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Design of a 33-Knot Aluminum Catamaran Ferry

Article  in  Marine Technology · April 2000

DOI: 10.5957/mt1.2000.37.2.88

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2 authors, including:

Robert Latorre
University of New Orleans


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Marine Technology, Vol. 37, No. 2, Spring 2000, pp. 88-99

Design of a 33-Knot Aluminum Catamaran Ferry

R. G, L a t o r r e 1 a n d P, D. H e r r i n g t o n 2

This paper presents the results of an investigation on the suitability of using hull panels with alternating
fixed and floating frames for a 30-40 knot aluminum catamaran ferry. A prototype 4.6 m x 1.8 m bottom
hull panel with alternating frames is analyzed numerically and physically tested. The corresponding finite-
element analyses and test results are in good agreement. The results show that the floating frame hull
panel design is a feasible structure for an aluminum catamaran. The floating frame structure was then used
for a 33-knot, 250-passenger aluminum catamaran ferry designed to meet the ABS High Speed Craft rules.
A midship section of the catamaran hull was analyzed using the finite-element method. Catamaran weight
estimates, heave and pitch motions, and powering estimates are also provided. The results show that the
alternating floating frame structure was within the ABS rules stress allowables.

Introduction knot speed, the bottom uniform pressure is 138 kN/m 2 (20
psi). After several iterations, the a l u m i n u m hull panel stiff-
OVERTHE PASTDECADE,ferry speeds have increased to 35-50 ened with alternating floating frames was developed. This
knots. A n u m b e r of these high-speed ferries built under li- floating frame panel (4.6 m × 1.8 m) is shown in Fig. 1. The
cense have begun successful operations in New York and the prototype panel, as well as a conventional panel with fixed
Pacific Northwest. It has been pointed out that one of the key frames, was also analyzed n u m e r i c a l l y u s i n g the finite-
elements of these designs is the utilization of a lightweight, element method (Fig. 2).
high-strength hull structure, typically constructed of alumi- Results of the finite-element analyses are shown in Figs. 3
n u m [1,2]. and 4 [7]. Boundary conditions for the analysis were simple
The development of the Gulf of Mexico oilfields required a supports for all edges. Figure 3 shows a contour plot of the
large n u m b e r of a l u m i n u m crew-supply boats. These alumi- out-of-plane displacement field, w, for the panel with fixed
n u m crew boats [3,4] successfully utilized a framing system frames under a uniform pressure of 138 kN/m 2 (20 psi). For
with alternate fixed and floating frames (frames welded on the coarse mesh shown, the m a x i m u m displacement occurs
top of longitudinals). This hull structure design enables a along the center of the plate, in between transverse stiffen-
significant reduction in fabrication man-hours. ers, and has a value of 0.39 cm (0.154 in.). Figure 4 is a
This paper presents the results of a two-part study on the contour plot of the w-displacement field for the floating frame
suitability of using the floating frame hull structure for high- structure for the same uniform pressure load. In this case,
speed a l u m i n u m catamarans. In the first study, a 4.6 m × 1.8 the m a x i m u m displacement along the center of the plate is
m prototype hull panel with floating frames was tested and 0.43 cm (0.169 in.), an increase of 9.7%. It is clear that the
the results were compared with a corresponding finite- conventional fixed frame system, while more costly from a
element analysis. In the second study, the design of a 33- manufacturing standpoint, has an advantage of being a more
knot, 31-m a l u m i n u m catamaran was completed that incor- rigid hull panel, with smaller deflections.
porated the floating frame hull structure. The results of both
studies show the possibility of utilizing a hull structure with
floating frames for high-speed ferryboats. Prototype panel test
A prototype a l u m i n u m test panel, as shown in Fig. 5, was
Development of prototype panel for study I manufactured at the Swiftships Inc., shipyard. It was de-
signed such that the center area would have minimal influ-
Studies I and II were performed in the sequence summa- ence from the edge conditions. The edges were rounded to
rized in Table 1. Since the American Bureau of Shipping allow a series of tests in the structural test frame as well as
(ABS) rules [5] were still under development at that time, a n future tests using a vacuum bag technique to obtain test
initial design of a 40-45 knot catamaran satisfying the Det pressures of 62-69 MPa (9-10 psi).
Norske Veritas (DNV) High Speed Craft Rules [6] was per- The panel was i n s t r u m e n t e d with strain gages as shown in
formed. Using the DNV rules, it was possible to clarify the Fig. 6. The strain gage locations are summarized in Table 5.
design loads acting on the structure. The particulars of the A distribution plate was used to distribute the actuator load
catamaran design "A" are summarized in Table 2. A sum- to two bars aligned over the mid-span of the two center lon-
mary of the panel design is given in Table 3. A partial check gitudinal stiffeners. This a r r a n g e m e n t is shown in the sec-
of the DNV rules for the plating and stiffeners is given in tion view of the test given in Fig. 7. The tests were performed
Table 4. in the UNO Structural Test Frame as shown in Fig. 8 [8].
The DNV rules indicated that for a 40-m length and 40-45 Line loads were applied slowly up to a total of 26.7 kN
(6000 lb). Repeated tests showed a m a x i m u m deflection of
0.18 cm (0.071 in.), which is in close agreement with the 0.21
1 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of New cm (0.084 in.) mid-area deflection predicted by the finite-
Orleans. element analysis. This is considered a very good correlation
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Or- for this type of test and thus verifies that the finite-element
leans. model is an excellent predictor of actual behavior. This small
Manuscript received at SNAME headquarters October 19, 1998. difference in results may be due to several factors: (1) bound-

