ Interrogative, or “The significance of the previous group should be read as a question’.
R “Received” or “I have received your last Signal”
RPT Repeat Signal “”I Repeat” or “repeat what you have sent” or “Repeat what you have received”
WA “Word or group after…” (used after the “Repeat Signal” (RPT)) means “Repeat word or group after…”
“Word or group Before…” (used after the “Repeat Signal” (RPT)) means “Repeat word or group
GMDSS Reception of Safety Messages

AA AA AA etc Call for Unknown station or General Call

EEEEEEE etc Erase Signal

AAA Full Stop or Decimal Point

TTTT Answering Signal

T Word or Group Received

Note: The procedures “C”, “N” or “NO” and “RQ” cannot be used in
conjunction with single letter signal
Signal on COMMUNICATIONS. When these signals are used by voice
transmission the letter should be pronounced in accordance with the letter spelling,
with the exception of “NO” which in voice transmission should be pronounced as
Cancellation of Distress Call
When you have triggered a False or had send out an accidental Distress alert
you have to know how to report before it triggers a rescue operation

Keep watch at the GMDSS Station and wait for acknowledgment

communicate with RCC that has acknowledge the alert
If no acknowledgement received contact any RCC or Coast
In the event of a False Alert
Keep watch at the GMDSS Station
and wait for acknowledgment
Communicate with RCC that has
acknowledge the alert
If no acknowledgement received
contact any RCC or Coast Station.

To avoid sending out False Alerts

Make sure that the radio operators are aware of the serious consequences of a false
Be careful of the equipment you are not familiar with.
Routine testing should be done under the supervision of a qualified or designated
EPIRBs and SART signals should be tested not more than 10 seconds and should only
tested by qualified personnel.
Note: the best way to avoid False Alerts is to make sure that all personnel on the
bridge are regularly trained o how to send distress alerts on the ship’s radio
False Alert VHF DSC
You had accidentally sent out a False Alert on VHF DSC
channel 16:

press PTT button to send a message on the False Distress Alert

Wait for acknowledgement

False Alert MF/HF DSC
You had accidentally sent out a False Alert on
MF DSC 2 MHz band
or, HF DSC 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 MHz bands:
False Alert MF/HF DSC
Set up the correct freuencies on MF/HF radio either
2182,0 kHz; 4215,0 kHz; 6215,0 kHz; 8295,0 kHz; 12290,0 kHz;
or 16420,0 kHz is possible.

press PTT button to send a message on the False Distress Alert

Wait for acknowledgement
False Alert INMARSAT-C
Cancellation of INMARSAT-C False Alert Call:

MRCC Select
prepare LES
Select *Land Earth
a cancellation
the Station/Coast
Priority Station)
an press
(a distress
cancellation message)
INMARSAT-C“Select Transmit”
GMDSS INMARSAT Satellite System
Satellite systems operated by the INMARSAT, overseen by IMSO, International Mobile satellite
Organization are also important elements of the GMDSS. The types of Inmarsat ship earth
station terminals recognized by the GMDSS are: Inmarsat B, C and F77. Inmarsat B and F77, an
updated version of the now redundant Inmarsat A, provide ship/shore, ship/ship and
shore/ship telephone, telex and high-speed data services, including a distress priority
telephone and telex service to and from rescue coordination centers. Fleet 77 fully supports
the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and includes advanced features
such as emergency call prioritisation.
The INMARSAT system
The International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), a key
player within GMDSS, is an international consortium comprising over 75
international partners who provide maritime safety communications for
ships at sea. In accordance with its convention, INMARSAT provides the
space segment necessary for improving distress communications,
efficiency and management of ships, as well as maritime
correspondence services.
The basic components of the INMARSAT system include the INMARSAT
space segment, Land Earth Stations (LES), also referred to as Coast
Earth Stations (CES), and mobile Ship Earth Stations (SES). The
INMARSAT space segment consists of 11 geostationary satellites. Four
operational INMARSAT satellites provide primary coverage, four
additional satellites (including satellites leased from the European Space
Agency (ESA) and the International Telecommunications Satellite
Organization (INTELSAT) serve as spares and three remaining satellites
(leased from COMSAT Corporation, the U.S. signatory to INMARSAT)
serve as back-ups.
The INMARSAT system
The LES’s provide the link between the Space Segment and the land-based
National/International fixed communications networks. These
communications networks are funded and operated by the authorized
communications authorities of a participating nation. This network links
registered information providers to the LES.

The data then travels from the LES to the INMARSAT Network Coordination
Station (NCS) and then down to the SES’s on ships at sea. The SES’s provide
two-way communications between ship and shore. INMARSAT A, the
original INMARSAT system, operates at a transfer rate of up to 9600 bits per
second and is telephone, telex and facsimile (fax) capable. It is being
replaced by a similarly sized INMARSAT B system that uses digital
technology to give better quality fax and higher data transmission rates.
INMARSAT C provides a store and forward data messaging capability (but
no voice) at 600 bits per second and was designed specifically to meet the
GMDSS requirements for receiving MSI data on board ship. These units are
small, lightweight and use an omni-directional antenna.
GMDSS sea areas serve two purposes: to
describe areas where GMDSS services are
available, and to define what radio
equipment GMDSS ships must carry (carriage
requirements). Prior to the GMDSS, the
number and type of radio safety equipment
ships had to carry depended upon its
tonnage. With GMDSS, the number and type
of radio safety equipment ships have to carry
depends upon the GMDSS areas in which
they travel.
In addition to equipment listed below, all
GMDSS-regulated ships must carry a satellite
EPIRB, a NAVTEX receiver (if they travel in
any areas served by NAVTEX), an Inmarsat-C
SafetyNET receiver (if they travel in any areas
not served by NAVTEX), a DSC-equipped VHF
radiotelephone, two (if between 300 and
less than 500 GRT) or three VHF handhelds
(if 500 GRT or more), and two 9 GHz search
and rescue radar transponders (SART).
Sea Area requirements under GMDSS
Sea Area A1
1. General VHF radio telephone capability.
2. Free-floating EPIRB transmitting DSC on channel 70 VHF, or satellite EPIRB.
3. Capability of initiating a distress alert from a navigational position using DSC on either VHF, HF or MF;
manually activated EPIRB; or Ship Earth Station (SES).
Sea Areas A1 and A2
1. Radio telephone MF 2182 kHz and DSC on 2187.5 kHz.
2. Equipment capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 kHz.
3. General working radio communications in the MF band 1605-4000 kHz, or INMARSAT SES.
4. Capability of initiating a distress alert by HF (using DSC), manual activation of an EPIRB, or INMARSAT SES.
Sea Areas A1, A2 and A3
1. Radio telephone MF 2182 kHz and DSC 2187.5 kHz.
2. Equipment capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 kHz.
3. INMARSAT A, B or C (class 2) SES Enhanced Group Call (EGC), or HF as required for sea area A4.
4. Capability of initiating a distress alert by two of the following:
a. INMARSAT A, B or C (class 2) SES.
b. Manually activated satellite EPIRB.
c. HF/DSC radio communication.

