My Characters Followers

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My characters followers


Doing A RPG Folder

Full of Folders on Solo RPG’s

This folders the 1 on The 1st edition Dnd Campaign

The solo rules are designed to create a character that by various means has the ability to solo a
normal campaign

For example this 1’s has netted my A Characters that’s the son and heir of A Fairly Senior Earl that
rules A Fairly Large Earldom who also owns a lot of other ways of making money

By sheer chance this guys stats, Hp and initial Gold were all so high that even before I determined his
social class and status it was clear that he was going to be the most powerful Dnd character I’d ever


This documents the 1 on my characters stats, Hp and similar stuff



On I go

My characters followers


None. Yet

His retainers

My characters father made a investment on his heirs behalf/my characters behalf, that makes just
enough profit to pay them


To cut a long story short they get paid without my character spending even 1 Copper Coin

1 3rd level Magic User

She’s called Delphini

Her stats are Str 7, Con 11, Dex 15, Int 18, Wis 8 and Ch 13

She has 4+3+3 or 10Hp

The combination of her Dex of 15 and A pair of Armour Class 6 type Bracers of Defence give her A
Armour Class of 5

She has 2 Spellbooks and 1 Spellscroll that between them hold 12 1st level, 4 2nd level and 1 3rd
level Spells


Those Spells are as follows

1st level

Affect Normal Fires, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Enlarge, Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Message,
Push, Shield, Sleep, Shocking Grasp and Unseen Servant

2nd level

Forget, Invisibility, Ray of Enfeeblement and Web

3rd level

Monster Summoning I

1 3rd level Thief

He’s called Peter

His stats are Str 10, Con 15, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 10 and Ch 12

He has 7+3+6 or 16Hp

The combination of his Dex of 18, A Suit of Studded Leather Armour and A Grey Dusk Ioun Stone give
him A Armour Class of 2


His Thieving Abilities are Climb Walls 89%, Find Traps 43%, Hear Noise 16%, Hide in Shadows 40%,
Move Silently 40%, Open Locks 58%, Pick Pockets 48% and Read Languages 10%

1 3rd level Cleric

She’s called Pomfrey

Her stats are Str 11, Con 15 Dex 12, Int 14, Wis 18 and Ch 7

She has 8+4+6 or 18Hp

Her combination of Plate Mail, A, Shield and A +1 Ring of Protection give her A Armour Class of 12

1 3rd level Fighter

He’s called Hagrid

His stats are Str 18, Con 15, Dex 11, Int 9, Wis 8 and Ch 11

He has 9+5+7 or 21Hp


His combination of A Suit of Plate Mail and A +1 Shield give him A Armour Class of 1

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