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As their hometown of Solgard burns

and Drakon’s blood-red clouds spread
Asterlan Odyssey: The Ruinous Voyage is part 2 of the Asterlan over Asterlan, the players venture
Odyssey adventure. For an introduction to the world of Asterlan, forth in search of Eldrick’s armor,
character backstories, exploration rules, and a location map, check
out part 1, Drakon’s Curse. helmet, boots, and shield.
The Ruinous Voyage outlines each of the major locations players will Will they survive the Ruinous Voyage?
visit while exploring Asterlan. This adventure is highly inspired by
classic NES RPGs. Here are some helpful ways of reinforcing that
inspiration during the voyage:
1. Asterlan is sparsely populated. Towns and villages have no
more then two dozen residents.
2. The threat of monsters is ever present. Villagers are usually
fond of adventuring heroes, especially if they carry Eldrick’s
3. Some elders remember a time before Eldrick defeated the evil
warlock, Drakon, during his original conquest of Asterlan.
4. Crossing water requires a boat or bridge and reaching
Drakon’s Castle requires a means of flight.
5. If the players drown, fall into a pit, or stumble into some lava,
they respawn at a safe place nearby missing some hit points.
6. Evil monsters have red eyes and always attack the players.
In this book, Monsters are indicated with green text. Magic
Items are indicated with gold text. More information about these
monsters and items can be found in part 3, Asterlan Odyssey: A
Monster Draws Near!
Solgard Burrowhill
A large gang of Gorblins and Borblins have taken over the ashen A small idyllic town with 23 quaint homes burrowed into the hillsides.
ruins of Solgard. Maybe there is a precious heirloom or sentimental Several wooden docks extend into the southern sea but there are
reason for the players to return home, but the town has been no boats.
thoroughly destroyed and the chances of anything valuable
remaining are small. A group of 15 refugees from Solgard have gathered in the town’s
green. Chance, a grumpy old guard doggo (dog-folk) with an eyepatch
and spear, is trying to convince the crowd that they cannot stay in
Burrowhill. He explains that it’s not safe because:
1. A mob of angry Slimes from the Slime
Bartor Mountains Swamp attack each morning.
The towering barrier mountains that separate the western edge 2. Usually they are peaceful creatures,
of Asterlan from the Wild Fallows are home to the Talons. While not but the Slimes have been increasingly
particularly hostile, the solitary and massive rock creatures can aggressive for the past week.
be territorial and do not take kindly to the destruction of their
mountainous homes. They despise monsters for this reason and 3. Six of the town’s guards (except for
will eagerly fight them. The Talons act as natural guards that keep Chance) went into the swamp to try and
monsters from crossing the Bartor Mountains into Asterlan. find out what’s going on. They haven’t
been heard from in three days.
4. The guards took all of the boats, but
Chance would be willing to let the players
Wild Fallows keep one if they could retrieve it from
the Slime Swamp and bring news of the
The desolate expanse is filled with danger but also contains rare missing guards.
rewards that might compel the players to return after their Forge
Quest. If the players decide not to investigate the Slime Swamp, the
refugees will reluctantly make the dangerous trek towards Arboria
Falling Stars crash into the Wild Fallows often and are sought after where they might find safety.
by the most powerful monsters.
There is no inn or tavern in Burrowhill. Usually all of the townsfolk
Deep within the Wild Fallows there are places where the veil gather in the green each night for meals and merriment, but most
between the Overworld (Asterlan) and the Dark World are thin. have been staying locked in their homes since the attacks.
Monsters creep from shadowy portals, slowly infesting the barren
landscape. There is a single general store in Burrowhill called The Kennel. It
has a single long counter with four Common Items and one Magic
There is also a distant sandstone temple that can be seen from Item that rotates every few hours.
the Dragon Cliffs. Inside is a heroic trial: 10 levels filled with
increasingly difficult monster battles. If they are defeated the Gon, a young doggo with brindle fur who works the counter, is
players are teleported to the entrance as if nothing happened. worried about his boss, Boris. He went to Old Solestri to buy
If they can survive the trial, the players are rewarded with a supplies for the shop, but hasn’t been heard from since the angry
strange golden gizmo. Blowing into it summons a muscular red Genie slimes started showing up.
surrounded by crackling lightning. It grants each player a wish that
can permanently alter the rules of Asterlan. Some Doggo Names: Ace, Grits, Poco, Ridley, Simon, Specs, Tango,
Tillie, Wink.