Sea Area A4
1. HF/MF receiving and transmitting equipment for band 1605-27500 kHz using DSC, radiotelephone and direct
2. Equipment capable of selecting any safety and distress DSC frequency for band 4000-27500 kHz, maintaining
DSC watch on 2187.5, 8414.5 kHz and at least one additional safety and distress DSC frequency in the band.
3. Ability to initiate a distress alert from a navigational position via the Polar Orbiting System on 406 MHz
(manual activation of 406 MHz satellite EPIRB).
Sea Area requirements under GMDSS INMARSAT
GMDSS was develop to ensure safety com all around the world. Every waters is defined to as being
divided into four sea areas. Your ships should be equipped with the appropriate GMDSS equipment for
the different sea areas
The INMARSAT system covers the entire worlds between Lat: 70° N and 70° S each satellites has its own
country code telephonies and for telex.
SEA AREA 1 Atlantic Ocean Region West Long: 53º W
An area within range of at least
one VHF coast Station in which
continuous DSC alerting is
Depends on the antenna
height of VHF coast stations,
about 20-50 nm Offshore.

Carriage Requirements
VHF with DSC
SART (2 units)
NAVTEXT (only if Area has NAVTEX Service)
ECG (Required if Area has no NAXTEX Coverage)
Portable VHF (2 -3 units)
2182 kHz watch Receiver 9until 01 FEB 1999)
2182 kHz 2 tone alarm signal (until 01 FEB 1999)

Radio Communications System

Radio Frequencies: EPIRBS: Survival Crafts:

VHF Radio telephone either 406 Mhz 9 GHz SART
156.525 mHz (DSC Ch 70) COSPAS-SARSAT VHF Portable Radio
156.8 mHz (Ch 16) or L-Band (1.6 Ghz)
SEA AREA 2 Atlantic Ocean Region East Long: 15,5º W
An area Excluding Sea Area 1, with
in the radio Telephone coverage of
at least one MF Coast Station in
which continuous DSC alerting is
about from A1 limit to 50 - 400 n.
miles offshore
Carriage Requirements
VHF with DSC
SART (2 units)
NAVTEXT (only if Area has NAVTEX Service)
ECG (Required if Area has no NAXTEX Coverage)
Portable VHF (2 -3 units)
2182 kHz watch Receiver 9until 01 FEB 1999)
2182 kHz 2 tone alarm signal (until 01 FEB 1999)
MF Radio Telephone with DSC

Radio Communications System

Radio Frequencies: EPIRBS: Survival Crafts:

2182 kHz radio telephone or L-Band (1.6 Ghz) VHF Portable Radio
2187.5 kHz DSC
2174.5 kHz NBDP
518 kHz NAVTEX
SEA AREA 3 Indian Ocean Region Long: 64º E
An Area excluding Sea Area A1
and A2, within the coverage of
satellite in which continuous
alerting is available
70° North - 70° South
Carriage Requirements:
VHF with DSC
SART (2 units)
NAVTEXT (only if Area has NAVTEX Service)
ECG (Required if Area has no NAXTEX Coverage)
Portable VHF (2 -3 units)
2182 kHz watch Receiver 9until 01 FEB 1999)
2182 kHz 2 tone alarm signal (until 01 FEB 1999)
MF Radio Telephone with DSC
HF Radio Telephone DSC and TELEX

Radio Communications System

Radio Frequencies: EPIRBS: Survival Crafts:

HF or Satellite 406 Mhz COSPAS-SARSAT 9 GHz SART
MF and VHF or L-Band (1.6 Ghz) VHF Portable Radio
As A1 and A2 plus 1.5 – 1-6 GHz
alerting or A1 and A2 plus all HF
SEA AREA 4 Pacific Ocean Region West Long: 178º E
An area outside sea Areas A1,
A2 and A3 includes the Polar
Regions, where Geostationary
Satellite coverage is not
North of 70°N-South of 70°S
Carriage Requirements:
VHF with DSC
SART (2 units)
NAVTEXT (only if Area has NAVTEX Service)
ECG (Required if Area has no NAXTEX Coverage)
Portable VHF (2 -3 units)
2182 kHz watch Receiver 9until 01 FEB 1999)
2182 kHz 2 tone alarm signal (until 01 FEB 1999)
MF Radio Telephone with DSC
HF Radio Telephone DSC and TELEX

Radio Communications System

Radio Frequencies: EPIRBS: Survival Crafts:

HF or Satellite 406 Mhz COSPAS-SARSAT 9 GHz SART
MF VHF Portable Radio
GMDSS equipment requirement
- A1 – area within range of a VHF Coast Station with DSC

VHF with DSC

DSC watch receiver Ch 70
Portable VHF
2 units (300-500 GWT)
3 units (above 500 DWT)
1 unit (300 – 500 DWT)
2 units (above 500

Additional for Passenger Ships

Distress Panel
Automatic updating of position to all relevant radio communication equipment
Two-way on scene communication on 121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz on the navigating Bridge
GMDSS equipment requirement
- A2 – all areas A1, A2, A3 and that is the Polar Area

VHF with DSC

DSC watch receiver Ch 70
MF Telephony – MF DSC
DSC watch receiver 2187,5
Portable VHF
2 units (300-500 GWT)
3 units (above 500 DWT)
1 unit (300 – 500 DWT)
2 units (above 500

Additional for Passenger Ships

Distress Panel
Automatic updating of position to all relevant radio communication equipment
Two-way on scene communication on 121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz on the navigating Bridge
GMDSS equipment requirement
- A3 – area within coverage of the INMARSAT satellite system but outside
the areas A1 and A2.
VHF with DSC
DSC watch receiver Ch 70
Duplicated VHF – DSC
Portable VHF
2 units (300-500 GWT)
3 units (above 500 DWT)
1 unit (300 – 500 DWT)
2 units (above 500 DWT)

Additional either:
DSC watch receiver 2187,5
duplicated INMARSAT

HF solution
MF HF Telephone with DSC and NBDP (radio Telex)

duplicated INMARSAT or NBDP terminal

GMDSS equipment requirement
- A4 – area within coverage of the INMARSAT satellite system but outside
the areas A1 and A2.
VHF with DSC
DSC watch receiver Ch 70
MF HF Telephone with
DSC and NBDP (radio Telex)
Duplicated VHF – DSC
Duplicated MF HF Telephone with
DSC and NBDP (radio Telex)
Portable VHF
2 units (300-500 GWT)
3 units (above 500 DWT)
1 unit (300 – 500 DWT)
2 units (above 500 DWT)

