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1. The requirement of Officers for the Air Force depending on the vacancies that exists
from time to time is intimated by Cmd P2 Section AFHQ to the Chief Recruiting Officer
(CRO) to arrange recruitment. The responsibility of recruiting lies with the Commander/
Chief of Staff.


2. Officers and Officer Cadets. The Recruiting Board will comprise of the
under mentioned Officers whose appointment for the said Board will be approved by the
Ministry of Defence.

a. Secretary Ministry of Defence.

b. Commander of the Air Force.
c. Respective branch Director.
d. Ministry of Defence Representative.


3. The recruitment of Officer Cadets and Direct Entry Officers as Regular or Volunteer
to fulfill Officer vacancies will be done twice a year unless otherwise decided by
the Commander of the Air Force. The Command Recruiting Officer will ascertain from the
respective Directors after submitting the number of vacancies available in the respective
Branch and thereafter the number and types of branch vacancies that require to be fulfilled.
Thereafter, Command Recruiting Officer in consultation with
Director Administration and Director Training will adjust the numbers in each branch
proportionately to suit the cadre vacancies and availability of accommodation at the
Training Schools respectively. The number of Officer Cadets and Direct Entry Officers
approved by the Commander of the Air Force will be considered for the process of
enlistment. Thereafter, approval should be obtained from Secretary to the Ministry of
Defence to process on the due course.


4. a. Applications for Officer Cadets, Direct Entry Officers and

Airmen/Airwomen as

Direct Entry or Recruits (as applicable) will be called through the
Gazette Notification, Command Routine Orders, Electronic and Print Media which will be
in the approved form by the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence.

b. Gazette Notifications in respect of Volunteer personnel will be in the form as laid
down for Regulars while the following additional clauses are to be included.

a. ‘It is emphasized that these vacancies are in the Volunteer Air Force and
in the Regular Air Force, and selection does not necessarily constitute paid regular

b. ‘Volunteers during period of full time mobilized duty will be paid the same
pay and allowances applicable to Regulars as laid down in the
Air Force Pay Code’.

c. ‘Volunteer personnel are liable for mobilization in terms of Sections 7 and 18

.of the Air Force Act’.

6. The minimum period for the closing of applications shall be 4 weeks from the date
of the publication of the Gazette Notification or Command Routing Orders. Applications
may be posted or delivered by hand. The advertised closing day will be the final day of
closing of applications and all applications received thereafter will be scheduled for the next
interview process. Command Recruiting Officer may consider the late submissions if time
permits before the Preliminary interview.


7. The Deputy Command Recruiting Officer and Recruiting Warrant Officer are to
maintain separate registers for all applications received within the prescribed period from
the candidates who apply for Officer Cadets, Direct Entry Officers and Airmen/Airwomen
as Direct Entry or Recruits (as applicable) vacancies with relevant details such as date, time
received, received by whom, received by mail or e-mail, reference numbers etc. All
applications that are not selected are to be retained for one year after the enlistment, before
disposal on approval of the Command Recruiting Officer and other applications are to be
retained in the personal file.

8. Every application even though forwarded under registered cover may not reach the
Command Recruiting Section. If such instances are brought to the notice of the
Command Recruiting Officer, and if adequate proof of posting is furnished, the
Command Recruiting Officer may direct such candidates to forward fresh applications to be
considered along with the others.


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6. The SNCO i/c recruiting is to maintain a register of all applications received within
the prescribed period. All applications are to be retained for one year after the enlistment of
the intakes, before disposal.

7. Every application even though forwarded under registered cover may not reach the
Chief Recruiting Officer. If such instances are brought to the notice of the Chief Recruiting
Officer, and if adequate proof of posting is furnished, the Chief Recruiting Officer may
direct such candidates to be considered along with the others.


8. All applications that satisfy the requirement/qualifications set out in the gazette
notification are to be scheduled for interview.

9. Applications that do not conform to the requirements as laid down, will be rejected,
unless, they are referred for consideration by the Commander as per the conditions laid
down in the Gazette. The reason for rejection of any application is to be annotated in red
ink in the registration book and on the application itself, and such annotations are to initiate
by the Chief Recruiting Officer. No further action will be taken on rejected applications.

10. Applications of candidates with special skills or qualifications (including

outstanding sportsman) which do not fully in confirm to the Gazette notification
requirements, may be scheduled for consideration by the Recruiting Board at the discretion
of Chief Recruiting Officer.


11. All eligible candidates are to be called for a preliminary interview by letter.

12. Candidates for Officer Cadet Vacancies will be interviewed by a Board and are to be
assessed on the Pro-forma specified for same.

13. Officer Quality Test (OQT) - Second Interview. Candidates who pass the
preliminary interview will be tested for Officer Qualities.


14. Candidates selected for the final interview are to be informed by letter. An Interview
Schedule will be issued in respect of Officers/Cadets.

15. In the case of Officer Cadets the list of candidates selected (including reserves) are
to be sent to MOD for approval.


16. All candidates qualifying from the preliminary interviews are to be called for the
Medical Examinations. However, Officer Cadets of the GD/P and Ops Air branches
undergoing the Aircrew Medicals are to be called for the purpose by letters.

16. Director Health Services will arrange the Medical Tests (Initial Screening Medical/
Final Medical/Aircrew Medical) for all selected candidates as per AFO – 683, Air Force
Manual on SLAF Medical Examinations and Enlistment Standards (MED 101) and Medical
instructions issued by Director Health Services. In addition, the following points are to be
adhered when conducting Medical Tests.

a. A comprehensive psychological analysis of all Officer Candidates are to be

done prior to all the other tests. An individual report is to be forwarded to the
Command Recruiting Officer by the Conducting Officer through Director Health

b. Psychological analysis of the candidates of Kotelawala Defence University

(KDU) is to be done at KDU prior to the Officer Qualifying Test and selection board
is to be informed the outcome of psychological analysis test with the medical
screening test results.

d. Those who are selected for GD/P Branch (including KDU Cadets) will
undergo an Aircrew Medical Examination and a psychological analysis test before the
commencement of flying aptitude test.

e. Selection Board/Medical Board may obtain the opinion of military/civil

psychiatrists/specialists. However, the final decision is to be made by the
Military Selection Board following consultation of the Director Health Services.

f. No sooner the Medical Tests are completed the Command Recruiting Officer
is required to be informed by the Conducting Officer through Director Health
Services of the outcome of all Medical Tests including the medical screening test
results to proceed along with the interview process.

g. At no circumstances the results/condition of the medical tests are to be revealed

to any person by the Recruiting or Medical staff unless otherwise it is ordered to do
so by Director Health Services or Command Recruiting Officer.

h. Details of the medical history and examination are to be recorded in the
Form Med 1. A declaration has to be taken from the candidates that they are free from
disease conditions mentioned in the Form Med 1. Candidates who need specialized
opinion are to be referred to specialized institutions to obtain such opinion.

j. After completion of the Medical Examination the results are to be notified to

the Command Recruiting Officer by using the SLAF Sub-Form Med 58 under
confidential cover, within 10 days of the Medical Test. If a candidate is unfit, the
nature of illness/reasons for being unfit is to be recorded in red ink on the Sub-Form
Med 58.

19. All other candidates declared fit at the Medical Examinations will be issued with a
letter to obtain the Civil Police Report and Personal Particular Form.


18. Successful candidates selected to join the Air Force are to be notified by letter. The
date of enlistment will be decided to suit the planned schedule of training as determined by
the Commander.


19. The Recruiting Officer will administer the Oath/Affirmation on candidates selected
for enlistment. The SNCO i/c Recruiting is responsible for explaining the contents of the
declaration form to the successful candidates and to warn them of the consequences in the
event of false declarations.

20. The Chief Recruiting Officer is to arrange for selectors to be sent to the Supply and
Maintenance Depot for kitting after which they are to be sent by train to SLAF, Diyatalawa
under care of one or more nominated SNCOs from that Unit. The Chief Recruiting Officer
is also to ensure the reservation of railway carriages and is to arrange for the issue of
Railway Warrants, Movement Orders, etc.


21. Officer Cadets/Student Officers (Direct Entries) depending on their qualifications

and their performance at the interviews will be enlisted to a Branch listed below;

a. General Duties Pilot Branch.

b. Technical Engineering Branch.

c. Electronics Engineering Branch.

d. Logistics Branch.

e. Administrative Branch.

f. Administrative Regiment Branch.

g. Operations Air Branch.

h. Air Field Construction Branch.

j. Medical Branch.

k. Dental Branch.

l. Admin/Legal Branch.

m. Admin/Veterinary Branch.

n. Admin/Agriculture Branch.

p. Admin/Education Branch.

q. Admin/Band Branch.


22. Applications depending on the type of intake are invited from male/female
candidates who possess the qualifications given below.

a. Nationality. Must be a citizen of Sri Lanka.

b. Age. Not less than 18 years and not more than 22 years.

c. Marital Status. Single

d. Physical Standards. Height - Male 5’6" (168 cm) and

- Female 5’5" (165 cm) and


23. Candidates must be unmarried. No Cadet will be permitted to marry whilst under
training and for a further period of one (1) year from the date of Commissioning, unless of
extreme compassionate grounds.


24. Due consideration will be given to outstanding achievements in the field of sports.


25. Education qualifications in respect of the branches are as follows. However, the
education qualification for the enlistment will be changed as per the discretion of the
Commander of the Air Force and the Ministry of Defence.

a. General Duties Pilot Branch. A minimum of passes in 6 subjects at the

GCE (O/L) Examination including Credits in Mathematics and English and a pass in
Sinhala/Tamil Language in one sitting and Passes in 3 subject at the GCE (A/L)
Examination in Physical/Bio Science subjects.

b. Technical Engineering Branch. A minimum of passes in 6 subjects at

the GCE O/L Examination including Credits and Mathematics and English and a
pass in Sinhala/Tamil language in one sitting and passes in 3 subject at the GCE A/L
Examination in Physical Science Subjects.

c. Electronics Engineering Branch. A minimum of passes in 6 subjects at

the GCE O/L Examination including Credits in Mathematics and English and a
Passes in Sinhala/Tamil language in one sitting and passes in 3 subject at the GCE
A/L Examination in Physical Science subjects.

d. Operations Air Branch. A minimum of passes in 6 subject at the GCE

O/L Examination including Credits in Mathematics and English and a pass
Sinhala/Tamil language in one sitting and passes in 3 subject at the GCE A/L
Examinations in Physical Bio-Science subject/Commerce subjects.

e. Logistics Branch. A minimum of passes in 6 subject at the GCE O/L

Examination including Credits in Mathematics and English and a pass Sinhala/Tamil
language in one sitting and passes in 3 subject at the GCE A/L Examination in
Physical Bio-Science subject/Commerce subjects.

f. Administrative Branch. A minimum of passes in 6 subject at the GCE

O/L Examination including Credits in Mathematics and English and a pass
language in one sitting and passes in 3 subject at the GCE A/L Examinations in
Physical Bio-Science subject/Commerce subjects.

g. Administrative Regiment Branch. A minimum of passes in 6 subject at

the GCE O/L Examination including Credits in Mathematics and English and a pass
Sinhala/Tamil language in one sitting and passes in 3 subject at the GCE A/L
Examinations in Physical Bio-Science subject/Commerce subjects.