88 SPRING2000 0025-331612000/3702-0088500.49/0 MARINE TECHNOLOGY

Table 1 Project tasks for development of catamaran hull with floating frames
Stud~ Task Description
I 1.1 Development of structural test frame - (6.1-m x 3.05-m x 3.05-m with six lxl04 kN
hydraulic actuators)
1.2 Design and fabrication of a 4.6-m x 1.8-m aluminum hull panel for initial catamaran
1.3 Structural tests: strain gage and displacement measurements
1.4 Finite element analysis of panel and comparison with test data
1.5 Optimization of panel elements for minimum weight
II II. 1 Preliminary design of the 33-knot catamaran
II.2 Development of hull with floating frame
II.3 Check of scanting with ABS high speed rules
II.4 Finite element analysis of hull structure with floating frames

Table 2 High-speed catamaran design "A" electronics is on this deck level, forward of the open deck. The
seating a r r a n g e m e n t is designed for rapid passenger board-
Length 40 m ing and landing. The inflatable life rafts are arranged on the
Beam llm
Draft lm main deck to enable the passengers to easily disembark dur-
Displacement 160 - 200 tons ing a n emergency.
Speed 40 - 45 knots
Material Aluminum Catamaran weight estimates
Table 7 summarizes the hull weight groups. The 145-ton
full load represents 250 passengers with 4000 gal of fuel
ary conditions around the panel edges, not acting as knife- aboard. This 43-ton payload represents 37.4% of the vessel
edge supports, (2) differences in the test panel geometry, and weight. This structural weight is comparable to the 31.4-ton
(3) thickness variations between the computer model and the
a l u m i n u m structure (27.3% of total). These values reinforce
test specimen. the observation of the need to develop strong lightweight hull
Strain gage data were recorded throughout the loading
structures for high-speed craft.
cycle and an additional test was performed to check for re-
peatability of results. The applied load and resulting strain Hull calculations
for these tests are shown in Fig. 9, along with the correspond-
ing finite-element predictions. The strain data shown are the Using the c a t a m a r a n hull lines, it was possible to complete
average longitudinal strain as read from gages 1 through 4. the hydrostatic calculations and initial stability calculations
The differences between predicted and experimental deflec- (Table 6). The c a t a m a r a n design was checked to insure that
tions and strains indicate the validity of the finite-element it met USCG Regulations 46CFR170.170 (weather) 170.173
method for predicting the prototype panel with floating (righting energy) and 170.050 (passenger vessel heel), as well
frame behavior. as the SOLAS 90 for damaged stability.
The c a t a m a r a n heave and pitch motions in head seas were
also estimated as shown in Figs. 13 and 14.
Study II: 33-knot a l u m i n u m c a t a m a r a n ferry
d e s i g n w i t h f l o a t i n g frame hull s t r u c t u r e Powering estimates
The effective horsepower (EHP) and shaft horsepower
Following the good results obtained in Study I, the struc- (SHP) were calculated using the procedure given by Couser
tural model was extended to a 33-knot a l u m i n u m c a t a m a r a n [9]. In Couser's procedure, the c a t a m a r a n resistance is de-
