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You can choose the task that you prefer. Choose ONLY one among: article, review, report, formal or
informal email/letter.
Info on the task:

1) What? A review.
2) Where? On a newspaper or magazine or website.
3) What style? Informal, personal and engaging.
4) How many words? 140-190 words (+/- 10% allowance – 126-209 words).
5) How many paragraphs? 4 paragraphs (intro + 2 central paragraphs covering the points in the task +


1) Tell the plot without telling too many details (NO SPOILERS).
2) Mention the main characters without telling too many details about them either.
3) Use a range of interesting vocabulary to engage the reader in the story.
4) Mention all the points in the task (organise them in the paragraphs as you think is more logical).
5) Use informal language, style and words (but not spoken expressions or slang).
6) Use linking words and expressions to introduce each paragraph and to add ideas and points inside the
7) Explain your ideas clearly and link the paragraphs smoothly together.
8) Don’t forget to express your opinion ONLY in the conclusion.

Spacing and punctuation:

1) Inside a paragraph NEVER start a new line (NON ANDARE A CAPO).

2) When you change paragraph: leave a blank line and start on a new one (VAI A CAPO E LASCIA UN RIGO).
3) Keep sentences short and easy: SUBJ. + VERB + OBJECT (+ OTHER COMPLEMENT). Then put a full stop
(.) and start a new sentence.
4) Make sure your paragraphs have more or less the same length (excluding introduction and conclusion that can
be a little bit shorter, but not too much).


- State the title of the film/book/hotel/experience/activity etc. that you need to review (+ briefly mention
who wrote/directed it and in which year).

- Mention the first (and second) point(s) of the task.
- Add details, but not too many, and interesting vocabulary and adjectives to interest the reader.

- Mention the second (and third) point(s) of the task.
- Add details, but not too many, and interesting vocabulary and adjectives to interest the reader.

- Add your personal opinion on the film/book/hotel/experience/activity etc.
- State why you would/wouldn’t recommend it.

REMEMBER: abbreviations count as 2 words (don’t = do not - 2 words; it’s = it is – 2 words).

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