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The overshadowed role of electron ionization–mass

spectrometry in analytical biotechnology
Deyber Arley Vargas Medina 1,2, ]]

Edvaldo Vasconcelos Soares Maciel 1,2,

Natalia Gabrielly Pereira dos Santos 1,2 and
Fernando Mauro Lancas 1

Target and untargeted analysis of several compounds are on their mass-to-charge ratios. In EI–MS, gas-phase
crucial methods in important areas such as omics sciences. analyte molecules are bombarded with high-energy
Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) electrons within a vacuum chamber [1•].
is widely used for volatile and thermally stable compounds. In
this case, the electron ionization technique (EI) is preferable as it The EI source comprises a tungsten filament, an ion
produces highly fragmented and reproducible spectra generation compartment, and a series of lenses for ion
comparable to spectral libraries. However, only a fraction of manipulation. The filament generates an electron beam
target compounds is analyzable by GC without chemical that interacts with the sample, following a spiral path
derivatization. Therefore, liquid chromatography (LC) coupled guided by a cathode and small permanent magnets. Upon
with MS is the most used technique. Contrary to EI, collision with the electron beam, the gas-phase molecules
electrospray ionization does not produce reproducible spectra. absorb energy and undergo ionization by losing an elec­
That is why researchers have been working on interfaces tron, resulting in the formation of odd-electron ca­
between LC and EI–MS to bridge the gap between those tion radicals (M+•). These species are inherently unstable
techniques. This short review will discuss advancements, and readily undergo consecutive fragmentation through
applications, and perspectives on biotechnological analysis. intramolecular reactions, generating more stable species.
The positively charged species generated are subse­
Addresses quently ejected from the ionization source by applying a
Laboratory of Chromatography, Institute of Chemistry at Sao Carlos, positive potential to a repeller. Within the mass analyzer,
University of Sao Paulo, P.O Box 780, 13566590 Sao Carlos, Brazil
2 ions are separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/
Clemens Schöpf Institute, Department of Chemistry, Technical
University of Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany z) and recorded in the EI mass spectra [2].

Corresponding author: Lancas, Fernando Mauro ( EI–MS operates under vacuum conditions, with only ap­
proximately 1 in 10 000 molecules in the ionization source
being ionized. Fragmentation occurs exclusively through
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965 intramolecular reactions, leaving other sample constituents
This review comes from a themed issue on Analytical unaffected. Each EI–MS spectrum serves as a unique
Biotechnology fingerprint for a specific molecule, and the multitude of
Edited by Alexander Gruenberger, Janina Stephanie Bahnemann recorded fragment ions provides valuable structural in­
and Christian Dusny formation for molecular identification and elucidation.
Besides, EI spectra are highly reproducible, so numerous
EI spectra libraries have been established, with some in­
tegrated into MS software packages for automated spectra
Available online xxxx comparison and annotation of unknown analytes. The capability for analyte identification remains the primary
0958–1669/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. advantage of EI–MS over other MS ionization sources.

The unparalleled role of electron ionization in

Electron ionization–mass spectrometry: a volatilomics
brief description During the last decades, tremendous progress in bio­
Electron ionization–mass spectrometry (EI–MS) is a technology and related fields has been made. A suc­
widely employed technique for the analysis of molecular cessful example is human genome sequencing and the
structure and composition in organic compounds. It in­ consequent appearance of important areas such as
volves the vaporization and ionization of sample mole­ genomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and so on [3••].
cules, followed by their separation and detection based Omics techniques aim to systematically analyze large Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

2 Analytical Biotechnology

Abbreviations GC Gas chromatography

LC Liquid chromatography
API Atmospheric pressure ionization LEI Liquid electron ionization
DIP Direct inlet probe MS Mass spectrometry
EI Electron impact or ionization m/z Mass-to-charge ratio
E-LEI-MS Extractive-Liquid Sampling Electron MOI Microfluidic open interface
Ionization-Mass Spectrometry SPME Solid-phase microextraction
ESI Electrospray ionization SIDS Sudden infant death syndrome
FIA Flow injection analysis VOCs Volatile organic compounds

