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| 5 aa

. \ Hs
; : a 4 f\ ye
- \ A \ Dt (re
/ \ NOI s a nae es
| \ )/ yy e er
AMy if i 7 a
Noe ey

‘ ON Ped OF TUG ATION BM Vari SEL et vst)

a4 rippissers

co ee

especialiy ar
: Aen: sanion has been assivned pum winponance i many countries
dle nd nuhtly so ah imivation mezis the diverse de. velojsarens i
the dgvciepia g COUnTNES
objectives Besides providing one of the basic, humea fequiten ents, the food. jn

ope ocunity Tin can also wenerate

can provide additional returns including, ch ployment op;

nations’ income. provide sociel justice *and} on of no pulation Ho: WeVEr
SFY Huet ofa irrigation.projecss have:not
b bee able to provise fully assured irtivation
| ia

the command area. reThe Tow oo i one of the main 1 Feasons pe the raieeof

has rompiél need: oftaaien Eamanagem ent. th

S aad ising, from day 12 ae owing: to nse in the “O

S280: QJe rf

nog A
cS | and 4as di pules over ae nightsam
rmance aya projects
aA re\alted in mune
under ze

a bigger constraint thar Aye

ems .
ie ee

As jitsigation Seve become

RRR a Elm

eet err enemas

worldid food fo bl:

Scanned with CamScanner

{| ers

ty es See inc wien Feat
: g tipeeka
is pe aati
. ‘cs. - Tho

te buln
Shae Ee ALSGE and
uel ueLparkme: nt
field “Ynx 74
apps nf wt on Jn we the field
Sig acoieice
5 rips a get and applies Ay

poverbiscnl &de parse py ibis

ner mere? enyt

frord the far sult
er for be tier re
where : i
;, xsi
In ord
0 v e e i
ie d ha s 10 be main rained be
which has 0
The sc heme consti s 5 0 M co st
intenance Water supplied
includes the ma s
to pr ep ar e >
bi ll s for wate charge
ihe users, Managers have
5 no i so s mple as aid above
Management of HU
Swit have 10 be
aes hee also. Confli icts a
€ terprises.
and constra:nts in other Ww ater management
| it gation
and con str ain is to be overcome. Technically
“resolved nd of
seek ing pro per bala nce bet w een the “availability of f water and dema
the discipline
es allocation,
s. Process of manarcment involv
water with due attention. to consis aint
sv ‘aqem accordingly Gown 1 culfers cand
schedul:: ng and delivery. of w ater in the main
oreer. Adequate and
fields then. ft also includes maintaining the system in proper
ve eee
timely water supply, assured | supply, and equitable distsituiion are “essential
3; PELECTIVES reqnirements of irrigation Be

+3. ve al in opjeciive of Manegeinent

3 Is tor manage the Production 4 stem. for Fri "
without co D. ing %

when: to iriga te and how much water to apply i in each imigationsconidering

Scanned with CamScanner

The managers
fieners 1 the marienicnt
COMpPONHENL |S iyvolving,
believe then Prustworthiness
that the farmers would
a way
should perl span such realt sed
involve then onl y Once they have
The farmers wis i
is the basic requireme
nt y, ‘come
ir b refi they would ce nainal
that the system ha s bee
n functioning for the

forvard to participale.
Qs! Cert 2) of :
osh the number
no ‘longer i 1 be vic ved. fr
Success of irrigation sector the size
n achieved,
con str ict ed, the pote ntia l created, the utilisatio
irrigation projec ts to yields
ofdis tri but ion net wor ks. Now attention is directed
of reservoirs and extent cess will be
cos ts acc ele rat ing and it is not far off that the suc
_ per unit of land. The
mana gement 1S the basic
un of water. (Thus irrigation
a .
yields per it

a mt
evaluated from the
imisation of
ture such that there “is opt TAIL
activity for development of ‘Agricul

eeeweee ee
ae to provi
other words irrigation management
productivity of land and water. In 1
a unit of land
production: per a unit O f water and
and utilize water sucn that. optisrizm

ot oes ea _
auced.. - —~
“= be vet o wa nk | 5 ke

is achieved.
A : h
onpricul hor al pe duro

eee? Sox CUS CE Vplit 4 peers

Oe es
n ‘management inimmecialy temings the term “used jin she

hnological development
en! and.

Scanned with CamScanner

rable path
/ y afony 4 s created potential
yaducltol pihe
/ eyesne : ym pra
the ayy} uln aulsen
n :
of watel a
ra arable disibullen
use of waler
fod [Quitae!
i han ecconomic eet: or
M2 bags in the irrigateion |
and reliability ,
ing §
the cost effectivencss vance of
Ayaining storage and the convey
in water
Sper €efficiencies
Achieving hiner
-oD) | y
application ‘ifie
(vt) Obtaining higher MS
(viii) Promoting sustainable of the canals.
an d not on ly the admi nistration 2

The managere nt

’ “Below
s Sa id ALove are Famine Bow ng
i4.2 Th e Go al
at ies “3
ud tandoy
along a stable poth a
hhaximising production e most
wa te r su pp ly for the irrigation is et ‘of th
An assured end adequa te
: x unit of
mi si ng pr od uc ti on fr om ae sunt of water - ang a
impgrsnt pre-requises of
FO e. 1 in tecdom Assured water supply changes the apace MsHoue syne
e-of the immigator
> — tand considered
an the-mind-
water. It develops a fee ling of aedity
S }x towards the drawal and the use of
not be inclined to over-irrigate as they would
Cs rine irrigators. The irrigators will
v Besides
ard ag the fear of deficiency 0 f water if water supply is Teliably received.
tant is the timing of watenng.
assured anc adequate supply of water, more impor
§Viet Laie
Supplying water at the time when the crop absolutely needs it increases the
watering reduces the yields. On the other hand early watering may result into deep