Additional for Passenger Ships

Distress Panel
Automatic updating of position to all relevant radio communication equipment
Two-way on scene communication on 121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz on the navigating Bridge
GMDSS Sea Area
Sea Areas A1, A2 and A3
1. Radio telephone MF 2182 kHz and DSC 2187.5 kHz.
2. Equipment capable of maintaining a continuous DSC watch on 2187.5 kHz.
3. INMARSAT A, B or C (class 2) SES Enhanced Group Call (EGC), or HF as required for sea area A4.
4. Capability of initiating a distress alert by two of the
a. INMARSAT A, B or C (class 2) SES.
b. Manually activated satellite EPIRB.
c. HF/DSC radio communication.
GMDSS Sea Area
Sea Area A4
1. HF/MF receiving and transmitting equipment for band 1605-27500 kHz using DSC, radiotelephone and
direct printing.
2. Equipment capable of selecting any safety and distress DSC frequency for band 4000-27500 kHz,
maintaining DSC watch on 2187.5, 8414.5 kHz and at least one additional safety and distress DSC
frequency in the band.
3. Ability to initiate a distress alert
from a navigational position via the
Polar Orbiting System on 406 MHz
(manual activation of 406 MHz
satellite (EPIRB).
Area Codes for Contacting Ships and Coast Stations
AOR - E 581 871 1111
POR 582 872 1112
IOR 583 873 1113
AOR - W 584 874 1114

INMARSAT Telex Two-Digit Code: Appropriate reference should be made.


Use this code to make automatic telex calls using International telex
00 Automatic Dialing country codes
Use this code to obtain medical advice. Some LESs have direct connection
32 Medical Advice to Local Hospitals.
Use this code if the condition of an ill or injured person requires urgent
38 Medical Assistance evacuation ashore or doctors medical service onboard. The call is routed
to appropriate agency/authority ashore
Use this code to obtain maritime assistance if the vessel require
39 Maritime Assistance immediate help such as Tugs, Oil Pollution team, etc.
This code provides connection to navigational Office for transmission of
Navigational hazards and
42 information from the vessel or any hazards which could endanger safety
Warnings to navigation (e.g. wrecks, floating obstructions, mines, etc.)
This code provides connection to an appropriate national or international
43 Ships Position Reports center collecting ship movement information for search and rescue
purposes e.g. AMVER, AUSREP. Etc.
Making a Telex Call via INMARSAT A/B
The message if possible should be prepared in advance: this includes the following information
- the destination, company or name of the addressee
- the message originators ‘ name or title
- a message reference number or subject of the call
- the ocean region satellite through which your vessel can be contacted if a reply is required
- the text of the message
When making Telex call it is divided into two separate stages- (refer to manufacturer’s operation
instructions for specific details when making telex calls)
- establish a link between MES / SES via satellite by your chosen LES/CES
- select mode and routine Priority (usually available by default)
- Select LES/CES in your ocean region to which you like to route the call
- initiate the Telex channel request in accordance to manufacturer’s instruction for your MES
- successfully contact should have been made within 10 sec and LES/CES appear on your printer
and video monitor display followed by GA+
Note: if you do not received any indications within 10sec you should retransmit the message request burst
- establish the Telex link between the LES/CES and the Telex Subscriber
- when you receive the GA+ from the LES, key in the 2 Digit code for the type of telex service you
- key in the access code for the country of destination
- key in the telex number or the recipient of your call followed by+

00 000 00000 +
Note: Within approximately 15 seconds you should receive the answerback of the Telex
subscriber you are calling. This indicates that the telex has been successfully established

Mobile Earth Station

- Ship Earth Station (SES)
- Mobile Earth Station (MES)

Ground Earth Station

- Coast earth Station (CES)
- Land Earth Station (MES)
- Network Coordination Station (NSC)

Stations Operated by INMARSAT

- Satellite Control Center (SCC)
- Network Operation Center (NOC)

Land User Terminal (LUT)

There is a range of different shipboard satellite terminal equipment available, each having its own particular features


Each of the above system uses the same four satellites to communicate through, the coast earth stations(or
Land Earth Station) may be capable of operating one or any combination or all of the system provided.
INMARSAT Space Segment
It is comprises four communications satellites with buck up satellites ready to be used if
Each satellites moves at exactly the same rate as the rotation of the earth. And so remains
in the same relative position to the earth, above the earth’s equator , each area has a
particular area of coverage also known as footprints

REGION – East (AOR – East)

REGION – West (AOR – West)



INMARSAT satellites are controlled from the Satellite Control Center (SCC) based in
INMARSAT headquarters in London, UK.
Satellite Frequencies

MES/SES to Satellite Satellite to CES/LES

Uplink 1626.5.0 mHz to downlink 3600.0 to
1646.5 mHz (1.6 Ghz) 3623.0 mHz (4Ghz)

Satellite to MES/CES
downlink 1525.0 mHz to
1545.0 mHz (1.5 Ghz) CES/LES to Satellite
Uplink 6425.0 mHz to
6443.0 mHz (6Ghz)


The ground segment comprises a global network of Coast Earth Stations (CESs) Network
Coordinating Stations (NCSs) and a Network Operations Center (NOC)
Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
Major categories of MSI for both NAVTEX and Safety- NET are:
1. Navigational warnings
2. Meteorological warnings
3. Ice reports
4. Search and rescue information
5. Meteorological forecasts
6. Pilot service messages (not in the U.S.)
7. Electronic navigation system messages (i.e.,
Broadcasts of MSI in NAVTEX international
service are in English, but may be in languages
other than English, to meet requirements
of the host government.
The safetyNET
SafetyNET is a service of INMARSAT C’s EnhancedGroup Call (EGC) system.
The EGC system (Figure 2804) is a method used to specifically address
particular regions or ships. Its unique addressing capabilities allow messages to
be sent to all vessels in both fixed geographical areas or to predetermined
groups of ships.
SafetyNET is the service
designated by the IMO
through which ships
receive maritime safety
information. The other
service under the EGC
system, called
FleetNET, is used by
commercial companies
to directly (and
privately) communicate
to their individual
The SafetyNET
SafetyNET is an international direct-printing satellite based service for the promulgation of
navigational and meteorological warnings, and distress alerts, forecasts, and other safety messages.
It fulfills an integral role in GMDSS as developed by the IMO. The ability to receive SafetyNET service
information is necessary for all ships that sail beyond coverage of NAVTEX (approximately 200 miles
from shore) and is recommended to all administration having the responsibility for marine affairs
and mariners who require effective MSI service in waters not served by NAVTEX.
The safetyNET
Reliable delivery of messages is ensured by forward error correction techniques. Experience
has demonstrated that the transmission link is generally error-free and low error reception is
achieved under normal circumstances.
Given the vast ocean coverage by satellite, some form of discrimination and selectivity in
printing the various messages is required. Area calls will be received by all ships within the
ocean region coverage of the satellite; however, they will be printed only by those receivers
that recognize the fixed area or the geographic position in the message. The message format
includes a preamble that enables the microprocessor in a ship’s receiver to decide to print
those MSI messages that relate to the present position, intended route or a fixed area
programmed by the operator. This preamble also allows suppression of certain types of MSI
that are not relevant to a particular ship. As each message will also have a unique identity, the
reprinting of messages already received correctly is automatically suppressed. MSI is
promulgated by various information providers around the world. Messages for transmission
through the SafetyNET service will, in many cases, be the result of coordination between
authorities. Information providers will be authorized to broadcast via SafetyNET by IMO.
Authorized information providers are:
1. National hydrographic offices for navigational warnings.
2. National weather services for meteorological warnings and forecasts.
3. Rescue Coordination Centers for ship-to-shore distress alerts and other urgent information.
4. In the U.S., the International Ice Patrol for North Atlantic ice hazards.
The safetyNET
Each information provider prepares their SafetyNET messages with certain characteristics
recognized by the EGC service. These characteristics, known as “C” codes are combined into a
generalized message header format as follows: C1:C2:C3:C4:C5. Each “C” code controls a
different broadcast criterion and is assigned a numerical value according to available options.
A sixth “C” code, “C0” may be used to indicate the ocean region (i.e., AOR-E, AOR-W,
POR, IOR) when sending a message to an LES which operates in more than one ocean region.
Because errors in the header format of a message may prevent its being released, MSI
providers must install an INMARSAT SafetyNET receiver to monitor the broadcasts it originates.

