Curse of Strahd

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Old Svalich Road

Black pools of water stand like dark mirrors in and around the muddy roadway. Giant
trees loom on both sides of the road, their branches clawing at the mist.
The fog spills out of the forest to swallow up the road behind you. Ahead, jutting
from the impenetrable woods on both sides of the road
Towering trees, whose tops are lost in heavy gray mist, block out all but a death-gray
light. The tree trunks are unnaturally close to one another, and the woods have the
silence of a forgotten grave, yet exude the feeling of an unvoiced scream
This river flows as clear as a blue winter sky through the valley.
Tall shapes loom out of the dense fog that surrounds everything. The muddy ground
underfoot gives way to slick, wet cobblestones. The tall shapes become recognizable
as village dwellings. The windows of each house stare out from pools of blackness.
No sound cuts the silence except for mournful sobbing that echoes through the
streets from a distance
March of the Dead
Every night at midnight, one hundred spirits rise from the cemetery (area E6) And march up the Old Svalich Road to
Castle Ravenloft.

An eerie green light suffuses the graveyard. From this light emerges a ghostly
procession. Wavering images of doughty women toting greatswords, wood wise men
with slender bows, dwarves with glittering axes, and archaically dressed mages with
beards and strange, pointed hats—all these and more march forth from the
graveyard, their numbers growing by the second.

These aren’t the spirits of the people buried here, but of previous adventurers who died trying to destroy Strahd.
Every night, the ghostly adventurers attempt to complete their quest, and each night they fail. They have no interest
in the living and can’t be hit, damaged, or turned. They will not communicate with the characters.

Areas of the Village

The following areas correspond to labels on the map of the village of Barovia.

E1. Bildrath’s Mercantile

The sparse light from this building spills out from behind drawn heavy curtains. A
sign over the door, creaking on its hinges, reads “Bildrath’s Mercantile.”

The establishment is 70 feet long by 40 feet wide. The owner, Bildrath Cantemir (LN male human commoner), sells
items from the Adventuring Gear table, but only items with a price lower than 25 gp in the table, and he sells them
for ten times the price.
Bildrath trades with the Vistani when they pass through. He is also happy to make a profit from any strangers
unlucky enough to find themselves here. He serves his own interests and offers no sanctuary. He never bargains
since, as he says, “If you want it badly enough, you’ll pay for it.” He has no competition in the village.

If the characters give Bildrath a hard time, he calls Parriwimple (LG male human), his nephew and stock-boy, to help
him out. Parriwimple’s real name is Parpol Cantemir, but no one in the village calls him that. His muscles rippling
beneath his leather tunic should give ample notice of his strength. At the same time, Parriwimple is simple-minded.
He is devoted to his uncle and will not follow the characters as long as Bildrath has something to say about it.

E2. Blood of the Vine Tavern

A single shaft of light thrusts illumination into the main square, its brightness looking
like a solid pillar in the heavy fog. Above the gaping doorway, a sign hangs
precariously askew, proclaiming this to be the Blood on the Vine tavern.

The tavern building is about 60 feet square. Close inspection of the sign reveals that it originally read “Blood of the
Vine.” (An “n” has been scratched over with the “f.”) This once finely appointed tavern has grown shoddy over the
years. A blazing fire in the hearth gives scant warmth to the few huddled souls within. They include the barkeep,
three Vistani sitting together, and a man named Ismark Kolyanovich—who happens to be the son of the village
burgomaster, Kolyan Indirovich.

Roleplaying Ismark
Ismark Kolyanovich (LG male human) is a young man who sits by himself at a corner table, sipping his wine. Other
villagers call him “Ismark the Lesser” because he has lived in the shadow of his father for most of his life.

Ismark isn’t a typically dour Barovian. He invites the characters to join him, offers to pay for their wine, and asks for
their aid in protecting his adopted sister, Ireena Kolyana. If they agree to help, he takes them to the burgomaster’s
residence (area E4). He wants the characters to help him escort Ireena to Vallaki, a settlement in the heart of the
valley, beyond the view of Castle Ravenloft and (he hopes) beyond the reach of Strahd. Ismark knows that moving
Ireena is a gamble, since she’s vulnerable to Strahd when she is outside their home, but he has heard assertions that
Vallaki is well defended.

Ismark is as tight-lipped as any of the other Barovian villagers, unless the talk deals with Ireena or Strahd. Ismark
knows everything the other villagers know. He also knows that, for some unknown reason, Strahd is attracted to
Ireena and desires her above all others.

If you used the “Plea for Help” adventure hook and the characters show Ismark the letter they received, he knows
the burgomaster’s handwriting well enough to confirm that the letter was not written by his father.

Ismark has spent most of his adult life training with weapons in the hope of one day confronting and killing Strahd. If
the characters suggest that he accompany them, Ismark agrees provided that Ireena is first taken to a place of
safety. As long as Ismark accompanies the characters, he acts as a party member for the purpose of determining
each character’s share of experience points (though he gains no experience points himself).
Roleplaying the Other NPCs
Use the following information to roleplay the other NPCs in the tavern.

Arik the Barkeep. A pudgy little man named Arik Lorensk (CN male human commoner) tends bar. Mindlessly, he
cleans glasses, one after another. When they’re all clean, he starts over. If he is spoken to, he takes orders for drinks
in a dull, hollow voice. A small glass of wine costs 1 cp. A pitcher of wine costs 1 sp. After serving drinks, Arik returns
to cleaning glasses. He ignores all attempts to question him.

Vistani Owners. Three Vistani spies (N female humans) named Alenka, Mirabel, and Sorvia sit at a table near the
front door. They own the tavern and see to it that all customers pay their tabs. They otherwise show little interest in
the characters.

If the characters arrive in the company of other Vistani, the owners are much more likely to engage them in
conversation and provide useful information. They suggest that the characters visit Madam Eva (see chapter 2, area
G) to have their fortunes read.