26. The following condition of service will apply to a cadet entry;

a. The Candidates are to initially enlist in the Air Force as Office Cadets on a
regular engagement in the same manner as for other ranks and will undergo a Basic
Training course. (Initial Combat, Basic Administration, Branch Training). On
successful completion of Training course, the duration of which will depend on the
branch of service the cadet is allocated, his enlistment as an other rank lapse and he
will receive a permanent commission in the rank of Pilot Officer.

b. Cadets will be required to undergo Training in Sri Lanka or abroad as

decided by the Commander of the Air Force in consultation with the Ministry of

c. All cadets will be provided with items of uniforms, equipment and medical
facilities free of charge.

d. During the period of training a cadet will be accommodated in an Air Force

Officer Cadets mess and provided with free meals.





1. The selected candidates will be commissioned on successful completion of the

prescribed courses of training. These training courses and their duration are as follows.

a. GD Pilot Branch.

(1) Initial Combat Training phase 6 months.

(2) Basic Admin phase 6 months.

(3) Flying Training phase 12 months.

Total 24 months.

Note:- There may be instance where depending on the weather,

flying training phase cannot be completed in 12 months and in such
case the duration will be decided accordingly completion of 180
flying hours.

b. Officer Cadets of Other Branches.

(1) Initial Combat Training phase 06 months.

(2) Basic Admin phase 06 months.

(3) Basic Training phase 06 months.

Total 18 months

c. Direct Entry Officers. An orientation course for a period of 6 months

will be conducted for all direct entry Officers and this course will consist of training
on initial combat as well as on basic Admin in the service.

d. KDU Cadets.

(1) All service Cadets other than the Medical, Tech/Eng and LLB Branch
Cadets selected to the Air Force from the KDU will be subject to a training
phase of one year in the SLAF and this phase will consist of the Basic Admin
phase and the branch training phase.

(2) Medical, Tech/Eng and LLB branch cadets will be given the branch
training at the KDU itself and the respective outside organizations. On
completion of the same they will undergo Basic Admin phase in the Air

2. Officers required for services in the SLAF are granted commissions by the President
of Sri Lanka after successful completion of the prescribed courses of training.


3. Types of commissions that are granted to Officers are:

a. Permanent Commission (PC) {Reg 5 (1) (a)}. Officers granted a

Permanent Commission are served in the Air Force until retired on reaching the age
of mandatory retirement.

b. Short Service Commission (SSC) {Reg 5 (1) (b)}. An Officer granted a

Short Service Commission is boned to serve for the stipulated number of years
followed by 5 years in the reserve. The stipulated number of years of service in
generally is 04 years but could be extended depending on the merit of each case
provided that the total service does not exceed 10 years.

c. Temporary Commission (TC) {Reg 5 (1) (c)}. A Temporary

Commission is granted in the Air Force for Commissioned Officers of the Volunteer
Air Force and of the Army/Navy second for service with the SLAF during the period
of seconded service, the Officers will not be eligible for a PC in the SLAF.

d. Honorary Commission (HC) {Reg 5 (1) (d)}. Honorary Commissions are

granted in the Air Force for Officers who render services free of charge eg; Doctors
Surgeons etc. and will retire at the age of 55 years or any other stipulate age
specified according to the branch.


4. Commissioning from the other ranks is provided for in Regulation 5(2) (d) of the Air
Force Regular and Regular Reserve Regulations 1951.

5. There are two methods by which an Airman/Airwoman may reach commissioned

rank as specified below:

a. By submitting an application in answer to a Gazette Notification advertised

for Commissioned Officer vacancies in the SLAF and being considered along with
outside candidates.

b. By being recommended by the Cmdt/Base Cmdr/CO and the respective

Director for a commission under the scheme laid down from para 6 to 9 in this order.



3. Applications are to be submitted as requested by the Gazette Notification.

4. Candidates from within the service are to submit applications at least seven days
before the closing date. These applications are to be checked at Academy/Base/Station level
to ensure that such applications are met with the requirement advertised in the Gazette

5. The application is to be forwarded to Air Force Headquarters together with

duly completed F.1369 - Confidential Report (Officers) of the applicant.



6. The eligibility criteria for commissioning of Other Ranks under the

recommendations of the Cmdt/Base Cmdrs/COs are as follows:

a. Rank. Sergeant. (Consideration to be given to the rank of Corporal of

exceptional merit and suitability).

b. Age. 38 to 43 years. (Age limit may be waived at the discretion of the

Commander of the Air Force in case of exceptional merit/suitability).

c. Education Qualifications as per the Branch.

d. Medically fit (Last Physical Fitness Test).
e. Satisfactory Records of Service.
f. Recommendations of the Cmdt/Base Cmdr/CO and the respective Director.


6. All Officers Cadets at the time of their enlistment are required to enter into a Bond
and Agreement to serve the Air Force for a period of 12 years from the date of enlistment.
The amounts specified for the bonds are changed time to time.

7. In the case of KDU Cadets, they at the time of their enlistment to the KDU are
required to enter into a Bond and Agreement to serve the Air Force for a period a 12 years
and the amounts specified for the bonds in respect of the branches are changed time to time.

8. When Direct Entry Officers are enlisted into the Air Force, depending on the case,
they are instructed to enter into an agreement to serve the Air Force for a stipulated period.



9. Any Officer who is with less than 10 years of service, if granted a release from the
Air Force will resign his/her Commission. An Officer with a service of 10 years or more
may, on
the decision of the Commander of the Air Force, be recommended for retirement/resignation
and retirements subject to the approval of the HE the President.





1. Officer Cadets/Student Officers (Direct Entries) depending on their qualifications

and their performance at the interviews will be enlisted to a Branch listed below:

a. General Duties Pilot Branch.

b. Technical Engineering Branch.
c. Electronics Engineering Branch.
d. Logistics Branch.
e. Administrative Branch.
f. Administrative Regiment Branch.
g. Operations Air Branch.
h. Air Field Construction Branch.
j. Medical Branch.
k. Dental Branch.
l. Admin/Legal Branch.
m. Admin/Veterinary Branch.
n. Admin/Agriculture Branch.
p. Admin/Education Branch.
q. Admin/Band Branch.


2. Ground for Change of Branch. An Officer may be permitted to change his

branch if the change is recommended by his Commanding Officer and if the Commander of
the Air Force considers it desirable for any of the following reasons;

a. Service Reasons.
b. Personal Reasons.
c. Unsuitability.
d. Medical Reasons.

3. An Officer of the rank of Squadron Leader and above will be permitted to change
the branch except under Service Orders.


4. An Officer may be transferred to another branch if it is considered that his talents are
wasted in the branch in which he is at present or that his qualifications would be of greater
use to the service in a new branch. If he is not fully suitable in his present branch he would
not be transferred under this clause. It is made purely in the interest of the Service.


5. If an Officer applies to change his branch, due to better career prospects in the new
branch, it may be considered by the Commander, provided he posses the requisite
qualifications for the new branch or he has already met all requisites of his present branch.
Also and that vacancies should exist in the new branch and he could be released from the
present branch.


6. If an Officer is unsuitable for duty in his present branch for any reason other than
medical, the Commander may decide, weather it is desirable to retain him in Service. If he
is considered suitable for retention in the Service in another branch, the Officer will be
given the option to leave the Service or change his branch.


7. If an Officer is medically unfit in his present branch but is considered fit for Service
in another branch, the Commander would first decide if it is desirable to retain him in
Service. If it is considered that he could be of value to the Service in another branch he will
be given the option of retiring of changing his branch. This would normally apply only to
General Duties Officers.


8. An Officer who transfers from one branch to another for personal reasons, may be
permitted to retain his rank and count his service in the rank and the total period of Service,
towards increments of pay, and pension, but he will take a place in the seniority list below
that of all Officers of his rank in the new branch, irrespective of his existing seniority in that
rank in relation to those Officers in the new branch.


9. An Officer who is transferred to another branch for service reasons is permitted to

grant his rank and appointment seniority in the new branch.


10. An Officer who is permitted to transfer to another branch because he is found

unsuitable for duties in his present branch (for any reasons other than medical grounds) may
be permitted to retain his rank and count Service in his rank and total period of Service, for
the purpose of increments of pay and pensions, but for the purpose of seniority he will
forfeit three years of service or will take place below that of all Officers of his rank in the
new branch, (irrespective of their seniority in that rank) which ever is greater.


11. An Officer who is permitted to transfer to another branch on Medical grounds.

a. If he is of the rank of Flying Officer or below he may be permitted to retain

his rank and count service in his rank and in the Service for increments of pay and
pensions, but will take a place in the seniority list below that of all Officers of his
rank in the new branch.

b. If he is in the rank of Flight Lieutenant or above, and the change is to be

Technical Branch, he may be permitted to retain his rank and count service in his
rank and in the Service for purposes of increments and pay and pension, but for the
purpose of seniority he will forfeit two years service.
c. If he is in the rank of Flight Lieutenant or above and transfer is to any branch
other than a Technical Branch, he may be permitted to retain his rank and full
seniority in the new branch and take a place in the seniority list immediately after
those of equal rank and seniority in the new branch.


12. An Officer who has not passed the Promotion Examination for his rank before the
transfer is required to pass the examination in the subjects for his new branch. An Officer,
who has already passed the Promotion Examination for his rank in the old branch prior to
the transfer, is to complete the examination by securing passes in any specialist subjects that
are applicable to the new branch, before he can be considered for a further Promotion.




1. The efficient administration of an Academy/Base/Station is mainly depends on
correct maintenance and prompt dispatch of personal records.

2. Careless and incorrect maintenance and delay in dispatch of documents means that
Cmdt/Base Cmdr/CO is not in possession of full particulars, both personal and service of the
personnel under his command.

3. Incorrect entries and omissions in compilation may affect an individual’s career,

both whilst in the service, and subsequently in civil life on transfer to the reserve.