2 3
Slime Swamp The Slime King
The Slime Swamp is a winding bayou of bubbling and popping blue Once the players have explored several Slime Swamp hexes, they
sludge. Traversing the swamp is difficult and slow. If the players encounter the Slime King. The massive slime is sentient, but not the
stand still in the sludge for too long they begin to sink. Strangely, brightest. It wears a magical golden crown gifted by Drakon.
it’s easier to maneuver through the swamp in a boat.
The Slime King oversees the spawning of dozens of Slimes in a large
Angry Slimes (they have red eyes) patrol the entire swamp. They pool of sludge. It commands them to “Venture forth and bring me
are attracted to gold and will attack anyone carrying it. Loud noises gold. The wise and mighty Drakon demands payment!”
can stun the Slimes and extra loud noises will snap them out of their
aggressive hypnosis, returning them to their usual curious and If the players speak with the Slime King it demands a tax of 100
bouncy selves. Gold Coins each for trespassing in his swamp. If the players refuse
to pay the Slime King its army of Slimes will attack.
Instead of rolling Exploration Dice while exploring the Slime Swamp,
roll a d8 on the table below each time the players move into a new Removing the Slime King’s crown (it won’t be easy) causes the giant
hex. monster to split apart into a dozen friendly, non-speaking slimes.
Drakon’s magical hold on the swamp is lifted and all freshly spawned
1. A group of angry Slimes attack. slimes will be their normal, friendly selves.
2. A buzzing flock of Squitors are looking for a snack.
3. Echoing croaking noises can be heard from under the swampy
surface. A Swampster tries to drag the players below.
4. A friendly Slime is trapped in a Big Sack. It follows the players
hopefully and is actually polymorphed doggo named Digby.
5. Grayspur, a withered and gnarled tree, grumbles under his
breath. He glumly reminisces about centuries ago before the
slimes infested the area. Grayspur knows where the Slime King
and the Guard Doggos are located in the swamp. He will not be
happy if the players approach in a wooden boat.
6. A Pixie stuck in a bottle, half submerged in the swamp.
7. One of the Guard Doggos’ boats has been abandoned on a
raised piece of ground. It’s split in half and covered in slime.
8. Several Guard Doggos from Burrowhill are clinging to the
branches of a tree. They are surrounded by a group of angry
Slimes. Usually their barks can stun the slimes, but they’ve all
lost their voices from their time stuck in the swamp.
*Reroll repeats.

4 5
Old Solestri The Mayor’s Manor
A haunting, cold red mist has settled over the small farming village. 1. Front door. Mindless Skeletons guard the front door.
During the day Old Solestri is eerily quiet, as if the town has been
abandoned. The crops are unharvested, doors and windows have 2. Dark hallway. A lingering Ghost roams the hallway. She only
been left open, and food is beginning to rot. approaches the players when they aren’t looking directly at her.
At night, ghosts of the villagers emerge. They ineffectually tend 3. Snug sitting room. Four comfy sitting chairs. A chest (actually a
crops, gather spectral water from the well, and tend to many other Mimic) patiently waits between two bookshelves. It’s eaten three
chores as if they were still alive. The ghosts mostly ignore the Spell Scrolls (single cast magic spells) - Raise Earth, Wind Gust, and
players and only respond hollowly to direct questions as though Rain Cloud.
their lives continue in a mundane gloom. 4. Modest dining room. Long table with chairs and fireplace. Mayor
The ghostly villagers don’t know that Drakon has cursed the village Warrick sits at the head of the table. He has been turned into a
with a powerful spell. The sorcery is maintained by the red mist Geist. He is angered by intruders and launches plates and goblets,
that gets denser near the Mayor’s Manor atop the hill on the north followed by chairs, then the giant table.
side of town. Mayor Warrick is protecting a Silver Key on the fireplace mantle.
The sole living person in Old Solestri is a young boy named Alph. 5. Ransacked kitchen. A group of Skeletons gorge themselves on
He hides behind some crates in the Ripe Root Tavern. Alph is wary food and drink. Of course, the meal falls right through their bones,
of the players unless they hold a piece of Eldrick’s Equipment, in making a huge mess on the wood floor.
which case he regards them as great warriors. The boy desperately
wants revenge on Drakon for cursing his village. 6. Dusty cellar filled with farming supplies. A Vitaxe ambushes
players that try to go upstairs.
Alph won’t put himself in danger but is willing to help. He knows
that Eldrick’s Shield is inside the Mayor’s Manor. Alph explains that 7. Locked bedroom. Requires the Mayor’s Silver Key to enter.
Skeletons protect the front entrance to the manor, but he knows a Eldrick’s Shield is hung on the wall.
secret way in (the cellar door around back). Alph suggests stocking
up on whatever Common Items the players can find in the tavern A Deadly Miasma fills the room. It is protecting the magic candle that
before heading towards the manor. maintains Drakon’s sorcery. The candle can only be extinguished by
magical means.
When the Miasma is defeated and the candle extinguished the red
First Floor Second Floor mist is lifted from Old Solestri. The ghost villagers do not return
Cellar to life. Some move on to the other side. And some remain, like Boris
the doggo owner of The Kennel with unfinished business. Or Alph’s
father, George, who wishes to see his son grow and take over the
family farm.