n, which ‘isa waste. Adequate and assured supply needs system to be in =

| loss of water from thenna in any form must be checked and. a
ra mostes eeicienty :

hottieesis oie ars =A

tac nsiderable. portion gf suaier for irrigation &is

Scanned with CamScanner

ye aye
hem {>
— iy precll \ (
ho fast 4 Q
teu tion op wate
r need‘s thst Ga
jquitable 7 metO the farmer
l inco the
so ci al se | are and a greate
df h a ppen Uist
a u l of l d no t
The it shou
de ¢ the project. as a
la bl to
e ev s, ir nyvalo r co ve re d un
yp Ev er y irrigator. b
is av ai main dr
an dG th e tail enders-te gets
-r ea ch er s get plenty of wa te r
s th at ev er y innigator
te he ad demand
el y Th e pr in ciple of eq uity sy rsteny?
Ss ri gh t to ge wa te r ad eq us * by m a nagin g the
> be ach) ev ed
bl y. "E qu it ab le distribution can e sysien ‘has
tits sh ar e eq ui ta avai la bl e {n
. ter a the quantity able
te such that there 1s nO sh o ma ge of wa
bu ti on of water. Equit
c& st ri
aging the di
be made trustworth y by efficiently man
of water.
on .n ee ds ass u red an d reliable supply %.
distributi yors {d % ltt oy
Gm )
eae aa
r (Mi nin OF
Economic use of wate qu at e wa te fo r raising crop»
only de
water means using that
(Economic ususe of un it of wa ter(Itis obvious
ucti on pe r
there 35 maximum prod
using water such that t a waste The irrigators
the cr op is Jus
e requirement ‘of
any waten Note ipa’ Tik depth -of water and
h applying an adcquate
mage nan Pose ty urigating
e reliable
ng , ove r irr iga tio n Thi s | is ; pos sible if water supplies are mor

ce‘ost effectiveness 9 thi.oli ment ae and :

ce ss ar y for ve tt er returns on he invest
is ne
- (Cost effectiveness i
Rise in utilisation of the ¢ | wD
the ultimate improvement cf the national fa et
et a
l wil l be a ma rc h in th is di re ct io n. Ec onomt.icowuse of: =water bri ngs a ec cost |
potentia :again relia e suppli
es is 2 iaus
effectiveness. sida

Scanned with CamScanner

| qciwsned yeal 1 yeas
fe rH a
(?) "Stustnt fe 4 farmer 1 an
suppry Le
again assured
farming. to
able LISTE
this sisinu
— t a “h as to bring about
er s wi ll be enthused to py >
. 3 7Manage: m e n le Whe c fa rm
ye oe an im portant role. tr deren
li a
ab il it y an d adequa cy pl ay
wh ic h, ab ov e’ everything,
.aas oA re benefits 2
en hey
the s ar e certaini to vel O F D wo rks hikeaand
| U L wh
es~d to carr y ou t
pp ! \T he y y ma
ma yy al4 so be inclin ou
ona the 7waler su

~ s a f l e in sa vi ng o o
ing which 5 in tum
grading, land shap

0 = : 9

ministrati on onl y
Manage — and not ad
(8) Waler into . the system and
not end at releasing
(Gupotving @ Waler: does. the manager : ( 52
Jus t ad mi ni st ra ti on . Over and a bove that,
fi ld. It is
distributing it on the fie how ar
the goal, Ma na ge r has 10 look into (i)
has to see tha tit works towards in
w ater reached the farm gate at a prop er time ond
the supplies are made. tii) has
in the system as pe r Fequireme
nt? (iv) are there
quan tity ? (iii) are disc harg es
ate, ‘adeq uate
sfied and
take place? (vi) are the iffigators sati
any leakages? (v) does any wastage
w arran’ Rana
d in the command? etc. If the answers
happy? (vii) is water reaching, every fiel
any action it should be promptly taken,
, .
4 5 cent


The management of irrigation water Phas toobe af two0 distine tevele viz,
(i) System management 4
wiswe , Pe gla. oni : *
(ii) On farm management”

b System planagement

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UME INS rue fete
the ma na ve me nt of satce fet pate
in Jgesdes they
creats the problems
5 dees hk
me sp he re ol eo
re rdenee pete

nr creats an au
and sticking to the e ‘Phe argato
fac es! » pe ne raliny “confidenc
supply of the irrigation
water hel ave in
for man ce of the dis tri bution system will ben
io in the per >
‘ once they get confidence ch that 4 ferling
of left out
uld be su
cip lin ed way . Fur the r the management sho WIIG 8
% a cis h that the more puviledged
the irr iga tor s” It should not be sue
should ‘not develop
OF EY en somell me
s be left
8get les s wa ve r
se locat ed downstr#am emerge.
get more water and tho and so me probl ems may
nd qu art :}s
leads to dispute, “a
out. Such a situati on

‘reliability and
R esr

for ha vi ng
mmuss t_mun 1 Scient!y

em ” * mu

«pfne sysyst stem an

1523 pe r di sc ha rg e je vel7 in the system
es d This fequir es maintainine (pro 00
ree “= trustworthinse orm 3s en@aag
Ey hea lth y cor dit io n so that they perf
keeping control struc tures he nv is e Wi ill act be able to di
wh ic h ot
ould not deteriorate *
nage So eel Carrying capacity sh em sh ou ld be looked into reliviou
sy st
ppaintenance of the
jo" expectations. thé
fo" re tu l aiention to the main
na ge me nt : Ca
ant aspect of the ma Cr
Citi is very import oval of the silt and the ee
dis iri bis tio n sy st em n ma kes it run cl ciently!“Rem
: ‘of the
erin dischargg H)
on a 3 ~ helps in maintaining the
|to ai ine ms ggused above ‘sti!] may rot pro. Ze
Pex 14, Releasing water ‘and ayy ‘ding ne
on the funcifgnine of the
ent Sah
; as desired A. ea
ssary. Informations reva rding levels i in the main
Seasick cystém m is y Ty mucn nece
tem is
y nd offs ets: kee ps | the man ager informed 2s to how the sys
‘| rl
a some amendments, are RERSSADY they Say,We