4. The more important documents are filed in Filing Cabinets. The advantages thereby
obtained being mobility, security and flexibility. The system provides for the rapid action of
entries with a minimum of writing and for essential cross checks without unnecessary
duplication of work.



5. The following documents are to be enclosed in Form 445A and retained in

Filing Cabinets.

a. Officers.

(1) Form 373 B - Record of Service.

(2) Form 678 - Leave and Miscellaneous Record Card.
(3) Form 3894 - Arrival, Accommodation and Clearance Card.

(4) Form 3896 - Attachment Card.

(5) Previous 373 - Previous Record of Service.
(6) Form 292 - Course Reports.
(7) Previous Form 678 - Previous Leave and Miscellaneous Card.
(8) Promotion authority letters.
(9) Certified copy of Birth Certificate of the Officer.

(10) Certified copy of NIC of the Officer.

(11) Certified copy of Certificate of Marriage.
(12) Certified copy of Birth Certificate of the Spouse.

(13) Certified copy of NIC of the Spouse.

(14) Certified copy of Birth Certificates of Children.

(15) Secondary Duty Card.

(16) Commendation / Certificate of Merit (if any).


6. The following points are to be noted for special attention:

a. Form 373B (Record of Service) is to be enclosed in F. 445A and kept in the

Filing Cabinet. All positive information (e.g. number, date of birth etc.,) on personal
records is typed or entered in ink.

b. Sections underlined and other non-permanent information are completed in


c. Ball point type pens are not to be used.

7. Brief particular of each main document are given below:

a. Form 373B (Record of Service) is to be enclosed in F. 445A and records the

personal particulars of an Officer and his/her service history.

b. Form 678 (Leave and Miscellaneous Record Card) is to be enclosed in

F. 445A. The card records leave entitlement, number of days leave and number of
railway warrants taken during the leave year and is ruled off in red ink at the end of
each financial year.

c. Form 3894 (Arrival, Accommodation and Clearance Card) is raised by the

P2 Section to record the arrival of an Officer on posting or attachment, his/her
departure on posting or cessation of attachment and shows where the Officer is
accommodated and employed. Forms 3894 are maintained in separately and to be
enclosed in F.445A. On posting away, Form 3894 is used as a clearance certificate
and held for twelve months in a separate cabinet. Thereafter, it may be destroyed by
convening a B of S.

d. Form Med 4 (Medical Envelop) is a confidential document and is normally

kept under the custody of Academy/Base/Station Medical Officer who is
responsible for its maintenance. At Academy/Bases/Stations where there is no
service Medical Officer, the medical envelopes are kept in a place of security
decided upon by the Cmdt/Base Cmdr/CO. The responsibilities of Administrative
Officers towards Forms Med 4 are:

(1) Ensuring the Medical Officer is informed promptly of all postings to

and from the Academy/Base/Station.

(2) Ensuring that all medical envelopes received from Hospitals or other
AF Establishments are dispatched promptly to the correct destinations.

e. Form 3896 (Attachment Card) is used when an Officer is detached from

his/her parent AF Establishments. The card is prepared by the Officer’s Parent
AF Establishments, records details of the attachment, Next-of-Kin, the leave and
railway warrant entitlement. The card is dispatched to the AF Establishment of
attachment where it is filed in the Filing Cabinet in lieu of Form 373B. Any
occurrences affecting the Officer whilst on attachment are recorded on F.3896 and
subsequently transferred to 373B on returned to his/her Parent Establishment on
cessation of attachment.

8. The OCPS/OCA and O I/C P2, where applicable is responsible for Officer’s


7. Brief particulars of each document are given below:

a. Form 373 (Record of Service) is kept in a visible index cabinet and records
the personnel particulars of an Officer and his/her service history.
b. Form 678 (Leave and Miscellaneous Record Card) is also held in a visible
index cabinet, normally on the reverse side of the pocket containing Form 373. The
card records leave entitlement, number of days leave and number of railway
warrants taken during the leave year and is ruled off in red ink at the end of each
financial year.

c. Form 3894 (Arrival, Accommodation and Clearance Card) is raised by the P2

Section to record the arrival of an Officer on posting or attachment, his/her departure
on posting or cessation of attachment and shows where the Officer is accommodated
and employed. Form 3894 is maintained in a separate visible cabinet by the Station
P2. On posting away or cease of attachment Form 3894 is used as a clearance
certificate and held for twelve months in a separate cabinet. Thereafter it may be

d. Form Med 4 (Medical Envelop) is a confidential document and is normally

kept at Station sick quarters by the service medical Officer who is responsible for its
maintenance. At Stations where there is no service medical Officer, the medical
envelopes are kept in a place of security decided upon by the CO. The
responsibilities of Administrative Officers towards the care and maintenance of
forms Med 4 are:

(1) Ensuring the Medical Officer is informed promptly of all postings to
and from the unit.
(2) Ensuring that all medical envelopes received from hospital/sick
quarters or other units are dispatched promptly to the correct destinations.

8. Form 3896 (attachment card) is used when an Officer is detached from his/her
Parent Unit. The card is prepared by the Officer's Parent Unit, records details of the
attachment, next of kin, leave and railway warrant entitlement. The card is dispatched to the
unit of attachment where it is filed in the visible index cabinet in lieu of Form 373. Any

occurrences affecting the Officer whilst on attachment are recorded on F. 3896 which is
returned to his/her parent unit on cessation of attachment.

9. The Administrative Officer/P2 Officer where applicable is responsible for Officers'



10. Between Academy/ Base/ Stations. When an Officer is posted to a new

Base/Station all his/her documents are to be forwarded by post, under cover of F.591A to
his/her new Station/Unit.

11. Use of F.591A (Receipt of documents) Documents dispatched outside the Unit must
always be forwarded under cover of F.591A. A register for Form 591A is to be maintained
by the dispatching unit. Each F. 591A will be serially numbered and the register will record
date of dispatch of the documents, personal particulars of the Officer to whom the
documents refer, where documents are sent and when they were sent and the date receipted
F.591A was returned


12. A check of all Officers' documents held is to be carried out by the Officer
responsible for P2 at quarterly intervals during the first week in February, May, August and
November and the result notified to Air Force Headquarters. The Medical Officer is
responsible for checking his/her register of Form Med 4.


13. The names and addresses of the 'Next-of-Kin' and the additional person to be
informed of casualties are to be entered in Form 373 in pencil.

14. An Officer is required to inform his/her Station in writing any change in the name
and/or address of his/her 'Next-of-Kin or person in addition to Next-of-Kin. The document
clerk is to note it and promulgate the change in personnel occurrence reports.

15. An annual check of 'Next-of-Kin' is to be carried out on the 30th of June. The
required particulars are to be obtained on a similar Pro-forma/questionnaire. The 'Pro-forma'
is to be forwarded to headquarters when unit action has been completed.


16. If it appears that Form 280B/Form 373B/Form 678 has been tampered with, the
Cmdt/Base Cmdr/CO is to forward the suspected document with a report to Air Force

36. If a Service Document is lost, or become defaced so far as to be illegible, application

is to be made to DA, AFHQ to prepare a new form from the master documents. In making
the application, the Cmdt/Base Cmdr/CO is to explain the circumstances attending the loss
or is to forward the record considered to be illegible as the case may be.




1. All leave is granted subject to the exigencies of Service and cannot be availed of as a
matter of right. The maximum number of days that may be granted with full pay and
allowances in any leave year is scheduled at Annex 'A' to AFO 735.


2. a. Casual Leave. Casual leave is intended to enable personnel to be

absent for short periods at a time necessitated by purely unforeseen and casual
circumstances (such leave may be granted by the Officer delegated to do so). Casual
leave should not precede or follow privilege leave except under unavoidable

(1) The maximum number of days that may be availed of for any year is
seventeen days (17). Any unused casual leave at the end of the year will be

(2) Not more than three (3) days casual leave may be granted at one and
the same time.
(3) Academy/Bases/Stations/Formations may grant casual leave in half
days. The half day is too computed as follows:

(a) Morning session (up to luncheon break) 1/2 day.

(b) Afternoon session (after luncheon break) ½ day.

b. Privilege Leave. Privilege leave may be granted on the following basis:

(1) Not more than 28 days (in the case of Aircrew 35 days) leave may be
granted in any leave year. For the purpose of this note, it is to be noted that
the leave commence on the 1st of January on a particular year.
(2) Not more than 14 days may be granted at one and the same time
except on the authority of Air Force Headquarters.

(3) A minimum of 14 days notice should be given.

(4) A leave calendar by sections should be prepared at the

commencement of each leave year and should be adhered to as closely as
possible to prevent disruption of work.

(5) Unused Privilege leave may be accumulated for a period of two years.


c. Accumulated Leave. Accumulated leave is unused Privilege leave

accumulated over a period of two years immediately proceeding the current year.

(1) A maximum of 42 days may be granted at one and the same time if
such leave is to be spent in the island or 56 days if such leave is to be spent
out of the island. Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays falling within a
spell of vacation leave if spent within the Island is not to be counted against
the leave but will be counted against the leave if the leave is to be spent
outside the Island vide Establishment Cord Chapter XII Para 8:3.

(2) A minimum of 28 days notice should be given in the event of leave

being spent in the island whilst a minimum of 56 days notice should be given
in the event of leave being spent out of the island. Those applying for leave
abroad should do so in the relevant application (F. Gen. 126) in triplicate to
enable Headquarters to process that application with the Ministry of Defence.

d. Embarkation Leave. Embarkation leave of 7 days may be granted

to Officers proceeding abroad on a course of training where they may be reasonably
expected to be out of the island generally for a period of 6 months or more.

e. Disembarkation Leave. Disembarkation Leave of 7 days may be

granted to Officers on their return from training abroad if the period spent abroad is
six months or more.

f. Sick Leave. Sick leave is granted only on the authority of the Service
Medical Officer subject to the following.

(1) A period of 7 days by a Medical Officer/Dental Officer of the Air


(2) The Officer Commanding Sri Lanka Air Force Hospital, Katunayake
is authorized to grant 14 days sick leave for patients discharged from

(3) The Command Dental Officer of the Air Force is authorized to grant
14 days sick leave for patients (Dental) discharged from the hospital.

(4) A period of over 7 days but not exceeding 30 days by the Director
Health Services of the Air Force.

(5) A period of over 30 days but not exceeding 90 days on the

recommendation of a Medical Board appointed by the Commander of the Air

(6) Sick leave recommended by a Government Medical Officer shall be

subject to confirmation by the appropriate authority at 5 (f) (1) to (5) above.

g. Maternity Leave.