ferry. In order to perform the structural analysis, the basic termined using the form factor, k, which falls within a range
design of the ferry was completed. The particulars for the of 1.2 and 1.35 for high-speed catamaran hulls. For the cata-
a l u m i n u m ferry are summarized in Table 6. m a r a n hull considered here, the form factor was k = 1.26.
The resistance calculations were completed for the catama-
Body plan and general arrangement r a n r u n n i n g in calm seawater at 15°C. The propulsion sys-
The midship section used for structural calculations is tem has an overall propulsive coefficient (OPC) = 0.55. This
shown in Fig. 10. This hull form, as shown in Fig. 11, incor- gives the SHP as
porates a surface-piercing bow. Figure 12 shows the deck SHP = EHP/OPC
a r r a n g e m e n t to accommodate 250 passengers. The m a i n
The results from Fig. 15 show that at 4000 SHP the catama-
deck has enclosed seating for 198 passengers, a snack bar,
r a n will have a speed of 33 knots.
and passenger toilets. The second deck, shown as the boat
deck, has enclosed seating for 62 passengers as well as over-
night accommodations for the crew. The third deck, shown as
Finite-element analysis
the upper deck in Fig. 12, has open air seating for 24 pas- A structural analysis of the midship section of the catama-
sengers. The pilothouse with the catamaran controls and r a n was performed using a three-dimensional finite-element

Table 3 Prototype bottom hull panel for design "A"

Plating material Aluminum 5086-H 116

Stiffener material Aluminum 5086-H 111
Panellength 4.572m(15 ~)
Panel width 1.829m(6 ~)
Plate thickness .794 cm (.3125 in)
Longitudinal stiffeners 4 - 7.62 cm (3" x 1.96 lb/ft 1 A1 I-beam
Span between longitudinal stiffeners .3048 m (12 in)
Span between transverse stiffeners .762 m (30 in)
Transverse stiffeners 5 - 17.78 cm (7" x 5.8 Ib/ft) AI I-beam


Table 4 DNV rules compliance check for plating and stiffeners for design "A"
DNV Rule, Part 3, Ch. 3 Item Required Actual
5. B 101 Plating thickness 0.62 em (0.244 in) 0.79 cm (0.3125 in)
5. B 202 Plating thickness 0.62 em (0.244 in) 0.79 cm (0.3125 in)
5. B 302 Platin~ thickness 0.53 cm (0.208 in) 0.79 cm (0.3125 in)
5. C 101 Stiffener modulus 24.89 em 3 (1.519 in 3) 27.5 cm 3 (1.68 in 3)
5. C 201 Stiffener modulus 18.05 em 3 (1.104 in~) 27.5 cm 3 (1.68 in s)

~ ..............
.... "..................................... A
.................................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.................................. !. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; ..................................... , ...................................... E

iH ii ii i
....................................................................... • .¢: .................................. .~..................................... .~................................... r,*. ...................................... E

..................................... i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ...................................... ~-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i .......................................

