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Control of a Power Circuit Interface of a Flywheel-based Energy Stor-

age System
J. L. da SilvaNeto', L. G. B. Rolim', G. G. Sotelo3

'.'DEE, UFRJ, Cidade Universitiria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, e-mail : 'luineto@dee.ufrj .br, 'rolim@dee.ufrj .br
COPPE., UFRJ,Cidade Universitaria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, e-mail:

flywheel system, the mechanical and magnetic stresses im-

Abstract- This paper presents a flywheel energy storage posed to the driving electrical machine are very high. For
system, which uses a switched reluctance motodgenerator. It these reasons, the switched reluctance machine (SRM) can
is shown this device operating as a static shunt compensator, be pointed out as a good potential candidate for the in-
and how the power circuits can be controlled in distribution tended application. There are several references in the lit-
systems, to deal with loads that, for short periods of time, de- erature [5-71 describing the application of SRMs as a re-
mand a considerable supplement of alternating real power.
versible stai-tedgeneratorsfor direct coupling to the shaft of
This device can also be used to attenuate the effects of short
interruptions in energy supply. The implementation of the aircraft engines. The main requirements for this kind of ap-
control system was simulated with a commercial program. plication are: i) Operation at very wide speed ranges from
The energy loss, due to friction, will be reduced using a snper- zero up to several ten thousand rpm; iii Fault tolerance. in
conducting magnetic bearing. order to achieve a high reliability.
Both requirements can be fulfilled by the SRM and are
I n d a Terns-Energy storage system; shunt compensation; also necessaiy for applications in high-speed flywheel en-
power circuit control; SRM drive; energy quality. ergy storage systems. Application of SRM in another kind
of flywheel system has also been repoi-ted elsewhere [14].
I. INTRODUCTION The aim of this paper is to present the conception. mathe-
matical modeling and simulation results of the control strat-
The current energy scenario in Brazil is calling for a egy to be applied to the power interface circuits for a high
global effort towards a more efficient use of electrical en-
speed SRM-based flywheel energy storage system.
ergy, as well as for a global improvement in the quality of
its deliveiy. However, as budgets are limited. an acceptable
altemative is the offering of different levels of supply qual-
ity, according to the concept of Custom Power, proposed The operation of a switched reluctance machine (SRM)
by Hingorani in [l]. For the practical implementation of is based on the principle of miniinnla1 reluctance. When the
this concept, several types of equipment can be used, as de- coil of some phase is excited, forces are developed over the
scribed in [ 2 ] . Some of these equipments may employ some
magnetic circuit that tend to bring it to the position where
sort of energy storage device such as batteries or flywheels
the reluctance reaches a minimum, as seen from the ener-
The above reasons have motivated the launch of a joint gized coil. At this position coil inductance reaches a maxi-
project between the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro mum. If this phase is switched off ant the next phase is
(UFRJ) and a local energy distribution company, concem- switched on slightly before this position is reached, con-
ing the development of a flywheel-based energy storage tinuous movement of the rotor can be achieved. Fig. 1.a
device for custom power equipments. Two major potential shows cutaways view of an SRM used throughout this
applications are under consideration for further develop- work with six stator poles and four rotor poles (6/4 con-
ment: the compensation of voltage sags and a short-term figuration).
uninterruptible power supply, to provide ride-through ca-
pability to critical loads under momentary fault or peak
power conditions. With a flywheel system. energy can be
drawn from the grid in a smooth way during periods of
light system loading, imposing a minimum energy demand
while the flywheel is accelerated. The energy can then be
re-injected back into the network during peak load time pe-
riods, reducing the power delivered by the grid.
One significant aspect of the energy storage device is
concemed to the electromechanical energy conversion be-
tween the flywheel and the electrical system to which it is
connected. In this regard, it can be very advantageous if
one and the same electrical machine is used not only to ac- Fig. 1 . A SRM with six stator poles and four rotor poles (614 con-
celerate the flywheel when it is absorbing energy from the
grid, but also for returning energy to the grid when the fly-
wheel should operate as a generator. In such a high-speed The symmetry of the magnetic circuit allows for nearly
null mutual flux linkage, even under saturated conditions.

0-7803-7912-8/03/$17.00 02003 IEEE

As a result, the contribution of each phase for torque pro- tions (l), (2) and (3). In equation (2), V is the coil tenninal
duction is mainly defined by the self-inductance profile of voltage, rs is the coil resistance and i is the current flowing
that phase. Fig. 2 shows a family of inductance and torque through the coil. In equation (3), J is the combined moment
profile curves for one phase as a function of rotor position of inertia (SRM rotor plus flywheel), T, is the electromag-
for different values of phase current, which have been ex- netic torque and T,,, is the opposing torque caused by me-
perimentally obtained with a 1.5 kW laboratory prototype. chanical losses.
The electromagnetic torque produced by one single coil is
given by equation (l), where T, is the torque, 0,. is the rotor
angular position, h is the total flux linked to the coil and i is
the coil current.

