Grammar Structure

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Nomor 1.

Soal This question is marked in red

Dec 26, 2004, was a day that I will never forget. It was the day I experienced my
first earthquake. l had just ..... home from mosque and was lying on the living
room sofa watching the news on TV. My little brother was in my room playing,
and my older sister was in the kitchen preparing our breakfast. Our parents were
still sleeping.

At exactly 3.08 a.m., the earthquake ...... my country. Our house started .......
violently as it ..... a small wooden boat being tossed by giant waves in the ocean.
At first, none realized what was happening. Then my sister yelled, "Earthquake!
Get under something!" I was too stunned to move, but the shaking was so strong
that I soon fell off the sofa onto the floor. I half rolled, half crawled across the
floor to the dining table and got under it. My sister was sitting on the floor kitchen,
holding her arms ...... her head to protect it from falling dishes. She yelled at my
little brother to get under his desk, but he wanted to be near us. He tried to get out
of my room, but he kept falling down. The earthquake lasted less than a minute,
but it seemed like a year to us.

a. Get

b. Getting

c. Gotten

d. Got


PILIHAN A : merupakan pilihan yang kurang tepat sebab “get” merupakan

bentuk verb 1

PILIHAN B : merupakan pilihan yang kurang tepat sebab “getting”

merupakan bentuk v-ing

PILIHAN C merupakan jawaban yang tepat sebab pola ini merupakan

bentuk Past participle: had gotten

Pola = S + had + V3/been

PILIHAN D : : merupakan pilihan yang kurang tepat sebab “got”

merupakan bentuk verb 2

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 2.
Soal This question is marked in red

School uniforms are uniforms which are obligatory to be …. by the students in the
school or any other educational …. School uniforms tell …. things such as
students' grade level and school or institution identity. Nowadays, school
uniforms become a ….issue among parents. Some of them think that school
uniforms are necessary, while others think that they ….

A. Debatable

B. Debater

C. Debate

D. Debating

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Arti kalimat:

“Saat ini, seragam sekolah menjadi isu yang …. di kalangan orangtua


Kalimat tersebut tidak lengkap karena membutuhkan adjective yang

menjelaskan noun “issue”.

Pilihan B, C dan D salah karena bukan merupakan bentuk adjective.

Debater adalah Noun, Debate adalah Verb, dan Debating adalah Noun.

Jawaban [A] karena debatable merupakan adjective yang memiliki arti

dapar diperdebatkan dan merupakan adjective yang dapat digunakan untuk
menjelaskan noun “issue”.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 3.
Soal This question is marked in red

Riau Province is one of the gateways for an international syndicate to smuggle

endangered animals, Director of Criminal Detective Unit of the Riau Provincial
Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner Andri Sudarmadi said on Sunday. The Riau
Provincial Police foiled a smuggling attempt by confiscating four African lion
babies, a leopard baby, and 58 Indiana Star turtles early on Saturday (Dec. 14,
2019). …… Saturday night, the Riau Provincial Natural Resources Conservation
Office (BBKSDA) also rescued three orangutan babies left behind by unidentified
people near…… in Pekanbaru, capital of Riau Province. During the raid, the
police arrested two people for allegedly being involved in an international animal
trade syndicate. If found guilty, the two suspects identified by their initials as
Yat and Is…….sentenced to up to 10 years in jail. The attempt of smuggling
endangered animals via Riau is the second of its kinds foiled by the police this
year. In October 2019, the police also arrested a person accused ..... of smuggling a
cheetah baby. Chief of the Riau Provincial Police Inspector General Agung Setya
Imam Effend said the police will continue to launch a manhunt for other suspects.
He said a lion or leopard….. at up to US32,000 or Rp450 million, while an Indiana
Star turtle is priced at US1,200 or Rp17 million in the black market

The suitable word to fill out the blank is…..

A. May be

B. Must be

C. Should be

D. Is going to be

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Modals adalah sebuah bentuk kata yang membantu kata kerja dan sering
digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa sebuah kalimat mengandung makna
tentang “saran” , “kemampuan”, “pernyataan izin/permintaan”, “keharusan”,
dan “kemungkinan”. Modals selalu diikuti oleh kata kerja pertama.