---AH STD 3XL96 ib/F±

I L, I I- I
hAM. STD. 7x692 (b/£±

Fig. 1 Floating frame test panel

DEC 18 1996
XF =30
YF =90
ZF =6

Fig. 2 Finite-element model of floating frame


A N S Y S 5.1 ~ 8
NOV21 lgg~
R SYS,,,0
O MX =. 15426
SP,/~ ~.11542(~
•0 0 8 6 0
• 10284

Fixed frame

Fig. :3 Contour plot of fixed frame under a uniform pressure load

A h l S Y S ¢.1
NOV21 I ~
DMX 1. l~Q2B2
SMX 1. I ~ 5 1

i .018807

] 075227
] .11~41
] .1504~)4

floating frame

Fig. 4 Contour plot of floating frame under a uniform pressure load

model. The catamaran hull was constructed using an assem- large library of element types, as well as extensive pre-
bly of floating frame hull panels. The objective of the finite- processing and post-processing capabilities. The analysis fol-
element analysis was to investigate the feasibility of using lowed the guidelines published by the Ship Structure Com-
the floating frame structure. A number of finite-element mittee for effective use of the finite-element method for
models and loading conditions were analyzed to investigate typical ship structures [8].
the structural response of the hull and to verify that the The various models developed all contained elements that
catamaran design met classification society rules. have six degrees of freedom (three translations and three
Finite-element analyses of the midship catamaran cross rotations) at each node. The models were of a scale appropri-
section was performed using the ANSYS ® finite-element code ate to investigate the intermediate and local response of the
[10]. The program is a general-purpose analysis tool with a midship section. Global hull response was not investigated


Line Loods

1 1
I, ]< ]c x x ,I

Fig. 7 Experimental setup, section view

Fig. 5 Prototype 4.6-by-1.8-m aluminum hull panel with alternating floating


C2nter L,ne

'1 ,I
' I I

.e ' ' ~ i~ Pcr,n Fig. 8 Photo of 6.1-by-3.05-by-3.05-m frame used for structural tests
Trcnsve~'se Center ~ne
F P O-m£> I [ 9sGell ! ' I ~i
' I
j t
i co,9e 600
! 500 [

•~ 400
Fig. 6 Strain gage locations 300
since the ABS and DNV classification societies require a local
strength analysis for vessels of the length being considered 100
here (less t h a n 50 m).
The objective of this analysis is to study the structural 4.45 8.9 13.35 17.8 22.25 26.7
response of the midship structure of a 34 m a l u m i n u m cata- kN
maran. For the final design, it is necessary to analyze the Fig. 9 Comparison of test data and finite-element prediction
hull bottom and side floating and fixed frames as a complete
system. Therefore, the extent of the finite-element model is
such that the hull structures between two watertight trans- analysis of a c a t a m a r a n cross section. The critical load cases
verse bulkheads are considered. Outer shell plating, longitu- are the transverse vertical bending moment, the torsional
dinal girders and stiffeners, as well as fixed and floating moment, and vertical shear force, as shown in Fig. 17. The
transverse frames are modeled. Since the vessel is symmetri- ABS rules for high-speed craft give guidelines for calculating
cal along its longitudinal axis, only one-half of the cross sec- the magnitudes of each load case [5]. Once these magnitudes
tion was modeled. Figure 15 shows the finite-element model were calculated, an equivalent pressure was applied to the
of the hull, which corresponds to the dimensions of the actual bottom hull of the model.
structure. Figure 15 is a n oblique view of the model in which Uniform pressure loading was applied to determine the
the outer shell plating is shown, and the bulkheads and ele- cross section structural response. Bottom pressure loading
m e n t outlines are not included. Figure 16 shows the bottom was used to simulate the result from a wave-induced trans-
hull structure magnified to view the element edges of the verse bending moment and vertical shear force. To simulate
shell plating, longitudinal girders and stiffeners, and trans- a wave-induced torsional moment, a positive pressure was
verse frames. The material used for the plating, girders, and applied at the fore end of the model and an equal magnitude,
transverse frames is a l u m i n u m 5086-Hl16, while the longi- but negative pressure, was applied at the aft end of the
tudinal stiffener material is extruded a l u m i n u m 5086-Hl11. model. Figure 18 illustrates the applied loading required to
In addition to the static sea pressure, three critical load model a torsional moment.
cases need to be considered when performing a structural In addition to the three load cases considered above, three