In order to cany out the simulations with

PSCADEMTDC, the data tabulated in h(0,., Q must be
manipulated so a inverse relation i(0,., hj could be pro-
duced. The phase inductance has to be modeled as current
source controlled by the total flux linked to the coil and the
rotor position, as shown in Fig. 3. The relationships
T, (0,. , i) and i(0,., h) are then integrated into standard 2-D
lookup-table blocks. which use online linear interpolation
to obtain intermediate values when needed. This model is
very exact and can reproduce accurately the dynamics of
the SRM when driven by a PWM power converter.



Fig. 3. The phase inductance of the SRM modeled in the



The main purpose of a flywheel device is to accumulate

bmnr pn;.wn tut*d”tx, rotational kinetic energy, which can then be recovered to
(b) the electric system whenever is required. Many examples of
Fig 2 Phase Inductance (a) and Torque (b) for current varymg flywheel-based energy storage systems are described in the
from 1 A to 20 A
literature. but they can be generally divided in two catego-
ries: low-speed, high inertia devices and high-speed, low
A. Djsianiic niodeling of the SRA4 inertia ones. In any case, in a time interval At the machine
delivers (or absorbs) a quantity AEc of energy with an av-
Both relationships T, (er,
i) and , i) are strongly
erage power given by:
non-linear, a fact that makes it difficult to develop an ana-
lytical mathematical model for the SRM. Thus instead of
trying to obtain such an analytical model, the methodology AEc
p=-=-J 1 (a:-mf)
adopted in this work was to use tabulated data for T, (0,., i) At 2 At (4)
and h(0,, i), which may have been obtained off-line by
means of static measurements or FEM computations with
the ANSYS@[SI package, over a range of values wide
enough to cover any situation that may occur within given
simulation limits. The tabulated data is then used directly in
the solution of the electrical and mechanical dynamic equa- Fig. 3.a shows the schematic diagram for one phase of
the converter that is used to drive the SRM. Due to the op-

erating principle of the SRM (minimum reluctance), the al- converter, which is controlled according to Akagi's p q the-
gebraic signal of the induced torque does not depend on the ory [13]. The objective of the control operation is to deter-
sense of current flow through the phase windings. Actually mine the direction of the power flow. This is achieved by
the torque signal depends only on the relative position be- regulating the DC link voltage. The flywheel shaft speed
tween rotor and stator poles, at a given instant when current must be controlled according to the instantaneous active
is flowing. As depicted in Fig. 3.b, if current is flowing in a and reactive power demanded by the grid. In this work, the
phase coil before a rotor pole pair gets aligned to the coil implementation of a two-stage control strategy for the fly-
poles (along the sense of rotation), the induced torque will wheel shaft speed is proposed. Both stages are coupled
be in the same sense as the rotation (motoring torque). through a common state variable: the voltage across the dc
Conversely, if current flows after the aligned position has link capacitor. The main idea is to control the acceleration
been overtaken. braking or generating torque will be pro- of the SRM in proportion to the mismatch between the dc
duced. Therefore, the current controller must ensure the link capacitor voltage and a given reference value, as de-
current pulses applied to each phase occur before or after picted in the block diagram shown in Fig. 6. If no power
the aligned position, according to the algebraic signal of the flows between the flywheel and the g i d . then the dc link
cu-rent reference. capacitor voltage remains regulated at its nominal value.
However. if active power is demanded by the grid. the
+ command will act directly upon the network side converter,
1 I I
adjusting its current. Power flow control is performed
through the direct-axis component of the converter output
current at the grid side. The active power produced by this
a) Vcc lGf
current is given by the internal product v u i u + vB.ipin the
I I ap reference frame. It causes variation of the dc link ca-
pacitor voltage. which is compensated by the DC link volt-
age PI regulator. which ultimately defines the operation of
the machine as motor or generator. There is however an-
other speed PI regulator (Fig. 7). with the main purpose of
-.-- adding a small offset to grid converter average real power
( AF), in order to bring the flywheel back to the rated
control maximum speed after any transients. Its output signal
b) a&s
should be limited to values that do not cause excessive
I power consumption from the grid.

