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 Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous tense.

1. Had been working

2.Have been waiting

3. Have, been waiting

4. Have been standing

5. Had Been learning

6. Has been raining

7. Had been sending

8. Had been painting

9. Has, been Living,

10. Had been acting.

 Change the sentences to passive voice.

11. The window pane has been broken by the dog.

12. The bill must be paid first.

13. She was being interviewed for the job.

14. He was told not to talk in class by the professor.

15. Your neighbor shouldn’t be spoken to.

16. Bicycles must not be left in the hall.

17. Can French be learned easily?

18. I am surprised by your impolite tone.

19. The car will be repaired by James.

20. The book was written by an unknown author.

 Fill in the blanks with a modal form from the box !

1. You’ve got plenty of time. You NEEDN’T hurry.

2. There’s a knock at the door. I’m expecting Paul . It MUST be him.

3. I can’t get my phone to work. It MUST be out of order

4. CAN I ask you a question ?

5. That was excellent work. But I COULDN’T do it without you.

6. She CAN’T be 35. She looks older than that.

7. I NEEDN’T go to work on Saturdays. It’s my day off.

8. Tom has given me a letter to post. I MUSTN’T forget to post it.

9. Ann stayed in bed this morning because she DIDN’T NEED TO go to work.

10. He COULD play chess when he was young.

 Use relevant relative pronouns.

1. The pen that you gave me writes very well.

2. Bring me the letters that the postman left.

3. I hate children who bully others.

4. Dogs know the persons by whom they are treated kindly.

5. The clubhouse, in which the show was held, housed about 300 people.

6. You can choose one person, whom you like, to share the prize with you.

7. What you bought last week is on sale for less this week.
8. The rope, which was old, snapped.

9. Can I borrow the book that you are reading?

10.The farmer is cutting the corn which has ripened.

 Fill in the Blanks with appropriate indefinite Article ‘a’ or ‘an’

1. An

2. A

3. An

4. A

5. A

6. An

7. An, a

8. An

9. A

10. A

 Fill in the Blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1. Under

2. Behind

3. Over


5. To

6. Till
7. for

8. Beside

9. Above

10. Behind

 Join the sentences together in each of the following questions, using a relative Pronoun.

1. John, who is always idle, was punished.

2. I heard some news that astonished me.

3. I know a girl who has a wooden leg.

4. Here is the book that you were asking for.

5. He is a rogue whom no one trusts.

6. Where is the parcel that I left here yesterday?

7. He is a poet whose works are widely known.

8. The rope, which was old, snapped.

9. Can I borrow the book that you are reading?

10. The farmer is cutting the corn which has ripened.

 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.

1. Rises, sets,

2. Play,

3. Speaks,
4. Loves,

5. Makes,

6. Thinks,

7, learn,

8. Play,

9. Go,

10. Felt.

 Choose correct answers from A to E.

1. A

2. C

3. C

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. E

8. A

9. D

10. E

 Write an Essay on given topic.

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