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® Academy oi Management Review

2001, Vol. 26, No. 1, 57-66.


University of Texas at Arlington

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

We counter Barney's challenges and reaffirm the tautology of the elemental business-
level resource-based "view" (RBV). We develop a mathematical representation of the
RBV as a first step toward formalizing its statements. We then explore the implications
of our assertion (and Barney's agreement) that resource value is indeed determined
outside of the RBV.

Theories are nets cast to catch what we call "the as the RBV up to the requirements for theory can
world": to rationalize, to explain, and to master it. improve our understanding of their limitations
We endeavour to make the mesh ever finer and
finer (Popper, 1959: 59). and can also provide guidance for their further
development. Our identification of the RBV as
We welcome Professor Barney's response to "not yet theory" simply indicates that further
our article (this issue). Our intent in the article steps are necessary for it, if possible, to become
was to spur discussion concerning (1) the degree a theory.
to which the current resource-based "view" In the following sections we readdress the
(RBV) meets the requirements of a theoretical issue of whether the RBV qualifies as theory in
system and (2) the promise of the RBV for future light of Barney's comments. We clarify and ex-
strategy research. We are pleased that this dis- tend our initial remarks concerning tautology
cussion has begun so soon and that we have the and the external determination of "value" in the
opportunity to clarify several of our initial RBV. We then focus on areas of admitted agree-
points. ment between Barney's and our articles while
Before we begin, however, a comment is nec- reexamining the RBV's degree of usefulness for
essary. We believe that work from resource- strategy research. Finally, we suggest some di-
based perspectives has made, and is continuing rections for the future. Space limitations pre-
to make, constructive contributions to strategic clude our responding to each of Barney's argu-
management, even if the RBV itself is not yet a ments; we therefore focus on those assertions
theory. Weick's remarks are illustrative. He ar- we deem most salient.
gues (following Merton, 1967) that "most prod-
ucts that are labeled theories actually approxi-
mate theory" (1995: 385) and that the items AGAIN. IS THE CURRENT RBV A THEORY?
labeled as "not theory" by Sutton and Staw
(1995) could represent valuable intermediate Barney focuses his remarks concerning the
steps in the theorizing process. We agree. RBV as theory on the issue of whether or not the
The process toward theory is often a messy fundamental, business-level RBV is or is not a
one, and "perspectives," "approaches," and tautology. We now do the same, although em-
"views" that are not theory may still guide re- pirical content is only one of the criteria neces-
search. Nevertheless, holding perspectives such sary for a set of statements to be regarded as
theory (see our article, this issue). We first intro-
duce Popper's (1959) explanation of tautology
We thank Phil Bromiley, Dave Harrison, Jeff McGee, Abdul and examine Barney's assertions in light of Pop-
Rasheed, and Chris Shook for helpful comments. per's views. We then address the RBV's potential
58 Academy of Management Review January

falsifiability via a mathematical formalization those increasing efficiency and/or effectiveness,

