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Psychodiagnostic Report

Name: Rukhsar Gul

Father Name: Fareedullah
Age: 18 years
Date of Assessment: 25 November
Examiner: khkula sahar bacha

Identifying information:
Rukhsar gul is 18 years old girl. She is student of psychology. Her father is
government teacher and his mother is also a teacher. Her birth order is second. She has two
brothers and two sisters. Her family structure is Nuclear. She belongs to middle family. Her
religion is Islam. His residence is DI Khan.

Referral source and Presenting Complaints:

Subject was not referred by anyone, she came by herself. Subject was approached for
assignment purpose. Presenting complaints are exam anxiety, panic attack.

Interview Information:
Rukhsar reported that she feels severe anxiety before, after and during exams and tests. She
said that during anxiety she feels bodily symptoms don’t want to talk to anyone and remain
isolated and don’t want to live anymore, he has disturbed thinking as he always thinks about
his girlfriend all the time and cannot forget her, was also having insomnia, has lost interest in
all activities. His condition was severe as he had done many suicidal attempts. He shooted
himself by Kalashnikov gun and injured his left side leg. He loved a girl and had sent
proposal of marriage but his father and brother refused his proposal and after this event he
started use of heroin. He further said that his sister lives in Peshawar and he is also presently
living with him, she and his family did not allow him to go to his village because when he
goes to his village, he sits on the tomb of his girlfriend and cannot go to home for many days.
His girlfriend committed suicide after her engagement with another man because they
promised each other that they will not marry anyone. Due to this he also don’t want to live
and want to die. He said he thinks that girl had done tawiz on him and that’s why he fell in
love with her. He also reported that he had possession of some supernatural force and that’s
why he become faint for one hour or three hours in any pleasant or unpleasant event. He also
reported that he was arrested by police due to heroin supply near American Consulate and
was kept in Gharbay police station for one night and then on next morning he gone to Darra
court and was fined. He cleared fine and was then freed.

He consulted Dr. Karb Amin in Tal and got four years treatment, he prescribed
William 10, bejectal. Due to usage of these medicines he unconsciously places all the
accessories of room to one corner of the room. He left addiction but started again after 1
year. He has also done tawiz. After that he consulted Dr. Alam Shah in Khyber Teaching
Hospital (KTH) for fifteen days, he prescribed Voren 75gm, Gravinate, Diclophenic, Esligan,
and Atarax. And now presently consulted Dr. Alam Shah again and still using the medicines
given by him i-e Voren 75gm, Gravinate, Diclophenic, Esligan, and Atarax. Recently he had
done blood test and ECG and the reports were clear.

Subject had done surgery of his left leg and fitted rod due to injuring himself by gun.
He is also addict of heroin (drugs).

His father is a Municipal Community TMO. All family members have positive
attitude towards him except his father and younger brother due to use of drugs and there is
conflict between them due to this. His financial condition is good. His relationship with all
other family members is good. His mother and sisters care about him a lot. They don’t keep
any knife or other sharp and dangerous weapon around him as they have fear that he will
commit suicide. Three days later before coming to hospital he fought with his younger
brother because his brother asked him to leave the house as we don’t keep drug addicts in our
house. The significant cause of his problem is his girlfriend death. Recently his two brothers
were kidnapped and found dead body of one brother after fifteen days of kidnapping and one
brother is still unknown.

He had done Hifaz of QURRAN PAK from madrasa Aloom-e-Arabia and then done
tarjuma and tafseer from madrasa Karba Sharif in Tal. He was intelligent student and always
got 1st division in madrasa. His relationships with friends and teachers were good. He had
also participated in the football, tennis, and gymnastics games and won trophies for best
performance. He also do tarjuma and tafseer and recitation of QURRAN PAK in free time.
He worked as a tailor but due to low income and addiction he changed his job and
became a fruit seller. He has good relationship with his fellow workers.

He has one girlfriend who was in the same madrasa with him in Tal. He used to talk
to him for long in free time. He follows religion too much do recitation and say prayers on
time. He belongs to Sayed family and is Suni.

He has sleep disturbance as he cannot sleep properly. He has Insomnia. He has

maximum sleep for one hour or ten minutes.

The overall orientation of client was good.

Client reported that humbleness is his strength and his weakness is his aggression as
he cannot control it.

Behaviour during Session:

Client behaviour during overall session is normal. The client was hygienic as was
wearing neat and clean clothes. He was concentrating on what I was asking and was giving
answers accurately. But the client was very hopeless from his life.

Tentative diagnosis:
292.84 F11.14 Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder with onset during

 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
 Multidimensional Therapy

FBa, 39, Male, Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder with onset during
withdrawal, Fair, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Multidimensional Family

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