Kalimat pada soal menggunakan jenis Modals yang mengandung makna

“kemungkinan” karena ada kata “if” di depannya

Pilihan (B) salah karena “must be” mengandung makna “keharusan”

dengan tingkat kepastian yang tinggi

Pilihan (C) salah karena “should be” mengandung makna “saran”

Pilihan (D) salah karena “is going to be” mengandung makna

“kemungkinan yang cukup pasti akan terjadi”

Jawaban (A) benar karena “may be” mengandung makna “kemungkinan”

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 4.
Soal This question is marked in red

The researchers also … levels of a hormone called oxytocin in the mothers’

… babies’ urine, which is also … as the “cuddle” hormone as it is linked with
caregiving and affectionate behavior. Levels … cortisol, known as the “stress”
hormone, … also measured using saliva samples.

A. Measuring

B. Measure

C. Measured

D. Have measured

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat di atas harus diikuti bentuk verb yang tepat. Adapun kalimat tersebut
menjelaskan kejadian lampau (hasil penelitian), maka menggunakan simple past
tense, dengan pola:

S + V2 + O

Pilihan A, B dan D salah karena tidak sesuai dengan struktur kalimat

Jawaban [C] karena “measured” mengikuti pola simple past tense, dan sesuai
untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 5.

Soal This question is marked in red

"We think that sleep is a ….. of the body trying to conserve energy in a setting
where energetic levels are ...… down. Our findings suggest that if you ....… to
fast for a day, we would predict you might get ...… because your energetic stores
…... be depleted," said study co-author David Raizen, MD, PhD, an associate
professor of Neurology and member of the Chronobiology and Sleep Institute at

A. Going

B. Goes

C. Go

D. Gone
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat tersebut harus diikuti bentuk verb yang tepat. Maka digunakan “Present
Continuous Tense” dengan pola:

Subject + to be + Verb-ing

Pilihan B, C, dan D salah karena tidak mengikuti pola kalimat present continuous

Jawaban [A] karena “going” mengikuti pola kalimat present continuous tense dan
sesuai untuk melengkapi kalimat.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 6.

Soal This question is marked in red

The energy value of food is usually …. in calories. A calorie is the amount of heat
…. is required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree C. The
number of calories which people need per day ….. It depends on the activity
which the people are involved …. For example; people will need more calories
for standing ….. for sitting, etc.

A. On

B. In

C. Out

D. At
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat dalam soal:

“It depends on the activity which the people are involved … (4)”

Arti kalimat:

“Hal ini bergantung pada aktivitas yang dilakukan orang tersebut/orang

tersebut terlibat didalamnya.”

Kata “involved …” dalam kalimat tersebut merupakan collocation.

Collocation adalah dua atau lebih kata-kata yang sering digunakan
bersama untuk membentuk satu kesatuan makna.

Adapun arti kata “involve …” yang dimaksud adalah terlibat


Pilihan A salah karena bukan collocation yang lazim digunakan.

Pilihan C salah karena bukan collocation yang lazim digunakan.

Pilihan D salah karena bukan collocation yang lazim digunakan.

Jawaban [B] karena kata “in” lazim digunakan bersama kata “involved”
dan menjadi satu kesatuan makna “involved in” yang berarti terlibat dalam
sehingga sesuai untuk melengkapi kalimat.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 7.

Soal This question is marked in red

The researchers also … levels of a hormone called oxytocin in the mothers’ …

babies’ urine, which is also … as the “cuddle” hormone as it is linked with
caregiving and affectionate behavior. Levels … cortisol, known as the “stress”
hormone, … also measured using saliva samples.

A. Was

B. Which

C. Who

D. Were
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat di atas harus dilengkapi dengan reference atau rujukan terhadap sesuatu
yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.

Pilihan A, B dan C salah karena tidak sesuai dengan struktur kalimat

Jawaban [D] karena “were” pada kalimat di atas merujuk pada Tingkat kortisol,
yang dikenal sebagai hormon "stres".

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 8.