A 100 foot wizards’ tower surrounded by a dozen thatch- Once the barrier has been dispelled and the tower unfrozen, three
roofed homes rises from the cliffside overlooking the eastern thawing wizards, one from each order, will thank the players with a
channel. Wizards of every discipline (white, red, and black) magical boon:
congregate in the Astrum Tower to study, copy spell books,
and conduct magical experiments. Only those who can magically 1. Lyra the White casts Invig on the players. They can spend a
unlock the door are allowed to enter the tower and observe week without the need of sleep, but will fall into a deep magical
the mysteries within. sleep for a full 24 hours after the spell wears off.
The entire town is currently surrounded by an impassable 2. Cygnus the Red casts Glint on the players. They can speak
magic barrier. A frustrated young apprentice named Stella is Cygnus’ name to magically illuminate a fingertip to shine like a
stuck in the barrier, half in, half out. Initially, when the players lantern. Saying his name again extinguishes the spell.
approach she plays dead, but when she realizes they aren’t a 3. Corvus the Black gives the players a single Floating Eyeball.
threat she will ask for their help and explain: Whichever player takes it can look through the eye as if it were
1. Monsters have been trying their own.
to break through the barrier.
She plays dead when they are All three wizards are very knowledgeable about Asterlan and will
close so they ignore her. answer any questions they can. If the players ask for help flying to
Drakon’s floating castle, Cygnus suggests traveling to the Sunken
2. A Malgus wearing red robes Temple and speaking with Leviath, the blue dragon who lives there.
and carrying a gnarled staff Lyra will gladly conjure the players a boat to help with their voyage.
cast a strange spell on the
tower, freezing everyone Astrum has a small inn called The Dazzl-Inn run by a friendly blind
inside. The spell caused the wizard named Viki. She conjures delicious food and drink that sparks
protective barrier to go off and pops.
around the town.
Jeane, an aloof wizard, is the proprietor of The Pointed Hat, a
3. She overheard the Malgus magic shop that has three random Magic Items for sale each day.
command a group of monsters
to look for some sort of A grody wizard named Daniel will approach the players and ask them
magic item in the ruins to the if they have news from Old Solestri. He senses a strange deathly
north. Drakon wants the item energy coming from its direction. He’s very eager to talk to ghosts.
4. She could dispel the
barrier if she had her staff.
Unfortunately, a Borblin
took it while she was stuck
and followed the rest of the
monsters toward Lunarc.
If the players return Stella’s staff (held by the Borblin in
Lunarc) she will dispel the barrier and begin unfreezing the
tower, allowing them entrance into Astrum.

