Ischaemic Heart Disease 2

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What are the What is Ischaemic How to avoid
causes? Heart Disease? Ischaemic Heart
Ischaemic heart disease Disease?
1. Atherosclerosis
Plaque, a substance is a heart problem
composed mostly of fats caused by narrowed
will build up within the
heart arteries.
arteries, causing 1. Don’t smoke or drink
narrowing and reduces Smoking and drinking can
blood flow to heart which
can lead to heart attack.
2. Blood clot
increase blood pressure
2. Eat a heart-healthy diet
A low-fat, high-fibre diet is
Blood clot might block an Based on the report recommende. Eat more
artery and lead to issued by National food like fruits, vegetables,
sudden, severe whole grains, lean protein,
Statistics Department fish, nuts, and olive oil.
myocardial ischemia,
resulting in a heart on 31st October 2018, 3. Be more active
attack. ischaemic heart Exercise strengthens the
disease was identified heart muscle. It also trims
as the main cause of fat, lowers blood pressure,
and increases protective
death in Malaysia for
HDL cholesterol levels.
year 2017.

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