E3. Mad Mary’s Townhouse

A moaning sob floats through the still, gray streets, coloring your thoughts with
sadness. The sounds flow from a dark, two-story townhouse.

The house, which is about 40 feet square, is boarded up and barricaded from the inside. Mad Mary (CN female
human) sits in the center of the floor in an upstairs bedroom, clutching a malformed doll. She is lost in her sorrow
and despondency. She barely recognizes the presence of anyone in the room. She says nothing in the presence of
anger, but she will talk, albeit haltingly, to someone who talks with her gently.

Mary hid her beloved daughter, Gertruda, in this house for the girl’s entire life. Gertruda, now a teenager, broke out
of the house a week ago and has not been seen since. Her mother fears the worst—and is justified in doing so. See
area K42 in chapter 4 for more information on Gertruda’s fate.

The malformed doll has a strange leer and wears a sackcloth dress. It belonged to Mary in her youth and was passed
down to Gertruda. Gadof Blinsky, the toymaker of Vallaki (see chapter 5, area N7), made the doll. Stitched into the
hem of its dress is a frayed tag bearing the words “Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!”

E4. Burgomaster’s Mansion

A weary-looking mansion squats behind a rusting iron fence. The iron gates are
twisted and torn. The right gate lies cast aside, while the left swings lazily in the wind.
The stuttering squeal and clang of the gate repeats with mindless precision. Weeds
choke the grounds and press with menace upon the house itself. Yet, against the
walls, the growth has been tramped down to create a path all about the domain.
Heavy claw markings have stripped the once-beautiful finish of the walls. Great black
marks tell of the fires that have assailed the mansion. Not a pane nor a shard of glass
stands in any window. All the windows are barred with planks, each one marked with
stains of evil omen.

Characters who survey the grounds can, with a successful DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) check, discern trampled
weeds all around the mansion as well as scores of wolf paw prints and human footprints. The footprints were made
by zombies and ghouls under Strahd’s control.

Ireena Kolyana (LG female human), the adopted daughter of the burgomaster, is inside the mansion and won’t open
the heavily barred door to anyone unless she is convinced that those outside her door have no allegiance to Strahd.
If the characters convince her, either with good roleplaying or a successful DC 15 Charisma (Deception or
Persuasion) check, or if Ismark is with them, she opens the door and invites them in.

If the characters enter the mansion, read:

The interior of the mansion is well furnished, yet the fixtures show signs of great
wear. Noticeable oddities are the boarded-up windows and the presence of holy
symbols in every room. The burgomaster is in a side drawing room on the floor—
lying in a simple wooden coffin surrounded by wilting flowers and a faint odor of

Ismark and Ireena made the coffin themselves.

Roleplaying Ireena
Ireena, a striking young woman with auburn hair, has been bitten twice by Strahd. The villagers are afraid of her and
avoid her. The characters are Ireena’s best hope for protection, so she is willing to accompany them under certain
conditions. Although she appears mild, she has a strong will, and she aids the party as best she can in saving herself.
She doesn’t remember her early past. She doesn’t know how she came to Barovia or where she came from.
Moreover, her encounters with Strahd are fuzzy memories, thanks to his vampiric charm, but she can recall clearly
the blazing hunger in his eyes.

She tells the characters that wolves and other terrible creatures attacked the house night after night for weeks. The
burgomaster’s heart couldn’t stand the constant assault, and he died three days ago. Strangely, since his death, the
house has not come under attack.

She says that no one from the village has been brave enough to help Ismark take Kolyan Indirovich to the cemetery
for proper burial. Ireena asks the characters if they would be so kind as to help Ismark deliver her father’s body
safely to Donavich, the local priest (area E5). She refuses to be taken to Vallaki or anywhere else while the
burgomaster lies dead on the mansion floor.

E5. Church
(The information below is also presented in the Church handout for convenience. Please navigate your players to the
Church Map as well.)
Atop a slight rise, against the roots of the pillar stone that supports Castle Ravenloft,
stands a gray, sagging edifice of stone and wood. This church has obviously
weathered the assaults of evil for centuries on end and is worn and weary. A bell
tower rises toward the back, and flickering light shines through holes in the shingled
roof. The rafters strain feebly against their load.

If the characters approach the church doors, add:

The heavy wooden doors of the church are covered with claw marks and scarred by

The village priest, Donavich, lives here. Other Barovians shun the church for reasons that will quickly become

The following areas correspond to labels on the map of the church.

E5a. Hall
The doors open to reveal a ten-foot-wide, twenty-foot-long hall leading to a brightly
lit chapel. The hall is unlit and reeks of mildew. Four doors, two on each side of the
hall, lead to adjacent chambers.

You can see that the chapel is strewn with debris, and you hear a soft voice from
within reciting a prayer. Suddenly, the prayer is blotted out by an inhuman scream
that rises up from beneath the wooden floor.

The scream comes from the church’s undercroft (area E5g). The soft voice uttering the prayer belongs to Donavich,
the priest (see area E5f).

E5b. Doru’s Bedroom

This dirty, lightless room contains a wooden bed with a straw-filled mattress.
Mounted above the bed’s headboard is a wooden holy symbol.

This room once belonged to Doru, Donavich’s son, who is trapped in the undercroft (area E5g). It hasn’t been used in
more than a year and contains nothing of value.
E5c. Donavich’s Bedroom
This dirty room contains a wooden bed with a straw-filled mattress, next to which
rests a small table with an oil lamp burning brightly on it. Mounted above the bed’s
headboard is a wooden sun-shaped holy symbol.

This is Donavich’s room and contains nothing of value.

E5d. Trapdoor
Time and neglect have punched holes in the ceiling of this moldy room, which
contains a few broken roof shingles amid puddles of water. In one corner, set into
the floor, is a heavy wooden trapdoor held shut with a chain and a padlock. A young
man’s screams of anguish can be heard through the door.

