The One Who Uses Force Is Afraid of Reasoning

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The one who uses force is afraid of reasoning

I- Introduction
Thesis statement:
The use of force to attain one’s objectives is often indicative of a lack of one’s ability to engage
in constructive dialogue and reasoning. In certain situations, force may be necessary to ensure
stability but using it to avoid reasoning can result in negative consequences.
II- Why the one who uses force is afraid of reasoning?
a- Violence is the last resort of incompetence.
b- Force might be used as a scapegoat to absolve oneself from recurring failures.
c- Lack of reasoning skills breed insecurity which then propels in form of aggression.
III- How the one who uses force is afraid of reasoning.
a- Political leaders like Hitler resorted to using force when they failed to justify the fall
of Germany.
b- Military adventures of the US under the Bush doctrine resulted due to the
government’s inability to quell terrorism at home.
c- Extremist groups use force to submit people to their demands which they cannot do
through reasoning.
d- Terrorist groups lack the ability to win people’s mandate so they try to gain power via
illegitimate means.
e- States who lack the ability to reason resort to violence against minorities and
dissidents to vindicate themselves in the eyes of the public.
f- Insecure, toxic men who fail to keep up with the challenges of the world through
reason let their frustration out on targets such as women and children.
IV- Use of force leads to negative consequences; Impact Analysis
a- People resort to adopting extremist tendencies and joining radical groups.
b- Grievances of a common man may lead him to resort to violence against the leading
c- The stability and peace of democratic societies are violated if unwanted use of force
is inflicted upon them.
d- The psychological well-being of both the aggressor and victim is negatively impacted
via the use of force.
V- Reasoning is the safe way out
VI- Conclusion
The one who uses force is afraid of reasoning

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