Table 5 Sensor locations

Quantity Sensor Type Sensor Location

2 Strain gage (rosette) Center shell plating
Strain gage Center longitudinals
Strain gage Center fixed transverse frame
Strain gage Center floating transverse frame


Table 6 High-speed passenger catamaran design particulars and hydrostatics at design draft
Particular Symbol Units Value
Overall Length L m/ft 33.00/108.27
Breadth B m/ft 10.84/35.56
Breadth of Demihull B demihull rrgft 7.95/26.09
Depth Depth m/ft 5.03/16.49
Draft (Full Load) Draft m/fl 1.33/4.36
Volume (Full Load) Vol m3/fl3 114.00/4025.98
Displacement (Full Load) Mtons/tons 115.00
Wetted Surface S mZlft2 227.0612444.05
Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy LCB m/ft 19.24/63.11
Transverse Center of Buoyancy TCB m/ft 0.00
Vertical Center of Buoyancy VCB mJfl 0.81/2.65
Waterplane Area Aw m21fi2 118.0411270.57
Tons per Inch of Immersion TPI Mton/cm/ton/in 1.17/3.02
Moment of Inertia Ixx m4/ft4 7,663.79/887,940.51
Transverse Moment of Inertia Iyy m4/ft4 1,842.46/213,471.2
Length of Waterline Lwl m/ft 33.00/108.27
Breadth of Waterline Bwl rrdft 10.36/33.99
Longitudinal Metacenter KM1 m/ft 68.03/223.2
Longitudinal Metracentric Height GMI rn/ft 65.03/213.36
Transverse Metacenter KMt m/ft 16.97/55.67
Transverse Metacenter Height GMt m/ft 13.97/45.83
Length-to-Beam Ratio Lwl/Bwl 3.18
Length-to-Draft Ratio Lwl/Draft 24.86
Beam-to-Draft Ratio Bwl/Draft 7.81
Block Coefficient Cb 0.2512
Block Coefficient of Midships Cm (midships) 0.3927
Prismatic Coefficient Cp 0.6395
Vertical Prismatic Coefficient Cvp 0.7276
Waterplane Prismatic Coefficient Cwp 0.3452
Service Speed V knots 33
Hull Resistance at Service Speed Rt N 1%0412.08
Effective Horsepower EHP Hp 2,000
Shaft Horsepower SHP Hp 3,600
Brake Horsepower BHP Hp 3,800
Maximum Engine Rating MCR Hp 2x2,0~