Donavich lost the key to the iron padlock. If the chain is removed and the trapdoor is opened, the screaming in the
undercroft stops. The trapdoor is swollen and stuck in its frame, so that a successful DC 12 Strength check is required
to pull it open. Below it is a wooden staircase that descends 15 feet into the undercroft (area E5g).

E5e. Office
An old desk and chair stand against the south wall, a wooden holy symbol mounted
above them—a sunburst. A ten-foot-long iron rod attached to the north wall stands
bare, suggesting a tapestry once hung there. Against the far wall stands a wooden
cabinet with four tall doors.

An empty wooden poor box rests on the seat of the chair. The desk drawers contain a few sheets of blank
parchment, along with a couple of quill pens and dried-up jars of ink.

For its size, the wooden cabinet contains very little. Inside are a tinderbox, a few wooden boxes full of candles, and
two well-used books: Hymns to the Dawn, a volume of chants to the Morninglord, and The Blade of Truth: The Uses
of Logic in the War Against Diabolist Heresies, as Fought by the Ulmist Inquisition, a strange book that mixes logic
exercises with lurid descriptions of fiend-worshiping cults.

E5f. Chapel
The chapel is a shambles, with overturned and broken pews littering the dusty floor.
Dozens of candles mounted in candlesticks and candelabras light every dusty corner
in a fervent attempt to rid the chapel of shadows. At the far end of the church sits a
claw-scarred altar, behind which kneels a priest in soiled vestments. Next to him
hangs a long, thick rope that stretches up into the bell tower.
If the characters have not already entered the undercroft, add:

From beneath the chapel floor, you hear a young man’s voice cry out, “Father! I’m

Donavich (LG male human) has been praying throughout the night. His voice is hoarse and weak. He is, in a word,
insane. A little more than a year ago, his twenty-year-old son Doru and several other villagers stormed Castle
Ravenloft in revolt, having been lured there by a wizard in black robes who came to Barovia from a faraway land (see
The Mad Mage entry for more information on the wizard). By all accounts, the wizard died by Strahd’s hand, and so
too did Doru, who returned to his father as a vampire spawn. Donavich was able to trap his son in the church’s
undercroft, where he remains to this day.

Doru hasn’t fed since he was imprisoned, and he cries out to his father at all hours. Meanwhile, Donavich prays day
and night, hoping that the gods will tell him how to save Doru without destroying him. If the characters seem intent
on slaying Doru, Donavich does his best to stop them. If Doru dies, Donavich falls to the floor and weeps
inconsolably, overcome with despair.

In addition to the lore known to all Barovians (see “Barovian Lore” in chapter 2), Donavich knows the following
useful information:

 Ireena Kolyana isn’t the natural daughter of Kolyan Indirovich. Although Ireena never knew, Kolyan found
her at the edge of the Svalich Woods near the Pillarstone of Ravenloft. She was but a girl then and seemed
to have no memory of her past. Kolyan adopted her and loved her dearly.
 Every night at midnight, the spirits of dead adventurers rise up out of the church graveyard, forming a
silent procession as they walk the road toward Castle Ravenloft. (See “March of the Dead” in the “Special
Events” section.)

Funeral for the Burgomaster. If the characters bring Kolyan Indirovich’s body to the church, Donavich presses the
characters into helping him bury the burgomaster in the cemetery (area E6) at dawn. During the burial, Donavich
offers prayers to the Morninglord in exchange for Kolyan Indirovich’s deliverance from Barovia.

Once Kolyan is put in the ground, Donavich suggests that Ireena be taken as far from Castle Ravenloft as possible. He
proposes that the characters take her to the Abbey of Saint Markovia in Krezk (chapter 8) or, failing that, the
fortified town of Vallaki (chapter 5). Donavich is unaware that the abbey, once a bastion of good, has become a den
of evil.

E5g. Undercroft
The church’s undercroft has rough-hewn walls and a floor made of damp clay and
earth. Rotting wooden pillars strain under the weight of the wooden ceiling.
Candlelight from the chapel above slips though the cracks, allowing you to glimpse a
gaunt shape in the far corner.

The shape is Doru, a vampire spawn sent by Strahd to torment Donavich and cast down the church. Doru is starved
for blood and brave enough to attack a lone character. If the characters approach as a group, he does his best to
avoid them while hissing, “I can smell your blood!” If they cut off his escape, he lunges forth and attacks.

If the characters restrain Doru and either promise him blood or threaten to destroy him, or if they kill him and then
raise him from the dead, he recounts the events that led to his downfall (see area E5f).

Fortunes of Ravenloft
If your card reading reveals that a treasure is in the undercroft, it’s contained in a moldy, old chest in the southwest
corner of the room. The chest is unlocked and not trapped.

E6. Cemetery
A fence of wrought iron with a rusty gate encloses a rectangular plot of land behind
the dilapidated church. Tightly packed gravestones shrouded by fog bear the names
of souls long passed. All seems quiet.

During daytime, the cemetery is a still and peaceful place. Every night at midnight, however, a ghostly procession
takes place (see “March of the Dead” in the Special Events: Chapter 3 handout).

since my father's death I'm the current burgomaster of the village of borovia my sister
Ireena has been attacked every night by undead and wolves. we received a letter from
strahd and saying that he's after her he seems to be infatuated with her and once he sets a
sight on someone he never lets them go please you have to help us get her out of the village
of Vallaki she'll be safe there out from under the shadow of Castle Ravenloft.
But not before our father is burried she points her chin upwards and stand upright as to
challenge Ismark to dare and argue about it.
We'll talk later about this. Right now, you all deserve some nice and quiet rest. Please don't
be afraid to use the rooms upstairs I don't think anymore will come this night.
You all make your way upstairs tired and bruised from the siege.