of the RBV's fundamental statements. and competitive a d v a n t a g e is defined a s
achieving increases in efficiency and/or effec-
tiveness, a tautology exists.
The Tautology Argument
Barney offers a series of assertions regarding
Popper's well-known dictum—that the empir- tautologies in his response to our article. The
ical content of a theoretical statement increases first is that "at this definitional level, all strate-
with its falsifiability—is particularly appropri- gic management theories are tautological in the
ate to set the stage for the present discussion, way Priem and Butler describe" (p. 41). This is a
since Popper goes on to show that tautologies claim that would be very interesting if it were
cannot be falsified. Popper presents the follow- well supported (Davis, 1971). It is not.
ing example of a tautology: Barney provides two examples of tautological
p: All orbits of heavenly bodies are circles, theories to support his contention. The first is
q: All orbits of planets are circles (1959: 122).
"Porter's (1980) assertions about the relationship
If "heavenly bodies" and "planets" in this ex- between industry attractiveness and firm perfor-
ample are defined either in the same way, or in mance can be reduced to tautology by observing
a manner such that planets are a subset of heav- that firms in attractive industries will outperform
firms in unattractive industries and by defining
enly bodies, then p -^ g is a tautology. As Popper industry attractiveness in terms of the ability of
states: firms to perform well" (p. 41).
'p -^ q means, according to this explanation, that
the conditional statement with the antecedent p This is indeed a tautology, but one based on
and the consequent g is faufoJogica], or logically an inaccurate account of Porter's (1980) asser-
true. (At the time of writing of the text, I was not tions. Reading Porter's (1980) chapter on the
clear on this point; nor did I understand the sig- structural analysis of industries shows that he
nificance of the fact that an assertion about de- does not claim that industry attractiveness is re-
ducibility was a metalinguistic one ...) Thus, 'p
-^ q' may be read here: 'p entails q'" (1959: 120). lated to firm performance. He never mentions "in-
dustry attractiveness" at all. The only place where
A tautology is therefore a statement of rela- the term appears in Porter's 1980 book is in the
tionship that is true by logic, as in Popper's p -^ appendix, conceming the GE/McKinsey matrix.
q example. That is, the relationship 'q follows p' Instead, in his theory on the structural analy-
is true based on the definitions of the concepts sis of industries. Porter uses average industry
contained in p and q. Circular reasoning in a profitability as the concept to be predicted and
simple "if/then" statement is a subcategory of the well-known "five forces" as the predictors.
tautology. There is nothing inherently negative Thus, for example, ease of entry into an industry
about tautologies—deductive reasoning is is argued to be inversely related to the average
through tautology (as Popper notes), and true profitability of that industry, ceteris paribus, as
arithmetic statements are tautologies.' The is the threat of substitutes, and so on. The only
problem occurs when one is offering a tautolog- risk of tautology (at least in this one of Porter's
ical statement that is intended to have empirical wide-ranging theories) would come if, for exam-
content. In our article we label tautologies "an- ple, the force "industry rivalry" were defined as
alytic" statements and statements that could be average profitability instead of (as Porter actu-
tested via data "synthetic." Our argument is that ally does) as price competition. This shows how
the RBV statement "if a resource is valuable and important definitions are in theory building.
rare, then it can be a source of competitive ad- Given an accurate account of Porter's (1980)
vantage" is necessarily true by logic (i.e., a tau- theory, one could identify numerous data pat-
tology) if "valuable" and "competitive advan- terns that would falsify the theory—for example,
tage" are defined in the same terms. For data showing that industries with lower barriers
example, if valuable resources are defined as to entry are more profitable than those with
higher entry barriers, or data showing that in-
' For example, the symbol 2 represents ** items, and the dustries with more price competition are more
symbol 4 represents **** items, both by definition. Thus, 2 + profitable than those with less price competi-
2 = 4 is a tautology. tion, and so on. Thus, Porter's (1980) theory re-
2001 Priem and Butlei 59

