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Skills questions

Question 3
Source 1: interview with CEO HEMA Descriptive Thematic Pattern
I (interviewer): Now suppose you send a number of people Gay gender Employm
abroad for a large assignment. But the client says, we don't employees diversity ent of
want to do business with gay employees. And we expect you
to also put in writing, the people who come here not be
homosexual. Do you do that? related
CEO HEMA: well look, it goes both ways. I think on the one
hand, if you go to another country, you should be 'the country's
honor,' the country's wise I would say. so you can, well you can
say I'm very attached to my princples, I don't do any of that. Adoption Operation
but, I think on the other hand you also have to have the respect
honour of of the firm
to adapt to the ways of such a country. You are not on a Different
mission to change that country. You are on a mission to make
Different internatio
that business better.
principles cultures nally
I: But then the bottom line is that you cannot direct your gay
CEO Hema: I wouldn't do that anytime soon. If it were down to
that level of principle, then I would really think about it
carefully whether we would really want to do that.

I: Are there people or countries you don't want to do business Business

with, absolutely not? Business in less
economic of stability
CEO HEMA: our focus is really on Europe and I don't see any
countries in Europe that I wouldn't want to do business with. to ally of a
I: And outside of Europe? geographic viable country on
CEO HEMA: I have no idea, I have never thought about it. al location countries the
I: a chain in Nigeria? business
CEO HEMA: why not? Incorporati
I: Yes? on of interaction
CEO HEMA: yes. religion in with that
I: A while ago there was a Muslim version of the HEMA by the country
way of a gimmick, right? business
CEO HEMA: yes. model
I: You could perhaps settle it in Iran.
CEO HEMA: yes, but the chance that that will happen is not
that great, I think.
I: no? Corporate
CEO HEMA: no. social
I: Does an entrepreneur actually have a social responsibility? lity
Return to
CEO HEMA: yes, I think so. sender
I: in what area? project
CEO HEMA: we are doing a project that we call "return to
sender". So we have given part of our shop to a foundation,
where we sell your products and what we earn with it we send
back to the country of origin. That's something we do.
I: so they share in the revenues ...
CEO HEMA: we send back all revenues we make with it, so
that's why it's also called return to sender. Well, I think that's a
nice thing. You can of course say, yes, but that is only a part of
your shop on the other side, it is a part of the shop I could have
sold something else and I would have made money with it Working Safety of
conditions the
CEO HEMA: a major disaster has happened in Bangladesh and environme
there is now an initiative to make those factories safer.
I: ready-to-wear nt
CEO HEMA: exactly, so I think we should join in safety
I: because those clothes also end up in your store.
CEO HEMA: well I don't think so, but ..
I: it seems to end up in almost all clothing stores, right?
CEO HEMA: yes, well, I think, look we have arranged it
differently now, we had already arranged it differently, so I
think it is not the case with us, but you are not sure.
I: are you going to find out? Inspection
CEO HEMA: yes, but we had already done that before after the of
first one, and before that too. Is that our office that we have production
there already has a certain assignment and already keeps track
of things, so it inspects itself at every production are the
firebreaks free, what about each other, et cetera.
I: child labor too, huh?
CEO HEMA: yes, but we don't do that.
I: what are you not doing? Child
CEO HEMA: we do not engage in child labor, we really make labour
sure that this does not happen.
I: yes?
I: are you sure?
CEO HEMA: yes, I am sure
I: you vouch for that?
I: because of course you never have all the stages completely in
CEO HEMA: we think so, but you can be sure, you can almost
never get 100% certainty
I: but as an entrepreneur you are also obliged to check where
products comes from.
CEO HEMA: yes, certainly
I: how pure is it?
CEO HEMA: yes, of course, yes