Scanned with CamScanner

Nanaeeuie st
16.2) Oa-ebarm

ent involves
152) The cn-farny nie agem

(i) On-far n developmen works

od :
(ii) Adopting a suitable irrigation meth
Y (ii) Applying a appropnate depth on the field
‘iv Avo ding wastage of water ~~
49ces acer aoe . Pee Mery
{the field chant :

Ferme ut | cles ore ¢ Cre

© yy @ Oe tee iy Go
$25 :) he onfarm deslopitels forms a important Cry or the farrr.

“managemeni((T generally comprises land levelling. land shaping, land siading and
construction of field channels Land leveiling OF shaping or grading helps taiform
application of water which ultimately saves wastavé occuring due to surface runoff or
_ deep percofanon Adoption of suitableerjganion method with due consideration of the

soil and crop is an another factor governing the. economic use “OE wae) Applying ©
_ more depth of water on the field than required for replenishment
proves to be a waste.
: "However the iirrigators should be eduéated regarding
these aspects. Besides arresting”
ce ta a. wastages: by adopting such: médsures. farmers
need _using water judiciously and
‘carefully Sometimes they divert water
to drains. which isa waste in terms
MPigAtion waicr. ee eS ee ee ee e

Water has not to be bes but cal onoike fela(Constrcton of itis field

44 |
one imme
and the water courses will reg
ulate the application of water)
Like the main
; 100 need carefil maintenance to
Aho steel
deliv er r goods > Proper i =
ret won

er aa nck

Scanned with CamScanner


7.1 Classification
‘ elias :
n taking up specialised
De y

can be an organise,
The organisation for man gement
, mai nte nan ce, helpi Zarmers, or it can be an
man ag nent
duty only like water ation
cti ons for irr iga ted avricuture, The classific
_ organisation covering all e fun
ion s for irr iga tio n wat er manageme:.: « cannbe done as
therefore of the orgenisat
Multipurpose management orpani

m3 Specialised management o

ee management OF!. anisation

i «¢ "
é .

Aa = b pe
| atepepee Organisation : ack
igation i
org anj sat ion is res pon sib le for developmem:z. activities for irr
a Such an

+» amatonese om
stage to the
function Higat from cozstructional
and water management) It. has to
- ?
ies out mai intenazee activities.
distribution of water to the fieldshti aalso carr

aad Prec isation:

te ta

itl soe NThis tyype of organisation is “responsible for specal . functions of water

© Sazesengr only) Water distribution requires knowledge of ngriculture also, It is not
an engineering activity only Awhiereas 6on the otherhand =aintenance is y purely
_engincering pate there is a school of thought that there should be special .
bestigns Sol are two distinct separate activities

Scanned with CamScanner

ani sations
eer Ydopred cergmn
ys? e
nece in Vagu
éntornt af, Qapaniyal
salae n ay Perper PrPra
(B fo , ma‘ naging
! ti1e
employed t ng
exy is ti

The organisational set up

as per ist

jrrigation water comprises

: ro cue ; fleaCe ees a‘ .
‘ , r-in
oadinee ' 1 ef
. -Chi = da ae
ee eg 54 baa
cs 2 Chief Engineer
Cals Gear! ee
; ’ eae : }:
G)- Superintending Engineer
ee es ac.
Card’ (4) f Beeeutive Engineer c G4 © ae
he Wo a Cuppt j pobet
4 NS ei first ats
Engi er
Executive Engine
Deputy Executive os IGG:
e Rub evisioa
or Additional git oe 2ineer mn wey
Sec ae sant es
oat fe eX x § be be
(7) _ Beat Karkoons

SO” Beat Chowkidar a4. Ne


c Causl : “ORB dot» i2ne 3

The organisation is responsible to. the Minist of Water Resources. he Enuinee:-in-

Chiefis the head of the organisation. Sevefal Chief Engineers work under Ergancer-
in-Chief, These Chief Enginéers have , everal Superintending Engineers, working
under them. The. Superintending Engiheer is the head of; a circle which centrols
-several divisions headed by sing Engineers. There are several sub-divisions =
under a division:A Deputy Engifeer also known .as Sub-Divisiong| Office. is in
_ charge ofa sub-division A sub-di vision is divided iinto several sections in charzeé of 4 2

sectional officer who mayb an Assistant, Engincet or an Additional Assistant

Engineer or an overseer. Further the command area is dividedi into beats, ‘sections, sibs
geesions, divisions and if cessary circles. ye on the area | under imigation —

)s organiéatio: {Functions of this organisation are en

rinth reserv ir io itisa storage scheme

Scanned with CamScanner

and Are nt Deyelopme nt Authority (CANADA)
“), 3 C
Comm |

Wy voptic +t ori.
projects as per practice
Aver manavine the irtigalien
util isat ion of the cre ale d irri gation project has remained low
it experience d that the
se produchy
the¢ created potential to increa
felt need was to raise the utilisation of
show the need
The problem if viewed from the production FF| arm end of the syste n will
a wr

expense like. agronomists,

of the involvement of much mére non-engine ering.
are 1¢ quired, The basic
and other social sciences
extension work rs “economists
projects. ‘The
lem in manag ging the imigation
engineering is not the fundapiental prob
S system in relation
real need is for .he LT the professionals, who ur derstand the
dev clopment programme in|
‘2 i es —_toihe aurieultural prod tion process, The command area
with ppurpox to 1m prove 2 re ina
t content of tnese was)ptarted | in 1973-74
the productivity and production froin
the created irrigation potential and optimising
‘programme iS entrusted to the Ministry -of Water
ee "the imgated. agriculture 3 The
& integration =e
as Resources. for implemgntation4)t
- isis an Integrated programme, cov ering