GLUR $. r m '
Fig 4 Operatioii inodes of the SRM


The use of an SRM flywheel with a shunt compensator is
illustrated in Fig. 5 , where the main system components can
be identified, namely: bi-directional PWM power electronic
circuits (the grid-side converter and the SRM driver): DC
link: switched reluctance machine and flywheel. Depending
on the voltage level at the grid side, a step-down trans- I I
former may be added between converter 1 and the system Converter
bus. As seen, the system operation is based on the injection (PWM)
of suitable currents. This topology can be employed in dis-
tribution systems to deal with loads that. for short periods
of time, demand a considerable supplement of alternating
real power (F) with frequency components less than the Fig 5 Sliuit compensator with an SRM flywheel

network fundamental, as: arc furnace: rolling mills; and

during the acceleration of motors of great power.
D C link voltage converter SRM
A . Control strategp
The power electronics circuit consists of two converters.
To drive the SR machine a half-bridge IGBT-based con-
verter is used, allowing operation as motor or generator.
The DC link is connected to the network by a bridge PWM Fig. 6. DC link Voltage Control.


The simulations presented in this paper have been carried
out using the parameters of a low-power (1.5 kW), small-
scale prototype machine, with a flywheel having an inertia
of 0.065 kgm'. A case of a 127V (L-N) network feeding a 4
kW load, have been studied. hi t=0.25 s the load demands
Converter an extra 2 kW of real power with a duration of 200 ins (12
Fig. 7. Speed regulation cycles). For this event the SRM operates delivering nomi-
B. The instantaneousp a tier conipeiisationalgorithni nal power. In order to synthesize the shunt currents for the
required torque, the DC voltage must be regulated in 400 V
The compensation algorithm is based on Akagi's p4 the- for a maximum rotor speed of 5000 rpm. Fig. 8 presents the
ory. The load voltages and currents are transfoimed into load, shunt and source currents. The c m e n t on one phase
Clark components, and the instantaneous real power is cal- of the SRM is shown in Fig. 9. while the total torque is pre-
culated: sented in Fig. 10. It can be seen that the equipment operates
as expected. injecting the correct currents (amplitude and
phase) demanded by the increase in the load. This can be
better observed in Fig. 1 1 where is shown: the power frac-
By properly filtering: the part of the real power to be com- tions delivered by the source and compensator; the total
pensated (EL) is extracted from the expression above. load power. Fig. 12 shows the DC link voltage regulated in
Then the currents to be synthesized are calculated as fol- 400 V with a transient variation of less than 1%. During the
lows in aB coordinates: event simulated the grid-side converter drains energy from
the DC link. The exact amount of energy drained is recov-
ered with the regenerative breaking of the SRM. as seen in
Fig. 13.


Time (sec)
Fig. 8. Phase n currents:load (ILa); sonrce (Is); shunt(t(k).

.... .....
~ ~ .................... ....... . ............. .... .......... .
.. ............ .. .........................

-I M 1

0 25 0; 0 35 04 0 45 05 0 55 06
Time (sec)
Fig. 9. Current in one phase of the SRM (Ihll)and its reference (Iref).


, I I I
8'2 0 25 03 0 35 04 @ 45 05 0 55 06
Time (sec)
Fig 10 Total SRM elecmcal Torque

__l-._.__._l ____ _...___l.-~-_l_..__________ erator is also constant. As the SRM decelerates, the electri-
cal torque, and consequently its phase currents. must in-
-Fs ......... FL . ...... Ps h1. nt
1.7 crease. However the current control is not affected. for the
+E decreasing in speed enlarges the time inteival in which each
1.5 phase conducts, allowing the currents to reach their refer-
+4 ence values. Fig. 14 presents a detailed view of the SRM
phase and reference currents. It can be seen that for the
simulated event conditions, that there are only two pulses
for conducting phase.
Only the case of instantaneous real power compensation
have been simulated. The shunt compensator, however, can
also operate as a STATCOM or an active filter by introduc-
Time (58~')
ing the desired power components to be compensated in the
Fig. 11. The power fractions delivered by the source (P,) and compen-
sator (P*,J; the total load power (PL). right side of the equation (6).

+404 -
+402 -
-5 #0l-
+399 -
+34i -
+395 I I I
1-1 2 I
! 3 04 0 5 CI 6
Ti t-ne (.sec)
Fig 12 The DC lltlh voltage


According to the equation of the kinetic energy of the
flywheel E, = -Jw' , it can be seen that much more addi-
+49K - tional energy can be stored if its speed is increased while
keeping its mass constant, than if' its mass is increased while
keeping its speed constant. However, in high-speed opera-
+4940 - tion many problems may arise such as:
+492Cj- increased energy loss due to the air resistance,
increased losses due to bearing friction,
DZ 03 04 05 06 increased magnetic losses due to higher frequency of
stator currents.
Fig. 13. The SRM speed increased mechanical failure risk due the high rim
Magnetic losses can be reduced with an optimization of
For a constant load, the power demanded from the gen- machine design and careful selection of core material.

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