This also ensures quality control. The “C” codes are transparent to the mariner but are used by
information providers to identify various transmitting parameters. C1 designates the message
priority from distress to urgent, safety, and routine. MSI messages will always be at least at the
safety level. C2 is the service code or type of message (for example, long range NAVAREA
warning or coastal NAVTEX warning). It also tells the receiver the length of the address (the C3
code) it will need to decode. C3 is the address code. It can be the two digit code for the
NAVAREA number for instance, or a 10 digit number to indicate a circular area for a
meteorological warning. C4 is the repetition code which instructs the LES in how long and
when to send the message to the NCS for actual broadcast. A six minute echo (repeat) may
also be used to ensure that an urgent (unscheduled) message has been received by all ships
affected. C5 is a constant and represents a presentation code, International Alphabet number
5, “00”. Broadcasts of MSI in the international SafetyNET service are in English.
COSPAS is a Russian acronym for
“Space System for Search of
Distressed Vessels”; SARSAT
signifies “Search And Rescue
Satellite-Aided Tracking.”
international satellite-based
search and rescue system
established by the U.S., Russia,
Canada, and France to locate
emergency radio beacons
transmitting on the frequencies
121.5, 243, and 406 MHz. Since
its inception, the COSPAS-SARSAT
system (SARSAT satellite only) has
contributed to saving over 3000
The USCG receives data from
MRCC stations and SAR Points of
Contact (SPOC)
The System is composed
of: distress radio beacons (ELTs
for aviation use, EPIRBs for
maritime use, and PLBs for
personal use) which transmit
signals during distress situations;
instruments on board satellites in
geostationary and low earth orbits
which detect the signals
transmitted by distress radio
beacons; ground receiving
stations, referred to as Local
Users Terminals (LUTs), which
receive and process the satellite
downlink signal to generate
distress alerts; and Mission
Control Centers (MCCs) which
receive alerts produced by LUTs
and forward them to Rescue   
Coordination Centers (RCCs),
Search and Rescue Points Of
Contacts (SPOCs) or other MCCs.

Satellite uplink
121.5 MHz - 406 MHz

Satellite to LES
1544.5 MHz

Capabilities in locating 3
types of beacons
Type of Distress Beacons
AIRBORNE Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT
MARITIME Emergency Positioning Radio Beacon EPIRB
LAND Personal Locator Beacon PLB
COSPAS/SARSAT System Participants
Country Location Designator Status
Australia Canberra AUMCC In Operation
Brazil San Paulo BBMCC Under Test
Canada Trenton CMCC In Operation
Chile Santiago CHMCC Under Test
France Toulouse FMCC In Operation
Hong Kong Hong Kong HKMCC In Operation
India Bangalore INMCC In Operation
Indonesia Jakarta IONCC Under Test
Japan Tokyo JAMCC In Operation
New Zealand In Operation
Norway Bodo NMCC In Operation
Pakistan Lahore PAMCC —
Singapore Singapore SIMCC —
Spain Maspalomas SPMCC In Operation
Russian Federation Moscow CMC In Operation
United Kingdom Plymouth UKMCC In Operation
United States Suitland USMCC In Operation
Operation of COSPAS/SARSAT System
For MF (i.e. 2182 kHz), the EPIRB signal consists of either (1) a keyed
emission modulated by a tone of 1280 Hz to 1320 Hz with alternating periods
of emission and silence of 1 to 1.2 seconds each; or (2) the radiotelephone
alarm signal followed by Morse code B (— • • •) and/or the call sign of the
transmitting ship, sent by keying a carrier modulated by a tone of 1300 Hz or
2200 Hz. For VHF (i.e. 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz),

Any vessel or aircraft receiving an

EPIRB signal while no distress or
urgent traffic is being passed shall
initiate a distress message on the
assumption that the EPIRB sending
station is unable to transmit a
distress message. The keying
cycles for MF EPIRB’s may be
interrupted for speech
COSPAS/SARSAT Worldwide Coverage &Principle
Includes high Latitudes and poles. It consist of four
satellites, two supplied by COSPAS and two by
SARSAT. In low altitude near polar satellite orbit. The
satellite provide global monitoring for detection and
location of distress signals from beacons transmitting
on 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz and 243 MHz

Approximate height –
Speed - about 7km/sec

Coverage about
Low Altitude near 4000 km
polar Orbit
Distress Signals COLREGS
• a signal made by radiotelegraphy or by
any signalling method consisting of the
group SOS in the Morse code. Or
consisting of the spoken word MAYDAY
or a 2 tone radio telephone alarm
Not mandatory anymore

• approved signals transmitted by radio

communication system

• the International code Signal of

by the flag “N” and “C”
• A Gun or explosive signal fired at
an interval of one minute

• A continuous sounding of any fog

signalling apparatus

• A signal consisting of a square flag

having above or below it with a
ball or anything resembling a ball

• Flames on the vessel as from a

burning barrel or drum
• Rocket or shell, throwing red
stars fired one at a time at
short intervals

• A rocket parachute flare or a

hand flare showing a red light

• An orange smoke signal

• Slowly and repeatedly
raising and lowering
outstretched arm to
each side
Attention is drawn to the relevant
sections of the International code of
Signals, the merchant Ship Search and
Rescue Manual and the following

• A piece of orange-coloured canvass

with either a black square and circle or
another appropriate symbol. (for
identification from the air)

• A dye marker
• A non official but old method of
declaring distress is to tie a knot in the
national flag
Search and Rescue (SAR) MERSAR
Merchant Ship Search and Rescue
The purpose of the MERSAR Manual is to provide guidance to those who:
Operate aircraft, vessels or other craft that may be called upon to
support SAR operations.
May need to perform on scene coordinator functions for multiple
facilities I the vicinity of a distress situation.
are experiencing actual or potential emergencies, and may require
search and rescue assistance.