Soal This question is marked in red

When Michael Joseph Jackson was born into a large family in a small house in
Gary, Ind., .......... Aug. 29, 1958, no one ............... that he would become perhaps
the most recognizable entertainer on the planet. On the king of pop’s birthday, this
article takes you back through his life and music. Jackson’s rise was swift.

By the time he was 10, he and his brothers were pop sensations performing as the
Jackson 5. The group had four No. 1 Motown hits in a little more than a year,
including “I Want You Back,” all of which ...........Michael’s ebullient high-
pitched voice. By 20, Jackson wanted to .............from his overbearing father, his
demanding siblings and the Jackson 5 sound. His first solo album, “Off the Wall,”
may be the quintessential recording of the disco era. It featured “Don’t Stop ’Til
You Get Enough,” for which Jackson sang with a flirtatious falsetto. Jackson’s
next album was “Thriller,” which was released in 1982 and became the best-
selling album of all time. It won eight Grammy Awards, spent two years on the
Billboard album chart and sold more than 100 million copies around the world.

Jackson’s dancing and innovative music videos, especially the one for the title
track “Thriller,” helped redefine the medium and open MTV to black musicians.

The suitable word to fill in the blank is......

A. Had featured

B. Has featured

C. Would featured

D. Featured
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk

menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di
masa lampau. Rumus Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subjek + Kata Kerja Kedua + Objek

(-) Subjek + Did + not + Kata Kerja Pertama + Objek

(?) Did + Subjek + Kata Kerja Pertama + Objek

Pilihan (A) salah karena “had featured” merupakan bentuk dari “Past
Perfect Tense”

Pilihan (B) salah karena “has featured” merupakan bentuk dari “Simple
Perfect Tense”

Pilihan (C) salah karena “would featured” merupakan bentuk dari “Past
Future Tense”

Jawaban (D) benar karena “featured” merupakan bentuk dari “Simple

Past Tense”

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 9.

Soal This question is marked in red

In … every job or position you hold during your time in the United States will
… you to be punctual, which means … . This practice will serve you well in both
… academic … professional careers.

A. Near

B. Nearly

C. Nothing

D. Accordingly
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat tersebut harus dilengkapi dengan adverb yang sesuai yang

menjelaskan noun phrases every job or position.

Near (adj): Dekat

Nearly (Adv): Hampir

Nothing (Noun): Tidak satupun

Accordingly (Adj): Karena itu

Pilihan A, C, dan D salah karena arti kata tersebut tidak sesuai untuk
melengkapi kalimat dan membentuk kalimat yang logis.

Jawaban [B] karena adverb “Nearly” memiliki arti hampir dan sesuai untuk
melengkapi kalimat dan membentuk kalimat yang logis.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 10.

Soal This question is marked in red

George Washington was commander in chief of the Continental Army during the
American Revolutionary War (1775-83) and served two terms as the first U.S.
president, from 1789 to 1797. The son of a prosperous planter, Washington was
… in colonial Virginia. As a young man, he worked as a … then fought in the
French and Indian War (1754-63). During the American Revolution, he led the
colonial forces to victory over the British … became a national hero. In 1787, he
… president of the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution. Two years later,
Washington became America’s first president. Realizing that the way he handled
the job would impact how future presidents approached the position, he handed
down a legacy of strength, integrity and national purpose. Less than three years
after … office, he died at his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon, at age 67.

A. Left

B. Leaved

C. Leaving

D. Leave
Pembahasan Pembahasan

Untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut, maka diperlukan gerund. Hal ini

ditandai dengan penggunaan kata after sebagai preposisi yang harus
diikuti oleh gerund. Gerund adalah kata benda (noun) yang terbentuk
dari kata kerja (verb) yang diakhiri dengan akhiran -ing.

Pilihan A salah karena left bukan merupakan bentuk gerund.

Pilihan B salah karena leaved bukan merupakan bentuk gerund.

Pilihan D salah karena leave bukan merupakan bentuk gerund.

Jawaban [C] benar karena leaving merupakan bentuk gerund.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 11.