(1) A Lady Officer or an Airwoman is entitled to obtain 84 working days
leave with full pay in respect of every live child birth. Therefore, medical
certificates or the birth certificate of the child should be produced for the
purpose of authorization of leave under this section.

(2) In calculating Maternity Leave, Public Holidays, Saturdays and

Sundays falling within such period should not be included.

(3) This period of leave should not be setoff against the balance leave
available to the Lady Officer or to the Airwoman and should be treated as
special leave with full pay.

h. In the case of a still birth or the death of the child before the expiry of 6
weeks from the child birth, 6 weeks leave from the date of childbirth (including
public holidays, weekends and working days) should be granted as special full pay
leave on the production of the death certificate of the child or a medical certificates.

j. Maternity Leave on Half Pay.

(a) After the exhaustion of leave in terms of sub section 5g(1)(a) above,
the Lady Officer or Airwoman is entitled 84 days leave on half pay for her to
look after the child.

(b) Public Holidays, Saturday and Sundays falling within the period of
full pay leave should be treated as Half Pay Leave.

k. Maternity Leave on No Pay.

(a) After the end of leave approved under sub section 5g(2)(a) above, it
is possible to grant 84 days No Pay Leave only if such leave is required for
the purpose of looking after the child.

(b) When calculating leave under this section, public holidays, Saturdays
and Sundays falling within that period should be included.

(c) Before granting this leave the AFHQ should gratify that satisfactory
arrangements have been made to recover any monthly installment in respect
of loans or advance granted to the respective Lady Officer /Airwoman
concerned without interruption.

(d) In case of a miscarriage the Lady Officer or Airwoman can avail Sick
Leave on the approval of the Academy/Base/Station Medical Officer on the
of proof a valid medical certificate.

(e) After the expiration of the Maternity Leave obtained under sub
section 5g(1)(a) the Lady Officer or Airwoman should be allowed to leave
office one hour before the normal time of departure for them to breast feed
the child provided no leave mentioned in sub section 5g(2)(a) has been
availed of. This concession should continue only till the child completes the
age of six months (06).

(f) Further, when the Lady Officer or Airwoman reaches the 5 th months
of pregnancy she should be allowed to attend office half an hour later than
the normal time of attendance and leave office half an hour before the normal
time of departure. This concession is available only till Maternity Leave is

(g) Leave referred to under section 5g(2)(a) and 5g(3)(a) is granted only
when the child is alive. If the child dies during aforementioned either of the
two leave periods, the particular leave expires after 07 days from the date of
the child’s death.

(h) Leave granted in terms of sub section 5g(2)(a) and 5g(3)(a) above
should not have any adverse effect on salary increments and pensions. Also
such periods of leave should not adversely affect the filling of vacancies and
granting of promotions occurring during such period of No Pay Leave.

(j) If the Lady Officer or Airwoman whishes to get a portion of the leave
under sub sections 5g(2)(a) and 5g(3)(a) and to report for duty, she can do so
after informing such willingness to the AFHQ.

l. Passes. Passes may be granted for periods not exceeding 48 hrs, on the
following conditions:

(1) Provided such pass is granted over weekends.

(2) At any other time on compassionate grounds or in such other

circumstances as the Commanding Officer may consider exceptional.

(3) That such pass is not granted in conjunction with casual leave or
Privilege leave.

8. Duty Leave. Duty leave may be granted to Officers who have been
selected to represent Sri Lanka in any Sport either in Sri Lanka or abroad. Authority
for duty leave may be granted by the Commander of the Air Force when such leave
is to be spent locally but in the case of leave abroad a recommendation has to be
made to the Secretary Defence and his concurrence obtained in writing.

k. Leave Whilst Under Training. Leave is not to be granted to Officers

under training except for extreme compassionate reasons and such leave is to be
granted on the personal authority of the Commanding Officer.

l. Unused Privilege Leave on expiry of Engagement/prior to Retirement.

As far as this subject is concerned all Academy/Bases/Stations are to note that
computation of leave prior to expiry of engagement after completion of 12 years of
service or above and on retirement is to be done on the following basis.

(1) Officers may avail of all accumulated privilege leave up to a

maximum of two years provided they have an entitlement to such leave.

(2) Proportionate entitlement of Privilege Leave up to 31st March of the

year in which expiry of engagement/retirement takes effect if such
effective date is before 31st March, of that year. If effective date of
retirement/expiry of engagement is after 31st March, the full entitlement of
Accumulated and unused Privilege Leave for the year may be added on as

(3) In the case of those whose Re-engagement Leave has not been availed of
before, such non-availed leave may be taken with termination leave.

Lieu Leave.

(1) Lieu Leave can be granted to all personnel if they fall on guard duty
or any other type of official duty in weekend or Public Holidays. On behalf
of working a non working day (Holiday) he/she can claim leave on a
working day out of this concession. Accordingly, accurate records must be
maintained at sections when availing such leave by the personnel entitled.
Jan 2019
(2) However, this concession is not applicable for shift duty personnel as
they are claiming a shift off at the end of shift duty.

(3) POR action in respect of Lieu Leave is to be taken and same to be

indicated in F. 678 separately. However, under no circumstances unused Lieu
Leave cannot bring forward for coming years.


3. Applications for leave are to be submitted on the Form 780 (Officers Application for
leave or absence).


4. The recommendation/authorization of leave is done by appropriate authority.


5. Officers applying for leave are to make their applications to the appropriate


6. a. Unit Level. All leave is to be promulgated in Personnel Occurrence

Reports and are to be recorded on F.678 (Leave and Miscellaneous Record Card) as
per instructions contained in AFO 700.

b. AFHQ Level. Pay action as required is to be taken.


7. a. Frequency of Promulgation. Leave PORs must be promulgated at

least once every week, or when one page is completed which ever is the earlier.

b. Distribution. As for other PORs.

c. Cancellation of Leave. Where cancellations of leave are necessary they

are to promulgate at the head of PORs under Sub-Heading 'cancellations of leave'.


8. Public holidays falling within the periods of leave, are not to be counted against the
leave entitlement. The term 'Public Holidays' is as defined in Regulation 3 of the Holiday
Act No 17 of 1965. 'Special Holidays' are those promulgated in Command Routine Orders.


9. Instructions relating to the payment of pay and allowances will be issued by the
Director Administration Air Force Headquarters, Colombo.




1. The system of Promoting Officers largely depends on Confidential Reports (Annual

Assessments) submitted by the Commanding Officers. This note sets out the process of
assessing, recording and submission of Annual Assessments and provides guidance to
Assessing Officers/Subordinate Officers.


2. The Annual Assessments, from an year record of professional, personal, leadership

and service qualities of an Officer and will therefore be used for selection to fill higher
appointments, training courses and when selecting for Promotions.

3. As such, it is vital that the forms are carefully completed as far as possible to a
common standard of judgment without any personal bias or favour. The assessing Officers
must always bear in mind that over stressing a good quality gives the individual an unfair
advantage and eventually does the service harm. Similarly, not to report a failing is a
neglect of duty, but the over emphasis of bad points does the individual injustice.


4. The following forms are used for Assessing Officers;

a. Junior Officers (Flying Officer and Flight Lieutenant) - Form 1369A.

b. Senior Officers (Squadron Leader to Group Captain) - Form 1369B.

5. No confidential reports are to be raised in respect of the following.

a. Pilot Officers.

b. Air Ranks.


6. Assessments of Flying Officers and Group Captains are to be raised as at 30 th June

each year on the appropriate forms.

7. Assessments of Officers in the rank of Flight Lieutenant, Squadron Leader and Wing
Commander to be assessed twice a year i.e. as at 31st December and as at 30th June.


8. Three columns are available in the F.1369 A and F.1369 B:

a. Column I : To be filled by Staff Officers/ Lodger Formation

Commanding Officers.

b. Column II : To be filled by Commandant/ Base Commanders/

Commanding Officers (Self Accounting Units).

c. Column III : To be filled by the Commander/ Chief of Staff/


d. The superior Assessing Officer may insert marks in the respective

columns, if their assessment differ to those made by their subordinates. The
assessments made by the most superior Officer will be taken for processing of

e. The retention of additional completed Forms or notes on F. 1369A and

F.1369 B by assessing Officer is strictly forbidden.

8. In F.1369 B when counting the marks for Part 5 (Communication Skill) the average
of the total marks given to ‘Power of Spoken Expression’ (5.a) and ‘Power of Written
Expression’ (5.b) should be taken.


9. AFHQ/ Academy/ all Bases/ Stations and Assessing Officers are to ensure that the
Confidential Reports are duly completed and passed on to the next appointment holder on
or before the date stipulated in the schedule given below. Each appointment holder when
forwarding to the next person, to do so with covering letter copied as info to the DA and
respective Director in order to monitor the forms to finality without any delay.

Assessment Column I Column II Column III D of A

as at (By Para 7.a. (By Para 7.b. (By Para 7.c.
above ) above) above)
30 Jun 01 Jul 10 Jul 25 Jul 05 Aug
31 Dec 01 Jan 15 Jan 01 Feb 15 Feb


Directors are to ensure that the assessments in respect of all Branch Officers have met all
prerequisites and it has also appraised in context of his eligibility for promotion, at least
time frame wise, for a particular promotion. It is also important that whatever adjustment
to the assessment made is rectified at this stage, without resorting to do so at the
Promotion Board proper. The Directors are ensure to ascertain all his Branch Officers
who are eligible have been assessed and only thereafter should forward all forms duly
endorsed to the DA on or before the date stipulated herein.

11. Directors are to maintain records at the Directorate on the Command Ability,
Managerial Competence and Staff Ability and Total Marks given to each Officer for
future references.



12. As a measure to prevent Officer being unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged

during their Annual/Bi-annual assessment process, following procedure shall be in effect.

a. Upon the receipt of a Confidential Report of a particular Officer, the DA is

to check the ‘Total Marks’ of that report against the ‘Total Marks’ of the
immediately previous Confidential Report received in respect of that Officer.

b. If the observed change does not fall within the +/- marks range prescribed
in the schedule below, DA shall return such Confidential Report to the concerned
Director/Branch Head in writing, stating the facts including the ‘Total Marks’
recorded in the Officer’s previous Confidential Report in order for him to effect
necessary rectifications.

Maximum Permissible change in the

‘Total Marks’ of the current
Brach Rank Frequency Assessment in relation to the ‘Total
Marks’ of the pervious Assessment
GD/P Sqn Ldr/
Bi-annual +/-5
and Wg Cdr
Ad/Regt Gp Capt Annual +/-9
Sqn Ldr/
Other Bi-annual +/-4
Wg Cdr
Branch Gp Capt Annual +/-7

c. If the Director/Branch Head still wishes to uphold the Total Marks he has
already awarded to a particular Officer despite the observed change falling outside
the permissible limits, he/she shall submit such Confidential Reports for personal
approval of the Commander of the Air Force along with a citation that adequately
justifies the ‘Total Marks’ he/she proposes to be awarded to the Officer concerned.