garding the structural analysis of industries is We can further refute Barney's contention that
fcjlsifiable and not tautological (Popper, 1959). all strategic management theories are tautolog-
Moreover, these falsifying data patterns can be ical at a high (i.e., general) level of definition by
identified by using the theory's constructs and providing other examples of strategy theories
their definitions, rather than via a limited num- that are not tautological. Contingency and con-
ber of special operationalizations or "param- figuration theories, for example, are other high-
eterizations" that are independent of the theory. level theories in strategic management that are
Barney's second example is from transaction not tautological. A generalized statement of con-
cost economics—that "hierarchical forms of gov- tingency theory is that "a relationship among
ernance will replace market forms of gover- two variables . . . predicts a third variable"
nance when the costs of market governance are (Schoonhoven, 1981: 351). The most general
greater than the costs of hierarchical gover- statement of configuration theory is that variety
nance" (pp. 41-42; see Figure 1 in Gibbons, 1999: in organizational attribute combinations "is lim-
148, for a pictorial representation). Barney calls ited by the attributes' tendency to fall into co-
this the "Coasian tautology." We may be talking herent patterns. This patterning occurs because
past one another, but this appears to us to be a attributes are in fact interdependent and often
simple functionalist statement; we have been can change only discretely or intermittently"
unable to identify the tautology. A pattern of (Meyer, Tsui, & Hinings, 1993: 1176). Further, for
data wherein market governance persisted in both theories a particular alignment of (or mul-.
high transaction cost contexts and wherein hi- tivariate fit among) key organizational charac-
erarchical governance occurred in low transac- teristics is typically associated with high perfor-
tion cost contexts (i.e., in cases when the other mance (e.g.. Doty, Glick, & Huber, 1993).
form was posited to be more efficient) would These counterexamples are particularly ap-
falsify the statement. propriate, for three reasons. First, neither the
Similarly, Williamson's recent remark—that "alignments/gestalts" of configuration theory
"more generally, transaction cost economics nor the "fits" of contingency theory are defined
works out of the discriminating alignment hy- in terms of performance. Thus, these theoretical
pothesis, according to which transactions, approaches are not tautological. Second, the
which differ in their attributes, are aligned with history of these theories shows just how impor-
governance structures, which differ in their cost tant precise definitions of theoretical constructs
and competence, so as to effect an economizing are in theory building and in theory testing. The
result" (1999: 1090)—is not tautological either specification of "fit" by Schoonhoven (1981) and
(see Figure 1 in Williamson, 1999: 1091, for a the conceptualization of fit as moderation, me-
nontautological representation). A further dis- diation, matching, and so on by Venkatraman
cussion of possible interpretations and misinter- (1989) each helped advance strategic manage-
pretations of Coase's theorem (Stigler, 1966) is ment by better aligning constructs with their
beyond our current scope,^ but the theories Bar- operationalizations. And third, even for each of
ney gives as examples are not tautological. these general statements of the theories, it is

It may be that Barney is referring to the apparent circu-

larity that is often commented on for functionalist ap-
^ See, for example, Canterbery and Marvasti (1992, 1994) proaches in general (i.e., those having the assumption that
and Medema (1994) for an interesting exchange on Coase, there is purposive action behind "the state of the world" that
and McCloskey (1998) for further comments. See also the results in relatively more efficient outcomes). Kenney and
recent exchange between Gibbons (1999), who evaluated Klein (1983) provide another example of a functionalist ap-
suboptimal within-organization performance via an eco- proach in the industrial organization economics literature.
nomic rational choice model, and responses by Freeman They examined the practices of "block booking" for movies
(1999) and Granovetter (1999). Alston and Gillespie (1989) (by the studios) and for diamonds (by DeBeers), wherein
offer a similarly interesting approach to modeling informa- buyers had to accept an entire block of movies or diamonds
tion transaction costs internal to the firm. Freeman notes rather than sort through each to select only the best. Kenney
that efficiency explanations such as Coase's (1937, 1980) are and Klein show that, rather than labeling such outcomes
"often teieological and, as a result, very difficult to put to anticompetitive, evaluating them under the assumption that
empirical test" (1999: 187). See also Samuels (1989: 1583), who they were functionally efficient indicated that each ap-
provides a discussion of why there can be no unique, opti- proach minimized customer sorting costs across all custom-
mal result in efficiency-based models without prior assign- ers and that block booking in these cases represented an
ment of property rights.- efficient outcome.
60 Academy of Management Review January

