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Management and Organizational Characteristics of Educational

Gabriella Keczer,, Duna 6. Szeged, Hungary

Abstract— Schools, universities and other institutions of education and training are different from manufacturing organizations
in two senses. They are providing services, and their core activity is educating. Their peculiarities deriving from these two
characteristics determine they way of management and organizational structure. First the special aspects that should be taken into
consideration when structuring and managing an educational organization are discussed in this paper, then we turn our attention
to higher education institutions. Their management and organizational characteristics are analyzed in the frame of Mintzberg’s
Keywords: educational organizations, leadership, management, professional services, universities, structuring organizations

company’s performance. Balanced Scorecard complements

the financial measures with operational measures on
I. INTRODUCTION customer satisfaction, internal processes and the
Schools, universities, institutions of adult education and organization’s innovation and improvement activities. These
professional training are different from organizations operational measures are the drivers of future financial
manufacturing public goods in two senses. They are performance. [3]
providing services and their core activity is educating. Their b) Decision points in the organization have to be close to
peculiarities deriving from these two characteristics the client-organization interfaces. Front staff dealing directly
determine they way of management as well. with the clients (administrators, teachers) must have the
authority to make prompt decisions. Thus, decentralized
II. MANAGEMENT OF SERVICES organizational structures fit better to service providers than
centralized ones. Centralization and decentralization pertain
Education is a service, therefore to understand the to the hierarchical level at which decisions are made.
management of educational organizations one has to be Decentralization means that the decision authority is pushed
aware of the specialties of the management of services. The downward from the top to lower levels of the organization.
most adequate definition of ’service’ is: „A service is an c) Organizational culture must focus on total efficiency
activity or performance one offers to another. … and must show flexibility in order to mobilize resources for
Performance is intangible and it does not entail the supporting customer relations. Organizational culture
ownership of the resources of the production. Service is a evolves on the norms, values, beliefs, behavior patterns of
business activity that creates value and provides advantages the people. Organizational success based on customer
to the customer … by accomplishing the change the client satisfaction must be in the focus of all these in the case of
wished.” [1]. service providers.
Education is a professional service, because it is labor- d) Quality and performance are less standardized than in
intensive, interaction and client-orientation is significant. industrial organizations, because individual customers need
And it is a mutual service, because it is not possible without individual solutions. Thus, working by guidelines is better
the active cooperation of the client. In the management of than by rigid directives. Consequently, taking responsibility
services the priority is the quality perceived by the client. and making decisions on the part of the employees is more
Thus, the principles of the management of services are the important than strictly obeying to the protocols. It influences
following [2]. the proper leadership style as well. The extent of employee
a) Profit is created by the quality perceived by the client, participation and empowerment is the crucial issue in many
so the business objective is not external efficiency, major leadership models. Kurt Lewin identified three
productivity or the economies of scale (in fact, large output – different styles of leadership: autocratic, democratic and
too many students – can be a drawback), but total efficiency. laissez-faire. Autocratic style leaves little authority to
It is internal efficiency and external efficiency – including employees, while democratic involves members in decision-
for example customer relations. Due to this, control in making and laissez-faire leaves almost everything to them.
services should not focus only on financial results, but has to [4] Rensis Likert distinguishes autocratic, consultative and
take other aspects of organizational success into participative styles of leadership based on the degree to
consideration. The so called Balanced Scorecard reflects this which people are involved in the decision-making.
attitude. Balanced Scorecard is a performance measurement Tannenbaum and Schmidt separated five styles of leadership
tool developed in 1992 by Harvard Business School depending on the involvement and freedom of employees:
professor Robert S. Kaplan and management consultant telling, selling, consulting, sharing and delegating. In
David P. Norton. Kaplan and Norton’s research led them to educational organizations where employees are highly
believe that traditional financial measures like return on educated professionals democratic, participative, delegation-
investment, could not provide an accurate picture of a based leadership is proper.