ABS rules for high-speed craft. Two other slamming cases

were examined, one that assumed the pressure was applied
from the hull centerline to vessel centerline, and the other
that assumed the pressure was applied from the hull center
line to the outside edge of the vessel. From these two load
// , / cases the effect of wave-induced transverse or side forces was
investigated. In all loading cases, the pressure load was ap-
plied to the face of the shell elements representing the outer
plating. The direction was normal to the shell face and was
Fig. 10 Hull midship contour used in structural calculations
assigned a magnitude that corresponded to the various pres-
sures as outlined by the ABS classification society.
To model the base plating, bulkheads, and framing webs,
ANSYS Shell63 quadrilateral elements were used, having
both bending and membrane capabilities along with six de-
grees of freedom at each of the four corner nodes, namely, Ux~
Uy, Uz, O~ 0., and Oz. The element is designed for linear
analysis of Fat, or warped, thin shell structures. A linear
displacement shape exists between nodes in both in-plane
Several models created to simulate the catamaran cross
structure varied mainly in their representation of the longi-
tudinal and transverse frames and stiffeners. Initial models
iT-iitLI ¸ ILl incorporated b e a m elements to represent the stiffeners.
Fig. 11 Outboard profile ANSYS Beam44 elements, a three-dimensional elastic beam
element, were used to model the stiffeners. This element, like
the shell elements used for the plating, also has three trans-
slamming cases were examined. The first case considered lational and three rotational degrees of freedom at each node,
slamming pressure to be applied to the bottom, sides, and and has tension, compression, torsion, and bending capabili-
t u n n e l sections of the hull. The magnitude of the tapered ties. Progressively finer meshes were evaluated until the re-
pressure along the sides of the hull was calculated using the sults converged to like solutions. For the model shown in Fig.


MAIH OECK ( l g a PA'&"~ENCEi~3)

20 19 IB 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 B 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I 1 I I I I f I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I


rJ~ Ne~

k ¸

11 10 9 B 7
I 1 I I I

Fig. 12 Deck arrangements

Table 7 Weight summary of 33-knot aluminum catamaran ferry

Group De~fiption Wei~tLTSW Percent of Total

1 S~c~c 31.4 27.3
2 Propulsion 23 20
3 Electrical 3.5 3
4 Electronics 0.7 0.6
5 Auxiliaries 2.4 2.1
6 Outfitting 9.6
7 Loads (including250 passenscrsand fuel) 43 37.4
Total 115 I00

3 . . . . . . . i

2.5 .~r \

2 //

/ \

0 0.5 1.5 2 2,5
Fig. 13 Heave response to ratio of wavelength X to catamaran length L (k/L) (catamaran heave: L = 31 m, displacement = 115 tons; calculation includes trim and
sinkage correlation)

18, t h e r e a r e 14 532 e l e m e n t s , 14 762 n o d e s , a n d 63 597 de- i n g p r e s s u r e . I n Fig. 19, t h e d a s h e d l i n e s r e p r e s e n t t h e origi-

g r e e s of f r e e d o m . n a l g e o m e t r y . I t is c l e a r t h a t t h e h u l l h a s r o t a t e d w i t h i n its
v e r t i c a l p l a n e . W h i l e d e f l e c t i o n m a g n i t u d e s a r e n o t con-
Results--structural response t r o l l e d b y c l a s s i f i c a t i o n societies, t h e y s h o u l d be i n v e s t i g a t e d
to e n s u r e t h a t a u x i l i a r y e q u i p m e n t s u c h as piping, t a n k s ,
R e s u l t s of t h e f i n i t e - e l e m e n t a n a l y s e s a r e s h o w n i n Figs. doors a r e n o t affected.
19 t h r o u g h 23. To p r o v i d e a c l e a r i n d i c a t i o n of t h e d e f o r m e d F i g u r e 20 s h o w s t h e n o d a l s t r e s s c o n t o u r s o n t h e o u t e r
s h a p e , c o n t o u r plots a r e s h o w n w i t h t h e deflection s c a l e d u p shell plating, isolated from the other structural elements.
b y a factor of 20. F i g u r e 19 s h o w s t h e f r o n t view of t h e de- T h e s t r e s s e s o b t a i n e d r e s u l t f r o m t h e full s l a m m i n g p r e s s u r e
f o r m e d g e o m e t r y of t h e m o d e l u n d e r a u n i f o r m b o t t o m load- l o a d i n g case. T h e m a x i m u m e q u i v a l e n t s t r e s s is 52.5 M P a







0.8 | l l m w
m m m m ~
0.6 m~. m m m m
~ m m m m

0.4 !


