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Isi nke mbu: Nkọwa, njirimara asụsụ na uru asụsụ bara.

Chapter 1: Definition, characteristics of language and value of language.

Esperanto bụ otu ọmụmaatụ asụsụ nke a chọpụtara na ngwụcha senchuri iri na iteghete maka
izikọrita ozi na azụmahia.

Esperanto is an example of a language that was discovered in the late nineteenth century for
communication and business.

Ndi họpụtara asụsụ a bụ wazobia, họpụtara ya ka ọ bụrụ asụsụ ga ejikọ Naijiria ọnụ

Those who chose this language known as Wazobia, chose it to be the language that will unite

Asụsụ bụ usoro mmadụ na-abụghi anụmanụ si ezipụta echiche, mmetute ahụ na mmasi nke ya.

Language is man’s way of expressing his thoughts, feelings and interests.

uru asụsụ bara: eji ya ezipụta echiche mmadụ, mmadụ ji ya ezikọrita ozi, mmadụ ji ya enwe
mmekọrita, mmadụ ji asụsụ aghọta ibe ya, eji ya efe ofufe, eji ya akwalite omenala na ọdibendi.

The value of language: it is used to express people’s thoughts, people use it to communicate,
people use it to have relationships, people use language to understand each other, use it to
worship, use it to promote culture and tradition.

Ajụjụ / Questions

otu n'ime ndia bụ ọmụmaatụ asụsụ

One of these is an example of language

a) asụsụ mmadụ

b) asụsụ echiche

c) asụsụ mmekọrita

d) asụsụ esperanto
2. Gini bụ usoro mmadụ si ezipụta echiche ya

What is the process by which a person expresses his thoughts

a) omenala

b) asụsụ

c) nzikọrita ozi

3. Otu n'ime ndia abughi uru asusu bara

One of these is not the value of language

a) igwu egwu

b) izipụta echiche

c) ife ofufe

d) inwe mmekọrita

4. kedụ ndi họputara asụsụ esperanto

Who chose the language Esperanto

a) ndi Naijiria

b) ndi Wazobia

c) ndi ozi

Aziza : 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-b

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