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 How to interact with supervisor
 How to interact with co-workers?

 Responses in handling conflicts at

 Abilities/Skills to work with others
What is Human Relations?

 Itis the daily interactions that define our

relationships at work.

 It’sthe little things that managers do or do not

do that can end up making a big difference in
how others feel about working with them and
about being a part of the organization.”
Known as People/Soft Skill
 This is a special skill to understand and get
along with other people (bosses, co-
workers, customers/suppliers/visitors)

 Able to work well with people, have fun

while working and make everyone feel
excited about the work, care about the
welfare of employee

 Especially important for the middle

manager and all managers
Why Human Relations Important?
 Good human relations will maintain
the good relations and success in an

 Bad human relations among

employee will cause valuable staff to
quit or transfer and contribute to
poor morale
 Recognizing an employee’s contribution
makes for a happier, healthier work
 The managers who recognize this fact and
then act upon it - even in seemingly small
ways – will also gain the benefits, not only
of a happier environment, but one of higher
production, and less turnover.
How to interact with supervisor?
1. Employee’s Expectation
2. Supervisor’s Expectation
Employee’s Expectation
Workers expect a supervisor to:

1. Explain the various tasks to achieve the

goal of company
2. Be able to provide tasks
3. Provide work deadlines
4. Inform quality work standards
5. Give guidelines of tasks
Supervisor’s Expectation
Manager expects employees to:

1. Focus on their tasks

2. To complete work on schedule
3. To keep them informed of work
developments or about meeting deadlines
4. To evaluate their own work and take step
to produce higher work quality
5. Continue to improve skills and gain
6. Be willing to handle unplanned situations
7. Loyal to the company/group/department
8. Behave in an ethical manner
You may perform many tasks as a group in a
project team.

Why do you interact with others in the office?

1. You have common needs for information

2. There are tasks that overlap
3. You have joint responsibility for some
common task
How to interact with co-workers
1. Cooperation
2. Confidentiality
3. Avoid gossip
4. Accepting responsibility for
Facing Conflicts at Work
1. Conflict with your manager
2. Conflict related to ethical behavior
Strategies to resolve conflicts
1. Communicate
2. Analyze the situation
3. Be objective
4. Look inward
5. Look for solutions
6. Be diplomatic
7. Compromise
1. Communicate
Listen and talk with your co-workers to
be sure you all have the same
understanding of the situation.
Consider everyone’s concern.
2. Analyze the situation
Determine the real or underlying
problems that may be leading to the
3. Be objective
Focus on the issue-not the person. Do
not let your personal feelings for the
people involved stand in the way of
resolving the problem.
4. Look inward
Objectively examine your role in the
situation. Are you contributing to the
problem or to solution? Be willing to
admit your mistakes and apologize when
your behavior or comments hurt others.

5. Look for solutions

Brainstorm with co-workers to find ways
to resolve the conflict.

6. Be diplomatic
Explain how resolving the conflict is of
benefit to others. Be tactful when
suggesting possible solution.
7. Compromise
When appropriate, be willing to
make changes to help resolve a
Conflict with your manager
A conflict is a disagreement, quarrel
or controversy.

Why do you have conflicts?

 Misunderstanding
 Unreasonable demands
 Failure to talk about work goals
 Difference of opinions
Conflict related to ethical behavior
1. Different values on rules/regulations
2. Personal code of ethics (moral
Things we like about our boss
 Supportive and encouraging
 Pleasant and well-mannered

 Well organized

 Shows me where I’m going wrong

without ‘putting me down’
 Trains me correctly in new tasks

 Perceptive – notices when I have

 Listens to both sides
 Treats us all fairly
 Good mediator in conflict problems
 Encourages a happy work atmosphere
 Makes me feel important
 Motivates me
 Respects me
 Takes pride in our work
 Thinks ahead
 Solves problems before they become
The Art of Human Relations
Help a person to:
1. Make and retain friends
2. Increase your influence and prestige
3. Make others like and respect you
4. Become an effective leader-popular at
home, office and in social circles
5. Develop expertise to tackle difficult and
complex situations
6. Be a better person-employer, employee,
husband, wife, father, mother,
7. Make others around you cheerful
8. Become enthusiastic and young at heart

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