Wbcs 2020 Prelims Question Paper

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Full marks : 200
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WBCS 2020
Answer all the questions.
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marked here may be wrong. Questions are of equal r r'lue.

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Canciiclates should read the follovring instructions carefull1 before answering

the questions:

l. This booklet consists of 44 pages including this front page. containing 200 questions.
Verify the
page Nos. and Test Booklet series on each page and bring at once to the Invigilator's notice
any discrepancY.

2. Answers will have to be given in the Special Ansu,er-Sheets supplied ftrr the purpose.

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arc of multiple-choice answer-type. YoLr u-ill find/ottr probable answers
(A), (B),
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1. There are blank pages at the end of this Booklet for Rough work.
g. The Special Answer-Sheet should be handed over to the Invigilator before leaving
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Hatt. you are permitted to take away the used Test Booklet after completion af the examination'
B BPC/20 B-2
1. Use the right preposition. 5. The idiomatic expression ,pull your:;e1f
He deals cosmetic goods. together'-
(A) of (A) drag oneself h
(B) with (B) help one
v€I in (C) get angry F
(D) on calm down by oneself

2. Which complex form is coffect for the

following sentence?--
'Everyone is happy during Christmas 6. Use the cmectexpression :
I tte poient will die.
Christmas celebrations occur
l!,e.f-Wnen (A) tqe
everyone is happy.
- ttink
(B) During Christmas celebration
everyone is happy. (C) see

(C) Everyone during Christmas 1p)/am ffid

celebration is happy.
(D) Happy is everyone when Christmas
celebration occurred.

Q 7. We mdinnerlastnight.
0 3. Select the correct option :
FiU in fu blilk with the right verb form.
I need a _ note. (A) have teken
o". (B) took
(A) live hundred rupees4
(B) five-hundred rupee (C) had raken
(C) five hundreds rupees y (D) take
(D) five hundreds rupee f,

0 4. It is nine o'clock in Darjeeling in the 8. Never_ upon the marginalized. Fill in

moming and _. with the right phrasal verb.
(A) there is snow (A) look over
(B) it is snowing // look doun
(C) it snows W
(C) look through
(D) it snowed (D) look into
E- B-3 BPC/20

9. The word 'Genocide' means 14. Choose the correct indirect statement.
He said, "grass is green."
glA)-Racial killing
(B) Murder { (A) He told that grass is green. V
(C) Suicide x (B) He told that grass was green. k
(D) Slaughter
(C) He told that grass had been green'{
y.@ He told that grass will always be

10. What is the time Your watch?

(c) with
(D) on 15. Con'ect passive form of the following
sentence 'Orange tastes sour' is :

t-\) Orange is tasted sour.

tB ) Orange is sour after tasting.

11. Select the correct oPtion: g7'f-Otanee is sour when tasted '
meet him.
(D) Orange is tasted as sour.
I was sure I
(A) would-'
(B) will
(C) shall K
(D) should X

L6. Babies when theY are hungrY.

6n 12, 'lmpassioned' means (B) cried;
(A) Ardent (C) are crying r
(B) Dispassionate (D) crY
(C) Passionless

13. Find the appropriate synonym for the word

'Climacticl. 0 tl. The word 'Analogous' means
(A) Culminating (A) analytical-
(B) Climatic (B) artificial
(C) Temperate (C) comparable
AtmosPheric (D) aural
BPCl2O B-4
18. Tick the cor:rect oprion: 22, Tbe correct antonym of .Lecherous, is
C /
are still tortured in remote villages.
(A) Passionate
(A) Daughter-in-iaws (B) Dkr-v
(B) Daughters-in-iaws (C) Nasty
(C) Daughters-in-law
(D) Chaste
(D) Daughter-in-law

19. Add a suitable prefix to 'Embark'. 23. Use &e appnopriate preposition in the
gr&.) Disernbark sentence:
(B) Llnernbark We sat _ the shade of the tree.
iC) imernbark U2fundcr
(D) trnemhark (B) bdffi
(C) in
(D) tuough

2(J. Fillin rhe blank with right option.

He cannoi cope .__ tlris prcssure.
U4f up
(B) with 24. H: rr' at eyrnins.
(C) ln (
(D) for /< w.,-
(C .:.:l
(D r .*...

21. Convert the given sentence into an

interrogative sentence and see below fbr the correct
0ption :

"Hone-ct_v i"q the best polic,v,' 25. He solved the _ problem.

(A) Is honestv the best policy? (A) hardly
(B) Is not horesry rhe best poiicy?
,"k6 t*a
f , honesty nor tfle best poiicy? (C) hardlier
-/4(D) Why is hr:nesty the best poiicy?
(D) hardliest
B-5 BPC/20

16. What is the name of the Lake between 2S. 6a1affi \B TXoK <-ftCr< {.C{], w{@ KqK
Jrdavari and Krishna deltaic region? an frr
(A) Kolleru Lake <C+w* Et *'
(B) Pulicat Lake rBr 1Gn-+T gr
(C) Chilika Lake (c) GFr+lW x
(D) Loktak Lake (D) C{rf,slTff x

27. The largestproducer of rnilkin the worlci is 27 . kG lqsd f{ tr<eiw
(A) India --/
VtAl tr-l<E
(B) USA isl i{r,mR$i {'s{E
(C) China {L^
) rD.t
(D) Australia (D) s.nEB{l

NATGRID will start bY 28. 'NATGRID'SSEC<

(A) 31st December 2020 (Ar 31Ct f-smr< 2020-'s< w<i
(B) 31st December
20tr 9 iBt 31C.1 &tnq< 2019-.{< :i(<i I
31st March 2020 rCt 3iC'f r'6 2020-€< xi<l
(D) 15th August 2020
iD) i5q'. IeE 2020-.4K :li!J-

29. The Constitution of India was adopted b,v 29. Ei{.o3 q(R<.]T €s <{ee
(A) Indian National Congress (A) Ei{q{ 4jt"fl-d]e $(zdcx
(B) Indian League (B) l&ai;r Bt n
iC) indian Constituent Assembi-v sr<-"Sx qrql?vtfro :rs,
{D) i'{one of the above
iD) e=e.rCKK I$TCffiIX

30. ?(crqst sKss slqrix \b-icqs qcix q-,lER

30. The English established their first factory
in India at t*fi; F,fq slK{?
(A) BombaY (A) Fteq
iBt Surar JEr{!r!
(C) Sutanuti (C) T\aTE
(D) Madras (D) {lEiq
BPC/20 B-6

31. A is C's son. C and e are sisters. Z is e,s

31. A qE C-,4< RUEt C q<( Q R cqtqt z qq
mother. P is son af Z.How is p related to A?
It PqE Z-qR qCE I A
(A) Brothe tF-( "
Q-qT I

(A) gE
\e P-qK Tc<ra-q-$ft z

(B) Maternal uncle d,N'

(C) Uncle
,r^ \ -=.Pf'not
(D) Grandfather h (c) sts.I
(D) qr[

32; What was the Act III, lB72?

wEm, rezzfrR{e
(A) Social Reform Act
(A) qEr5q{€l{ffi
(B) Jury Act
(C) Revenue Act XsI efrqR{/-
(D) Executive Act (c) Trffi Ed
(f|) affdc\FtBqET

Find the odd one out:

33. 4rr" Frefr q{rcr<T celrs q^Htn ?
(A) Zoology (A) Zmlogy
(B) Physiology
@) Ph1'siology
(C) Botany
(C) Botany
(D) Philosophy

Who founded the Anglo-Vedic college? sr. m qtrrqf-csfu scqq atr$.t +r<&rrT r
(A) Dayanand Saraswati (A) Errnr{st
(B) Lala Hansraj
(B) EtEIqpErEt .
(C) Atmaram Pandurang
(C) qffi<'ll,frq<q
(D) Mahadev Govind Ranade
(D) TEIIr< c5llR{ <FTtrs

35. First Indian product to get G.I Tag is vl{eu{ Iq: 'G.I Ta_e', AIS
(A) "tqlerqE
(A) q4l5 \
(B) Darjeeling Tea
(B) qtBGo
1C; Basmati
(D) Gobindo Bhog 1C) <nxfu 6'- .z
(Dl Caffr-qCgrt yn= I
B-7 BPC/20

36. Numbers are placed in the figure belou' on 36. €ofr frffi fi<x mcq frcDK 6Rrt q(?[rcfr
- = L,asis of some rules. Find the correct alternative <ffrdll QFrq 1' r' 6Rs Qrcfi qfr+ q$ilB sE ?

, :eplace the question mark. 5 9 t4 20

5 9 14 20 9 t] 27 ?