As normal practice of seafarers, there is an obligation of Masters, that
they render assistance to person or person in distress.
These obligations are set out in:
Regulation V/10 of SOLAS ‘74
International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue
Convention on International Civil Aviation
GMDSS – Search and Rescue (SAR)
One of the world's earliest well documented
SAR efforts ensued following the 1656 wreck
of the Dutch merchant ship Vergulde Draeck
off the west coast of Australia. Survivors sent
for help, and in response three separate SAR
missions were conducted, without success.
In 1983, Korean Air Lines Flight 007 with 269
occupants was shot down by a Soviet aircraft
near Sakhalin. The Soviets sent SAR
helicopters and boats to Soviet waters, while a
search and rescue operation was initiated by
U.S., South Korean, and Japanese ships and
aircraft in international waters, but no
survivors were found. Air-sea rescue (ASR) refers to the combined
use of aircraft (such as flyin boats, float
A search is "an operation normally coordinated planes, amphibious helicopters and non-
by a Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) or amphibious helicopters equipped with hoists)
rescue sub-center, using available personnel and surface vessels to search for and recover
and facilities to locate persons in distress" and survivors of aircraft downed at sea as well as
rescue is "an operation to retrieve persons in sailors and passengers of sea vessels in
distress, provide for their initial medical or distress
other needs, and deliver them to a place of
GMDSS – Search and Rescue (SAR)
Search and Rescue (SAR) is the search
for and provision of aid to people who are
in distress or imminent danger.

Air-sea rescue (ASR) refers to the

combined use of aircraft (such as flying
boats, floatplanes, amphibious
helicopters and non-amphibious
helicopters equipped with hoists) and
surface vessels to search for and recover
survivors of aircraft downed at sea as well
as sailors and passengers of sea vessels in
IMO GMDSS operating Guidance for Masters or ships in Distress
Search and Rescue (SAR)
A search and rescue unit will be coordinated in order to get a efficient activities going as
soon as possible. It is composed of the following
Search and Rescue (SAR)
Categories of Distress Incidents
COASTAL – in which some or all may be
available to assist, ships, aircraft,
helicopters shore based life saving facilities

OCEAN – in which ships and long range

aircrafts may be available although in the
more remote ocean areas only ships may
be available.
Methods of Distress Notification
Merchant ships are usually informed
about an aircraft distress situation by
broadcast messages from CRS on the
International Distress frequencies.

An alarm signal or a distress call

from another vessel at sea, either
directly or by relay.
A distress call or message from an
aircraft. This usually occurs by relay
from a Coast Radio Station (CRS)
Alert from a vessel’s alerting
equipment and then relayed shore
to ship.
Visual signals or sound signals from
a nearby distressed ship.
Assistance from ships
Establishing and
communications with the
aircraft and or its

Locating the Aircraft

Providing approach

Providing Illumination

Rescue and care of

Vessel not Assisting
Make an appropriate entry on the
ship’s logbook
If the master had previously
acknowledged and responded to
the alert, report the decision not
to proceed to the SAR service
Consider reports unnecessary if
contact has been made with the
SAR services
Reconsider the decision not to
proceed nor report to the SAR
service when a vessel in distress is
far from land or in an area where
the density of shipping is low.
On-Scene Coordinator
Designated Search and Rescue Units

Civil Aircraft and Ships

Military and Naval Facilities with SAR

Designated On-Scene Coordinator
When two or more SAR facilities
conduct operations together, the
SMC should designate an On-scene
Coordinator (OSC). If this is not
practicable, a mutual agreement
must be made as soon as possible.

Until an OSC has been designated,

the first facility to arrived on the
scene should assume the duties of
an OSC.

When deciding how much

responsibilities to delegate to the
OSC, the SMC normally considers
the communications and personnel
capabilities of the facilities involved.
On-Scene Coordinator Duties
Coordinate operations of all SAR facilities on-scene
Receive the Search Action Plan or Rescue Plan from the
SMC or for the Search and Rescue operation, if there is no
available plan.
Modify the Search action or Rescue action plan as the
situation on scene dictates, keeping the SMC informed.
Coordinate on-scene communications
Monitor the performance of other participating facilities.
Ensure that operation are conducted safely, paying
particular attention in maintaining safe separations among
facilities both surface and air.
Make periodic situational Report for the SMC.
Maintain s detailed record of the operations
Advice SMC to release facilities no longer needed
Report the number and names of survivors to the SMC
Provide the SMC with the names and designation of
facilities with survivors aboard.
Report which survivors are in each facilities.
Request additional SMC assistance when needed.
Situational Report (SITREP)
The SMC uses SITREPS to keep superiors,
other RCCs and other interested agencies

When pollution or the threat of pollution

exists from the distressed vessel or aircraft
casualty, the agency assigned with the
environmental protection should be informed
immediately addressed to all Situational
reports (SITREP)

Provide earliest notice of an emergency

Pass urgent and essential details of the

operation when requiring assistance.

Pass amplifying or updating information

during SAR operations.
Situational Report – Short & Full Form
On-Scene Communication
The SMC will select SAR dedicated
frequencies for use on-scene, inform the
OSC or SAR facilities and establish
communications with adjacent RCCs and
authorized agencies of SAR facilities as

A primary and secondary frequencies

should be assigned for on-scene
communications. If a frequency change is
carried out, instructions should be
provided about what to do if intended
communications cannot be re-established
on the new frequency.

All SAR facilities carry a copy of the

International Code of Signals information
internationally recognized by either
aircraft, ships and survivors.
Initial action of assisting ships
The following are immediate actions taken by
the assisting ship after receiving message
Take position of the distressed craft

Distressed craft identity, name and call sign

Number of persons onboard

Type of assistance needed

Nature of accident or casualty

Number of victims, if there are any

Distressed craft course and speed

Type of craft and cargo carried

Any other pertinent information that might

help facilitate the rescue.
Initial action of assisting ships
Maintain continuous watch on distress frequencies:
500 kHz (Radiotelegraphy)
2182,0 kHz (Radiotelephony)
156,8 MHz (CH.16 radiotelephony) for vessel in distress
121,5 MHz AM (Radiotelephony) for aircraft in distress

Use GMDSS compatible equipment as applicable and must

be prepared at all time to receive distress alerts with it.
Action of Assisting Ship
State your vessel’s identity, ships; name
and call sign

Own ship’s position

Own ship’s speed and estimated time of

arrival to the distressed craft site.

Distressed ship’s true bearing and

distance own ship.

Use all available means to remain aware of

the location of the distressed craft.

When in close proximity, post extra look

outs keep the distressed craft in sight.