= all ee crucial aati ies for.the purpose said above, Among ciher activities dominant
such aS sae birch | omy ye le
-isth (execution ofén farm. development ‘works
Ln er Pie
Coastnuctign of field’channels
a. of fied drains”

Formation. of water us
ie re eee Cetera

Modem aed
d above isi yiented throught

Scanned with CamScanner

Le ay or tl
Waleter Reset
M the Wa
mav come [G How) the Wate
Commissioner dia
Developme’ nee! chen

Chief Enui



Neri: cultur13 Department
is ADC;
ur g d e p a r t ment is a yo
from the Anne uh
Deparment and if com ny alt of various
Resources l over th e st
has administrative
lturdy> The ADC c, - soil
director of auricu
ng rr ic ul tu re .{ bO - operat ye,prevenu
io ag
sciplings such as \irrigat
concerned¢ di
in g, in the ju ri sd ic ti on of the authonity.
, fa ll
4 science, etctioning W ithin the area
func ned
ain s alm ost the sa me as staffing of | he concer
General structure of sta ffing rem ble t othe - :
C and solely responsi
department This stafwill be in the office of the » AD

et oA
eee ape sar
ne se
o , fc ty pOL
Zee cifoblenis in Terigation. y
ofieRiOn water are.
Problems ¢ coun in the present dey management
ee eee
intimeie “uncertainty in timely supply.
Pigs : z, () ne *Noh- availability of irrigation water eon Tee :
inme equal proportion. “i S
" a _ ti) Non-availability of irrigation: waiter
Sinesio : oe on
Gi) Seepage |ies os ison
or ee eae Deka aan eae oo
(iv) Over irrigation = * a Sta
heey 7 ee : ae
Se ai a.m ie seen ae
oo Poor utilization se i”
a Re ot ar ‘ Bie
- = > (yi) - Wastage of water :
pe eee e
(vil) Poor mainienance
| \ ais Ke
- (ii) Menace oi watelogging and salnisation
: pues
aes qc. See
seca. ts) Lew returns and
rowed and se a 2 Se
pe o Lack of pope

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pee Eaor s
de fe ct iv e ma na genchl. CrOdS
and (id
removed % vill decr
ease the velocity oe delay ,

cfee Hie supply

and would reeu
re gu la to rs Ma y not be funciona
and head
al, . “ative
Vy suppery

) Equity even remain

su ff ic ie nt Wat er. Some
ers do no t get ig the test C
A large mem ber of farm Panicularly ibis
they y like.
fo rt un at e t o avail water as flow 1 n the
totally d ry. So me are
ei r po si ti on i n relation to
advantage e of th
hea d re ac he rs . Th e enjoy the head reach evs
draw more
of le : m. Th e
from this prob ‘
na l. Al mo st ea ch project 5U fYers e ¢ ommand.
This habit of
ca wer re ac he s ot th
of the farmers. in
the lo of
at th e co st rred construcon
wa te r nicome of defe ”
l may be an nie a
ai n wa te r wi thout any contro mi ght not be reac
- dr “th e co na l
ready but
wo rk ) He a d works might be wo rk 1s cons tected.
_ car nal so on as ca na l
water as
be cyilling to supply be more than
depanment would Th e s u p iN then would
cons tr uc ted
ter in the pan. Problem ‘starts
"may release wa y to dr aw wh atever ‘they can.
be rt
igator s “are at li
demand hence the irr are a can now ‘be irrigated. supp
wa rd. Mo re
progresses down
when the cana | work supply to earlier Fp head
d inc rea ses . ‘Th is requires: a cu 1 in the
and deman o- araal
“remains same
pro por tio nal dis tri but ion cannot be’made.
not allow. Hence
irigaors. whichoS do. j
; \
oS ee
Seepage los ses ’ e e
“Gi Se ie
ge ment of. the irrigationseswaare ter is: oiesoeins| h owl
jo r pr ob le m in 1 the ma na of te n
Another ma me. “A ct ua l: los
su me d ‘wh ile planning y the sche
waler. Losses are
nes Thi
d ones. About 4 ee of: sas water is

Scanned with CamScanner


f esulty
\N aering
nes ny Os el
Wl} ef
reqs ent
ywatel: mre

ns ii ie

sation so Pp cities
as if capa
Under woli gh tl y
() oblent. Ri
an d er y avout this pr sation 1S
There is a gre at hu
tc om d, Pe rcent “utili
S, is. the. ou
fully, financial | OS s
é nol uiilised envi saged “One doe
created ar
arc a a ac
ally rial
1Tir'g ™ d and the area
o |
of of
calcula ted from
the rati
ro ls the ‘a pp li ca tion of quast sity
t co nt
one hidden factor tha e seme as
not take into account ppi ng paitern remain th
wn. If the cro
is the crop gro
water, The hiddea factor But when the crcp
abo ve is jud ici ous .
1ne ratio said ee
) eration of
planned, consid
crops are different
and -
charge. Duties for different
pattern: changes duties also ezon h
will chan ge.” It will not be prep er then to say that utilis
samurally area covered
usec, ea
herefore another angie to know ut ilisation is to consider the voluxe
Si ~ deereased
a duty of 600 h acumec “and if ‘tu
i : ond duties obtained, for. instance , if'a crop has
fee ot
r uth, sation otherwise norte
; “Cut 10. be 450 hacumec,, “it 1S certainly ‘unde
i due to seepave EONGY Ce
: i uiilisation. of water should ‘be viewed with this ang ima
as planned might NOs a
3 contributes: towards under’ utilisation as availability or “water
: have beer: possible due to heavy losses. ae