9 t7 27 ?
(A) 3s
(A) 3s
(B) 37
(B) 37
(c) 3e )^c) 3e
(D) 41

37. Literacy rate in West Bengal census 2011 37. Census 2011-s 'ffuT<m< literacy rate {4
(A) 977a (A) 97Ea

(B) 70Vo (B) 10Vo

(C) 80Vo (c) 80%

(D) lTVo wM-'/1Va

fil n\
3E. Which tribal language has been given (\ /$. Ft-{ G"ffi vlqrc$ "IFDT<rs{{$? ffnr
official status in West Bengal and regarded {cr(q .s<( UNESCO-< qKr R"F Rrk<
endangered by UNESCO? ffiee{rq?
(A) Santali language (A) SantalivHt
(B) Kurukh language (B) Kurukhvl$
(C) Kurmali language (C) KurmalisRt *
(D) Sadri language
(D) SadrivlTt

39. When Indian Rupee gets depreciated 39. effi A+1 <qq swR-$'K vqL{< Y-E-{lr
U.S. dollar, it usually makes our depreciate +1< g?E
"'is-iL-vis L---
(A) Exports Cheaper and Imports Costlier qtq?tfr-{RlTT@
(B) Imports Cheaper and Exports Costlier
- 1n) qFafi c-s]s< s <gtR< ffi <W
(C) Both Exports and Imports Costlier (c) qr{q1fr s <$frtffintx
{l@ x
(D) No effect on Exports and Imports (D) qFqtfi s sgtfiRB'r{ mlzFf erq<
"rwdf X

40. Sir C. V. Raman was awarded Nobel Prize 40. llK fr. G. 3T{ Nobel "|<s]K cer6{&co-{
for his work connected with which of the following frft-<rci-s 6E;a qB{K q-dlT
phenomenon of radiation?
,-/' 15-Res'ar
Jff G) Rrq-<"t
(B) Diffraction
(c) <r&D-t<
(C) Interference
(D) qr<-6{
(D) Polarization
fr BPC/20 B-8

41. 'Nee1-Darpan' by Dina Bandhu Mitra 41. ft-{-{t fiq- <fu frq q{q' dA m:l-{
portrays the plight
s"k frftuw{ <{il qfcq?
(A) Bengali Artisans
(A) <tffi3r ffiur<
(B) Indigo Planrers
(C) Landless Labourers /ED-ftqufr
(c) VfitqrW
(D) A1l of them
(D) E"r6{rE qf\ffi cefl+-fi
42, Theletters L, M, N. O, P, Q, R, S and T in 42. L.II. \. O. P. Q. R. S e<<tq5i{sft
their order are substituted by nine integers I to 9
but not in that order. 4 is assigned to p" The q si-? ?<aF;;j €(F-6q pqq + p\s T
lfrE I I
diff'erence between P and T is 5. The diff'erence
"ttqfuqF 5 \ 1-rz
.j +pefu1q4 3 tgifq6-"f N ,{<
between N and T is 3. What is the integer assignecl
gI{ q$ilF {<r {cr(q?
to l,l?
(A) 7
(A) 7
1 (B) 5
(B) s
b (c) 4
(c) 4
(D) 6 \flf6
43. Who was elected as President of the All 43. csc<feBrq{ fuqtTsrffiE"cffi ( z sct
I in,Jia Khilafat Conference (23rd November, l9 19) ?
1919 Re) {v.pft fr{Ge qffi&rq{ I
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Subhaschandra Bose JD-IEEI
(C) Chittaranjan Das TS|TDEI <1
(D) Motilal Nehru (c) Fswq]q
(D) r&Elq c:rqs

44. A caterpillar crawls up a pole T5 inches 44. qFF dnk'fl+'t {tE csfm 75 inches Ve 4$F
high, starting from the ground. Each day it crawls
uF *5 inches and each night it slides down 4 inches.
clF c<LT Ekerfin-< caelT fi 5 inches S"fc< erb
q|{f< <lFE 6<aIFI 4 inches FC-T C{'(X {lT I \ofqe{ fr
Wherr wiil it firsr reach the top of the pole ?
Eqr_< aem $?Fr cffqz<l
(A) The 70th day "],F<
(A) 708Tfrr{
(B) The 71st day
{Pf7t E{ frcq
(C) The 72nd day
(c) 72Erfrr{
(D) The 75th day
(D) 7sE{fir{

45. Who authored 'The Spirit of Islam'? 4s. co ffi q<?I-fllq'fr6Q1aaz

(A) Abclul Wahab (A) 5rt<Tfr €T]EK
(B) Theodore Beck G) Amugt< c{s
(C) Sayyid Amir Ali (C) fr'-{tr EtT< T16
(D) Mohsin ul-Mulk (D) {qfr{ Bq-T{s -
B-9 BPC/20

46. lnternational Day of the Tropics is observeii 46. International Day of the Tropics aG <q<
: .:n )'ear On "|Fd-m
(A) 23rd March (A) 23[t{6
(B) 4th July
(B) 4,rq4R
(C) 22nd September
(c) 22ct c{etq-<
(D) 26th June
(D) 260{ q{

17, Inwhich Act yearly Rs. I lakh was allotted 47. Fir qRr{ vKqTffi fiqfr-s63qa affi
::: the education of Indians? t6-f,s Dl4.I T{1r? $3'i Q$ ?
(A) 1813 Charter Renewal Act (A) 1813 R$trqr qrq "Fffi$<q qRq,'
(B) 1773 RegulatingAct )t (B) L773RSiw< macTffi( qfu
(C) l784Pitt's India Act F (c) 1iSSkq< Fttt-< sl-<s wFa
(D) 1833 Charter Renewal Act (D) 1833 R$'fisr< mq ?Irffi-sr"t'qRq r

48. Somasila Dam is locateri in rvhich Indian 48. cTNrfiqI tq vKN< CAl4 <l(q' s<fu I
S:ate? (A) :r{ISfit
(A) Madhya Pradesh (B) sffi$
(B) Karnataka
(C) uimArq"f
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Maharashtra (D) nqrflE

49. Who founded the Khucia-i-Khidrnatgar or. rur*-1-ftnrq{r{ ErEr af\gt'M r+ E(Ea r
;arty? (A) qfffif{'skR-<-fr
(A) Abbas Taybji
qr{E tls{F-< qliT
(B) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan VliBf"f.l-{
(C) ffi-d',F{t \slqlq
(C) Maulana Azad
(D) Dr. Ansari (D) vs Etqq'rR

50. How many Indian States have toriched the,
\0 to. .KNK oE <roqr-< ffntq.f "tfuffiEr<i 9{'
:order of West Bengal? u' 7a762
(A) 4 r^trt I
(A) 4
(B) 6 '*b (B) 6
(c) s g{s
(D) 3 (D) 3
L BPC/20 B-10

5L. Who was l.,nown as the creator of modern sl. qt{Fs- ffi atQcsr eBt (s &cq.d r
Hindi literature i
(A) dqfi em
(A) Lalluji Lal
(B) Padmakar Bhatta G) "1-qi+_< sU
(C) Premchand (c) [3trtr]q
(D) Harishchandra (D) qk"DE

52. When was the Madras State officially s2. ${{ rlElq <ffi q{btfr-@|C<
renamed as Tarnii Nadu? Rrlouqlu.-53T"f €tqr?
(A) 14 January, 1969 (A) l4qtTilk,t969
(B) 4 December, 1969
G) 4 &qq<, 1969
(C) 27 lanuary,1969
G) n qlTilR, 1969
(D) 16 August, 1969
(D) lb qqs , 7g6s

53. The smallest composite number is Qr. *rq*fr'qtqi<BtBqe

(A) i (A) 1

(B) 2 (B).2
(c) 4 (c) 4
(D) 3 (D) 3

54. In which year West Dinajpur district of 54. F;>-ie *i-5n-a6qs 4FD{ fi-{qrj3
West Bengai was divided into two districts namely Ere< fr*:=1r g rfro fr4.lq"I{ d]G@ curom
North Dinajpur and South Dinajpur?
(A) lee1 (A) 1991
(B) 19e0 (B) 1990
(c) t992 (c) 1992
(D) 1994
(D\ 7994

55. Below given are cerlain statements about a A6 qsB dfrR q-'rcffiffi fr1& cn'ent<o
river: i. ,qF{ +l-u<ce< ffi arqyfr.co Eqq r

1. It rises on Ranchi piateau iu Jharkhand. ) sfr r,sEt qlfiT . qII({.T GEC-<-{ qrt frrr
2. It passes through the northern part of Betla
National Park.
a<fu e{ r

3. It is a tributary of Son River. 3. €F s<rF fi'F qfr{ qFfi dfr r

Identify the river based on the information given Bqr-E< oa[&fus 4AE ERs 6-{ g

above: (A) U's{ mlr'rE qft

(A) North Koel River (B) nG dfr
(B) Mechi River
(c) Tqr4-{tfi
(C) Mahananda River
(D) q.qffiqft
(D) Mahadayi River
u-tro BPC/20

56. Boghazkoi is impilrtanl because 56. C<rs]E?FE q+eoid-4go;,

(A) itis knawn signiiicanttrading centre
as (A) q? Err'{fm q{t ,{ftrTl e k<"rcT xnl
i:etween Central Asia and Tibet. e+Y"1{<tFt&r$ ffi&E t

(ts) the original text tlte Vedas

r-"rf w'as
G) srtft-t{fis Etktr s$r-{e <6o q{ I

cornposed there"
(cj ,{"ilrq et$ FcFffif*xkfrs cqq-crfr&{
(C) inscripticn frrund here mention the
;1q SfrFi\t, q{qi
names of Vedic Gods an<l Goddesses.
(D) None of the ahove
(D) s"r(fl< mtntiBQq-*

57. Who among the following huilt the Alai 57. fr-cFwFK q6qT qIq'Eq-{sx"fqt'*a fiSgt cm r
) xtvaza?
(A) Aiauddin Khiiji
(B) ErtT{<
(ts) Akbar
(c) eaqq ft4 grmo
(C) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(D) rr?rfr< - t )A
(D) Jahangir D'T0i" '

58. D istaller thanC andE. Aisnotas tall asE. 58. D, C € E-ds ffie-Sqq't lA, E-.qKnseq^l{'{ I

- is taller than A. D is not as tall as B. Then, who C, A-.!< CFeTq-!] lD, B-.{<rlEaffi] 1gWE,fr&{
, ihe 2nd tailest person? EE-sr qrGfr mr
(A) B (A) B
(B) C (B) C
(c) t)
(D) E (D) E

59. Identify the correct pairs f'or Northern s9. EEK cqtqlt{{ q-{T qh+ mlv'e,fr bi{]rc re.{ s

--.enrisphere. 1. T+3 qR@jlB &Crrr* zzno

1. Winter Solstice December 22nd -
- 2 qEfrT{
- cryctq-{ 2:ro
2. Autumn Equinox Septernber 23td 3. +-fr {ielf\i
- - e{ 21st
3. Summer Solstice June 2i st
- 4. lqR1< -_ xd ztut
4. Spring Equinox March 21st
- eqE 6sls cafm {ff"s ffi ENq'qs{ s
,lhoose the correct answer from the given code:
(A) 1 and 2
(A) 1 .{<( 2

(B) 2 and 3 (B) 2 €<( 3

(C) 3 and 4 (C) 3,s<( 4
(D) All are conectly matched (D) q-<-$B q6+ete< mce
BPC/20 8.12