Source 2: Part sustainability report 2018 HEMA Descriptive Thematic Pattern
Here you place the pieces of text from the sustainability Sustainabili Sustainabl
report Integration ty measures e structure
of of the
CEO as the sustainability sponsor, the subject is anchored
in the management approach. In the coming years, it will
managerial company
become an even more important part of our strategy. approach
The world around us is changing rapidly. An example is with
the scarcity of certain raw materials. As a company we sustainabilit
feel obliged to minimize our negative impact and maximize y,
our positive impact where we can. . How do we make our Maximizing
designs as sustainable as possible and which are the best for net-
materials to use? How can we make it easy for people positive
to maintain a sustainable lifestyle? What does sustainable
innovation mean for HEMA? And how do we make steps
towards circularity? affordability
a constant search in which we look into the right ,
working conditions, the availability of sustainable materials, collaboratio
the latest developments and of course affordability, n,
boration with other parties is therefore essential.
rowing world population, the consumption of plastic will increase over the coming
decades. Because we use plastic and there is no good alternative yet we as a retailer have
to start using it more responsibly. To ensure that we take our responsibiltiy, we have drawn
up a plastic policy and set targets for the plastic we use in our products and packaging.
You can find plastic in our hard goods and as polyester in
clothing. We also make a distinction between single-use Renew-able
products such as straws, stirrers, cotton buds and confetti and
longer use products such as toys and storage boxes. For single-
use plastic products, we have set ourselves the goalto find plastic-free Sustainable
more sustainable alternatives where possible by 2020, to society,
prevent single-use plastic from ending up in the environment as materials,
litter. We are taking action earlier and with more ambition than reuse, waste
the European regulation on single-use plastic that is expected recyclability reduction
to come into force in 2021. In 2018, we had nine product ranges
of single-use plastic products.
For all other plastic or polyester products such as hard goods Sustainable
and clothing, we have set a target of using only recycled or
renewable alternatives by 2025 lso want all our consumer packaging product
to be 100% recyclable by 2025. An example of how we want to reduce single-use plastic
use is by encouraging reuse. In

All our products are certified by one of the well-known labels: UTZ, Rainforest Alliance
and Fairtrade. In 2018, we sold more Fairtrade tea than the prior year, resulting in a higher Sustainable
Fairtrade premium for the tea plantation workers. Sustainable company
Our policy for all our food products containing palm oil is that they must be certified External measures
according to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil standard (RSPO). structure
One of the most important points of the standard is that there may be no deforestation
deforestation Sustainable
every year, HEMA continues to take steps to increase its understanding product
of our various supply chains. One of our ambitions for 2018 was to make
our various supply chains even more transparent. In addition, HEMA
and an external party conducted factory inspections (our preferred term is
‘audits’) at our production sites. Transparency
of supply
word ‘better’ can be split into three components: inspections Sustainable
• with measures
better for the environment: unpartisan
reducing the negative impact on the environment as much as possible.
• parties
better for people:
increasing the social impact of our product development. Sustainable
• company
better for consumers:
Re-use of
a sustainable product is easy to use and designed to last. products, structure
We are also developing more circular products. An example is turning Pollution
old candles into new ones. Because some candles are shown less love in reduction,
their first life, we like to give them a second chance. We do this in positive social
collaboration with Stichting Amerpoort. They offer people with disabilities
social impact, impact
longevity of a

We are constantly looking into ways of optimising the transport from logistics
our distribution centre to stores. We opened more stores in 2018 but have planning, Optimized
driven fewer kilometres thanks to more efficient logistics planning.
In addition to cost reduction, this also results in fuel savings of 3.4%
employee distribution
adually replacing our vehicles training,
with environmentally friendly alternatives, we have reduced nitrogen
dioxide emissions by more than 50% over the past year. Our drivers also
apply a more conscious driving style and we regularly have our trucks reduction
checked for optimum use, so that they cause as few emissions of harmful
substances as possible and are economical in their fuel consumption. Sustainable
company Sustainable
Reduction in
practises company
A works to combat food waste. Our ambition is to reduce foodwaste wastefulness,
by 15% in 2020 (sales value of fresh products) compared to 2017. By giing stores more
space for entrepreneurship, they will
be able to respond better to the local needs of our customers and
contribute to reducing the amount of food waste.

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