beneath the pillow you find a child’s drawing depicting a bald-headed, scowling
man, his left arm a twisted, demonic limb coated with jagged scales.
🌙 Strands of Fate - Madam Eva’s Invitation
When you all lay coseley in the warm beds and the rain starts to settle in,
one by one you fall asleep. As you fall deeper and deeper into your dreams
you are suddenly woken by the cawling of crows. You find yourselves
standing on a well-worn road, tall trees hudle together on both sides.
Standing in front of your group a raven beckons you toward a large pool its
dark water reflecting your figure in unnatural twisting way. your
surroundings blur, delivering you to an encampment of some sorts. Big
wagons surrounding a campire in the middle of the area, dirty plates and
greasy silverware signes of an hasty abondonment. Yet one big purple and
white striped tent seems to psychically drawn in where a seer sits, her face
and form concealed by a dark purple cloak. The seer draws a card from the
deck atop the table - the Mists cart. Speaking in riddles, she tells you that the
distance between them renders her Sight blurred and obscured, and invites
you all to join her at Tser Pool to learn what the future holds. You are
addressed each by your name one time before the light creeping through
the heavy shutters awakens you all, still recalling the dream quite vivedly.

character by name, and each one recalls the experience vividly. When the
party arrives at Tser Pool, Madam Eva does not acknowledge the dream, but
does coyly suggest that she can see the strings of Fate that have born them
to her door.

A lout banging draws you attention to the front entrance Ismark asks the PCs to stay with
Ireena upstairs while he answers the door; upon opening it, however, an old woman dressed
in teared rags and a mad look in her eyes pushes her way into the house. Upstairs you can
hear the woman talk frantically about a missing girl with the name Gertruda.

If the PCs intervene, Mary latches onto the first PC to speak to her warmly. Despite
Gertruda’s age, Mary speaks of her like a girl of seven or eight years. I saw a large robed
figure dragging an unconscious figure through the streets in a northward direction maybe it
was her she says tears streaming down her face. Once the PCs have comforted and
reassured Mary, Ismark walks her back to her home, leaving the party alone with Ireena.
Ireena tells the party that Gertruda vanished from her home little more than a week ago, and
is most likely dead.

Recently within the past few months a sickness has been plaguing the village and

nobody knows why or where it came from. All we know is that anybody who falls sick
eventually dies and returns to the world as an undead zombie, much like the ones you killed last night. and then
they go around attacking

people. The town's folk have taken to boarding up the houses of anybody that's infected or any house that's
known to house zombies, A local family, the Nishkov's, are the most recent ones to have a tragedy of a sick loved

When the players visit their house, they find the patriarch of the family lying on a bed, moments away from death.
In fact, he actually expires during their visit and rises up as a Strahd zombie. When the players ask the family
What may have caused this and what their father recently did? Well they tell them about his recent visits to the
local well when the players go to the well and investigate they'll notice a strange scent of decay in the area. If
they choose to go down the well

Every week for the past year a villager has been disappearing without a trace. he asks them to keep a lookout
and may see if they can pick up on any clues. All of the villagers, of course,

The first clue is going to be found at the house of the most recent missing villager. Now he was an older
gentleman that lived alone and players are going to find inside of his house the scene of a struggle. Furniture is
everywhere drapes are torn down and there's a broken candlestick laying around with a spot of blood on its
bottom. In addition, they'll find a broken necklace and its pendant is the symbol of the Morning Lord.

Bridge horse rider

Amid the swirling cloudscape a flickering flame draws your

gaze, its alluring light drawing closer as a thunder booms
through the fog... The thunder resolves into the pounding of
hooves on earth. A gaunt, black horse crests the moss-covered
bridge, neighing upwards as the rider firmly tugs on the
creatures' leases, sucking in the dark and its chest expanding
from shoulder to shoulder, instinctively grasping your weapons
the midnight rider raises a heavy hand.
Child voice
Druid house

As you trudge through the forests dense undergrowth your eyes are
stabbed by a blinding light as you push through a wall of thick foliage.
Moments later your eyes adjust and you see a half-sunken waterwheel
peeking out of the mire, off its spokes beside this once cozy mill.... bright
light leaking from a raffled door swinging open before being slammed shut
by the wind ever-increasing in its ferocity.

Gallow ghost grave robber and vodoo dolls

Gallow Gijs

As the last vestiges of sunlight vanish below the horizon, the sounds of scraping metal and ragged
moans can be heard coming, from both sides of the road. Suddenly, as if all at once, nearly a dozen
undead come out from between the buildings and graves making their way towards you.

The townsfolk cower in fear as ragged moans and the scraping of metal on stone can be heard
approaching the church. Then comes the banging. At first only a single fist, but soon what sounds
like dozens battering the doors and windows. Suddenly, the front doors begin to buckle. The men
throw their weight against it but the undead horde is too strong. They're flung back as the door
shatters into splinters and a mass of bones and rotten flesh clad in rusted armor storm in.


Leaving the shadows a swirling cloudscape forms into a gaunt, malnourished figure, the incorporal
void flickers deep puprle

Shadowy statues clad stone cloak kneel on their pillars up high forming a small archway along the
withered dome the crumbling paintings holding their eyes firm on their visitors down below

The statues of hooded figures bearing angelic wings stand at the top of crumbling stone
podiums theirs frail arms barely holding up their reliquery

The scent of morning dew mixes with that of turned earth and rot. The withered trees
creak as the frigid winds blow past the cemeteray, leaving the last of the crumbling
statuary and faded tombstones behind, the skeletal trees draw closer blocking out most
but a death-gray light, their brittle branches rattling like bones in the cold morning wind.
A dark cloud shrieks through the misty forest tops, piercing the eary silence.

F. River Ivlis Crossroads

Check for a random encounter whenever the characters reach area F, unless they are accompanied by

An old wooden gallows creaks in a chill wind that blows down from the high ground
to the west. A frayed length of rope dances from its beam. The well-worn road splits
here, and a signpost opposite the gallows points off in three directions: BAROVIA
VILLAGE to the east, TSER POOL to the northwest, and RAVENLOFT/VALLAKI to the
southwest. The northwest fork slants down and disappears into the trees, while the
southwest fork clings to an upward slope. Across from the gallows, a low wall,
crumbling in places, partially encloses a small plot of graves shrouded in fog.