possible to state precisely what patterns in data Again, it may be that we and Barney are talk-
would falsify or support the theories. Main ef- ing past one another because of different train-
fects with no interactions would disconfirm con- ing and involvement in different research tradi-
tingency theories. Normally distributed at- tions (Kuhn, 1970). In order to reduce such
tributes (rather than bi-, tri-, or n-modal unproductive discussion, we offer an attempt at
distributions) with no relationships to perfor- mathematical representation of the elemental
mance would disconfirm configuration theories. statements of the RBV. This is a first step in
theory formalization, and it could help to clarify
the issues in dispute. In our article, we first note
the RBV's assumptions of resource heterogene-
The Testability Argument ity and costly transfer, and we then summarize
Barney's second claim is that "(he ability to the RBV in two elemental statements:
restate a theory in ways that make it tautologi-
cal provides no insights about the empirical test- First, resources that are both rare (i.e., not widely
ability of the theory whatsoever" (p. 42). This held) and valuable (i.e., contribute to firm effi-
ciency or effectiveness) can produce competitive
assertion would be correct if one assumed that advantage. Second, when such resources are also
any restatement was based on arbitrarily se- simultaneously not imitable (i.e., they cannot
lected renderings of the theory and on defini- easily be replicated by competitors), not substi-
.tions that were not those put forth by the theory's tutable (i.e., other resources cannot fulfill the
developer. Clearly, for example, one should not same function), and not transferable (i.e., they
cannot be purchased in resource markets;
aibitiarily change Porter's (1980) definitions of Dierickx & Cool, 1989), those resources may pro-
his concepts (or add concepts) in order to claim duce a competitive advantage that is long lived
that his theory is tautological. Similarly, one (sustainable). Thus, rarity and value are each
should not arbitrarily change Barney's (1991) necessary but not sufficient conditions for com-
definitions of RBV concepts in order to make the petitive advantage, whereas nonimitability, non-
substitutability, and nontransferability are each
RBV tautological, and we did not do so. necessary but not sufficient conditions for sus-
The statements of the RBV that we used in our tainability of an existing competitive advantage
article were taken verbatim from the work of the (Priem & Butler, this issue: 25)
theory developer (Barney, 1991), just as were the
definitions that we inserted into those state- These RBV statements can be summarized in
ments. We chose to stick with Barney's (1991) two mathematical expressions, as follows:
specific and relatively comprehensive state-
ment of the RBV when making our analysis so a: Prob (CA) = n r)
that we could be assured we were "getting it
right" based on precisely what the theory b: Prob (S) = n !„ n s^ n tj
builder had stated. Moreover, any subsequent
critics of our work could then specifically cite where CA is competitive advantage, v is resource
other RBV work in which the definitions had value, r is resource rarity, S is sustainability, i^ is
been modified and the tautology eliminated. nonimitability, s^ is nonsubstitutability, and t^ is
This has yet to occur, but we hope it will.
Popper explores in some detail the relation- Statement a shows that the probability of
ship between tautology and testability (1959, see achieving competitive advantage is a positive
particularly Chapter VI). He shows that tautolo- function of the joint occurrence of resource value
gies cannot be falsified; in his terms, the set of and rarity. Statement b shows that the probabil-
"possible falsifiers" is the empty set. This is ity of sustainability of an existing competitive
what he means when he says that such state- advantage is a positive function of the joint oc-
ments lack "empirical content." He concludes: currence of competitive advantage, nonimitabil-
"In so far as a scientific statement speaks about ity, nonsubstitutability, and nontransferability.
reality, it must be falsifiable; and in so fai as it is Statement a is the tautology, because both CA
not falsifiable, it does not speak about reality" and V are defined in the RBV in terms of increas-
(1959: 314). His discussion shows Barney's claim ing efficiency and effectiveness. This is easier to
that tautology has no relation to testability to be see in the mathematical statement than in the
specious. prose discussion in our article. We hope that our
2001 Priem and Butler 81