60. Rank of West Bengal in India with 60. crlE Eirrr(?tiEr fiRc{ 81tr65 2011
reference to total population, vide 2011 census qFrr+m< qr qq
report is
(A; Tenth
(A) qt{
(B) Fourth ''Pf uq{
(C) Second (c) frqr
(D) Fifth (D) "fsx

6I". Which Indian mass movement began with 61. mt{ vr{effFtqtrqw{ lqlq.t flfr(
the famous 'Dandi March' of Mahatma Gandhi?
(A) Khilafat movement
ffi "m{qt'frme+Esl
(A) R-qFFgqlrqw{
(B) Non-Co-operation movement qqq-ffi6t ql6qlq-{
(C) Civil Disobedience movemenr G)
,€r-qR{wmr qrcquq
(D) Quit India movemenr
(D) vf<s qIqt qrrd?l4{

62. Let xr,xr, xloo be 100 numbers such U ur, <F; 1 . .\'-. F qi=li't'
that x,+ x,*r= 100 for all i. If x,o = 1, then the value q-<td.l-{<5.t.r + t,_, = 100e-{ l{frx,n- 1qn,
of x, is
-, ,1 +E qr{? -o;r,oo-1oo
(A) 100
(B) ee
(B) ee
(c) 101
(c) 101
(D) I
(D) I

63. Bikaner Canal is taken off from the river 63. fi$cr{ Frq qfr ccm ss
"fiE EG-cq?
(A) Banas (A) <;pr
(B) Chambal (Bl ET-q r'-
(C) Satluj
(C) "lsW r
(D) Yamuna
@) sTmr

64. The severe cyclonic storm that struck West 64. z0 t9-.! eiFD:r<rr mfr<ytffi qrfl(qE.f<
Bengal in 2019 was -ffi

(A) Fani
(B) Bulbul ,w Bulbul

(C) Phinge dst

(c) Phinge
(D) Sumi
(D) Sumi
r z ! l,l,htl,
B-13 BPC/20
65, In a particular month of sBme ye#n there are C 6s. mfiil <[Kd esft fiffi q.rfi ffi
fuee Mondays which have even dates. On which etfrrl cs'fv ni<m I e wflK l5 vtR{ fr <tr< qvm?
-1'of the week does thc 15th of that month fall? (A) c{N"{l{
(A) Monday
G) lqKK
(B) Wednesday (c) s4Trfr
(C) Friday
(D) KR.{E
(D) Sunday

66. Teachers' Day is observed every year in 66. fit_+ ft-4q' sl-{60 aB <qx "ttBs es
India on
(A) September,5 vJAfsA cm&r<
(B) 2$ q.6r<-{
(B) October,2 (c) 6? qNq<
(C) November,6
(D) 25("i&-FrqK
(D) December,25

67. 'Indian Constitution' is adopted by the 67. Constituent Assembly ElrB{qqfr{F' ${t
Constituent Assembly on 1475
(A) 15th August, 1947 (A) lstq'tls, t947
(B) 26th January, 1950 (B) 26ctq'qnr'fr, ioso
(C) 26thNovember, 1949
(D) 2nd October, 1950 lb 26c'l;[Nffi, 1949
(D) 2Tiq(arffi, 1950

68. Which among the following was the single os. Frxffim q"ffefr< :lc<] rcT{F q{l-qS
_: eest item of import to the Vijayanagar empire? wlz.ri-.+o rilTfi RrE< R-qr{uf< qlqkql E"[ N?
(A) Pearl (A) {ts't
(B) Precious stones
G) a"Tn'1q 'ffqr< '
(C) Horses (c) q{
(D) Silk (D) c<tr

69. The 'FACT Check Module' aims to C 69.'FACT CheckModule'-qKEqilqE

(A) control activities of disruption by (A) frrst$ <rq?EBs qEsft'r El.{tR-lsf4l
opposition political parties. ,1E fix-qq s-{co IX
(B) regulate the economy.
6; ueffiBrn fix"q.'l$-{tr X
(C) promote harmony in multicultural
ffi< n<5&r {'c{t qi{&
society. -O:trrcsr-{
Sqqtfu $-{N r

(D) protect the Indian Government from

(D) sE\5 rr{'-$r{m frqn (clcs qlv,H
fake news. "m{
$Kes I
. .'
BPC/20 B-14 ,. .'

70. Who wrote 'Rajatarangini'? 70" 'arqEEfrft'-a <ufr-st mr

{A} Megasthe*es (A) G'ffRfis
(B) Kalhana #,"Ftr{
(C) Al-beruni (c) q.E-R-+fr
(D) Herodotus (D) cqcdrsEm

7X.. 'Economic Reforrn' measures in India was 71. g.K6o qcffi-s {ffil-{' fte'efr
formally introduced in qldlfrsw< (fonnally) E"|ElPls q{
(A) July, 1991
. gg@ft, 1991
(B) August,1947 -G) qlals, tg+z
(C) January, l9B0 (c) qt{$a, 1980
(D) March, 1990
(D) x6, rggo

72. In which year was India's first cotton textile 72. +==]EB 4rzE 81fr-6$ sf<-noE qqx
industry set up in Ghusuri near Kolkata? <.q"<'ird ffi ,;er; <EF ?flers aF ?
(A) 1818 qxf rut {
(B) . 1821 (B) 1821
(c) i819
" (c) 181e
(D) r823 (D) 1823

73" Which among the following great 73. 'Euall{ q$rir{ qtr+<' faqr{
revolutionaries was ihebrainbehindthe'Chittagong frsfr&-< {c:o rt=t rfuq q&r &Ep
Armoury Raid'i'
(A) tlrt't [ql{
(A) Ganesh Ghosh
(B) Chandrasekhar Azad
G) D-q',C.r{ff,qlql(
(C) Surya Sen wfdmq
6p1 q;aqt--ila
(D) Lala Hardayal

74, Demonitisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 74. 500 € i000Emm as4&q cqtRs
cuffeney notes was announced on a(qq"<,
(A) Bth November 2016 f-p}'-aa
(B) lel qu{ffr, ZOtt
(B) 1st Jarutary,20tr7
(C) 15th August,2016
(c) 151siln*,2016
(D) 3lst March, 2017 (D) 3icrlx6, zOt;
B-15 BPC/20

-5. The first non-Congress government at the 75" F7s dar q-orr$fr {{siiKK 6mvE c4{
- =::er '*'as led by (A) STSt-Sl*lq]31T"l
(A) Joy Prakash Narayan
(B) Morarji Desai G) Ff<r-<G ffi*tE "

(C) Chaudhury Charan Singh

rCl 6lTit E<q tq(
(D) Atal Behari Vajpayee (o) uEq ffi <rq(q& f

76. The present Finance Minister of India

- 76. T6rm sf{F{'qffi qFH
(A) Arun Jaitley (A) ws"tet'fr
(B) Ninnala Sitaraman
\-rBr-fit'fi fr-sr<tx{
(C) P.Chidanrbaram
(C) f{. fia..tr{r
(D) Pranab Mukherjee
(D) a"r< $llffi

77. Identify the vector quantity from the 27. ffiFtu TJftqB"K Et'.<l cs?{ aFE qE
:: -lowing:
(Al sial
(A) Heat -s<r<ti
(B) Angular momentum \-IBJ-ffiAr
(C) q:K
(C) Time
(D) slq
(D) Work

78. Which among the followingplaces has given ze. f;rE-Bfarc eaqfr"< vc$ mictt{ sr<-eT
*-.: earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian Eqrqfrr.,t $fr-dgq Tfr.4.1-ffi qxt.1 o-mr
i -::ontinent?
(A) AEI4qV
(A) Pratapgarh
(B) csrcwriv
(B) Mehergarh
(C) {"rc1-rltsl
(C) Quetta
(D) Kalat (D) oElB

79. The Supreme Court of India upheld that 79. {qFilij {&{ mlcf< qkq{-<-c4 'RTI' ffcrtri
i.TI was applicable to the <Efi {.lr<
(A) Office of the CBI also. (A) Office of the CBI N€
(B) Office of the NIA also.
(B) Office 0f the NIA N\e
(C) Office of the CJI also.
*J9+ Office of the CJI 65\3 ,
(D) Office of the PMO also.
(D) Office of the PMO rts€
BPC/20 B-16

80. Light from ttrre sun reaches us in nearly so. {{c+c+qrcEf qlTtu(3 strE
(A) I minutes (A) 2frffi
(ts) 8 rninutes
\9) 8 frffi
-1 minutes
(D) t5 minutes
icl +tm
(D) 16 frfiB

81. Fit trndia Movement, launched in August 81. 'Fit India Movement' August 2019=4
2019by Tr{
(A) Kapil Dev (A) s?Effi<
(B) Sourav Ganguly
(C) Narendra Modi (Prime klinister) G) ffi<s 'ilefr
(D) Virat Kohli Jg.raciE. mft ra<nvfi>
1o) fficrRfr

82. John, Aries, and .foseph are t'rrothers lvith 82. q-{, \ryRc € c{lcr{F frGq mrr{ &{
different ages. Given that: \I gisTf qkq 3
(i) Aries is the oldest. A,rf,l^" (i) wtk{q=rl=t<V
(ii) Joseph is not the oldest.
(ii).6{rrrscqr{ <vqr
(iii) John is not the youngest.
Who is the youngest?
(iii) q{q<r< cqFax
(A) Aries EC{, CS{{H (qF?
(B) John (A) wRq
1yff"-ibseph G) q-{
(D) Cannot be determined from the given Je}-c<tra+
information (D) cc-{ \5qi cem qE Tqt {s?r r..{l

83. The slogan 'Garibi Hatao' is coined by 83. '{RR qbts' 6tamF Aqq mrn-{
(A) Indira Gandhi 1fr-{r qffi
(B) Rajiv Gandhi ^g
c) rrq-{ flrfr
(C) Sonia Gandhi (C) CflfiTt 6'IIfr
(D) Rahul Gandhi (D) TlFr rffr

84. Kiru Hydroelectric power proj ect is situated 84. fuwfus ersqE mtqwq<Qpr
(A) Nr4qlql
(A) Telangana
(B) Kerala G) 6s-{q
(C) qAe s.ffir< &
(C) Jammu and Kashmir
(D) qsqmst
(D) Andhra Pradesh
B-17 BPC/20