The northwest fork leads down to the river and area G. The road southwest leads to area H. The east road leads to
an arching stone bridge and continues on to the village of Barovia (area E). If the characters are traveling with
Vistani, the Vistani lead them along the northwest road to the Vistani encampment.

The gallows stand atop a rotting platform 5 feet high, with wooden stairs leading up to it.
Eleven graves are here with blank gravestones. The forgotten people buried here were hanged from the gallows.
Characters who dig up the graves find rotted coffins containing moldy bones.

The Hanged One

As the characters leave the area, read:
You hear a creaking noise behind you, coming from the gallows. Where there was
nothing before now hangs a lifeless, gray body. The breeze turns the hanged figure
slowly, so that it can fix its dead eyes upon you.

Rot bloats the flesh of this corpse, and what blood remains runs a
putrid black. This body has no right to move, let alone swing
forward with twisting feet. His head leans sickly aside of its right
position atop the neck, and the tight fists he’s made clearly have
broken fingers. Lungs that should not work push out a gurgling
wheeze from the creature’s collapsed throat, sending a gout of
dark fluid from between his broken lips. You recognize him as your
missing ally, Rozjle.

One random character sees him- or herself hanging from the gallows. The other characters see an unfamiliar
Barovian. The corpse looks and smells real, and it rapidly melts away into nothing if touched or moved.

Fortunes of Ravenloft
If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it is buried in one of the graves. For each grave the characters dig
up, there’s a cumulative 10 percent chance of finding the treasure.

G. Tser Pool Encampment

(The information below is also presented in the Tser Pool Encampment handout for convenience. Please navigate
your players to the Tser Pool Encampment Map as well.)

The road gradually disappears and is replaced by a twisted, muddy path through the
trees. Deep ruts in the earth are evidence of the comings and goings of wagons.

The canopy of mist and branches suddenly gives way to black clouds boiling far
above. There is a clearing here, next to a river that widens to form a small lake
several hundred feet across. Five colorful round tents, each ten feet in diameter, are
pitched outside a ring of four barrel-topped wagons. A much larger tent stands near
the shore of the lake, its sagging form lit from within. Near this tent, eight unbridled
horses drink from the river.

Happy festive music clashes with the singing of several brightly clad figures around
bonfire. A footpath continues beyond this encampment, meandering north between
the river and the forest’s edge.

The eight draft horses drinking from the river are used to pull the Vistani wagons and aren’t easily startled.
If the characters are brought to this camp by the Vistani, their escorts remain at the camp and don’t accompany the
adventuring party any farther.

Twelve Vistani (CN male and female human vistani bandits) are standing and sitting around the fire, telling stories
and guzzling wine. They are intoxicated and have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. Three sober Vistani
(CN male and female human vistani bandit captains) are resting in three of the four wagons but leap quickly into
action if an alarm is raised.

Although the Vistani in this camp are in league with Strahd, they attack only if the characters provoke them with
threats or insults. Otherwise, the characters are offered flasks of wine and invited to join the reverie.

If the characters linger at the camp, continue with “A Vistana’s Tale” below. If they seem in a hurry to leave, one of
the Vistani tells them, “It was fated that you would visit our humble camp. Madam Eva foretold your coming. She
awaits you.” The Vistana then points to the largest tent. If the characters head that way, continue with “Madam
Eva’s Tent.”

A Vistana’s Tale
If the characters linger by the fire, one of the Vistani recounts the following tale:

“A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. I remember him like it was
yesterday. He stood exactly where you’re standing. A very charismatic man, he was.
He thought he could rally the people of Barovia against the devil Strahd. He stirred
them with thoughts of revolt and bore them to the castle en masse.

“When the vampire appeared, the wizard’s peasant army fled in terror. A few stood
their ground and were never seen again.

“The wizard and the vampire cast spells at each other. Their battle flew from the
courtyards of Ravenloft to a precipice overlooking the falls. I saw the battle with my
own eyes. Thunder shook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the
wizard, yet by his magic he survived. Lightning from the heavens struck the wizard,
and again he stood his ground. But when the devil Strahd fell upon him, the wizard’s
magic couldn’t save him. I saw him thrown a thousand feet to his death. I climbed
down to the river to search for the wizard’s body, to see if, you know, he had
anything of value, but the River Ivlis had already spirited him away.”

The Vistana storyteller doesn’t remember the wizard’s name, but recalls that it sounded important. If the characters
haven’t spoken with Madam Eva, the storyteller urges them to do so.

Madam Eva’s Tent

If the characters decide to see Madam Eva, read:

Magic flames cast a reddish glow over the interior of this tent, revealing a low table
covered in a black velvet cloth. Glints of light seem to flash from a crystal ball on the
table as a hunched figure peers into its depths. As the crone speaks, her voice
crackles like dry weeds. “At last you have arrived!” Cackling laughter bursts like mad
lightning from her withered lips.
"It took you all long enough! I have been expecting you. Are you ready to learn your fate?"

''welcome, welcome travelers it is wonderful to finally meet you I have seen

you in my visions for some Time. They called me Madame Ava; I know why you
have come to this dark land, you were on a perilous journey and your future,
riddled with the cracks and perils that seek to draw you down into
Oblivion, but I know that there are many things that may quide you on your

she starts drawing cards from the deck

of fortunes

''For you Gimlian a gnome with a large heart and an equally large stomach. what I
see, aha, The Wizard's knowledge of the Ancients will better help you know your

''Jeremy, another one with a grudge seeking power to bring retribution to his
enemies, what I see in your future is... ah the beggar, a wounded elf has what you
seek he will part with the treasure to see his dark dreams fulfilled.''