attempt at formalization will help to focus and ceptual problem. Barney's "parameterization" ar-
clarify the discussion. guments and his example "tests" of the RBV, how-
In his third claim Barney addresses the test- ever, take place around operational definitions
ability issue most directly. He argues that and associated variables (parameters)—^the lower
the critical issue is not whether a theory can be portion of Figure 1. He is trying to address a logi-
restated in such a way as to make it tautological— cal issue empirically. That is neither fruitful nor
since this can always be done—but whether at responsive to our argument.
least some of the elements of that theory have been Nevertheless, the examples are revealing.
parameterized in a way that makes it possible to Barney puts forth a statement about organiza-
generate testable empirical assertions (p. 42).
tional culture, for example, and one about cost
He then proceeds to suggest some "param- leadership strategy, each of which, he argues, is
eterizations" for the RBV concepts of value, rar- empirically testable. To restate, for readers' con-
ity, and imitability, and he provides examples of venience, one of these assertions:
how, even with just these partial parameteriza-
Ii only one competing firm possesses a valuable
tions, the RBV is testable. organizational culture (where the value of that
In this portion of his remarks, Barney appears culture is determined in ways that are exogenous
to be mixing constructs and variables, and def- to the theory developed in the 1991 article), then
initions and operationalizations. Theory devel- that iirm can gain a competitive advantage (i.e., it
can improve its efficiency and eiiectiveness in
opment involves "stipulative" definitions of con- ^/vays that competing iirms cannot) (p. 44).
structs. That is, the developer stipulates, "This is
the construct I mean when I say resource" (or The fundamental question raised by this
"motivation," or "goal," or whatever). Ultimately, statement (and the other) is whether this is an
researchers in an area either agree with (i.e., assertion concerning the RBV or an assertion
stipulate to) the definition, or they propose mod- concerning an unstated theory of organizational
ifications until agreement is reached and work culture antecedents (i.e., what makes a culture
can move forward. Testing, however, involves work) and competitive advantage. We view it as
operational definitions represented by vari- the latter. Indeed, the parameterizations Barney
ables. That is, "This is the way I measure in the sketches all are proposals concerning anteced-
world to reflect accurately the theoretical con- ents to (and their theoretical relationships with)
struct I've defined." Figure 1 provides a basic the constructs of interest (e.g., his "rarity theo-
representation of these relationships. ry"). This can easily be seen because each of
The argument we use in our article is a logical Barney's testability examples reaches down one
one that takes place around theoretical constructs level of analysis from the RBV itself to test a
and their definitions—the upper portion of Figure paiticular resource's antecedents/characteris-
1. This is what Popper (1959) means when he says tics across firms, rather than to test multiple
that tautology is an issue of deducibility and resources (with value independently deter-
metalanguage—that is, that tautology is a con- mined) within and between firms. Thus, what
Barney labels "parameterizations" of the RBV
actually would be, if developed fully, midrange
FIGURE 1 theories of rarity, cost leadership, or culture.
Stipulative and Operational Definitions
Regarding the organizational culture statement
above, for example, Bamey argues that "if a firm
Stipulative uniquely possesses a valuable resource and can-
definition not improve its efficiency and effectiveness in
ways that generate competitive advantages, then
these assertions are contradicted" (p. 44). The
The conceptual world question is which assertions? A finding that what
The empirical world is labeled a "valuable" culture is not associated
with competitive advantage would not disconfirm
the RBV. Instead, it would disconfirm the unstated,
midrange "theory of culture's value" (i.e., the the-
Variable ory that relates some particular characteristics of
culture to increased efficiency and effectiveness)
62 Academy oi Management Review January

