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No NIM Nama Judul 1

The Impact of Teaching English

Online Trough Whatsapp At Seventh
1 217110026 Yuliati
Grade Students of SMPN 1
The Role of Oral Language and
2 217100017 Satriani Social Function in reading
The Effectiveness of Blended
Learning Model In Teaching Writing
3 217110011 Tania Astri Agustiari
at Universitas Muhammadiyah
Parepare A Case Study

Increasing Students’ Speaking Skill

4 217110005 Zubaidah BA Rasyid
Through Youtube Video

The Effectiveness of Teaching

Reading Through Listen-Read-
5 217110025 Anisa Cahyani
Discuss (L-R-D) Towards The
Students’ Reading Comprehension

The effect of Zoom meeting on

6 217110014 Sarina
improving speaking ability

The use of cooperative integrated

reading and composition method to
7 217110024 Rifqah Auliyah
improve students ability in
composing narrative writing
Development of English Language
Teaching Materials for Web-Based
Academic Purposes (ZOOM) to
8 217110021 EKA PUSPITA SARI Foster Learning Skills and Self-
Reliance Students at the University
of Muhammadiyah Parepare in
COVID-19 s

Teaching Writing Skill Using

9 217110013 Nur Mutmainna
Information GAP Method at Students

The effect of varied practice on the

oral reading fulency of seventh grade
10 217110023 Nurul Zazrina Binti Basri
students UPTD SMP Negeri 9
The Effect of Teacher Certification
11 217110038 MUTMAINNAH SAID on The Quality of English Teaching
And Learning Process

The Effectiveness of Using Daily

12 217110016 YULI ARMINI Notes to Improve The Students' Skill
In Writing Recount Text
Teacher’s Questioning Strategies In
13 217110042 Muhammad Ayyub
Classroom Interaction

The Use of WhatsApp Stickers in

Learning English Online As Way To
14 217110028 Sukma
Improve Vocabulary at VII Grade
Implementation of multiple
15 217110022 Lisna intelligences students in learning
english writing

Improving student's speaking skill

16 217110004 Afyanti
through podcast

The Use Read, Cover, Remember,

Retell (RCRR) to Improve Students
17 217110010 Nildasari
Reading Comprehension In Junior
High School 4 Parepare
Improving the students ability in
writing descriptive text using picture
18 217110032 NURHAMIDA
through the google classroom and
zoom meet on senior high school
Developing speaking ability through
Muhammad Iswan
19 217110053 WhatsApp group problem based
The Use Supposition Technique
180° Different to Improving The
20 217110049 Ayuni Lestari Rahman
Student's Ability In Writing

The Using Group Project ( PBL) to

Imrpove The Students Speaking Skill
21 217110045 JUSRIANA
At The Second Grade of SMP Negeri
3 Cempa

Virtual Reality For English Learning

22 217110037 Muhammad Vikry Haykal

Improving student writing ability by

23 217110039 Muhammad Iqbal s
using grammarly applocation

Improving the Students’ Speaking

24 217110031 Putri Saskia
Ability Through Interview Technique

Improving Students Vocabulary Skills

25 217110046 ASTI PUSPITASARI By Playing 'Who Am I' Game At
Junior High School
Improving the Students’ Speaking
26 217110036 Ayu Lestari Ability Through Problem Based
Learning Strategy


27 217110043 Riska Yulianti to inproving students' skill in writing
recount text

Untung Leonard increase interest and reading skills

28 217110044
Mallarangeng using the ireader application

Performance analysis of the

29 217110040 Deskiel sambolinggi effectiveness of online learning
applications in English
Pembimbing 1 Pembimbing 2

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