. age
- Wastof water. Mees i oo a 2

aile moving in the comm: ind.area of an irrigation scheme we oeSee1 See
‘ # ne ie i C

. _ ae ount flowing into drains, If this waler is not reused it will ow to x ne ie eS

nal y to: the sea, ‘The costly water goes unused. It is shear waste se. O <
and finall
inizationn results into deep percolation and runoff from the fieelds. both are a azste

Scanned with CamScanner

vin) Water dogging & Salinivat
nrigation TE this ise 1S NOL
percolation on over
Water rises due to decp
logging conditions. He
e enc roa che s nor mal fool zane causing waler
checked water tabl
es where water t abl
e originally was ;
h ing ati on. The re are cas
ys associated wit
is awa ions -
e), and had see min gly goe d nal ural drainage condit
sufficiently deep.(10 m or mor
essively afer 15 19 20 years.
the eround water has risen exc
a cru cia l pro ble m as ‘the n lands go out of cultivati
Lands going saline is
cat-ions on soil
are “tre ated Salt s in irri v ation water are astracted Ly
unless they from the
the soil sal ine . Als o risi ng » ground water brings sol uble salts
a particles making
water in the up pet layers evaporates
soils and finally soil goes saline, when

f i
(a) = Low returns es
aimost ‘always been low. The: :
ee Se “Financial health of an. irrigation scheme has
believe that this 1s
returns from invesument are therefore low Niany econnmists.
: 2 because ofanies pricing policy persued by the wovernment. ‘However close
feel that this i is due to inefficient management of irrigat ion projects. (actual: revenues
_temzin low as most of the irrigators do not pay she charee This also brings down the =?

iyo havo: tape es ees

ard approsh ee
tack fier bts

Scanned with CamScanner

\ Se C
4 we Prrabien de-
- i tote eclopmen
94 acl sue
aspect of |
mp (pi.
ts, ay
ek , He | water Wal Iu ment
Ai: o
: ‘a
ie hiotite
present da y circumstances
ue7 rhe
Stress iN MUG hl aid on il un
rigation W yater mana
e hyt eel Hi the id of on farm ir ‘ - in
ind mmendations.
ofcourse ts nol a new subject ic re co
ges, base; d on seh jentif
it needs some chan
not totally new But | | -

the prevailing practices

a 1s a diff
It taskk to ch angge the
lt. t tas
‘ficuicul change,
This demands behavioural
living styl
viou r, attit ude, thin king , of the Indi an farmers. Their way of thinking,
to the complexitie s of their cultur
e and they act as
and making a living are all tied Z

survival. Farmers pl ace

ee they do They. know that it assures them if nothing at least the
has to be - a0sek}
a great faith in the traditions of their people which” they feel is not only
practised but has to be taught to the next generation as well, To break this cycle. to
inject the new modes of thinking i is a big challenge. If the innovations and necessities
of irrigation, in regard of preparation of fields: change i in the method of application at ;
water ae, could be disseminated lo the itrigarors and if they could be motivated to.
accept the practices, utilisation ca be increased at once. This would result into nse or
* agricultural production This process of dissem ination and motivation needs a or
: extension Besos andi icin ee donenee a social Ioereesis) : : 4 3
cas art =f -

-193: th ocial Scientist 1S well verse


195 AVA with the know, ede of way of educating : A a

people bout ‘inrovations to be adopted. The farmers need to be equipped
: with Z a:
necessary ‘knowledge, skills and suitable attit
ude. This will make on prcfessional
l |
= compet ent t109 produce more. if dome so
5 the sociat scientist would use the extension

Scanned with CamScanner


framework of ite
people asithia the
the well-being of al niral
(v) Iinproviey -
the navion
social and economic policies of

said above and he-ing
an being equipped with techamque
1.9.5 The social :ng
ve wil l firs t te 10 kn ow what is the preva:
d abo
knowledge of the approacyes st ate :
what are ex isting prac
tices followed by jhe
is he v uit try to kno w
y environment. thhat ew of ©
a, in the najo r area s of th ¢ irr ivated agneulture in
farmers exclusively
W scientific crop walter requir

(ii) Irrigation schedule

(iii) Judicious water ap Hcation.met
the developmental stage ¢: the
(iy) “Scientific: timing f irrigation. according. te
aan - .
qe =
ile oo - Land levelling, grading-and shap Sali,
reir, = =
on Oe
= Recommended Siz ‘of the irrigati eS t ee F
field channels
a Proper maintenanc of she water course and the
ee Sele ans
i (viii) Soi: management racti sites 2
Pro per crop ping pa tern for a high mes “use efficiency’
gsr aa i poets
ween what should bs done “
; “Based, on stucy he will then identify “the gaps bet
is tc ae - :
d yap the role ef the sccial sates
_and wi i ‘is being done. Paes identifie the
ee is bc aie

Technical Gap


Scanned with CamScanner

th C | .
vt) = =
aenign - aid
| cadin ~
» farmers
pees | 5
clop cred ns
hn vwalldes with ;
oth hiesed e ane
U all Peine

