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A;hi there,i’d like to buy a train ticket

B;alright,where are you headed

A;iam going to surabay,to the theathre.

B;alright,you are going to want to take the orang line

A;great! When does the next train leave

B;the next train departs in about 20 minutess

A;okay.i have never ridden a train before

B;Business class is one of the niicer classes

A;Okay ill take one business class ticket,then.

B;alright,that will be 70 rp

A;okay now,what am i allowed to bring?

B;anything you bring must weigh less than 50lbs.

A;thats fine:all i have is my where will my train come in

B;right over there-you can just wait on these benches

A;sounds goods!

B:the anouncer wil call your in 20 minutes

A;thank u

(A GO to the benches near by than see a person sedang makan kerupuk dan sitting in the benches)



A:excuse me,can i sit next to you

c;sure,go ahead

A;thank you

c;youre want some(menawarkan kerupuknya)

A;No. thank you,i already ate a few hours ago.btw where are you going to?

C;(Kamu nanyaaa aku mau kemana,biar aku kasih tahu y)ah, iam going to surabaya

A;me too,iam going to surbaya too.what r u doing in surabaya

c;iam going to surabaya for study

A;thats awesome.

C ;How bout u,what r u doing in surabaya

A;i will visit my husband/Wife,we have never met since he have to work there last year,imiss him/her so much


A;have you go with train before?

C Yes:this my fifth
A;Wow thats great,this my first time on a train,iam nervosu

C;its alright miss,it will be a great experience for u

A;i hope so

(20 minutes the train appear)


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