8 9
Lunarc used to be a bustling city until Drakon destroyed it
100 years ago. The stone ruins were never rebuilt and remain
overgrown and vacant. Now only a few hollow and crumbling
buildings remain near the city’s center.
When the players arrive, there is a gang of Gorblins roaming
through the overgrown cobblestone streets. They are busy turning
over fallen debris, searching for any bits of gold they can find.
1. A statue of a Robo reaching up to a falling star. The inscription
is worn and illegible. A Gold Key is hidden inside Robo’s chest
furnace (unlocks the treasure chest in the dilapidated tower 8).
2. A group of raucous Gorblins are setting fire to a ruined
3. A Swindler Stone rests next to a collapsed table. A Bearboon
charges through the small home, bringing the entire building
crashing to the ground.
4. Several Big Rats are fighting over the bones of a skeleton.
5. A huge Borblin is asleep near the well. It has Stella’s Staff held
tightly while it snores. The staff can cast the following spells
once a day:
- Snooze (sleep spell)
- Sizzle (fire spell)
- Sap (dispels magical effects)
6. Cornelius, a vengeful ghost from Old Solestri, is tormenting a
Gorblin into hysteria. He is surprised players aren’t monsters
and will gladly aid them.
7. A mostly intact cellar is hidden under a fallen tree. There is
a Frozen Flail leaning against the wall. A stone archway in the
center of the room surrounds a swirling blue portal to the Sunken
8. Tangling vines have beset this dilapidated stone tower. A
Malgus wearing red robes is angrily trying to open a locked chest
containing Eldrick’s Helm.
If attacked the Malgus will retreat outside where he can call for
support. He promises his minions great rewards for defeating
the players, especially if they are carrying a piece of Eldrick’s

10 11
Arboria The main way into Arboria is by climbing a natural spiral staircase
Instead of rolling Exploration Dice while exploring the Arborian that wraps around the central, and biggest, tree in the forest. The
Forest (woods around Arboria), roll a d8 on the table below each players will be greeted by the noble elven Archdruid Aurora in the
time the players move into a new hex. town’s main plaza. She explains:
1. Monsters have been plaguing the forest and upsetting the
1. An isolated pond full of Pixies. One might accompany the delicate balance the druids of Arboria carefully maintain.
players if they make a gesture of appreciation or pay a
particularly nice compliment. 2. Eldrick gifted her his boots 50 years ago. They are a precious
symbol or triumph to the druids of Arboria but she will gladly
2. A unicorn pony named Capella wants to race the players. If trade them if the players will retrieve the Echoing Horn from the
they win, Capella will lead them to Arboria. Fear Cave deep in the forest.
3. Three Trickster Trees, Cash, Hazel, and Mac, swat with 3. The horn has the power to repel monsters and would be an
branches and make fun of the players as they pass. “They only indispensable means of protecting the Arborian Forest.
have two roots, no wonder they fall down so easily!”
4. She warns that no friend of the forest would dare approach
4. Neven, a stoic elven druid, rests against a tree, binding a the cave. The players would be extremely brave, or extremely
wound. He single handedly fought off a gang of Gorblins and their foolish, to attempt this quest.
Borblin leader, but injured his arm in the fight. If the players
heal him, Neven will escort them to Arboria. 5. If the players were escorted to Arboria by Capella, Magellan,
or Neven she will gift each player an Acorn of Life as thanks.
5. Carnivorous Plants have grown over the path. They are
hungry for lunch. The players can visit a communal shop (it has no name) that has
three Common Items and two Magic Items for sale on rotation
6. This area of the forest is stuffy. Poisonous purple shrooms every few hours. Payments are made in trade or by honest
grow on the trees and Sporggles float about making it hard to donation.
7. A gang of Gorblins are using bombs to blow up trees for fun. The stables, run by an aloof unicorn named Ursa, are a welcoming
place for the players to rest for the night. They may also acquire
8. Three Dracolytes drag a captured unicorn named Magellon. unicorn mounts here (travel through hexes 3x faster). The
Drakon wants a unicorn as a new mount. unicorns are not for sale. Instead the players will need to prove
themselves pure of heart by a simple test. A different unicorn will
*Reroll repeats. look deep into the eyes of each player. If they have stolen, lied,
or harmed an innocent recently the unicorn will reject them as a
worthy rider.
Unicorns in the Stable: Altair (noble and haughty), Bellatrix
Arboria is a town in the treetops. (scrappy), Pollux (witty), Rigel (clumsy), Spica (comforting), Vega
Rope ladders are raised and lowered (enthusiastic).
from homes that are grown instead of
constructed. Branches create connecting When the players leave Arboria for the first time, they will be
walkways from building to building. approached by Ira, a tired elven archer. He asks if the players
will be traveling to Durenstone. He is indebted to a dwarven smith
Archers diligently watch the forest below, named Domel and wishes to give him a bundle of magical wood. The
unicorns float from branch to branch, players can keep whatever gold Domel will exchange for the bundle.
villagers cultivate the trees, and druids If they ask about a way to cross the sea, Ira will suggest finding a
play comforting music that sounds like the boat in Burrowhill.
rhythm of the forest itself.
Fear Cave
A foreboding sense of dread radiates from the shadowy cave deep
within the Arborian Forest. No creatures, not even monsters, will
come within a mile of the Fear Cave. Fear Table
Roll 2d6, one on each table and combine the results.
The entrance looks like the serrated mouth of some otherworldly
petrified beast. A flat stone marker just inside reads, “To find what 1. Ghost of Eldrick 1. Block the way forward.
you seek, descend until you are overcome by fear.” 2. Endless swarm of spiders. 2. Chase.
The interior of the cave is a narrow stone stairway leading down 3. Enormous skeleton made
into shadow. There are no walls or ceiling, only the stairs and 3. Berate or heckle.
unnatural darkness. of regular-sized bones.
4. Overwhelm or crush.
4. Stairs that come alive.
When the players descend the staircase they find themselves 5. Infect.
separated from each other. When they look back towards the 5. Smoke and fire.
entrance, they only see the stairs leading endlessly upward. 6. Use magic or cast spells.
6. Zombified beast.
Each player must face their fears. Roll on the Fear Table or ask the
player what they fear most and adapt it into an encounter. Give *These monsters do not have entries in Asterlan Odyssey: A
each player their time to experience the encounter, but move on to Monster Draws Near! Compare them to other, similar monsters
another player when it feels most suspenseful. and make the encounter even more difficult and scary.
When a player overcomes their fear encounter or would take fatal
damage, they find themselves back inside the entrance of the
cave. The light of the Arborian Forest shines brightly just beyond
a treasure chest with the players’ reward (the Echoing Horn, a
different Magic Item, a valuable piece of knowledge, etc.).

