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2021/1/25 ⼩測試 Quiz (概率 Probability)

Dashboard / My courses / NMATO2920 (20-21) / (D3) 概率 Probability / ⼩測試 Quiz (概率 Probability)

Question 1
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Marked out of 1.00

When two fair dice are thrown, what is the probability of obtaining two equal numbers?
Select one:
A. 1

B. 1

C. 1


D. 1


Question 2
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Marked out of 1.00

從 「TEA」 和 「TIE」 兩字中各抽出⼀個英⽂字⺟,抽出兩個不同字⺟的概率為

If one letter is chosen from each of the words 'TEA' and 'TIE', the probability of getting different letters is
Select one:
A. 7

B. 2

C. 1

D. 2

Question 3
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Marked out of 1.00

某盒⼦中有 100 個球,其中 25 個是紅⾊的,35 個是藍⾊的,其餘是綠⾊的。若從盒⼦中隨機抽出⼀個球,則抽出的球不是紅⾊的概率為

There are 100 balls in a box. 25 of them are red, 35 are blue and the rest are green. If a ball is chosen from the box at random, the probability that the ball is not red
Select one:
A. 0.75
B. 0.25
C. 0.35
D. 0.4 1/2
2021/1/25 ⼩測試 Quiz (概率 Probability)
Question 4
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Marked out of 1.00

現投擲⼀枚硬幣 100 次,其中 40 次擲得正⾯。以下哪項是正確的?

A coin was tossed 100 times and 40 heads were obtained. Which of the following is correct?
Select one:
A. 擲得正⾯的實驗概率為 0.4。
  The experimental probability of getting a head is 0.4.
B. 擲得正⾯的理論概率為 0.4。
  The theoretical probability of getting a head is 0.4.
C. 這是⼀枚公平的硬幣。
  The coin is a fair coin.
D. 這不是⼀枚公平的硬幣。
  The coin is not a fair coin.

Question 5
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Marked out of 1.00

某次測驗有 10 道選擇題,每題有 4 個選擇。每題答對可得 5 分,答錯則扣 2 分。若每題均隨意選⼀個答案,則得分的期望值是多少?

There are 10 multiple choice questions in a test, each with 4 options. 5 marks are awarded for each correct answer while 2 marks are deducted for each wrong
answer. What is the expected score by randomly guessing answer for each question?
Select one:
A. -2.5
B. -0.25
C. -10
D. 30

◀ 期望值 Expected Value

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