cohorts of biological-related molecules to get informa­ specific ionic fragments from each target compound sepa­
tion about an organism’s state, function, and dynamics rately [10]. GC–MS/MS, utilizing high-resolution detectors
[4••]. Volatilomics studies the emission of volatile or­ such as time-of-flight and Orbitrap, is an ideal technique
ganic compounds (VOCs) produced by metabolic path­ for accurate mass determination across the entire m/z
ways, easily found in noninvasive matrices (e.g. saliva, (mass-to-charge ratio) range [11]. Therefore, GC–MS and
urine, exhaled breath, and flowers) [5]. VOCs are en­ GC–MS/MS with low-resolution (e.g. quadrupoles or ion
dogenous or exogenous compounds (< 1500 Da). No­ traps) or high-resolution detectors have been successfully
tably, the analysis of VOCs can aid in the detection of used in bioanalytical-related applications, including medi­
diseases in humans, animals, and plants, as well as the cine [8], natural products [12], drug discovery [13], foo­
presence of microorganisms and other pathogenic agents domics [14], and biotechnology [15–17].
[5,6]. Approximately 2746 VOCs have been identified in
humans so far [7]. Regardless of the technique, un­ Summarizing, GC–EI–MS plays a crucial role in various
targeted or nontargeted analyses are challenging, often biotechnological applications, currently contributing i)
demanding several steps, including experimental design, the diagnosis cancers, respiratory disorders, and in­
data acquisition, and processing [6]. Because of the un­ fectious diseases, ii) drug development based on volatile
ique characteristics of the compounds, their variable compounds released by microorganisms, plants, or other
concentration, and the complexity of the matrices where biological sources, iii) monitoring of plant health, asses­
they are found, powerful analytical techniques are re­ sing the ripeness or quality of fruits, vegetables, and
quired for their determination [6]. other agricultural products, iv) bioprocess optimization
by monitoring VOCs as markers of the efficiency, per­
Gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry formance, and productivity of fermentation, microbial
(GC–MS) is widely used, especially in the case of growth, and other biotechnological processes, and v) in
VOC analysis. This technique has several advantages, microbiome studies, among many other areas [3].
such as high reproducibility, efficiency, and sensitivity
below ppt levels [6]. Concerning MS, EI is the most Given recent advancements in GC, including compre­
reliable, efficient, and used ionization technique in hensive GCxGC, and the increasing affordability of high-
combination with GC [8]. The robust ionization process resolution mass spectrometers, it is widely acknowledged
of EI (70 eV) produces highly fragmented and re­ that GC–MS(MS) satisfactorily meets the requirements
producible spectra, which, combined with its well-un­ for analyzing VOCs. On the other hand, it is widely re­
derstood fragmentation rules, allows comparison against cognized that GC is suitable for the straightforward ana­
available spectral libraries [8]. EI provides each analyte lysis of volatile and thermally stable compounds.
with a spectrum that resembles a fingerprint, which is However, for compounds that are not inherently volatile
reproducible across different MS instruments. Ad­ or thermally stable, chemical derivatization is often ne­
ditionally, matrix effects are rarely observed, as the cessary to enhance their thermal stability and volatility,
highly energetic process extinguishes most molecular thus enabling their analysis by GC [18]. It should be
interactions [9]. The reproducible fragmentation pattern noted that derivatization procedures are typically labor­
combined with the GC retention time helps identify ious, time-consuming, and susceptible to sample losses.
known and unknown compounds. Although the re­ Moreover, it is estimated that only a narrow fraction of
cognized efficiency of EI, omics studies often generate a compounds of current interest are analyzable by GC–MS
large set of data containing hundreds of compounds, without any previous procedure (Figure 1) [19••]. Of
making the MS spectra interpretation difficult [10]. course, this is a problem for many researchers.

To overcome this downside, gas chromatography–tandem For this reason, the main technique currently chosen for
mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) can be used to analyze nonvolatile compound analysis is liquid chromatography

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

Electron impact mass spectrometry in biotechnology Vargas Medina et al. 3

Figure 1

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Recommended chromatography-based methods according to the classes of compounds and polarity.

Reprinted with permission from [51]. Copyright (2020) Elsevier.