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e) The basis of performance appraisal and compensation common education, professional roots, values, experiences.
must be the satisfaction of the clients. Performance appraisal Plus, teachers demand a certain amount of autonomy in the
is the process of observing and evaluating an employee’s teaching process, and their relationship with the students is
performance, recording the assessment and providing difficult to define or control.
feedback to the employee. It plays a major role in e) The agent-client relationship of teacher and student is
accomplishing organizational goals such as satisfied clients. different from that of other agents and clients. Student-
The term compensation refers to monetary payments and clients have only limited opportunity to choose their teacher-
goods and commodities used in lieu of money to reward agents. And satisfying students’ expectations does not
employees. Pay-for-performance, also called merit-pay or always serve their true interests.
incentive system ties at least part of the compensation to f) External actors strongly influence the decisions of
employee effort and performance. Thus, it is more suitable to educational organizations. And in large organizations the
acknowledge and foster good customer relations than different training programs, locations and semesters are all
payment based exclusively on the job (like in public schools decision points. These two factors make decision-making
or universities). and allocation of responsibility difficult.
g) Many top and middle managers in educational
III. MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION organizations do not have enough time to deal with
Education management has become an independent leadership issues. They often have lectures and other
discipline due to a new approach: management training can education-related tasks. So their time spent on managing the
improve the efficiency and quality of educational organization is limited and it has serious consequences.
organizations. There is a debate whether the management of When appreciating the extent an educational organization
educational organizations differs from that of other types of differs from a typical business organization we can rely on
organizations. There are two approaches. One considers the Carlson’s categories (1975). He describes domesticated and
management of educational organizations as one field of savage organizations. If pupils are automatically sent to the
general management, the other regards it as an individual local school the institution is a domesticated organization.
discipline. The society it serves protects it from the negative factors of
- Theory of common principles: Management has general the environment. Thus, it does not have to fight for its
principles appropriate in every organization. survival. Like a domesticated animal it is fed and cared for,
- Theory of special case: The management of educational its existence is guaranteed. Although it has to compete for its
organizations is special enough to train their leaders resources its funding is not connected to the quality of its
specifically. services. Savage organizations on the other hand are
Seven features can be listed that make the management of permanently fighting for survival. Their existence is not
educational organizations definitely different from that of guaranteed, they may close down any time. Their funding
others’. [5]: depends on the quality of their services and there is no
a) Defining the objectives in educational organizations is guarantee for new clients.
more difficult than in business enterprises. Non-profit
educational organizations do not have the clear objectives of IV. ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT
the commercial organizations: maximizing output and profit. CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGHER EDUCATION
Plus, they are expected to develop individual skills, while INSTITUTIONS
they should educate people to meet the norms of the society. There are a large number of models available for the
In for-profit educational organizations educational objectives typology of universities as organizations. Henry Mintzberg
may confront with business objectives. identified five types of organizations on the basis of their
b) It is difficult to tell whether education has attained its crucial structural characteristics: simple structure, machine
objectives or not. Success can not be measured in financial bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy, adhocracy and
terms: sales, profit or dividend. divisional structure [6]. Most public universities including
c) The fact that ’the student’ is in the center of an Hungarian ones adhere to the professional bureaucracy type
educational organization causes some difficulties. Students by and large. It has several advantages but it also limits a
can be regarded as clients, but also as the raw material of more effective operation. The professional bureaucratic
production. But students are different from industrial raw features of the public universities are the following.
materials. They can not be processed, and teaching and - The most important part of a university is its operating
learning are based on personal relationships, they are loaded core, the departments and institutes comprising the staff of
with individual characteristics and the result is impossible to academics. In all Middle-European post-communist
predict. This human volatility makes the evaluation of countries such as Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic,
performance even more complex. Slovakia and Poland the power is still in the hands of the
d) Teachers also have characteristics that cause difficulties faculty. The main decision-making body of the university is
for management. Leaders and teachers of schools have