17. On receipt of confidential reports at AFHQ the DA will;

a. Prepare Officers Promotion Schedules; the schedule will list Officers of same
rank together according to their seniority in the same branch, for all branches.

b. These schedules, together with Officers Conduct Sheets, are to be forwarded

to the Promotion Board (reference to adverse entries in Personal file/Conduct sheets
are to be made in the appropriate column in the Officers Promotion Schedule).


18. Evaluation problems should be recognized and minimized by trained supervisors

who should not only become aware of the problems, but also learn how to avoid committing
common appraisal errors. All methods of performance appraisal are subject to errors. But
through training Management, appraisal errors and problems.

19. There are six main appraisal problems a management would encounter and these are:

a. Supervisory Bias. The most common error which exists in any appraisal
method is conscious or unconscious supervisory bias. Such biases are not related to
job performances and may stem from personal characteristics such as age, sex,
school, village, religion race or from organization related characteristics such as
Seniority, Grouping on organization or Familiarity with top administrators.
Assessing authority need to eliminate the biases that they may have for individual
subordinates or set such biases a side during the appraisal process.

b. Halo Effect. When a supervisor lets one particular aspects of an employee

performance, it influences the evaluation of other aspects of performances, where a
Halo effect occurs. The Superior Officer who notes a particular employee always
arrives at work early may let the halo caused by that employees dependability
influence the appraisal of other areas such as quality of work, or trade knowledge

c. Central Tendency. Supervisors may find it difficult or unpleasant to

evaluate some employees, higher or lower than others, even though the performance
may reflect a real difference. Central Tendency results when they evaluate every one
as average. The problem of Central Tendency also occurs when supervisors cannot
objectively evaluate employee performance, because a lack of familiarity with the
work, lack of supervisory ability or fear that they will be reprimanded if they
evaluate individuals too high or otherwise.

d. Leniency. Inexperience or poor supervisors may decide the easiest way to

appraisal performance is sincerely to give everyone a high evaluation. The
supervisor may believe, it will be for their benefit.

e. Strictness. Sometimes supervisors consistently give low ratings even though

some employees may have achieved an average or above average performance level.
Strictness is the opposite of leniency. Failure to give recognition when due, can
quickly result in serious damage to supervisor-subordinate relationship.

f. Receancy. When an organization uses Annual/Semi-annual performance

appraisal, there may be a tendency for supervisors to remember more about what
their employees have done just before appraisal than in prior months. It is human
nature for supervisors to remember recent events more than the events in the distant

20. Some make the mistake of thinking that they are responsible for ensuring that the
Officers who works well for him/her is promoted. An attempt to be kind to the Officer in
one’s under command creates a situation that is grossly unfair by others in the Service. It is
a grave mistake to presuppose that merely because an Officer does not deserve to be
assessed high in one quality, he/she should receive low assessments in all qualities, or vice
versa. It is unlikely that any Officer will deserve an equal assessment in all qualities.

21. Therefore, the assessing authority should minimize such errors during the
assessment process which will affect both the personnel as well as the organization at large
in Nemours ways.

22. The relevant notes of guidance to the Assessing Officers are given in Annex ‘A’.





1. The Annual Confidential Reports play an important role in Officers careers.

Assessing Officers are required to make Frank and Honest Assessments in order to do
justice to the person assessed and also to preserve standards in the Service.

2. These reports will be frequently referred to in the years to come and are therefore
to be completed Clearly, Legibly, and Neatly.


3. The assessing Officer is to provide the most accurate picture possible of the
Officer concerned. The Officer is assessed in the rank in which he is serving and
recommendations for promotion must be related to the Officer’s rank.

4. Numerical assessments are to be made in respect of each character and attributes

by entering the numerical value in the appropriate column provided in the F.1369 A and
F.1369 B.

5. In the event the Assessing Officer is unable to assess an Officer in one or more
characteristics / attributes he is required to refer to his previous superior and ensure that
numerical assessments are made against each characteristics and attribute.


6. The Assessments Forms are applicable to the respective branches as follows.

a. F. 1369 A - Part II 01 – 02 Only for GD/P Branch.
03 – 04 Only for Ad/Regiment
- Part III 01 – 07 All Branches.

b. F. 1369 B - Part II 01 – 02 Only for GD/P Branch.

03 – 04 Only for Regiment Branch.
- Part III 01 – 07 All Branches.

7. Numerical Assessments are to be made in respect of each character and attribute.

Scale of standards/levels are given against each character/attribute in Form 1369 A and
Form 1369 B. Assessing Officers are to match the assessed Officer to an appropriate slot
and given him/her the mark applicable to that slot in the respective column.


751A - 1
a. Eligibility Counts.

(1) Officers (GD/P and Regiment Branch).

(a) Suitable (S)…………..48.
(b) Specially Suitable (SS)…………64.
(2) Officers (Other Branches).
(a) Suitable (S)…………..37.
(b) Specialy Suitable (SS)…………50.
Note: Also refered Para 04 of AFO 753.
b. Time Scales (Total Commission service in years).


Plt Off to Fg Off - 1½ 1 ½ Yrs in the rank of
Plt Off

Fg Off to Flt Lt - 4½ 3 Yrs in the rank of

Fg Off

Flt Lt to Sqn Ldr 8½ 12 ½ 8 Yrs in the rank of

Flt Lt

Sqn Ldr to Wg Cdr 15 16 3 ½ Yrs in the Rank of

Sqn Ldr

8. Promotion recommendations are to be made as follows:

a. Specially Suitable. To be used only to indicate an Officer who is

particularly outstanding and deserves promotion earlier than others of equal
seniority. His total marks should be in the ‘SS’ grade as per para 7a.

b. Suitable. To be used to indicate an Officer who is fully capable of

carrying out duties in the next higher rank. His total marks should be in the ‘S’
grade as per para 7a.

c. Likely to be Suitable. To indicate one who has yet to develop required

qualities or to gain more experience in their present rank, and who is capable of
developing these requirements. Those recently promoted may also be considered
under this category.

d. Not Suitable. To indicate an Officer who is not fit for the next
promotion and who has not shown positive indication that he would soon become
fit for consideration.

751A - 2
9. The respective Director may alter any of the numerical
assessment given to an Officer for any personal, professional and
leadership aspects. He is to amend in red and initial every such entry.

10. Remember that it is of utmost importance that you forward the most accurate
assessment of your Subordinate Officers in order to ensure justice, fairness and standards.




1. All Regular and Volunteer Commissioned Officers of the Sri Lanka Air Force
(SLAF) are required to qualify by Promotion Examination to the ranks of Flight Lieutenant
and Squadron Leader. The Promotion Examinations serve as the pre-requisite for Officers
holding the ranks of Flying Officer and Flight Lieutenant to be eligible to be promoted to
the next higher rank and be considered proficient in carrying out duties appropriate to the
respective ranks. Therefore, these promotion examinations are conducted in the SLAF as a
measurement to justify whether the Officers possess a sound and acceptable knowledge in
aspects of Air Force Administration and organization, Air Force Law, General Service
Knowledge, Non-Public Accounts and all aspects of respective branch duties.

2. It is important to note that all Officers except for those who are exempted as specified in
Para 8 of this order need to qualify by promotion examination to be promoted to the rank of
Flight Lieutenant and Squadron Leader respectively. Any Officer who fails to meet this
requirement within the stipulated time frame will be compelled to be subjected to a
compulsory retirement by reaching the maximum permissible years in the respective rank as
specified in the Air Force Pension and Gratuities Code 1981. The maximum period of years
permissible to each rank as specified in the Air Force Pension and Gratuities Code 1981 is
shown below for guidance.

Substantive Rank Period (years)

Flying Officer 6
Flight Lieutenant 11
Squadron Leader 10
Wing Commander 8
Group Captain 5
Air Commodore 4
Air Vice Marshal 3


3. The aim of the Officers Promotion Examination conducted by SLAF is to ensure that
all Officers satisfy this criterion before they are promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant
and Squadron Leaders so that they would not be lacking in the professional sphere expected
of them after attainment of the rank.


4. Two (2) examinations are held as listed below;

a. Officers Promotion Examination A. On successful completion of the

examination, Officers may qualify for the promotion to the rank of Flight
b. Officers Promotion Examination B. On successful completion of the
examination, Officers may qualify for the Promotion to the rank of Squadron Leader.


5. Officers who meet the following eligibility requirements are permitted to sit the
respective examinations:

a. Officers Promotion Examination A. Substantive Flying Officers are

eligible to sit for the examination:

b. Officers Promotion Examination B. Substantive Flight Lieutenants are

eligible to sit for the examination:

c. Any Other Requisite. Officers who are holding the rank of Flight Lieutenant in
the medical and dental branches shall not be qualified to receive the rank of Squadron
Leader unless otherwise they possess the full registration from the Sri Lanka medical
council (Certificate of full Registration). They would also require meeting the conditions
laid down in the Regular and Regular Reserve Regulation 1951.


6. The subjects an Officer is requested to sit for at the two (2) Promotion Examinations
are listed as annexes ‘A’ and B respectively to the AFO 375.


7. The question papers for the two (2) examinations will be set from the question banks
published by Air Force Headquarters (AFHQ).


8. Following exemptions shall be permitted in respect of each Promotion Examination.

a. Officers seconded or attached to the SLAF from the Sri Lanka Navy.
b. Officers commissioned directly in the ranks of Flight Lieutenant or
Temporary Squadron Leaders shall be exempted from the Promotion Examination

A. However, such an Officer shall obtain a pass in the Air Force Law and General
Service Knowledge/Military Studies papers of the Promotion Examination A, within
two (2) years of joining the service.

c. It is mandatory for Officers seconded to the General Duties Pilot (GD Pilot)
Branch to pass the flying and airmanship and air operations papers at the Promotion
Examination A. However, at the Promotion Examination B, such an Officer may
decide to sit only one (1) of the specialist papers of his/her own Branch.

d. Those professionally qualified Officers of the Medical and Dental Branches

commissioned directly in the ranks of Flight Lieutenant or Temporary Squadron
Leader are not required sit the Promotion Examination A.
e. Those professionally qualified Officers of the Administrative Legal Branch
commissioned directly in the ranks of Flight Lieutenant or Temporary Squadron
Leader are not required sit the Air Force Law paper at the Promotion Examination A
and B.
f. Those professionally qualified Officers who are commissioned directly in the
rank of Flight Lieutenant to sub components of the Branches (i.e. Architects,
Surveyors, Psychologists, IT, Agro etc.) are not required to sit the Branch Specialist
Paper in Promotion Examination B. They are to request for exemption from the
Directors concerned well in advance and the respective Director shall determine
whether they should sit a paper on their own specialty either in-house or on an
external basis.
g. Officers who are directly enlisted in the SLAF Band are not required to sit
the Ground Defence paper in Promotion Examination A and B. They are to request
for exemption from the Director concerned well in advance and the respective
Director is to determine whether they should sit for a paper on their own specialty
either in-house or on an external basis.