14 15
Sunken Temple
Only accessible by boat, the entrance, a carved visage of some giant If the players return Leviath to a living state and rid the temple of
otherworldly creature, rises up out of the sea. Climbing into the monsters, the grateful blue dragon will agree to fly them anywhere
mouth reveals a salt-covered stairway leading into the temple. in Asterlan.
The temple interior is damp and sounds of water swelling against Leviath’s voice booms, echoing through the temple. He is strong-
stone are ever present. When the players enter, the water level is willed and values duty and justice. Drakon’s minions invaded his
high, preventing them from accessing level 2 of the temple. Flipping home and stole his treasure hoard. The only valuable that remains
the lever in room 7 lowers the water, granting them access. is a Fallen Star that Leviath holds tightly in his right claw.
Swimming in the water while it is raised will alert the Electrifyer in Leviath would like nothing more than to see Drakon defeated. He
room 8. The creature is too big to enter the side rooms, but it will will gladly join the fight and is willing to distract or battle the red
peer in and shock the water if it sees the players. dragon Baham while the players deal with Drakon.
1. A large stone platform overlooking a pool of water. An enormous
petrified dragon rests at the bottom of the pool (room 8). An
Electrifyer patrols the pool, shocking the water if anyone enters.
When the players first approach the pool, a group of Pirangin leap
out and attack.
2. A stone archway stands in the center of the room, a portal to
the cellar in the ruins of Lunarc.
3. A crumbled stone archway appears to have crushed someone.
Digging through the rubble reveals the skeleton is holding a Staff
of Rain.
4. The unsound bridge is soaked through. A Rocto shoots stones
from the water below.
5. The bridge has collapsed. An expired and rusty Robo lays sunken
in the corner.
6. A stone platform meets the water’s edge. A Big Rat floats in a
barrel, clutching a Blue Gemstone. If the players attempt to take
the stone, the rat will leap from the barrel and run away.
7. A rusted metal lever is mounted to the floor, 25 feet below the
surface. Flipping the lever drains the water from the temple.
8. An Electrifyer patrols the water around the petrified blue
dragon, Leviath. The dragon appears to be missing an eye. Placing
the Blue Gemstone from room 6 in the socket will lift the petrifying
curse, returning the dragon to life.
While the Electrifyer moves quickly in water, it can still slither
about and shoot shocking bolts once the water has been drained.
Players should be careful not to stand in any puddles.
Dragon Cliffs Durenstone
The jagged, nearly vertical cliffs are practically impossible The monumental stone entrance into Durenstone is sealed up tight.
to traverse. They are the perfect barrier between the Two argumentative dwarven guards, Odessa and Ned, communicate
eastern edge of Asterlan and the Wild Fallows. Only the with the players through a peephole in the imposing stone-worked
nimblest and most sturdy creatures, like Daggercats, call door:
this inhospitable mountain range home. 1. They are wary of people carrying weapons and refuse to open
During the night, Baham the malicious red dragon soars the door into the underground stronghold.
above the cliffs looking for Fallen Stars. During the day the 2. The last time they let someone in, the group of strange robed
dragon sleeps in his lair, a hidden cave somewhere deep people tricked the guards and kidnapped Prince Breock, the
within the cliffs. greatest smith in all of Asterlan.
Drakon holds a Red Gemstone that binds the mighty 3. Eldrick’s Armor is hidden away safely in their impenetrable
creature to his service. While Bahum cannot speak ill of vault.
his new master, the dragon eagerly wishes his gemstone
returned and his freedom regained. If the players can rescue Prince Breock, the guards will allow the
players inside Durenstone.
The expertly crafted underground stronghold is a large
symmetrical loop of homes and workshops surrounding a well
guarded vault in the center.
Breock will insist on the players joining him and the citizens of
Durenstone for a feast in the Great Hall, a massive stone room
with an incredibly long banquet table. The players will be honored as
heroes at the festivity and gifted Eldrick’s Armor.
A crazy-eyed dwarf named Helmar will approach the players, asking
them to sneak into the Sunken Temple with him so they can steal the
dragon Leviath’s treasure (Split evenly!)
Topaz Relics and Rarities is a workshop run by Louise, a clamorous
dwarf with a big blond beard. She has three rotating Magic Items
for sale, including a Magic Carpet.
The players can repair or replace their weapons and armor at The
Strand, run by a grumpy old dwarven smith named Domel.
The Convenient Crate has helpful Common Items for sale. The store
is run by Bobby Bones, a jaunty oozeling (humanoid slime).

