Family Initial Meeting Agenda

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Meeting Date Meeting Time Location

A platform for family members to come together to discuss issues of interest to those family
members involved in or who have an interest in the business. Main discussion around a business
strategy for 2023.

Agenda Items
Item # Duration Description
Introduction by Founding Member – Tate Mannetjies
➢ To clearly articulate the purpose of the meeting.
1 10min
➢ To formally introduce the business consultant (facilitator)
➢ To hand over meeting agenda to facilitator
Individual Introductions
➢ Facilitator to introduce himself to family members
2 10min
➢ Each family member to introduce him/herself, stating clearly their role in Basics
Mini Market
Key issues for the past and future of the business
➢ 2021 & 2022 Performance, challenges and Opportunities - Lucky
3 120min ➢ Rebrand and relaunch – All members
➢ Renovations – All members
➢ Business Plan – All members
Action items for the next meeting
4 30min ➢ Market research – Business Consultant, Lucky & Shalongo
➢ Business Plan inputs - Business Consultant & Lucky
5 5min Next meeting
➢ Date
➢ Time
➢ Location

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