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It's a new day, It's a new beggining! Where mysterious will be solve, when the untold stories will
tell, and when the history will prevail. Good Morning world and welcome to "FUN FACTS"
Today we are very fortunate to have the NEUST students who will be joining us to share the
history and the two different side of where is the first mass in the Philippines was held. It might
me in limasawa or in Masao now we called Butuan, Come on and let's find out!


Host: Good Day fellas, Im your host for today and my name is Julie Anne Gamueda and you are
all welcome to our virtual talkshow, we will now talk about the one of the most frustrating
controversies in the Philippines history. Lets now have the NEUST Scholars to help us find out
the truth. Here they are!
Den: Hi Im Denielle S. Tan
Justine: and I am Justine Custodio
: and we are both from BS Psychology 1C
Host: Its nice to have you here, You know what fellas, it is a very exciting to talk about our topic
for today. It is because it's really confusing where did the first mass in the Philippines actually
Den : actually Lily! Until now debates continue on where the first mass was held here in the
Justine; It's good thing that we are here today to give some basis in that two different claims.
Justine: For some particularly to father fernando Colins, a student historian, he said that
ferdinand magellan went to Butuan and celebrated the first mass.
Den: And to support that claim, antonio pigafetta testified that he gave a gift to the queen mother
of france. Louis of Savoy

Host; Oh! What is that gift? Is that a gold or something?

Justine: it is a manuscript about the first mass in the Philippines. It was translated to French.
Justine: and according to fabre and imprinted by Simon de Coline and translated to Italian
version by Ramusio, this claim is reliable that the first mass in the Philippines was held in
Butuan on April 8, 1521.
Host: I see
Denden: hold on for a second, the transmission of text from Pigafetta to Louise of Savoy to
Simon De Coline is without documentary support. As a matter of fact, one factor is that pigafetta
did not mention his relation to louise even the event where he himself gave a copy of his work to
Justine; and as a matter of fact, based on the original Ambrosian text of pigafetta. Magellan and
his men went to cebu on april 7, 1521, then the mass was celebrated on april 8, 1521 in Butuan.
Denielle: butuan to cebu is 236 kilometers. it is far to travel in one day and during that time the
ship was not really fast and modernize.
Justine: base on the topographical details given by Albo and Pigafetta it describes the present

Host: Whooo! No to be biased, there are facts given by Piggafetta and Albo is the eyewitnesses
of Magellan’s voyage. Corroboration of Information and statements on those two were present
while the evidence presented by the other day was mostly base and supported by other historians.
now let’s see the island on both sides and analyze where we can travel in one day.

Host: now you see what island can be travel in one day, and for all the details answering where
is the first mass in the Philippines held. it is in Limasawa.

Great discussion, Good night fellas but it’s about time… thank you for the insights NEUST
scholar. Adios and please join us again tomorrow.

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