18 19
Fire Furnace
This volcanic factory was constructed ages ago to create
mechanized warriors, now called Robos. Remnants of the
bygone era litter the ancient stone hallways leading to a
mighty forge surrounded by a lake of lava.
1. Soot covered Gorblins are collecting carts full of rusty
old weapons from inside. They intend to circulate them to
Drakon’s army of monsters.
2. Fire Slugs defend their nest in a pool of lava.
3. Room full of disabled and inert Robos (they require power
from a Fallen Star to activate). One is holding a massive
Ancient Sword. Another is wearing Sunlight Goggles.
4. A Dracolyte is carrying a crate filled to the brim with gold.
He disappears into an illusory wall that leads to the forge.
5. A Manticoal lazily guards Prince Breock whose leg is
chained to the forge. Breock is busy crafting a set of
splendid gold armor for Drakon.
If the players approach, the
Manticoal will attack, trying to
push them into the moat of lava.
Breock will use the distraction
to try and break free from
his chains. If he escapes, the
Manticoal will attempt to subdue
the prince.
If the players can rescue the
boisterous and grateful Prince
Breock he will give them the Gold
Pauldrons he crafted for Drakon.
He will also offer to reinforce
the weapons they currently
carry (except Elrick’s Equipment).
Breock sharpens, hammers,
and douses the weapons in lava
allowing them to deal extra fire
If the players do not rescue
Prince Breock he will construct
a full set of splendid gold armor
for Drakon.

