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Elliptical sentence

1. Positive Elliptical Auxilarry :

 Too
Form : S1 + V1 + O1 and S2 + aux + too
Contoh L He is a student and you are too
 So
Form : S1 + V1 + O1 and + so + aux + S2
Contoh : He is a student and so are you
 Either
Form : Either + S1 + or + S2 + V + O
Contoh :Either He or You are student
 Both
Form : Both + S1 + and + S2 + V + O
Contoh : Both He and You are student
 Both of
Form : Both of + O + V + O
Contoh : Both of us are student
Adverbs of Frequency ( mengandung makna
2. Negative Elliptical negative ). Misalnya dalam kalimat tidak
 Either terdapat kata not, namun ada AoF, maka tetap
Form : S1+V1 + O1 + and + S2 + aux + Not Either saja kalimat itu negative. Misalnya :
Contoh : He is not a student and you are not either
 Never
 Seldom
 Neither  Rarely
Form : S1+V1 + O1 + and + Neither + aux + S2  Barely
Contoh : He is not a student and Neither are you  Hardly
 Few. Etc
Form : Neither + S1 + nor + S2 + V +O
Contoh : Neither He nor You are student Contoh : I never go to school and you are not
either / I never go to school and neither are
you .

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