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7/20/2023 201041- Selecting Samples 1

Learning Objective

• What is sampling? The need to sampling?

• The basic concepts and sampling process.

• Probability / Non – Probability sampling.

• The appproriate sampling design

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Chapter outline

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Stages in the sampling

Sampling teachniques
What is the appproriate sampling design

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201041- Selecting Samples
3.1. Introduction
Selecting samples
Population, sample and individual cases

Source: Saunders et al. (2009)

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3.1. Introduction
The need to sample
Sampling- a valid alternative to a census when

• A survey of the entire population is impracticable

• Budget constraints restrict data collection

• Time constraints restrict data collection

• Results from data collection are needed quickly

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3.2. Stages in the sampling
The four stage process

1. Identify sampling frame from research objectives

2. Decide on a suitable sample size

3. Select the appropriate technique and the sample

4. Check that the sample is representative

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3.3. Sampling teachniques
Overview of sampling techniques

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Probability- Non Probability

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3.3.1. Probability sampling
Five main techniques used for a probability

• Simple random

• Systematic

• Stratified random

• Cluster

• Multi-stage

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Sample random –
chọn mẫu ngẫu nhiên
1. Indentify Sample frame

2. List of all elements

3. Put the number to list

4. Sample random

Viện Nghiên cứu Kinh tế Phát triển 10

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Systematic Sampling
- Chọn mẫu hệ thống
Sample frame N = 1000
n = 100
1 11 21 ... 991 Bước nhảy SI = N/n = 10
2 12 22 ... 992
3 13 23 ... 993
Kết quả
6 16 26 ... 996
Điểm xuất phát = 6
Phần thứ 2 = 16
8 18 28 ... 998 Phần tử thứ 3 = 26
9 19 29 ... 999 ...
10 20 30 ... 1000 Phần tử thức 100 = 996

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7/20/2023 201041- Selecting Samples
Stratified sampling
- Chọn mẫu phân tầng
Các đơn vị mẫu (giai tầng xã hội)

Tổng thể Mẫu

nghiên cứu nghiên cứu
Viện Nghiên cứu Kinh tế Phát triển 12
7/20/2023 201041- Selecting Samples
Cluster sampling
- Mẫu theo phương pháp chọn nhóm
Các nhóm mẫu (khu vực địa lý)

Tổng thể Mẫu nghiên

nghiên cứu cứu
Viện Nghiên cứu Kinh tế Phát triển 13
7/20/2023 201041- Selecting Samples
Multi- Stage sampling
- chọn mẫu nhiều giai đoạn

7/20/2023 201041- Selecting Samples
3.3.2. Non- probability sampling
Sampling techniques

• Convenience sampling

• Quota sampling (larger populations)

• Snowball sampling

• Judgment sampling

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Convinience sampling
- chọn mẫu thuận tiện

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201041- Selecting Samples
Quota sampling
- chọn mẫu theo định mức

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Snowball sampling
- chọn mẫu phát triển mầm

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201041- Selecting Samples
Judgment sampling
- chọn mẫu phán đoán

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201041- Selecting Samples
3.4. What is the
Appropriate Sample Design?

• Degree of accuracy
• Resources
• Time
• Advanced knowledge of the population
• National versus local
• Need for statistical analysis

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