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Act one: scene one

“It taste like the right time the stage is set as people working around the
stage carrying bags with pain expression complaining in an inaudible
NARRATOR: God expectation from the chosen is Israel in the book of (Gen. 17 vs
“They will all freeze on stage and started crying in a louder voice as Mr.
afuye enter the stage”
Mr. Afuye: Hahaha (holding his head with a lot of load) what kind of mistake have
I made “iru asise nla wo le yi, won ni wan ki fi omo oba fun osun, in fact have
done worst, have left the light to enjoy the lust of darkness (panicking while
talking) I wouldn’t have mind if my mistake have not affect all this people.

Act one: scene two

“As Mr. Oluomo Afuye sat on his chair enjoying the breeze of the day
wearing glasses reading his bible as his son come in”
Mr. Afuye: Daddy
Mr. Oluomo: Afuye Abraham My son, I have called you here for you know what
am expecting from you as the day goes by, as you can see that God has given unto
me abundantly, and I decided to give them out, and I believe I have taught you
enough to survive and stand as a great man in the journey you will embark on.
Mr. Afuye: Beeni baba mi, I appreciate you and your kindness as you’ve never
leave me once but all that you’ve given away is there not nothing precious for me
to have
Mr. Oluomo: There is my son, I present OLUTONA to you and anything in this
book his your (as he is coughing repeatedly) lo ree bu omi wa (as he continue to
cough repeated till he rest his head on his chair and give up the ghost)
Mr. Afuye: Daddy this is it epele, he was surprise to hear no response, as he
checked his pulse and call for help while two people come in and carry him (they
all leave the stage).
Act two: scene one
“As Afuye was holding his bible weaping and complaining with OLUTONA
by his side consoling him”
Mr. Afuye: you see OLUTONA I have said this countless time and I won’t repeat it
OLUTONA: Abraham it is my duty to guide in this journey so you can prevail over
enietan and his powerful forces along the way
Mr. Afuye: you see I like you that a very a brilliant excuse, since we started this
journey mosquito is the only powerful force that I’ve seen
OLUTONA: they are all around, because they know you’re meant to fulfill destiny,
you just haven’t seen them yet
Mr. Afuye: fulfill destiny? Why don’t you save my father’s destiny from dying
instead you stood like a robot telling me nonsense, why?
OLUTONA: Because it is not my duty (mr. afuye stop and reply)
Mr. Afuye: not your duty (while olutona is moving forward) haha, what do you
mean it’s not your duty
OLUTONA: Because his time is up (mr. afuye repeat after him, his time his up) but
yours start now
Mr. Afuye: mine start now so am your duty
Mr. Afuye: No, you are my burden (as mr afuye leave the stage in anger olutona
followed him)

Act two: scene two

“Mr. afuye enter the stage has olutona followed has usual (if he walk
olutona will walk, if he stop olutona will stop)”
Mr. Afuye: see you are growing on me this days, can’t you just do one thing for
OLUTONA: ok, anything name it
Mr. Afuye: thank you so much (saying with anger voice) stop following me
OLUTONA: you know it’s my
Mr. Afuye: ok fine
OLUTONA: but I can give you one word in the book of life to enlighten you (fi ara
re sumo olorun iwo yio si ni alafia, nipa eyini ire yio wa ba o) (while they sit down)
Mr. Afuye: (mr. afuye opening his bible to see where it his) and ask where is it
written in the bible
OLUTONA: Job 22 vs 21
Mr. Afuye: hmmm, but why did daddy give thus book to me
OLUTONA: Pro. 22 vs 6
Mr. Afuye: (and he respond rapidly) ohhhhh, TRAIN YOUR CHILD IN THE WAY HE
OLUTONA: (tap mr. afuye shoulder) it’s time to move on
Mr. Afuye: see am hungry, let’s find something to eat
OLUTONA: Abraham you eat yesterday, and it’s still early
Mr. Afuye: but we journey all night
OLUTONA: No we started by 3am it’s very early
Mr. Afuye: henhen, me I don’t know ooo, because am very hungry, and if I did not
eat anything, I can’t move on (as he sat down showing a sign of refuser)
OLUTONA: this is the time for you to prepare for what is coming
Mr. Afuye: what is coming that haven’t come all this while
OLUTONA: see, the next phase is dangerous
Mr. Afuye: see, every phase his dangerous
“As he was lying down, enietan enter the stage, eating bread and akara,
with cane in his hand, as the aroma wakes afuye up”
Mr. Afuye: (sniffing) what smelling, I smell sweetness
OLUTONA: hahaha, he sis here, with deceit
Mr. Afuye: see, am smelling bread not deceit, hot one
OLUTONA: the devil has come to kill and destroy, don’t be filled with lust
Mr. Afuye: woo, this is hunger not lust
“As enietan was laughing while eating stretching some potion to afuye”
Mr. Afuye: (afuye moves closer to him and said) Bros can I have some
ENIETAN: sure, extending the bread to him, while redrawing his hand saying, not
that fast
OLUTONA: (tapping afuye saying) Abraham, you see he will always want
something in return
Mr. Afuye: (push his hand away saying) that’s fine
OLUTONA: saying, man shall not leave by bread alone
Mr. Afuye: wo this is bread and akara, see you’re interrupting our conversation
OLUTONA: he will lure into darkness
Mr. Afuye: when I finish eating, we will go to your place of light, that why my
father gave you to me
ENIETAN: enough (with action) you want this
Mr. Afuye: yes sir
ENIETAN: Ten you’ll have to choose
Mr. Afuye: Choose
ENIETAN: Yes, between me and him, because he can harm me
Mr. Afuye: Ha, but that will be difficult ooo
ENIETAN: (as enitan preparing himself to leave) so no wahala
Mr. Afuye: wait, see olutona try and understand, I will see you soon ok
“olutona shake his head and leave, has afuye collect the bread and
followed enietan”

Act three: scene one

NARRATOR: Reading (Gen. 17 vs 4-7)
“People carrying small small bag enter the stage murmuring, as the volume
goes up carrying bigger load as the set on stage with enietan and his
people, as enietan sat down watch them roaming in a place, laughing

ENIETAN: you see I use wonder how easy it is for me to capture afuye the man of
convenant, may you leave long here ooo, this is the cell for those that enjoy lust
and choose to lose their battle to me HAHAHA, enjoy your eternity with me.
“So they continue to suffer on stage as the narrator enter”
NARRATOR: These are souls of covenant, generation of Abraham suffering,
lamenting, while the book of prophecy make these souls king winners and light in
this dark word, hmmmm
Expectation of heaven his for Afuye Abraham to save this souls from bondage not
leaving in bondage with them, they are all worshippers, those that believe there is
God but choose not to accept him, have you choose to lose your battle to the
devil, worshippers with two names?
You either bear Afuye that can trick by the devil and carry burdens, or bear the
name of covenant to fulfill his will.

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