S. Nationalisation of [4 Commercial Banks Bs. 148 <ifter$ <rtrc qtqT+KE s-{t q{

notplace in qlrE
(A) 1e6e *l}-1969
(B) 1980 qtCE
(B) 1e80 (c) 1971rlcE
(c) teTr (D) 1991qr(q
(D) 1991

t6. Who established the Atornic Energy 86. '.9KNF +1i6,qiqft6xif'$ -aftqa (AEC) 1948
Commission (AEC) of India in 1948? crF m aGfi +rg+ r
(A) P.K. Iyengar (A) P.K. lyengart'-
(B) M.R. Srinivasan (B) M.R. Srinivasan
(C) Vikram Sarabhai (C) Vikram Sarabhai
(D) Horni Bhabha (D) HomiBhatrha '

87. Fill in the word grid with the words listed. 87. fif.'-< q6r qfrs .fqq!fr <fr6g qsfi "l<6f
'' :rch word won't tit?
<r-+a r r€lr gm E"Bg +l r

F h T E B
..r. . ) j:lirr,.
..a:1: 0 .t:i:.]::i, T

# {L # L E


(B) FLAT o+'FYer
(c) ROLE (c) ROI-E
(D) T{LL (D) Tri-I-

Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named 88. erl<nrqkssil+I{ GEBG?F ssi"f s-KtE{
(A) Fermi -p41nff "
tB) Angstrorn G) qfi€r T
(C) Newton (C) l'lglr'{
(D) Tesla (D) [f]{ar
BPC/20 B-18

89. National Instituie of Disaster Management 0 *r. National Institute of Disaster

or NIDM was previously narned as: qr NIDM
"f-dqmfrs frq a
(A) National Centre of Disaster (A) National Centre of
Management Management
(B) National Council of Disaster (B) National Council of
Management Management
(C) National Committee for Disaster (C) National Committee fbr
Management \ Management
(D) Nationat tas/ Force on Disaster (D) National Task Force on
Management'1 Management

90. In which Congress the demand for 'Purna ."J{

90. s(Iflm{ C$.F qfkr<.t6, r+cwx,
Swaraj' was placed? c$Rs Err
(A) Lahore Congress s(rsc
(B) Surat Congress \-JAr-Ic<tu
(B) I-<iB s(rs{
(C) Calcutta Congress
(c) +-ryou srcdq
(D) Nagpur Congress
(D) a.trt"F sKSc

t 91. Who among the following historians has

written the book entitled 'The wonder that was
gr. firfrBRe mtq &,B{fr"s
was India' efqtr< <uR-st I
'The wonder

(A) A. L. Basham t lS qllBqa
€. qE. <rr{'T
(B) <firr16
(B) Alison Bashford
(C) R.C. Majumder
(c) <F{D-S:]-EIkT{
(D) Satish Chandra (Dl qfr{w

92. Two positions of a dice are shown. Find the 92. €+fr trds:T-& qsm -(Er TE q-{Etq
nurnber of the dots on the face opposite the face ecs(q I e SK F sm 3 F dot q'lcqt+sf<
bearing 3 dots.
E(E s{fr dot qllqC<t

(B) 2
(B) 2
(c) 4
(c) 4
(D) s
tP) t
8.I.9 BPC/20

Graphite, carbon and diamonds are 93. $FFffi,6{q ,4;qr Qm qe

(A) isotopes (A) qRrfft&q X
(B) isomers (B) qRtq]Ir{ x
1C; isotoncs (c) qErryIfu r
iD) aliotropes

94" Why did ltabindranath Tagore refuse 94. fi:.d xQis,arq bqx t'R?'Sqfr a-'o:t"g'F
l'.:rightliood? -+rrkmqi
{A) I}ue lcr paltitit:ft r:f Bengal (A) <ffiftsffirFsi.ril*mi
(B; In p:r*{r;st of J a}iianwai abagh rnassacre qeq
(C) Wittrdrau:sl rg non-cooperation UlB|olfr ilid\3$qH]rti;.{'{giis,Tsr eFi
(c) wqqr$51q.lrqfry4 s4 qlis R-srq
(fi) In protest of Atripur conspiracy case (D) \il&'tr{ nq{A {Fr"*, f{ q"e4m

95. India celebrated/wiltr celebrate its 7Oth 95. glTreK 70Eq q(fr{ll fiiqX aftsqrlqf,< ;;
Coustitution Day in
6) 2024 ;/l:
iqu't -
(A) 2S20 rt/ AU
6r rYffzarc*''
(B) 2018 {} (c) 7017
(c) 2ot7 zoto
(D) 201e ryrP.t

96. Samvidhan lJivas or Constitution Day is v-96. eKF xne&qF fr{'q' 4B\5 g
-:.:brated in India cn
rA) 3sl GTqq-{
(A) 3rd Decernber
(B) 25c*f qdrs-{
(B) 25th October
(C) sth January
(c) slql$R
(D) 25th Noven:rber tZlgl tn'qn

97. 'Non-perfbrming Assets' (NpA) of Indian 97. saqeftqrqn{q' NPA) qf, sf<q{ <.|ft&is
- , nmercial Banks are Tl(zs<
(A) Euildings **d Land (A) <1& 'e s'fi
(B) Loans not raplaid within stipulaled .lrlln q.f frm Tiqm'\s ffiTE ft-'snt q{ fr
tirne (C) w+",fr fi{ffiffi
(C) Government securities (D) {$iE qcf
(D) Cash holding
r BPC/20 B-20
98. The Governor of West Bengal is 9S. "lFuEEee".A
qr,st'< e(q.q
(A) Nurul Hasarr
(A) dsE {miq
(B) Raj Narayan Singh
(C) Keshari Narh Tripathi (B) Tloql{Hq fr(
(D) Jagdeep Dhankar (c) c$"r-ahfq fr'||fi

99. What were the two assemblies during the

early vedic period?
99. wfr 3{ t<fi-s T' F; f: zffifR1ar+
cTlc{("t< 4i\' 4fsx]r {iH ?
(A) Samiti
(A) qr{&
(B) Sabha
(C) Samiti and Sangam (B) qsl
(D) Borh (A) and (B) (c) {RG € }E;
-VfDfEvfi (A) € B

100. Literal meaning of ,Lokpal, is

100. 'Lokpal' €R qtrk+ ir{ ,/
(A) Caretaker of the people
' (B) Execution of public .-{n Caretaker of rhe peopl. /
services (B) Executic:.-:. _.: ,:_.
(C) Looking after rhe Weaker section of
(c) Lookin_: ,: :t : .: :_-,.: ,:;tion of
(D) Motivare civilians
(D) Nloti'. =:- -

101. Which city in Gujarat is widely known as

ship breaking yard?
qF] R<T,.g:
(A) Okha
(B) Alang
(C) Kandta
(D) Veraval \ r. =;:
D --:

102. Who wrote ,The Indian war of 6

(A) Dadabhai Naoroji F?
(B) Romesh Chunder Dutt
(C) Vinayak Damodar Sabharkar
(D) Harish Chandra Mukhopadhyay
B-21 BPC/20

103. What is the meaning of 'Ghadar'? 103.'5iq<' *tf<f< Sq(fr I

(A) Revolt R?r< -
(B) Independence G) fl$-{el
(C) Swaraj (c) q-{rq
(D) Liberation (D) {tu

L04. The scale used for measuring the intensity 104. gfr+z-atn fr<-ot rt"r< qq c{ ffi-q <l-<-qE q{
the earthquake is (A) 6rfrs ffiq
(A) Metric scale G) mlTlT c$E
(B) Quake scale
yicl k<bm mo
(C) Richter scale (D) ,{FRflSl-{ 6q
(D) Epicenter scale

105. Which among the following Viceroys was ros. ta<ff R"E'M< qcqfrcxls m'n?<rnq
ssociated with the 'llbert Bill Controversy'? vRffiLT< ffiq&cl&q,
(A) Lord Curzon (A) q6 $'6{
(B) Lord LYtton (e) 46 fit-{
(C) Lord Ripon
(D) Lord Hardinge ;Ct'au f<n
(o) qd {Gq

L06. The Human Development Index (HDI) is 106. rrd< Bw-T{ {D$ (HDI) a-qFto ql
ublished by the (A) R{ <ils-q< qqlTolx
(A) World bank IBI UNDP-.{<TqI{-OK
(B) UNDP t rcI rlMF)q.ts6f\9rqq'sNqK-q6q-qlTslT
(c) IMF (D) frG qrcilat (NITI Aayog|€R )l$ro1{
(D) NITI Aayog

t' lo7. zraz} *(n2 p' I x, Y. e -€K

107. zte2B *(tt ' lr) =Z* 3Y p' , the values of l9)-''' =2' 3o

x,y, z ate v rn fi.fu +r<t r

(A) x=2,y=*I, z=3

L \ \,LYf x=2-Y=-l . z =3

(B) ,
x=-l,y =2, =7 t_4,
(B) x=-i.)=2,2=3
vl.l' (C) x=3,Y=-l.z =2
x=3,y ---1, - -) (|.V )
\. 7l
(D) x=2,y =3, z - -1 c, 9. q2
v (D) x=2.Y=3.2=-l
BPC/20 B-22 E iv ,5 ail LS
1{i&. What nur:nber sh:*ulc{ corne next in
sequence 6, 11,21,35, 56,
the 10S. 6. tr1,2i. :15, 5b, eE. wF *{$f
q"lT'iln [$'Fqq".fil'e"es?
(A) 78
(A) 78
(B) 8i
(c) sz
(c) 82
(D) 86
(r)) 86

109. In which newspaper ,Boycott, was first 1(}9. ffiIq q\<trqt3 '<T{s 'q{qo.m aErifts Es?
declared? 65r,'
(A) Cq|<;hr{
(A) Sanjiboni
(B) Hirawarli {s) fuqfr
(C) Yugantar (c) qrls<
(D) Anirita Bazar (t)) qw <lq]-{

1tr0" Chumbi Valtey is on boundary of

(A) Sikkim * Ehuran
110. Efr E"fs-$t C+I{ fus TG[R?
(A) frfr{-vbn
(B) Nepal - Sikkim
(B) c{rilFT_ftfrq ,-
(C) Eihar - Nepai
(D) Assam --Eangladesh (c) fu{ -@4H/
(D) wq-<Tffir(F[

111. ln 2006 NIDM was esrablished. Which one q== _ -.

