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Assignment 1

Course: Basic Electronics and Electricals


1. State and Prove Absorption law using Truth table.

2. F(x,y,z)=x′y′z′+xy′z+xyz′+xyz Simplify and draw digital circuit using basic
gates and realize using NAND gates.
3. State and prove DE Morgan’s theorem for 2 variables.
4. A fuel tank has sensors that monitor temperature(T) and Pressure(P). Both
sensor’s output a logic low if within safety range. An alarm will sound if
either sensor indicates an unsafe condition. Derive Boolean equation and
realize using Basic gates and NOR gates.
5. Minimize the following Boolean expression
6. Convert (101111010110.110110011)2 into octal.
Convert (01011111011.011111)2 into hexadecimal.
Convert (105.15)10 into binary.
Convert (2598.675)10 into hexadecimal.
Convert (367.52)8 into binary.
Convert (3A9E.B0D)16 into binary.
Convert (B9F.AE)16 to octal.
7. A manufacturing unit needs to have a Siren which indicates end of duty if
either of the two conditions are satisfied.
a) Its 5’0 Clock
b) It’s Friday and the production work is completed irrespective of time.
Implement the circuit using NAND gates.
8. Design a half adder circuit. Implement using basic gates and NAND gates.
9. Design a 3-bit adder circuit. Implement the circuit using basic gates and
NAND gates.
10. Fig. shows the voltage divider bias method. Draw the d.c. load line and
determine the operating point. Assume the transistor to be of silicon.
11. A voltage divider bias circuit has Vcc = 18V, R1 = 33kΩ, R2 = 12kΩ, RC
= 1.2kΩ, RE = 1kΩ. The silicon transistor used has VBE = 0.7V. Determine
the Q-point. The value of β = 200. Draw load line and locate the Q-point.
12. Derive DC load line for Common emitter BJT circuit.

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