coupled to MS using electrospray ionization (LC–ESI–MS). ambient of EI–MS in an efficient way. Two alternatives
LC has become a more versatile technique than GC, with could be explored for that purpose: i) the coupling of
similar or even better sensitivity and efficiency [19••]. EI–MS to LC and ii) the development of probes for
Moreover, LC can analyze target compounds in a broader directly introducing samples into the source.
range of molecular weights, with different polarities and
without thermal stability or volatility issues (Figure 1) [17]. The coupling of electron ionization–mass spectrometry
However, one drawback is the incapability of comparing with nano-liquid chromatography
ESI-generated spectra against spectral libraries due to the Although in the past, the possibility to obtain EI–MS
soft-ionization process and nonreproducible data [20]. spectra by coupling with LC was strongly limited by the
Therefore, the optimal approach involves coupling EI with considerable amount of used mobile phase (mL/min), this
GC and LC, enabling the analysis of GC- and LC-amenable is a problem almost completely superseded by the modern
compounds using EI. During the last 22 years, several works nano-LC [19,22••]. At nL/min flow rates, the impact of the
focused on the topic have been published, reinforcing its mobile phase over the EI–MS process drastically di­
importance. Here, we bring to the journal audience an minishes, and some standard EI–MS spectra can be ob­
overview of how much progress has been made, high­ tained from the liquid effluent. At the moment, three nano-
lighting interesting applications and what to expect soon. LC–EI–MS-interfacing strategies have been introduced: i)
Can EI finally reach the same popularity as its counter­ Direct EI, ii) liquid electron ionization (LEI), and iii) Cold
part ESI? EI. Although still with limitations, those interfaces are ex­
tending the range of the applicability of nano-LC–EI–MS
The potential of electron ionization–mass toward heavier and more polar compounds.
spectrometry for the analysis of nonvolatile
compounds and analytical biotechnology Direct EI relies on introducing the nano-LC effluent
Before the emergence of modern ESI sources, EI–MS into the ionization source through a fine capillary tube
was widely used for peptide sequencing, proteomic, and (20–25-µm i.d.). This strategy can provide reproducible
genomic studies [21]. Through derivatization, peptides mass spectra for several types of molecules and provides
were converted into volatile polyaminoalcohols analyz­ the first demonstration of the absence of matrix effects
able by GC–MS. Although it was a confident strategy in the analysis of biological samples via nano-
until before the emergence of modern atmospheric LC–EI–MS [22••]. Direct EI has facilitated important
pressure ionization sources, the process was tedious, la­ achievements, such as developing portable nano-
borious, and time-consuming. However, is it possible to LC–EI–MS instruments for forensic analysis [23] and
exploit the structural elucidation advantages of EI–MS determining free fatty acid profiles without needing es­
in analyzing nonvolatile or large molecules without de­ terification stages [24]. This previous study reveals par­
rivatization stages? That achievement depends on the ticular importance since it sets the bases for future
possibility of transferring the heavier analytes from a lipidomic studies based on nano-LC–EI–MS. Although
condensate phase (liquid or solid) to the vacuum Direct EI is still quite limited, this interfacing strategy Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