111. NIDM rifis ifF< mf{E
of the following is correct?
("4) False
(A) Fd
(B) True
(C) By the Ministry of Human Resource (B) fi.
(D) By rhe External Affairs Minisrry (C) ;;< | i'- :7
lD) *-.' :1- -

ll2. 0-
Inwritingrhe numbersfrom l0to [00, how
many times is the digir 7 used?
i12. 10 :a.l- . , =, 1 . .= - ::ffi $s<K
<]<qE ET: ?

@) 2A
(B) 1e
(c) r0
(D) 11
td B,-23

qqqfrs q{ r
Tarain fought'? 113. ffit{ qfla E-<'RqK dqx T6
L3. When was the firstbattle of
(A) ffst<r
(A) 1175 A.D.
(B) 1191 A.D.
g4frtot RSrq
(c) 1192 A.D. (c) 1rs2ft6m
(D) 1206 A.D. (D) 1206 RSm

-$'f<ot qfr
114" vrFrfiam efr<llmrB qq R$q se<,
to purify
114. Potassium permanganate is used
ater as it is
(A) fr<rtFfla
gul"n f G) q.rf,$ '
(A) sterilizing
(B) oxidizing (c) R-qK-$
(C) reducing tp) B6i
(D) leaching

approved by 115. er<s sgs 'typhoid vaccine' {i 'WHO'
1L5. India made typhoid vaccine' 'q{Fifrs, sr{k{
eal{. Gt s"i1D-{t
WHO was first introduced in the country
(A) NePal 1A) tr'irf, |
(B) Bangladesh ( trr .."fiF{ f
(C) MaYanmar (c) IIT]qTK {
(D) Pakistan (D) "ilfrsFY

116. E-<l € etRcT"<'l <F{ (GSD sr<-F er6a rers-l

116. Goods and Services Tax
(GST) was
Minister qqt$
introduced in India by Finance
(A) Arun JaitleY ,\,/,147'w*"r cefrfr
(B) Manmohan Singh G) E.46rqq lqi
(C) Pranab Mukherjee (C) d'K T"ilfr
(D) Narendra Modi (D) {(a-q cflfr

q?. aliffi
in India is 117. vr-TN loo fi+'E cli6
117. The 100 RuPee CurrencY Note
signed bY y1$ Es({, frsr$ {flioq"<qfust
(A) Governor, Reserve Bank of trndia G) mc@?fr, qef{q"s
(B) SecretarY, MinistrY of Finance (c) er<F{ qqfuft
(c) Finance Minister of India (D) EKesr e{Fqa
(D) Prime lvlinister of India
Please Ttrrn Over
BPC/20 B-24

118. Who was the founder of the Tattabodhini 118. m Eqr{tfkft q-sF Sfrtrat EcEl z
(4+ cre<E-+sr ar-6<
(A) Debendranath Tagore
(B) TlTnTlr,a <rx
(B) Rammohon Roy
(C) 6$xKb-E c{a
(C) Keshabchandra Sen
(D) Iswarchandra Vidyasagar 1n1 z't'<r-u frrlF'-

1 19. I{ighestTobaccoproducing state inlndia- 119. sKF q-{k =:a l'.a'";nfr <fqj q;T
(A) Bihar (A)
-. .L.-
(B) Andhra Pradesh
D,PI3s??x' I
(C) Utrar Pradesh
1C) Ererz:"'
(D) Tamil Nadu
(D) e:ta;=

120. In a knock-out tournament- i.e., a €afr ;=-:it zffitsH qqftq cq

tournament in which the winner in any match Affircx F?=:: € o:r< $Ers DrE {tr<
moves to the next round and the
"i{'ftT zl':'.= ,'F t(s {lr<- Z2qq
loser gets q<(
eliminated-there are 22 pafticipants. Then the q&Tffr gt? l== :. zffilsH
total nurnber of matches to be played is cqE +-eefr
(A) 20 O r\
r'i ql5 3a': p17l
{-\ l
(B) 21
rB :,
(c) 22
(D) Depends on the way the fixture
is p D ;=:z ;_- +erFefr $zqq-{Eq-{
r -' '-a a

121. Indian Constirution was prepared by 121. g--i, =,?i--:<--kof {q-{

(A) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
-- J e.;= e=;'r affr
(B) Jawahar Lal Nehru
E =:a---F FL+
(C) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar a-' -,:.. :;' --'-4.
(D) Sardar Ballav Bhai patel \ t --T,6E
I =;'. zE= 9? ?IfdE

122. Plants receive nutrients from 1::. . =.;= :!-; .!?c *ft Ti$q3113,
(A) atmosphere "1*'
(B) chlorophyll
B 5-;zi:=
(C) soil
(D) light v'^ -__
H BPC/20
B-25 -
123. Superconductors are substances which lm. qG qffi "fdcf{m
(A) conduct electricitY at lower (A) $r gtq$qB R6< "tftut++ +r< t
temperature. G) fuq q<lrqEm qfust<?sR +m t

(B) offer high resistance to the flow of (c) fiWs er<lcq 6src{l afu-<t{?sR +"K El I

(Di' v:E E]erfl.TlT ftqq affiaa 461
(C) offer no resistance to the florv of \-/ a,
(D) conduct electricitY at high

124. Speed of sound is the maximum in 124. .lrq-{ qfrx<etc-{ks m'tsilTl?

(A) vaccum (A) $r-Er({

(B) gases (B) tillc{
(C) liquids (c) s{cE
(D) solids rJpr6h qftcf

125. Choose the two correct numbers in the 125. A;Ctr{ sr"K q({tFN'.' ffiv q1-l5pp 61-a
'o' marked places of the multiplication below' Fld r(?m <qr<?
.7.2 .7.2
(A) 8,4
(A) 8,4 -?'
(B) 6, 8 ULBf 6.8 '

(c) 4, 8 (c) 4, 8
(D) 8,6 tDl 8. 6

126. Who was the first editor of the Amrita 126. qTE<M]-{ "iffi{ dclT q-"i]k-s co &rEqz
Bazar Patrika? (A) -lVD-q
(A) Sambhuchandra MukhoPadhYaY
(B) Sisir Kumar Ghosh uBffifu{qr< mF
(C) Girish Chandra Ghosh
(c) fltk"f w csl{
q qq

(D) Robert Knight (D) <'<lE {l{E

127. When the Hindu Coilege was founded? r27. qrft$ree-e-w A&6s qrr
(A) 180ofts1q
(A) 1800 A.D.
(B) 1817 A.D.
.\/tBl l817RSr-q
(c) 18s5 A.D.
(c) 18ss ftsK
(D) 1857 A.D'
(D) 18s7 esm
Please Turn Over
- BPC/20
128. in a row ,A, is in the 1 lth position
from the f28. .ssm mjfirc (row) ,A,
left and 'B' is in the iOth positioir from
the right. If sr-{,qr6{ q<( .9, s1qfr6
TNfr$ cclr$ Es tl
'A' and 'B' interchange, then ,A, becorne, 6qr5 1 0 ww{-Erc{Wrq qF I

from the left. How fiianv persons ale

f Srl, 'A' s 'B' frrqchr q(<j El-"T {ffi{
$c{ to6q .4,
there in the
row other than .A, and ,8,? 4lqfrs-CelF lBExui<".1({fiqw-6q ,A,s .B.qlVT

y u
,1'4" I
s* cq1'ir*- (row) nrsa
(A) 27
<lfu qtrq,

i'*' @) za
;ef 24zs
The four principles of ,FACT 0
_129. Check rrr. 'FACT Check Module,-€T ufg ftGqq
(A) Follow, assimiiate, control (A) Follow, assigrilate, control and
terminate *{
(B) Find, assess, create (B) Find, assess, create and target
and target
(C) Follow, assess, control and terminate (C) Follow, assess, control and terrninate
(D) Find, assess, caution and train (D) Find, assess, caution and train

130. Arundhoti Srvarna yojana by Assam 0 rro.

Govt. vIqFI Tf$frf,d .Anrndhoti Swarna yoj
starting from 1st January ZOiO alm.s ana,
Tl lst January 2O2Ofo wqc{ll{Br?.tl
(A) encourage grooms to marry EE
Assamese brides. (A) ,lErcr< EeHrfu qqti1 qr 6[6scTR
(B) encourage brides to register their ftTimpt
marriage. (e) "tr&?" E(Hlfu s-{f Etrr-{ fr.c_lls
(C) encourage brides ro buy gold. {&-e- iErFt
(D) encourage iamilies to maffy off their (c) "ftfrcEl cqnr fuE Eqqtfu s{6o I
girl chitd after trg years ofage. (D) {k-{Trs EenrR" Gr€ <t&r +lllrs
)tr <qGrS
131. The Chairperson of Rajya Sabha is
(A) President of India
131. <Iqrer:erq&<rq
(A) EtTCnABq'O
(B) Vice president of India
(C) Prime Minister of India VBa----..? la-<E?fu
(D) Home Minisrer of India (q \e-fSC6il eKI{TA
(D) \e-ErF{
132. Who led the Bardoli Movement?
132. <-<rhfr qcqmqE caq m
(A) Vallabhbhai patet &cqq e

Y).- .i.::: -----=

(B) Maharma Gancihi
(C) Chamantal 'B, -g.i
'L j..r i
(D) Raja Gopalachari
iD r a='lt"? ?-
B-27 BPC/2{}