The ship or CRS coordinating distress

traffic should establish contact with the
responsible RCC and pass on all
information updating as necessary
On-Scene Communication Equipment
RCC and RSC communications:
Radio Telex (RTT)
World Wide Navigational Warning System (WWNWS)
Radio Telegraph
The Phonetic Alphabet
Visual Communications
SAR facilities usually report to the OSC on
an assigned frequency.

If a frequency shift is carried out,

instructions should be provided about
what to do if intended communications
cannot be re-established on the new

All SAR facilities should carry a copy of the

International Code of Signals, which
contains communication information for
use on-scene, which will include primary
and secondary frequencies.
Aircraft Coordinator
Maintaining safe separation of Aircrafts.

Ensuring common pressure setting used

Advising the SMC of on-scene weather


Determining aircraft entry and departure

points and altitudes

Filtering radio messages to and from SAR


Ensuring proper use of frequencies coordinate

with adjacent area control centers and

Prioritizing and allocate tasks

Coordinating the coverage of search areas

Making periodic consolidated reports of SAR

aircrafts to SMC or OSC

Work closely with OSC

SAR operation risks
Saving distress persons, and the safety of
the assisting personnel should both be a
concern to OSC.

The leaders must ensure that personnel

perform properly as a team with a
common mission

Search and rescue action plans provided

by SMC are only guidance for the OSC and
SAR facilities on-scene.

The risk inherent in any SAR response

must be considered against the chances of
a success and the safety of SAR personnel.
Preparation on-board
Inflatable life rafts
Survival suits for the crew
Life jackets
Breeches buoys
Portable VHF/MF; VH/ UHF radios
Line throwing apparatus
Buoyant lifelines
Hauling Lines
Non-sparking boat hooks; grapping hooks
Rescue baskets
Pilot ladders
Scrambling nets
Copies of International code of signals
Fire fighting equipment
Portable pumps
Bailers and oars
Signalling Equipments
Signaling lamps
Search lights
Flare pistols with color codes signal flares
Bouyant VHF/UHF marker beacons
Floating Lights
Smoke generators
Flame and smoke floats
Medical Equipment
Medicines and other medical supplies
Warm clothing
Miscellaneous Equipment
If gantry or booms are available for
hoisting on each side of the ship with
any available cargo net for recovery of
the survivors.
Line running from the bow to the stern
at the waters edge on both side of the
ship for boats and small crafts to secure
On the lowest weather deck, pilot
ladders and manropes to assist survivors
during boarding the vessel.
Line throwing apparatus for making
connection with either the ship in
distress or for the survival craft.
Floodlights set in appropriate locations,
for recovery at night.
Search and Rescue Plan

Situation overview
Search area overview
Execution plan
Coordination required
Communication channels
Helicopter Assistance
Due to their versatility, helicopters should be
used whenever possible.

Water landing may be possible by using

amphibious helicopters.

For evacuation of person, the end of the

winching cable may be provided with a
rescue sling, basket, net litter or seat.
Evacuation Equipment - Sling
This is the most widely used means of
evacuating a person.

Slings are suited for quickly picking up of

uninjured persons, but are unsuitable for
persons with injuries.

The sling is put on in such a way as one puts on

a coat, ensuring that the loop of the sling
passes behind the back and both under armpits

The person using the sling must face the hook,

hands should be clasped in front.

The person should not sit in the sling, nor

should the sling be unhooked.
Evacuation Equipment - Double Lift
This consists of a normal sling and a seating belt
manned by a helicopter crew.

This method is suitable for pick-up of

incapacitated persons but are not injured from
land, water, or on a deck of a ship.
Evacuation Equipment – Rescue Basket
This type of equipment does not require special
measures. To use the basket, the person merely
climb in, remains seated and holds on.
Evacuation Equipment – Rescue Net
It has a conical “Bird Cage” appearance and is
open on one side.

To use the net, the person merely enters the

opening of the net sits in and hold on tight.
Evacuation Equipment – Rescue Litter
In most cases this are mostly used to
disembarked patients. Bridles are fitted to this
litter and can quickly and safely unhook on and

Rescue litters can be provided by the helicopter

or by the site, the litter should be unhooked
while the patient is being loaded.
Evacuation Equipment – Rescue Seat
This equipment looks like a three-pronged
anchor with two flat flukes or seat.

Persons to be hoisted merely sit astride on one

or two of the seats and wrap their arms around
the shank.

This device can be used to winch two persons

at once.
Helicopter Operations
Helicopters are frequently used for maritime
rescue . Here are some basic guidelines during the
Full Landing Area. This operating area is
suitable for all helicopters and may be used for
landing and winching.
Restricted Landing Area, this area should only
be used for landing or winching by certain
smaller helicopters.
Winching Area. For a winching area, the
maneuvering zone must be at least 30,5m in
diameter and no obstacles higher than 3
Helicopter Operations
During helicopter operation observe the following:
Do not touch the winchman, stretcher down or
winchhook until It has been earthed.
Do not secure any lines passed down from the
Do not fire rockets or use line throwing apparatus in
the vicinity of the helicopter.
Do not transmit on radio while winching is in
Do not shine light at the helicopter at night.
Clear rescue area, secure all loose gear and remove
all flyable materials.
Illuminate rescue area at night.
Fly an illuminated flag at night to indicate wind
Wear gloves during handling of winch to avoid static

During bad weather it may not be possible to lower a
rescue strap on deck, in this case a rope extension might
be lowered on deck and crew should haul in slack as winch
wire is paid out. Rope should be coiled on deck. DO NOT
MAKE FAST. When strop is reached use as indicated
opposite and when lifting tend rope extensions until end is
Helicopter Operations
The helicopter pilot wants to
approach the ship in such a way
that the helicopter will hover into
the wind and with the pilot’s side D
(Starboard) closest to the ships
during the approach.

The helicopter usually

approaches from the stern. In this H

case, the ships should maintain

constant speed and keep the
wind 30° on the port bow.

If the landing or pick up area is

amidships, the vessel should keep
the wind 30° on the port bow or
either beam.
Helicopter Operations
if the landing or pick-up area is
forward, the vessel should keep
the wind 30° on the starboard

Helicopter communication
To avoid misunderstanding during
communications, internationally
developed phrases for
communications between ship and
helicopter have been developed and
should be used whenever
Care for Survivors
After rescue operations, survivors may require
hospital treatment

Survivors must be delivered to a place of safety

as quickly as possible.

The SMC should be advised if ambulances are


SAR personnel should be alert and ensure that

after rescue, survivors are not to be left alone,
particularly if injured or showing signs of
physical or mental exhaustion.

When survivors are delivered to a hospital, the

person in-charge of the delivering facility
should provide information on all initial
medical treatment given to the survivors
Care for Survivors
Survivors should be asked about the distressed craft as soon as possible. This will help input
additional information that may be useful to further assist in the SAR operation, future SAR
operations, or the prevention of incidents in the future. If the survivor is frightened or excited,
the person asking questions should proceed carefully.
Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC)
The final decision whether it is
safe to conduct an evacuations
remains ultimately with the
person in command or the
rescue facility assigned if
conducting the evacuation.
Supply Dropping
Ship in distress or survivors in the water may
be supplied by a SAR aircraft with special
items of droppable equipment or supplies.