0 0.5 1.5 2.5
Fig. 14 Pitch response to ratio of wavelength k to catamaran length L (k/L) (catamaran pitch: L = 31 m, displacement = 115 tons; calculation includes sinkage and trim

1. T r a n s v e r s e B e n d i n g M o m e n t
2. T o r s i o n a l M o m e n t
3. S h e a r Force

Fig. 17 Catamaran critical load cases

Fig. 15 Finite-element model of midship section

Fig. 18 Torsional loading case

Fig. 16 Detail view of midship section model
Figure 21 shows the equivalent stress contours for the
(7616 psi) and is located at the intersection of the shell plat- t r a n s v e r s e framing system u n d e r an inboard slamming pres-
ing and the forward bulkhead. Other locations of relatively sure load. In this case, a t a p e r e d pressure load is applied
high stresses are evident along the hull bottom, which is from the bottom of the hull to the wet deck vessel centerline.
exposed to the m a x i m u m pressure, and at the intersections of The figure shows t h a t the fixed frames support a majority of
the fixed t r a n s v e r s e frames and the shell plating. the load.


smaller area and over short time duration. While it may ap-
pear that loading the finite-element model over a large area
is overly conservative, this may not be the case. Considering
that slamming sea pressure is a dynamic load and the model
load is applied as a static load, the model does not appear
overly conservative. F u t u r e structural analyses that include
the effect of a time-dependent slamming pressure load versus
a statically applied load would be extremely helpful to de-
signers and classification societies.
F u t u r e studies should include design details and their ef-
fect on structural performance. One critical detail is the end
connection of stiffeners to transverse frames. These details
should be evaluated in terms of both structural performance
and overall cost.

Fig. 19 Deflected shape--bottom slamming pressure loading

Concluding remarks
This paper has presented the results of a two-part study on
Figures 22 and 23 show the fixed and floating transverse the development of a 33-knot a l u m i n u m c a t a m a r a n ferry. In
frames, respectively. The m a x i m u m nodal stress for the fixed the first study, a prototype hull panel with alternating fixed
frame is 74.85 MPa (10 854 psi), and for the floating frame and floating frames was designed and fabricated. Finite-
64.89 MPa (9412 psi). In both cases, the m a x i m u m occurs on element analyses of both this panel and a conventional de-
the interior edge of the frames, n e a r the connection of the sign with fixed frames showed the floating frame design had
cross structure to the hull. Similar results were found for the a 10% larger deflection due to its lower rigidity. Comparison
load cases of outboard slamming and full slamming. of the finite-element analysis and tests performed on the ac-
A s u m m a r y of results from all load cases is given in Table tual panel indicated that the finite-element models provide
8, where the m a x i m u m stress is the von Mises equivalent good predictions of the panel behavior.
stress. As seen from Table 8, the most critical load is the full In the second study, the design of a 33-knot a l u m i n u m
slamming load case. While u n d e r the given load, the result- c a t a m a r a n ferry is presented. The preliminary design in-
ing stresses are acceptable. The locations of m a x i m u m stress cluded development of hull lines, hydrostatic, resistance, sea-
are potential sites for crack initiation and propagation. Fu- keeping, and powering calculations. The c a t a m a r a n hull
ture studies involving the fatigue response of the floating structure was designed with alternating fixed and floating
frame structure are warranted. frames and examined for compliance with the ABS high-
It should be noted that the slamming pressures were ap- speed rules. A finite-element analysis of the midship section
plied over the entire length of the model. However, in actual was then developed to study the hull response u n d e r a vari-
sea conditions, the s l a m m i n g pressure acts over a much ety of service loads.