4 Analytical Biotechnology

could bring important insights exploiting narrow-bore The potential of modern nano-liquid
(< 25) open tubular columns (OT) [25•]. OTs can be chromatography–electron ionization–mass
directly coupled to the EI source without additional spectrometry in analytical biotechnology
interfacing devices, avoiding extra column void volume Although significant advances have been made in nano-
and improving separation/detection efficiency [26•]. LC–EI–MS in recent years, the literature on analytical
Recently, a series of OT columns with 2.0-µm i.d has biotechnology primarily relies on LC–EI–MS with lim­
demonstrated outstanding efficiency and peak capacity ited reports. This scarcity can be attributed to the un­
for digested protein analysis [27,28]. The future cou­ derdeveloped nature of the technique and its restricted
pling of those columns in nano-LC–EI–MS could bring accessibility, with only a few research groups worldwide
essential contributions to the development of the tech­ actively engaged in this field.
nique and enlarge its applicability range by reduction of
the mobile- phase flow rate until the pL/min order. However, some interesting biotechnological-related
applications of nano-LC–EI–MS have been explored.
LEI is a more advanced nano-LC–EI–MS-interfacing For instance, nano-LC–EI–MS has been tested for the
technology than Direct EI and provides a more ex­ determination of pharmaceutical drugs used in treating
tended applicability range, less noised spectra, and im­ psychiatric disorders and pain management [36]. No­
proved detection limits [29]. Those improvements result table publications include the determination of ben­
from incorporating a tailored vaporization chamber that zodiazepines in alcoholic beverages [37], and the study
efficiently separates the stages of mobile-phase eva­ of trans-cinnamaldehyde absorption in dermal tissues
poration and analytes’ ionization. The merits of LEI using a nano-LC–EI–MS with a Direct-EI interface
have been mainly demonstrated in the targeted analysis [38]. Additionally, the analysis of potential genotoxic
of small molecules of diverse polarity, such as pesticides, impurities in active ingredients for drug formulation
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hormones, and phe­ has demonstrated the time-saving benefits of nano-
nols [30]. However, this interface also could allow the LC–EI–MS by avoiding extensive sample preparation
performance of untargeted metabolic studies via nano- and derivatization processes [39]. In lipidomics-related
LC–EI–MS. For example, during the study of sudden studies, nano-LC–EI–MS has shown promise with
infant death syndrome (SIDS), a newborn victim brain studies profiling free fatty acids in mussels [24] and
sample was analyzed using LEI in full-scan mode. With determining nonesterified free fatty acids (FFAs) in
the aid of deconvolution software, the technique allowed human plasma as a health indicator in diabetic patients
the easy and unequivocal identification of markers un­ [40]. Another area of interest where LC–EI–MS has
derneath the matrix peak [31]. been applied is in the analysis of dietary supplements.
Studies have quantified soy-content isoflavones in
Furthermore, Cold EI is an interface developed for the dietary supplements and analyzed urine samples from
obtention of EI spectra with enhanced molecular ions. patients treated with these products [41]. LC–EI–MS
This interface relies on the ionization of cold molecules in has also been employed for the quantification of
supersonic beams and works with both GC and micro-/ naturally occurring ephedrine alkaloids in standard
nano-LC [32]. Cold EI is also practically free of matrix reference materials [42] and the analysis of poly­
effects and provides superior identification capabilities phenols and caffeine in Camellia sinensis extracts
than standard EI. The assignment of molecular formulas certified as NIST reference materials for dietary sup­
is more confident from the enhanced molecular ion and plement quality control [43]. Overall, these applica­
its isotopic pattern [33]. LC–Cold EI–MS has demon­ tions demonstrate the potential of LC–EI–MS in
strated applicability to a more extended range of polarity analytical biotechnology, highlighting its advantages
than LC–ESI–MS and superior separation/detection ef­ and providing insights for further development in
ficiency — providing narrower chromatographic peaks — the field.
than GC–EI–MS [34]. Currently, Cold EI has made
possible the coexistence of GC–MS and LC–MS in a Direct input techniques in electron
single instrument [33]. A recent instrument introduced by ionization–mass spectrometry
the developers of the Cold EI can easily switch between Bio-solid-phase microextractio–electron
GC–EI–MS and LC–EI–MS via software and without ionization–mass spectrometry
instrumental modification. That unified instrument even Advances in the area of detection, mainly in MS, have
can record GC and LC effluents in the same chromato­ allowed the direct coupling of sample preparation tech­
gram. Although still enduring important limitations, the niques such as solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with
future improvement of unified chromatography with Cold MS, making it a tool for rapid screening and quantifi­
EI–MS could allow the complementary GC–MS/LC–MS cation of analytes. Considering that SPME requires low
information for more broad exploration of unknown volumes of solvents to desorb the fiber, it ends up being
samples. Figure 2 summarizes some examples of im­ a great option for direct coupling with EI–MS. Cappiello
portant applications of nano-LC–EI–MS. and collaborators coupled the SPME fibers to the

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

Electron impact mass spectrometry in biotechnology Vargas Medina et al. 5

Figure 2

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Some examples of recent applications of nano-LC–EI–MS. (a) Comparative scheme of the mass spectra of C18 fatty acid obtained by nano-LC–EI–MS
with Direct-EI interface, and the spectra in the NIST database [22•]. (b) Cromatogram of the extract obtained from a SIDS victim’s brain sample
analyzed via nano-LC–EI–MS with an LEI interface [28•]. (c) Cromatogram of unified GC–EI–MS and LC–EI–MS obtained in a unified instrument
equipped with a Cold-EI interface [35]. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

6 Analytical Biotechnology

Figure 3

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Direct introduction techniques to EI–MS. (a) SPME device used for matrix analyte extraction. Soon after, use of the MOI to desorb the analytes and
introduce them into the LEI–MS. (b) FIA device for direct introduction of the sample into the Direct EI–MS. (c) DIP probe used for direct introduction of
solid samples into the EI ionization chamber for subsequent MS detection.
(a) Reprinted with permission from [44]. Copyright (2020) American Chemical Society. (b) Adapted from [45].