that is hidden in the labeling of cultures with such BUILDING ON AREAS OF AGREEMENT
particular characteristics as "valuable." The dis-
confirmed theory actually is one level of analysis Barney identifies several points made in our
below the RBV. The only RBV-related conclusion article with which he agrees. These areas of
that could be drawn would be that the particular agreement may provide another basis for im-
resource labeled as valuable "wasn't actually proved understanding of the RBV. The areas in-
valuable after all." This is an excellent example of clude (1) that many of the attributes that make a
the tautology of the RBV: an organizational cul- resource a possible source of sustainable ad-
ture, which cannot be transferred and thus has no vantage "are not amenable to managerial ma-
inherent market value, only "gets value" if it is nipulation" (p. 49), (2) that some RBV research is
used properly to create profits. Thus, valuable cul- "clearly tautological" (p. 51), (3) that implemen-
tures, by definition, increase effectiveness.^ tation deserves more attention, and (4) that dy-
namic research on resources may be particu-
Given the lack of empirical content in the RBV, larly beneficial. The area of agreement between
any tests will be weak. More work on definitions of us that is most consequential for the RBV itself,
constructs will be required before strong empiri- however, might be that associated with the ex-
cal tests are possible. Popper is right that deduc- ogenous nature of value in the RBV.
ibility (deductive reasoning) depends on metalin-
guistics (the theory of language). One cannot
simply acknowledge weak/incomplete stipulative Externally Determined Value
definitions and then selectively parameterize for Barney notes early in his response that "as
testing without destroying construct validity (e.g.. Priem and Butler correctly observe, the determi-
Cook & Campbell, 1979; Venkatraman & Grant, nation of the value of a firm's resources is exog-
1986). Such tests are simply examining "some- enous to the resource-based theory presented in
thing" and, thus, carry an unacceptable risk of the 1991 article" (p. 42). Later, when he provides
misinterpreting fortuitous or spurious findings. a series of statements of the RBV, he adds to
Constructs and their definitions are important in each one the caveat "(vi^here (he value ol that
building and in testing theory! cultuie is determined in ways that are exoge-
Barney's response does show that one can test nous to the theory developed in the 1991 aiticle)"
many midrange strategic management theories (p. 44). This is a notable stipulation of agreement
(see, for example, Harrigan, 1983) about particular between us. Because of this stipulation, it is
resources by moving down one level of analysis possible to move directly to examining the im-
from the RBV. The RBV could give some guidance plications for the RBV of the external determina-
regarding salient constructs for these midrange tion of its value construct. We begin by modify-
theories. In sum, however, Barney's conclusions ing our earlier statement a to aj, as follows:
concerning tautology, testability, and the RBV are
incorrect. The only way to effectively combat as- a,: Prob (CA) = r)
sertions of tautology in the RBV would be to show,
under particular conditions, what specific pattern b: Prob (S) = f+(CA n !„ n s^ n t j
in the data would conclusively refute the theory. where v^^ is value (externally determined—that
This has not occurred.^ is, the level of which is determined in ways that
are exogenous to the theory).
Since v^d is determined outside ol the RBV, a^
^ We thank PhiJ,Broniiley for suggesting this. becomes a simple statement: when resource •
^ Barney's additional arguments about the diiiiculties in
defining an industry, and the problems those difficulties
may cause for operationalizing performance, are just not on
point. As Porter notes:
Similarly, Barney's argument for a definition of competitive
Any definition of industry is essentially a choice of advantage that is not dependent on defining a firm's indus-
where to draw the line between established competi- try is curious. Our sample definition (actually Schoemaker's,
tors and substitute products, between existing firms 1990) is industry average profitability, which does require
and potential entrants, and between existing firms and defining the industry. Barney's preferred definition is "a firm
suppliers and buyers. Drawing these lines is inherently improving its efficiency and effectiveness in ways that com-
a matter of degree that has little to do with the choice of peting firms are not" (p. 48). This begs the question "How
strategy (1980: 32). does one determine which are the competing firms?"
2001 Priem and Butlei 63