9. Candidates for the Promotion Examination A and B are required to make a

presentation of twenty (20) minutes and thirty (30) minutes duration respectively. The topic
for the presentation shall be one that is not relevant to the individual’s branch duties.
However the topics forwarded by the candidates may be changed by Director Training
depending on the suitability and applicability of the topics forwarded. The presentation will
be conducted on dates as decided by Director Training. The allocated topics, date and the
venue will be notified to the candidates through their respective Base Commanders/
Commanding Officers.


10. Officers Promotion Examination A and B will be held in March and August of each
year. The dates will be promulgated in Command Routine Orders.


11. The notice calling for applications for each examination is promulgated in the
Command Routine Orders with closing dates. All eligible candidates shall forward the
applications together with three (3) topics for the presentation.


12. Directorate of Training is responsible for the conduct of the examinations including
the presentations.


13. The examination centre will be A&STTS SLAF Ekala or as directed by AFHQ.
The venue for the conduct of the presentation will be decided by Director Training and will
be informed to the candidates through their respective Base Commanders/ Commanding


14. Candidates are required to obtain an overall aggregate of 60% with a minimum of
50% in each subject to pass each Examination. The other conditions applicable to pass each
examination are as follows:

a. A candidate who obtains an aggregate of 60% with less than 50% in one
subject shall be referred in the particular subject provide that the candidate obtains
more than 40% in the particular subject.

b. A candidate who obtains an aggregate of 60% with marks below 50% in

more than one subject shall be deemed to have failed the whole examination.

c. A candidate who is referred will be required to retake only the subject in

which he failed to obtain the pass mark at an examination held thereafter. On
successful completion of same the individual will be considered to have passed the
respective examination.

d. A candidate who has failed to obtain 50% for the presentation is deemed to
have failed the presentation.


15. Each answer scripts is corrected by two (2) correctors and the average of the marks
awarded by the two (2) correctors will be considered as the final result. No re-correction of
answer scripts will be allowed.



16. The Examination board will consist of the Chief of Staff as the Chairman, and the
other Directors as Board Members. On behalf the Chairman, Director Training will call
upon each Director to nominate an Officer as the Setting Officer who will be responsible for
the setting of the question paper/s and the correction of the answer scripts as the First
Corrector and an Officer as the Second Corrector. Officers nominated will be notified by
Director Training.

17. Director Training on behalf of the Chairman will also call upon each Director to
nominate Officers as Invigilating Officers to conduct the examinations. Officers nominated
will be notified by the Director Training.

18. Instructions for the Setting Officers, Invigilating Officers, First and Second
Correctors will be issued by Director Training as applicable.

19. All Officers appointed as First and Second Correctors are required to meet at AFHQ
for the purpose of correcting the examination papers within a specified period. After
correction, mark sheets in respect of each subject are to be handed over to the Director
Training under sealed cover. Answer scripts are to be handed over to Staff Officer Training
III for retention.


20. Presentation Board for each examination will be nominated by Chief of Staff,
Chairman of the Board. Each presentation board will consist of three (3) senior Officers.
The presentation board is to ensure the conduct of presentations on the scheduled dates and
completed individual mark sheets are returned to Director Training under sealed cover.


21. Results of the examinations will be published in the Command Routine Orders.




1. All regular and Volunteer Officers are to obtain the prior approval from the AFHQ
for the registration of marriage and wedding ceremony. The marital status of the Officers
are enlistment and the Bachelor/Spinster status is a mandatory requirement for the
enlistment of the Cadet Entry Officers (this will not be applicable to the Direct Entry
Officers). The instructions have been conveyed for the Officers’ marriages time to time by
the policy letter.


2. During the training period, both the Officers Cadets and Student Officers are not
eligible for registration of the marriage or to hold a Service or Civil wedding subjected to
the following conditions.

a. Cadet Entry Officers – Two years of Commission service from actual date of
announcement of the Commissioning (Commission released date will be

b. Direct Entry Officers - One year of actual date of announcement of the

commissioning (First appointment date will be considered).

3. Apart from above, it is the sole responsibility of the Cmdt/ Base

Commander/Commanding Officer of the Officer concerned to check the arrangements of
the service wedding such as venue, ceremonial aspects ( i.e. uniforms, activities related to
the service wedding and service etiquettes) etc.


3. In an instance that an requests for marriage, it does not mean the holding of a
wedding ceremony and it is only the “Registration of Marriage”.

4 If an Officer requests for a civil wedding in Civvies’.

5. The incorrect term used as the ‘Ceremonial wedding’ to denote the service wedding
where the highest uniform is worn is by the Officers, has been termed as “Service


6. The Officers are bound to obtain the prior approval from the AFHQ for the
registration of marriage and wedding ceremony. The separate approvals are to be obtained if
the registration is taken place first and the wedding proper is taken place on a subsequent

7. The Officers are to forward a formal request addressed to Chief of staff along with a
the duly filled standard application by a covering letter from his Base Cmdr/CO and forward
to DA to obtain the prior approval for the registration or wedding ceremony. The Chief of
Staff is the approving authority for the Officers registrations and wedding ceremonies.

8. In case, the Officer fulfilling the aforesaid prerequisite for a Service wedding and
requests the AFHQ approval to register his/her marriage and hold Service wedding in
subsequent date, the Base Cmdr/CO of the Officer concerned has to confirm that the Officer
has been made aware of the requirement to be in the living in strength from the date of the
registration until the service Wedding proper is taken and opt the option in the application
accordingly. When the Officer requests for a Service Wedding after the registration, the
Base Cmdr/CO of the Officer to confirm that Officer was in the living in strength and will
be continued till the wedding proper is taken.

9. Also, the Base Cmdr/CO has to confirm the suitability of the intended venue and the
arrangements for the decorum of a Service career.

10. In case of Officers, whose first marriage has been dissolved, a service wedding will
be afforded only once during a service career.

11. When the registration of the marriage is taken place. The Officers are to submit a
certified copy of the Marriage Certificate to the Academy/Base/Station Orderly Room and
Command P2 Section for retention.

12. In case of Officers who are expected to get married a gentlemen/ lady in a foreign
nation, the approval is to be obtained from the MOD with the recommendations of the Cmdr
of the AF.

13. The specimen of the Marriage Application is depicted in Annex ‘B’.


14. The Officers are awarded with a wedding contribution. The amounts of the
contribution and the gift have been reviewed time to time. This contribution is made through
the Command Welfare Fund and the particular amount is recovered from the Officer
transferred back to the fund. The gift is arranged through the Air Force Museum SLAF Base
Rathmalana.The awarding of the gift and the contribution is subjected to the following

a. The Officers who opt for service weddings are entitled to have this gift and
the contributions.

b. The Officers who opt for the civil weddings too are eligible for the gift and
the contribution, if invitations have been extended for the serving AF Officers.

c. In case of a marriage between a male Officer and a lady Officer, only one
wedding gift is awarded to both of them. However, when an Officer is getting
married to another Officer in a sister service, this criteria will not be applied.

d. In an event of an Officer is getting married to a spouse who is either a

serving/retired/discharged other ranker of any of other services, the Officer will not
be eligible for this claim.

e. Similarly, if the spouse is determined not compatible to Officer Status than

too, he/she will forego this eligibility. In this instance, the standard will be
determined by the Cmdr of the AF.

f. In the event that an Officer is getting married to a divorced wife or a husband

of another Air Force Officer, irrespective of the fact that such Officer is still in the
service or not, he/she will get disqualified to receive the wedding gift and the
contribution. This is based on the position that the spouse has already been a party
to receive the wedding gift and the contribution on his/her previous marriage.




1. In order to eliminate a feeling of staleness and frustration in those who hold the same
appointment for too long, a scheme of postings on time is re introduced. There are some
duties where the scope for variety is less than in others. There are other duties where
posting, as intended in this scheme, may not be feasible or desirable. Therefore sufficient
flexibility is left to meet these situations. Except under such exceptional circumstances all
personnel will be posted on time basis.

2. Posting will be either internal, i.e. within the same Base/ Unit or external from one
Base/ Unit to another.

3. In order to obtain wider and more varied experiences each person should be able to
work in as many appointments as possible. In a small Service this is not possible unless all
posts established in the same rank are treated as equal in all respects. In future there will be
no particular seniority attached to posts established in the same rank and personnel may be
posted to any post in any order. They may even be posted back to a past appointment if
circumstances warrant it.

4. Posting will be based on the following minimum and maximum periods unless
otherwise specifically necessitated.

At a post or on an AF Establishment Years

Minimum 01
Maximum 03

5. The posting period of the Officers at the SLAF Stn Pgl shall be restricted to one (01)
year considering the extreme weather condition.

6. Directors will be responsible for all postings under their purview. They will effect
postings in consultation with Senior Officers of the Branch. While the postings board is the
standard means for planning and effecting postings, applications for compassionate postings
may be considered at Directors’ discretion at any time of the year.

7. Postings will normally be at the end of an year to facilitate school and house moves.
Every effort will be made to plan postings ahead and to give at least 03 months notice.
Those are of course subject to service needs.


