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201041- Collecting primary data using questionnaires 1

Learning Objective

• Questionnaires are often used to collect descriptive and

explanatory data

• Five main types of questionnaire are Internet- or intra-

net mediated, postal, delivery and collection, telephone
and interview schedule

• Precise data that meet the research objectives can be

produced by using a data requirements table

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Learning Objective

• Data validity and reliability and response rate depend on

design, structure and rigorous pilot testing

• Wording and order of questions and question types are

important considerations

• Closed questions should be pre-coded to facilitate data

input and analysis

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Chapter outline

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Steps to a well structured questionnaire

An overview of questionnaire techniques


4.4 Designing the questionnaire

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201041- Collecting primary data using questionnaires
Prolems when collecting data

Who? Sampling

What? Questionaire

How? Ways to collecting

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4.1. Introduction

Definition of Questionnaires

A list of questions asked to selected respondents with

the intention of extra specific information

Adapted from deVaus (2002)

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4.1. Introduction

Purpose of questionnaires
1. To collect the appropriate data

2. To make data comparable and amenable to analysis

3. To minimize bias in formulating and asking question

4. To make questions engaging and varied.

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4.1. Introduction

When to use questionnaires

• For explanatory or descriptive research. Linked with other
methods in a multiple-methods research design.

• To collect responses from a large sample prior to

quantitative analysis.

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4.2. Steps to well structured

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using questionnaires
4.2. Steps to a well structured
Step 1: Decide the information required

What are the things you need to know?

Make it simple and stay in the central part of your reseach

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4.2. Steps to a well structured
Step 2: Define the respondents

Wraw up a sampling frame

Consider factors such as the age, education,
etc. of the target respondents
Make sure that your respondent group will give you
reliable data to your research

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4.2. Steps to a well structured
Step 3: Choose the type(s) of
reaching your target repondents

Post? Email? Internet survey?

Think about your respondents...

How can they be reached in the most efficient way?
How to make it easier for them?
You can always give alternatives!

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4.2. Steps to a well structured
Step 4: Define the respondents


No question should be
included unless the data is
neccessary to the research!

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4.2. Steps to a well structured

Step 5: Develop the question wording

Make the wording clear, simple and logical

Remember the open questions, since they:

- Bring new findings and viewpoints
- Show the respondents’ own thoughts and ideas
- Allow reinforcement of respondents’ viewpoints

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4.2. Steps to a well structured

Step 6: Put questions into a meaningful order and format

1. Opening questions are CRITICAL:
• Are the first exposure to the interview
• Provide the engagement of the respondent
• Must be easy to answer.
2. Question flow:
• One question must smoothly lead to the next
• Group the questions that are related to the same subject

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4.2. Steps to a well structured

Step 6: Put questions into a meaningful order and format

3. Questions variety:
 Respondents become bored quickly when asked similar
questions too many times.
 An open – ended question here and there may help
 Pictures can help vary the pace and increase interest
4. Appearance of the questionnaire:
 Have a significant impact
 Confusing layouts make it difficult for understanding and are
less attractive.

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4.2. Steps to a well structured

Step 7: Check the length of the questionnaire


Avoid unnecessary questions

Make it as short as possible!

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4.2. Steps to a well structured

Step 8: Pre- test the questionaire

Test the questionaire with a pilot group of respondents

Select the pilot group wisely and as broader as possible

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4.2. Steps to a well structured

Step 9: Develop the final survey form

After pre – testing:

fine tune and develop the final questionaire

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A well designed questionaire is essesstial to a

sucessful survey. A good questionaire:

- Helps achieve the research objectives

- Provides complete and accurate information
- Is easy for both interviews and respondents

Remember the 9 steps!!

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4.2. Steps to a well structured

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201041- Collecting primary data using questionnaires
4.3. An overview of
questionnaire techniques
Types of questionnaire

Saunders et al. (2009)

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4.3. An overview of
questionnaire techniques
Choice of Questionnaire

Related factors
• Characteristics of the respondents and access

• Respondents answers not being contaminated or distorted

• Size of sample required for analysis

• Type and number of questions required

• Available resources including use of computer software

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4.4. Designing the questionnaire
Stages that must occur if a question is to be valid and

Source: developed from Foddy (1994)

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4.4. Designing the questionnaire
Testing for reliability: The 3-stage process
• Test re-test

• Internal consistency

• Alternative form
Source: Mitchell (1996) and Field (2005)

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4.4. Designing the questionnaire
Designing individual questions
Open questions

6 Please list up to three things you like about your job




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4.4. Designing the questionnaire

List questions

7 What is your religion?

Please tick  the appropriate box

Buddhist  None 
Christian  Other 
Hindu 
Jewish 
Muslim 
Sikh 

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4.4. Designing the questionnaire

Category questions

8 How often do you visit the shopping centre?

Interviewer: listen to the respondent’s answer and tick 
as appropriate

 First visit
 Once a week
 Less than fortnightly to once a month
 2 or more times a week
 Less than once a week to fortnightly
 Less often
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4.4. Designing the questionnaire

Ranking questions

9 Please number each of the factors listed below in

order of importance to you in choosing a new car.
Number the most important 1, the next 2 and so
on. If a factor has no importance at all, please
leave blank.

Factor Importance
Carbon dioxide emissions [ ]
Boot size [ ]
Depreciation [ ]
Price [ ]
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4.4. Designing the questionnaire

Rating questions

10 For the following statement please tick the box

that matches your view most closely

Agree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Disagree

I feel employees’    
views have
influenced the
decisions taken
by management

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4.4. Designing the questionnaire

Quantity questions

14 What is your year of birth?

(For example, for 1988 write: )

1 9 8 8

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4.5. Administering the questionnaire

Points to consider
• Internet and intranet-mediated responses

• Postal questionnaires

• Delivery and Collection

• Telephone questionnaires

• Structured interviews
This is interesting. 70% of the
respondents to our questionnaire
said they don’t respond to
Source: Edwards et al.(2002) questionnaires.

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