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

Electron impact mass spectrometry in biotechnology Vargas Medina et al. 7

LEI–MS through a microfluidic open interface (MOI) ionization chamber, where the sample is vaporized and
(Figure 3a) [44]. MOI is a desorption chamber into ionized by electron impacts, and then, the generated ions
which the analytes extracted on the SPME fiber are are detected in the MS [49]. This technique is very fast
desorbed by a solvent at atmospheric pressure and and can be used for the direct obtention of EI–MS spectra
subsequently pumped to an LEI–MS interface. of nonvolatile solid and liquid samples. For instance,
DIP–MS has been successfully employed as a rapid and
Flow injection analysis direct electron ionization–mass straightforward tool for identifying heavy and ultraheavy
spectrometry crude oils, asphaltenes, and tar sands in field applications,
Samples can be directly introduced into an EI–MS source eliminating the requirement for prior separation or treat­
via flow injection analysis (FIA). Analysis time becomes ment. By programming the probe temperature ramp,
even faster, bringing highly reliable information about the DIP–MS enabled the detection of individual components
nature of the analyte, considering the accuracy of the EI within the mixture up to masses of 950 m/z [50]. Despite
spectra. Injection via FIA consists of boosting the sample its promising potential, DIP has not been extensively
through a valve, and a carrier liquid constantly transports explored in the context of biotechnological analysis, and
the sample. With the help of a peristaltic pump, the there are few or no reports describing its applicability in
sample can be driven to Direct EI–MS (Figure 3b) [45]. this field found in the literature. Conducting additional
Analytes together with the mobile phase are converted studies to explore the use of DIP for obtaining EI–MS
into an aerosol under high temperature and vacuum. In­ spectra of proteins, other biomolecules and even viruses
side the ionization chamber, there is a hot vaporization or bacteria could yield valuable insights into the field of
surface, which allows the vaporization of the sample and biotechnological analysis.
subsequent ionization with electrons.
Techniques for direct sample introduction into the
Extractive liquid sampling–electron ionization–mass EI–MS source are excellent alternatives to conventional
spectrometry methods, such as GC–MS, for quick and easy identifi­
Those abovementioned Direct EI–MS sample in­ cation of compounds and subsequent decision-making.
troduction systems rely on the use of FIA or HPLC Rapid detection techniques are promising in the area of
(High Performance Liquid Chromatography) pumps. biotechnology, or other fields such as chemistry, biology,
However, bear in mind that those systems dispense the and clinical and forensic analysis, as they can be the
use of the chromatographic column, and work very re­ initial step within analytical studies. Fields such as the
duced back pressures, in a previous review, we asked discovery of biomarkers (whether metabolites or pro­
and raise the possibility to develop straightforward teins) for disease prognosis or diagnosis; development of
EI–MS ambient sampling systems exploiting the MS new drug candidates; analysis of metabolites and mar­
vacuum pump to propel the sample into ionization EI kers in plants; control of toxins and xenobiotics in
source [1•]. A first attempt to materialize that idea was plants; and proteins in tissues, are some possibilities that
recently introduced by the Cappiello research group. the authors believe that these techniques have potential
They developed a novel analytical strategy called ex­ to be explored.
tractive liquid sampling–electron ionization–mass spec­
trometry (E-LEI–MS), which enables direct analysis of
samples without the need for separation or pretreatment Conclusions and future perspectives
steps [46••]. E-LEI–MS combines a device for solvent EI is an ionization technique with an unparalleled ability
release and ambient sampling with an EI source in a to provide highly reproducible and comparable mass
single-quadrupole mass spectrometer (Figure 3c). This spectra. Along with GC, EI–MS is the chief technique in
system has demonstrated successful applications in the targeted and untargeted determination of volatile
analyzing active ingredients in pharmaceutical tablets, compounds in several research fields. However, only less
detecting pesticides on fruit peel, determining drugs of of the 20% of molecules of current interest are analyz­
abuse (such as cocaine) on banknotes, and analyzing able by GC–EI–MS. Developing technology that allows
unknown components on painting surfaces. exploiting the advantages of EI–MS in the analysis of
nonvolatile compounds could bring new critical insights
Direct inlet probe into biotechnological research. Hence, the coupling with
The direct inlet probe (DIP) probe is one way to in­ nano-LC, through Direct EI, LEI, and Cold-EI inter­
troduce solid or liquid samples directly into the EI–MS faces, is expanding the range of applicability of the
source, currently available in many commercial GC–MS EI–MS and opening the door for the development of
instruments. This probe consists of a stainless-steel rod unified GC/LC instruments. Although important ad­
designed, so that a quartz cup (i.d. 1 mm, length 7 mm) vances have been achieved in the last 20 years, nano-
can be fitted at the tip into which a solid sample of LC–EI–MS still endures significant limitations.
∼0.2 mg is introduced [47,48]. In this approach, the Therefore, direct sample introduction strategies are a
sample contained in the DIP is introduced into the promising alternative for obtaining EI–MS spectra of Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

8 Analytical Biotechnology

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Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2023, 82:102965

Electron impact mass spectrometry in biotechnology Vargas Medina et al. 9

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