133. The lcon of Golden Jubilee Award by IFF'A' 133. 'IFFA'{ 'Golden Jr-rhiiee' firm"il, zOtq
2019, was conferred on the actor
.iirs a?r{.s<lqc{E
(A) Jaira Eitaduri (A) ffirisEg
(ts) Anritabh Bachchan ig) sift_\els <wa
{C} Ralnikantir
(c) <G1fr-stig
(D) Jeetenclra (D) &xssf
134. Fill in the numher grid with the numbers tl4. frco-{ q(s qffi-s Y{iqltsft <frH q$B "FE
listed. Which of the nr-lmher-s rvon't fit? {f,{ | csl-{ crfiffi em taF ffi t

t37. 173,30!,731.77-0
731,173,3{}i,731'770 -/.q *-J e
(A) 13? (A) 137

(B) n73 -
\jW t1'l
(c) 30i (c) 301

(D) 731 (Di 731

13S. eRf< CWqea6,ri-4 {fr-'lS-i.@ B"ITil\,

135. Under wirose Governsr Cieneralship the
Railways were introduced in India'l
(A.t l-ord WeltresleY
(B) i,ord.Con"rwaitris
Fq'iccir {tr{i E3?
(Ai -{6 swffiry&
G) -u6 +{extFi*t
fCt Lord Canning rC; -Ov.-

(D) I-ord Dalhousie \rDf Es \fi814ft

qiGr eef{-E\ ffi' Gf{ ref'ere n c e TqFiNfr File
136. Consider the f'ollowing statements with P r e o.

ret'erence to the |iationai ldydroiogy project' ffie.G kc<uqt ?m{ s

1. It was launched in 20tr 6 with the assistance , u5fr.d-<lt-ffi{qqx'el{ 201 6nrrrry<a&q i
of World Bank. 2. .rF qGN qqfoaF:<ry $q6r-{ xr{-Et $tr I

2. It provi<les ftrr estabiishment of I'Iational wm'q}iq tr(?l]K <if'S, qctfl-s q'n

Water {nfq:rm;ltics Centre { NWiC)'
3. Grq{rm €
e<( qfi;qiqt$f ?,ryfif re-<ti
3" lts objective is tc, itnprove [he extent, quality
and accessibinity of water resources €"fisls ftfu,sfrr sr'sj mi{fr1ffi'F{\tft qCIrcr
(A) Ct<'6mm 1 q<i 2
Whichof the stateroents given aboveis/are correct? (Bi tsEE$6 2 sl{( 3
(A) 1and2ordY
(C) i,2'qqi' 3
(B) 2and3onl,rr
(C) 1,2 and 3
(D) B'l-c<{ 6q6ffina
(D) None of the above
Ptr*as*'Furm {}vec"
137. According to Indian Constitution. the State
137. sr<-qT qG$4 s-dc.tc-<, <tesrr< fiit|.+rystefr
Legislatures elect the
fi-{6s +r<
(A) Members of Lok Sabha
(A) rfl+q-sf< {qTJZq-{
(B) Members of Rajya Sabha
(C) Chief Justice of High Court of the \fr' (C) ilGrqEll-<qFm#<
state slcsz-< drtd fua&{<,
(D) Attorney General of India (D) qrEffi c,flnjr,{-q s+ ?&vt-m

138. Which of the following is the firsr beach in

Asia to get Blue-Flag certification? 7o 138. ft66eiqffi+.ffi fre-"rsl$Ttffit"tq qNe{.k
' q-{j €FH'm5 eaN <nrq,
(A) Arambol beach, Goa
(A) qfflqmq ?R+u, 6a;1g
(B) Chandrabhaga beach, Odisha
(C) Chiwla beach, Maharashtra (B) D-q-\efril?q+s, eGql
(D) None of the above (C) 6eEl"?rys'*D-,nqrgtB
(o) Eqrf,-{ Ftcllftar

139. Inflation in India is

139. vKN< TA€frF {< FT
(A) Double-digit > 0
(A) ffi(Doubledigit)>0
(B) Single-digit > 0
(C) Negative {(tr1 .roffic rsingtedigir) >0
(C) <l"tls-€
(D) Zero
(D) Til

140. Radiocarbon dating technique is used to

140. Nqfur ceft F,+a rer aa6efgqqq-g.1a
estimate the a-ee of
$3N <F-{F s-<t <?
(A) rocks
(B) monurnents (A) FIET
(C) soil (B) fr-{r<
(D) fossils (c) TrF

141. The greenhouse gas that is a product of the

t4L. Q-+q qR Rrq 6FFr greenhouse eB.H ftq6
combustion of fossil fuels is
(A) COz
(B) CH4 JArffiffis
(C) og (e) frcqd
(D) N20 (c) €rqFr
(D) nEF{ \treRu
B-29 BPC/20

x42. ffFFi
'Fml ffi'6qrilq rFra-s.]-\3-1
L42. Through which Educationai Report Calcutta
niversity came into existence? t+tRqr'r qf,ii&o q{r
(A) MacaulaY's Minute (A) crflfl frFE
(B) Hunter Commission G) qltr{ $fr{{ o
(C) Charter Act (C) D6r{ urIE
(D) Wood's DesPatch
/d) c*a cscqlm o
143. ISRO launched Cartosat-3 recently from 143.'ISRO' qnqG Cartosat-3 csBq(E'"t{ +r{R
(A) Sriharikota .afr6
(B) Baleswar (B) {li4q< cslIs
(C) Ahmedabad (c) q.rc{qKfq cslc$ }
(D) TrombaY (D) Fer cqrc+ y
144. Who founded the Forward Bloc? 144. TrgBr6 KCsr d&fu m &zq{z
(A) Subhaschandra Bose g*,2-plxuu <q.
(B) Rasbehari Bose G) <.lrfr$fr <{
(C) JadugoPal MukhoPadhYaY (C) {Ktfl"[fd {e"11efi <f17

(D) Hemchandra Ghosh (D) mD-q cqi{

correct statement
iv 1,t5. i.,xql?r\o vllleftK wsl fr{ {sl-sl q'"1f6 -rfr
L45. Which of the foll owing is a

about Indus ValleY civilization? x#o mnffir II

(A) Both Harappa and Mohenjodaro are (A) q(dl \s {"({(qlffCa.t g* 6E-@ <t&
located on the banks of river Ravi f?sr<ts1qAI{ $m w<Qo t

(B ) DIT-{l?,Kl ig +tfr<qf{ ffi <6qF TlqJ
(B) Both Chanhudaro and Kalibangan TlsEr(T{ fiTla.K xc<r q<Rs I

were located within the boundaries of

Present daY Rajasthan.
(c) Tf,e]-siqt € c{rElR<"f ffi eq*r&
(C) Both Surkotada and Dholavira are sDq 'tslqlsl\ S1N t

located inthe Kutchhregion of Gujarat' (D) trilcr-4 c$-qF ffit q?l-<'fi1< q<@ t

(D) Lothal site was located on the bank of

Narmada river.

1-16. Who was the Governor General during the 1a6. qfiqiq qqitfrRqs-<2"i3qrr m Es'f{ ffi-d"lcrq
:lnulment of 'Sati'? &rq{ z

(A) Lord Bentinck J&frt c<fts

(B) Lord Hastings (B) 616 qffiqq
(O 616 g.rqftfr
(C) Lord Dalhousie
(D) Lord Canning (D) s-6 <ilfr(

Flease Tirrn Over

Itpc/2$ E-30
,147" }r/ho plrrrrted fire of ,L.,ii:erty, at l4?. *{l*q+rc-r'ii ql&-rcR 1#J"Fr q:rKFjFT{
Seringapatnarn? T"+,
(A) Hyder AIi (A) A-{rjT 'bilfr
(B) Tipu Sulran (B) frt {Tur{ u

iC) Chin Qulich Ktran

(c) &@ {r4
iD,) Murshid euli Khan {L}} **iq"fft qta.

148. What was the date of ,.eueens,

14S. tRffiT&a {qm6ilrkg' gt,Q{ fr ft-q r
{A} trstld*v*mher, Ig5S -;*r-turrEel.{.
(ts) 10?,6{, 1857
{B) i0rhMay, 1BST
(C) 29rhMarch, (c) 29f,r$6, 1857
(Di I lrh llebruary, (D) l1R ffiFjrlft, 1860

149. T'he Contdhurion of Service Sector in 149. E-|<-BT ql€la Eq"flcr{

india's GDP is "tfrc{m (Service)
6S@K \{-<ql{ qE
tA) 52% .
(E) St]'ro \P<zNR{
ic') 42vl
G) 50'rsm
(c) 4zIFIrfx
{.D) 23o/a
(D) 23.FIst),

trS$. In ref,erence to Mughal period,s revenue 0159.

collection system, 'Zabti, meafis Eqq sakr <rw qiap E,-qqT q1-1ft, <arco
(A) Esrimare
(B) Yield per unit area (A) qfr{fq
(C) Based on yield of crops G) aG c€r qqq
(D) 113 rd of total yield (c) rFu Eeqtqr+{ mF
(D) 0F Uq{Fir+{q+yfrstixt

151 . Consider the fojlotvitg n

'Queen Irineapple'.
statemerrts regarding
'J51.'Queen Pineapple, q-{fu ffiFrs R-{C
1. It is the state fruir of Nagalar cl.
fo<DrlqFr e
2. it hadreceived Geographical Indication (GI)
t. eEffimffiTtqser r-
tag in 2015. 2. .qF20t5qt6eanfuffi8(cDBtqcqmEf, r

trr/hj *h of the staternen ts given above

i s/are conect? Bqrae fr--{fufi< {c:s mt{FlmFrq& qftre.r
iAi l only (A) ffifitEl 1
i i1, ' iiniv (B) CffiqTlq 2 r
(cj sothi ano z
(C) 1 .q<\ 2Eg'&
(D) None of the above
6o) E"rr{-?rmrrarmaml
EJ :.--
B-31 BPC/20
rsz. igorEq?Blffi qffi1 qxftrry r
152. Who founded Xndian Wornen's University? co?fu,fiq
(A) Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan (A) ql,r{ tqtn? qR$. 3'H -
(B) Dhondo Keshab Karve \t$f {cql co'rr{ srF
(C) Sir Williarn F{unter (c) qr]-{
@Fm{ E${K
(D) Sir Ashutosh MukhoPadhYaY (D) qir{ qtelelrr TFlldElI{