U n
“NIio an thie’ adanvewe
Continued extens
been 5
op ‘s neaw erasods istied ang
gacts on mdopued Having
adopt the new methods
- her
ro ek he
{ farmers
fle Ie ’ \faking the TO he point :{ strike.
; . ve rea che d tothe P = i
fid ent the far nie rs also wou ld ha
dt y} 168 feeling con the enu
by by t the farmers in 4 block to ) igo
oe iwi) Diffusing - the, innovation virg irrigation ;
, socialize the idea of impro
f ani it community Abst is he will .
7 ce

a management,

ae ; y
1.10.0 Sater. pus wr e (Su e ne_ at
es ng aA gpl3
for usimig walel
ke we see
: . 1.101 7% | Ietigation \water is coststy, “the inrivator “need. ‘be Sapa
s ent arms é@
crop-area basis The irrigation depart
The present practice is to charié on !'
p perunit area. - ‘This is a simple ie an cas
a _ fate struciure which specifies rate for a cro
a it cov ers. Quantity, of water is
sini “- method. h requires just noting} the ernp and the .are
tor is neve conscious
_ never taken into account in. this method. As a result the, irriga
of water ¥ bill is te
% zbout the value of ‘water, Weather he applies 10 cm ‘or 20 cm
tion as seen. agli
: remain the same. The significan, draw back therefore is over irriga
is under utilisation eke :
- ~ and oe.

Another “method of. hae ng water is to charge for valuine u Sed by the gee
oy les J | eee
- _ irrigators. This. fate has no consideration of Fp and the area irrigated as wel!
Farmers will be tealizing the cost of water and will avoid wasteful use of pvater. THS ex
will save water, which cai be, utilized elsewhere solving three problems theiover C5 7
der uatlisation and. at Ly. However it is Rot easy to ii nyjoduce a

1.11.0 Conflict %

Val el the matt

Scanned with CamScanner

. out what are the
\ likely
‘i cons)
0 rely
L112 The manauer shpuld apply his mind and think
. anpon and

for a* wreat rapy
ang the soluhions thereof Conthiet
E : duce the °
farmers in the mahagement may re
>, communication with imeators. hae
td 5 i roplem

volume of conflicts. The key ability for success, in manayingi oie piers ©
oe oe begaeees : Pees . ers and
is “simplifying”. In conducting /meeungs with irrigators or the staff_memb ms 1s
simlplest | ter
to the vei
i a complex2X psobleLem, Pers
* many a times both together feducing
highly important. a

. 1.12.0" Management Traits >

s the manage rial aspect s discus sed, a manager to be successh)
“pao _- + Beside
ated Sa ae ae
+ siege have some or all of the following qualities...
mS é
oe (1) -{ Robust papunoncense

{2) De aawiedss of one’s field a. ~

Selfreliance’ Sees Pins stale Se
as By i
(4) — Generai intelligence” mel
meet 4 ce poreey 4 es ee
Bs £ (5) Ability to ver things done
Commonsense’ means to. be able take sound and appropriate decision | + thei nego
i" ayauickie on everyday, affairs. To do this 2 should 20. to. the core of tne chines that — ae wih 3

ae matter. ‘If one lacks this one “thould e velop that, _Commonsense can definitely
developed. Keeping eyes and ears open one can learn from the success anc if lures of
. er others and one's s own pale ign . eee ie eee,

ae anothgr trait most co:

1¢ knowledge of one’s field. Acco

Scanned with CamScanner

=es re
eB rmnt ee abe
sES| 5
eh T bre d M e e r
Tee ve TS rate e
l Hop PUAN
Fy ateinet
es ll cat an
‘ Snathet
a+ :
e whith’ :
hss I reyes’ oe tOF dome
1 rs
n :

ri dars wig 'fy Mee :

if v riser
Si Wi
os spon
ses rats and shuld {tat
One shoul bbe able to

| en i nredlige? a ; a
a al for out Mandi ny achiey ements An
| 124 Gencral intelligence iy Essent fellow. cen
quickly pereinnecl
person \ ill be able wW co: nprehend difficult conee pts |:
ol necessarily: meen
eBes on
cicarly and incisinuly Intelligence does no
ana lys e the se co nc ep ts
inter ests are fundamental
innate capacity An enquiring mind and broad ranging
success r
, A .
: ; : ,

A ree whe is able to get things done achieves success ce should « oe


habits and deli gence. Road to success is sheer hard renaeions w it aiaability too pace g- Be lioid

aiiiude towards een. of “oiler ae

But | involv ed.
, knowing the field, self reliance, intel
ligence and the ability. io
Ss done stand out. Ia menager r cultivates these traits
chances aresigs, that a> a

of Lerigdion Engine eo les :

= PeRgy of eramme¢ | ee
F Tasv ge15' enn Sene ds ce

Med nsemnce of Srosiase| ©

Scanned with CamScanner

—OS NGen what | oe sie A le,

YY AAVISe As Sarmenrs
q+ Change Wrens notions about © vera waterlnsee
impor )
the Le about
~ Convirze
/ OE UJ OnK te ah
—culbtyals. in sali whe as OS fo ° how help ee

is. On- tara smnanage

: ment Zi . a "ra ,
Ce 3
Oe hla Lyvigation : coy
Uunders bard 1m™ portance
fy A WNAAd fe
et is ater Course : -
=oes rAcantenana—
Laamere about hetr Role
— Can educate
eohecsally nie :
Oe ae maintenance
CARY Imbyod ee aA feeling. of CURSOS
iw AAR MERE oe) \ a |
“t)\ ot Sustera
abou need “hs :
—~ Can. convince Lhawend
BS) volumebic. Rurply. ;

Convivite Department offre Cans oe Chaise





— | Compince ae of Le Ayotem |-
| :
0) Lrustwortiy
~ sek a Sealing in oblicers tut ie GB hoe the
\\ FIELD but PARMER thy tp ty be SHB eA
WIAA r~-