20 21
Drakon’s Castle
Surrounded by swirling red clouds, Drakon’s menacing fortress
floats above the Dragon Cliffs. The only way to reach the castle is
by flight.
1. The large wooden door is adorned by a grimacing face. If the
players knock or attempt to enter, the face wakes up and taunts
them. The door opens and cackles with a maniacal laugh, “The
Master is expecting you.”
2. At first, the pristine marble courtyard is eerily quiet. A Watcher
patrols back and forth between the middle tower (room 4) and the
courtyard. Every so often, flashes of light and crackling zapping
noises come from the locked main tower (room 5) door.
3. The door to Drakon’s quarters is unlocked. However, when the
players enter, the door locks shut behind them. A Snatcher tries to
grab whatever piece of Eldrick’s Equipment it can and flee with it
into the main tower (room 5).
The tower is well furnished and the walls are decorated with
woven tapestries depicting Drakon. The bed is large and cushy.
Drakon’s ornate dresser contains multiple blue robes. The Gold
Key that unlocks the castle’s doors is hidden inside the sock
drawer. There is a well built writing desk with several pieces of
blank parchment and a bottle of red ink. The large book case is
decorated with miscellaneous spell casting ingredients. A discarded
Multiheal Spell Scroll is wedged between several journals detailing
Drakon’s plans to summon monsters from the Dark World and rule
over Asterlan.
4. An open archway leads into the middle tower. A spiraling blue
portal floats in the middle of the otherwise unadorned room.
Drakon’s staff controls where the portal leads. Without it,
stepping through the portal will drop the players in a random
location somewhere in Asterlan (toss a dice onto the map and see
where it lands).
5. The imposing red door to the main tower is locked (the key
is in room 3). Upon entering, the players see four Dracolytes
maintaining a summoning spell above a turbulent shadowy portal on
the tower floor. Drakon oversees the ritual from a raised dais at
the back of the room. Piles upon piles of gold line the outer edges
of the room, the spoils of Drakon’s conquest.
Drakon levitates several gold pieces, dropping them into the
portal. A few moments later a Random Monster (roll or pick one
from Asterlan Odyssey: A Monster Draws Near!) emerges.

22 23
And so...
With Drakon defeated the Heroes of Asterlan
are victorious.

How will they rebuild? What other adventures

do they have? And what powerful artifacts
Drakon greets the players with a wicked smile, “So nice to finally will they leave for other worthy heroes to
meet the young heroes. Have you come to make a name for continue their legacy?
yourselves like Eldrick? I see you carry those scraps he forged. No
matter, you will meet his same fate!”
At the beginning of each turn Drakon will cast a spell. He attempts
to incapacitate the players with elemental spells, but his ultimate
goal is to send them through the portal, locking them away in the
Dark World (where Drakon was banished for the last 50 years). TO BE CONTINUED...
If a player enters the portal to the Dark World, they will need In Asterlan Odyssey: A Monster Draws Near!
to sacrifice something extremely important (a piece of Eldrick’s
Equipment, a Fallen Star, significant amount of gold, permanent HP,
etc.) to return through the portal.
At the end of each turn Drakon summons a Random Monster through
the portal.
The players can attempt to close the portal by defeating all four
Dracolytes (they do not fight back and only focus on maintaining the Asterlan Odyssey: The Ruinous Voyage
summoning spell). If they are successful, or are close to defeating Created by JP Coovert (c) 2023
Drakon in another way, he will make one last ditch effort. Drakon First Printing March 2023
dumps all of the remaining gold into the portal before it closes,
summoning Xoma, Ruler of Dragons and Lord of the Dark World. Asterlan Odyssey was playtested with Heroes of Cerulea
by Lucas Falk, Blackfisk Publishing.
In exchange for the offering of gold, Xoma will attack the players.
But he won’t stay in Asterlan long. Drakon must focus all his energy All fonts by Chevy Ray
on keeping the portal open.
Thank You
If the players are defeated Xoma will return to the Dark World and Jacie, Scott, Brandon, Chris, Chris, Bryce, and Tiikerikani.
Drakon will be left to rule over Asterlan. And all the patrons that helped make Asterlan Odyssey real.
If the players incapacitate Drakon, Xoma will pull him into the Dark
World, shutting the portal behind him. Explore videos at
and get more adventures at
If the players defeat Xoma, Drakon will flee through the portal into
the Dark World, promising to return in another 100 years.


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