Soal This question is marked in red

School uniforms are uniforms which are obligatory to the students in
the school or any other educational …. School uniforms tell …. things such as
students' grade level and school or institution identity. Nowadays, school uniforms
become a ….issue among parents. Some of them think that school uniforms are
necessary, while others think that they …..

A. Wear

B. Wearing

C. Worn

D. Wears
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Arti kalimat:

“Seragam sekolah adalah seragam yang wajib untuk dipakai oleh siswa di

Maka kalimat diatas perlu dilengkapi dengan verb dalam pola kalimat pasif.
Pola kalimat pasif:

Subject + to be + V3

Pilihan A, B dan D salah karena tidak mengikuti pola kalimat passif.

Jawaban [C] karena worn merupakan verb 3 dari kata kerja wear. Maka
kalimat lengkapmya menjadi:

“School uniforms are uniforms which are obligatory to be worn by the


Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 12.

Soal This question is marked in red

Since 2008, Barrack Obama … president of the United States of America. He is a

historic figure primarily because he is the first African American to hold the
position of president. … policies have gained … many supporters, as well as
many detractors. He is possibly one of the most divisive presidents to govern the
country in the history of the United States. Obama is a … of the Democratic Party
with his presidency coming … the controversial George W. Bush left office.

A. Him

B. He

C. His

D. Her
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

“Kebijakannya telah membuat … mendapat banyak pendukung, dan juga


Kalimat tersebut tidak lengkap karena tidak memiliki objek, adapun objek
yang dimaksud adalah Barrack Obama/He. Objective Pronoun yang tepat
adalah “him”.

Pilihan B salah karena merupakan subjective pronoun.

Pilihan C salah karena merupakan possessive pronoun.

Pilihan D salah karena merupakan possessive pronoun untuk She.

Jawaban [A] karena “him” adalah subjective pronoun yang tepat untuk
Barrack Obama/he.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 13.

Soal This question is marked in red

In … every job or position you hold during your time in the United States will …
you to be punctual, which means … . This practice will serve you well in both …
academic … professional careers.

A. And

B. Or

C. But

D. For

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat tersebut harus dilengkapi dengan “kata depan/preposition” yang

tepat. Terdapat paired conjunction “both” di dalam kalimat tersebut,
pasangan “both” adalah “and”.

Pilihan B, C dan D salah karena bukan pasangan yang tepat untuk paired
conjunction “both”.

Jawaban [A] karena “both” adalah paired conjunction yang selalu

berpasangan dengan “and”.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 14.
Soal This question is marked in red

Although it has been commonly accepted that cats … in Egypt 4000 years ago,
their history among human beings goes back much further. Wild cats are now
known to have lived among the … of Mesopotamia over 100,000 years ago and to
have been domesticated there approximately 12,000 BCE at about the same time
as dogs, sheep, and goats. … excavations in the past ten years have provided
evidence that the Near Eastern Wildcat is the … relative of the modern-day
domestic cat and was bred by Mesopotamian farmers, most probably as … pests,
such as mice, which were attracted by grain supplies.

A. Archeology

B. Archeologic

C. Archeological

D. Archaeologist

Pembahasan Pembahasan

Untuk melengkapi kalimat dalam soal, maka dibutuhkan kata sifat

(adjective) yang fungsinya memodifikasi/menjelaskan kata benda
(noun) excavations dalam kalimat tersebut.

Pilihan A salah karena archeology adalah noun.

Pilihan B salah karena bukan merupakan bentuk adjective.

Pilihan D salah karena archeologist artinya arkeolog, tidak sesuai untuk

melengkapi kalimat.

Jawaban [C] benar karena archeological adalah bentuk adjective yang

tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat dalam soal.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 15.
Soal This question is marked in red

London (CNN) A fire has ….. out at Japan's Shuri Castle on the island of
Okinawa, local police told CNN on Wednesday. People in the area ….....
being evacuated, said a police spokesperson, though it is unclear how
many ….... there are or how big the fire is. The main building of the Shuri
Castle is seen …..... fire in Naha, Okinawa prefecture, southern Japan,
early 31 October 2019. The castle was ….... destroyed during the Battle of
Okinawa in 1945, and reconstruction work was only completed in the early

A. In

B. Around

C. On

D. At

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Untuk menjelaskan situasi kebakaran expression yang digunakan adalah

on fire.