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the senate with the representatives of the professors and the willing to set their particular interests aside and act for the
students. common goal. This is not the case in most of the Hungarian
- As a typical feature one should mention the relatively universities. The main decision-making body is the senate
large size and weight of the support staff (including various consisting of the representatives of the faculties. Thus the
administrative offices and other non-training organizational particular interests of the faculties are more prominent in the
units) running separately from the operating core. In strategic decisions than the overall interest of the university.
Hungarian universities administrative and functional units - Power is essentially tied to expertise. An administrative
operate on different terms: differing regulations concerning manager can maintain power only if he is a qualified
wages and promotion, opening hours, financing. The support member in the professional field concerned: He is either
staff with its parallel hierarchic structure, differing culture, directly elected by the academic staff or the position is
norms, values and rules of operation is often involved in awarded upon their approval. In Hungarian universities
conflicts with the training units. These conflicts often surface administrative managers (e.g. financial director, attorney
in complex projects that involve both faculty and general, functional unit heads) are elected by the senate.
administration. Bringing these two subsystems closer to each Lack of strong managerial control over an instructor’s work
other would be crucial to a service provider university. is one of the basic features of higher education. It naturally
- The various operating units deal exclusively with their has its positive sides as direct control makes creative work
own clients (students). In Hungarian universities the very difficult to accomplish. Yet the lack of performance
cooperation between the different departments even of the criteria and assessment entails abnormalities of operation
same faculty is not always smooth and depends on the and is, in my opinion, the reason for the obvious absence of
willingness of the heads and the members. motivation in the case of some members of the academic
- The primary coordinating mechanism that ensures the staff.
appropriate operation of a university are the standardized - The organization of a university is bureaucratic in
skills and knowledge of its employees. Quality in higher character. In other words its typical features include
education is assured by the fact that each instructor has formalization and standardization of the relevant procedures,
acquired the necessary skills. These skills are determined in associated with a high level of control. It is a necessity to
the application requirements for a job. They are specified ensure appropriate quality in mass higher education. Neither
outside the university with little space for action left for the the current volume of activities, nor the size and articulated
university within the legal framework. In Hungary university structure of the organization allow an organic architecture.
employees have the legal status of ‘civil servant’ with Nevertheless typical disadvantages of a bureaucratic system
detailed job requirements set by the laws of civil service and must also be taken into consideration, for example a lower
higher education. These requirements are rather inflexible. level of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
They are not adapted to local needs and fail to respond to the Formalization is antagonistic to the spirit of education and
constantly changing challenges in a flexible way. In Hungary research.
the job requirements for an instructor in higher education are - Universities can be characterized by an informal yet
the same regardless of the type of the institution (community standardized attitude. The academic staff assumes a standard
college or research university). Furthermore, these behaviour owing to the fact that they get socialized into
professional requirements relate only to the moment of academic culture when they are admitted to the university.
awarding a job or a degree. Thus, they fail to foster Therefore they acquire the standards of behaviour by the
continuous development. In Hungary performance appraisal time they start their academic career.
of faculty is not wide-spread. Mintzberg considers professional bureaucracy an ideal
- There is a strong division of labour and job specialization organizational setting in a complicated yet stable
at the universities which is a consequence of the activity environment. But contemporary Hungarian universities
involved: teaching different disciplines. However, professors operate in a complicated environment changing dynamically
should not work in separation from their peers, and the fact and constantly. According to Mintzberg adhocracy is the
that they often do so decreases the efficiency of teaching and ideal type of organization in a complicated and dynamic
research. As there are several specialists working within the environment. Thus, universities should adopt some features
same discipline but in different units in a university there is of adhocracies to be more efficient in a changing
an evident need to cooperate. Nevertheless the chance to environment.
capitalize on synergy offered by mutual work has been A related objective may include the stronger coordination
recognized only rarely. What is typical instead is of the work performed by the support staff and to connect it
professional jealousy and adherence to one’s „ivory tower”. more closely to the operating core. Flexibility in the structure
- Decentralization is also a natural phenomenon in and organizational architecture is also to be increased. In
universities. But decentralized organizations are only addition to a flexible structure there is a clear need for
capable of working efficiently if they could adopt a common flexibility, speed, creativity, entrepreneurship in decision-
strategy which represents the long-term interests of the making. Scopes of decision-making competence should be
organization as a whole and the decentralized units are revised. Making decisions by those who have the

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competence (expertise and due consideration of the long- the clients. Hence, we think that the management of
term interests of the organization) and assume responsibility educational organizations should apply theories and practices
for the consequences of such decisions could be a guiding of the business world taking into consideration all the special
principle. Entrepreneurship of the top management is to be characteristics deriving from being the providers of a special
strengthened. Because of the drop in the number of students service: education. Because the introduction of too much
it is important to explore new markets (adult training, foreign market mechanism into educational organizations will make
students) and a stronger cooperation with industry and local them conform to the present situation but not provide any
society is necessary. These all need an entrepreneurial real vigor for progress in society. This is very true for public
attitude on behalf of the institutions. universities as well, these professional bureaucracies should
take on some progressive features of the more flexible
V. CONCLUSION adhocracies while protecting the academic values.
In most of the countries there are basically three types of
educational organizations: public institutions (schools and REFERENCES
public higher education institutions, regional training [1] C. Lovelock, L. Wright: Principles of Service Marketing and
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(e.g. foundations). Public institutions and nonprofits are [3] Encyclopaedia of management. Gale Cengage Learning. Michigan,
closer to domesticated organizations in Carlson’s model and USA, 2009. p. 29.
commercial organizations are the savage ones, but education [4] Encyclopaedia of management. Gale Cengage Learning. Michigan,
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public institutions also have to find alternative funding.
Their existence also depends on how attractive they are for

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