153. DEh'COM is jointly organised by

153. 'DEFCOM'{srsm 4kttfffil<'TK
(A) Indian Defence Forces and I.I.T.s (A) Indian Defence Forces and I.LT.s
(B) Indian Defence Forces and I.l.Sc (B) Indian Defence Forces and I"I.Sc
(C) Corps of signals and conf'ederation of (C) Corps oL signals and cont"eder*tion of
Indian Industry (C'I.I.) Indian {rrdustrY ( C.{.I.)
(D) Armed Forces and MinistrY of (D) Armed Forces and Ministry clf
Infbrmation Inl'c.rnnation

154. Hnd the odd one out: 154. frcDT m'HEq;rrcm cqltrF'qtqfit?
(A) 27 yuKf zt
(B) 64 (B) 64
(c) 81 rC; 81
(D) Lzs (D) 125

155. Which can bind 02 molecules? 155. ,F \Skr"q;I qt(s ufi<q $<{o eri(:r?

(A) Red blood cells K's-si+$l

(B) White blood celis "6f6'o
(B) rtrJ Sgmfao.
(C) VitaminB,, {c; ffitfta n,.,
(D) Vitarnin E (p) &fifrq E

156. PCMA (2006) is the abbreviated version of pcuA (2006) xiq](rt{s "lcsrc<
(A) Prohibition of Child Ivlaniage Act (A) Prohibition of Child Marriage Aot tr
(B) Parent-Child Maintenance Act p (B) Parent-Child Maintenance Act
(C) PollutionControl andMonitoringAct (C) Pollution Control and Monitoring Act Y
(D) Parental Care and Maintenance Act (D) Parental Care and h{ainten ant:e Act ffb
l'#uu #- B-32
"'^ is 75 crnlsec. The ant
157" T'he speed of an ant
,1s7. qsFftArfr-$KEB{f, 75 cmlses. lRftm
travels in a day is
q$frH cr(<yq&e.r $LT
(A) 64800 rnlday
(B) 648000 m/day \\(r^
' \rrr< (B) 648000 mlday
(C) 648000 crn/day
(D) 64800000 cm/day 6', (C) 648000 cm/day
(D) 64800000 cm/day

I58" Who th* fbr-rnder of the Jamia Miiia

lss. qtFrtfiCTtffi$f( Efe$^rgt m-ftq{r
(A) Dr. Zakir Hussain (A) us qtfr-< qrq-{
(B) Muhammad Ali (B) TqTrwfr
(C) Saukat Ali (c) ffi-$sEfi
(D) Agha Khan
(D) q't'ftdf

159" Ifyou were running a race and you passed

gfr mrnr ffi-s affitslr 2{ erffi
the pei'son in 2nd place, rvhat place would
in now?
l.ou Ue aBfiIftm qC@T $-ct qlc{t, vc< qfi Vfr mR
(A) 1st
(B) 2nd \;xf-a-N
(C) 3rd G) frqr
(D) Cannot be determined (c) Pqr
from the given
information (D) cq-{ \o=ctr cffi qF q.m q-g-{ iT

160. Select from the fbllowing rice_producing qrflft ecl

t6o. eifuT{-cq-< fr,sftfiM
districts in West Bengal in ascenciing oid"r,
Sqettqrstft cwt fr-{uq GF{
(A) X,fedinipur, East Barddhaman, s

l.{urshidabad (A) nffiil"1:c,

"I{<6r+, {Ffrr<q
(B) N{urs}ridabad, Medinipur, East
LFiffiB crfrft6, "td<6rql
(C) Bankura, Murshidabad, East I
Barddhaman (D) -irgg,1ffi{r, offit
(D) Bankura, Murshidabad, Medinipur

161. In which year Salt Satyagraha took place?

161. h<Ef Tqtsq rr{ qtm Es?
(A) 1e2e
(B) r930
(c) re3 I
(c) 1931
(D) te32
(D) te32

B-33 BPC/24 :

1.62. The Cabinet Mission came to India in the 162. <qTR-oi? fi{d cs'.E s'irq ET<ro sriaa ?

(A) 1946
tN wna
(B) 1e4s
(B) 1e4s (c) 1942
(c) te42 (D) 1940
(D) 194t)

1.63. 'Chanceltror' of the State-run Universities 163. {FE{"<s Klqr }r{$|{ Drfttr f+qkfltr*t'eia{
,qFld' (Chancellor) <an
in West Bengal is
(A) Governor of the State L.LArSKqrr
(B) Chief Minister of the State (B) {laql< B.rr{s
(C) Education lVlinister of the State (c) Kiffii-< frq.tqfr
(D) Chief Justice of Calcutta Hi-qh Court (D) $Er$lulaRlsllt{ a{fi r<trr<'i&

.qqqt{ er{E r{(@i

164. Which of the f'ollowings clearly define 164. ilo <i6o m'nF t-'sltx't'
'Mitakshara'? na s-r{?
(A) A rvork on astronomy. (A) ffiilfrf,wH qJq I
(B) A treatise on ancient hindu law of 1e) ffi{ rqyffiEr$t< <r<qs s'r< fr{ila
inheritance. s131,
(C) A text on agriculture' (C) Tfr Trrql< rg"K frFl-rg eiQ
(D) A compendium on medicine.
(o) ffisqtfu{q(@lssW

165. The absorption of ink by blotting paper 165. fi]!S $lflqqm ififr c"iFl"is sr{ol q-q

involves (A) sffr'{ }Tfe"si

(A) viscosity of ink
(B) capillary action
/B) ffirc (capillary) fu{T
(c) otfr* qfc$s (diflfusion)
(c) diffusion of ink (D) rTRFa (siphon).k:il
(D) siphon action

166. The commander of Alauddin Khilji's forces 166. qfe$fr-.r F,61q-K qlfr"fiEl srfurm c+,K

during his Deccan camPaigns was cryd$5' &c{"{

(A) Ainul MulkMultani (A) qR-d4w{Itr]fr
(B) Nusrat Khan (B) {T-.ffi crF
(C) Malik Kafur
(D) Ulugh Khan (D) u{q {i4
BPC/2(I B-34

167, When the first trndependence Day was 167. $r{ sK(is SqE
celeirratee"l in India'/
ft<q "ffBtr <r&q
26c{ Er{r'ft, l93o faftq
{A) 26thJanuar;v, 1930 UrAt
(B) 2n<i Januail, I Q36 (B) 2Kt qid{t?i, 1e3o {asmq
(C) 3lstOcrober, 1929 (c) 31crt q-dt{{, 1929 kstcE
(D) Srh December, 1930 (D) 8? &frE-{, l93o ia,.rB?m

168. Whicli city is locared along Mula-Mutha

River fiom the frrllowing?
16s. ffiFrs cstq {q<E TEt-{aff q?r.{ ft-<
(A) Nagpur
(A) qf'lT{
(I3) Func.
(Cl fiehradun
(B) tn
(D) Bengalurur
(c) c?-<x(d

(D) <rs-lTr

169. Coilg -50rn to the south of her house, 169. T,at{s,r o,i< <&-< qfr("t SOm $€TK
Itadhika turns left and goes another 20m. Then 'B
3ffr-66 q<e,t Ei 20m irn i .oRer{ U-\s"{ fi,ls 3 0m
turning to the ncrth, she goes 30m ancl lhen starts {rs
walking tt-r her house. In rvhich direction is she Csfq,{<i \o,r<q< <ftT fi1oEE6o ss's-{-E I qfi Cq
rvalking now? m4 ftIs q+rzp r

(A) No*h rAr izz

\1 1/ v vi

(B) Souih East G) qfr6i-1i

Norrh West
fu*'vl JE)-€-e<-{Br
(D) "tFEn

170" Natural raiijoactivity was discovered by qftq6

170. EFGo Fqfrnut e6sa
(A) N{arie Curie
(B,) Ernesr Rurherford .1aO-na6
(C) 6s; qtGffE rmkrs[6
F{enri Becquerel
(C) 6qqk c<GFl-GlEr
(D,,t Ennco Fern.r
6P1 ,qnRcoffi

171" Who is called the 'Father of Indian National

171. sEtMreBaqretrq-* s4E, E6E1"6Eqefu
s-<I qT?
{A) Mahatma Gandhi
(A) Y{qr 6ilfr
(B) A.C. Hume
(C) Lokmanya Tilak \!Wq s. REE
(C) Gfsqls frq$
(D) Surendra Nath Banerjee
@) w-sq-{cr <jFtqr
B-3,S MP{t2{}

1?2. in which of' the following y*ars Akhar bui lt tr?z. Sisffi ?.{Fq?r{T'fi{'q s.r*"{ ffi'l-{ w]-ffi'r
{h*datkhana? (A) 1s?s &*w -
(A) ts?s A.D. (B) 1563 frsieE
(ts) 1s68 A.D. (c) 1s71 {.Qjs.irq
{c) 1s71A.D. (D) 1562 R'FB -q
(D) 1562 A.D.

tr 73" Who started the first Engiish Newspaper in 173" e--|{r6 gqq eq-$k'sH]x )ri$q'li{ [Q Erq
Inriia? 6-ra;l ?