The contents of each container or package

should be clearly indicated in print in at least
three languages, by self explanatory symbol,
and also color-coded streamers according to
the following code:







Supply Dropping
In combination of colors indicate mix contents
Miscellaneous contents may include in
Individual life raft or several life rafts
linked by a buoyant rope.
Buoyant radio beacons or transceivers
Dye and smoke markers and flame floats
Parachute flare or illumination
Salvage pumps







Aerial Delivery from aircraft
Suggested procedure for aerial SAR AIR CRAFT
delivery rafts, supplies and
equipment to persons on a
water craft or in the water.
Approach slightly
upward and
perpendicular to the 200m Buoyant
wind. Trail Line

Drop items within 200

meters with an Drop item about 100
attached buoyant line meters ahead of
about 100 meters survival craft
ahead of the survival
craft or person in the
Let trailing fall so that
it will float downwind
to the survivors
Ship’s position relative to Ditching Aircraft
If the ship knows the planned ditching
ahead, the ship should select a course
parallel to the ditching heading.

If the ship does not know the ditching

heading, the ship should set course parallel
to the main swell system and into the wind
Assistance to Ditching Aircraft
Transmit homing bearing to the to the aircraft.

Transmit signals enabling the aircraft to take

its own bearing.

By daytime, make a black smoke at the

forward end of the vessel.

By nighttime, direct a search light vertically

and turn on all deck lights if possible.
Rescue by Aircraft

When an aircraft is approaching, flashing a

signal light or lamp is best suitable. Or firing
two preferably GREEN signal flares a few
second apart.

Consider dropping communication and

survival equipment.

Keep the distressed vessel or survivors in


Thoroughly survey the scene and accurately

plot the location

Mark it with a dye marker, smoke float, or

floating beacons.

Report the sighting to the Search and Rescue

mission coordinator giving them relevant
information about the situation.
Rescue by Aircraft – Fixed wing aircraft

Remain on scene by serving as radio and radar


Show lights

Drop flares

Provide radio signals for DF and homing by

other rescue facilities
Rescue by Aircraft – Seaplanes & Amphibians

Under favorable conditions, light

aircrafts can be used to rescue operations
in inland seas, large lakes, bays or coastal

Open-sea rescue operations should only

be contemplated with amphibious craft
or seaplanes designed for that purpose.
Air Crash Sites
For military aircraft, extreme care should be
taken to avoid hazardous materials to leak or
triggering the injection seats.

Do not disturb aircraft wreckage except to

assist in the recovery of the survivors

Except for compelling reasons, human

remains should not be moved without
authorization from the SMC.

Without exposing rescuers to dangers, an

attempt should be made to identify deceased
persons body.

When human remains are recovered during a

SAR operation, a WAYBILL should be made out
for each persons.
Air Crash Sites
On rescue facilities or vessels, a body bag or
sailcloth should be readily available.

SAR aircraft do not usually transport human


Immediately after return to base specified by

the RCC the human remains should be handed
over to the appropriate authorities,
accompanied by the waybill.

If it is known or suspected that the deceased

person had an infectious disease, all materials
and objects which had been in direct contact
with the deceased person must be cleaned
and disinfected or destroyed to stop the
spread of infection or disease.
Search Area
In marking a search area:
Draw a circle with a radius of 10 n. mi.
centered on the datum (the event
position) a required radius.

By using tangents to the circle, form a


If several facilities will be searching at

the same time, divide the square into
sub-areas of appropriate size and
assign search facilities accordingly.
Parallel Search Patterns
The location of the searched object is
known with in relative close limits.

The starting search point is always

the datum position.

Small boats are used for search of

persons in the water or other objects
with little or no leeway.
Parallel Search Patterns
A parallel sweep search in restricted
visibility poses problems because of the
following consideration:
Desirability of reducing the interval
between SAR facilities as much as
possible consistent with safety.

Resulting loss of search area coverage.

Potential risk of collision among

searchers distressed vessel or survivors
in the water.

If necessary, the OSC should direct

reduction of vessel speed during
reduced visibility.
Search Patterns
When you are entering a search area you are to start at searching in a specific patern
Recommended Track Spacing for Search Patterns
Parallel Search Patterns
This is the first pattern that is followed
for undertaking a search operation.
Track line search pattern can be
undertaken can be undertaken with
one or more vessels. The reason for
adopting this method is the assumption
that the object to be searched is in the
near vicinity and along the ‘track’. It is
also used when the search area is large
and only an approximate location is
necessary. Following this pattern
ensures uniform coverage.
The main vessel/s starts the search
parallel to each other as shown in the
diagram above. After a little distance,
the vessels turn away from each other
at 90 degrees. Then after a short
distance they again take a right turn
and move the entire length parallel to
each other.  The spacing between two
track lines is referred to as ‘track
spacing’, or to put in simple words the
distance between two parallel lines is
termed as “track spacing”.
Parallel Search Patterns
This is the first pattern that is followed for
undertaking a search operation. Track line search
pattern can be undertaken can be undertaken
with one or more vessels. The reason for adopting
this method is the assumption that the object to
be searched is in the near vicinity and along the
‘track’. It is also used when the search area is
large and only an approximate location is
necessary. Following this pattern ensures uniform
The main vessel/s starts the search parallel to
each other as shown in the diagram above. After
a little distance, the vessels turn away from each
other at 90 degrees. Then after a short distance
they again take a right turn and move the entire
length parallel to each other.  The spacing
between two track lines is referred to as ‘track
spacing’, or to put in simple words the distance
between two parallel lines is termed as “track
Parallel Sweep Search
This type of search speed should
normally be the maximum speed of the
slowest ship participating in the search.
In restricted visibility, the OSC may
order a reduction in searching speed.

It is most effective over water.

It is usually used when a large search

area has to be divided into sub areas
fro assignment to individual search
facilities on-scene at the same time.

The starting search area is one corner

of the sub-area, one-half track space
inside the rectangle from each of the
two sides forming the corner.

Search legs are parallel to each other

and the long sides of the sub-area.
Parallel Search Patterns
This type of search speed should
normally be the maximum speed
of the slowest ship participating in
the search. In restricted visibility,
the OSC may order a reduction in
searching speed.

It is most effective over water.

It is usually used when a large

search area has to be divided into
sub areas fro assignment to
individual search facilities on-scene
at the same time.

The starting search area is one

corner of the sub-area, one-half
track space inside the rectangle
from each of the two sides
forming the corner.

Search legs are parallel to each

other and the long sides of the
Expanding Square Search Pattern
This pattern can be
undertaken by surface
vessels or even aircraft
search units. Starting at the
probable location of the
target, the search vessels
expand outward in
concentric squares.