Pilihan A salah karena menggunakan expression yang tidak tepat.

Pilihan B salah karena menggunakan expression yang tidak tepat..

Pilihan D salah karena menggunakan expression yang tidak tepat.

Jawaban [C] karena expression yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam

menjelaskan situasi terbakar adalah on fire.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 16.

Soal Jenny doesn’t want sushi because she has … it before.

A. Doesn’t ever eat

B. Never eat

C. Never eaten

D. Ever eaten
Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat di atas menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang telah selesai dilakukan dan hasil
pekerjaan itu dapat dilihat pada saat sekarang, disebut present perfect tense. Maka
struktur kalimatnya adalah:

S + Have/Has + V3 + O

Pilihan A, B, dan D salah karena tidak sesuai dengan struktur kalimat

Jawaban [C] karena merupakan kalimat negative sehingga ditambahkan never

sebelum V3 (eaten)

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 17.

Soal My mother asked me … the journalism course.

A. That I attended

B. Why had not I attended

C. How often I had attended

D. When had I attended

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat indirect speech dan dalam bentuk past perfect
tense. Maka polanya adalah:

S + had + V3 + O

Pilihan A salah karena tidak sesuai dengan struktur kalimat

Pilihan B dan D salah karena bukan merupakan kalimat Tanya

Jawaban [C] karena “how often I attended” mengikuti pola kalimat di atas yang
berarti seberapa sering saya menghadiri kursus jurnalis.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 18.
Soal The flight was announced delay a moment ago. Now, the passengers … at the

A. Waiting

B. Is waited

C. Are waiting

D. Were waiting

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat dalam soal menggunakan dua pola tenses yaitu past dan present
continuous tense. Pada kalimat pertama menggunakan pola past tense, karena
keterangan waktu “a moment ago” atau beberapa saat lalu menunjukkan sesuatu
yang sudah terjadi. Kalimat kedua menggunakan present continuous tense, hal ini
ditandai dengan penggunaan kata “now” atau saat ini sebagai keterangan waktu
untuk menjelaskan kejadian yang saat ini sedang berlangsung. Maka, untuk
menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dibutuhkan kata kerja bentuk present continuous
yaitu To be + V ing.

Pilihan A salah karena tidak ada to be sebagai auxiliary verb atau kata kerja bantu.

Pilihan B salah karena bukan merupakan bentuk present continuous tense,

melainkan passive voice.

Pilihan D salah karena kata kerja bantu “were” digunakan untuk pola kalimat past
tense, bukan present tense.

Jawaban [C] benar karena sesuai untuk pola kalimat present continuous tense.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 19.

Soal Valentino Rossi has seen his career …. over the years

A. tormenting

B. rejected

C. declining

D. ejected
Pembahasan Pembahasan: C. Declining

Kolom kosong pada soal terletak diantara sebuah noun dan adverb waktu yang
terletak setelah unsur Subject dan Verb, maka jawaban B dan D salah karena yang
dibutuhkan bukan V3 namun sebuah gerund. Kata tormenting berarti menyiksa
atau menghancurkan tidak cocok dengan konteks kalimat yang menyatakan
perjalanan karir seseorang, maka jawaban yang paling benar ialah C.

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

Nomor 20.

Soal Susi: What a nice nail arts! Did you make it yourself?

Sari: No, I got it made

The underlined sentences means…

A. Sari made the nail arts herself

B. Sari had to make the nail arts

C. Someone made Sari’s nail arts

D. Sari would have made the nail arts

Pembahasan Pembahasan:

Kalimat di atas merupakan bentuk causative, digunakan dalam kalimat yang

mengandung pengertian bahwa subjek dalam kalimat ini tidak melakukan suatu

Pilihan A, B, dan D salah karena tidak sesuai dengan struktur kalimat

Jawaban [C] karena kalimat causative bermakna bahwa seseorang membuatkan

nail arts untuk Sari

Materi Grammar 1 (cloze Test)

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