(A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak tA) <rar spf64 fla-+

(B) RajaRammohanRoY (B) Kliwi K'Npl-v am
(C) J.A. HickeY q. &i+
(D) Lord $/illiam Ilentinck / qh^
{D} Es \ftlffiFr

I74. Which one is a fertiiizer'l 174. rflm 'qqsEi<t

(A) Nz tA: qF.Srre+"l
(B) 02 iR) qr&[w4
(C) P,r ic) eeBfi"I
(D) Nai{O1
Vfr u;r,furn ffi#

L75. In the logo of Lokpal, vigilance is 175. 'Lokpal' q< 'Logo' eo q\t6'd Sfu qleQ

represented by (A) B{q.i

(A) Tricolor G) qrir E@
(B) Ashoke Chakra (O Rulf,m-{ 6{s
(C) Judges bench (D) KQ\5
(D) Two hands

L?6. Last Census of Indian Population was held f?6. ryfuq Census r;f trndi an Population (q-< rt"lql)
in tire year qcrk"r
(A) l9ql (A) 1991
(B) 2001 (B) 2001
(c) 20ll ;ef"zan
(D) 2019 (D) 2019

177. 'Gangani' region of West Bengal has which

c177. 4fu:r<cs< '5'Fl6tfr'qsrfl rs.r{
fype of soil'l
(A.l Alluvial Soil
(A) ?il-E T116
(B) Saline Soil
(B) q<.fts,$m
(C) Larerire Soil qqq
(c) ryIcl,<l-€ {]lu
(D) Terai Soil
s-{rQ {fl5

178. 'Farmers suicide' in India is viewecl as an 178. eKF '1Tr+3 q]w{si1',fr]-CD-{ m'BE<
outcome of
frs{t< cr{tE{?
(A) Agricultural Distress (A) 1fr57-cK T{.{Ef
(B) Industrial Stagnation
(C) Climate Change anci Narural
G) ftFrs(q-{ Sragnation af qr$dB
r (C) qe-<1E tffia e aryGo nrffoi
(D) Green Revolution (D) F.<E ftfi

179. Which region is called the granary of South 179. CslT'u?FFZT rfrq.emCsX l1qrcns6 <CEP
(A) El?5
(A) Madras
(B) Thanjavur vPr-erqEr
(C) Kanyakumari (c) q1-ffi
(D) Coromondal coast (D) o<req E"fEo

180. Kakrapar Atomic Centre is located near

r.vhich city in India?
1s0.:fr ls-<t'flurx<TFtfi Trs-q\e=Ks{mt{"1{(, {
onq w<Qor
(A) Kota
(A) mtrr
(B) Kalpakkam
(C) Surat 6g; sfq'kN
(D) Mumbai (c) 1-<E

181. Kabuliyat and Patta as insrruments of

settlement were introduced by
1s1. Efr{q aGfirs$xss 'itUI-F flDarq

(A) Sher Shah UAr-6"{q

(B) Ghiyasuddin Mahmud Shah G) fawrfuErgnn
(C) Bahlul Khan Lodi (c) {fq-{q qr4 mft
(D) Humayun (D) ErtBF

B-37 BPC/20

182, Hydrogen bomb is based on @rrr. eRmrrw.= nlxt mT{ frerm &ero h5fr -
(A) nuclear fission l*t
(B) nuclear fusion I (Ar qmaiqks faaqr Frt-d'3r

(C) natural radioactivitY I -t") qm$"rfr-s qicrrsa fafo;;'i p

(D) artificial radioactivity reactions | { (c) sFfus NsYfur-sl

I ,o) Tfrr FqfuHslfur

183. Who was Birjis Kader? I ,*. ffiH 5'p6r< co lqrqa z

(A) The Nizam of H-vderabad I ,o) eEIEKIr,-{ft,'ir o

(B) The Nau'ab of Oudh ,u) ur*i<l"K n-<r<

I qetr
(C) The Mughal ErnPeror
I ,.r rt-a
(D) The Nawab of Bengal I to) <l(dr< Tfi<

184. The first Indian to receive Nobel Prize in I rs+. dcm sm€r ffi sqfrBm 6l-c<a f{'$l-{
Economics is ("fiFrE4
(A) Professor Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee
I (.o) q<-rl'ls q&&q R{lT$ <]I{'rff
(B) Professor AmartYa Kumar Sen I f Pt q<I?rs o:rsr TxK CTr
(C) Professor V. K. R.V. Rao I : C r sr{fl"rs fu. m. -ln. fu. ns
(D) Professor T. N. Srinivasan I ,Dr qstiefs fr. sa. SFrcrxr

185. Port Biair is located on which island? I r gs. ro$ mm< 66 6rca q-<Qs t

gp-The Little Andaman I *r mr.otq'qal-a-€

(B) The Great Nicotrar
I B) Tae'fa-64143-g
(C) The South Andaman Il- ,Cl rfuq qFnNrd'-s
(D) The North Andaman I rDt 9g< qrnl:{rd-€

186. Head Count Ratio (HCR) is widely used in le tru. Head Count Ratio (HCR) sm"cs <salsft<
India as a measure of I
<i-"* E{ ercK rnF< qfrntq ftcq-c< z

(A) Poverty I (A) r"rrsl


(B) InequalitY ,u1 u'ni{i

(C) Income
II tc.l sBt
. (D) PoPulation
I ,, ) F;q(?rfl
BPC/z{I ts-38

187. The IlVET on rvhich T'iipara Barrage is

187. fteaM iil'ir-1Te'. c; a'fi< €r<-${*qqsEIqE
(A"i Damodar
(A) qi-cfrJkq
(ts) Kangsabari
(E) sffir<s
(c) Silabati (C) Fid'iq-S
(D) Mayurakshi (D) n$]ffi

188. The number in each circle in the number

188. q(qrd Fmifrr's affi
pyramid is the surn crf the two numbers just belnw 1ce< x<i frRs qq?l]l
it. Few of the numbers in a number pyramid are fi-+ w ftrra por {1,Est{ ;iitp q[{ sfo1qa4.s
tillecl in. Find the number in rhe posiiion rnarked qqB t {}Ktfr(s +TxrE& e(.qfl ,F,sNl,qteq .,e,,
I fifq;-s-
"?". ?]GK q(1ry^ffi $E qr.< ?

i. ql
fo)-rlG; iq
(A) 4
(c) 6 \JBfr
(c) 6
{Dt I
(D) 7

189. Excess fluoride in drinking water causes

(A) Lung disease
1s9. '[Ar ffi Arpsu< qler$]T TrE qs
(A) SWawaret
(B) Intestinal infection
(B) qq{ry\aFrtt a
(C) Fluorosis
(D) Rickers €O {csfiq a
(D) Rjd

190. Six persons are seated around a hexagonal fg0. coF ElEeFfr ,..-ftrq-< q-{frm
table. Anup is seated opposite llelal, who i s between R-r-6a{ ffi.tm
<[c ql(q i slr', a<:fi46|< fr?€i65 q<( C<.-EH, F{trt
Chirag and Derek. Anup i s between Ela and Farook.
Ela is to the left of Derek. Which. of the following s &-c;<,Is< En-G' <ZT TriR i q14. t{t s algr-s-{ {r(a]
pairs is facing each other? E.6ry ul(e I t+ r.rc<m< <|qfuS <-ffi q.lrq I

(A) Ela and Farook si-{n, Rfy< :rC<rl FIa ,g:pffi V.-4ns <-6T WCq?
(B) Derek and Ela (A) tfl s $Tfl's
(C) Chirag and Ela (g) e-c<-$ \3 ?E'
iD) Chirag and ilerek (c) ltrTl'l s trif
(D) EOq € cs.<s

1e1. PxrR${)}ffi#xffiHffiffi
otder-el rt*

1er.. rhe 1i:li:::,1:";:;-JJ,Jilrffil alPhabetic

ExTRAoR?tItl-1,-lo [[lc q's<m Efit
t tt tt' position
the ftth
trom left c+Fr AA DE )-
order. Thett rhe (A) N
is (B)o
(A) N
tgf r
G)o (D)A
(c) I
(Di A

cq sffi v{1
192. REBT fira -
bulb is
that fiiled the electric
192. The gas

(A) nitrogen (el akcgrqa

(B) hYdrogen G) +t{4 \rFlq'Rs
(C) carbon clioxide (D) qRFd
(D) oxYgen

qfr' <ni-rc fr mnnroit

'Kherrvari Hu1'?
tgl. "c*r'<erfr
193. What was incant (A)
(A) Ciruar movement
(B) Paik revolt
(B) "rffifdmpa ITI!
(c) aYredE Frr.Iq
(C) Santhal rnovement -
(D) lndigo 1svo1t (D) fimRmE


angles of a 194. €+F<vwqKq<TF's-\',-lg-aq616r{fl

194. The sum
hexagon is
of all the internai
f\A----,-\ "
(A) 720"
(A) 720'
G) 360" tq
w /'\-----{b ipL (c) 180"
360' 0
(c) 180'
1Dr 600'
(D) 600" a
Eaw qc{ qrcq
in rgs. sK.F< K$Bq
in India is concentrated (A) ci'tos ffi.c3
19s. Unemploynrent
(A) Organised Sector (B) qc(6ifts fficq
(B) Unorganised Sector q<s ql(a$s ffitG
and Unorganised
..Pl "'ft"
(C) Both Organised tuc'Fto aFm mm
(D) Foreign Trade Please T[rrn Over
BPC/20 B-40

196. What comes next in the sequence 1,3,J ,15, 196. 1,3,7,15,31,63, q?@c{
37,63, ) qlTrlH mt{ {(ci]I q(< ?
(A) t27 /-
v*A) r21
(B) 12s
(B) 12s
(c) tzt (c) l2l
{D) 129 (D) 129

197, What number should come next in the lg7.

6,18,72,,360,it60, qR@cq
sequence 6. 18,72, 360,2160, q,lTrllT mr{ {(si]Iqr<?
(A) 12120
--? (A) 12t20 0\t
(B) 13120
(B) 13120 '1-
14120 (c) t4r20
(D) 1s120

198. TV remote control uses

(A) Infrared frequency
198. m.&. ffi szslq 6a ft61ffi <r<qt{ s-Gl,
(B) Radio frequency
(C) Visible frequency u/Alfu<vffi
(D) Ultraviolet frequency
(B) m&sffi
(c) &ft-{Iffi
199. The difference between GDp at market r99. q]qT $qfiq{ <rql=t ?Gr q<( q]qx gqofffi
prices and GDP at factor cost is
{cqi-{ Rrr<-{ ET|tr qq
(A) Direct Taxes ' (A) ffiq+-E
(B) Indirecr Taxes
(C) Transfer payments Vafqzgqw
(P) Subsidies (c) H{.st{ (Transfer) c"r6TS

200. L.P.G. is a mixture of 200. L.P.G.-qr cfrerFt qrco
(A) methane and burane ' (A) firqrq q<( frBfi{
(B) propane and butane
(C) ethane and propane lBi-cakq{
(D) ethane and butane (C) qceF,4<( CSIpF
@i kqq q<\ RbLt-{

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