Taga SONY VCE th. re Understand ARs

Scanned with CamScanner

tetey Cay I Cow: Us

Chon at* eget) beanty 0 fee ee

a7 ee if one '
bY\ ee NA opine

-. a MA Ck vig lane ees 2 gl

“iyi Tne?
tl coer ee >
TH ane
(1) Rast ‘4 ec colt Ce i oP
jac ‘ hoe irt colt vice (hee 3 ;

Cw) wabow- ~ e A

, e
ak goth
: ee Pais Stacie sees ee a
Re area
ii.)(ty) eee i. Gould
woth s .- — Susidy: ice \ukenn |

: aa Mounage. oie “ston” wir Sia

a Ov notation ene Wo

— amdeney 4 ova Av ansed, ‘cag ha


Scanned with CamScanner

te 4RRID

Litt maans
ee AS ‘ ace eyes
command. fhe source may oe a fiver,
verical turbine DUMBpS,
i ted from’ source using purnps like centrifugal cumps

pumps, At the agarwor

head ks
wort ang
anc HO
flowr 1
or submerssibic

chamber to feed do elow.

m inrough distribution wil

at {ha highest pointig the command so lnat.vialer ca


ooveragp eatindividual ee!
Also farnets forming c


socicly and jointly ezecuie Ine schemel lng vig project when farmers can net.
a ee er J eh =

adoid tc install such a scheme government

oten comes forvardsinee create
sucha eoey poe to the importance ol irriganc nuip-seonomicatdt

pee net re é,
Lift infigaton schemes also are classified a5 =simail OF Minor schemes,
medium schemes or major schemes Bepending upon the area

inigation scheme eS individ: lal farmer or a cron of tar mers. with area.
ay oi
5-10Coha. under command. is termed as small ¢ or minor a
Here the land irrqated js quiteeS 2djacent
er er
tottb B50
aviay nd Waller 15 available ins

operative society er
edlalytic anenaycy. This
sociely forms the 4" irlas
Ofe a 1)- 1000 -haetint
ret ap iee
ee e COT ere are:
hor Mio or mar
Ye a.
> ViIl
esS Carre AM
TT} oe
et =};
eee Bee -

a Lo iftigale ap ated

Scanned with CamScanner

.ees me from
Fo ps baer

- nemert -.
| ty ‘. : Hib manag
Lau { {0 iat ae nensive wih Oe =
= eta nce More Grrst
} woe 1}
Moret ine Gio ety ™

“a ist iffigalion schemes.

tage in tnt We
r of phi
has tto beae r.

Here he realnzes
“Opvious reason‘ involv
is imcostot use eder vi carefull ly Jithoul wastagLage —
el him lo Us wala
zs rocket compes = ct
- sas understaads how cos! Iv it is 'o
le i
tha value of wateroO rat
ta uitlieol
ftenagiion Sef SFonurticng!
thea _—_ eS As oe cost of oa Se a Scopes
: Ye Paha tori as esfens sere

a a

ne ecg S
would the succeessful whew Sy
e-he uth es schemes
ce 2 cess spomble ancdcpendable

a is desiq a f soundly saute

stay Specifications for maternal ar execslion 2 as well a5 eqquipment™”

ON are made scund and aghe:ed io.

‘4. =| molementalion of ihe schemeisas quick as nossible

(5) beneficiaries are i intorested to develop themselves. . i feurs)

a ck (6) E.oper cropping is adopled.

) Power supply Js~ not erratic.

li the power supply is erratic a standa
ny oe ane
Ses PLOMIC LS | WR aaa ; pio ote
re ad

Scanned with CamScanner



Woucal because of ce nl cay cos! involved. However buinps can not

usly. They need resh As an allernalive puinps are-run not

\ hows al atime. This is aise beneficial from farmers angie-

vabiluated fo irngalea abnight

G 7.2 Minor schemes are fully menaqed by farmers. hey are owners,

maintain tiie scheme. Distribution is also dane by the rarnner.

1@ medium and maior schemes
owned by the co-speralive
; a ; ae a clone
1s cone
oraanizations are operated maintained and water distabution

form commitiees for carrying oul (1652 functions

by the farmers. They
in the distribution system is dene by farmers contrivuling fabrour
case may be. Schemes in charge of government are run
of finance as the
by government as in Norlh Gujaral. However the present cay
and managed
Wend is hati «Sven Boactructs and then pecple manage-

eae sr

The associations form a commutee. —

Ataange the necessaly fineace for operating the scheme.

+ Crop planning, time of sowing and suooly of inputs such as good
Quality sceds fertilizers, piant_orolection chenical elc
- Designing irriqation schoduis fring rotation hebveen cuilets and:
among the farmers.

fective uuizaien of water is made

aidence and thst f,

Scanned with CamScanner


eaafhuas@ Ha eerie
t io pees

YEH Hho ppiits!
y possessed! d ene 4," selina
: n’
e ho dournhivend .
progg ram me
s a Or Se
evelopment os trained the

¢l i
" tu vt
: :
inigation [3 tility as One of the L in ti g at io n 3 an d |
: anale lechnoogy
_ ur
form Ob
he ia eae i
an riale technology in IN ; o easy access and elfect ive :
iWin its operatic To facililale eae Gy ae
wee {!
Le Gut we oe ger Awad Pr
-<< 1s. cf
ents the 76area WSs Opler Sa
how to{9caiganize. 9 5 ; “ke sae
penstret —
have taught
5 een {at operatives. Co
they peop se Laie i pooale oo
managemen t tee
eor a SEE
mane =U
Gat h scheme is managed by peof
0.9 4.
oes ve act.
are registered under 20-O0EEe
operaive socicl e fo be the member
[hrough -Se-operatives, Ail those willing to re
Get pier have fo Re pais
Canin vac? Tae +o
ex-officio met Fs
ig ro
4 enhuboy