A ~ 5.3
9 ¢ 998
P L O T ~IO. 8
}rODAL S O L O T I Or!
S~ -i
D~ -.45564
Sle~ "50. 787
SMX -7616
SM~B--100 92
m~ 891.366
~ 4254
50 94

Stress - F u l l Slamming Pressure

Fig. 20 Equivalent stress contours for outer shell--full slamming pressure loading


A~YS 5.3
MAR 6 1998
S U B --I
D I ~ f ~ --. 9396~,6
SM~; - 4 1 . 6 1 9
S M X --i08 54
SMXB--II 6 4 5

Stre~ -- Inside Slamming Pres=ure

Fig. 21 Equivalent stress contours for transverse members--inboard slamming pressure

A~SYS 5.3
MAR 6 1998
PLOT ~O. 5
SUB ml
D~ -.339676
SMUT --85. 0 7 7
S M ~ --10854
84 61

;treas - Z~side S l ~ i n ~ Pzeasure

Fig. 22 Equivalent stress contours for fixed transverse frames--inboard slamming pressure

Acknowledgments This project was completed under the Manufacturing Tech-

nology Program of the Office of Naval Research.
The authors are grateful for the assistance of Mr. Malcolm
Willis, Swiftships Inc., throughout this study and particu- Disclaimer
larly in the design and fabrication of the prototype aluminum
panel. The contents of this paper reflect the views of the authors,
The authors are also grateful to the late Dale Rome, Naval who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data
Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, and Dr. John presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the
N. Crisp and Dr. William S. Vorus, Gulf Coast Region Mari- official views or policies of the Gulf Coast Region Maritime
time Technology Center, for their support of this project. Technology Center (GCRMTC) or its Sites, the States of Loui-


AHSYS 5. 3
MAR 6 1 99~
t'T ( : ~ 3~T.,. S O L U T I O H
DPEK - - . 3 3 9 6 7 6
S ~ ' T --41. 6 1 9
S~ --9412
~ lOS3
~ 524S
i 83"71

Stress -- Inside Slamming Pressure

Fig. 23 Equivalent stress contours for floating frames--inboard slamming pressure

Table 8 Summary of finite-element results

Full Slamming Load Mmdmum Stress Location of Maximum Stress

Mpa (ks~
Shell Plating 52.5 (7.6) Intersection with bulkhead and with floating
frame members; bottom of hull
Lonsitudianl Girders and Stiffeners 80.7 (11.7) Intersections with floatin6 frame members
Floating Transverse Frames 84.5 (12.3) Interior lower edge of frame
Fixed Transverse Frames 102.0 (14.8) Interior lower edge of frame
Inboard Slamming Load
Shell Plating 39.9 (5.8) Intersection with bulkhead and with floating
frame members; bottom of hull
Longitudinal Girders and Stiffeners 56.5 (8.2) Intersections with floating frame members
Floating Transverse Frames 64.8 (9.4) Upper interior edge, inside of hull centerline
Fixed Transverse Frames 74.4 (10.8) Upper interior edge~inside of hull centerlinc
Outboard SlammingLoad
Shell Plaling 65.5 (9.5) Intersection with bulkhead and with floating
frame members; bottom of hull
Longitudinal Girders and Stiffeners 100.7 (14.6) Intersections with floalin~ frame members
Floating Transverse Frames 104.8 (15.2) Lower interior edge, outside of hull centefline
Fixed Transverse Frames 104.8 (15.2) Lower interior edge, outside of hull centerline
Bottom Slamming Load
Shell Plating 66.9 (9.7) Intersection with bulkhead and with floating
frame members
Longitudinal Girders and Stiffeners 102.7 (14.9) Intersections with floafin8 frame members
Floating Transverse Frames 69.6 (10.1) Upper interior edge, near intersection with
cross structure and hull
Fixed Transverse Frames 102.0 (14.8) Upper interior edge, near intersection with
i cross structure and hull
Torsion Loading
Shell Plating 37.2 (5.4) Bottom of hull
Lonsitudinal Girders and Stiffeners 58.6 (8.5) Intersections with floating frame members
! Floating Transverse Frames 40.7 (5.9) Lower interior edge of frame
Fixed Transverse Frames 37.2 (5.4) Lower interior edge of frame

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