8. The postings/ attachments of the Officers are to be processed as per the following

a. Annual posting of Officers of all ranks are to be proposed by the respective

Directors in conformity with the prevailing AFOs/ Policies for approval of the

b. All postings/ attachments of Officers of the rank of Sqn Ldr and below,
which are considered out of the annual postings, may be effected by respective
Directors in conformity with the prevailing AFOs/Policies. All such postings/
attachments of Officers of and above the rank of Wg Cdr are to be proposed by
respective Directors for approval of the Cmdr.

c. All postings/ attachments of Directing Staff of JC&SC and DSC&SC Air

Wing are to be proposed by the C of S after due survey/consultation for approval of
the Commander. The period of service of an Officer on the Directing Staff must
necessarily be limited to two (02) years. Consideration shall be given to the Officers
who have received Instructor Rating from the DSC&SC in their Course Reports.

d. All postings/ attachments of Officers as Instructors to all SLAF Training

Establishments are to be done in consultation/agreement with the DT.

e. All postings/ attachments of Officers as Commanding Officers of Branch-

specific formations are to be proposed by the respective Directors for approval of the
Commander through C of S.

f. Postings/attachments to rest of the Academy/Bases/Stations/Formations as

Commandant/Base Commanders/Commanding Officers will be handled by the
Air Secretariat.

g. No posting/attachment of Officers on grounds of unsatisfactory performance

or disciplinary issues is to be effected without obtaining explicit approval of the


9. The following points are to be considered w.r.t. the supernumerary movements:

a. Open up a system at particular AF Establishments to maintain the

supernumerary strength and personal documents.

b. Personnel proceeding on training abroad for a period over six months should
be posted to the supernumerary strength of SLAF Stn Cbo. Personal documents of
such personnel are also to be dispatched to SLAF Stn Cbo as per the prevailing

c. Personnel proceeding on training abroad for a period up to six months should
be remained at their Parent Establishment supernumerary strength. The personal
documents of such personnel should be maintained at the particular Parent

d. Officers following the Internship training and fulltime undergraduates who

are enlisted under the UGC Scheme are to be posted to the supernumerary strength
of their nearest SLAF Establishment.

e. All personnel who proceed on No Pay Leave (except for Lady Officers
proceed No Pay Leave on account of their Maternity Leave) or Full Pay Study Leave
and the Volunteer personnel who are Released from Active Service Without Pay
(RASWP) for any period of time are to be posted to supernumerary strength of
SLAF Stn Cbo as per the current practice.

f. Personnel proceed aboard on UN Missions, Diplomatic Assignments and

Secondments are to be posted to supernumerary strength of SLAF Stn Cbo as per the
current practice.






1. Majority of Officers, presumably due to the ignorance or otherwise, are under the
impression that they are entitled to retire from the Service having completed twenty (20)
years Service in SLAF. They not only profess this wrong attitude, but also have acted to the
extent of forwarding their applications for retirement stating that they are eligible for
retirement. In contrary, it should be stated that there is no such legitimate right that an
Officer is entitled to retire, having completed 20 years Service.

2. The Regulations which are so explicit on this issue are, reproduced below in a
simplified manner. Following are the occasions, where the law grants a legal right to an
Officer for retirement.

a. If a competent medical board has determined that an Officer is not fit for stay
in SLAF, then he can retire. (Para 8 (I) (a) of Pension and Gratuity Code).

b. If a decision has been taken that a further employment is not available to a

particular Officer, the he is entitled to retire. (Para 2 of Pension and Gratuity

c. If an Officer has been super ceded for promotion, then he is entitled for
retirement. (Para 6 of Pension and Gratuity Code).

d. If an Officer has completed the maximum period in a particular rank as stated

below, and if he has not been promoted to next higher substantive rank, then he is
eligible to retire. (Para 3 (2) of Pension and Gratuity Code)

Substantive Rank Period/Years

Flying Officer 06
Flight Lieutenant 11
Squadron Leader 10
Wing Commander 08
Group Captain 05
Air Commodore 04
Air Vice Marshal 03


e. If an Officer who has been commissioned after his age of 30 and is not
promoted to the rank of substantive rank of Squadron Leader by his 45 th year of age
or to the substantive rank of Wing Commander by his 50th year of age, then he is
entitled to retire (Para 3 (1) of Pension and Gratuity Code).

f. Any Officer reaching the age of 55 is entitled to retire. (Para 3 (4) of Pension
and Gratuity Code).

3. However, if the President is of the view that a retirement of an Officer is prejudicial

to the interests of the Air Force or Services of an Officer is essential in the interests of the
Air Force, then the entitlement for retirement other than on Medical grounds can be
deprived of (Para 2 (2) and 3(3) of Pension and Gratuity Code).

4. Officers who are compelled to retire under the above circumstances (other than on
medical grounds) or who are permitted to retire on extremely compassionate grounds are not
entitled to receive a pension, if they have not completed Twenty (20) years. Officers who
have not completed 20 years, but are allowed to retire, are entitled only for a payment of
gratuity provided that they have ten (10) years minimum Service. It also would be pertinent
to mention that completion of Twenty (20) years Service by an Officer is not eligibility for
retirement. Therefore Offices are advised to note that they are entitled for retirement only on
reaching the age of fifty five (55) years or having fulfilled any of the condition given in para
3 above and not on completion of twenty (20) years service.





1. Commissioned Officers are entrusted with vast areas of responsibilities and

therefore, on many occasions, they become at least partially liable for certain matters/events
although main party responsible may be a subordinate. Under such circumstances, it would
be unnecessary or unfair to take formal disciplinary action against the Officers concerned,
though some form of reproof is due indeed. On the other hand, certain Officers find
themselves in situations where they are liable for certain matters/events as a result of
supervisory/managerial shortfalls on their part. In cases where such liability is anyhow not
grave enough to institute formal disciplinary action or does not amount to an Air Force
offence, it gives rise to initiation of a cautionary action in lieu.

2. Further, in certain instances, Officers involve themselves in incidents where their

actions or inactions compromise their status as Officers and gentlemen/ladies. There can
also be situations where Officers, through their actions or inactions, fail to deliver on
expectations/ tasks entrusted thereby putting the organization in to disrepute/embarrassment.
When such behavior is anyhow not grave enough to institute formal disciplinary action or
does not amount to an Air Force offence, it gives rise to initiation of an action that formally
conveys the displeasure of the highest authority of the Air Force to the Officers concerned.

3. Accordingly, in respect of behaviors of Officers resulting in/showing inefficiency,

negligence, apathy or misconduct but are anyhow not grave enough to institute formal
disciplinary action, will be dealt administratively by way of issuing one of the following

a. Letter of Caution (LOC).

b. Letter of Displeasure (LOD).

c. Letter of Warning (LOW).

4. When the conduct of an Officer has fallen well below the expected standards and
his/her career is littered with Summary Trial/Court Martial convictions and/or a number of
LOCs/LODs, it would be incumbent on the Superior Officers to draw the ‘red line’ at a
particular point in the Officer’s career beyond which it would be suicidal for the Officer to
implicate himself/herself in any situation that warrants institution of formal disciplinary
action or issuance of a LOD. The so called ‘red line’ would be the issuance of the Letter of
Warning (LOW).



5. Occasions of Issuing. A LOC is issued when inefficiency, negligence, apathy

or misconduct of an Officer has resulted in a loss to the Air Force/Government by way of
cash, goods or other means, provided that such behavior is not grave enough to institute
formal disciplinary action. It shall be the prerogative of the Commander of the Air Force to
decide whether a particular behavior is liable for formal disciplinary action or a LOC.

6. Method of Issuing. A LOC is issued only on the directives given by the

Commander upon acceptance of Courts of Inquiry proceedings or formal Investigation
Reports. On such occasions, the Officer concerned shall be given opportunity to show cause
as to why such an action should not be pursued against him/her. The LOC shall be issued
only when it is deemed that the causes intimated are unacceptable or not mitigatory. On the
Commander’s behalf, the LOC shall be issued by the Director Administration and shall be
sent to the Commandant/Base Commander/Commanding Officer of the Officer concerned
for handing it over in person.

7. Documentary Action. A copy of the LOC shall be given to the Officer

concerned in person by the respective Commandant/Base Commander/Commanding Officer
and same to be confirmed to Director Administration. The original copy of the LOC is to be
placed in his/her Personal File with certified copies of other applicable documents/parts of
documents recording the chronological history of the matter leading to issue of the LOC.
The LOC shall be typed/ printed on Yellow coloured paper. A Specimen LOC is given at
Annex ‘A’ to this Order.


8. Occasions of Issuing. A LOD may be issued against an Officer when found

guilty under following circumstances. It shall be the prerogative of the Commander of the
Air Force to decide whether a particular behavior is liable for formal disciplinary action or a

a. Displaying a behaviour unfitting the character of an Officer and a

gentleman/lady but is not grave enough to institute formal disciplinary action (such
incidents are to be reported to the Commander of the Air Force by respective Branch
Director/ Commandant/Base Commander/Commanding Officer/Director Provost
through the Director Administration).

b. Failing to carry out a task entrusted by the AFHQ in the manner and up to the
mark it was expected to be, especially when the particular ineffectiveness becomes
very obvious in an event or in a part of a major event (such incidents are to be
reported to the Commander of the Air Force by respective Branch Amended
Director/Commandant/Base Commander/Commanding Officer/Director Provost Apr 2019
through the Director Administration).

c. Upon the recommendation of the respective Director or a Commandant/

Base Commander/Commanding Officer made through a report compiled on a
particular Officer who shows a track record of inefficiency, negligence, apathy or

misconduct over a long period of time despite regular advice/warnings issued
verbally and in writing.

9. Method of Issuing. The circumstances leading to the issue of a LOD under the
conditions listed at Para 8. (1) and (2) above, shall be investigated by the
Director Provost or an Officer senior in the rank to the Officer whose conduct/behaviour is
under investigation appointed for that purpose by the Chief of Staff and the report compiled
by the Director Provost/Investigating Officer shall serve as the basis of the LOD issued
(This investigation could also be undertaken through a Court of Inquiry convened under the
authority of the Commander). However, under any of the conditions listed above, the
Officer concerned shall be given an opportunity to show cause as to why such an action
should not be pursued against him/her. The LOD shall be issued only when it is deemed that
the causes intimated are unacceptable or not mitigatory. On the directive of the Commander,
upon acceptance of the Investigation Report/Court of Inquiry proceedings, the LOD shall be
administered in person by the Chief of Staff, in the presence of the respective Branch

10. Documentary Action. A copy of the LOD shall be given to the Officer concerned
and same to be confirmed to Director Administration. The original copy of the LOD shall be
placed in his/her Personal File with certified copies of other applicable documents/parts of
documents recording the chronological history of the matter leading to the issue of the LOD
shall be filed in the Personal File. The LOD shall be typed/printed on
Yellow coloured paper. A Specimen LOD is given at Annex ‘B’ to this Order.


11. Occasions of Issuing. A LOW shall be issued on an Officer only once in

his/her entire career in the Air Force. Accordingly, the LOW shall virtually be the “final
warning” administered on an Officer. Conviction at a Summary Trial or Court Martial or
issuance of a LOD subsequent to administering the LOW shall be the end of the Air Force
career of the Officer concerned as it shall necessarily follow withdrawal of commission
formalities. Accordingly, the LOW shall immediately follow a period of time in a particular
Officer’s career that is littered with Summary Trial/Court Martial convictions and/or a
number of LOCs/LODs. The point at which the ‘red line’ is drawn needs to be decided
giving due cognizance to the cumulative gravity of the adverse behavior recorded up to the
point of evaluation rather than the number of Summary Trial/Court Martial convictions
awarded and/or LOCs, LODs issued on a particular Officer. However, this does not
discount the possibility of a particular Officer being issued a LOW after a single conviction
at a Summary Trial/Court Martial purely due to the gravity of the offence committed.