of the society. .
{A m anaging commillee; compAsing eae
from the general body ete after the scheme:
and seven non official electedAre amnes FT
ia TN tS al — se
So far no election have been anche? fo ae
e The cominiilee elects {he chairman. = “4
i erie selected by: cons Bebe ae De entre
members include the Dvector, a Assistant
District - Register cf co-operative societies, representative of financiak

instaulions..and a tepresentalive ai sponsoring 2s: ,

: The func ons of the eonumlige are sinmlar of Same as plhose Sa

ender 2200620. 1080 of farmer crganization. 1c committee appomts a
‘ BSetrlaty for the administrative work. i
# Ble .
tek Yaa os eR
594. ‘Water from source is hited to ee main distribution chamber
Bias d eae os aoa ae
situated at ithe highes! location In the evra uf later
Eee flows further io the
secondary distribution chambers through
oo Tues Se asicsSrenaioe oho a
rolational basis to ersure required: (Guantum of Malet io ine fieids eo Q.
village Biamati iil
aut of 3) x such chambers, three are overated atBie teh two
days after clossing of -
uch a adva ance by the

Scanned with CamScanner

mosemnenensin SISSY SIVIUBNCE. Disi
-~ Ne

by the mill
committe: he
Process of effectiy
" .

Mormal prompt and instant. The decision making is

fegion becaise of Social environmen
~ — t of
‘0 eh. There is an instance OE eee

, chairman for taking water out of pe nalizing even the

yaa . of Se ve
‘ : 97
6.8.7 a\ OF)
The foundation (S\ Sa eee eee
r a subsidie $cost of operation unte 2 aio 3h
| it. for three years. are 1925-85
There afler cos tis totally am
& (SIMETSTCoet of
ferential ites
'agation for the year ern
_1982- 83 te mtseatse
rough 1966-87 re es TT NE rah atte ake
y S oul to Rs 75 and
\ ‘ 92 peer
acre Rs
Siacye. Rs. 107 and Rs. 230 per —
per watering. Component
of the costate expenses ——__—
or dis =sel/power ahd Salary.
Latter is almo scconstant =
This i.e. salary expendilure rema
ins same even when water is scar
ce and less
eens va Aas
eons. The Ss
committeesoe lat he
prefers to ake a xed charge even if
SS with a viey 4 of bullion snow Haine
reserve capital hus econon
ie nie re
icA-managenent ae a 4

i ‘ a1 as a member ¢ shoulc gain-
et But the socleiy as = whole should 3183: Onin. sc HS td. Mees
Z, exigencies ard aro | Reese eae
) Economics ia :
¢ Whe economizs of L} scheme is worked out by ref ‘Sing to cost
ts fatio. The costs Cex:=o Gest wt Production per unit lea acded by
wReting cost including transport, comnussicn charae
Ses, overhead charges.
computation should take interest Ov
capiialj WES eng equivalent é
. INeome ts arrives al frominel pr
oduction of each: op and ;

Scanned with CamScanner

an ee Cc | a ;
yinich is
WOU CEPT Ren yameoes
AInloe } C oo
VV AE Ms pee for auiomae
sysiet mi
pipet distipulion

lank Le distibulion
rep lethee
PYC 2 pipes
> + uplo
irections throus gh-under .


in open earthen
flaws Into felds
ater Hs Hi .
as a part of th
Se + Avior

by it igahon depaarimen!t
e constructed cn
number of farmers
A Kund) Serves. 2 epecified
but maintar by farmers. < ndis hie may
‘0 or three Ku
some days
a particularos ay inahe yeek and on days on
d according to. the
The users are gio. spe ae
operate syuits aneously. constituute Day
the Day
ANS ©oi a day group
comes., Three & such Users
vehich there wen cc
and grouping Sh
The scheduling of kumdi
Area Committee2 (DAC). wn
Pe nt Committee (TAME)
s l AArea.
TubeMesl WV anaas
“Farmers | gone by ine
iS of the department.»
does thee work sity Sssistance..of.. irrigation
Sh Copereler noes: gesponsibte {or
fhe ee ae eee

, including
in of the project is done by the irigation department
veil and layout of the conveyance system. Subcequently
‘DAC and TAMC are formed. These Commit tees will take over woik of water
2 2't
disiribution with a views 10 achieve farmer Oamici
: ees tee
tion to <"ndis Date and time of ium gta
commend area of .

Scanned with CamScanner

HACC Ep fysXte
es tee
“tok THO Tena

that the commillee

tite Osy Area Commitee

responds to a G layin a week. Thus there many


committee is elected b

week, Auchairman to head the

at ‘ —
KYa. more
fare rsisito receive Waler one specific day. The cha irman selects
~ member sito help him. The assigned functions oft
1 ee *

Tie To work Qu watering schedule.

Sad | Ya see tral Ses is ‘strictlyiollo wed.

imercomen i a

Scanned with CamScanner

*. a, ;
« ve
‘ mes 1 Oe ee
5 | OSs RCs . ‘ ‘ )
k _ ve " 47 “~L

5 <AGWE. WE > ENG Satu TRL CS © :

loco Wee. — SAGCr CVS Reeee \

\ \ Acton ere L « owt Vea tri godtee


= ees UNS. ane ts BOS APA WE ar «

> Advan Lasyes of wit Vert yc whe we

ecompemni dc os¢e ef wWedey ; c

» Gost Ay ass aes MBA WTS ie ae O72 gu Ute { tov CHD mea et SOS), oA ~ ty

BAD OUR} 943A S20 af,

Cus sit En KrSs Wes vee yohlom

aA Yad WED aye:

—O% Sucsseu.
: Hah <i, SARE 92 Ahir sow 0 fox
ve .

iD Gane mesh pith

A He ae ;3)
aa ay

Scanned with CamScanner

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