This search pattern requires

accurate navigation, the first
leg is usually oriented
directly into the wind to
minimize navigational errors.

Due to small area involved,

this procedure must not be
used simultaneously by
multiple aircraft at similar
altitudes or by multiple
Expanding Square Pattern
This pattern can be undertaken by
surface vessels or even aircraft
search units. Starting at the
probable location of the target, the
search vessels expand outward in
concentric squares.

The location of the search object is

known within relatively close limits.

The starting search point is always

the datum position.

Small crafts are used to search for

persons in the water or other
objects with little or no leeway.
Sector Search Patterns
The sector search is employed
when the position of the body
is known accurately and the
search has to be carried over a
small area. It is normally
carried out in the area, where
the casualty or the object has
been sighted. The probability of
detection of the object is high
close to datum and spreads the
search over.
On drawing the pattern it
comes like the spokes of a
wheel. The advantage is the
search vessels cross the datum
a number of times. The first
step is to determine the drift
and carry out the operations in
that direction. The distance
between two search legs is 120
degrees and it takes three
searches to complete one
Sector Search Patterns
This used to search a circular area centred on
a datum point.

Due to the small area involved, this search

pattern must not be used simultaneously by
multiple aircraft of similar altitudes or by
multiple vessels.

An aircraft and a vessel may be used together

to perform independent sector search of the
same area.

A suitable marker may be dropped at the

datum position and may be used as a
reference or a navigational aid marking the
center of the pattern.

For aircraft, the search pattern radius is

usually between 5 nautical mile and 20
nautical mile.

For ships the search pattern radius is usually

between 2 nautical mile and 5 nautical mile,
and each turn is 120° and normally turn to
Sector Search Patterns
The location of the search object is known
within relatively close limits.

The starting point is always the datum


Small crafts are used to search for survivors in

the water or other objects with little or no
Track Line Search Patterns
The track line search is often used as an
initial search effort due to the ease of
planning and implementation.

The track line search is a rapid and

reasonably thorough search along the
intended route of the distressed vessel.

A track line search may be along one

side of the track line and return in that
opposite direction on the other side
(TSR Track Line Search Return)

Search may be along the intended track

and once on each side, then the search
facility continuous its way and does not
return (TSN track Line Search No

Aircraft are frequently used for track

search due to their high speed.
Coordinated Ship-Aircraft Search Patterns
This is a search pattern sometimes called
“Creeping Line Search”, coordination is
often used when an aircraft and a ships
simultaneously coordinate in a search

The aircraft, as it passes over the ship,

can easily make corrections to stay on
track of this search pattern.

The creeping line search gives a higher

probability of direction than that can
normally be attained by aircraft
searching alone.
Initiation of Search Patterns
This search pattern proceeds directly
to the datum and start an
expanding square search.

If possible, mark the datum with a

floating object, i.e. buoy or life raft.

The floating object can be used as a

datum marker throughout the search

As other facilities arrive, the OSC

should select one of the search
pattern as appropriate and allocate
search sub areas to individual
Radar Search Patterns
When several assisting ships in the
vicinity are available a radar search
is very effective especially when the
position of the incident is not known
and aircraft assistance is not

The OSC should normally direct

ships to proceed in “loose line
abreast” maintaining a track spacing
between ships of the expected
detection range multiplied by 1,5.
Radar Search Patterns Diagram
The OSC should
normally direct ships
to proceed in “loose
line abreast”
maintaining a track
spacing between
ships of the expected
detection range
multiplied by 1,5.
Radar Search Patterns according to Radar
510 nautical
3 nautical
nautical miles
SAR briefing, debriefing and tasking
The SMC or OSC should provide
information to SAR facilities on
relevant details of the distress
information and all instructions prior
to the conduct of SAR operations.

Primary agencies may provide this

information by briefing their facilities
prior to deployment.

Debriefing of SAR facilities provide

valuable information on the
effectiveness of the Search and
Rescue operation which can
influence planning on the next
Points to Remember
A small search object, which is easily
missed in daytime may become
visible at nigh time if it shows lights,
flares and other pyrotechnics.

The OSC should therefore consider

using surface craft at night to re-
search areas covered by day.

It is good practice when searching

for survivors in small craft, in
survival craft, or in the water. To
stop the engines occasionally at
night and in restricted visibility by
day to listen for cries for help.
Knots for Search and Rescue
Word Meanings and Acronyms
GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress Safety
NAVTEX - is a maritime radio warning system consisting of a series of coast
stations transmitting radio teletype with narrow-band direct printing
INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite Organization
COSPAS - COsmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynch Sudov is a Russian
acronym for “Space System for Search of Distressed Vessels”
SARSAT - Search And Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking
GEOSAR - Geostationary Earth Orbit Search and Rescue
LEOSAR - Low-Earth Orbiting Search and Rescue
SART – Search and Rescue Transponder
EPIRB – Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon
ELT – Emergency Locator Transmitter
PLB - Personal Locator Beacon
LUT – Local User’s Terminal
MCC - Mission Control Centers
RCC - Rescue Coordination Centers
SPOC - Search and Rescue Points of Contacts
EGC – Enhanced Group Call
Word Meanings and Acronyms
CES - Coast Earth Stations
CRS – Coast Radio Station
CS – Call Sign
CSP – Commence Search Point
CSS – Coordinator Surface Search
D/F – Direction Finding
ETA – Estimated Time of Arival
INTERCO – International Code of Signals
MERSAR – Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual
OCS – On-Scene Commander
SAR – Search and Rescue
SITREP – Situational Report
SRR – Search and Rescue Region
UTC – Universal Time Coordinate
RSC – Rescue Sub - Center
NCS - Network Coordinating Stations
NOC - Network Operations Center
SES - Ship Earth Station
SCC – Satellite Control Center
Word Meanings and Acronyms
MSI – Maritime Safety Information
MES - Mobile Earth Station
GES - Ground Earth Station
CES - Coast earth Station
LES - Land Earth Station
NSC - Network Coordination Station
DSC – Digital Selective Calling
VHF - Very High Frequency
HF – High Frequency
MF – Medium Frequency
IMSO - International Mobile Satellite Organization
ESA - European Space Agency
NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
SSAS - Ship Security Alert System
AIS – Automatic Identification System
INTELSAT - International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
MMSI - Maritime Mobile Service Identity
NBDP - Narrow Band Direct Printing
Word Meanings and Acronyms
DISTRESS SIGNAL – are NC of the international code: the ensign Union down
emergency; minute guns; continued blast of whistle; various pyrotechnics
or a burning tar barrel at night, SOS by radio also MAYDAY by voice radio.
MAYDAY – the distress call of voice radio, being from the French ‘
’m’aider”(help me)
MORSE – to signal with a Morse lamp.
MORSE CODE – a system of dots and dashes which represents letters and
MORSE LAMP – an instrument at the bridge used to signal by flashlight.

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