12. Method of Issuing. Issuance of the LOW on an Officer may be proposed

by any member of the Air Force Board of Management or by the current Commandant/
Base Commander/Commanding Officer directly to the Commander of the Air Force. Upon
the Commander’s instructions, the Director Administration shall make a case against the
Officer in question as to how he/she has failed to live up to the standards expected despite
all attempts taken to guide his/her behaviour on to the right track through all previous
formal disciplinary actions and administrative measures. The case shall be channeled to the
Approving Authority, i.e. the Commander, through the respective Branch Director and
Chief of Staff. There shall be no need for the Officer in question to be given an opportunity
to show cause as LOW is the culmination of an already proven track record of bad
behaviour. LOW shall be administered in person by the Chief of Staff, in the presence of the
respective Branch Director.

13. Documentary Action. A copy of the LOW shall be given to the Officer
concerned and same to be confirmed to Director Administration. The original copy of the
LOW shall be placed in his/her Personal File. The LOW shall be typed/printed on Pink
coloured paper. A Specimen LOW is given at Annex ‘C’ to this Order.


14. The potential effects of issuance of a LOC, LOD or a LOW on a particular Officer
will be as follows.

a. Conviction at a Summary Trial or Court Martial or issuance of a LOD

subsequent to administering the LOW on a particular Officer shall immediately
follow withdrawal of commission formalities against that Officer.

b. For the purpose of establishing “unblemished record of moral and military

conduct” and “irreproachable conduct” towards award of decorations, medals,
honours and award etc., the LODs and LOWs shall be considered as factors
compromising the clear Personal Record expected of an Officer under consideration.
The LOC is excluded here as it concerns with the performance/professionalism
rather than the conduct per se of the Officer under evaluation.

c. For the purpose of evaluating the conduct of an Officer under the ‘Points
Scoring System’ laid down under the PPB Process at AFO-753, Negative Marks
shall be awarded against an Officer under evaluation as per the scale given below.
The LOC is included here as the PPB Process inherently factors in the performance
and professionalism of the Officer under evaluation.

(1) LOCs - 01 Mark each

(2) LODs - 01 Mark each

(3) LOW - 02 Marks

d. In all other cases where “conduct and discipline” is factored in, in order to
select between two or more Officers, all three of these instruments shall be


15. All LOCs issued on Officers consequent to Commander’s directives made on

acceptance of Courts of Inquiry proceedings/Formal Investigation Reports prior to this AFO
coming into effects shall be considered as valid under the provisions of this Order and their
potential effect shall be the same as laid down under para 14 of this Order. However, any
letter issued under the caption “Letter of Displeasure” or “Letter of Warning” or in any
similar wording on any Officer by any authority, other than on exclusive authority of the
Commander, prior to this Order coming into effect, shall not have the same legal effect as
laid down in para 14 and therefore, shall be excluded from consideration in all forms of
evaluations of Officers in future. Accordingly, any letter issued under the caption “Letter of
Displeasure” or “Letter of Warning” or in any similar wording on any Officer, prior to this
Order coming into effect, by exclusive authority of the Commander, shall be treated as
having the same legal effect as a “Letter of Caution” as laid down in para 14 of this Order.


16. The practice of entering adverse annotations in the Personal Files of Officers
attributed with blame consequent to various forms of Investigations/Inquiries shall be
ceased as per SLAF/C.718/P2 Dated 26 July 2017. Whatever entries already made, other
than those adverse annotations made on exclusive authority of the Commander, shall not
have any legal effect and therefore, shall be excluded from consideration in all forms of
evaluations of Officers in future. No Negative Marks shall be awarded for adverse
annotation in a Personal File under the ‘Points Scoring System’ laid down by the PPB
Process with effect from the date on which policy enforced by SLAF/C.718/P2 Dated 26
July 2017.


17. Directorate of Administration shall be the executive agency responsible for all
administrative/documentary actions leading up to the issuance of LOCs, LODs and LOWs
irrespective of the fact that different Authorities administering them.

Annex ‘A’

SLAF/C.603/55555/P1 D of A

Sqn Ldr ABC Perera (03234)

Rma Oct 08



A. SLAF/C.603/55555/P1 dated 23 Aug 08.
B. RMA/C.31/2/1/P1 dated 15 Sep 08.

1. The Court of Inquiry conducted to inquire into the alleged malpractices taken place at the Welfare
Shop at SLAF Base Rma has found that your failure, as the Officer i/c, to exercise appropriate and adequate
level of supervision or to put in place an effective supervisory mechanism over the day-to-day operation of the
Welfare Shop has resulted in its employees having a freehand in its management and freely engaging in
malpractices resulting in the Welfare Shop running at a loss, during the period of 01 January 2004 to 15
February 2007.

2. The Commander has accepted the recommendation made by the Court to make you one of the
responsible parties to make good the financial loss to the Service Institute Fund of SLAF Base Rma and to
issue a ‘Letter of Caution’ over your supervisory failures. You were directed vide above ref. ‘A’ to show cause
as to why such an action should not be pursued against you. The Commander has considered the submission
made by you in response vide above ref. ‘B’ but has ruled that the reasons given are not mitigatory and has
instructed to action the Court of Inquiry recommendations.

3. Accordingly, you are hereby formally cautioned on your lapse and advised to fall in line promptly
with the correct professionalism expected of a Commissioned Officer of the Sri Lanka Air Force. The potential
effects of this ‘Letter of Caution’ shall be as given at para 14 of AFO-758.

This is to certify that I have received the original copy of this ‘Letter of Caution’ and that I have read and
understood the contents herein.

Date:………………….. Sqn Ldr
This is to certify that I explained and administered this ‘Letter of Caution’ on the Officer concerned, in person,
and that I have advised him of the potential effects of this ‘Letter of Caution’ as per para 14 of AFO-758.

Gp Capt
Date:………………….. SLAF BASE – RMA



SLAF/C.567/2/4/P1 AFHQ

Sqn Ldr ABC Perera (03234)

Rma Oct 08



A. SLAF/C.567/2/4/P1 dated 31 Aug 08.
B. RMA/C.31/2/1/P1 dated 19 Sep 08.

1. Upon conduct of a formal inquiry, it has been established that you had failed to take yourself
under control as a result of being under the influence of liquor beyond the capacity at the Guest
Night held at the Officers’ Mess, SLAF Base Rma in the PM hours on 28 Jul 08. It has been
revealed that your behaviour at that occasion had fallen to such a low that, at some point, you had
been voicing out derogatory rhetoric leading to disharmony among the Officer Corps which are also
incompatible with the decorum of the event that was patronized by the ladies of fellow Officers.

2. The Commander of the Air Force is thoroughly displeased with this highly unacceptable
behaviour of yours and has directed the undersigned to formally convey his displeasure to you by
way of a “Letter of Displeasure”. You were directed vide above ref. ‘A’ to show cause as to why
such an action should not be pursued against you. The Commander has considered the submission
made by you in response vide above ref. ‘B’ but has ruled that the reasons given are not mitigatory;
hence this Letter of Displeasure.

3. Accordingly, you are hereby strongly advised to ‘pull your socks up’ and measure up to the
morals befitting an Officer and a Gentleman at all times in future. The potential effects of this
‘Letter of Displeasure’ shall be as given at para 14 of AFO-758.


This is to certify that I have received the original copy of this ‘Letter of Displeasure’ and that I have
read and understood the contents herein.

Date:…………………… Sqn Ldr


Annex ‘C’

SLAF/C.03234/P2 AFHQ

Sqn Ldr ABC Perera (03234)

Rma Oct 08


1. As a result of a series of violations of Air Force discipline and standards, this Headquarters
was compelled to evaluate your Personal Record of Conduct in order to determine whether your
continued service is in the best interest of the SLAF. On scrutiny, it was found that during nearly
thirteen years of service in the Air Force, you had failed to measure up to the discipline and
standards expected of a Commissioned Officer at six different occasions as follows;

Date Rank Offence/Entry Sentence Remarks

Causing damages to Officers' Mess
27-Sep-96 Plt Off Letter of Caution -
Bar counter - SLAF Dla
Displaying unacceptable conduct
Letter of
31-Dec-98 Fg Off under influence of liquor at the Officers' -
Mess Annual Get-to-gether, SLAF Cbo
Striking or threatening Superior Officer Summary
11-Jan-00 Flt Lt Severe Reprimand
Sec. 99 (1) of AFA - SLAF Base Kat Trial
Displaying unacceptable behaviour under
influence of liquor at the WOs' & SNCOs' Letter of
23-Jul-01 Flt Lt -
Mess at SLAF Amp during a send-off Displeasure
Disobedience to Superior Officer Summary
14-Apr-02 Flt Lt Severe Reprimand
Sec. 100 (1) of AFA - Sp Ops Gp PKM Trial
Striking or threatening Superior Officer 01 year loss of Court
2-Sep-08 Sqn Ldr
Sec. 99 (1) of AFA - SLAF Cbo Seniority Martial

2. You have displayed a conduct that has seriously undermined the dignity, decorum and ideals
expected of an Officer and a Gentleman and, as a result, you are increasingly becoming an
embarrassment and a misfit in the Officer corps. This is despite numerous corrective measures taken
and advises given verbally and in writing by Superior Officers after each of your recorded and
unrecorded misdemeanours/offences.
3. On evaluation of your Personal Record of Conduct, the Commander of the Air Force has
decided that the Air Force as an Organization is not prepared anymore to tolerate or to rectify your
failures to measure up to the standards from this point forward. Accordingly, you are hereby
thoroughly warned to put your act together and to measure up to the dignity, decorum and ideals
befitting and the professionalism expected of an Officer and a Gentleman at all times in future.

4. You are to treat this “Letter of Warning” as the last corrective measure. Any
failure/misconduct/offence on your part resulting in a Summary Trial/Court Martial conviction or
issuance of a LOD from this point forward shall immediately follow withdrawal of commission
formalities. The potential effects of this ‘Letter of Warning’ shall be as given at para 14 of AFO-758.


This is to certify that I have received the original copy of this ‘Letter of Warning’ and that I have
read and understood the contents herein.

Date:………………….. Sqn Ldr


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