''for you mailee, your road took an unexpected turn quite suddenly, but ahead, I see,
ah, the temptress, you will meet a woman in an abbey who is more than the sum of
her parts

''for you Josephine, one who seeks to bring justice to an unjust world I see... artifact
look for an entertaining a man with a monkey he is more than he seems.''
she continued drawing from the deck

Kresnik, a cleric who loves the sun and especially its relation to fire! ''the monk, a
treasure is hidden behind the Sun in the house of a Saint.'' be careful of passing too
strong a judgement or you'll burn yourself just like the one before you.

''the broken one, your greatest ally will be a wizard, his mind is broken, but his magic
is strong''

''dungeon, search for a troubled young man surrounded by wealth, his home, is his
own prison.''

''the dark Lord, unfortunately I cannot see this, my powers are clouded.

''you'll need the help of another Vistani to find the answers you seek.''

Madam Eva speaks the name of each party member and makes some reference to that individual’s past deeds. She
then asks the characters if they want their fortunes read. If they say yes, Madam Eva produces a worn deck of cards
and proceeds with the sequence outlined in chapter 1. (If the characters don’t want a reading of their fates, continue
play using the card reading you performed before starting the adventure.)

Madam Eva might seem mad, but she is, in fact, cunning and sharp of mind. She has met a good many adventurers
in her time and knows they can’t be fully trusted. She wants to free the land of Barovia from its curse, and her fate is
interwoven with Strahd’s (see the Madam Eva bio & info of her character sheet). She does the vampire’s bidding
when called upon and does nothing to anger Strahd or bring harm to the Vistani. She never gives aid and never asks
for any.

For each Vistani tent or wagon that the characters search, roll once on the following table to determine what
treasure is found:

d20 Treasure
1-10 None

11-13 Sack of 100 ep (each coin stamped with Strahd’s visage

in profile)
14-16 Pouch containing 4d6 gemstones worth 100 gp each
17-19 Sack containing 3d6 pieces of cheap jewelry worth 25
gp total and 1d6 pieces of fine jewelry worth 250 gp
20 One magic item (roll once on Magic Item Table B)

Fortunes of Ravenloft
If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it is hidden in one of the Vistani wagons. Madam Eva grants the
characters permission to search the wagons if they ask, and any such search yields the treasure.

Old man's plea

In ancient times, a warlock named She’kar led a crusade of devastation across
the land. In the name of his fiendish patron, he razed villages, destroyed
temples, and summoned minions from the depths of the abyss to spread
malice and hate across the land. His desire for power blinded him to the evils
he was unleashing on the world, and it wasn’t until his waning years that he
saw the error of his ways. But a pact is not easily broken, nor is it done without
consequence. She’kar used what power he had left to banish his patron’s dark
minions from this world and seal himself away in a dark crypt where he hoped
no one, not even his former patron could find him. Alas, though he found
freedom in life, in death he found only slavery and servitude. His tomb was
locked, protecting the barovians from the evil warlock should he rise once
more, I believe it is him, who attacked mario marió's caravan please save him.

You head north west of the camp following the road until it breaks off into the
hills. An old shortcut that can shave a day or so off a trip has now become a
dangerous undertaking. The caravan you’re after supposedly went this way but
never arrived Vallaki. After a few hours of travel, you come upon the remains
of a battle. Clearly, this is where the caravan was waylaid

You come across an overturned wagon. Blood stains the road and rocks
nearby. The stench of death is overwhelming. The horses pulling the wagon lay
rotting in the sun, their throats torn out by something vicious.
The characters can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check to determine that the wounds were
inflicted by claws that caused temporary paralysis.
If the characters make a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check, they discover a severed claw-
like hand rotting underneath some of the debris.
A DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals it belonged to a ghoul of some kind.

Bloody drag marks lead away from the scene up into the hills. Following them takes
a few hours, but they lead to a large hillside. Nestled among the rocks, the characters
can locate the entrance to a crypt-like underground structure with a DC 14
Intelligence (Investigation) check. The door is heavy stone and requires a combined
Strength of 30 to pry open

Typical DCs for Skill Checks

Task Difficulty DC
Very easy 5
Easy 10
Medium 15
Hard 20
Very hard 25
Nearly impossible 30

Great shark: 20


Jeremy 17

Josephine 15

Kresnik 5
H. Tser Falls
If the characters reach area H by following the footpath from the Vistani encampment (area G), read:
You follow the river to the base of a canyon, an arching bridge of mold-encrusted
stone spans a natural chasm. Gargoyles cloaked in black moss perch on the corners
of the bridge, their frowns weatherworn. On the mountainous side of the bridge, a
waterfall spills into a misty pool nearly a thousand feet below. The pool feeds a river
that meanders into the fog-shrouded pines that blanket the valley.

A great stone bridge spans the canyon nearly one thousand feet overhead. at the far
end of which a great waterfall spills into a pool, billowing forth clouds of cold mist

Out of the billowing mist a stumbling figure approches your party. You notice a
man mumbling and stumbling towards you on the other side of the bridge. He
swings an empty tankard in his hand, singing and paying the world no mind.
He introduces himself, Yesper Noggins, and speaks of himself in the third

Yesper seems like he's had too much to drink and utters in a stumbling fashion.
''I have a young friend, name's DorU. he's a he's the son of father uh donovich
over in the village of borovia i i i'mgoing to go visit him''.
''Lady walker has more than her fair share of weirdos visiting her place at all
hours. All hours of the night there's a bunch of weirdos heading over to lady
walker's house''.

''Ah well that Henrik Vandervoot, he's sure a depressing drunk. Spends too
much time with those dead folk.
''Blue water shure is a nice place but I much prefer the pies at blackwater
''There's an old spooky tower, looks like ruins. Just are just west just west of
Vallaki. Some kids disappeared some there some there years ago''.