value for some unexplained reason is present, certainly does not follow that there are no pre-
rarity of that resource is positively associated scriptive implications of that resource-based
logic (p. 50).
with the probability of competitive advantage.
The "joint occurrence" requirement is still there, We agree completely. In retrospect, we should
but half (we believe the important half) of that have used the title "How Useful Is the RBV . . . , "
joint occurrence is neither independently de- rather than "Is the RBV a Useful..." for our
fined nor determinable within the theory-like article. This was our error—we never intended
statement. Thus, if some undetermined external to (or actually did) declare the RBV "useless."
factors fortuitously combine to make a firm's The more interesting question is the one of how
strategy, structure, or culture the "right" one(s) to useful the RBV is now and is likely to be in the
produce value (v^^), when rarity exists, advan- future for strategy scholars and practitioners.
tage can occur; without rarity, the best outcome One way to analyze the usefulness of the
is parity. Firms with resources that somehow RBV is by comparing its benefits to those of
create value will be better off if those resources alternative approaches, its achievements to
are rare. scholarly goals, its prescriptions to practitio-
This may not be a particularly novel idea; the ner needs, and the ratio of its insights to the
potential wealth advantages of "cornering the attention it has been paid (e.g., in research
market" for a valuable commodity have been efforts and in journal space). This method
known in history from at least the Roman Em- might be particularly apt, because by using it,
pire through OPEC. In the original screenplay researchers attempt to consider the opportu-
for the 1933 movie King Kong, for example, after nity costs of alternative research efforts that
Kong was subdued on Skull Island, the entrepre- have been foregone.
neurial movie director Denham exulted, "The Three accepted alternatives for internal
whole world will pay to see this . . . . We're mil- analysis have included the strengths and
lionaires, boys, I'll share it all with you. Why, in weaknesses portion (SW) of SWOT analysis.
a few months, it'll be up in lights on Broadway: Porter's (1985) value chain, and the RBV. In SW
'Kong—the Eighth Wonder of the World!'" (quot- analyses researchers consider a variety of in-
ed by Dirks, 1996). Denham clearly understood ternal factors—ranging from physical assets
the effects of rarity when it occurred jointly with to complex routines—and typically report on
an exogenous, "big gorilla" theory of value.^ Top how easily competitors can copy any identi-
managers, who each have succeeded through- fied strengths. With the value chain research-
out a long and rigorous managerial selection ers introduce explicit comparison of the costs
process, also are likely to understand quite well of an internal activity to the customer value
the effects of rarity. Ultimately, the external de- added by that activity. The ease of copying
termination of resource value in the RBV leads value chain activities is also considered. The
one toward evaluating the rarity of and value cost comparison is an advantage of value
added by the ideas in the RBV itself. chain analysis, although customer value de-
termination remains underspecified. SW anal-
yses and value chain analyses are similar in
How Useful Is the RBV? some ways to analyses under the RBV. The
Barney argues: RBV's relative advantage, however, is that it
provides a more structured and detailed con-
Thus, although the resources identified by re- ceptualization of how and why any advantage,
source-based logic as being most likely to gener-
ate sustained strategic advantages frequently once achieved, may be sustained.
are not amenable to managerial manipulation, it Two elemental goals of scholarship are to ex-
plain and predict phenomena. The RBV has con-
tributed to the explanation and prediction of
' The sequel to King Kong—Mighty Joe Young (RKO Pic- sustainability, as shown by statement b above.
tures, 1949)—is even more direct about the benefits of a giant Because of its tautology (statement a) and its
ape's uniqueness (i.e., rarity, nonimitability, nonsubstitut- external determination of value (statement aj),
ability, and nontransferability). Nontransferability is partic-
ularly important to the story. Because only Joe's young mis- however, the RBV has had little to contribute to
tress Jill can control him, he cannot simply be stolen by (i.e., the explanation or prediction of competitive ad-
transferred to) his potential exploiters. vantage. That is, advantage can be identified
64 Academy oi Management Review January