Water weirds with the treasure chest with ring of cold resistance

You sit on one of the logs you gathered around the campfire. It's
cold tonight, almost unnaturally so, you shiver as you pull a blanket a
little closer around you. And as you blow your warm breath into your
hands to heat them up a little you start noticing the small ice crystals
that start to form on the damp grass below and around you. The
mists, a silent but persistent stalker, has come a lot closer now. Their
tendrils spilling out of the tree lines encompassing your
You hear the cracking of tree branches and the snapping of fallen
twigs. The mists now surrounding your camp like a gray storm, seems
to whisper to you.
Broken, spectral images, like hovering shards of black glass break
through the swirling mists. They seem to be the source of your dark
''Ancient horrors seep out of sarcophagi of molten amber, the first of
the shadows is Vampyr''.

You find yourself standing on your old ship, softly swaying on your
feet from the rough sea slamming into the sides of the ship in erratic
pattern. The old planks strain under the weight of your soaken boots,
their lament following you as you walk up the stairwell to the
steering wheel. Somethings off... it's to quiet. No songs of hardy
seamen or foulmouthed cursing. You look around to see what your
crewmembers are doing... and suddenly scream from the shock as
you feel the cold steel of a blade being ramed into your back. Your
first mate has betrayed you. You collapse forward as you desperately
try to push him off of you. But he isn't alone. Five, no seven
crewmates, take their turn stabbing you from all directions, their
faces twisted by maddening smiles and darkened eyes. You try to
hold them off, but they are many. Your knees give way as you spit up
another patch of dark liquid. Bleeding from a dozen stab wounds you
curse in broken speech as your steermate drives his knife through
your heart and your vision turnes black.

Boris hoort stelen en duwt brenan van de brug

Brenan vermoordt irena
Marre ziet iedereen verscheurd worden door wolven
Hidde ontmoet een vestige

Amongst the billowing hills, up ahead, a black shade moves into

view. The figure grows larger and larger as he draws closer, four red
eyes peer through heaps of mist spewing forth from top and middle,
Amid the swirling cloudscape a flickering flame, draws your
gaze, its alluring light drawing closer as thunder booms through
the fog... The thunder resolves into the pounding of hooves on
earth. A gaunt, black horse crests the moss-covered bridge,
neighing upwards as the rider firmly tugs on the creatures'
leases, sucking in the dark and its chest expanding from
shoulder to shoulder, instinctively grasping your weapons the
midnight rider raises a heavy hand.
Even here, in the mountains, the forest and the fog are inescapable. Ahead,
the dirt road splits in two, widening toward the east. There you see patches of
cobblestone, suggesting that the eastern branch was once an important

A large black carriage drawn by two black horses. the horses

snort puffs of steamy breath into the chill mountain air. the side
door of the carriage swings open silently and out steps a man,
he is tall, gaunt and dressed in finery befitting a man of
aristocratic even royal stature. a black cloak is pulled neatly up
around his shoulders, tied at the neck by a blood red roach. his
scarlet tunic is worked with intricate designs and his hair is
pulled back into a sharp and immaculate widow's peak. his
eyes are dark and as he moves to adjust the ruby at his neck
you see that his fingernails form long elegant claws. it's only
then that you realize that his skin is pale, unnaturally so, and
that his eyes glint with a deep intelligent hunger.

Irena gasps ''no but it's daytime it shouldn't be''

swiftly from behind him you hear a chorus of low feral growls
and from the underbrush behind him glint six pairs of eyes.
rather than low to the ground each one is at the height of a
man's shoulder. Slowly from the shadows slink six massive
wolves, each one as tall as a horse, easily nine feet in length
and twice as muscled, their fur is a thick mottled gray and
saliva drips from their yellowed sharpened teeth splatting on
the ground where it hisses with heat. they take a position
behind and around the man

the man's eyes wide and his nostrils flaring like a bat, his eyes
briefly come to rest on Irena, and she stiffens, and the man
smiles though there's no warmth in it. he gives her a deep nod,
nearly a shallow bow, that there's something almost mocking to
the motion. He then turns his gaze to you, ''good day I am
count Strahd von Zorovich and it is a pleasure to meet you at
last''. ''my friends have told me so much about you''.

you hear the wolves growl their hackles, zaravich holds up a

hand and the wolf's growl silence yet their hackles remain
raised, their eyes fixated on …..

''I should hope that the burgomasters' children have properly

introduced you to my domain although I do apologize for any
folk tales, they may have shared about me''.

his eyes pause on you and for a moment you feel like a small
animal weighed at market, a prey animal spotted by a predator
in the bush. You feel like almost an intriguing but inanimate
trinket as a sense of dawning terror and overwhelming
presence sweeps over you. and then he blinks and you feel like
you can breathe once more ''welcome to borovia if i'm not
mistaken you must be.....
Irena: ''Don't look into his eyes''. Ireena is visibly pale and
averting her gaze.

Hij begint met praten

you watch as his eyebrows rise in his forehead and his mouth
widens into a smile, ''impressive one who knows proper
''You are a particularly striking individual it would be a loss if
your story were to end shortly''; He smiles for a moment and
you can see the faintest bit of a fang poking out from under his
lip. ''regardless, it has been a pleasure to meet all of you and
I'm sure that our first meeting shall not be the last''. ''with that
said I must say I would like to get a better look at you before,
well, before we go our separate ways if you don't mind''. ''you
interest me, step forward so I can have a closer look''.