once it has been achieved, but it cannot be ex- wherein one side of a coin represents firm
plained or predicted with the RBV. Yet, the abil- resources and the other represents the compet-
ity to explain and predict a phenomenon is ba- itive environment (i.e., the demand side). This
sic to theory. "two sides of the coin" conceptualization has
Either one of these fundamental problems— come to represent, surely in a way unintended
tautology or the external determination of by Wernerfelt, the separate consideration of
value—is enough by itself to limit the RBV's firm resources and the competitive environ-
prescriptive ability for practitioners. Barney has ment. Such mutual exclusion may reflect the
outlined the prescriptive implications of the RBV state of the academic field, but it is not an
well. His work shows that the RBV is mute on accurate reflection of the practice of strategic
how to create value—a key area of practitioner management. This artificial separation, and
interest. Barney notes that "after managers as- even the resulting terminology, may be re-
certain whether or not a particular resource is stricting our ability to fully conceptualize
valuable, they can then use resource-based strategy making.
logic to anticipate strategic advantages that a Resources, representing what can be done
resource might create" (this .issue p. 51). We by the firm, and the competitive environment,
agree. We also have shown, however, that "as- representing what must be done to compete
certaining value"—an essential function of the effectively in satisfying customer needs, are
strategist—remains indeterminate in the cur- both essential in the strategy-making process.
rent version of the RBV. Practicing strategists have no choice but to
Much excellent research that focuses on or- deal simultaneously with resource-side issues
ganizational resources has been conducted over (while even the strategists may not fully un-
the past decade. The RBV has helped to provide derstand their firms' current and future capa-
the impetus for that research. Yet, researchers bilities) and potential demand-side issues
generally have evaluated midrange theories, (while even the demanders may not be aware
each involving a specific resource and its poten- of their future needs). This requires an elabo-
tial contribution to competitive advantage. Each rative, evolving, and emergent process that
of these midrange theories might make an im- works toward solutions by addressing core
portant contribution to strategic management in connections between resources and the envi-
its own right, but the unique insights obtained ronment. Scholars must once again openly ac-
directly from the RBV seem few to us relative to knowledge and accept the resource-environ-
the extensive attention the RBV has garnered as ment connection (not separation) that is
a general perspective for strategic manage- elemental to strategy. We then will no longer
ment. have to deal with the pretenses of either as-
suming that firm resources are givens (as in
"environment only" models) or that consumer
CONCLUSION demands/valuations are givens (as in "re-
We have enjoyed this opportunity for debate source only" models).
with Professor Barney, and we hope that our We absolutely agree with Professor Barney
remarks may in some way contribute to clari- that "resource-based models of strategic ad-
fying the RBV. Our mathematical representa- vantage may need to be augmented by theo-
tions of elemental RBV assertions could be a ries of the creative and entrepreneurial pro-
first step. We have shown that the RBV, as cess" (p. 53). Decision making in the strategy
currently constituted, contains a theory of sus- process demands sound judgment, and per-
tainability but nof a theory of competitive ad- haps even wisdom. Attention to organizational
vantage (i.e., value creation). Further concep- decision processes that are directly related to
tual development is required if the RBV is to value creation—advocated by Eisenhardt and
address this essential element of strategic Martin (in press) concerning "dynamic capa-
management and thereby increase its contri- bilities" and by Priem and Cycyota (in press)
bution to our field. concerning "strategic judgment"—could prove
We believe that the necessary conceptual fruitful for researchers. We hope that value
work might be accelerated if strategy scholars creation decisions will garner more research
drop Wernerfelt's (1984) coin metaphor. attention and that, simultaneously, a better
2001 Priem and Butler 65

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Richard L. Priem is a professor of strategic management and chair of the Department

of Management at the University of Texas at Arlington, where he received his Ph.D. He
was a Fulbright scholar at the University College of Belize and has visited at Hong
66 Academy oi Management Review January

Kong Polytechnic University and HKUST. His research interests include top manage-
ment decision making and processes.
John E. Butler is an associate professor of strategic management at Hong Kong
Polytechnic University. He received his Ph.D. in strategy from New York University. His
current research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship and Southeast Asian
business practices.

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