''I've done nothing they simply know their natural place and they
are wise enough to know to exercise etiquette in the presence
of their betters''
strad meets your gaze. holds up a hand, his clawed fingers
waving dismissively before him. ''please …... you embarrass

at this point he reaches out to …... he's the closest to him and
traces a long claw down his cheek. reaching out and doing the
same for kiva and amity when they approach. ''I wish them no
harm I merely wish to leave them and he leans in closer as
starting with kiva
his claws tug away at the top of her tunic revealing the flesh
of her neck and he whispers a gift to remember me by
it is my pleasure to welcome newcomers to my land in my own
Turns beckoning. His fangs sink in deep. You feel your eyes roll
back as your skin pales.
good and one of his claws comes down to gently stroke amity's
horns as he fondly regards the scarring across
cuba's face i have a feeling that i will enjoy getting to know all
of you
quite a bit better and he steps back but for now
my time here has pleased me you may return your friend to the
others i do
hope he survives the rest of your journey you have a long road
he regards it and then chuckles quietly
he's almost looks intrigued at you for a moment
if you wish to greet me as an equal or a partner perhaps that
can be arranged over time
but not today little one
you hear the sound of the carriage door opening as
Strahd steps inside oh he pauses for a moment
poking his head outside of the window
and I do hesitate to do this I do want to make sure our
relationship gets off on the right foot however and
he pulls into his cloak revealing his pale claw hand once more
and you see clenched between his fingers
the crossbow bolt that metrion fired I do fear that if there is one
thing I
cannot abide it is rudeness
you'll come to learn that soon enough
from behind you, you hear a chorus of low feral growls and
from the underbrush behind glint six pairs of eyes. rather than
low to the ground each one is at the height of a man's shoulder.
Slowly from the shadows slink six massive wolves, each one as
tall as a horse, easily nine feet in length and twice as muscled,
their fur is a thick mottled gray and saliva drips from their
yellowed sharpened teeth splatting on the ground where it
hisses with heat.

A thick mass of bulbous slime drops from the top of the
entrance its body caked with a thick crust of putrid flesh and
spores. Blocking your escape.

Cruel machinations spring to life as you hear the sounds of

rusted iron wrestling with corroded steel. The portcullis starts to
Two crimson eyes pierce the thin veils of the shifting mists. A
low rumble accompanies the burning flames. *Thusk thumb*
Even his suave purple cloak cannot hide his brutish size. His
chest wide as an ox and standing at the height of a young tree,
at least a head taller than the other wolves he stares silently at
the closed gate before him.

You hear an odd sound - like a flute, but almost as if upon it

there is a tortured wailing of thousands of damned souls.

The bridge is slick with moisture, worn smooth trough

centuries of ravenous storms and crushing rainfall. The path
littered with broken weapons and shattered armor. No light
but the silver of the moon breaches the damp mists.

Dark veils and twisted shadows shift above the mist-covered

abyss at all sides around the bridge, waltzing their macabre

“Imagine, if you will, there is a cat in an old, forgotten house.

Now the owner of the house has declared the cat cannot
leave the confines of the house, but otherwise is free to roam
about inside as it pleases.”
“Now, what does the cat do? Well as the owner said, it
cannot leave the house. And so the cat wanders about,
exploring the confines of the owner’s large house. The cat
finds the hidden secrets, the best spots to nap, the places
even the owner won’t go. But eventually, the cat gets bored.”
“But one day, as the cat lays there, a little mouse runs across
the floor. What does the cat do then? Well, it pounces on the
mouse, and kills it, and eats it. And for a moment, the cat is
satisfied. Yet only for a moment, and then once again, the cat
finds itself bored.”
“Eventually, another mouse runs across the floor. What does
the cat do? Well it pounces again, only this time, it wounds
the mouse, clawing it’s leg but allowing it to run. And so the
cat chases the mouse, through the owner’s house. It has its
fun, but eventually, the game is up, and the cat kills the
mouse. And once again, the cat finds itself bored.”
“When a third mouse runs across the floor, what does the cat
“It does nothing. The cat simply watches the mouse, allowing
it to explore the owners house. It allows the mouse to find a
safe place to sleep, and eat, and find comfort. But the cat has
been watching the mouse. The cat makes a game of it,
entertaining itself by stalking this little mouse. And just when
the mouse feels safe, or, whenever the cat is hungry, it will
pounce. And kill the mouse, and eat it.”
“And so days later, the cat is no longer bored. Now, there are
mice running about the owners house, and the cat has made
a game of tormenting the mice, stalking, pouncing, and
eating. But never all the mice, no, for the cat has learned it
must allow the mice to roam about a bit, allowing more mice
to come to the house.”
“The cat has even found cheese in the owners pantry, leaving
some out to lure mice to their doom. And the cat is always
entertained, and never hungry.”
Allow Strahd to lean back, taking a pause, clearly the story is
over. Hopefully, the players have been listening intently, with
this strange and creepy story given an extra edge on Strahd’s
own voice. Perhaps Strahd has allowed the players to guess
what the cat does, but otherwise, he has captivated their
silent attention. He leans back in, towards the party, asking a
player or the entire party:

“Surely, individuals such as yourselves have realized this

story applies to both you, the other guests and me. So, tell
me, who do you think the mouse and cat represent?”

Allow players to answer. It is reasonable to assume they are

smart enough to answer “you Strahd, seem to think you’re
the cat in this story”. Allow your players to deliver a good
answer, and it is likely one or two make remarks on Strahd’s
pride, comparing himself to the cat, etc.
Adjust the following text as needed, depending on your
players answers. Regardless of the party, it’s very reasonable
to assume at least one person was smart (or dumb) enough
to take the bait, and call Strahd the cat, the players the
Strahd then answers:

“It is wise of you to assume me as the cat, and you the

mouse. But you are mistaken, gravely, I’m afraid. You see, in
this story, you are not the mouse, and I am not the cat.”
“In this story, they are the cat, finding safety in this house,
following mice for their own entertainment. And I, well I am
the owner of the house. And I have recently discovered my
house is full of mice… and it is soon to be time for a new cat.
"If you don't have the stomach for blood, you may want to
turn away."
With no further warning, Strahd reached for the closest
adventurer, and tore his hand right through their chest,
ripping their heart clean out. He amusingly takes a bite, "Just
how I like them. Organic. But this one's a bit hollow on the

"I hope my next cat will not disappoint me so."

If only you knew how near I am to you. Always. You have no

secrets from me.

You know there's a traitor there amongst you, yes?

One more loyal to me than the rest of you.
I shall make you a deal.
If you can figure out whom,
I shall let the rest of you leave Barovia tonight.
You have one hour."

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